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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 29, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 29, 1971
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By LENNIA CA TE$ -- CR 5-2245 • By Leo & Margaret Livingston --CR 5-6421 By Lou Donnell Seattle, where they had visited As Lou Donnell wrote, test line, no net, no gaff hook, O CC -- of~ Blomlie"TherewhiChfor aredinnertWOthatCOUpleSsince.;fromAl| middlethe SpaCeof Norway,Needle andtheWOOdlandcouples ~enter tund or the BeliaJr "where there's hope there's life" but. a son-in-law who finally tailed ~ ~ ~ O ~ O ~ .O~ ~ ~ ,~ "~ "~ Norway who have been visiting in Park Zoo, to Port Angeles, - Die Huck lives again! This is a him in by-hand! ~ ......... "gay" day, Mr. Gay, thank you Herb and Doris Lamb, along. Jne rourm ox Jmy Drought working in Alaska for the Park Ranger at Belfa/r State Park, the area for the past three weeks Westport, Hoquiam, Ocean from all in the Tahuya area! with daughter Sandy and girl ~ts usual influx of visitors, summer• They plan to make their reports a drop-off in attendance and you reallyshould meet them" Shores and Lake Quinault. Some home in Bremerton. during the latter part of June and was a message passed on to meof the trips had been made to visit Thank you, too, Lou, for asking friend Lydia Schilling, came out rrobably the biggest gathering inMichael Livingston, older son July from the highs of May. my second day back at work last other distant relatives of one of that I continue on with my to their summer home from West one spot was the family re-union of your correspondent, will be However they had to turn away week. All four persons are loads the couples. • column. Seattle recently aboard their boat ot the Sande family held at the married in Bremerton August 6 to camping'and trailer applicants last of fun, I was assured, and one of Compared to the icy waters of Well, let's see. The Grants "Feliz". The ride took about 6½ Allan Sandes. In honor of the women could speak English, a their area, which is situated in the have had a month of wall bulging, hours and they were fortunate relatives from Sunndalsora, Kathy Maurer. They plan to live week-end• Picnicking continued | in Olympia where Michael will be high during the sudden summer point was important Son Jeffrey and wife Lynne and weatherwise both over and back. Norway, Malvin and Magnhild attending Evergreen College in the the ,ast week with attendance of didn'{ feel capable of conducting found the water in Hood Canal ~ ..... son Eric were here from New Sandy and brother John Bergfall and Endre and Margit .... York for a month, arriving first• along with Lvdia and friends Sande, 65 more Sandes with fall• 4,00"0 on Saturday and 6,000 on an interview in Norwegian with warm and enjoyed swiinming and Then came Steve and his wife Grant Ross and George Lowe, families gathered for a pot luck Though it is not obvious from Sunday and weekday crowds my one-word vocabularyof learning to water-ski. They found a casual glance, Ben Hemstreet, running about 2,500. "Skol." the weather milder than at home PeggyDenverandanddaUghter Kristen from their third son David spent "thecamping atweek'endthe Buffalothat wasn't"party night.Picnic which lasted far into the r ........ ,.m,,,m,,,~ ..... 1 Upon investigation I and "everything bigger," from ilm and •wife Loretta arrived -from convention Ole waggity tail Art Hovde and son from discovered that the two couples, flowers in the gardens and trees ll California on their way to "Bomber" went along too and Minot, N. Dakota, were guests on ~ NORTH SHORE ELEaRONIC$ ~ Margit and Endre Sande and along the roadways to vegetables mm Magnhild and Malvin Bergfall, all and even chickensservedfor mm Hartford, Conn., where David will had a scratching good time• the Fourth of the Clarence attend graduate schools. Doris turned fifty (and oroud Hedstroms. Also visiting the { TV SERVICE -Color or B/W HI-FI of Sunndalsora, Norway, were to dinner, mm Both Jeffrey and Steve of it) on June 21st and l~lappy Hedstroms recently were Mr. and be guests of Mr. and Mrs. AlfredThe sun still shines at ~ mnmm married girls from the East Coast Birthda to ou today Lydia a Mrs. Jerry Beringer and sons of MARINE * AIRCRAFT * 2-WAY RADIO night, midnight during the summer at ~/ii~~ill and both grandchildren were born teenagerY no mY ore, "' ~ Federal Way. Mr. Beringer was ANTENNAS¢INTER COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS quick call to the Blomlies assured home and for four months in the '"~lll~ l/ football coach at North Mason -- eight days apart. Jim and Beth Dart are really . me I wouldn't be in the way if I winter they have no sun at all/|~ Im i would imagine their luggage getting a lot of enjoyment out of High School ~n !961-62 and isi S LICENSED droppedinterview,insobeforeoff I went.dinner for an sincethe skyit neverto getStop highthe enoughmountainin 1|/|~ ....... was heavier on the return trek to their summer home here. After 40 now coacnm at re¢]erm way i 0 In honor of their guests, who adjacent to the town. On ~ their respective homes as the gals odd years in the restaurant High School. had a ball making jams from the business in Tacoma they sold out At the Leo Livingstons during DAN BERISH CR 5-6654 [ were accompanied by their hosts, February 28 each year it finally It ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. Revel Sande of returns and can be seen for five k~ ~ ....... ii blackberries so plentiful now.and are making up for lost time. t he F o urn h wee k -en d, North Shore who are distant minutes. On the same day in June I" i~t i i l/ Sandy and Marguerite Tveeten If their boys are as crazy at g r a n d a u g h t e r R a c h e 1 , relatives of both couples, the each year, regular as clockwork, m ,~ " " NOR mm had a "burn the mortgage" party home as they are when they come accompanied by her parents Finn Norwegian flag was waving in the one waterfall appears cascading WEGIAN VISITORS Mr. and Mrs. Malvin Bergfall and at their resort recently. Around into the store here it must be like and Christine Livingston, breeze off the Canal just below down the side of one of the Mr. and Mrs. Endire Sande accompanied their American 7 eo le attended and there celebrated her 2nd b~rthday on . . 0 p p a 3-ring circus all the time - ah " the American flag on the Blomlie mountains. In the photo I saw of Services h ld for hosts, the Revel Sandes, to the North Shore home of Mr. and were refreshment galore for all. youth, especially for those who July3. • ...... flagpole. The group gathered on the mountain there were many m n =.= Mrs. Alfred Blomlie last Thursday for a barbecued chicken Congratulations - quite a fete for know how to enjoy it~ ,also at me Leo Llwngstons the cool front porch of the waterfalls but that one was not frank lnomo$ dinner a period of only 11 years! Roy Stafford was out all last this week was friend Ruby El Blomlie home for an interesting seen because the photo had been u st the alon with Hult McAndrew visiting the In A gu y, g " week - that was some operation ' ' • " visit, some in Norwegian but most taken in May. Funeral services for Frank Northwest for business and daughter Lynn, will head for a he had and he has the sc~trs to " in English while I was there........... Thomas, 81, of Allyn, were held [ H • • ~ I~ 1 ~ ~A ~1~ pleasure from her present home in the KeueI bancleshad llrst ' ' at Belfair Comnunity Baptist [ m1~l~/~l~ ~)KU~,~ months tour of Europe - have prove it. He says he'd never go ' " Itdidn't take me long to agree met their dlsta t cousmsmxyears ' ..-,~" on Jnl" 17 lie a;-,,~ --~ I .......... "~ "~ fun~ through it again but would Santa Barbara. Mrs. McAndrew is " ' n " " " ~ ....... "" =~'~ that the four Norwegians were fun ..... Chu,c. ~ . • ,,e~ u. the author of various historical ago when they new to i~orwav on jut,, 1 4 '~t Mason (; ....... ~ I ~-! * ~ _.! m,. • ~ t ~ .t m. Norm and Mary Loudenback,imagine a year from now he'll feel books on the" Northwest" " to be with and were having a ball a Sons of Norway charter fl~ght' tto~nit.,l'" in Shelton ......... i ueanng ::ann nlovlng KOaCl ISUllCllng along with their friends the differently. In any event we are • , on their first visit to the States. organized by Mr Blomlie. While .... ~i~-Tho~na~ was bornonJul I - - - Lillys, got a little disgusted (who sure ~Jad he's comin~ alon~ soincluding Steamboats in the As spokesman for the two ..... "- ", y GRAVEL -- SAND -- ROCK didn t?) with the weather here for well!! Timber, Lost Mines and ' ~ .... visiting Sunndalsora to view the 15 1889 in Loredo Tex [ GRAVEL- SAND- ROCK couples, Magnhild told of their house where Mr. Sande's father 'A resident of' All"n since I a whi!e so all four climbed into For those interested, the Boy vommeTreasureS',s to°foeWhICh'puonsneaa furthersoon delight with the friendliness of had been born they discovered ' ~ • S Norms Apache and took off for a gcout Camn "Hahobus" holds a ' • ' the Americans and the beauty of . . . 1946 Mr. Thomas worked lor the ] FREE ESIIMATES they had relatives m the town. Tex'Mex Southern Pacific [ -- - feWarriveddaySbackin _Ren°'so didWhensummerthey- Thesalm°nmenubakealsoeVerYincludesFriday bakednight oWmpncs.N°rthwest Dtsaster,a rev, seuandUntamedemuon o~ the scenery. (Pictures shown me Mr: Bloml!e, who visited the town Railways for a total of 25 years. [ Days CR 5-2837 Eves. CR 5-2152 Hallelujah~.! Thanks for the bag of o0tatoes two choices of saladUntamed Olympics is at the by Margit of their hometown wnue bandes were mere, alsomet He then worked at the Puget [ CR 5-2235 goodies, a very clever surprise!! rolls ice cream and heveraoe ' publishers and should be out very proved that they could give us the two couples at that time so ~ TOR Jesse caught a nineteen" the' ...... -rice $1 50 sounds like° -a soon. some competition on beautifulthe dinner" last•week gave h~m' • a Sound Naval Shipyard from 1 ~47 ] LOCAL CONTRACTOR • ' until his retirement in 1961. • P " - " - scenery. The town is built in a chance to renew old friendships. - • pounder up at Tombstone while winner, mum for these hot Mrs..Norma White of He was a member ol Belfmr , Hack was napping. Jack Olsen gotnights~ Bremerton is spending two weeks valley between two mountains A special treat during theCommunity Baptist Church and a a 16 pounder last week up at the T'h'at was unite a yacht near on the Canal and entertaining going straight up from the edges cocktail hour (1 got to use my one life member of the Masonic [ ~ --.- m -- • ~ ml - friends and famfl of town.) Hamma Hamma. Bill Moyer's son the heel of the'Canal a couple of Y' Trips had been made to Norwegian word!) was a tasty Lodge. [ BELFAIR TV who is on duty with the.Navy in weeks back. The people aboard Dung and Winon.a Ho.ppe an.d dish prepared by Margin, tle is survived by his wife, [ ........... San Dxego and on leave, p~cked up must have been renresentin~ that daughter are cruising m their Barselgrot. It's sort of like a Ruth, of the family home; and a 21 pounder and an 8 pounder at part of the bout'too cuzTthe~ sai!boat in the (;u!t" Islands in I Hoodsport (early for runs there), were eatin~ watermelon and British Columbia. Wlnona s sister ON~ DAY 0NtY custard pudding, only thicker and one sister, Gladys Neblett, ] Zenith Color B & W IV Radios Hi-Fis ,~ richer and full of calories froln all Loredo, Tex. [ then Leo Ceccanti picked one up throwin~ the rinds overboard and family are staying on the 11 I there too. So it looks like (don't sunpose thev'had holdin~ Canal during their absence. ~ Enginie OverhaUl SERVICE , WED., AUG• delicious.the butter andl likeCream'to livebUt officiated]he Wendellthe services,L' Harder,with 11 CHANNEL ........... MASTER ANTENNAS , vear~H°°dsp°rt will be hot again this tanks eith'er)yr.. ~ NorthMr"shoreB°YdhasD' beenHUnterappointed°f the ! Transmission repair, all kinds ~ 2 P.M. & 8 P.M. I dangerously so had a second burial at the Shelton Memorial [ SERVICE ON ALL MAKES helping it was so good. Park. [ ............ It"s hard to tell what to use A seaplaneA new waYlandedtO poachatTombstone°ySters"•"" as a Master" oduvtD[str'but°r' of t Front End Alignment • 1 SHELTON LIONS CLUB ] By the time this Issue ol the The family, requesls that I I-lave I UDeS--vvlII I ravel this year usa fishing guideline- nerntory" " and" a man" and a woman" S ta-Power Pr "sf by tt. K. i iR:d~°{i2:pair ~ml~m llT~lfl • i PRESENTS THE I paper comes out the two coup • ,- ...... | -- -- some are deep - some up high, so ' ' . . '. White, President o the Sta-Power ~ a ! ........ les memorials be made to the Youth will be on their way to Sea-Tac to ...... I it's a matter of trial and error and were pretty busy filling thmr Industries, Inc., a California i Tune-ups Vz Mile West [ "- " ~" w nuc~ets, which is a "no no" in corn--an" Sta Power is an ~ Portable Gas & Electric Weldin~ Belt " =~v ! ~:~ie~8~ewsrmghdaan, pa::ePfkathl)f!! days of this hot stuff ;utthoi;oJ/v~ ed~gi!tir!:thm~!~71~nner ' r,.~i.,0 .~ h~t of hannv mem,,~;.~ Funeral arrangements were mr State P~.,. 0 return to Norway. They will leave Community Baptist Church. I ~lll ~'~ ,w-mlP'V ~hi: SelThirty e l 24 Hour Towing--Call C R 5-2192--Day or Nite with .............. the American "')~mends'"" ..... they underFuneraltheHomedirectiOnSheltonOf Batstone 1, HOURS~AILY- SAT. ONLY.'. • 10-1:30. heart, was out cut throat fishing 'narow. That's the prediction as for gas. aut " " • s '. " s. L~,,,,.,=,~.,=,=.~=,-~m-"~"'~"9""m'"n'"~'"'~"~'~'~'~"m'J met and, hopefully, witltakealot " ' ',~ " . and hooked into a 1 2 pound of a week ago - kind of has the power steering, oil, and a new oil of happy memories back with " ~i;.~!~!:..!!).~!~!~i!;~.~.~!~!!~i~.:..:..'.;.~.).~&¢.'2~¢~;g . "+ " Page 6 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journa] 29. "1"971- ..... July 29, 1971 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3