July 29, 1971 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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July 29, 1971 |
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Letter box:
Starting this week, you nice subscribers out there in
Journaland will receive two newspapers for the price of one.
The first, of course, is your good-old, friendly,
hometown, clean, reverent, brave, helpful, courteous, loyal
Shelton-Mason County Journal, which has published the
news of Mason County each week for 85 years without a
The second is the good-young, friendly, hometown,
clean, reverent, brave, helpful, courteous, loyal Huckleberry
Herald, a growing infant of two years, which was born of the
need for extended coverage of news and opinion in the
northern end of the county.
During those two years, the Herald gained wide
readership in the North Mason area. The economic facts of
life, however, dictated that it could not survive as a separate
publication, and a month ago the publisher announced that it
would cease publication. He asked the Journal to take over
the subscription list.
This would have entailed the simple matter of adding the
Herald subscribers to the Journal list. We decided against this
course for two reasons.
First, we hate to see a newspaper die, particularly a
newspaper that is providing a distinct service to its
community. We deplore the current trend - which involves
newspapers as well as other industry and business - of big
fish swallowing smaller fish until nothing remains but bloated
whales operated by computers.
Under the two-separate-papers-in-one arrangement, you
will still be able to talk to a human being who understands
what you are talking about in both Shelton and Belfair.
The only computer involved is the one that sets our type,
and there's nothing anyone can do about that, including the
maniac who invented it. We have an arrangement with the
computer that allows us both to survive - it doesn't drink gin
and we don't eat magnetic tape.
:.:.:.: :
::.:.:.: : ......
:i :::::::::;: ::
"1 don't care what the negotiating committee recommends--
I vote to go back to work!"
The second reason for keeping the Herald alive as a
distinct entity is the fact that there is a marked difference
between the interests of the bedroom community of Belfair
and environs and industry-oriented Shelton and the southern
half of the county.
This difference accounted for the popularity of the
Herald, as Editor Lou Donnell kept her finger on the pulse of
the northern portion of the county. We think it is vital that
this separate voice not be stilled.
The fact that the Huckleberry Herald could not be
maintained as an altogether separate publication should not
hamper its effectiveness. In many ways the present
arrangement may enhance it, for there are many things the
two areas do have in common - primarily county
How would you like an
expense-paid trip to Samoa? It's
open to all members of the
Western Conference of Governors.
All they have to do is say the
word, but they probably won't
take it.
The Governor of Samoa,
former Seattleite John Haydon,
made a big pitch at the recent
Western Conference of Governors
reform itself isn't easy, but the
problem isn't insurmountable.
When the Legislative Council's
Executive Committee started
work on it a couple of weeks ago,
nobody expected anything to
come out of the first meeting. But
problems to be worked out were
laid face up on the table, to give
the members something to work
While the theory of matched
amount to annual sessions - is
here to stay. But many still are as
far away from putting annual
sessions into the constitution as
they ever were.
For one thing, the Senate
majority leader, R. R.Greive
never has believed in annual
sessions. He will have more
influence than usual in the Senate
next session. Redistricting will be
the primary problem, and he is
government - and with everyone in the county now reading in Jackson Hole, Wyo., to have committees in the House and the Democrats' expert on this
newspapers, a desireable harmony between northand next year's conference held in Senate, so bills could be subject. To preserve their own
~thmay be f~Nttered ....... ~ ~ -SamoQ~,S~lection of ,next year's ~, .~Qnsidered jointly, found general seats, many will go along with
'~"~"~ conference site has beendeferred, favor, a nose count indicated him oil"issues'' where *they
We encourage Journal readers to get acquainted with the Theoretically, Montana is entitled there aren't enough votes in the other~e might part company~
Huckleberry Hound (we are informed that is the appellation
used among the natives of the northern province).
And we invite Herald subscribers who are now receiving
the Journal to read and enjoy the multi-paged bundle that is
wrapped around the Hound each week to protect it from the
Driving back from the Oregon
Coast at the end of a long week of
sun, sand and surf we monitored
Oregon radio stations for word of
any action at the Universal Life
Church picnic at Farragut State
Park. We picked up nothing.
Either, 1 thought to myself, those
uptight locals got the whole thing
canceled or it is going very well.
When we finally tuned in on
KBOI and the Idaho news and
found the latter was true. Dwight
Jensen was on the scene and his
report stressed the conformity
of the crowd. Conformity to the
styles that give them
identification. Styles that stress
relaxation, freedom and
emotional release.
All this time we were sharing
the highway with another huge
crowd of conformists dispersing
from their own kind of festival at
a city in central Oregon. Maybe
some people can't understand the
youth freaks, but I find the
Airstream Trailer freaks even less
As individuals they may be
charming people, but there is
something awesome about
viewing a large gathering of
Airstream Trailer freaks, and they
seem to prefer large gatherings.
Only Airstream Trailer owners
can qualify. Airstreams are the
silver bullet shaped trailers of all
aluminum that (although they
may be aerodynamically ideal)
remind me of the first streamlined
train, The Silver Streak, that
Burlington proudly put on the
Denver-Chicago run in the
long-ago days of my youth. 1
always have a slightly uneasy
feeling that I am seeing a train off
the track.
This feeling is aggravated by
the fact that Airstream Trailer
freaks travel the highway in
groups, piling up in the rest stops
like de-railed railway cars or
stringing themselves along the
road so they loom over hills and
around curves in unlinked trains.
They all have numbers.
Airstream Trailer freaks are
not poor and most of them are
certainly over 30, or even 40, or
possibly 50.
They not only have the
number registry for instant
identification, but a goodly
number of the rigs are equipped
with two-way radios as well as
such outdoor amenities as air
conditioners and TV aerials.
To be a youth freak you need
only to pick up some threads at
the surplus store and put
imaginative patches on the seat
and knees of your threadbare blue
jeans. It helps to have long hair.
To be an Airstream Trailer
freak requires more bread.
Maybe that is why Airstream
Trailer freaks can congregate all
over the place and no sheriff has
ever been known to demand
protective legislation. Yet, to
some of us, there is something
pretty frightening about large
crowds of people zipping around
in psuedo silver bullets, parking
rank-on-flag-bound-rank in parks
and harvested fields,
communicating by number
indentification over a
sophisticated electronic network,
wearing regional identification
beanies and organizing
sing-a-longs and horseshoe
tournaments wherever they may
But I looked carefully at faces
as we wove our way through the
dispersing crowd of Airstream
Trailer freaks. Once you accept
the short hair, identical headgear
and matching husband-wife shirt
sets you can see the individual
human beings underneath all the
trappings of Middle America.
I certainly won't ask for
protective legislation from
Airstream Trailer freaks. I hope
no one will try for protective
legislation from youth freaks.
Such conformity is actually a
protection for those of us who
could be called the vacation-alone
Let those who wish to do so
congregate in large groups for
whatever reason. It leaves more
empty space in-between for those
who prefer to take sea surf and
mountain peaks without crowds
of even (bless them) our own
kind. Peace.
from the Intermountain Observer
to it, but isn't making any big
push for it.
All of the Governors were
intrigued by Haydon's invitation•
Most of them indicated they
would like to take him up on it.
But they also indicated they
would vote the other way. Most
of them fear they never could
justify the expense of such a trip
to their constituents back home,
and are reluctant to try. Not next
year, anyhow. Maybe in 1973,
but never in 1972, when most of
them will be up for reelection. By
1973 it could be too late. The
governorship of Samoa is by
presidential appointment.
Whether Haydon still is Governor
in 1973 depends upon President
Nixon's political fortunes in '72.
Slow But Not Sure
Getting members to agree on
how the Legislature should
Senate to reduce the number of
its committees to 15, to match
those in the House. Too many
senators are unwilling to give up
their present chairmanships. But
if a deadlock persists, the House
may agree to increase the number
of its committees to match the
The big problem is reaching
agreement on a meaningful plan
before the special session next
year. The law-makers fail, there is
a strong chance that a less
desirable initiative will be on the
1972 ballot, taking the matter out
of their hands.
Annual Sessions
Part of the reform package
involves annual legislative
sessions. Most law-makers have
become resigned to the fact the
concept of a special session in the
even-numbered years - tant-
But the legislators have
nothing to fear from an initiative
in this area. The constitution
can't be amended by initiative. If
the law-makers don't act, there is
nothing the public can do about
it; except, maybe, elect new
legislators. But annual sessions
isn't that big an issue. No
law-maker's political future is
likely to hinge on it.
Lobbyists Are Leery
The threat of an initiative
enacting a stronger lobby
registration law and, as reported
previously, one on campaign
expenditure, is very real. Some of
the lobbyists attending the
committee hearing indicated they
wouldn't object to the bill which
was in, but didn't pass the 1971
It is possible that a bill
requiring lobbyists to report their
Whoever started this Current bicycle craze was either crazy himself
or drove a slightly more streamlined model than the one I pedaled to
the brink of the coronary ward this week.
To say my bike is old-fashioned, disreputable, sluggish, slovenly and
sleezy would be to make .several breathtaking understatements
A nicer euphemism would be "quaint," but perhaps the most fitting
description lies in its nickname, "The Slug."
The Slug was a gift from a neighbor with a cruel sense of humor. It
has little to recommend it - fat, balloonlike tires rather than the svelte,
slender racing slicks favored by today's bike nut, for example.
And battered, rusty fenders. Fenders, you might well ask, just what
are fenders? They went out on bicycles about the time cars first
appeared with running boards•
My bike also is painted a variety of interesting and incredible colors,
nearly the entire spectrum of bad taste.
The fleet of imported racing bicycles you dodge in today's
rush-hour traffic are generally 10-speed models - The Slug has one
speed, although that's the last word one should use in describing its
reluctant applicati6n.
Although bikes ostensibly are propelled by pedaling, my pride and
joy has no pedals, just two stumpy posts sticking out where pedals once
hung hut rotted off. As a result, it helps when riding Slug to also be
wearing cowboy boots, the high-heeled kind. Spurs optional.
Up front there's a wire basket, for carrying cargo and stuff. And, oh
yes, did I forget to mention it? It's a girl's bike.
Nevertheless, undaunted and insensitive, I decided to swing into the
ecology movement and "bike to work," as I heard somebody phrase it
They laughed when I donned my goggles, but they laughed at
Edison, Lindbergh and Harley Davidson, too. They laugh at everybody.
Turned out their mirth was well-founded in this case. Before you
could say "Speedy Wheeler" I was in traffic, and although "traffic" in
this ease was a single sedan on NE Glisan Street, there was no doubt
who had the edge.
expenditures between sessions,
including campaign contributions,
may draw more opposition from
legislators than from lobbyists.
Some fear it might cut off or
substantially reduce their sources
for campaign funds. But like the
lobbyists, they would rather pass
a bill that they wrote themselves,
than take their chances with what
they might get through the
initiative process.
Spare That Tree?
A 1971 law authors the
• Parks and Recreation Commission
to use fees it collects for the
purchase of state land Which it
has been leasing from the
Department of Natural Resources.
It thus hopes eventually to own
the some 15,000 acres it has been
renting for 24 parks, and
probably nobody will challenge it,
as the Department of Natural
Resources will retain title to the
timber, and continue to manage
But the Parks Commission
hopes the Legislature eventually
also will appropriate funds so it
can purchase the timber. If that
happens, don't be surprised if the
issue winds up in the courts•
The constitution provides that
state timber, or land, may be
disposed of only at public auction
and to ,the highest bidder. A
similar transaction was blocked
by a court order once before, but
few remember it.
When the driver spotted me weaving along his street he eloquently
conveyed scorn and spleen through an expressive instrument known as
his horn, and up onto the friendly sidewalk I fled, much like a hare
from a hound.
Later it became necessary to re-enter the street, for the block ended
and so did the sidewalk. So, nearly, did I, or at least my kidneys, which
suffered permanent reverberation damage as Slug and I hurtled over the
I chose Giisan Street, Sandy Boulevard, the Burnside Bridge and
2nd Avenue because that's the Scenic Route. An unfortunate choice. I
was crowded off Glisan, asphyxiated by exhaust on Sandy, cowed by
pedestrians on the bridge, and gently reminded by bellowing motorists
that I was headed the wrong way on 2nd, a one-way street. I finally
settled for 3rd, and arrived at work, late, a quavering mass of trauma.
Carrying through like a trooper, or you might even say like a fool, I
decided to bike home also. And would have, forthwith, except that my
bike was nowhere to be found.
Turned out the building manager had soptted the little jewel
desecrating the Oregonian Building tunnel area and ordered it banished.
Or at least moved out of sight. I recovered it from pergatory and
coasted nonchalan, tly into a Bunsen burner of an afternoon.
The temperature, it turned out, was reaching for 100 degrees, and
seemed likely to make it. So it was spots before the old eyeballs as I
retraced by tracks over the Burnside Bridge, and sunstroke on Sandy. A
sporty chap in leather shorts and striped sneakers glided effortlessly by
on a 10-speed racing model, shifted gears and sneered.
On Glisan Street, a sweat.crazed dog ran out from behind a palm
tree to offer a few salutory barks and lots of fang, but he recognized a
madman whefi one pedaled by his oasis, and wanted no part of this one.
Nor did wife and brood when I arrived back at hearth and home.
"You're drenched," they all sniffed as I dragged across the
threshhold. I tried to explain that it was just good old honest sweat, but
they seemed to have noticed that already.
So instead I slunk out to the garage, where Slug leaned panting
against a wall, and quietly let all the air out of the back tire.
Should madness again overtake me one future morn, that farsighted
flat tire just could save my life.
Page 4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 29, 1971
Editor, The Journal:
This letter is in regard to your
article on the front page of last
week's Journal about the 18 year
old vote. I don't think all 18, 19
and 20 year olds view voting with
such apathy. I know if I were 18,
I would be proud to be able to
vote. If I didn't think I was
prepared, I would find out about
the candidates•
J. Harold Turner III also says
that voters vote for an image.
Many do, I know, but not all
voters are that way. Some care
enough to find out about the
candidates and draw their own
that after
student "can't
of his
finishing the
learned a lot
knows you
you back.
I don't
to put this
page because
think that all
Editor, The Journal:
In your July 22nd issue you
carried a front page interview
with J. Harold Turner 3rd. the
first eighteen year old to register
to vote in this county.
I sincerely hope that those
who read his apathetic babblings
do not consider him to be, in any
way typical of the young people
who have recently acquired the
right to vote.
than in the
that he c
know what
this little
given youth
Editor, The Journal: registered
I have just completed readingIf 1
this week's issue of the Journal. sorry,
The article on the front page but I
about the first 18 year old voter first to
to register in the county was quite 18 year
interesting, however, I believe it because
was inaccurate to say this was the the
first 18 year old to register in that they
Mason County. any 18 ye~
I was with one of my friends the date
when they registered to vote. As believe it
you know, all voting records are T h
in the process of being transfered
from the City Hall to the _County
Auditor's office. However, it is you.
still possible to register at the City
Hall. When I accompanied my (Edit,
friend, Bob Bednarski, to the City Mason C'
Hall, where he was going to J.
register for voting privileges, the featured
City Hall called the Auditor's mention,
office to find out about to registe
registering the 18 year bids, and However,
at this time, the Auditor's office Bednarsld,
said they thought it was all right, the
although they had not yet intervieW.
been done it
Editor, The Journal: instance,.
We would like to know why summer,
the city has decided it is sofor the
unimportant that the summer
swim classes have been stopped, better
With all the lakes and water in swings
the area of Shelton, it seems that grot
it would be very important that as
many children as possible have take
swimming instruction, program
could be
For the children to play in the There
water a few hours a week at a
recreation time is hardly would
worthwhile, whereas to learn to to the
swim would save a life. What program
other program benefitted so
many, both boys and girls of all
ages, 5 years and up?
The tennis program is fine for
a certain few - however, not as
many can play tennis on a court
at one time as could swim in a
pool. And, as for having an
instructor at the city parks (for
Editor, The Journal: and a
Having received permission life~i
from the writer, this local Union
would like to ask if you would assO
please insert the attached letter in
the Journal.
Earl E. Jagnow of
Secretary, Local 3-38
International Woodworkers
of America o n
Dear International Woodworkers
Association: some
I would like to take this time . I
to express a hearty thanks as I
arrive home from one of the most
beautiful, exciting, fine trips of stud
my life.
What am I talking about? the
Why, the Washington State 4-H
Conference in Pullman, that
Washington, at Washington State in
I arrived on Monday, June 14,peC
and this began many friendships,
informative talks and assemblies
Mailing Address: Box 430, Shelton, Wa•
Member of National
Member of Washington Newspaper
in advance "Outside