July 29, 1971 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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July 29, 1971 |
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HusTLING ELMER HERREL, shown here during the
Tuesday night, collected two of Shelton's hits in the game
lost, 1-0, on Loop Field.
- ¸¸%¸¸¸
BULLDOZERS WRECK a house on Mountain View where a branch of
Harvey's Feed Store will be built shortly. The work on the house was done
Thursday afternoon, but crews had already leveled much of the area.
m • ARGUMENTS HIGHLIGHTED Tuesday's American
Stadium. Here, the gang gathers at home plate to discuss
By JIM KNEELAND Dan Laremer, the losing Lincoln's lone run came off a ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
hurler, pitched a good game, single by Lewis, who in turn was
Shelton's American Legion giving only four hits three singles driven in with a triple off the bat MEN'S SUMMER TRIO TEEN TRIO
baseball team fell to its heels in a and a triple. Laremer also donated of Heblick. Fisher and Mangan Men's Hi Game: Norm Men's HiGame:ClayKeith182. Demo men ppose
one-to-nothing defeat dealt by two walks, also got hitsoff the Shelton Schimschat204 Men's Hi Series: Clay Keith &
~ola of Tacoma in a game Men's Hi Series: Norm Dave Stole 470.
;~,~,~t,On'~ ,¢¢~3~ hitters ~ere htur~l~, ~ ~, :~,~.~i ......... Schimschat 762. Women's Hi Game: Cindy ' ....
l)llryed Tuesday evening at Loop lerry hnigl~t~ vyho got a single, Shelton's Legion team ~j~:~ Standings: Final - Evergreen Anderson 187. "We urgently protest aghinst " 'The Bikini blast in March" patriotic thai~
Field. and Elmer He~'rel, who smashed wind up its season Saturday in Masonry League champs trophiesWomen s Hi Series: Cindy the five-megaton underground 1954, spread far more radiation Project Can~
two singles. Knight and Duly Longview. If all goes well they381/2-161/z; John Kimmel -- Bob Anderson 448. nuclear explosion scheduled forover the Pacific than was that the PreSi~"
y G Lanman -- Klaus Hoephner Standings: Bombers 19303 next O, ctober on Amchitka expected. A Hiroshima-sized
made the first base bag by way of have a chance at third place in the Prarrie Roosters 2nd Place Zits 19,150, 3 Stooges19,008, explosion underground in Nevada ,.,
Donke ome walks. Dirksen got on first when league. Trophies 33-22; Ralph Simpson-- Lilliwap 18,871, Reefers 18,813, Island, declared the last last year caused radio-active IMI~ ~I~OI'1~
A_._...__L ¢,~ he washitbyapitch. Tom OIson--Jim KolowinskiSr. Screwballs 18,593, Bal Bear ngs resolution adopted by the
Jel 28Vz-26Vz; Renegades 18,170. . • ~
28Vz-26Vz; Service Master Bombers, Louis Zoren 386; Washington State Federation of fallout in thirteen states and roB* ~-
24]/z-30Vz; Timber Bowl 20-35; Ball Bearings, Jacki Grewe 292; Democratic Women at its 1971 Canada. ~
'. yc eswillsponsor Trailblazers G ab Season HighGameScratch--JackScrewballs, Cheryl Nolan 417;convention held July 15, 16 at We do not know enough /~\-k ~'
about the crust of the planet on(:~ff~/" f.
a donkey baseball game at Loop phi Frost 266; Season High Game Zits, Clay Keith 470 3 Stooges,the Holiday Inn near Everett. This which we live to risk the
Handicap -- Mac Mclnelly 266; Mike Nolan 443; Lilliwap, Cindyresolution was presented by Mrs.
wilIFieldbattleAUgUStwithg" Thethe SheltonJaycee teamgirls Numerous Tro es SeasOnFrost 846High SerieSfour games;Scratch --SeasonJaCk StoleAnderson470. 448; Reefers, Dave Anne Jacobson of Pierce County.earthquakes Cannikin may cause. -aal/,
baseball team while mounted on High Series Handicap -- Ralph It was drafted by Alice Franklin Such earthquakes and the venting SatUrn
the often-reluctant donkeys. The last few weeks have been Waite won the open class and a Simpson 880 four games; Most Bryant, a member of City-Wide of radio-active material, leading to stated
Improved average- Tom Leonard
Starting time is 7:00 p.m. very busy and quite rewarding for week later copped a fourth place 12 pin increase. Democratic Club and chairman ofthe contamination of the fish of
Advance tickets may be the members of the Shelton Trail trophy in the same class while Evergreen Masonry 4, Bob Seattle Branch Women's the Pacific could make the U.S. Alex ~,
purchased at Apex Grocery and Blazers Motorcycle Club. Terry Brocha got a third place in Lanman 736; Prarrie Roosters 1, International League for Peace A. appear a villain.
Miller's Shoe Dept., or at the gate. The Wednesday night series of the very competitive 250cc class. Tom Olson 703; Jel 0, L.C. and Freedom. "Nothing could be more Arnold L. (')
Leman 699; Renegades 5, Norm x
Chain Saw
Aulomatic oiling for bar and
cutting chain adjustable for
hght or heavy-duty cutting,
Automatic all-weather starter
for quick 'n easy starting.
Automatic one-piece clutch -
the industry's sim~
plest, most /~. v~_.y _ \
reliable clutch./~IAQSS"
Come in and [ II-lrll/
MIIIrlull~tu rlfll
see the 150 ,-~ ~au~lct"r!"
worlO S Des[ IL pi,ce w~h ~Z~ •
n V I I bit atttl chim
chai saw a ue~.'=~c~=*~'
It has all the fea-
motorcycle field meets and trials
has ended and the winners for the
six event series are, 1st Ed Waite,
2nd John Cookson, 3rd John
Castle, 4th Doug Richards and
5th Terry Richards, the only girl
entry in the entire series.
Two weeks ago the Trail
Blazers were invited to a field
meet at the Olympia Two
Wheelers Club grounds. Eight
trophys were given out and Doug
Richards and John Cookson
brought home four of them, two
Recently at a Rainier
Saturday night scramble, Charlie
Loitz won the "B" main in the
200 cc class. At a twin city M/C
scramble near Tenino, George
Last Saturday at Jarrell's Cove
Marina on Harstine Island the
Trail Blazers held their annual
picnic with games and prizes for
both the youngsters and the
adults, a good time was enjoyed
by everyone.
At the Castle Rock National
race at Castle Rock, Wash., Jim
Einarsson won trophy dash and
placed second in the novice main
against the best novice riders in
the country. This last week end
he won the Elma ½ mile in the
novice class by a big margin. Jim
ranks second in points at Graham,
Wash., track and number two in
the state. He is one of the top
novice riders in the nation. The
Trail Blazers are very proud of
tures you'd expect
on more expensive
1306 Olympic Hwy. S.
Schimschat 762; Service Master 4,
Jim Kolowinski Jr. 584; Timber
Bowl 1, Mac Mclnellv R:)~
Men's Hi Game: Jim Hays 187.
Men's Hi Series: Clay Keith 469.
Women's Hi Game: Cindy
Anderson 141.
Women's Hi Series: Gall Fuller
Standings: Bombers 21,039,
Zits 20,873, Lilliwap 20,691, 3
Stooges 20,656, Reefers 20,350,
Screwballs 20,304, Ball Bearings
Lilliwap, Jim Hay 440; Ball
Bearings, Debi Decker 322; 3
Stooges, Mike Nolan 424;
Screwballs, Gall Fuller 386;
Reefers, Jim Waldrip 356; Zits,
Clay Keith 469; Bombers, Mike
Dale & Louis Zoren 346.
Mac & Dave 14,222, L.C. & Rusty
14,220. Mabel & Clay 14,191,
Ev & Jim 13,985, Larry &
Chris 13,964, Ralph & Scott
13,857, Millie & Mike 13,841,
Marlis & Bob 13,797, AI & Kerry
Our congratulations to the
following Award Winners: 1st
Place -- Mac & Dave; 2nd Place --
L.C. & Rusty; WlBC Hdcp. Series
-- Millie Nelson -- 696; ABC Most
Improved --Larry Hanson +5;
WIBC Most Improved- Marlis
Monger +4.
Park Events Listed
Park events for the week of
August 2 will include kick ball,
dodge ball, tagball and softball in
Kneeland Park from I l a.m. until
4 p.m. on Monday.
"Bike Derby Day" will be
held from 1 1 a.m. to 4 p.m. on
Wednesday in Callanan Park.
Friday will be free-for-all day
in Kneeland Park. Bring a game.
It all begins on Friday at 5 P.M. The
low weekend Long Distance Rate on all
calls out-of-state. And it lasts until 5 P.M.
on Sunday. Just dial the call yourself
anytime during that period. And you'll
save. Complete Long Distance dialing
information is in the Call Guide section in
the front of your phone book.
Pacific Northwest Bell
317 S. IST ST.
Phone 426-3232 Anytime
426-8833 Evenings
Call Collect
Page 10 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 29, 1971
"Maybe they're going into
extra innings but I'm not!"
Mrs. Bryant says: "This
underground explosion, 'Project
Cannikin,' scheduled about Oct. 1
is a five-megaton blast. That
means it is equivalent to five
million tons of TNT - it is 250
times as powerful as the bomb
which destroyed Hiroshima.
"Yet the Atomic Energy
Commission is giving out the
usual reassurances that it will do
no harm. After Congressman Chet
Holifield conducted hearings on
radiation in 1957 he wrote, 'The
Atomic Energy Commission has
continually given out assurances
that we have nothing to worry
about, and yet we find, using
testimony from their own
experts, that there is reason to
with turbo hydramatic, power steering, bra
and seat, rear defroster, tinted glaSS, tad
speaker, whitewall tires and with
beautiful white finish accented by
black cloth interior.
Stop in at Mell's and join oar
and get a $100 gift discount
pickup in our large stock on
if you cannot find the car or pic
will receive a nice gift with our
Quick Service -- part~ MOO.
Wherever you hail/rom '
you re always
welcome at our brewery. We have tours going
on every day/rom 8 to 4:30.
So drop in, up or over, etc.
Olympia Brewing Company
Now celebrating 75 years in the same location,
Tumwater, Washington. Oly *®
Rental $
Visit Chev's No. 1 Award win~
Manager Bruce Willey (we tr