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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 29, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 29, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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~ w~ome ~ ~ Pederxo~. De party washeld " wore sol around the beach [or beginning, like beconztn8 a Mtke home of Mr. and Mz~. Ed more fun on the water. mmnbor of another family, in this first issue of the combined newspapers, and we are happy to be here. The past two weeks of vacation have been enjoyed with the sun finally cooperating for swimming and berry picking. If your vacation is yet to be, don't fight it but get in there and live it up taking this, paper along to keep in touch. Then let us know about your summer of relaxation and visits. A happy sixteen years was reached by Gwen Pederson with a surprise beach party arranged early in July by her mother, Mrs. Amick with water skiian_g, a bon~re, and a huge birthday cake celebl-ating the event. The arrival of the honor guest was arranged with the delivery of some needed things at the Amick home. Flourescent colored balloons tied to the trees greeted Gwen with the surprise of gathered friends. The decorations had been made in secret work sessions with Mrs. Amick painting large balloons with "Happy Birthday Gwen" that were anchored and floating in the water during the party. Inner tubes had been painted with a rood theme by Mrs. Pederson and By LOUISE EWART --426-4925 ,Or This is my last column. Lou asked me to write One more as a plea for another "Gadabout" to take my place. This will be the first fall in seven years that I have not had to pay college tuition for one of my a card I am green with envy, and mumble all day. The McGuires and Castrows of Orchard Beach have just returned for a two-week trip to Reno and Las Vegas. Mr. McGuire and Mr. Castrow said they were Guosts were Kay Schilll"nger, Joan Slagle, Priscilla Blakefield, Tina Williams, Terri Williams, Ken Van Buskirk, David Fillo, Ben Van Horn, Mike Dillensbffrg, and Roy Kelly. Don't forget the Flea Market at the Masonic Temple set for August 7-8. These are always enjoyed and the money goes to the many worthy activities of Belfair. Happy reminiscing includes the silver wedding anniversary buffet dinner dance at Cinnehar for Mr. and Mrs. Martin Tate and Mr~ and Mrs. Melvin Phillips. Fifty guests were present to celebrate the combined event. The surprise event of the anniversary party was the gift of the Phillip's son in Canada who sent a checl( for a silver coffee service. Congratulations to Mrs. Selma Furchert in taking the first giant step forward in writing. Her article about the Eaglemount Rockery park near Discovery Bay was accepted and published by the "Tacoma Tribune" in the July 4 issue. Selma has written many articles about local p/aces and School 8a~tdUate and. the 8old t~t that's v~lued daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace somewhero around• $5-$8. Ed C. Peterson of Brcmerton. Mr. panned for gold with a small Davis is the son of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Davis, a graduate of North Mason High School, and is employed with the Army Engineer Corps. Belated Birthday wishes are for Ron Paschke. A family dinner was held to celebrate the event hosted by parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Paschke at the family home with a varied seafood menu A long desired Formost 3-30 Slalom set of skis that had been enjoyed only one week as of July 1 was lost by Craig Biship at the public access of Tiger lake. One ski was left as the boat was loaded after a swimming session on the family property. The loss was noticed later with a quick return to the lake but the wood-polished-color ski was not found. Driving the school bus will seem altogether different after the long awaited trip to Alaska for Vi Cokelet and husband Ed. The trip began on June 21 for 6,000 miles of travel to every place a car could go. Three hundred miles of the Alcan Highway were difficult after leaving the pavement. amount of gold dust for the back breaking hard work that is also rough on the knees. The evidence of the earthquake was seen in Valdez with the mountains at the edge of the sea at the bottom of the inlet so there is no seashore. The Cokelets met a woman who told of her husband being lost in the quake while loading a fishboat that was sucked into the waters, and of the school teacher walking hand in hand with his son and daughter and lost as the earth opened and then closed on them. A Japanese ship was seen at the newly built port unloading rows and rows of pipe. Whittler has the tallest building in Alaska of 15 stories with only 3 stories in use since the earthquake as the structure was damaged. Here the car was driven on the train for a ride of miles and miles through long tunnels in the rocks, with huge moose seen at some exits, then on to Cook Inlet, and getting off at Portage. Going back through the Hub included the Matanuska Valley with huge vegetable gardens. A visit was made to Captain n Thursday, July 29, 1971 ~~~~~~~l~~~~~~~~~~~~~ll~l~~~~~~~~~~~~ll~~~~~~~~~~l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l~lll~~~ll~~~~~~~~ll~~~~l~l~~lll~~~~ll~~~~l~~lll~~l~~~~~ By LOU DONNELL ~~~~~~~~~l~~ll~~~~l~~~ll~lll~l~~l~l~~l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l~ll~~u~lll~lllll~lll~l~~~~~~ll~l~~l~~l~~ll~~u~~~ll~~~~U~~~~l~r Well, here we go again. I wasted half my vacation trying to decide whether to devote my Huck Friend column in this first issue to a welcome to all the subscribers of the Journal who might be giving our paper the once-over to see what this "Huckleberry Herald" business spread throughout the Journal the past three weeks is all about and then give a little history of our newspaper.., or if I should let the Herald subscribers in on all the little problems of the changeover. If any Journal readers become regular readers of the Herald, too, children and I have decided to pretty lucky but the ladies may this be the start of a new Chuckholes limited driving speed and Mrs. Birdlebough (the former they will soon discover thecatastrophes in the dark room or problems in enroll in some interesting courses refused to comment, career, with accidents many and varied Sandy Lohman) while at the meeting a deadline or some other mishap while getting out the paper is for ME. The Pettitt family escaped the A s a d h o 1 i d a y w a s for those not slowing down. One Eielson Air Force Base. often shared with my readers, for the Herald has never solely belonged Washingtonians are about to rainy month of June by a experienced the weekend of July accident seen was a badly Anchorage was found to be a to the legal owner, nor to the editor; it is "our' newspaper to most . miss out on a new sea-food camping vacation all over Eastern 4 b'y the W. J. Buck family with damaged trailer that had whipped modern city of skyscrapers and residents of the North Mason Area. ' "~ """ delight, a product of Aquaculture Washihgton, and came home tan the fire loss in their trailer home back and forth, then gone off the beautiful homes, and quite Anyway, I have decided to, leave both of those ideas for future "~ --, "-~ in Puget Sound Waters, for andtiredtostillmorerain, on Menard Road. Three fire road. prosperous with the nearby columnsand, instead, turntodayscolumnintoanapology. Illl California is the big market. The Park and Recreation trucks confined the spectacular Fort Nelson, B.C. was gumbogovernment bases and storage i' ~ii~ The geoduck, a huge gourmet Board met July 12 at the fire that could be seen from a mud after three weeks of rain. Two 1 o t s. S m o k e w as an The ap°l°gy is directed t° th°se readers wh° were °ffended bY mY [I li [ i~ ! delicacy, does not fly, swim or Courthouse in Shelton and many long distance. The lack of days were spent in Dawson Cityin uncomfortable factor from the Editor's note attached to the Grapeview Gadabout column in the last walk. Furthermore its name is not sites owned by the county were insurance madethe loss even the Yukon for a visit to the 70,000 acre forest fire near Pelly issue of the Herald. For those who missed it, it expressed amazement at pronounced as it is spelled, and is discussed. A motion was made greater. - museum and to do placer mining Creek that had been started the columnist for having spelled Waikiki correctly in her column, while not a duck. Actually geoduck is and passed to help the Mason Mr. George Paschke, whilemining (pick-it-up-mining). Vi during a thunderstorm, listing several simpler, everyday words she had misspelled. rough spelling of the Indian name County Recreation Association using clams for bait while fishing " Louise Ewart, the Grapeview correspondent, seemed puzzled when gwduc and is pronounced with their plan of Little League on July 5, caught a 30 pound ling m,,m.,qm,,,mm.qmm,m.,,.qm.,,.um,.m..,pmpq,mmm, she told me last week that two people (I didn't ask who) had "gooey duck". Its size is as unusual baseball and football parks for cod that took a good three hours i // i complained to her that they didn t think that was very nice of me when as its name. It takes from-lO to 15 this would reach the 'greater : of anxiety and effort to get the'" Louise was always writing such nice things about me. y~arsf~rth~g~du~k~ivinginanumber~fpe~p~e~ndcert~i~ishuge~at~hint~theb~at.~area. ~ ~\\ J¢,,~v l agree. In an effort to give Louise a chuckle in what might have• 'll e II0 ![ ~~u~de burrow 18-82 'inches deep in sand needed for the youngsters of our This fish was so long and had | A('~ or mud to reach a 3 pound size. such a huge head that taking a J VACATION o VIL E -== been our last paper, torepayher for all the chuckles she had given me through her delightful column, I forgot that most readers would not The geoduck industry, under The Spooners had word of a picture later was almost =_-= - "nDt:=u ,-~,', ,ueDct~r,~,, - HOURS: ==- know that Louise and I are very good friends and have had a running the direction of the State grandson born July 12 in Naples, impossible. But like all fish= Phone ~,-~I~t~'P~I~IRI='. .~-~.,~R~I~,I~_~- ~r SAT. 8-2":30 -~ Department of Fisheries was Italy. Marvin Sandro Reay stories, the picture is proof that joke about her spelling ever since we ve been working for the Herald. 1 voted approval by the 1969 Humphrey's parents, the former this one did not get away, and the == CR 5-2090 ~I~I-ATIO"N'""" ~ W7EEj~KD?~Qs ~ was sure she would g,,et a laugh (which she did) out of my sneaky way ~) Washington State Legislature.Linda Spooner and Rusty (or Dr. ultimate result was delicious fisti ~m...m,z.m.m,,mpznzq,zp,,.q...m,p,zm,,zmzp,zpz,m...qqumm,.m,.p,pqP to get in a"last word in case that was our last paper. The commercial harvesting of J.W.) Humphrey, have lived in and chips. Louise and I became friends almost four years ago when our geoducks, lying in deep water Naples for two years. Rusty is Mr. and Mrs. Robert Frank ~I~l~l~l~l~ll1~l~l~l~llI~l~1~l~l~1~1I~1~l~l1~l~E beyond the reach of the sport starting histhirdyearofresearch with 3 year old daughter Marie-- BONDED LICENSED INSURED - daughters, Cindy and Peggy, became friends in the fifth grade at the d t()rnet,'onel JemboJ !e in J(Ipen i S ~ : Grapeview School. When 1 became editor I asked her to write the divers is done by a diver using a in physics at the University of were visitors at the former • manually operated water jet. Naples. The first week in July he summer' place on Mission Lake JESFIELD CON TRUCTION Grapeview co!umn, which she agreed to do usa special favor to me I fl ! Monarch Clams, located in attended an international during a vacation trip from_----_-- CONTRACTING BUILDING ~ since she wasn t too excited about the idea. ilii~ii~trte~iln!Oi!:i:biyii[ii ~5~iif!h brf~YoSifro Le rea142:O~o/ai~e ~ihhiali!I EB Allyn, is part of this experimental ' conference on physicists in i Anchorage, Alaska. =-- CABINET WORK • CONCRETE WORK ~ I knew that anyone as interesting as i had found Louise to be was d industry and is making every Amsterdam, to help present a Mr. Frank was an Alaskan bound to come up With a different and amusing column.., and I was atlt effort to protect the existingpaper on the experiment he and representative to the Junior Ben Jesfield P.O. Box 11 " Jim Jesfield -- right. Who else would write about her trip through Tacoma with a goat environment for both sea life and others are working on. This was Chamber of Commerce gathering -- in the back seat of her small car? (Remember? A woman in a car that participate in the International people using the beaches. I really the wrong time to be away from while in the States and was able =- CR 5-2652 Belfair, Washington CR 6-6684 By the time the boys return the afternoon of August 16 and, to include visits to former friends ~I~Il1I~lII~I~ll~ll~1llll~1ll~~1~I~Il1l~ll~l~llI~l~l~l1~l~ll~I~lI~l~ pulled up alongside at a stop light rolled down her window to ask around the neninsula. Get well wishes are for Mrs. Mary Kieszling. All of us miss your happy smile and hope you are feeling better by now. The engagement of Sonja Yvonne Peterson and Stanley E. Davis has been announced with an August 8 wedding at Our Saviour's Lutheran Church in Bremerton planned. Miss Peterson is a 1971 West BELFAIR SERVICES SEPTIC TANKS -- DRAIN FIELDS TOP SOIL -- SAND -- GRAVEL -- FILL DIRT INSURED -- LICENSED FRANK DeMIE CR 5-6155 Belfair, Wash. miinilll Illlllllllllllllll] BELFAIR FIRST-AID m II BEI, FAIR VOLUNTEER FIRE We are now soliciting for your annual donation to our firs-aid ambulance fund. As you know, this is the only means we have to raise funds to maintain this service for you. Any donation you can afford will be greatly appreciated. For your ready information to facilitate handling in case of a call from you, please fill in the following. Keep the receipt stub, and return this section with your donation. Name 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 Address I Hospital -- Harrison Shelton II Illlll ll Ill I I I I-I lllllmllllllllll have a personal interest in this new company for my son, John, is president and son, Dan, is plant manager. The vice-president is Chris Rasmussen. John and Chris planned this last year while they were teaching in Tacoma. Samples were cooked in the Belfair Thriftway Friday and Saturday and given to several hundred people. Pattie Pettitt and Grace Van Horn are looking forward to spending a week at Camp Panhandle with boys from the Psychedelic-Soda pops and girls from the Sew and So's, Grapeview's 4-H groups. Check-in time was Monday, July 26 at" 9:30. Peggy Ewart arrived home from a stay in Baker, Oregon Sunday morning, just had enough time to get clean clothes and repack for camp. Roger, Peggi and 1 took Nancy" to Vancouver June 30 for the start of her trip to Europe for the rest of the summer. (While there I made reservations for Peggy to go next summer). Nancy has a big label on her bag that says "KEEP WASHINGTON GREEN." The last card we received from her was from Switzerland and she was spending a few days in Zurich. She loved the French Riveria, thought Italy was great and every time 1 receive Louise what kind of dog THAT was?) Most people who might find themselves in the unusual position of having to drive through a metropolitan city with a goat in the back seat (how do you get in that position?) would travel after dark and keep to the alleys but not Louise. As her readers will discover when they read Louise's column this week, she is planning to become an ex-correspondent. I don't like the idea at all. I've been trying to think of something embarrassing she might have told me during our years of friendship with which I might blackmail her into continuing but l'm afraid she's already put them all in her column. Hey! I know what I can do. I can offer to correct all the spelling mistakes in her college papers this fall in exchange for a weekly column. How about it, Louise? Is it a deal? I $ Relics of bygone days will be sold by the Mason County Historical Society at the flea market in Belfair August 7-8. Floyd Williams is in charge of collection and sales of the articles. He said donations can be delivered to his home on the North Shore, five miles from Belfair. Anything old is welcome, Williams said. The society will hold its next meeting Aug. 5 at Belfair Baptist Community L~aurch, where final arrangements on the flea market will be made. There will be a short program in addition to the business meeting. Everyone interested in history and other old stuff is invited. Boy Scout Jamboree scheduled home on August 16 they will have fifteen hours later, arrive in Aughst 2 to 10 at Asagiri Heights crossed the international date line Washington the rriorning of the at the base of Mr. Fuji. twice and will have lots of 16th. Looking forward to the week-long Jamboree, to be preceded by four days of sightseeing at Oasaka and Kyoto BUr Iors busy in oreo g and followed by four days of tours in and around Tokyo were Scouts from Troop 513 in Belfair, Mark Harder, Joey Johnson and Bill Lohman. The mothers of the boys were busy sewing countless insignias on three uniform shirts and a jacket for each boy, the boys were busy reading the many pieces of literature they had received about their trip and studying the yen (Japanese currency) they had purchased for the trip. All three boys have earned a good share of the money needed for their trip. Bill has held a job at Newman's Chevron station in Belfair, Joey has had a paper route and picked up extra money mowing lawns and weeding gardens, Mark has served as dishwasher at Belfair Cafe and mowed lawns. All three have been helped by donations which have been made by the local Kiwanis ANTIQUE CARS IN AREA and VFW groups, the Women's Between 25 and 40 antique cars from an antique car club in group of Belfair Community Olympia were scheduled to be in Baptist Church and the Sam the Lake Limerick, Stretch Island Theler Estate Scout Fund. and Grapeview area on a tour lastBelfair's trio will join ten Saturday. other Scouts from the Olympic during fou r weeks Complaints received by the Belfair substation of the Mason County Sheriff's office during the past four weeks show that several local residents were victimized by thefts. South Shore, an area which has been the scene of an unusually large number of burglaries in recent months, was hit again on July 1 when S. J. Kipper of Seattle reported his summer residence had been entered and listed a flashlight, a lantern and steel tapes as missing items. Another South Shore summer home, belonging to Ted DeBritz was entered, also reported on the first, but nothing found to be missing. On July 3 Fred Kaelin of Tacoma reported that his summer home at Haven Lake had been entered and shoes, a camp stove and a machete were taken. On the same day it was discovered that someone had entered the Belfair Drug Store through the door connecting with Thriftway and a wrist watch was stolen. An outboard motor was reported stolen off a boat belonging to Earl Warren of North Shore on July 4. Another area hit hard by burglars the past two months, Pirates Cove in the Grapeview area, was reported hit again on July 6 when Marvin Studley of Tacoma found a kitchen range, refrigerator, radio, coffee pot, sleeping bags and miscellaneous. cooking utensils missing from his summer home. A carpet was reported stolen from the home near Bear Creek store of the Ericksons of Port Orchard on July 13. Mrs. Alvin Edwards of Victor reported on July 15 that a ten foot aluminum boat containing oars and fishing reel was stolen from her property. On July 16 a report of canned goods taken from a cabin on the Tahuya River belonging to the Burkharts of Tacoma was received. home, and he had doubts about staying on at the conference after he had presented his report, but he kept in touch with Linda and her doctor, and a telegram assured him that he could stay for the full conference and be back in plenty of time. Linda, a registered nurse, until a few weeks ago worked part time at a day care center at the NATO base; now she has her own fulltime child care job at home. Fmmm m,,-mmmmmmmmm 1 u m u u m II As A Donation II To I IITHE BELFAIR FIRST AID AMBULANCE FUND I Sig. Date I I1.11 1 II I.! 1 Page 8 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - July 29. 1971