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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 29, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 29, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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1965 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in ¢CChrisimas own, U.g.A.", Shelton, Washington PAGE 9 |S EXPENSE, ,n is a place spend a for a of fast, m service. Methodists Sponsor Thealer Production The Bishop's Company from Burbank, Calif., will be in Shel- ton Aug. 7 and will present Hen- rik Ibsen's play, "An Enemy of the People". This company is be- ing sponsored by the Methodist Church of Shelton and although the play's of this group are usual- ly presented in church sanctuaries, due to lack of space the church has reserved the PUD Auditor- ium for this occasion. The play will begin at 8 p.m. The Commun- ity is invited to attend. No charg- es will be made but donations will be welcomed at the door. Members of the cast will be housed by members of the ~[eth- odist congregation. This gives members of the cast a chance to ;~ecome better acquainted with their audiences across the land. Rev. Her.ace Mounts of th.e Methodist church has invited the Bishop's Company to present plays! in two of his former churches and is most enthusiastic about both the types of plays that are pre- sented and the fine acting that is done by this group. He :hopesl to invite the Bishop's Company back again when the Methodist church has larger facilities and present "Cry, The Beloved Coun- try" by Alan Paten, or "The Boy With A Cart" by Christopher Fry. )W MAKING BREAD -- Sharlene Mikkclsen (left) pours honey into oatmeal b r e a d while the judge, Mrs. Phil Chapman, keeps an eye on the process. FOOD COMPETITION --- Ruth Trotzer (below) shows her skill with preparation of frozen meat to judge Hazel Leman during a recent 4-H foods competition. OVER Sizes: 5-15, 8-18 Reg. $9.95 - $13.95 Reg. $14.95 - $22.95 One & Two Piece,, To show What's been learned on a 4-H project before a discrim- inating judge lends authority to the member's work. This summer 4-H foods mem- bers hay? stirred themselves with ambition to show skills in four contests. Cheryl Chambers walked off with top honors for her know- how with yeast rolls. Other en- trants in the bread activity were Sharlene Mikkelsen and Toni Cole with Blue ribbons and Barbara Brown placed in the new bread contest. A favorite food contest brought the following results: Sharon Ev- era and Carolyn Evers, blue plac- ing. Red placings were to Lydia and Laur~l VanderVeer, Aleca Rud- dell, Rick Ruddell, ~nd Alice Hicks. Judges were Mrs. Robert Lem- an and Mrs. James Haines. Food prescrvaLion blue placing went to Ruth Trotzcr. ALl, (,ONrl,, 'iS were held in the PUD 3 Auditorium. Stoves were donated for use on the main auditorium fl¢)(>l" by George Val- ley, of Eells & Valley Appliance Center. % Grant Angle School was the ~;etting for the meal pre;paration contests later in the week. Judge~: included Mrs. Charles Hurst, Mrs. William Baker, Mrs. R. W. Nor- vold, and Mrs. J. E. Jeffery. Contestants were Debbie Get- tle and Carrie Blackwell with a blue ribbon breakfast. Diane Bour- gault and Peggy Viger placed red with their breakfast entry. Carolyn Rhodes and Christine Flint served a dinner and received a red placing. Aleca Ruddell did a special German meal and her placing was red. Later in the summer foods con- testa ~ill ,he held in the Tahuya and Hoodsport areas. County Ex- tension Agent Jane Windsor has been in charge of organizing these. Ladies Summer Cotton Baby Doll .Pajamas Waltz Gowns Shadow Panel Slips ONE GROUP Ladies ½ length and Full Lengths Laundromat® Washer LTF400 Programs automatically adjust - an exclusive Westinghouse Saver adjusts water input to 'Tub Light makes it easy to locate small Capacity washes load or more. OTHER MODELS --- kTS & DRYERS, RANGES, rATER HEATERS Similar to Model Shown AT A foot, two, door refrigerator has SPacious top.mounted freezer pounds. Handy butter and Lrtment. Plenty of storage spa0e Shelves are full.width, full.depth. Frost ONLY $ Free [L;~L W/T You can be sura...if it's Westinghouse Ave. 426-6283 / Lowest-priced Model FPDS-14T-2 13.81 ca. ft., 4 colors or white • No frost, no defrosting even in freezer. • 100.1b. zero zone top freezer. • Twin vegetable Hydrators, for nearly bushel, • Storage door holds even ,-ga I, cartons. Even Less With Trade CHOOSE FROM REFRIGERATOI S Ill J Model D-12-84 11.60 cu. ft., 4 colors or white • 63-1b. freezer chest. Fast ice cube freezing. , Sliding chill drawer for fresh meats. • Full-width Hydrator for 25.1 quarts vegetables. • Storage door holds even V~-gal. cartons. $ Even Less With Trade FRIGIDAIRE for freezer Model FCDM.14.64 13.73 ou. ft., 4 colors or white • It's 96% refrigerator--, 4% freezer. • Flip.~uick Ice Ejector, • Automatic defrosting refrigerator section, • Huge 14-1b. Meat Tender. • Twin vegetable Hydrators, roomy storage door. $ Even Less With Trade of • • • One for Every Need and Budget. L VI:II .RlVI: N,S Of She]Ion a Pine 426.4393 "Building Mason County Introductory Offer! ALL NEW ]:HERMO-NOVA Reg. $6.98 $ Thermo Comfort With New Soft Luxury Feel ORIGINAL PRICE ONE GROUP LADLES Summer Cottons Subsidiary of P.N. Hi~sch & Co. 3rd & Railroad "Always Shop ~liller's iu Bhclton l¢lr~L"