July 29, 1971 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Services Services Porsonal Legal Publications Legal Publications Legal Publications Legal Publications Leg¢l
reasonable rates, call 426-8074 I~Alkl'll'll~l/"~ accident policy issued while you FRANCHISE APPLICATION Sealed bids will be received by No. 4210 (RCW 11.40.010) Washington
anytime. P7/8-29 r/4LIINI/II~II~-7 wait, one day to 180 days. Angle No. 5353 the Hood Canal District No. 404 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF Probate No. 4184 That it
& DRY WALL Agency. 426-8272.6/24tfn In the Matter of the Application at the School District Office, R.R. THE STATE OF WASHINGTON SUPERIOR COURT OF point of ,
of Pacific Northwest Bell 5, Box 392, Shelton, Aug. 9, FOR MASONCOUNTY. WASHINGTON FOR MASON situated
carports;rem°deling'smallerR°°fing'jobs also.pati°S'Call ............................... D==~,4,,nH=* ~r~cl C'nmm==rri=l SECRET... LOSE water weight, Telephone Co. for a franchise to 1971 at 8 p.m. for 1-79 passenger In the Matter of the Estate ofCOUNTY. SW1/4NWt/4 at
body bloat, puffiness, etc. X-Pel construct, operate and maintainschool bus. Transit type fwd. EVELYN LUCILLE PACE, Estate of HARRY R. FISHER, 4 W.W.M.,
Osborne s 42EP6241. 10/15tfn HARRIS water pills only $3.00 or money telephone buried cable upon a control 12,000 lb. front axle. Bus Deceased. JR., Deceased. 520 feet r
J back guarantee. Evergreen Drug. portion of State Route No. 3, in to be delivered 150 days. The The undersigned is the The undersigned has been of the !
• E. P7/1-9/2 Mason County, Washington. Board reserves the right to reject appointed and qualified personalappointed and has qualified ascorner.
• " Y ~l}ndIN~ ~ InSe WHEREAS, the PACIFIC any or all bids and waver representative of said estate. Administrator of the estate of That!
Thursday for Sale and Service. ,. ............. ~ N O R T H W E S T B E L L informalities, no bidder may Persons having claims against the HARRY R. FISHER, JR., on the fol
Contact locally Kay's Draperies, L, all 4Zb-B//~S L, OlleC! unwed pregnant teen-age girls.TELEPHONE COMPANY, a withdraw his bid after the time deceased are required to serve the deceased. Each person having a SWI/4NW~
129 Railroad Ave., Shelton, -- ..... UGH Agency. Collect calls corporation, has filed with theset for the opening unless thesame in duplicate, duly verified, claim against the above named 18, T. 21f
426-6207. Singer Center on the rbAY JE ~I~IMS accepted. Florence Crittenton Washington State Highway award of contract is delayed fore on the undersigned or the person or the estate must serve That i'
Mall, South Sound, Lacey, Wash., --'~;.~.T~,,'" Home. PA 2-8004. Box 8944, Commission, under the provisions period exceeding 30 (thirty) days. attorney of reqord at the address the claim, duly verified by the place of u!
Seattle, We. 98]78.8/28tfn of Chapter 47.44 RCW and Bus must meet Washington Statestated below and file the same claimant, on the undersigned or
491-3400. R~~N G
amendments thereto, an School bus standards and with the Clerk of this Court, the attorney(s) of record at the In Se(
CUSTOM HAYING cut, rake, and Lawns, Gardens, Farm work -- 2 NEED CASH? We buy or consign application for a franchise to specifications, together with proof of such address stated below and must file W.W.M.: P
bele. 426-1201. G7/8-29 machines no job too large or almost anything. Tropics construct, operate and maintain 1. Motor to be 391 cu. inches service within four months after it with the clerk of the court, of the S
small. Ballroom Auction, Olympia telephone buried cable line upon or more with Conventional 5 July 29, 1971., or the same will together with proof of the service follows:
CHAIN SAW sharpening, speedy, 426-8750 4/9tfn 943-9949. D2/26tfn a portion of State Route NO. 3,speed Transmission 5th direct be forever barred, within four months after the date north 8!
accurate. Precision grinding. Now Leonard Q. Pace
at Saeger Motor Shop, Hillcrest. __ _ ~ in Mason County, Washington, for Synchromesh. Spicer 5652 or of first publication of this notice 2613.85 f
a period of twenty-five (25) years, All ison Automatic MT 40 2212 Walker Park Road or the claim will be barred, quarter ,o
deg. 04 i
Pho,, 426~602 ~/15t~n hlfair and Referral center 428 Birch St. at the following locations: Transmission.; 2. Heavy duty axle Shelton, Washington 98584 Date of first publication July thence nol
Shelton. Phone 426-4407. Beginning at a point on the 18,500 lb. Rear. 9,000 lb. front. Robert L. Snyder 22, 1971.
TREE TOPPING, falling and A--J S2/12tfn easterly side of SR 3 as now Governed @60 M.P.H.; 3. 6 Attorney for Estate Tom Hepworth 564.0] fe
clean-up. Phone 426-3532. PUllU located and of record in the Wheels, 10 hole budd. 10:00 x 20 125V2 N. 5th Administrator of said Estate 05' 07" e
McS/6tfn Gorst Substation ~---_=_--_-=.__=._-=---------- Office of the Director of x7Vz.;4.6tiresandtubesl0:00 Shelton, Washington 98584 C/o1117 Norton Building north83(
Highways at Olympia, said pointx 20 two Good Year Hi Milers & 7/29-8/5-12-3t Seattle, Wash. 98]04 feet; then¢
Wanted west 104~
FIVE YEAR old, green broke beina ODDOSite approximate 4 snow & mud tires. Rear. -- Wolfstone, Panchot & Bloch
gelding pony. Phone 426-6152. Free Pick Up And Delivery H.E.S. 568+43.8 located in the 5. 12 volt electrical system Attorney(s) for the Estate 89 deg. 3]
F4/22tfn Sogthwest Quarter of the alternator 130 amp. Bat. 12 vote INVITATION TO BID 1117 Norton Buildina to the pal
CR 5-6110 TIMBER WANTED! Thin your Northwest Quarter of Section 29, 220 amp.; 6. Tachometer elect.; NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Seattle, Wash.,98104 County.
timber before you sell! two Township 22 North, Range 1 7. Brakes ]6V2 x 7 rear. 16Vz x 5 that sealed bids will be received Telephone MU2-3840 AnY,
model 15 ft. backhoe. ].5 years 3-2785 checks are better than one. Call West; W.M.; thence in a front. ]2 C.F.M. air compressor by the Board of Directors of 7/22-29-8/5-3taccompan
experience. Also sewage systems, for free estimates. Highest prices general Northeasterly direction at front wheel limiting valve.; 8. Shelton Consolidated School -------~ ($2.00) r
Top workmanship. Earl T. Marr, paid. Selective logging, our,a point 45' East of and parallel to Fuel tank 60 gal.; 9. Aluminum District No. 309, Mason County, with the I
426-3053.6/11tfn BOB OGDEN opposite approximate H.E.S. 10. Fiber glass seat backs and in the Evergreen School at 8th NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 29, 1971.
specialty. Taylor Bay Logging, th'e centerline of SR 3 to a point drop sash. Washington at the District Office INVITATION TO BID within thil
Longbranch, Wash. 884-3778. 573+80; thence Easterly to a Aluminized Steel sides from and Pine Streets in Shelton, to that sealed bids will be received witnes
IAIIE HOUSE MOVING Installation Service 5/6tfn
point 60' East of the centerline of windows down.; 11. Radio and supply the PS 300 and PS 400by the Board of Directors ofseal this I
SR 3 opposite approximate H.E.S. P.A. with outside speaker.; 12.Fuel Oil required by the District Shelton Consolidated School Glen I-
WANTED TO buy. Two leaf 756+00; thence continuing in a Flat windshield preferred.; 13.for the 1971-72 school year, until District No. 309, Mason County, supert
Houses Raised, Foundations Carpeting -- Formica -- springs not more than two feet six general Northeasterly direction at Windshield wipers air Tryco.; 14. 8:00 p.m., August 10, 1971, atWashington, at the District OfficeCentre
and Leveling Ceramic and Linoleum in the Evergreen School at 8th Deparl
inches long. Call 426-8385. a point 60' East of and parallel to Seats to be 52 oz. Koroseal type which time they will be publicly and~ Pine Streets in Shelton, to
7/22tfn the centerline of SR 3 to a point with foam seats. No hair opened and read.
Phone426-8147 ]/27tfn Licensed, Bonded opposite approximate H.E.S. accepted.. Specifications may be secured supply Dairy Products required
WANTED ALDER logs 9" and 584+40; thence in a westerly 15. Rubber fenders front and at the Business Office in the by the District for the 1971-72
up. Prefer 10 ft. multiples. Top direction to a point 45' East of rear.; 16. Auxiliary emerg, airEvergreen School, Shelton, school year, until 8:00 p.m., SUMMOr
' ' & Insured prices. Mason Hardwood Co. the Centerline of SR 3 opposite brake to be Anchorlok.; 17. Washington. August 10, 1971, at which time
SWIMMING POOLS 426-3464 days 426-8109 approximate H.E.S. 584+90; Power Steering; 18. Heater to be The Board reserves the right they will be publicly opened and THE SUI
Septic Tank Phone 426-3155 evenings. 4/ltfn' thence continuing in a general 85,000 front and 12,000 B.T.U.to refuse any or all bids. read. WASH IN
bulldozing, backhoe 3/6 tfn Northeasterly direction at a point rear. 1 defrost fan; ]19. Rub BubBy Order of the Board of The Board reserves the right COUNTY.
45' East of and parallel to the floor and stops throughout.. Directors, July 13, 197]. to refuse any or all bids. MARLEI~
and dump truck service ,, centerline of SR 3 to a point20. Drivers seat to be Signed By Order of the Board of Plaintiff '
Surge water conditioners. HOOD CANAL Legal Publkatiom opposite approximate H.E.S. Kenworth air ride seat; 21. 12 ton Louis R. Grinnell Directors, July 13, 1971.Signed SOLOMOr
786-80: thence in an Easterlyjack; 22. Header pad above door; Clerk Louis R. Grinnell STATE 0
~..=.~-~_=v~_~_-_~_%~_-_-_-_-__%-_, d i r e c t i o n a n d I e a v i n g t h e 23. Locki ng gas cap door; 24. Tail 7/22-29-2t Clerk T H E SAi
GLEN PARR right-of-way pipe extendedthrubumper. 7/22-29-2t SOLOMOt
GLASS NOTICE OF HEARING opposite approximate H.E.S. Hood Canal School District yOU
to to appear
426-6S39 n =, • ,, ~ • No. 404. INVITATION TO BID
,~lleS & . ervlce FRANCHISE APPLICATION 587+10; thence commencing NOTICE after th,
NO. 5347 again at the West right-of-way line John J. Pill NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN No. 290
Glass Replacement In the Matter of the Application of SR 3 opposite approximate Secretary that sealed bids will be received publicati~
of CasCade Natural Gas Corp. for H.E.S. 595+15; thence Easterly to 7/29-8/5-2tby the Board of Directors of THE SUPERIOR COURT OF to-wit, wi
HOMELITE Commercial & a franchise to construct, operate a point 22' West of thecenterline Shelton Consolidated School WASHINGTON FOR MASON after the i
CHAIN SAWS Residential and maintain 2' welded steel of SR 3 opposite approximate District No. 309, Mason County, COUNTY. and defe
Washington, at thyDistrict Office IN THE MATTER OF THE action =!
natural gas main upon a portionH.E.S. 598+90, and crossing to FUNERAL NOTICE in. the Evergreen School at 8th ADOPTION OF DIANA LYNN Court, ant
NEW 150 CR 5==2623 of State Route No. 3, in Mason.the East side of SR 3 toe point Private funeral services were
County, Washington. 30 East of the centerline of SR 3 held for Mrs. Harriette A. Fardo, supplyand PineBakeryStreetSproductsin Shelton,requiredtO McMILLIN,MCMI LLI Nii,andMinors.RAY DEAN of°f theyourPla
$]49.95 Star Rt. 1 Box 146 WHEREAS, the Cascade at approximate H.E.S. 598+90 82 who passed away July 26, by the District for the ]971-72 TO: RAY DEAN McMILLIN and undersigne
Natural Gas Corp., a corporation, located in the Southeast Quarter of ]97] at Martha & Mary Nursing school year, until 8:00 p.m., to all whom it may concern: below slat
Belfair has filed with the Washington the Southwest Quarter of Section Home, Poulsbo, Washington. August |0, 1971, at which time You are hereby notified that failure so t
SAND= there has been filed in this Court rendered a
IS State Highway Commission, 30, Township 22 North, Range ] Mrs. Fardo was born they will be publicly opened and a petition for the adoption of the the dernal
under the provisions of Chapter West, W.M., in Mason County, December ]2, 1889 in Kiester, read.
above-named, praying that there which ha!
Ut ~|(~lllr ~_-_-_-=-----_-_- 47.44 RCW and amendments Washington. Minnesota to Mr. and Mrs. Henry The Board reserves the right be an adjudication that your Clerkofsa
thereto, an application for a NOW THEREFORE, NOTICE IS Tunett. She lived in Chicago and to refuse any or all bids.• . That t
For Rent franchise to construct, operate HEREBY GIVEN: moved to Los Angeles before By Order of the Board DE consent to such proceeding is not D.efendar
and maintain 2" welded steel That a hearing will be held on moving to the Pacific Northwest Directors, July 13, 1971. required by law. .
HAND SA~ A____==______=___=._ natural gas main line upon a sa i d a p p I i c a t i o n b y the in 1942. Signed A hearing for sucn purpose aDs01ute (
& TABLE SAWS FU RNISHED APARTMENT portion of State Route No. 3, in Washington State Highway Mrs. Fardo moved to Belfair Louis R. Grinnell will be had on the 26th day ofliving sepa
Mason County, Washington, for a Commission at its office in the in 1956 residing there until the Clerk August, 1971, at the hour of 9:30 two year •
~u=~u~ H o od Canal, North shore, period of twenty-five (25) years, Highway Administration Building, time of her death. 7/22-29-21 a.m., at the Mason County John I
~nA~I~R~ Unusually attractive. Two Olympia, Washington, on the She helped support several Attorn
t-~t,t =,~## ..... ~u, v:,=~,~ bedrms, w/w carpets. Patio, boat. at the following locations: Courthouse, Shelton, Washington,
='='~ '~"='~"" ~'"='--'~'/ Adults, permanent. Reasonable. Beginning at a point on the161h day of August, 1971, at religious and charitable causes when and where all persons John C. R=
Ph. 426"6687 6/t~tfn CR 5-2155, CR 5-2574. B7/29 west side of SR 3 as now located 1:30 p.m., or as soon thereafter as durinq her later life as her health interested shall appear and show AttorneY ~
and of record in the office of the hearing may be had. forbade active participation, cause why such adjudication Shelton,~
:~!~CI'c_~ ~ ~L o.~.~ : i Ft'~'~mBE~R~M~ L f-~l Director of Highways at Olympia, DAT E*D a t Ofy rn]~ia, ~" Su~.vivors= jnCllude: "H~sl~and SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION should not be made; and why, if TelephOne
i il: ' J lllY tllFt ; basement, l~,/z baths, acJ'~ge. In Washington, said point being -~VashtH~ton; ~th~s 251~.~=¢t~ of F~rt~;~ the'faYn,y ~e; NO. 9899 ,: made, ~uchpetiti0n should not be
............ Grapeview'.* $~135.00 rfi6~{h. Call opposite approx. H.E.ST. 819+40 June, 1~71. ~ ;~f; '" ~ Dae~t]~..~ Mrs. Lee (CI-01re) IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF heard forwith and the prayer -'-~"
Sales - Service - Supplies Julian Stock, 426-5911, days located in the WV~ of Section 32,W.M. Foster "~ ..... Lopriore, Belfair; Sister Mrs. THE STATE OF WASHINGTON thereof granted.
CALL426-3544 426-6705. P7/29 --~_ Township 23 North, range 1 Assistant Directorfor Rhode Taucke, Richland Center, IN ANDFORMASONCOUNTY. WITNESS, the Honorable sUMNO~
West, W.M.; thence in a genera! Highway Development Wisconsin and Mrs. Clara Grey, ELSIE MARY HAWK Plaintiff, HEWlTT A. HENRY, Judge of
southerly direction at a point 20 7/29-8/5-12-3tSeattle; numerous nieces, vs. LEONARD JOHN HAWK, JR. said Superior Court, and the Seal THE S U, I
For free, delivery - Jack Manley S M A L L T W O b e d room west of and parallel to the ~---'~--------'----- nephews and cousins in Minnesota Defendant. of said Court hereunto affixedWASH I1~
~/gn~f~,unfurnished house, after August
~'~ ..... first. Phone 426-8390. C7/29 centerline of SR 3 to a point Local arrangements are under THE STATE OF WASHINGTON this 26th day of July, 1971. coUNI'Y.
~ opposite approx. H.E.ST. 803+78 NOTICE OF HEARING t h e a r r a n g e m e n t s o f to the said LEONARD JOHN Lodge Fields BOBB £
2 B EDROOM duplex, 642 located in the wVz of Section 32,ON INTENTION TO SELL Miller-Woodlawn Funeral Home, HAWK, JR. Clerk Plaintif
~,,/~1~ I~IL ~,} Dearborn. Washer, dryer, stove Township 23 North, Range 1 COUNTY PERSONAL Bremerton, Washington.7/29 You are hereby summoned to John C. Hagen HALLEY,
- -I and refrigerator furnished. Fenced West, W.M., in Mason County, PROPERTY SALE appear within sixty (60)days afterAttorney at Law STATE O
Quality -- l-(easonaD e yard, near store. $95.00 per Washington. ,, NO. 74 the date of first publication of this Shelton, Washington 98584 THE -~
month plus $25.00 clean-up Together 3/4 service line GIVEN: That it appears to be in summons, to-wit, withiq sixty Telephone426-2061 HOLLI:V,
FREE EXACT PRICE deposit. Call 426-4506 after 4 crossings ofSR 3 at approx, the best interests of Mason NOTICE OF HEARING (60) days after the 22nd day of 7/29-8/5-12-3tyoJ '
p.m. $7/29 H.E.ST. 816+08, 815+58 and County that the following PETITION TO SET ASIDE July, 1971, and defend the above to aPp(arl
806+00 (all to be encased in a 2" described personal property PROPERTY IN LIEU entitled action in the above after ~,'/,;
D@lt'M @lt¢ 0 N E BEDROOM furnished steel casing pipe), belonging to the County be OF HOMESTEAD entitled court, and answer the APPLICATION TO CHANGE publiCi=¢~,
enB~B~,~n~ apartment, upstairs, adults, noNOW THEREFORE, NOTICE IS declared surplus and sold: Probate No. 3831 complaint of the plaintiff, and THE POINT OF to-wit, W~
/'IBIIMIIL"I pets, references. Call after 5 p.m. HEREBY GIVEN: 1 Cedar Rapids Roll Crusher, (RCW 11.52.014) serve a copy of your answer on DIVERSION AND PLACE after tl e •
~ =fel
JIDIIRIr, l,ll 426-3207. N7/29 That a hearing will beheldon SR. No. 2416-C, Model No. SU PE R ION COURT OF the undersigned attorney for OF USE OF SURFACE and "'H
plaintiff, at his office below WATER UNDER action
said application by the 1024-W, Co. Equip. (rd.) No. 94 WASHINGTON FOR MASON stated; and in case of your failure court, ~
DM ~ ~¢~ TRAILER FOR rent. Phone Washington State Highway Minimum Bid $2,000.00. COUNTY. PERMIT No. 10083
so to do, judgment will be STATE OF WASHINGTON of the ?.'~'
rrl. ~OL-~.~I~ 426-3169. B7/29tfn Commission at its office in the One ¥4 yard Backhoe for Estate of ANN VALLEY, rendered against you according to OFFICE OF THE STATE o. -.
Highway Administration Building, crane, Co. Equip. No. 237 Deceased. ~ ,.,Cu.
Olympia, Washington, on the Minimum Bid $800.00 (Rd.) NOTICE is hereby given thatthe demand r of the complaint, D I R E C T O R O F T H E underS=,ln.e
ELMA 7/15-8/5 HOLLY HILL Apartments 900 16th day of August, 1971, at One 1967 Plymouth Fury G O R DO N E. VALLEY, which has been flied with the DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY below ~t~
-- Olympic Ave., 426-6593 after 1:30 p.m., or as soon thereafter as V-8, 4-door sedan, I.D. No. administrator of the estate and clerk of said court. OLYMPIA. failure :'Y-
N TICE 5:00p.m. ONe and two bedroom hearing may be had. PK41H74200435, (C.E.) the surviving husband of the The object of this action is for TAKE NOTICE: That rendere:l=
~ho de ~al
. ".'~. ........ units B6/17tfn D A T E O a t O I y m pie, Minimum Bid $450.00 above deceased, has f ed n thethe plaintiff to secure a divorce Washington State Department of,,--;.~ ~as
TO ALL MU$1GIAN:S Washington, this14th day of NOTICE IS FURTHER office of the Clerk of said Court from the defendant. Game of Olympia, Washington, wm~-
Why wait until school starts to APARTMENTS FOR rent -- June, 1971. GIVEN: That the Board of his petition, asking the Court to Charles D. Armstong filed application on July l, 1971 clerk o,,
ThZ [ ~
have your band and orchestra Hy-Lond Inn. Room and board W.M. Foster County Commissioners will meetaward and set aside to the Attorney forPlaintitf to change the point of diversion nefenlla~
instruments repaired? Free plan also available. For more Assistant Director for on Monday August 9 1971 at surviving spouse certain property Pierce County Legal and place of use of 30.0 cubic
check-up on all instruments. We information call 426-8277. 7/ltfn Highway Development the hour of 11:30 a.m., in their in lieu of a homestead not Assist. Found. feet per second of the waters of abs°lU!'l~
have expanded and can furnish all ~ 7/29-8/5-12-3toffice in the County Courthouse exceeding the value of ten 1501 South M Street an unnamed stream, tributary of living =~,
your musical needs. Huffner FOR RENT: Trailer space close at Shelton, Washington. to hear thousand dollars ($10 000) at the Tacoma, Washington 98405 Vance Creek, as authorized under two.Y~c;
Fulton 3-4804 Jan
guitars in stock. Savarex strings, to downtown. Call 426-4426. INVITATION TO BID and determine the advisability of time of death, and that said 7/22-29-8/5-12-19-26-6tthe above-numbered permit. ,Att)~
lO/9tfn PORT OF HOODSPORT making such sale, at which time petition will be heard on the 26th That the use of such water is t~=
- for the purpose of fish j( ~nC~,~
ROBERTS MUSIC ~-~G~-~o-~;r ,ea-~~e eq~ HOODSPORT, WASHINGTON and place the Board shall hear day of August, 1971, at9:30a.m. , t~rm%~
evidence and take testimony, at the Court Room of the Probate propdgation and thatit diverts
822~Park Phone ES 3-6116 for mobile home. Water Sealed bidswill be received by should any be offered, as to the Judge of said Court in Shelton,SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION I {iton,'-"
water from said stream at a point .~ i}ph(tt~/
the Port of Hoodsport at the propriety and advisability of Washington. ,, ..... No. 10807
erton / furnished, enerous garden spot.
situated in the SW]/aNWV4 --
Brem 7.29-8/12-3t.. cj Hoodsport Fire Department, making such proposed sale.
Hoodsport, Washington, until IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF -,
, T7/ltfn DATED this 20th day of July, Date of Publication July 29, THE STATE OF WASHINGTON
2:00 p.m., August 5, 1971, for 1971. " 1971 IN AND FOR MASON COUNTY.
GENERAL HAULING the construction of 1,400 square Board of County Lodge Kimbel M A RGARET M. THOMAS,
Sand --T°;RDutrt Gravel ; MOVE IH TODAY feet of Wood Mooring Float, at Commissioners of Mason Clerk of the Superior CourtPlaintiff, vs. JOHN M THOMAS, ~t .,
Hoodsport, Washington, at which County, Washington By Ethel Hufnail Defendant. '
5-y=rd Dum~ Truck O n e a n d t w o b e d r o o mtime and place said proposals willBy Ruth E. Boysen Deputy Clerk . THE STATE OF WASHINGTON
Tel. - FRANKand Loader_ 426-3153 appapartmentS'ances, with carpet, drapes & bealoud.plansOpened, i~nd~V, andspecificationsPUblicly readand ClerkAUdit°rof &the Board HermanLee, CarneyS" Siquelandsmart & OTBever TO:yJOHNo U M.A THOMASR E H E R E B Y ~i !i~-|
al~o Lkjht Clearing 3/4tfn I te a -- 7/29-8/5-2t 1540 Washirlgton Bui d ng SUMMONED TO APPEAR within I I ~ ~ I~ 1
Jenerson ApTs. form of c~ntract documents may Seattle, Wash ,98101 fI~
be examined at the office of sixty (60) days from the date of
_ ROY J. 2329 Jefferson St., ASSOCI/~'ES, INC., Consulting No. i0827 _. 7/29-1t first publication of this Summons,
to-wit, within sixty (60) days
I / l ~i Mgr. Apt. 11 or Engineers~ and Land Surveyors THE SUPERIOR COURT OF from the 15th day of July, 1971,
324 Marn Street, Edmond~, WASHINGTON FOR MASON and defend the above-entitled
K.~ if IZW action in the above-entitled Court !ill
~J~L~ phone 426-8663. Washington, or at Shumate COUNTY. NOTICE TO CREDITORS and answer the Complaint of the
~ =~,, Realty, at Hoodsport, DEBRA ANN SCHAFER,
MT. VI Washington, and a set thereof~laintiff, vs. WALTER SCOTT No. 4212 Plaintiff, and serve a copy of your
obtained upon a deposit of SCHAFER, DEFENDANT. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF Answer upon the undersigned
~,.~1~ ~ $10.00. STATE OF WASHINGTON TO THE STATE OF WASHINGTON attorneys for the Plaintiff, at their
"--"== " * ° ' ~ Each proposal shall be THE SAID WALTER SCOTT FOR MASON COUNTY IN of your failure to do so, judgment
PReDrivi~l--¢onstru¢tlon _~, _ .~ _, accompanied by a bid bond, SCHAFER, DEFENDANT: PROBATE. address below stated; and in case
Lal~l orWItlr. ~r/~~,p,,#~.~ certified check, or cashier's check You are hereby summoned to IN THE MATTER OF THE will be rendered against you
Bulkheads--MlrineFa¢ilities made payable to the Port of appear within sixty (60) days ESTATE OF WlNIFRED according to the demand of the
Drl~l Lihe -- Clam Shell -- Loaders 2Bedroom Hoodsport, in amount not less after the date of the first MARGARET CARR, Deceased. Complaint which has been filed !!iii
than five per cent (5%) of the publication of this Summons, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN with the Clerk of said Court.
Heavy Equip. Hlulincj You are notified that this is a
amount of the bid. The check to-wit: within sixty days after the that the undersigned has been
• tfn Unfurnished shall be given as a guarantee that 29th day of July, 1971, and appointed and has qualified as the suit by the Plaintiff to obtain a
the bidder shall execute the defend the above-entitled action persona~ representative of thedecree of divorce severing the
• === . ,- = • -- Available NOW No Pets contract in conformity with the in the above-entitled Court, and Estate of Win!fred Margaret Carr, bonds of matrimony existing
water rro= s- CONTACT MANAGER contract documents if it be answer the Complaint of the deceased; t.ha~ all persons having between the Plaintiff and the
awarded to him and shall provide Plaintiff, and serve a copy of your claims against said deceased are Defendant on the ground of cruel
CIII 426-3 ] 00 tfn surity bond as specified therein answer upon the undersigned hereby re c]ulredto.servethesame, treatment andpersonai indignities ,'
within five (5) days after Attorney at his office below duly ver~)ea, on the undersigned rendering the Plaintiff's life ' ....
or her a~orney o~ record at the burdensome, to award to the ~
TYEE WELL contractn°tificati°nto the°fbidder.the award of soStated;to anddo,in jcaseudgment°f yOUrwillfailurebe address .belC~ stated and file the Plaintiff her personal effects and
...... - -----------------------P~rsolNd The Port of Hoodsport rendered against you according to same with he Clerk of the 'said belongings, to restore the Plaintiff I li~
DRILLING CO. ...... reserves the right to reject any or the demands of the Complaint, court, together with proof of such tO her maiden name Ostermeyer, i i i
all bids, and to waive irregularities which has been filed with the service w~thm TOUr (4) months and for such other and further J~" ;
Wells- Pumps ...... or informalities in the bid or in Clerk of'said Court. after the a.a~e of tlrst Publication relief as to the Court seems !ii
Pump Service NEW X ....... the bidding. That the Plaintiff is suing theof this notice or the same will be equitable.
No bidder may withdraw his Defendant for a decree of barred. DonW. Taylor
-11 reducing plan, 42 bid after the hour set for the absolute divorce on grounds of Date of first publication: July Of Fristoe, Taylor & I II1!
Water tablets $_3.00. Money back opening thereof, or before award cruel treatment on the part of the 22, 1971. Schultz, Ltd., P.S.
...... -- ~uaran~ee P-vergreen Dr Center. /s/wyn Alice Carr Attorneys for Plaintiff
L, onall:lonlng Ib7/8 9/9 ug of contract, unless said award is Defendant. :~
delayed for a period exceeding John C. Hagen Personal Representative Fristoe, Taylor& "~
, ~ thirty (30) days. Attorney for Plaintiff Glenn E. Correa Schultz Ltd., P.S.
, 5-2015 JHIRMACK NATURAL o Jim Shumate, Chairman John C. Hagen ~~ Attorney for Estate Office & Post Office Address:
rganic of Commissioners Attorney at Law Bell Building Suite 1, Professional Arts Bldg. I
P.O. Box ~ vitamins. Elaine's Beauty £~alon Port of Hoodsport, SheltOn, Washington 98584 ]21 South Fourth Street 11th & Washington Streets
--II~,n tA/n 6th & Laurel Phone 426-4582 Washington 7/29-8/5-12-19-26-9/2-6t 7/22-29-8/5-3t 7/15-22-29-8/5.12-19-6t
Pk,,~o,, . .... 7/29tfn " 7/22-29-2t Telephone 426-2061 Shelton, Washington Olympia, Washington 98501
Page 18- Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 29, 1971