July 29, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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July 29, 1965 |
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an(~ Mrs. Wil-
of Shelton be-
of a son on
Little Steven
six pounds
Mr. and Mrs.
are Mr. and
of Little..
Hidd, Allyn.
aesday morn-
girls had been
Mrs. Gertrude
and was
for a few
Mr. and Mrs.
m visited
last week
out. Msny
a boy to Mr.
A number
,ulated M,'. and
on becoming
they so era-
what light
matte,-, the
Ray Ev-
it cre-
even though
pretty con-
it has
o'dt and r, ow
can happen
r printed
of Seattle
Z. W.
) Pick up Ran-
)ent three
Tuesday for
and ~usail Jac-
Weekend with
and Mrs.
eary. Ted-
week to
Doug Mc-
to visit in
a month and
to Viet Nam.
of McCleary is
this week
Buechel mo-
te visit
and Mrs
Tobin and
a visit fret:-._
est of Hay-
~tll Brown and
the Bloomfield
SUnday at Ms-
the Lar-
on Slln-
Ivyl Chap-
Lake this
Evers, and
~rs are am-
is a lea-
people be-
By Liz Allison the Jerrells visited the Italian companied by daughters Linda and
HARSTINE -- New property Swiss Colony vineyard at Asti, So- Marjorie Jo. Myrtle Glaser, Joe's
o~ners in Island Shores are Rev. noma County, Calif. The postcards lwife, had to stay home in Port
and Mrs. Robert M. Keller and
family, Robert, 7, Douglas, 3, were colorful pictures of the vine-I Orchard as one of her daughters
Kristi, 2, and Cheri seven months, yard. ]is attending summer school.
Rev. Keller is pastor of the Luth-
eran Church of the Good Shep-
herd in Olympia. He hopes to be
available for monthly vesper ser-
per services in our community
Hall Anyone interested in having
Sunday "dvening services shouhi
call 426-8903 or 426-6818. Before
planning further with Rev. Kel-
ler we should know how many
persons will attend. The Kellers
are a wonderful couple. We are
so fortunate to have them inter-
ested in our Island. So far they
have cleared some of their land
and have the shelter of a small
trailer house.
A short special business meeting
of the Social Club will be held at
7:30 Aug. 6 in the Hall to discuss
whether a Labor Day dance will
be held or not.
Punkin Center Store Aug. 4 and
18;the Martin Goetsches have a
house full! Justine and husband
and Schuyler are spending their
two weeks vacation there. Eldine
Goetsch and two children are at
home with John Lees, parents
temporarily. They just returned
from several months visit to EI-
dine's parents in Manilla.
Several people received post
cards from the Larry Jerrells.
They are visiting their children
in Sylmar California; They re-
port having a "ball but it is
i terribly hot and they are home-
sick. They expect to be home early
in August. Enroute to Sylmar
vacation here beginning Sept. 2,
before flying to his post in India. :
Last Saturday the Burches and
Neimie~ entertained some of their
Island friends with a Salmon bake
on their beach. John Neimie
caught the salmon so it tasted ex-
tra special! t~ollowing~ the bake
Joining about 45 other family
members at a reunion Sund/ay at
the Puyallup home of Mr. and
l~rs. W. L. George were Mr. and
Mrs. VVayne Evers and children
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Evers and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Leman and son now of Shelton.
This was a welcome home to Clar-
ence George x~¢no was just back
from duty in Germany. He is a
caotatn in the Air Force.
MR. AND MRS. JOE Kirk have
had Charlie Robbins of Tacoma
as a houseguest for a while.
The Merlin Rickards family and
Mrs. Ruby Hitchings enjoyed a
picnic at Twanoh Park Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Gunderson and
daughters of Winthrop were week-
end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
Mrs. Elizabeth Byrd and grand-
son, Kim and Bill Spaar of Sko-
komish Valley were Sunday cal-
lers in the Merlin Rickards home.
Dennis Combs is spending this
week at Panhandle Lake 4-H
Les and Lucille Bozarth are
The Glasers really get around. I
Last weekend Bud and Donette:
went to Hoquiam and left their
twins with Donette's mother, Mrs.
Eddy. They took Mike with them
and went to Moclips with friends
to dig clams. Patty has been visit-
ing the Joe Glasers in Port Or-
chard. Other news in the Bud Gla-
so,' family in that they have a new
pet. An adorable Pekingese doggie
named Ton Tu.
Joe Glaser has been visiting his
parents, the Hugo Glasers, ac-
cards were played in the :Neimies
David Waite has finished sum-
mer school and is now worl¢ing in
Waterville on the wheat farm,
which belongs to his aunt and
uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Richard DaN
ing. He will be on the farm until
School opens in September. Cindy
is still at Sunrise Park on Mr.
Rainier and, according to her par-
ents who went to visit her on the
i job, she loves her work and being
on Mt. Rainier.
WE WILL BE missing f.he Hi
Butch family of Wilson Point for
the next two weeks. They have
taken their daughter Jennell and
gone to Garden City Utah to visit
the Tho~nbergs who are frequent
visitors on ttarstine. The day" be-
fore the Burches left, they came
to Harstine for clams and oysters
to take east to Utah as a rare
treat for their hosts. Brian Burch
is enjoying being a Peace Corp
Trainee at St. John's College, An-
napolis, Md. He will have a short
helton, Washington PAGE t3
Bell Riders Have I ......... '" '" "" "'" " ""' ......
Trail Ride And I w
Overni[ht Stay I I (i[ 11' It( ill! , )1 Ill;
After having staged a "very en-/
joyable" trail ride and overnight l CONSTRUCTION---REMODELING
st;w last weel~end, the Mason PURCIIASE
, s effcctWe through
price ~l " 31 Limit.
j tv~ 'reserved.
S. Choice ° eleSS
Co, reLy Bell Riders hope to spon-
sor another trail ride at the Boney
Loertsclwr residence this summer,
it was rel)or[e(I ll,lS \vec.g.
The fllllction over the weekend
was also held at Loertscher'g. No
elate has been set for tile second
One e:,n always trust to time.
Insert a wedKe of time, flD(t near-
ly everything straightens itself
out. .-. Norma.n Douglm~
.......................... |b.
The New Improved
(price incl. 7¢ off label)
new neighbors who are renting, n
small house located on the Seab
Combs' property.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Lament
spent Sunday and Monday at eye-'
hut clam digging.
Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Rickm'ds
and children visited Saturday af-
ternoon in the Kamilche home of
Mrs. Annie Whitener.
Keith Combs hmched on Mon-
day with his grandparents, Mr. Pure Vegetable Shortening
and Mrs. Scab Combs.
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Todd spent
the weekend in Hubbard, Ore.,
with his brother and sister-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Wes Todd.
of the series of advertisements introducing the
County ,P.U.D. No. 3, Your Public Servants.)
Mrs, cora
(price incl. 4¢ off on 4 pak)
,..._ Kraft's Cheese
• • lb.
MUENSTER CHEiSE '. : ; lb.
'°"'° " " Foo&
ORANGE DELIGHT .... 7/$1 12 OZ .tins =
Economy size, Peas, Corn, Peas & Carrots Or Mixed Bi-Pak, Chicken or
SNOBOY VEGETABLES .................... lt/'2 ,b. pk,s. 3/$1 • Beef Ghowmein ............... oz. 89*
Mushroom Ohowmein .... oz. 89¢
SNOBOY GRAPE JUICE ............................ , oz .tins 6/$1 •
Van De Kamp's, Beef, Cheese or Chicken
........................ , ........ ,./= oz.
Chowmein Noodles ,,,o. ,,n,
6% On Reducing Balances
No Commission Charges
Mason County Savings & Loan Association
117 ........................................
.................... 46 oz. Tins
.... 11 oz. tins
Blue Bonnet
....................................... :: ..... lb. pkgs.
DeI-M,onte, Family Size
to Work August 5, 1960 for the
P.U.D. No. 3's main office in
is Mrs. Corn ,Deffinbaugh.
lived in and around Shelton for
She and her husband Rob- , Lynne 13 and Bruce 12,
is quite active in the
and she has two hobbies,
Cooking for the family. Be-
leads a very full life.
you are in the P.U.D. office,
Deffinbaugh as she helps
a n
T. WEBB, vice president
Van De Kamp's
Large Local Heads
oz. 3/$1 • Soy Sauce ........................ oz. b,,.. 19'*
Aunt Jane's, Polish or Kosher
Standby, Large Size, Ripe
Van Camp's
.................... 20 oz. btls.
.............................. 26 oz, jars
.................... No. 1 tall tins
........................ No. 2Y2 tins
.................................. Vz tins
Assorted ...........................................
Prices effective through July 31. Limit Rights reserved.