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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 29, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 29, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 10 ily i I I By Dora Hearing l ert Brehmeyer Sr• hom'e and Jim the Frank Hollatz family as Mrs. I ~ I MATLOCK -- Tile Nye family land Darrell Kimmerly are spend- Hollatz's brother, Cline ~,ilson I il Ireunlon and annual picnic was ling this week with their grand- - ...... ~ ..... s hel nd passeu away in l~orL Angeles mat ~m • • • , d St] ay at the Lud Rossmaier parents " By Frances Oatto Shirley has her practme in Burlen, cay lip I ......... A.• .......... ~, ....... I ........ week .,,if.It • ' • . . ,...e w~L. ~[-• u,,u ~,-~. ~uwaru Mr and Mrs neruert ~renme - " -e.- LTLLIWAUP --- Photographed Wash• SITTING IN HER living room " "" Y ' All s Pc a n l r "~ ,,..,t ...... .1 ..................... ANDERS ....~ ABILITI" ..... , ..... ]'1 rln N IValley as host and hostess• Thoseler Jr and children returned Sat- Mrs. gl] ta rtm n a ( Ca 1 ~ SJ~uvv {~ ~,[I.ZZIIII~" Lqlle VI~L~t ()[ * qLIl~, m where ~e eonlQ see an exeeuem: m~m ~ . • . . , Puget Sound throug'h the living })lend homes with their exterior still-life painting done by Ralph/ ~...- a t.t_eudin.g w_e_}-e .Mr• and M~:.s: Don/ urday from a week' through Portman called on Mr. and Mrs. open room window, Ralph Anderson's environment, his "understanding of in grade school': we talt~ed with / . ^.~Y J~arg~e r-~ariclcm:m _ . ~Y,:,d~Vt'~aent;~mileS~ ~oats;maY:r 7a~lYellowstone• Nauo~al ~arK Ernest Loortscher Wednesday af- m~ique self-designed waterfront wood" and his sensitive and dell- Mrs. Cheatham about her son, and/ J~u~L.2~t~ -- A Lost Lalce/mi~= "[nd the~C-rl *'~';o~d~'urn fa"[ came Pack tnrougn mastern ure- ternoon. home provides a beautiful covet' cate handling of simple forms, ms- also his brothers, Bob and John. E yours, ~niy ~arron, son of Mr, and / .... ~. ~. ....... ~..,,.Y c~u....*,~,..~l don. Mr ~-d ~vr-s Walt Breckinrid~ ~" picture for,the June issue of Se- terials and colors, are stressed in Noting that the magazine's char-/mrs' William Barren just rcturned]~]~i~ a"Ullt'o~ ~"l~on.~"~r"'a'l~/ Mrs, J. R. Singleton and Mrs. "~" -".. "•--'" ". ~ . ~ ~ attle Magazine. the magazine article's description deter sketch emphasized Ralph's| t!'om a we~J¢'s,stay at Cle Elum/and Mls? Roland ~.;rtia ancl son] i. c. Ford called at the Herbert and }stony w~:e ta'an.m~'reo trom ,m..~ ~,~.~ *. ...... .1 ~ .~ of his outstanding work as a lead- "casual personality" reflected in/hying nor.,c snoc ranch, a trip/ . .. •'' . .......... /Brehmeyer Jr. home Sunday. .t.;'[timacum to Klamatn ~'at~s, ure. "':=.?=~.V'%•" .... Y ~".~°..'~Z ".~" in~" architect ~.~.':::^~....;: ~..~:i "~. ........ L_.. }that he won for having the most/an(l mr. ann mrs, wnarles wnrlst./ .... • ............. ~ ~._ Wait words ~or tne u.~. ~orrest is. so provide material for the maga- His three-story home built to hood years, and Mrs Myrtle 'Larson and/Ralph Cook and family and Mr. "~-Mr--and Mrs R L Isabel of t tiTS zine's first artmle m a planned resemble a masmve piece of drift- 'He always has had a great/l~e ~ho~ ~-:~ ~.,~ ...... .~.,e,,~ t~,~ /Dan Davis of Enumclaw, Mr• and l and Mrs. Kenneth Howard .and Shelton were dinner guests of Mr Rilverdale serics on Northwest regional liv- wood and that he hopes will event- imagination," the mother said," with~"~[s"ow'~'~'h%r~e'"ass;'ne~"~; Mrs. Bill qttale of Modesto, Calif• family and their sister anct nus- and Mrs. Herbert Helin one day ind. On the window ledge !n the ually have its weathered look, and from the time he was a small[him swimmint~ a~d otheg act}v}-] Mr aml Mrs Harry Lee and/band and Mr. anti. Mrs. Steve.Mc- last week. • cover,zllPicture•w~iS oneu01aOt .tnesl~An°er" snows, nls lOVeof All°t KlnosUSing plenty,, of boy• loved the out-of-doors, the|/ ~..s~o' ,,,h~.~ ~ ~"'~e,.j,,r~,s .e.'~ ......... .................. " | ~/f" ;~,~a e...m.,..r~Vr.,~ '~,~ ....... w.~-n~,~, ........ nnd| cowan anu oaugnter nad a g et-tg-R * Mrs. Aiwusta~,. Portman" and' Carl" $,15! sons two sons Ross, five, and his vert~e~,l space, An oaken stan~vay trees and ferns and the water• He| Rillv wnntod ¢(~ ihnnl~ o;; ........ / .nn nf r~o.h..]i.~ M. and Mrs [ gether and pmmc at the alph Portman scent Wednesday evening Open¢. !~ dog, Albert. .. ascenos the attractive stau'welllikes harmony in everything,' [very";mlc~'-~or [hei~:-{~'e]pin "mal~-| Gene Rossmaier and family, Mr.| Springer nome on l~aKe r~a war- with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Helir~ (~(~11'I~] Ralph Anderson is tne son of ~rom me ~eacn-level seer to tnet~eauties of Hood Canal must have| in~" ~ ~h]~ ~,.,, ~ ~ .,~. ~h~| ~.d Mr~ ~o.,~ ~ .... 0~...h ~0ns | zeL Mrs Ron Moore anent Friday uai}¥ r, allliwaup's Mrs. C• W. Cheatham, s~y-iighted attic studio on the made an impre.~sion on him and his[ ;'~ "~ v ....................... | ~"~".- k"~:,~.,*,~a'r~)a'"m'13b"t'~e"R~v[ Rev. and Mrs. James Everest afternoon in Shelton" with Mrs". ~iarts T~ {the former Susie Anderson) and mlr.~ ~loor. '~:ne livingroom is two brothers, as they had been eommg/"'~:' ......... | N"~e'fa~m'i'l~, of (~l-m-ia' and M'r| had as their weekend guests tlle t Pat Morgan• ~,,()}1 ] Ross and his older brother, Kelstoried,, paneled in re(t ccuar as is to the Canal in the summer time[ '~'ne ~.ost _J~aKe ~wlng cnm|..:;; ~o ~-m Di~ler a~ld ram}l- / latter's folks from McMinville, Or- [ Mr and l¥[rs Ron Moore anent "'" ,six, are her. grandsons. He met t ne exterior. ,..°f the beach home since 1925 long before their• pat'- met. at tne nomeo~ ~rs. J yce|~._ .... • ................... ~na 7vrr~ ~r]w.~.d Valle.~v and| eden. the weekend, in Tacoma. ~itli the I~ _. his, wife, Shwley, when she wasune ~l.mstratlon snows the totem ents. purchased and operated the inDmkvillast week, 'me ,neXtMarmeet. sons LeRoy. and David" and Kathy/ Mrs. Curt Sell and daugh._ ter Ralnh. Jenkins family. worldng for her medical degree pole. tnat ornaments the part of Lllliwaup Motel. They had a cabin __g x 1 be held at M~s. , galet] ~"--s~e -~d Mr and Mrs Lud: Mar~'o s"ent a few days at Sedro I in pediatrics and he was a student tne souse jutting oul: toward the at the Stetson resort site at first / ~.yers Jtuy z~. [ ~os~smaier of Matlock In all 66 Woo~ie-with her folkS, d in the School of Architecture at|s°und. Robert now with Sig Anderson| Miss Susan Bergt, daughter of[ atte'nded the ~et-tot~ether ~#- ~ ...... ~,,,:,-,~ Valid-I ~ the Umverslty of Washington. I Many residential areas in the of Lllliwaup in the construction|Mr" and Mrs. Richard Be gt of| ........ ~.~ ...................... itu .,._l - -- I ~"~lRIr" • " • " • '. • 1 " •" d ) 1 s ' ~*a... ~*-. ~.a,t,.. l,r~ rxuP spenL _wrloay evening w . ~.e , -- --'----'-~~ I Seattle vminlty have Anderson- business, once was an engineering| O ympla a mive .tot ~ to pend[ h,t ..... t .q,,-d-- even}no' at the C1 ...... c~.~s .... f~milv and re- I ~~'-- I I [ designed homes, making the most student at the University of Wa~h-[ a•coupm oays wlt, n ~Jeome sar-i ;~27, ~r\-;~ :-;-.~:.: • o ~-:;7.~'~7~-";~7~'"J:~ -r~.•~'mer ~;o I t --. --....A--------~ , ~¢ ......................... ..... t ieKmaatier ,~arenrs will nick her~ ,'~-..', ,,,~,,,=, ,,u.,=. v"-~- ~,,~ ~-~,,, "~ ...... i ~ I lll~lkllII~'l~Jm•ll i iu~ ~ulllly ~2~pU~tl/'eI~ aZlLl our.ooor ingles. Jonn, tne youngest son,/ ' .-. -: e ~. . r ..... / ..... ~ ~'-s Ra- Kimmerl- home and getting along real well| i I IIIllll iIl~l!,ii I living oecks for protection from registered for study in the School|np u'ritmy evening ano spenu t..e/ ~W" a~.tu ~¢,;:... # e Sat| after his accident " [ ~ 1~ ~1~1 . • : I II]1~1~1111 ~il~Ilil]l I Idampness and emphasizing whatof Architecture but later became[ evening visiting witn toe ~arieK-I ano ~amily ot ~nelton w re - • / ~ • • • • -- • : I -- II im considers the most important a student in art schools, includin~[ mans. The Bergts are fornmrly of[ urday dinner guests at the Herb- Ty!er Boothe of South. Bend is ] ~ I~1| 1 1 ~lllrI 1 t I II function in architecture "to sat- ~,, z.o~ a,~m~o a,~ o,,,,~,. ~[ California and are now living in/ spenuing tnis week with ms grana-[ ~ l. li, lll t tlJ .l I .a,...A..-= ..--A~ Ilisfy the human soul". " w'as'~radua'te'd~'~ro'm~Pra'~'~nst'?| Olympia where they own and op-I Ill_Ill • P •1 _ parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. O. Ford.| ~ --,~ .... I WII/ UN IIU~ II .~nderson's office located in a tute ~n Hoboken NJ and" is *be:/crate the King Arthurs Trailer/il~l~lll~llr i~lmll~ Mr. and Mrs, Pete Hardy andi ~. II • r~l/% I II three-story S ou'th Jackson coming, well known'for his woo~llC°urt. They lived in Shelton fork I~ql~lllblll/ /Ibllilll/ two children and Mr. b. F. Coo~/ ~ II I~11-~1~1 I I I I II I I II1~1~1~It i~lllID I I Street buildinR', is an 'examnle of sculnt~re exhibits H~ wm *1~. ~t. / a short time. | ~ .~• • = ~ of Montesano were Sunday din-| ~" l.~l~tIJ~ • IL~ MMnli~hnl ~inVl her uests of Mr and Mr Ken I ]lhis interest in restoring old struc- dvin~ in Norway under a scholar-[ Dinner guests of Mrs Ruth[ IIAA IIII~i~I'AI#A g- • " " "| ~1~ • ~ • I . .. II tures. He purchased the old build- sh'ip~grant. " " /Critchfield, Mo'n~tay night were, L.| I~ ilblLUl5 seth Howard~ .... .~ ...... Mcaar / i 111~ lhr 11 ~ /. i I in uur I [ gn oZOLplejL and With attendance not quite as[Huds°n and Mrs. Effie Brown-i == ill • vie~*s'pent'~Fri*~a7 a~n'~l"Sa'turda~ at/ 1 ll~v IL.qL~ 1 ]~j ~ ~ ~. , ILl • ., , . ,,,,~,, ~,,~ *urmer e.eap no- large as usual because of ...=.~,. . .r .. • -- ..... ~ -- ~. teland tavern stlucture to re s a corn Lake Wenatchee with tnmr oaugn • I new 0©almn I ". . " P "peting lodge event, the ]~illiwau~/ Miss Janie and Judy Swindan,/~nm III RRItllrl .= ~ ....... • who i;] II .. ,, I Ivnaein~n~Ure,ya,i'ttstic qnar.tersfor Community Olub's'pinochle part3~,/daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Jim/•'v''' ,m,vvv.., vorki 'nT t h'er e.':"....... / / IIIIIIII!-I :; / ~¢ I AT Ifi' .... ¢. ...... =~ner on .~ne ~jrst last Friday evening was, never-/Swindall are two very happy gala/ By Betty Criss ]KENNETH DAWSON, who is| mr i.J.A.IJ v~ it. • ,. - I I~iae~-secon':t~f~( ...... ~p~--.t~u~ catheless, enjoyed bv the cardplay-| this week as they are .going to[ BELFAIR -- Good weather is stationed at Fort Lewis, spent/ l~ ! U ~ 1 _ =.~l I .......... ] °°r a spaci°us era Six tables w re in play a d' get themselves a new n°rse °nln° news here s° far this summer' Sundav at the And w cGar e/ I apartment on the top floor• Re-refreshments were served at he Saturdag They have waited for h ~ • t .. but the ~eantlful w_ekend ,ust home, Kenneth was a neighbor of )[11 moral of crumblLng plaster from close of the evening. ] this moment for a long tnne. Lots/past was more than welcome for the McGalwieinIlltnois lfl Ija] I OrlCK WallS, O1(1 ~:lOO1 tO uncover ~ I (Right next to I be.utif.~, ......... r ........... HIGHLIGHTS of the party were/of luck, girls. .- . | this family as we were visited by Mr. and Mrs Lud "Rossmaier/ ~ ~ ........ t.I gl/ • , .~ ., ~.~que t.e, u~u ~ru- ' Hoff and Ed S'ch uer Mr and Mrs 19onald LisK ex- , • ; ~ • I I~ffles I ................. P IMrs• Slgurd e / • .• . . [lelatlves ir