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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 29, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 29, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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1965 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in :CChristmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington PAGE 11 Blade or 7-Bone Cuts. VNF U.S. CHOICE BEEF . . . TENDER BLADE CUTS . . . V---FOR VALUE N--FOR NUTRITION F---FOR FLAVOR . • , VNF, Ib Ib Arm Cuts Ib Ib SMALL END ................................................. Pound RIBS U.S. Choice Beef .......................................................................... Pound TISSU Sold, Meaty Chunks ................................................ Pound I1~' For Y,our Barbecue ................................................ Pound Free Bubble Gum In Each Pkg .............................................. Pound HI'S BAKERY ....................................................... DOZ. .................. DOZ. .............................. DOZ. Phone 426-3179 Save At Shop-Rite 3 4-Roll S l ................................. Pkgs. Alphabits, Post Toasties, Crispy oj) Lg, Critters or Sugar Crisp ............ ~ Pkgs. TUNA Ch= , i sty,e= ........ : ..................................... 4 Y2Tins 4~1 LB. TIN tiRIN FLOUR SYRup ~i~ :,, Sl :1" 2 LB. 3 LB. Assorted 4 46 oz. ~1 .................................................... Tins Pillsbury's ............................................................ 4. Lb. Pkg. Great Flavor ........................................................ 22 oz, Bet, HEINZ QUALITY ................................................ 14 OZ. BOTTLE AA LARGE DOZ. SIOUx BEE BRAND ................................................................ 5 POUND CAN TAt" 2/25 CARNATION .............................. TINS "OpR,to 2/89' FIGARO Tuna 8' °' Sl 3-Bagger Box For Cats ................ Tins 39 GOFFEE Instant Hills .................... Box ............................................ 6 oz. 22 OZ. Bottle 49 GRAGKERS Sunshine Krispy 29 ........... • ............................. Lb, Pkg, CENTENNIAL Blended For Local Baking Conditions. POUND SACK SUNRISE QUALITY SOAP 2 BATH .................... BARS FACIAL .......... BAR ........ 2 FOR 35 We Guarantee Everything -- Even Our Smile. PRICES EFFECTIVE JULY 29-30-31. LIMIT RIGHTS. New Hours 9 - 9 Mon. thru Sat. -'- Sun. 10 - 7 WASHINGTON NUMBER ONE WHITE ROSE THE PRICE IS RIGHTI 10 MEDIUM YELLOW WALLA WALLA FANCY SLICERS FANCY SNOW WHITE 7 Arden's ½ Gal. POPSICLE ....6-Pack 43 * FROZEN FOODS * LARRY'S "POOR BOY" EACH Banquet Frozen 8 OZ. Pkgs. Banquet Frozen Assorted EACH Welch Frozen 6 OZ. Tins "FRESH AS A DAISY" TIIAT'S OUR PRODUCE! POUND 2 LBS, EACH By Norms Taylor KAMILCHE --- A surprise re- ception for Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Blackwelder on their 35th wedding anniversary was given by Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Taylor at their home Wednesday ewming. The feted cou- ple were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Stansbury as the recep- tion guests arrived at the Taylovs and hid their cars from view. The cars were so well hidden in fact, that Mr. and Mrs. ten Cole drove into the driveway; couldn't see any cars and drove on to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Simmons to find out where the reception was to be held. Large bells and streamers dec- orated the dining room which fea- tured a three tiered wedding cake decorated with coral roses and silver leaves with ,white lily of the valleys and a large number 35 as the top piece. Mrs. Harry Sim- mons attended the punch bowl and Mrs. Ira Stansbury served the ice cream and cake. The bride was presented with a corsage and the honored couple were given a fold- ing table for their camper from guests; Mr. and Mrs. Art King- ham of Carlyon Beach, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Simmons, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Todd of Shelton, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Stansbury, Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Miller of Carlyon Beach, Mr. and Mrs. Len Cole of Shelton and Mrs. Florence Taylor. Days at Lee College in Tennes- see, 13 years ago were all brought back to the Dave Whiteners when Dr. and Mrs. Noah Ball with their two children and Dr. BaliFs par- ents, all of Atlanta, Ga., visited at their home last week. Thursday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A1 Lord were Mrs. Lord's niece and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Don Nelson with child- ten Dianne and Brian of Tacoma. Mrs. James Kimball and two children, Barney Lambert and Ju- dy Smith are spending this week at Panhandle Lake. A relaxing week was spent by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pendergraft vacationing at Iron Springs Lodge at Pacific Beach. Fishing was real good Sunday at Summit Lake as Dave Wood, Dan Wood and Jaclde Jolliff all came home with their limit of trout. Spending a weekend with Mrs. Ethel ~Vhitener was her daughter and husband, Mr. and Ml:s. Harold Ford of Portland, Ore. Saturday evening, Ira and Helen Stansbury entertained Cecil and Mildred Blackwelder and Ed, Nor- ma and Edwin Taylor with a picnic dinner on their patio. Oliver Petty is sporting a rather large bandage on his head and a real sore shoulder caused by a widow-maker falling on him last Friday. MRS. WAYNE Robertson was a visitor Monday in the home of Mrs. Henry Robertson. Kamilche Ladies' Club will meet at Progress Grange Hall Aug. 4 at noon for a potluck luncheon. Members are asked to put on their thinking caps and come up with lots of good ideas; as the meeting will be devoted to mapping out plans for the booth at the Mason County Fair. Mrs. Dan Wood received word Thursday that her brother, Jim Nech of Plainville, Kan., had pas- sed away. Ann Carr visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Jolliff. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Petty at- tended the funeral of Alex Smith Sr. at Oakville Saturday. A day at NIason Lake picnick- ing, water skiing and swimming was enjoyed by the families of the Harold Fords, Roy Wests and Martha Koenig with children on Saturday. A quiet weekend at Sea-Beck was enjoyed by Mrs. Henry Unger. Dinner guests at Mrs. Florence Taylor's Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Justin Taylor with children, Billy, Paul and Janet of Olympia, Carol and Danny Wilson of Se- attle, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Taylor and son, Edwin. Mrs. Jean Gellatly and children, of Redwood City, Calif., are visit- ing with her brothel', Nell McDon- ald. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Cowan of Tacoma were Sunday visitors at the A1 Lord residence. Bob and Anna Wiles spent their weekend doing some remodeling cn their home--the main project being the installation of lovely glass sliding doors. Guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Wood were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Weltsh and children of Seattle. A family picnic dinner was serv- ed to guests, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stansbury, and children, Mr. and i Mrs. Paul Wheaten and family and Melvin Sparks Sunday at the Ira Stansburys. TYLER, TYLYNN and Tawnya Hahn of Vancouver are visiting with the Martin Ottos while their mother is recuperating from sur- at a Vancouver hospital. Some of the local teenagers, hmnita, Ma~)lyn, Carol.~nL Arlene and Darlene Ellison, Jeannie Sig(~ and B. J. Whitener bare just re- turned from spending a most en- joyable week at Fort Flagler Bible School. Mrs. Martha Kocnig and chil- dren of Nisqually visited at the home of her mothcr, Mrs. Ethel Whitener Saturday evening. Williarn Van Sickle and son of Seattle were afternoon callers olx Sunday at the Henry Ungers. Sund~y morning, the h'a Stans- burys, Cecil Blackwelders and Mel- vin Sparks joined the Ed Taylors at Kneeland Park for a delicious breakfast put on by the local Ki- wanis Club. Mr. and Mrs, Dan Wood made a business trip to Seattle Wednes- (lay. Meekness and charity have di- vine authority. ---Mary Baker Eddy