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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 29, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 29, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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20, 1965 Legal Publiea ltibns feet choice no- NO. 89S3 :erln~ Passage. SUMMON~ BY I, UBI, IC-~tTION --. M 8/11 tfn IN THE SUPERIOR COUR'_P OF TIfE roo~ Anglb,~-d~ STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNT~ tge, wood-shed. M, J. WHITCHURCH and MARGA- Sacrifice. 426-4710 SET WHITCHURCH his wife, plain- ___ P 7/22 tfn tiffs, vs. HOME--nn Six FRANK A. DEAN and NINA L. llquire at Ehh,n DEAN, his wife, if lh, ing, and if de- Wallp. ceased, the unknown heirs at law o1: --P 7/2!t 8/12 Frank A. Dean and Nina L. Dean; )ed~nin hbmel and all other persons or parties un- known elahnlng any right, title, estate, near st:heel, lien or 111 the real estate Two lots, full described ill the conlplalnt herein, 1. By own- Defendants• F 7/29 tfn THE STATE OF WASHINGTON TO THE SAID FRANK A. DEAN ana Hood Canal• NINA L. DEAN Ills wife, if living, and *ds!Jort 877- if deceased, the unknown heirs at law S 7/15 tfn of Frank A. Dean and Nine L. Dean; and all other persons or parties un- known claiming any right, title, estate. ,arge living lien or interest In the real estate ace, garagede.scribed in the complahlt herein, De- ?erms. Callfendants: P 7/15 tfn You, aml each of you, are hereby ~-~ summoned to appehr within sixty (6tl) days after the date of the first pub- lication of this summons, towit, with- in sixty (60) days after the 24th day of June. 1965, and defend tile above entitled action in the Superior Court aforesaid and answer tile complaint of tile plaintiffs and sel:ve .a copy of your answer upon the unaermgned attorney for the plaintiffs, at his oIllce below ~t2 stated; and, tn case ot )'our failure so to do, judgment will be rendm'ed against you according to tne dentands of the conlplaint In this action whic.b has been llled with the clerk of said court. Tile object of this action• in to quLet title in plaintiffs ,tq real estate in Mason County, Washington, described as : That part of the southwest qnar~ HOOD CANAL "--- Rose Point 100 ft. of beach, 324 ft. deep, in- by cludes tidelands, older 3 bedroom home, trees, gorgeous Canal and Mountain view. $26,000, terms. 2 homes, 3=/'2 acres, trees, creek and 70 ft. of frontage, also tide- lands. Build your own trailer court. aPpraisala roomy of 3 $36,000, terms. • With a fam- Southmde room, uretty large garaoe 2 bedroomI full basement, top ooatlon. $500 condition, p'anoramio view, land- lUired,pay- soaped with creek $12,000 - terms. rent. Two bedroom, 2 baths, new con- dition plus guest house. Great Mountain and Canal view, spring re too. This water, also tidelands with lots of dPoom home oysters $20,500. .el hardwood trminq kttch. 4 bednoom, 2 baths, 2 fireplaces, • rful lying dock and beach privileges. Close to I:~rge gar- Alderbrook. $19,900 terms. ,500. 125 feet on the beach. Four bed- room, garage, shop and marine 10NT~. railway. Beautiful setting, trees. $35,000 in terms. l~ke nrooer- w= mlnht this w~ll- rambler. nond hue. h hardwood t0ff. Sr)aCinU~ Illl value for ~f trees and Above Union. New condition 4- his one is a bedroom,, garage, carport, shop, 50, of me- landscaped and mountain view. rOntaae with $20,000 in terms. the lake. :e With terms Westside Good as new solid cedar 2 bed- room home, 1V2 baths, 2 car gar- age with storage. Beach, dock and float privileges $16,500 terms. One tod~v. lame bed- h~ndv kit- ,500 on . terms, Iota home ~s built-in trqe 100' tent ~res dnht llkp eMI ÷nd~v Priced ndy to ~d Olvmnla v 3 bed. las so~ee devehon s in hack eo Call us rtunlty. b~droom and it will at heart. located lots of ange and Ived the ~11.350 In IIoodsport A real buy, real roomy 4 room h,ome and lot. Within walking dis- tance of Post Office and stores. $5,000 terms. 90 ft. panoramic view lots, $2500 low down py't. 2 bedroom home, large utility, garage and concrete patio - top condition. $7,750 --- $350 down, low FHA payments. North of Hoodsport Two cabins at Hidden Cove, 74 ft. on the beach, includes tidelands. $9,250. Holiday Beach, 2 bedroom cot- tage, 2 car garage, landscaped, community clubhouse, dock, beach, $14,000 terms. Also, cleared Holiday Beach lots $3,000 and up. 85 Ft. no bank, fine gravel beach lot, 3 building sites, $14,- 250 terms. 2 beautiful view lots, dock, float trailer ramp, cop~munity beach, each $5000. Low priced view lots with beach access $1,400 and up. For Lease $100 a month, 2 bed- room and rec. room, 2 baths, full basement, 100 ft. of fine gravel beach. References required. Real nice, two bedroom rental $75, references required. Two-bedroom furnished cottage. Swimming, boating, 700 feet of fine gravel community beach and tennis court. $5150 and terms. HOOD CANAL REAL ESTATE Hoodsport Union 877-5211 898-2165 i i I I Legal Publications NO• 8954 ,~IlMMONR BY PUBI.ICATION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT ()l~ THI,] STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY GLENN E, CORREA, Attorney-in. Fact for ELLEN RICE WYSE, former- ly known an Ellen Rice, Plaintiff, vs. GEORGE Y~ICE. CHARLIE RICE. SA,IA~Y BI.T RN~' ESTATE;i~ EMM~ RICE, doeeased, the unknown heirs and successors in intece~d of (le.rge I~i('e, Charlie Hie(. and ]~tmna ~i(,e, tie- ceased; EMMA RICE 'JOtlNSON; SAM .IOItNSON and JANE DOE JOIINS()N his wife if living, and if deeeas(,d, the tlllkno~,.n hch's and sucees.~ors in irl- lerosl of l~n|lna ~{iro Johnson. Sa|ll i i ii i i iii i Legal Publications. i ter of th(: 8Olltheasl quarter of Sec- ti,m 36, Township 23 Nort]l, Range 2 Wont, W.M., described as fol- lows: Beginning at a point on tile easterly line of county road knowfi as Mission Creek Boa'd S 21° 26' W 1,50.8 feet from its intersection with the north line of said southwest quarter of southeast quarter (said point of intersection being S 87° 42' W 2599.58 feet from tile north- east corner of Lot 1 of said Section 36): running thence S 21* 26' W along ssid easterly line of road 107.46 feet ; thencg N 89° 58' E 292.85 feet; thence N O° 02' W 100 feet thence S 89~ 58' W253.03 feet nlore or iess to the point of beginning. J(,hnson and Jane Do,, Johnson, his wife: and all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, es- against the claim of tile defendants and tats, lien nr interrst in the real re, tale any one of them. GLENN E. CORREA described in the e(,ml)laint herein; De- Attorney for Plaintiffs f.ndants. Office & Post Office Address: THE STATE OF WASHINGTON q'O Bell Building CEORGE RICE" CHARLIE RICE. 121 South Fourth Street HALLY BURNS' ESTATE; E M M )~ Shelton, Washington 98584 RICE. deceased, the unk~nown II|.irs 6/24 7/1-8-15-22-29 6t and successors In interest" of (l('o)'ge Rite, Chariie Rice and E)n|na Rice, de- ('|'a~(,d : EMMA HIGE JOHN~()N : SAM NATIONAL FORES'].' TIMBER F()R JOHNSON and JANE DOE JOItNSON SALE. OLYMPIC NATIONAL F()R- his wife, if living and if deceased, the EST, BINGHAM 1965 No. 1 sale. loeat-unl(nown imirs end successors in te- ed within T. 22N. R. 5W. and T. 22N., , (crest of Enmm Rice Jr,hnson, Sam R. 6W., W.M. Public not'ice is h~feby i•h)hnson and Jane Doe Johnson, his given that pursuant to tile provi, ions I wife: and all other persons or part es of Section 5 of Public Law 273, 78thunknown clabning any right, title, es- Congress (58 Star. 1/12-16 U.S.C,A. 583- late. lion tr nterest In tile real estate 583I), and the Cooperative Agreementdescribed in the complaint herein, DE- for the Managen|ent of the Partleipat- FENDANTS: tng Forest Properties in tile Shelton You and eat'll of yell are hereby Cooperative Sustained Yield Unit on-sumnmned to appear wit'hln sixty (6()) tered Into by and between the Unitedclays after tl o d'lte of lhe first publl- Staten of America and the Strops m cation of this summt,ns, to wit, wilhln Timber Coral)any, datcd Deeeniber 12, sixty (60) days after the. 22nd day of 1946, an estimated 9,150 M board feet ,luiv, 1965, arid defend the above-entt- [ Ued action in tlle Sup(,rior Court afore- [ said and answer' the complaint of the plaintiff and seres a copy of your an- swer upon iho undersigned at Iorney for the plaintiff, at his office beh)w stated, and. in case of you|' faHnre no to do. ]u(lgment will be. rendered against :~;ou a¢~ording to the demands of tile complaint in this action and which has been filed with t, he clerk of said cmn•t. or by Grays Harbor or Mason Counties or by any person deenled to have reasonable interest in tile proposed sale, or in its terms, a public hearing will be held in the office of the Forest Supervisor. Federal Building, ODunpta. Washington. on the 6th day of August, 1965. at 2:00 PM, PDT. Requests for public bearing will not be considered unless received tn the office of the For- eat Supervisor, Federal Building, Olympia, Washington, on or before July 29. 1965• Dated July 12, 1965, Lloyd G. Glllmor, ForestSupervisor, Olympic National Forest• 7/15-22-29-8/5 4t CALl, FOR BIDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids will be received by tile Board of Commissioners of Publh~ Util- it'," District No. 1 of Mason County, Washington until 8:00 P.M. Monday, August 9 19,65 at their office in Pot- latch, Washinuton. for liability insur- ance, the specifications for which may be secured at the District office• Dated thls 12th day of July, 1965, PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO, lot Mason County HAROLD HUNTER, Secretary 7/22-29 2t Call 426-8544 Anytime 2 BEDROOMS HILLCREST-- Close to shops• Big living room, extra room for storage• Attach- ed garage and new built-in freezer-refrigerator (its a dan- dy). $8,500, lets negotiate. 3 BEDROOM MT. VIEW -- You must see this beautiful rambler, its like new 11~ baths and the utility includes wash-, er, dryer. Spacious living and dining rooms. Circulator fire- place, large tiled family room. Approx. 2000 sq. ft. floor space. All this for only $17,500. F.H.A. $950 puts you on quiet street. MT. VIEW CORNER LOT -- Paved St. Dream home like new. Lovely tropic-like covered patio. 6 spacious rooms includes sep- arate dining and living rooms. Plus utility and 2 car garage. Priced below F.~.A. for quick sale• $500•00 down only $15,275. 3 BEDROOM W/BASEMENT-- living room, dining room, bright kitchen• New oil furnace. Buy on contract $7,500---$600 down. 4 BEDROOM, ANGLESIDE -- Well maintained 7 room home, 2 stories, large landscaped lot. Just r!ght for the larger family. $13,250 F.H.A. $600 'down in- cludes closing costs. 2 BEDROOM SUBURBAN -- 6 miles So. The basement is a dandY• Furnace, drilled well. Big double lot on 90' of Creek front. Large living room, hard wood floors and dining alcove. $8,500 with $700 down. 3 BEDROOM HOME- Close to tQwn, full basement, garage plus I~A acres, well, owner has reduced price for quick sale $6,- 750 - $1,500 down. CALL ANYTIME 426-8544 The ohioct of this actlon ts to qnlet title in I)laintiff to real e~tete,.'in Ma- snn Countv. Wasllingtot~, desclntmd as: The southwest quarter of the north- west quarter of tJection 34, Township 22 North, Range 4 West• W.M., EX- CEPTING therefrom public roads, if ai~v. against the claim of the defendants and any one of them. GLENN E. CORREA Attornev for Plaintiff Offlee & Post Office A~ldrcss: Bell But,dinE 121 South Fourth Street Shelton, Washimrton 98584 Telephone: 426-447622.29.8/5.12_19.26 6t NA.TIONAL FOREST TIMBER leer • qALE, OLYMPIC NATIONAL FOR- EST, WYNOOCHEE 1964 No. 2 sale, lo- cated within T. 22N., R. 7 and R W., and T. 23N.. R. 7 and 8 W., W.M, Public notice is hereby given that pur- suant to the provisions of Section 5 of Public Law 2'¢3, 78th Congress (58 Stat. 182-16 U.S.C.A. 583-5881), and the Co- operative Agreement for the Manage- mcnt of the Perticipatlng Forest Prop- erties in the Shelton Cooperative Sus- tained Yield Unit entered Into by and between the United States of America and the Simpson'Timber Company, dat- ed December 12. 1946, an estimated 41,- '500 M board feet of timber nmrked or otherwise designated for cutting, will |lbe sold to tile Simpson Timber Com- |1 pan).. Seattle, Washington, on August II I6, 1965. The mintmunt acceptable bid per M board feet is: Dougl.s-fir $24,.50, western hemlock and other species $9•50. western redcedar $11•20. ~Ra{~s shown include $0.75 for slash disposal [f requested by the State of Washing- Ion or by Grays Harbor or Mason SUMMONS I|Y P|'BI,ICATION IN 'rttE SIIPERIOR COURT OF THE S.TATF~ O1~ WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY I,~RMA MAE WRIGHT, Plaintiff VS. ALVIS L. WRIGHT, Defendant Th(~,,St~te o f__Washlngton to the said Ai~vi~ I~. WRIGHT, Defendan1: You are hcreby summoned to appear within sixty (60) days after the date of' the fir.qt publication of this sumo mona, lo wit, within sixty (60) days after the 24th day of June, 1965, and defend '.he above entitled action in the above entitled court, and answer the complaint of the plaintiff, and serve a Copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorney at his office below stated; and In "case of your failure so to do, j~ldgment Wilt be rendered against you according to the demands of the complaint, which has been filed with the Clerk of said court• That the e.ause of action herein IS for a divorce between the parties above named wllerein Plaintiff Mleges cruel treatment on the part of the defend- ant. LENN zarCo ap& Attorney f P in Office & Post OffiCe Address: Bell Building 121 Soutil Fourth Street Shelton, Washington 98584 Telephone : 426-4~t76' 6/24 7/1-8-15-22-29 6t SUMMONS l~gi" ~ PBIJCATION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TIIE STATE OF ~YASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY .... MONICA E. BRANSON, Plaintiff, ys. KENNETH O. BRANSON, Defendant• THE STATE OF WASHINGTON TO THE SAID W'ENNETH O. BRANSON, DEFENDANT: You are hereby summoned to spp.ear within sixty (60) days after the date of the first publicat'ion of tlii~ s~Im- mons, to-wit, within sixty (60) days after the 22nd day of July 1965, and defend tile above entitled action In the above entitled court, and answer lhe c~mplalnt of thc plaintiff, and serve a copy of your answer upon the under- s gficd attorney at his office below stated: and tn ca~e of your xailure so to do. Judgment will be rendered :against you according tp the demand of the complaint, whteh has been filed with the clerk of said court. Thai the cease of acthm herein in for n divorce between the parties ahoye named wherein Plaintiff allege~ cruel trea4ment on the nnrt of the defendant. GLENN E. CORREA Attorney fo.r ]~lginDff Office andPost Office ~uare~s: Bell Building 121 South Fourth Street Shelton, Washtn~'ton 98584 Telephone: 426-44776/22.29.8/ 6t Ever'y--~e-s-~ ~it s of his o~:n field of vision for the limits ot the world. • • -~Schopenhauer If I wanted to ounish an enemy it should be by fasteninff on htm the trouble of constantly hating somebody. --Hannah More .,.__ ,._ .... dohn To Provide Conntlcs or by any person deemed to/I ! IllrlP~i L~u'=,i411]lll I11_L~ f ,~-,I/ ha,,e a reasonable 1,,,,,,est ,n ll,e .................. Scientis| Tex! posed sale, or in Lts terms, a pubLicll~il,,m'~=, .... I/ hearing will bc held in the office el II N..I N..,==---- II!----I ~EII----I, + - ~=-~)=-, f I/ "~re ilave known and believed the Forest Supervisor, Federal Build- ] I ~J~[ll][ l~ll[ll[l~- rbl~| ~ . t I f~t'/~'a" I| the love that God hallt to US. God ing. Olympia, Washington, on the 6th I| ........... ~ .......... " ~ I/ day of August, 1965, at 2:00 PM, PDT,/I -~B~I~V]=~I~ ~_.L~ ilia love;and he that dwelleth in R.equests for public hearing will nol he [ / love dwelleth ill God, and (loll in considered nnless received in the of-I [ him." flee of the Forest Supervisor Fe(lPrall ........ ~ointl'" b-r the Gla"- Ha'~-^l ~nd I Balldlng Oh'Irp a Wasll ngt~n on or ] Dlel yOU realize that our COtlnty J y > . • ym t'ou" a / This velso fl'onl i[ ,Tohn will be before J'uly'29, 1 65. Dat/,n July lg, Its one of the "liveliest" recreation Mason County 4-H Chlbs. In ad-| included in the Chri:;tiall Scieltce 1865. LloYd G. qii!mor, F0re~t Super- I areas in our state 9Mole and dit on to these groups the Sliel-| Lesson-Sermou on "I,ove" thl~ v|sor. Olympic National Forest. ' • " on 'rl S lts i I" o 7/15-:~-29-8/5 4t/more tel rmts are flooding our t G~ ~col , W~ s nngt n State/Slmday. A mnnber of itlustratioc,~ --- ' ' /state and county each ycar.Not Grange, and various church groups|frolu {tte Bible will alao be used NO. 8929 [all these traveiers swiftly also use the camp. | io sttow the nature and l)ovve).' (if through, but seine stop and ell- Camp RoDomswokl is one of the God's }ove: . . • joy the beauty we see 12 months three camlas maintained bv the t ~aan~inu's need to t)ear wiumss of the year. We welcome these Seattle-King County Girl Scouts to this lo~e will be entphamzed visitors and with our fine facili- Council It is located on 500 aci.eslin this passuge fn|nt the (}hristiau ties do our best to accommodateof land' above Lilliw, anD 'on Hood Scielice textbook: "Siml)lY ask- thena. Canal. - ing that we may love God will We have in Mason County six Situated on Lost Lake is Camp never make us love Hi}n,; but t!m state parks, several ro'a:dside Bishop which is st~onsored by the J longing to be Fetter an(t eerier, ex- Abel' een Y ATYo: " pressed m daily xvatchftdness an(1 parks, and five established camps, d .M.C. . uth from El .... . / . Ins Montesano McCleary, Hoq- in sttuwng to assimilate more oi Situated in the firs, bordering a uiam, Aberdeen, and the ocean the divine character, will mould lake, or on the salt water, these beaches come to Camp Bishop ]and fashion us anew, until we parks and camps attract many These five camps-k-St. Albans, l awake in His likeness" [Science visitors each season. " Lyle McLeod, Panhandle 4-H Rob- I and Health w~th Key to the Smokey and I have been visit- b{nswold, and Bishop are all'train-I Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, 4) ing these areas, welcom'ing then~ ing youth. A part of this training lP. • and asking their help in prevent- is an appreciation of the out-0f=l ~-----S-..-SS-"~,---: . .. ing forest fires and Keeping Wash- doors and the imnortance of our I Let us nave miua tnat tagnl; ington Green. forests T e e "- makes might arid in timt faith . h s campers hopefully / , , , .'. ' OUR SIX STATE parks are return home with an increase l/let us to the eno, Gate to oo ore' Schafer, Twanoh, Beifair, Potlatch, awareness of the forest and the / duty, as we understand it. Lake Cushntan, and Gerald's Cove. obligation to preserve it. Upon]~---------=------- ................... =-----~=- Schafer Park is located in the ex- these youth is placed a great re-II _ _ - - el 9 45 a m treme southwest cornel" of the sponsibility. The young tree de-l| uunu.ay ~cno .: .......... ._ :^~ . , county on the ~atsop river. It is pends upon today's youth to pre-|1 ~orn!ng worsnlp .... z]:uu a.m. one of the most beautiftfl, yet pro- setwe aud protect it. /| A. Y. F ..................... 6:00 p.m. bably least known of the state Alex C. Motes, Pastor The Department of Natural Re- [I MT Vll=tM parks. Twanoh, Belfair, ,and Pot-SOtlt'ces again" reports three fn'es[[" " Washington ........ and J Sts latch parks are located on the /I r c t /I "° ' shores of Hood Canal and are well forthe past week. -- - Evening Service .... 7:00 p.m. . . A ~tre causes try a passing ~rain "" "" established camping rotes. Lake _ - ~ - , .... Prayer Hour (Wed.) 7:30 p.m. • , ournen z acre on Jonn s l-'ralrle Cushman park ts our newest state- . ^^'... _ ~. park and is not yet completed. The Ju.~y z~.. uaturaay, a~ternoon ~ar: Alliance Church • ~ .+._; ..... ,a^_ ~ .... ~ ola lau, a £ocal logger, reportea sixth, .~ pu.r~, w~ ~etuum ttu~l" u~,~. a fit'e eas'c of one ...... ~acsop r~lver. is our marine state park at Gel __ ; ....... , .-, ........... Toe cause wa,s atLl'iDnEeu EO care- ale s ,dove on rlarstlne islanQ All l - - - " - " " • " ess oerry pmKel's ana requlrecl of these parks offer picmc facil- a r 'ties -est rooms cam,qn~ --~ pump truck crewapproximate- I Foursquare Chu eh I swimming KS(hens a,'e"a~tlabie lytwo, hot!rs to suppress. --. tl 91o East Dearborn | _. ,, ..... ~. __. ~._,._~__ A are ~iinuay on t~oose t,aKell I ut ,wan,,,, anu oc,m~er. ~near the Mason County Fair I .. d~ Schoo" 9 45 a--1 Hundreds of children each sum- : ~ro,t,,d= ),-~"~'s + ...... ++~,,Ho,, II ~un y ! ........ : , .m. I mer from our own county and ~ ge'w"fi,~,~"~az,r'~ "moto"~"~'ike~' I Morning Worship 11.:00 a.ra. | .... "" "'+ '+ "+-- "+' Y' C e • neighboring areas come to Mason 1 acr .... as burned r,muirin+ thr+e [I C. . s & aa ts ...... 6.00 p.m. I e or t v n ~ '" " ~'~ ~ Evening Servme 7 00 p m County to spend a we k ~ o e - i~ours to exttnquish. This is th9/I ...... .... =---- _:^_ • " I joying programs offered by ear-second fire caused by motor bikes II m!e }.wee.) 7:uu p.m. ] runs youth ca ps Lawts u wysong, pastor m , tlllssummer. Motorcycle and ttpn'll .... " ' + I Tacoma Girl Scouts flock to the da ~ans please be more careful' 3/11 t n s~hores of Lake Devereaux~to spend Help Keep Mason County' Green II /11 tfn I a funLfi/led two weeks' at Camp ........ St. Albans. This camp in its 30th: ..... S" " "-=D;= " R' H year is sttuated in 465 acres of '~'. JL]IAV! ~ J~["[~UU!J~AL UHU U timber a few miles outside of Bel- Fo~t'th ~ Cedar Shelton Washington fair• The Rev. Clarence A. L,ody, Priest OFFICE PHONE 426-6642 EVENINGS: PHONE 426-3530 WALTER GEORGE - ASSOCIATE BROKEg ,PHONE 426-3530 (1) 100 ft. of choice waterfront on Hammersley Inlet, with tide- lands. $7,590..00. Close to Town. Easy terms• (2) 300 ft. of waterfront with tidelands. Large 3 bedroom home, good family orchard. 10 acres of park-like grounds. An ex- Cellent family home. (3) 5 lots on lake, close in. Choice building sites --- each lot is approximately 10ft x 300'. Good road. $65.00 per ft. Easy terms. (4) 400 ft. of choice Hood Canal property with tidelands on South Shore. $65.00 per foot. Terms. (5) 430 ft. with tidelands on Pickering Passage. No bank. $65.00 per foot. T~rms. (8) Farms and acreage in Mason, Grays Harbor and Jefferson counties. ~(7) 495 ft. on Hood Canal with 140 acres. Excellent view, good subdivision property. $69,500.00. Deed release can be ar- ranged. (8) 150 ft. waterfront with tidelands. Large 6 room home. South Shore Hood Canal. Unobstructed view of Olympic Mountains. Terms. OWNER SAYS MAKE AN OFFER 80 acres of forest land with some timber and Christmas trees. GOOD INVESTIVflgNT! Andrew Hulder 426-6784 Bob Barnett 426-4929 John Devereux 426-8544--- (days only) 226 N. 1st St. SHELTON "MOUNTAIN VlEW'S BEST BUY" Three bedroom rambler with fireplace, hardwood floors, car- port and economical oil heat. This modestly priced home is close to schools and shopping area• Priced to sell at $12,250. A CLEAN O~.DER HOME There are many fine features in this mod¢,atly priced 1% story home. Two bedrooms up and one down. Clean electric heat. Large uUlity room in a~tached garage. Lots of room for children to play on nearly ~ acre. Also has large heated shop. $10,900. ARE YOUR RENT SLIPS SHOWING If so, we now have a very competent builder, who will build you a quality 3 bedroom home with full basement, bath and half, built-in kitchen--all for $13,500.00, nothing down with a long- term F.H.A. loan. THREE BEDROOM WATERFRONT HOME I~ RTLY FINISHED 120 x 406, with tidelands. 'I~wo miles from town. Fireplace. Excellent spring. Some material included. YOU CAN FINISH AND SAVE. Owner wants Quick Sale--MAKE AN OFFER.. rn OP fil- l A .~ BUSINESS PROPERTY L ~orner tract on busy streets -- 60 x 220 -- additional front- In An Exclusively Residenlial Area age available. $15,000.00. p~JILO!Nq ~OTS 2 10ts centrally '16cated,' suitable for home or c]uplexes. a0art. PRICED TO SELL! CALL TODAY. 1 bed. Available in July -- Unfurnished One Bedroom Pa. e and Apt. $80.00 mo. --- 2 Bedroom Apt. $90.00 mo. _ TOTTEN SHORES ' ~eSlde Io- Death forces sale of nearly compldted waterfront laome -- RANGE, REFRIGERATOR, HEAT, HOT concrete foundaticaL fireplace, drilled well. Priced at $12,000, WATER & CITY SERVICES included in rent- or make offer. el. Carports available at $5.00 me. "Your Satisfaction Is Our Objective" A 0LE A~ENCY HERB ANGLE __ DICK ANGLE Real state & Insur j tce 401 Railroad Avenue Phone 426-8272 Evenings Ph,one 426-4134 or 426-6188 OLYMPIC AVE.- APT. 4--426.6593 or See Your Real Eslale Aged Camp Lyle McLeod is operated by the Olympic Peninsula Girl i Scouts from B~'emerton and is lo- = cated on the Tahuya Peninsula in the northeastern end of Mason Coimty on Lake Bennetson. Pan'handle 4-H Camp is evened The Mason County Labor Gonn- oil this week- issuccl a siatement concerning labor's part in the anti- poverty program• The statement was signed by Labor Council Pres- ident Darrell Sparks. "The Labor Advisory Council of the Office of Economic Opportun- ity has reported to dee Fir. Sar- gent Shriver that 150 labor union representatives are participating in 130 anti-poverty projects in 25 states. "Advisory Council Chairman Da- vid Sullivan and :Miles C. Stanley, assistant to AFL-CIO Pres• George Meany, told Shriver that state and local central bodies and other un- ion groups have acted on Meany's request for all-out involvement in the drive on poverty but that more can be done. "Labor, said Sullivan, "will have to find w~tys to get more people and more i~gt|v|tigs invo]N~l In th.e over-all poverty program." "Sulivan. president of the Build- ing Serviee Employes, is one of the 11 union representatives named to the council by Shriver last De~. 23. He was elected chair- man at the council's first meeting Jan. 29. Stanley was named by Meany Apr. 1 to help stimulate labor involvement in the anti-pov- erty program• "Snlllvan and Stanley rela ed that, aS Meany had testified be- fore the House Anti-Poverty snb- 7:30 a.m. Holy Communion, St. David's Divine Worship -- 9 a.m. St. Andrews House on Hood Canal ll:00 a.m. -- Divine Worship, St. David's The Church is a~lways open for meditation and prayer i North 4th and Pine Streets REV. HORACE H. MOUNTS, MINISTER 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. Worship Services 9:45 a.m. Church School for all ages - 6:30 p.m. Youth Fellowship rr - T -: i i iilll iI iiiii i i Rev. E. C. Knautz, Pasbor 5th & Cots SUNDAY, AUGUST 1, 19,65 9:3R A,M.--Sunday Schopl. 11:00 A.M.-- "WHEN THINGS GO WRONG" 6:30 P.M.--Youth Groups. 7:30 P.M.--"GOD'S PRE-WRITTEN H ISTORY" -- (Prophetic Mes=age) WEDNESDAY ,-~ ~;30 P.M.--Bibla Study, Fallow=hip & prayer. ii i ii iii lu i i ii i i i SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD 130 East Pine Street' Mason Younghmd, pastor Sunday School--For The Fam!ly .................................... 9:45 A.M. Morning Worship ................................................................ 11:00 A.M. Christ's Ambassadgrs (Youth) ........................................ 6:00 P.M. Evening EYapgelis~ie ... ...................... , ................................ 7:00 P.M. Wednesday - Bible Study & Prayer ................................ 7:00 P.M. committee, labor intends to sup- , ........... port "with all our vigor" the Ad- ministration's plans to expand and ll ~ ~~I~|~T ~I~II~IMITI~T I I[ I'IKN~' INI I im rove the program designed' tormo! P" ll o ci ho " --...v~--v--~ t help the 85 mi i n tizens w tI a0~ Alder~ {it., Shelton. W'aah. ' I • . @t,~ I el* I$,~) I~nelton, WaSh + live in poverty, and the 15 million I a.~. I ..... s'itution ,I ~1~tnday Scll0Ol II:09 a.m. '-- Chat :h 11 a.m. [ on,,t_ne edges ~:e~isory. ~row" II ~~g~'"~':m. I y oug., s : -- 11 Readin~adlng room hours 2 to' I ana through ltS represencauun on, I ~ ~v~45 tn 7:45. - ' p m M at t wect evening 6 45 to 7 45 tbe over-all National Advisory I! ~ p~eniag6;45 to %'45. [ Oomlllitte.e, labor has been heavily l ,,, , , ................ , , , : ..... " involved tn the relief of poverty l ...... since the dee program's incep- tion. "In Addition, Sifllivan declared, AFL-CIO staff members imple- nlented labor's involvement in ac- ti0n programs at meetings with more than 1,500 central body offi- cers at 12 conferences in major U.S. cities. "Shriver told the unlon advisers that labor's interest and support 1!oi~ the drive against poverty is "absolutely essential" to its suc- cess. i i i i ii ,mill i Legal Publications No. 856~ NOTICE OF HEAItlNG FINAL ACCOUNTING AND PETITION FOR DISTItlnUTION IN TtIE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of ED- WARDpAUL LAMBERT, Deceased. NOTICE Is hereby given that IRENE EUGENIE GOE~RS, Exccutrlk, "has filed her final ~tdeounting and pctlthm for distribution with the above court, asking the court to settle said account, distribute the property to the person e'ntltled thereto and discharge the Ex- ectitPlx. Sqid rept)rt will be heard be- fore the above court at the Courthouse, ~h Shelt'on, Washingtoh ~i~ l~'Iday the 8rd day of Sept•, 1965 at 9:80 a.m.,' and any person having ~bjections thereto must present them at said time and place• DATED .lul:v 16. 1965, LA,UI~A M. WAGENER, Cterk of Mason Oounty Clerk of said Court WM. R. GARLAND Attorm~y f.r Estate Offie~ and Post Office Address 209 Dletz Building Brcmortou, Washington !)8310 7/'~-29~/5 7th and Franklin Family Worship Service: 8:30 a.m. Classes: BEnday School & Adult 9:30 a.m. 2rid Worlhlp Servlc~ 11:00 a.m. ~hrlstlan Wet=hip, Education, Fellowship, Service C~rl J. Carlqen, Pa~t0r Phone 426-8611 ii i i i ii i , ii i I MT. OLIVE LUT RAN CHURC ! • ' MISSOURI SYNOD Olympic Hwy. So. Cascade, The Rev. Gerald Herman, Pastor Suzlday Sehpo! ................ ,..., ................................................... 9:45 a,m, Adult Bible Cla.~ ................................................................ 9:45 a.rn. Morning Worship .............................. 7"~ ........ 8:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. " FIRST CHRISTIAN. CHURCH I Arcadia and Lake B0u!evard ' Charles O. Wigton Bible School ..... 9:45 a.m. Youth Meetinge 5:30 p.m Worship ............. 1!;00., Family Service 6:80 p,m Wednesday -- Bible Stuay and Prayer --:7:30 p.m. C~tRl Cqre S~rv~ce Available at 11:00 Service N0 THSIDE BAPTisT c"uRcH East E St. Seventh-Day Adventist School Building Small Enough SjJnday School ............ 9:45 a.m. To Need You, Big Worship ........................ 11:00..a.m. Enough To Serve Y,ou • ........... ~ ...........I .... i i i i i i i _