July 29, 1971 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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SINCE 1940
More fun, more sun, and
unfortunately more fires!
Smokey and I visited Twanoh,
Belfair and Camp Robbinswald
this week. There were hundreds
of people in each camp. Smokey
and I were impressed with the
enthusiasm of everyone, but we
felt the parents thought we were
talking only to the children.
Smokey and I feel we need to
reach parents as much or more
than children. After all, who is
driving and tossing cigarettes out
the windows? And, I think we're
safe in saying, more adults are
building campfires and going
camping than their children.
Everyone needs to help on our
fire prevention campaign. Even if
you're 75, you aren't too old to
memorize Smokey's ABC's of
safety, or a verse from Smokey's
song. If you've never heard or
seen Smokey's theme song, pay
careful attention as you read it
"If you've ever seen the forest
when a fire is running wild, and
you love the things within it like a
mother loves her child, then you
know why Smokey tells you
when he sees you passing through
'Remember... please be
careful.., it's the least that you
can do."
This song may mean nothing
at all to you. If it doesn't, visit a
park close by, for example:
Schafer State Park, BelfaSt and
Twanoh State Parks, Cushman,
and many others. Just watch the
children run through the trees, or
float down a forest stream on an
inner tube. Watch the chipmunks
scurry around between sleeping
bags. Breathe the fresh air, and
feel the enthusiasm of the people
there. Then reread Smokey's
It's been very dry lately. Dry
lightning is threatening the forests
in the high mountains. We can't
control nature-caused fires, but
we can try and control careless
men and women. Please be
cautious, make our forests a nice
place to visit.
The latest mobile homes to
arrive at Hidden Haven belong to
Mrs. Ardyce Jensen, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank McGuire and Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Radtke. Life at the Haven
is varied and interesting.
Residents decorate
extensively at Christmas time.
Holiday trees line Poinsetta Drive,
Mistletoe Lane and Holly Hill. On
the Fourth of July an impressive
sight is rows of flags. Old Glory
waves in the breeze on the lawn
of each home. Often seen strolling
about the park are Mrs. Ardyce
New Decal
The Keep Washington Green
Association is introducing a new
"We're Wild About Washington"
decal for use during the 1971
fire season, according to KWG
director Ed Loners.
Loners said 10,000 of the new
vinly decals have already been
distributed, primarily for use on
cars and campers, in hopes of
creating awareness of fire danger
in the state before the forests and
range lands become critically dry.
The new three color decals are
available to residents and visitors
of Washington by sending a
self-addressed envelope to the
Association at Anderson Hall,
University of Washington, Seattle,
Jensen with her small dog Pare
tucked underneath her arm,
accompanied by Mrs. Agnes
Alexander on whose shoulder
perches her colorful parrot,
Chico. If Chico likes you he may
speak a few words.
Residents gather in the large,
attractive clubhouse once each
month for potluck dinners.
Hostesses for the last one were
Mrs. Caroline Pollock and Mrs.
Frances Radtke. After the meal
Mrs. Radtke furnished piano
music for dancing and listening.
The bookmobile which calls
every other week arrived Tuesday
in ninety degree heat. It was met
by Mrs. Gladys White with a cool
drink of fruit juice for Lloyd
Hildinger, driver and Mrs. Doris
Whitmarsh, librarian. Chilled Bing
cherries were brought by Mrs.
Frances Radtke and the
bookmobile staff was invited to
sit a few moments in the breeze at
Mrs. Alma Heath's picnic table.
Since the bookmobile was parked
close to her home, Mrs. Radtke
dashed off a tune or two on her
organ for their amusement.
Also present were Mrs.
Caroline Pollock, Mrs. Dorthee
Gregg and Brian. The bookmobile
sign "No Silence" was observed.
The Shelton Public Library
has a good selection of light
reading to help add to your
enjoyment of your leisure hours
in the summer sun.
Peg Bracken employs her
customary wit and personal
appreciation for human potential
as well as human frailty in her
book "I Didn't Come Here to
Argue!" Home finance,
commercial promotion schemes,
pet peeves regarding the use of
the English language, marriage,
consumerism, and numerous
other topics come up for appraisal
by the author of the "I Hate To
Cook Book."
"The Establishment Is Alive
And Well In Washington" is by
Mrs. Willa Mills played
Saturday evening for the wedding
of Miss Leanne Whitmarsh. She
has also played for the weddings
of Leanne's three sisters, the first
of which was wed fourteen years
Thomas R. Caton, artist, from
Pompano Beach Florida, recently
purchased the mobile formerly
owned by Mrs. Lee Borg. Along
with other remodeling he has
added a room to the front of the
unit which he will use for a
studio. His specialty is portrait
painting. Mr. Caton and his wife
are planning to leave soon for an
Alaskan cruise.
Mr. and Mrs. Nolan Mason
have purchased a travel trailer and
Travel-all truck. They plan some
interesting trips.
Mr. and Mrs. Harley Pollock
made a visit to their son, Don
Pollock and family in Bellingham.
They brought home daughter
Paula who had been visiting for
the past two weeks.
Mrs. Cathy Caudil, of Shelton,
Alcohol Rule
' ' shi
New rules limited the use of
alcohol and prohibiting glass and
metal containers on swimming
beaches will be enforced in
Washington State Parks beginning
Monday, August 9.
The 1971 Legislature removed
State Parks from the category of
"public places" where State Law
prohibited the Opening and
consumption of alcoholic
beverages. As a result, midnight,
August 8, will end the last legally
"dry" day in State Parks.
To provide for suitable
regulation of alcohol use when it
becomes permissible in the parks
for the first time in the state's
history, the Washington State
Parks and Recreation
Commission, July 19, approved
rules to become additions to
chapter 352-32 of the
Washington Administrative Code,
as follows:
"Opening or consuming any
alcoholic beverages in any state
Robert Torheim
Art Buchwald, who should know,
Setting a schedule of public
meetings on the Zoning Ordinance,
consideration of proposed
standards for fire protection in
new subdivisions, approval of a
replat at Kamilche, and discussion
of an unadvertised plat of
Cushman Lake 15 were features
of the regular meeting last
Wednesday of the Mason County
Planning Commission.
Public meetings were
proposed for September 20 in
Belfair; for September 27 at the
Hood Canal Junior High and for
October 5 in Matlock, so that
residents of those areas can meet
with the Planning Commission to
discuss the ordinance. Copies of
the Ordinance can be obtained in
BelfaSt at the Huckleberry Herald
office and at the Belfair Library.
The Commission decided that
minimum standards for fire
protection should be part of the
subdivision ordinance, with each
fire protection district invited to
indicate special provisions that
might be advisable in their
districts. Hydrants no more than
700 feet apart, a flow of 500
gallons per minute for two hours,
and standard hose outlets were
discussed. After suggestions for
rewording are incorporated in a
new draft, the commission will
consider this again.
The replat of Kamilche was
approved after a lengthy
discussion as to the status of this
development under the
Shorelands Protection Act. The
commission voted to approve the
replat for in their view it is an
upgrading of an old plat
containing 2500 foot lots, and
therefore comes under the intent
of the Shorelands Protection Act.
brought baby Tina Marie for an
overnight visit with her
grandmother, Mrs. Grace Petty.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Schauffler accompanied their two
daughters, Mrs. Doris Kaare, of
Poulsbo and Mrs. Roberta
Hubband and two boys, of
Bellevue, on a trip to LaPush.
They enjoyed three days of good
weather beach combing and
watching fishermen return with
their catches.
The Richard Schaufflers also
attended a picnic at the Island
Lake home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde White
traveled to Oregon to visit a
brother, Ralph Thies and family.
While there they attended a
birthday picnic honoring a niece,
Marnel Mackey. Grandson, Shane
White, is spending a week with
the Whites.
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. George
Frisk were Mr. and Mrs. Marvin
Carter from Aberdeen.
For Park:
park area shall be prohibited
except in the following designated
areas and under the following
"In designated campgrounds,
by registered campers or their
"In designated picnic areas,
which shall include those sites
within state park areas where
picnic tables, benches, fireplaces
and/or outdoor kitchens are
available even though not signed
as designated picnic areas; and
"In any building operated and
maintained under a concession
agreement, wherein the
concessionnaire has been licensed
to sell alcoholic beverages by the
Washington State Liquor Control
Board, and where the
dispensation of such alcoholic
beverages by such concessionnaire
has been approved by the
"Being or remaining in, or
loitering about in any state park
,*. : since he's beech taking its pulse
m t SS t"0..... D ............ ~" ............. • ~ .......... daily Buchwald rrow makes for eight some years+ startling Mr. Many
The Commission could take
no action on a preliminary plat of
Lake Cushman No. 15 for the plat
had been inadvertantly left out of
the public notice. Floyd Archer
said he needed to do site
development on four of the lots
to meet health department
standards. He said that none of
this would occur within 200 feet
of the shore, thereby complying
with the Shorelands Protection
All commissioners were
present, also Jim Connolly,
secretary, and Cash Bridger,
Engineer. Six others were present.
Airman Garth S. McQuilkin,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce
McQuilkin of 711 Turner,
Shelton, has graduated at
Sheppard AFB, Tex., from the U.
S. Air Force pavements
maintenance specialist course.
The airman, who learned to
maintain aircraft runways, roads,
streets, sidewalks, parking areas,
and railroad tracks, is being
assigned to Frances E. Warren
AFB, Wyo., for duty with a unit
of the Strategic Air Command,
America's nuclear deterrent force
of long range bombers and
intercontinental ballistic missiles.
Airman McQuilkin attended
Shelton High School.
revelations about the
For Water
Robert H. Torheim has been
promoted to Deputy Regional
Forester for the Pacific Northwest
Region of the U. S. Forest
Regional Forester Rexford A.
Resler said Torheim fills the
Region's Number 2 position
recently held by Resler before his
promotion to Regional Forester.
Torheim has been Assistant
Regional Forester for personnel
management since January 1970,
when he returned to Portland
after two years in the Forest
Service headquarters in
Washington, D.C.
The new Deputy Regional
Forester has held a number of
positions in the states of
Washington and Oregon since
1948, the year he was graduated
from the University of
Torheim, 48, worked on the
Rogue River National Forest,
Medford, for 5Y2 years before
moving to Portland in 1965.
Before that he served as District
Ranger at Quinault, Olympic
National Forest, Olympia,
1956-59; he was District Ranger
of the Naches District,
Snoqualmie National Forest,
1953-56; he worked on the North
Bend District of the same Forest,
1948-53; he worked seasonally on
the Snoqualmie National Forest
for three summers before and
after Army service in World War
II; he entered government service
as a Civilian Conservation Corps
Establishment. One is that when
you attack the Establishment in
the United States, it immediately
makes you a member.
"Ooops! or Life's Awful
Moments" By Art Linkletter is a
funny, down-to-earth sampling of
those unexpected situations we all
suffer and somehow manage to
"Quiet, Yelled Mrs. Rabbit"
by Hilda Cole Espy tells about her
life with four daughters and one
son. Mrs. Epsy highlights
occasions and phases of
growing-up that are bell-fingers in
every family.
"The Fully Processed Cheese"
is a wide ranging and free
swinging collection by humorist
Norman Ward who has the ability
to look at life completely askew:
for example, are you sure midgets
are not regular sized and you're
the giant?
Visit the Shelton Public
Library for your light summer
reading. The library is open from
12-5:30 and 7-9 Monday through
After 18 months of operation,
the state's water right claims
registration program is
maintaining a slow but steady
flow. As of July 1, the
Department of Ecology has
received 7,000 registration forms
from the public.
The total received since the
Department began sending out
registration forms in January,
1970, indicates the pace will pick
up. William Miller, registration
chief, estimates some 250,000
claims will be filed before the
June 30, 1974 deadline.
The big push is expected in
early 1972. About 1.2 million
reminders to file water right
claims will be included in the
annual county tax statement
In order to prevent a log jam
of claim forms and to provide
better service, the Department is
urging residents to file as soon as
possible. The forms are available
in all the county auditor offices in
eastern Washington. The state
watermasters in eastern
Washington also have the forms
available. Western Washington
residents can obtain the forms by
writing to:
Department of Ecology
Water Right Claims Section
P.O. Box 829
Olympia, Wash. 98504
A water right claim is a claim
by an individual to the use of a
quantity of water under rights
previously unrecorded with the
state. The Water Rights Claims
Registration Act of 1969 carries
the following provisions:
1. It requires a separate
registration by June 30, 1974 of
each claim to a water right.
2. Failure to register will
result in a waiver and
relinquishmen~ of any claimed
3. This claim registration is
required for individuals without a
documented, valid, permit or
certificate to use the water as
Apply quick-drying T-4-L. Feel it
take hold to check itch, burning in
MINUTES. In 3 to 5 days, infected
skin sloughs off. Watch HEALTHY
skin replace It! If not delighted IN
ONE HOUR, your 59c back at any
drug counter. NOW at Evergreen Drug
Broken Glass Replaced Promptly
Insurance Claims Handled
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For Fast Service Phone 426-1152
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Doesn't dent like metal. Never needs paint; solid color clear
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for years to come! Available in the widest selection
of architecturally.rich and distinctive panel designs and
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soffit system. Colors: white, green and gray.
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oy Mastic Corporation. Send coupon today.
7837 S. 196th Kent, Washington
A man wearing no protective
equipment who goes overboard in
40 deg. F water will .probably die
within two hours. He will die in
1.1 hours if the water is 30 deg.
Steve Hakala, a 29-year old
professional diver and commercial
fisherman, invented and applied
for a patent on a foul weather
work and survival suit to improve
those odds for fishermen, sailors,
and scientists working in high
"I tested one of my prototype
suits in November 1970 by
staying in the water at Deception
Pass in northern Puget Sound for
27 hours," said Steve. I know it
works. I hope it becomes standard
equipment aboard vessels
operating in cold waters because
it will save lives in conditions
where life jackets, wet suits, and
even life rafts won't."
Deception Pass waters are
about 45 deg. F year-round, and
tidal currents
Salmon BaY ia
The suit is s
with hood. It'S
3/16 neopl
across the
pocket hoUSeS
as a flare
powerful radio
air horn a~
improve if
out of the
air insulat
area while in a state of that "the
intoxication shall be prohibited." food or
State Parks Director Charles consisting
H. Odegaard said no glassor
concessionnaires are licensed to beach
sell alcohol in state parks at the where such
present time. a
Odegaard said letters beachis
protesting liquor in state parks used as a
have been received, and added,patrons
''We don't know what such."
enforcement problems we may
have." But he said state park safety m~
officials in California and Oregon,
where there are no restrictions, potential
told him they have very few of glass
problems, sand. He
The Parks Chief explainedreduce
that the rules will confine areas
drinking to those areas where dangerous
facilities for enjoying food and Neithe:
beverages are already available, drinking
Alcohol will not be allowed in bottles
areas such as swimming beaches, any par
trails, interpretive centers and
residetit youth camps, under
Another new rule provides Parks Corn
• Fair
issued by the Department of
Ecology or its predecessor
4. Departmental regulations August 2
adopted for implementation of
the Act require registration of all
rights to beneficial use of water.
Exceptions are:
a. Stock watering fights for
stock drinking directly from a
stream on riparian grazing land.
b. Use of water for swimming,
boating, fishing, etc.
5. The key test of whether
registration is required is to
determine if water is actually
being artificially diverted and
beneficially used. For example,
owners of cattle going to a spring
or stream to drink and lake
property owners using the water
for fishing and boating would not
have to file a claim.
Fair, to
on a first
basis, ac!
If you
Almost anything used in the
wrong way or In the wrong amount
Is a poison. It may be a cleaning
compound that's taken by mouth --
a "wrong way" use; or a helpful
medicine that's taken in too large a
quantity -- a "wrong amount" use.
Because children are curious
they're particularly susceptible to
both kinds of poisoning. More than
90 per cent of all poisoning
accidents Involve children. A good
rule for all substances that may
become poisons: Keep out of the
reach of children.
Another good rule: Know what
to do In case of poisoning.
Here your pharmacist can help.
Because emergency treatment varies
depending upon the substance that
caused the poisoning, you need to
know what to do In each case. Your
pharmacist can tell you and provide
you with a list of Instructions. He
also can recommend antidotes and
emetics that you should have on
hand -- In case.
And keep things away from
Nell's Pharmacy
Emergency Ph. 426-2165
Fifth & Franklin St.--426-3327
Open Daily 9:30 to 7:30
Saturdays -- 9:30 to 6:00
14 Shelton-Mason County Journal Thursday, July 29, 1971