July 29, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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July 29, 1965 |
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SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--- Published in 'e hr stmasfown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington
: For Sale
=ll i
McCULLOCH 9.6 pound chain saw
is 5 tl.p. and cuts faster than most
heavier saws. Cooke's 219 So. First.
426-2412. 7/1 tin
ey and Clark spinet piano, $695;
Thomas two-keyboard organ, $495•
Sherman and Clay, 205 West 5th,
Olympia. Pimnc 352-3791. S 7/1 tin
M(;cm,£O&i 9/h :£ii ;=,77J:47 q
all other types seem obsolete. Cooke's
219 S, First, 426-2412. 6/24 tin
percent down, balance 12 monthly
payments. Low interest O.A,C.
Cookes, 219 So. First, 426-2412.
4/22 tin
PEAT MOSS top soil $1.25 a yard,
you haul we load. $12 5 yd, load de-
livered. 426-6762. R 7/22#
FOR A FREE HOUR of beauty call
for a Merle Norman Cosmetic dem*
onstratlon. Elaines phone 425-4582.
E 6/4 tfn
WLECWI'ROLUX S AL~P,. service an4
Supplies. John Rice. Phone 426-6108.
after 2:00 p.m, Demonstrationx.
1/7 tfn
stamps for sale at the Journal. $1.25
each. 227 West Cots. 19/1 tin
~OU CAN PUMP mors water and
longer with Fairbanks Morse pum.ps.
See them at Shelton Electrm ~o.,
419 Railroad. 8/18 tfn'
tl'OR SALE -- Used steei, plates, piPe.
pulleys and shafts. All types sal-
va~re. Shelton Junk Co., First and
Mill. phone 426-8626. 9/8 tfn
:1~360 iNTERI~'XTi0NA-L---33-0--t~act-o~:
with front end, 7/8 yard loader and
He/lry back hoe wliil 18 inch buckct.
Good condition. 426-8370, 426-3131.
B 7/1 tin
c~ndltloned ranges, refrigeratorl,
washers, dryers• Eells & Valley Ap
pliance Center 8/'5 tin
DON'T SELL IT. - ii fib-Si=
stery cleaned by Cleaning Services l
Company, phone 426-4376 or 426-8188.
1/7 tin
best seller, your best buy, DeTray's
Mobile Homes, 1617 Fones Road,
Olynipia. Phone 952-2907. D 10/15 tin
Y-ff -
Many thousands of items to choose
from. Large descounts. We pay
freight. Shelton Marine Supply, Hl.'l.
er,~t M f{/I4 tt'n
brittle, a specialty. Many others
available, Order nowl Phone 426-
8267. E 5/20 tin
Tllird bearings (c, rank shaft protec-
tors) parts, engines, etc. Cooke's,
219 S. First. 6/24 tin
~iA-GN AV O X "--~- --t~l-e v'i~ i ~7- Thre~
months old• Console model. Phone
426-8078. S 6/17 tin
falls, $50. 300 gal. oil tank $15. Five
h.p. outtmard inotor. Phone 426-4951.
S 7/29 tin
All s01d with a ,Written Warranty
Priced to Sell
16 cu Ft., 2-d@or Rerigeratof
Freezer Combination--- Bottom
mount freezer, Auto-DefroSt Re-
Apt. size Pink Frigidaire Refrlg.
erator - Late Model with freezer
acnoss top.
Commercial Reach-In Refer. --
Completely reconditioned,
Frigidaire Deluxe Upright Freezer
---Late model
Used Ice Cream Freezer --- Small
Philco Push-Button Deluxe Range
Used only a few months
Norge older Range---w/new oven
A-B 20" Range --- Perfect for
sur~mer cabin
Maytag Gas Range---w/Hatch oven
and Cooker
Kenmore Automatic Washer--
less than 5 years ,old. 3 cycles
& 3 water temp. selection
Westinghouse Washer & Dryer--
Matching pair
RCA Whirlpool (yellow) Washer
---Completely deluxe
Kelvlnator Deluxe Washer --- Late
Plus many more of ALL BRANDS.
All sold'with a written warranty.
Dishwashers, wringer-washers,
commercial reach-in refrigerator
and many more commercial an6
domestic appliances. All guaran-
teed in writing. See our Large
Terms Available.
2nd & Cota 426-2445
Any Length
Phone 426-8122
Rt. 3, Box 258, Shelton
6/10 tin
Slaughtering Unit
Cooling, cutting
Lemke's Service 426-6779
Glenn L. Probst
Olympia 352-2255
11/21 tin
Construction &
Lane House Moving
Phone 426-8147
4/22 tfn
Phone 426-2406. D 7/8 tin Chehalis 748-3800, evenings 748-3530.
195-~--F-oP~I~-V-US--PICKUP' ~i-~o~-fo-~ C 2/11 tin
speed, very good motor. Phone 426. Hb~I~I-E-'--REPA~R--W-0-RK,~Y,
2278. M 4/29 tin cement and brick work, roofing.
iu{Ji ~U~HE-ALY__Ho'~sp~r[-Tex- Osborne General Contracting.
ace station. O 6/24 tin Phone 426-6241, O 4-1 thn
1-962--VXLiANT--StG~fE:T -- Call '426: ~
2576. W 7/29 day service If desired. Call 426-4593.
L9/19 tfa
~I--CHEV. two door, 9,000 miles---oil
new motor, new clutch, pressure WANTED -- Cedar logs. Versapanel,
plate $200. 426-6487, 628 Bellevue, Port of Sheltcn Industrial Park,
B 7/29 John's Prairie. Phone 426-6426.
~)-R--SXL'E-------i'95{)--t{ick~ia--flatbed J 2/18 tfn
truck• Good condition, Phone 426-
6828.' H 7/29 ritories open in the Shelton area--
Matlock, Hoodsport, Union and Brin-
non area. For private interview in
your home write Mary Rasmussen,
600 N. 'T' St.. Aberdeen, Wash.
R 12/24 tin
Contracting Co., Inc.
Hoodaport, Wash. ,Ph. 877-5312
Road buiding - Bulkheads
Fills and Excavations
Bull dozing - Dump trucks
7/15 tin
Prompt - Guaranteed Service
~17 8. 1st 426-4555
Wise People
Will Not Compromise
On Their
'63 Ford, V8, Stick
'63 Volkswagen Bus
'62 Corvair Monza
'61 Rambler
'61 Falcon Wagon
'61 Volkswagen
'60 Ford Galaxie V8, At.
'60 Ford Wagon VS, Stick
'60 Ford Sedan
'60 Ford V8, At.
'60 Ford Wagon, 6 cyl., stick
'59 Ford H.T.
'59 Ford Sedan V8, At.
'59 Chevrolet Sedan
'56 Ford Wagon
'55 Ford Sedan
They Will INSIST
on Johns Manville
It will withstand hurricane
winds, and it costs
no more at the
~a Mile South of Sheldon
on Hiway 101
'63 Ford ~ Ton, 4-Wh.
'63 International ~2-ton
'62 Econollne Van
'59 Ford ~ Ton
'56 International ~=-ton
'53 Ford ~-ton
'51 Chev ~-ton & Camper
'51 Studebaker ~2 Ton
Lost & Fmmd
LOST -- FEMALE, mostly Pekingese,
blond dog. Lake Phillins, July 4th.
Kitsap li~enae. Rewar~l. Ca,ff ~8-
481#. ~ 7/~-=9
Bill -- Bob-- Bus- Dick
5th & Railroad 426-8231
woODED 3% ACRES, 530 ft. frontage
on Hlgnway 101, has lots of spring
v2ater, locateu s miles from Shelton
Inear Union .junction, one niile past Duplex with 2 bedrooms, living baths, 2 car garage, lots of stor- MT. VIE
salmon natcnery Secl
I I . • ' uded building room, bath, kitchen, utility room. age room and a top location. Let's Thls we
II site between 2 hills. Also ideal for Live in one, rent the other. Owner look befor~ we talk prlce. I know home nee
II trailer house. ~'ull price $2250, $300 will sell on contract, $10,500. you will like itl
I Idown, $35 per month or less for all
I Icash. 426-6953. D 7/15 tin
II HtllereSt._',ot 12. Block 4 on East 2 bedrooms, living room, sepa- 4 bedrooms, big, on a quiet Mt.
IJ Cascade. Terms available. Phone 426- rate dining room with large pic- View street, lY~ baths, living
I II 8361. _ H 6/24 tin:
I I[~OR--S-£~E~ho~C604-Ce=I ture windows overlooking city, room, dining room, fireplace and
I II dar Street..,saKe offer. Phone 426-kitchen has loads of storage, pan- on an extra large fenced lot. $17,-
I II H 6/24 tfn eled utility room, separate garage, 7501argeiS familythe price.lookingThis for°ne comfortneeds a
T~I'_~.LE~'.L~--c~nyS"n--edgelextra lot, lots of privacy. Only and convenience.
' -Ibuildingiots, 3nside city on Capitol i $11,500. LARGE /~
~'~" "~,~vl# I HIlL $350 each. Your terms. Phone l
a~. v.~,, I 426-8536. ,, N 6/10 tfn]COMMERClAL PROPERTY ON SPENCER LAKE
.T.WOfH) MANTOR I~-SLAND LAE~..tur summer.lun orI 85' highway frontage, 400' deep. 3 bedrooms, family room, 2 f re-
. ............. I year rouna
uvlng, 115 ft. O! water- I .~ ,~,, ^- ~,~=; nffo~
-- , ., t,_ I front suitable for one or two fam- I ¢o,uuu u. .......... places,
100 feet of good beach, how
prs. now ,aVallaDlt~ I ilies' eaJoyment, Call 426-8589 any-I -" --NT? can you beat that at $12,5007
. _time.______ . _ L 7/16 Un W HY PAY ~ a • • .
1 Apt. available Aug. 1 I=wto boTHREEbedr°°mmoved $,200 yh°USe fo - i I Paneled living room, large kit- DOWNTOWN LOCATION
• Unfurnished I _ ...__~: . ou finish. Ac-Ichen and breakfast room, one One of Shelton s finest. A modern
.... I ross irom ~r,~AS. Phone 426-8127 I, .... ~-^a-~om one small bedroom
• z-oearoom I B 2/11 tin ~r~;= u=u=.,, ;'? _ _.._i~ .... ' colonial with rec room, 2 fire-
• Wall-to-wall carpeting I~ new ~nt 3o~°~,~u~,~ aria ~~ places, 2V2 baths, 3 bednooms,
aressing room, built in dishwash-
• Draperles II WE W][~P=]b-] Y ......
• Laundry facilities II vv~m ty]l~I% terms, er, breakfast room, and many
• Appliances SURPRISED!! OWNER TRANSFERRED more extra fine features. Better
• Private parking have a look at this one before you
• Private Storage Snug ][-][arbor 4 bedrooms, lovely bath and buy anythingl
shower, living room, separate din-
• Swimming Pool
Contact Manager, 426-3100
At the beautiful new
1 bedroom garden court
Sparkling new, carpets, drape%
Westinghouse appliances, off-
street parking.
Drive by 7th & Cedar Street.
Just a few steps from
complete shopping
Sorry, No Pets!
$89.50 per month.
is for Sale
229 feet of low-bank water-
front---running 140 feet deep
from the road. Fully land-
soaped, giving the owner a pri-
vate park throughout this love-
ly tract of land. A large-scale
two-bedroom rustic designed
home. Just four years old. Com-
plete with large deck patio,
built-in appliances, outdoor bar-
becue. All on one floor. There
is a large two-car garage, boat-
house and workshop. Located
nineteen miles from Bremerton.
Twenty miles to Shelton and
only thirty.five miles to Ta-
coma. This beautiful tract has
had ,only two owners since the
Year 1. Call us for showing.
We doubt if it will ever be for
sale again in our lifetime. Total
price $40,000.00. Owner wil di-
v de holding 100 feet of water-
front. Balanee of 129 feet with
home only $30,000.00. H. W.
Lengel and As6ooiates, Real-
tors, E8 7-4496. Evenings call:
ES 7-6143,
ing room, kitchen has breakfastACREAGE
room and large utility room with 50 acres, close in, highway front-
large freezer included, all rooms age, annual stream. Call Gene
carpeted, recreation room with Nye for detais. 426-2127.
fireplace, basemcnt garage, large
covered patio, Anglcsido location.
$18,500. A,
i 3 nice roomy bedrooms, tiled
bath with shower, living room with
fireplace, dining room with slid-
ing doors to patio, garage with
utility room handy. Ready to move
in right now. $1,000 down and $100
per month.
Call 426-4666
Evenings Call
Sue Daniels 426-3434
119 So, 4th --- Shelton, Wash.
Phone 426-4447 @
126 Railroad
Eves. call:
A. Roy Dunn .... 426-4601
Marv Vo~ ........ 426-8074
16 Miles North of Shelton
Very cozy modern, 5 rm. home on 60
to water edge. Yard is landscaped
room with wall-to-wall carpet.
circulator built in. Lovely Idtchen
large utility room. Attached carport.
Phone Shelton 426-6771 weekends, or
day thru Friday.
121 R=