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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 29, 1999     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 29, 1999
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Readers' €]ournal: /00imal control misnomer Editor, The Journal: This brings us to my call to the I've owned cats and loved them A few weeks ago, I placed a call county commissioners. I was pret- dearly. However, I also took care to the county commissioners' of- fice to file a complaint regarding the lack of cat facilities in Mason County. Allow me to elaborate. vy ll-month-old son and I re- cently moved into a mobile home ira a front yard and two raised vegetable beds in the backyard. I as very excited because I hadn't ten able to do any gardening in Years. I spent a full weekend, dig- tnegfraonnd creating flower beds in yard. It was a lot of hard ork and I was very proud of all I t cl accomplished. I also dug up ae raised vegetable beds, weeded and aerated the soil, and planted Corn, yellow strawberries, onions, carrots, tomatoes, water- melon, radishes, lettuce and cu- curabers. e,.,Th, e next thm I know, I start emng holes ad cat feces in ].very bed I had planted. I also mSCOVered two stray cats living der Pay home. I complained to ae manager of the mobile-home park where I live and hesaid there was nothing that could be UOne. I then called animal control. I Was told there were no facilities to hOUse cats. I could either get so°,e cat repellent or buy and set a:  traps to catch the cats, go uor to door to see if they were oWned, and if not, then take them to Olympia Animal Control. caUring this conversation I be- th e Very annoyed. First of all, ,ey Shouldn't call themselves an- 'aal.control. They should be allel can' . ;", .! ^., lne concrol because cney reY..Pick up dogs. Secondly, cat ,,pe|lents don't always work... Ir::2ed it. Not to mention, if you ,e"  re label, they can't be used n at. Vegetables. Thirdly, it's not ,.J0b to catch stray animals ot to Paention Olymp'ia Animai ::trol requires proof of resi- pi]ce If you don't live in Olym- , -ey won't take the animal. ty "hot under the collar" at this point. I spoke to a very nice wom- an who just listened, which calmed me down. However, I was told the reason there were no facilities for stray or owned cats who damage someone else's prop- erty was because there weren't the funds available. And I was as- sured someone would call me back. No one did. I know very well that I am not the only person in the entire county who has had this type of problem. And for the record, i don't have anything against cats. of my animals and didn't let them roam free to do as they wished like destroy others' property. If you can't take care of and be re- sponsible for your cat, then don't have one. I spent a lot of time, en- ergy, and money to make my yards look nice and one of the two vegetable beds and two of the four flower beds has been completely destroyed by cats. All that work for nothing. I am very disappoint- ed and upset that the county has no animal control for cats. Michelle Scott Shelton Reversal on pay Editor, The Journal: Something to think about: How honest can our county commis- sioners be? Their quotes in the July 22 Journal on salary increases for nonunion employees: Mary Jo Cady, %Ve hear all the time about being a training ground for other counties." John Bolender, "To put our- selves in a competitive position with the marketplace around us." Cindy Olsen, "This doesn't bring us up to parity, but it's a start in the right direction." These are your commissioners who, during negotiations for union employees, with their nego- tiator, stated they were unable to use salary comparisons with simi- lar counties to negotiate fair wag- es for union workers. Yet for non- union employees, they used com- parisons from Island, Jefferson, Clallam, Grays Harbor and Lewis counties. At certain times during nego- tiations with the Arperican Feder- ation of State, County and Munic- ipal Employees, comments were made to the point, if we didn't like what was happening, we could always go somewhere else. As I said in an earlier meeting with the commissioners, I like my job and don't want to feel I would have to go to one of those other counties in order to make a com- parable wage. Why is it they do a complete turnaround to boost nonunion employees? We all work to buy the same loaf of bread. The thing is some are able to buy a full loaf, while others are only able to buy half a loaf. If this is how they look at just one aspect of the county govern- ment, how do they look at issues that affect all of Mason County's citizens? Let's have some fairness and quit kicking the little guy around. Terri Johansen Assessor's office employee AFSCME union member Shelton Nonunion pay hike baffling Editor, The Journal" ..... I a • ' members, the lastest nonunion salary in- a ra extremely puzzled by a aeuver of the Mason Count co . . y A lSSmners in choosin to vote 0nd pay increase in g999 for arabian employees. __ (A a member of the AFSCME ='uerican Federation of State C:ty. and Municipal Em: 19.Y ees negotiating team for co. ",  worked firsthand with the un.ty for over a year trying to sroVlde a livable wage for our The county's response to the crease. fact that our pay is less than Although these same nonunion other counties similar in size and employees already received a 1.7 economic base was that we could percent increase January 1, 1999, seek employment with other they have received up to an addi- counties. The fact that Mason tional 2.5 percent starting July 1, County, because of low pay, was 1999. considered a training ground for The statement of "There is no " " " h other counties, was met with money echoed t roughout the 18 silence, months of negotiations. I find it curious that these very Melody Peterson same items were used to support Shelton Q • • Fire deaths stlr memories tor,' The Journal: burner ignited the gas. Mother I am happy for the Woods for W,eading the update on the sustained third-degree burns and the love and support of loved ones be: us and the vrogress that is internal injuries Dad drove her and friends. The burn centers a'gLpaade on their new home 65 miles to the nearest hospital they have today and the way they is n e progress their daughter where she died a week later, have in treating burn victims de,zlng and now the tragic ...... may have saved our mother but a of lnce my younger Drainer and bro.- - Dorothy Smith has ...... then that was 1951. My heart "got b  were a me age we were, ne De 1 ack to mind when I was " oes out to the Woods for all they ' ing 7 years younger than I, we have been through. , . were not allowed to see her so we Levin rown trol ,e ad a gas leak in the con- only have memorms of her before Shelton tr: OUr water heater. Mother the accident. Our house of course so TM on the cook stove to heat was a total loss, so was torn down cotlbe, the flame from the and Dad built another one later. l00ill versus Teresa starved children, more children are hardly a blessing. ,, When sick, Mother went to ditor, The Journak te/. regard to darrod Roths let- ] :".OUly 22's Journal: he 'la s eVident as he wrote that life :no knowledge of the true I'Ie ' Work of "Mother" Teresa. Col _ at familiar with her fanati- tro: nraPaign against birth con- tro [d country whose "down- raa l:" Underprivileged" are In 'L' CaUsed by overpopulation. "Oust already full of half- the best hospitals, not the ones her "downtrodden" used. It is true "Mother" strove not for wealth. She strove for self-ag- grandizement. I also think Bill Gates a better candidate for sainthood. Ernest Thackham Lilliwaup /e deliver EATING oIL COMPARE OUR LOw PRICES! We carry kerosene. L°c;tdusttri;;da:; s°n uuocaee 427-8084 f DOG DAYS D A BARBECUED HOT DOG AND COLD SODA POP SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 10 A.M.- 4 P.M. r POOL CHLORINE POOL SHOCK 75% available chlorine. 1-Lb. 634 576 2.29 Olin GRANULAR CHLORINE ONLY GAS GRILL € SWIM MASK , by Aqua Sport 480 582 by Aqua Pro 214 84t SWIM OG)LES 4.99J 48.QT. COOLER DAYS SUMMER LE IABOVE GROUND SWIM POOL) Steel Pool Package includes • Pump • Filter • Galvanized steel ladder 269 209 149.99 II1 SUN "N SPORT *DOUBLE-RINGER  CHAIR PITCHING HORSESHOES SET i) ' ..... ' Goes anywhare, Has carry strap and • 4 carbon steel holseshoes storage pouch. Assorted colors • Silver pointed stakes 260 924 339 499 14.99 14.99 2-PACK BAR--KEWLE CITRONELLA 22/" GRILL CANDLES 35,000 BTU • 550 sq. in. cooking area • 20 lb. propane tank  • Tru-Flame t / cooking } 225" system A Weber classic with cooking 688835 , ,!! ' area Jar turkeys; steaks and more. Polylite rust and scuff resistant, with • Keep bugs away Porcelain.on-steel bcwl and lid stay 159 O0 hinged lid, two way handle. • Assorted raised design terra cotta tubs beautiful for years. 538 322 498 170 329 698 00p.opa.=. 98 € 14.99 : 3.88 69.70 ta= scar=crow' s/."XfO" HOSE | HOSE REEL CART MOTION ACTIVATED -- Green . / .-, SPRINKLER [ y] • Requiresone 9 voltbattery 1 N. .l I !1 -/8 XU" I 'a#t//,,lt, and garden hose hookup ]11 %.111 III Pl l[[r'D | /Uk\\; V/ • 3 second pulsating water III { I I\\; "/-,:" | t- x','/'::l spray each time valve is [[ \\;    ',.JOC II k W/t,. triggered  ,kX,,,' //,  Large 2600-sq.-ft. water Rid your yard or garden of [] I Red Rubber'll..,,,' No more tangled messes. coverage capability, deer, dogs, cats and rabbits. IN w ,  d Keeps hose stored neatly. , 0 000, !1 Your Cho|’. I  ° 4_:...99.9__...., | . | 9 6.99 Jt 17.99 J %=___  • = ..., x. 42" CEILING FAN 3-SPEED,  . 20" BOX- FAN .:aa,' 12 OSCILLATING FAN F.'--' with3 speeds and . ' adjustable tilting head.  260 729 ' 14.99 =  19" COMMERCIAL STAND FAN • White " Reversible 4 blade • 3 speed reversible switch Use in window or on floor. Enamel finish, 3 speeds, tilting head. Product may vary slightly from illustration plasic grills/blades. Heavy-duty construction. 445 445 245 696 680 675 24.99 14.99 29.99 r  GREEN THUMB LAWN FOOD / "- " APPLIANCE " FLOWER Covers 5,000 sq. ft. 16 Lb. bag I EXTENSION CORD 159 780 / POTS ALL NOW srm. m, ou, ser, srose ,o  OUT war we,Aw • Excavators • Subcompact Backhoes Thatchers • Trailers O/o • O-3 Caterpillar • Industrial Cat Backhoe * Airless Sprayers • Tillers and More Frst & Mill. Sl'lton   Jq' 426-4373 or 426-2411 Store Hours: • I{[iSROi aena ou s: / Mon.Sat 7:30.7, Sun 9-6 •   Mon-Sa! 7-5, Sun 9-5 | 455 840 ---- , e , rl ,. 2.99 For air conditioners, washers, dryers, refrigerators and more IIII II I I I I I I Thursday, July 29, 1999- Shelton-4as0n County Journal- Page 5 mill BI lUll Readers' €]ournal: /00imal control misnomer Editor, The Journal: This brings us to my call to the I've owned cats and loved them A few weeks ago, I placed a call county commissioners. I was pret- dearly. However, I also took care to the county commissioners' of- fice to file a complaint regarding the lack of cat facilities in Mason County. Allow me to elaborate. vy ll-month-old son and I re- cently moved into a mobile home ira a front yard and two raised vegetable beds in the backyard. I as very excited because I hadn't ten able to do any gardening in Years. I spent a full weekend, dig- tnegfraonnd creating flower beds in yard. It was a lot of hard ork and I was very proud of all I t cl accomplished. I also dug up ae raised vegetable beds, weeded and aerated the soil, and planted Corn, yellow strawberries, onions, carrots, tomatoes, water- melon, radishes, lettuce and cu- curabers. e,.,Th, e next thm I know, I start emng holes ad cat feces in ].very bed I had planted. I also mSCOVered two stray cats living der Pay home. I complained to ae manager of the mobile-home park where I live and hesaid there was nothing that could be UOne. I then called animal control. I Was told there were no facilities to hOUse cats. I could either get so°,e cat repellent or buy and set a:  traps to catch the cats, go uor to door to see if they were oWned, and if not, then take them to Olympia Animal Control. caUring this conversation I be- th e Very annoyed. First of all, ,ey Shouldn't call themselves an- 'aal.control. They should be allel can' . ;", .! ^., lne concrol because cney reY..Pick up dogs. Secondly, cat ,,pe|lents don't always work... Ir::2ed it. Not to mention, if you ,e"  re label, they can't be used n at. Vegetables. Thirdly, it's not ,.J0b to catch stray animals ot to Paention Olymp'ia Animai ::trol requires proof of resi- pi]ce If you don't live in Olym- , -ey won't take the animal. ty "hot under the collar" at this point. I spoke to a very nice wom- an who just listened, which calmed me down. However, I was told the reason there were no facilities for stray or owned cats who damage someone else's prop- erty was because there weren't the funds available. And I was as- sured someone would call me back. No one did. I know very well that I am not the only person in the entire county who has had this type of problem. And for the record, i don't have anything against cats. of my animals and didn't let them roam free to do as they wished like destroy others' property. If you can't take care of and be re- sponsible for your cat, then don't have one. I spent a lot of time, en- ergy, and money to make my yards look nice and one of the two vegetable beds and two of the four flower beds has been completely destroyed by cats. All that work for nothing. I am very disappoint- ed and upset that the county has no animal control for cats. Michelle Scott Shelton Reversal on pay Editor, The Journal: Something to think about: How honest can our county commis- sioners be? Their quotes in the July 22 Journal on salary increases for nonunion employees: Mary Jo Cady, %Ve hear all the time about being a training ground for other counties." John Bolender, "To put our- selves in a competitive position with the marketplace around us." Cindy Olsen, "This doesn't bring us up to parity, but it's a start in the right direction." These are your commissioners who, during negotiations for union employees, with their nego- tiator, stated they were unable to use salary comparisons with simi- lar counties to negotiate fair wag- es for union workers. Yet for non- union employees, they used com- parisons from Island, Jefferson, Clallam, Grays Harbor and Lewis counties. At certain times during nego- tiations with the Arperican Feder- ation of State, County and Munic- ipal Employees, comments were made to the point, if we didn't like what was happening, we could always go somewhere else. As I said in an earlier meeting with the commissioners, I like my job and don't want to feel I would have to go to one of those other counties in order to make a com- parable wage. Why is it they do a complete turnaround to boost nonunion employees? We all work to buy the same loaf of bread. The thing is some are able to buy a full loaf, while others are only able to buy half a loaf. If this is how they look at just one aspect of the county govern- ment, how do they look at issues that affect all of Mason County's citizens? Let's have some fairness and quit kicking the little guy around. Terri Johansen Assessor's office employee AFSCME union member Shelton Nonunion pay hike baffling Editor, The Journal" ..... I a • ' members, the lastest nonunion salary in- a ra extremely puzzled by a aeuver of the Mason Count co . . y A lSSmners in choosin to vote 0nd pay increase in g999 for arabian employees. __ (A a member of the AFSCME ='uerican Federation of State C:ty. and Municipal Em: 19.Y ees negotiating team for co. ",  worked firsthand with the un.ty for over a year trying to sroVlde a livable wage for our The county's response to the crease. fact that our pay is less than Although these same nonunion other counties similar in size and employees already received a 1.7 economic base was that we could percent increase January 1, 1999, seek employment with other they have received up to an addi- counties. The fact that Mason tional 2.5 percent starting July 1, County, because of low pay, was 1999. considered a training ground for The statement of "There is no " " " h other counties, was met with money echoed t roughout the 18 silence, months of negotiations. I find it curious that these very Melody Peterson same items were used to support Shelton Q • • Fire deaths stlr memories tor,' The Journal: burner ignited the gas. Mother I am happy for the Woods for W,eading the update on the sustained third-degree burns and the love and support of loved ones be: us and the vrogress that is internal injuries Dad drove her and friends. The burn centers a'gLpaade on their new home 65 miles to the nearest hospital they have today and the way they is n e progress their daughter where she died a week later, have in treating burn victims de,zlng and now the tragic ...... may have saved our mother but a of lnce my younger Drainer and bro.- - Dorothy Smith has ...... then that was 1951. My heart "got b  were a me age we were, ne De 1 ack to mind when I was " oes out to the Woods for all they ' ing 7 years younger than I, we have been through. , . were not allowed to see her so we Levin rown trol ,ead a gas leak in the con- only have memorms of her before Shelton tr: OUr water heater. Mother the accident. Our house of course so TM on the cook stove to heat was a total loss, so was torn down cotlbe, the flame from the and Dad built another one later. l00ill versus Teresa starved children, more children are hardly a blessing. ,, When sick, Mother went to ditor, The Journak te/. regard to darrod Roths let- ] :".OUly 22's Journal: he 'la s eVident as he wrote that life :no knowledge of the true I'Ie ' Work of "Mother" Teresa. Col _ at familiar with her fanati- tro: nraPaign against birth con- tro [d country whose "down- raa l:" Underprivileged" are In 'L' CaUsed by overpopulation. "Oust already full of half- the best hospitals, not the ones her "downtrodden" used. It is true "Mother" strove not for wealth. She strove for self-ag- grandizement. I also think Bill Gates a better candidate for sainthood. Ernest Thackham Lilliwaup /e deliver EATING oIL COMPARE OUR LOw PRICES! We carry kerosene. L°c;tdusttri;;da:; s°n uuocaee 427-8084 f DOG DAYS D A BARBECUED HOT DOG AND COLD SODA POP SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 10 A.M.- 4 P.M. r POOL CHLORINE POOL SHOCK 75% available chlorine. 1-Lb. 634 576 2.29 Olin GRANULAR CHLORINE ONLY GAS GRILL € SWIM MASK , by Aqua Sport 480 582 by Aqua Pro 214 84t SWIM OG)LES 4.99J 48.QT. COOLER DAYS SUMMER LE IABOVE GROUND SWIM POOL) Steel Pool Package includes • Pump • Filter • Galvanized steel ladder 269 209 149.99 II1 SUN "N SPORT *DOUBLE-RINGER  CHAIR PITCHING HORSESHOES SET i) ' ..... ' Goes anywhare, Has carry strap and • 4 carbon steel holseshoes storage pouch. Assorted colors • Silver pointed stakes 260 924 339 499 14.99 14.99 2-PACK BAR--KEWLE CITRONELLA 22/" GRILL CANDLES 35,000 BTU • 550 sq. in. cooking area • 20 lb. propane tank  • Tru-Flame t / cooking } 225" system A Weber classic with cooking 688835 , ,!! ' area Jar turkeys; steaks and more. Polylite rust and scuff resistant, with • Keep bugs away Porcelain.on-steel bcwl and lid stay 159 O0 hinged lid, two way handle. • Assorted raised design terra cotta tubs beautiful for years. 538 322 498 170 329 698 00p.opa.=. 98 € 14.99 : 3.88 69.70 ta= scar=crow' s/."XfO" HOSE | HOSE REEL CART MOTION ACTIVATED -- Green . / .-, SPRINKLER [ y] • Requiresone 9 voltbattery 1 N. .l I !1 -/8 XU" I 'a#t//,,lt, and garden hose hookup ]11 %.111 III Pl l[[r'D | /Uk\\; V/ • 3 second pulsating water III { I I\\; "/-,:" | t- x','/'::l spray each time valve is [[ \\;    ',.JOC II k W/t,. triggered  ,kX,,,' //,  Large 2600-sq.-ft. water Rid your yard or garden of [] I Red Rubber'll..,,,' No more tangled messes. coverage capability, deer, dogs, cats and rabbits. IN w ,  d Keeps hose stored neatly. , 0 000, !1 Your Cho|’. I  ° 4_:...99.9__...., | . | 9 6.99 Jt 17.99 J %=___  • = ..., x. 42" CEILING FAN 3-SPEED,  . 20" BOX- FAN .:aa,' 12 OSCILLATING FAN F.'--' with3 speeds and . ' adjustable tilting head.  260 729 ' 14.99 =  19" COMMERCIAL STAND FAN • White " Reversible 4 blade • 3 speed reversible switch Use in window or on floor. Enamel finish, 3 speeds, tilting head. Product may vary slightly from illustration plasic grills/blades. Heavy-duty construction. 445 445 245 696 680 675 24.99 14.99 29.99 r  GREEN THUMB LAWN FOOD / "- " APPLIANCE " FLOWER Covers 5,000 sq. ft. 16 Lb. bag I EXTENSION CORD 159 780 / POTS ALL NOW srm. m, ou, ser, srose ,o  OUT war we,Aw • Excavators • Subcompact Backhoes Thatchers • Trailers O/o • O-3 Caterpillar • Industrial Cat Backhoe * Airless Sprayers • Tillers and More Frst & Mill. Sl'lton   Jq' 426-4373 or 426-2411 Store Hours: • I{[iSROi aena ou s: / Mon.Sat 7:30.7, Sun 9-6 •   Mon-Sa! 7-5, Sun 9-5 | 455 840 ---- , e , rl ,. 2.99 For air conditioners, washers, dryers, refrigerators and more IIII II I I I I I I Thursday, July 29, 1999- Shelton-4as0n County Journal- Page 5 mill BI lUll