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Robert B. Johnson
Robert B. Johnson, a lifelong
resident of Shelton, died of cancer
Thursday, July 22, at his home.
He was 60.
He was born August 1, 1938 in
Shelton to Woodrow and Dorothy
(Krise) Johnson.
He married Sharon Buckles on
September 5, 1975.
Mr. Johnson served in the U.S.
Air Force from 1955 to 1958. He
as a member of the Squaxin Is-
d Indian Tribe and the Church
;oesus Christ of Latter-day
Q-cs. Family members said he
maintained, "When I get to heav-
en I want to find out if my grand-
raamade good cookies!"
,He worked as a commercial
Serman. He enjoyed hunting,
'ng and woodworking.
ur. Johnson was preceded in
ueh by his sister, Edith Clark.
L e is survived by his wife,
aar.on Johnson of Shelton;
ghtter Traci Van Mechelen of
_ pla; stepson Jeffrey Hiebert
of Yakima; brothers Bruce John-
ssn n °:fShelton and Bryan John-
L .. f Lake Havasu, Arizona;
S°eher'in-law Buck Clark of
an'°n; grandchildren Melissa
si: ara Van Mechelen; and
-eP'grandchildren Jered and
issia Hiebert. :
,, A memorial serwce was held
s:2aY, July 27, at the Squaxin
i u tribal Center.
_ .emorial donations may be
:re t° Providence SoundHome
N and Hospice, 404 Lilly Road
- vJYmpia, 98501.
Fun_rra.ngements are by Forest
eral Home in Shelton.
GeOrge Lambert
ShTl;°rg e Walter Lambert, a
: mn resident for 19 years,
eu of natural causes Monday,
uly 26
tal , ' at Mason General Hospl-
}i? e Was 83.
i,h e Was born June 18, 1916 in
yrOrte, Indiana, to George T.
an Nina (Prosser) Lambert.
-Y married Willadean Car-
::eiwi:!!r:::e3 p 1 Dye d as'
e, loved fishing and hunting.
h ° :cayeci constantly busy with
0 :t ands" He also loved to be out
. -e roacl, and he enjoyed teas-
/ tLPeople, especially the women
IteeWsurvived by his wife, Wil-
ladean Lambert of Shelton; sons
L°ri Lambert of Federal Way,
Larry Lambert of Maple Valley
:nd l.erry Lambert of Buckley,
a:ad daughter Donna Edwardson
t 8helton
.AI "
:.so Surviving are brothers
,#)-Oncl Lambert of Pahrump,
• vacia, Ji
• , -. _ mmy Lambert of Rent-
. ",m Dick Lambert of Albu
€ eroue ,
' tr^;' , ew Mexico; sisters
1 ,yiyn Marek of New Carlisle,
" lana, Eddith Holtzlander of
? r OUver, Effie Jones of Shel-
Zola Cramer of Boles Sta-
:i ,r
l,L New Mexico, and Alberta
Ii ella.s-.°f.Yakima; six grandchil-
, eight great-grandchildren
c numerous nieces and
lq p ews.
Visitation will
l.rn . be from 10toll
' oaturday, July 31, at New
Orizons Church o
:on A f God in Shel-
L ' mneral service will
,,e .... be held
l.rat. 11 a.m. Saturday, July
^ unal at Harstine Island
aetery will follow the funeral
a In lieu of flOWers, memorial do-
L ?:r)aY be sent to Willadean
, t070 Harstene Island
au outh, Shelton, 98584
11 aAreraagements are by McComb
ral Home in Shelton.
John Sandstrom
resident John Ernest
died Thursday, July
He was 66.
!as born May 26, 1933 in
Survived by his wife,
ndstrom of Shelton;
ndstrom and his wife
tle and Patrick
and his wife Tammy
daughters Suzan
sband Randy of
Lucie, Florida, and
sandra and her husband
llup; sister Lorraine
Moines, Iowa; 11
ren and three great-
service was held ear-
Was at Gethsemane
emetery in Federal
t ,,ran
a s F-- geraents are by Yarin -
Uneral Home in Seattle. g
Warren Woods
Warren J. Woods
Former Shelton resident War-
ren J. Woods died Friday, July
23, at Hospice House in Kenne-
wick. He was 75.
He was born August 4, 1923, in
Shelton and moved to the Tri-
Cities area more than 40 years
An engineer tech at Westing-
house, he retired in 1985.
He served in the Navy as a ra-
dioman in the South Pacific dur-
ing World War II and throughout
his life remained deeply dedicated
to his country, his family said.
He was a member of the First
United Methodist Church in Ken-
newick, the American Legion, Fly
Casters and the Elks Lodge.
He was hard working, warm, a
good listener and cared deeply for
his family and friends. Even
through his illness, he retained a
sense of humor that was irresist-
ible and always knew how to
make others smile.
His interests included animals,
traveling, sports (in high school,
he earned a varsity letter in every
major sport), but fishing was his
favorite hobby. He also enjoyed
spending time with his family
and friends, and often met with
his fishing buddies for coffee and
donuts in early morning hours.
He was preceded in death by
his parents, I.H. and Anna Woods
of Shelton.
Mr. Woods is survived by his
wife of 53 years, Ygerne (Gary)
Woods of Kennewick; daughter
Barbara A. Sorenson of Richland;
brother Donald H. Woods of
Union; granddaughter Megan L.
Snyder of Richland; grandson
Specialist Andrew J. Sorenson of
Fort Stewart, Georgia; and nu-
merous nieces and nephews.
A funeral service was held
Wednesday, July 28, at the First
United Methodist Church in Ken-
newick. Burial was at Sunset Me-
morial Gardens in Richland.
In lieu of flowers, memorial do-
nations may be made to the Tri-
Cities Hospice House, 2108 En-
tiat, Kennewick, 99336; or the
American Cancer Society, 2617
West Falls Avenue, Kennewick,
Lillian M. Cottone
Lillian M. "Lila" Cottone, a
Shelton resident for the past
three years, died of pneumonia
Wednesday, July 21, at Fir Lane
Health and Rehabilitation Cen-
ter. She was 85.
She was born June 4, 1914 in
Brooklyn, New York, to Henry
and Sophia Javaowski who
migrated to America from Poland.
She married Frank Cottone in
1939 in New York. He preceded
her in death in 1975.
She worked as a clerk.
She loved to clean house. She
loved her children and was a
great mother, her family said.
Mrs. Cottone is survived by her
sons, Frank Cottone of Shelton,
Paul Cottone of Miami, Florida,
and Steve Cottone of Jackson-
Dylan L. Patterson
Dylan Lee Patterson, age 2, of
Shelton died of accidental asphyx-
iation Thursday, July 22, at the
Mason General Hospital Emer-
gency Room.
He was born July 9, 1997 in
Shelton to Ronald R. and Tanya
L. (Miller) Patterson.
He is survived by his parents,
Ronald and Tanya Patterson;
brothers Riley Miller and Brent
Patterson of Shelton; grandpar-
ents Richard and Phyllis Patter-
son of Shelton and Warren and
Glenda Miller of Phoenix, Arizo-
na; aunt Shawna Dunning of
Phoenix, Arizona, and her uncle,
Lamonte Holbrook of Shelton.
A private family gathering and
graveside service were held Mon-
day at Shelton Memorial Park.
Arrangements are by McComb
in Shelton.
Earl J. Calkins
Earl J. Calkins, a Shelton resi-
dent for two years, died of a heart
attack Saturday, July 24, at Fir
Lane Health and Rehabilitation
Center. He was 77.
He was born September 2,
1921 in Olivet, Kansas, to Earl
and Gladys (Woodward) Calkins.
He married Ruth McCrady on
August 21, 1995 in Nampa, Ida-
He served in the Navy during
World War II and received a
number of medals, among them:
the Asiatic Pacific Campaign
Medal with nine stars, the Philip-
pine Liberation Ribbon with two
stars and the World War II Vic-
tory Medal.
He worked as a chief engineer
in the U.S. merchant marine.
He was a member of the Cloud
Peak Masonic Lodge 27 in Wor-
land, Wyoming, Darius Chapter
10 Royal Arch Masons in Cody,
Wyoming, Constantine Comman-
dery 009 in Cody, Wyoming, the
Nile Temple, Veterans of Foreign
Wars Post 10706 in Brinnon and
Elks Lodge 2171 in Lynnwood.
His interests included golf and
card games. He loved his family
very much, his family said.
Mr. Calkins had lived in the
Lynnwood-Edmonds area for
many years before moving to
He was the oldest of eight chil-
dren. He was preceded in death
by three brothers, Francis, Bar-
ton and Leland Calkins.
He is survived by his wife,
Ruth M. Calkins of Shelton; step
daughters Sally Magnuson of Ko-
diak, Alaska, and Nancy Jones of
Cle Ellum; brothers Martin Cal-
kins and his wife Sue of Broken
Arrow, Oklahoma, and Melvin
Calkins and his wife Sue of
Hoodsport; sisters Helen Webb of
Bothell and Carroll Farafontoff
and her husband John of Port
Orchard; two step granddaugh-
ters and two step great-grandchil-
A funeral service will be held
at 11 a.m. Thursday, July 29, at
Hope Chapel, 421 West E Street,
Shelton. Burial will be at Ever-
green-Washelli Memorial Park in
Arrangements are by McComb
Funeral Home in Shelton.
Delores Lambert
Delores A. Lambert, a former
Shelton resident, died Tuesday,
July 27, at Swedish Hospital in
Seattle. She was 58.
A full obituary will appear in
The Journal next week.
Visitation will be from noon to
5 p.m. Thursday, July 29, at Me-
Comb Funeral Home in Shelton.
ville, Florida; daughters Francis A funeral mass officiated by Fa-
Childs of Lawrenceville, Georgia, ther Dominic Hahn, Order of
and Penny Edmondson of Lake Saint Benedict, will be held at
Placid, Florida; and several noon Friday, July 30, at Saint Ed-
grandchildren. , ward's Catholic Church in Shel-
At the family s request, there ton. Burial at Shelton Memorial
will be no services. Park will follow the mass.
Arrangements are by Forest Arrangements are by McComb
Funeral Home in Shelton. Funeral Home in Shelton.
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Virginia Walter
A memorial service is sched-
uled for tomorrow for former long-
time Shelton resident Virginia
Lee Baker Walter, who died in
the Port Orchard area. She was
She was born October 18, 1915
in Olympia. She graduated from
Irene S. Reed High School in
Shelton in 1934.
She attended nurses' training
in Pendleton, Oregon, where she
met and married George Walter.
They lived and raised their family
in the Seattle, Tacoma and Port-
land, Oregon, areas. Upon Mr.
Walter's retirement, they moved
to Shelton where Mrs. Walter's
mother, Alma Clark, resided.
Mrs. Walter was an avid gar-
dener who loved arts and crafts.
In recent years, she enjoyed trav-
eling and camping with her
friends and family.
She was a member of a nonde-
nominational Christian fellow-
ship group for many years and
had been a caretaker for shut-ins
and elderly people.
She was preceded in death by
her parents, her husband and
sons David and Daniel Walter.
Surviving her are her daugh-
ter, Nancy Ronhaar and her hus-
band Lewis of Yakima; daughter-
in-law Janet Walter of Olympia;
grandchildren Jon Ronhaar and
his wife Tracie of Terrebonne, Or-
egon, Julie Fry and her husband
Michael of Yakima, and Heidi
Walter and Kevin Walter, both of
Also surviving are great-grand-
children Hannah, Caleb, Colin
and Heidi Ronhaar of Terre-
bonne, Oregon; niece Janet Wicks
of Tacoma; and special friends,
Jack Wright, and Doug and Jea-
nee Wright of Port Orchard.
A memorial service will be held
at 2 p.m. Friday, July 30, at Hope
Chapel, 421 West E Street, Shel-
ton. Bob Anderson and James
Lindsey will officiate. Burial will
be private at a later date.
Arrangements are by McComb
Funeral Home in Shelton.
William H. Peden
Former Shelton resident Wil-
liam H. "Bill" Peden died of heart
failure at his home in Yelm. He
was 67.
He was born December 11,
1931 in Mosca, Colorado, to Wil-
liam Harold and Addle Alice
(Cooper) Peden.
He served in the Army from
1949 to 1952 and served in the
Korean War. He was a private at
the time he was discharged.
Mr. Peden was self-employed
as a body and fender man and ar-
He enjoyed his artwork and
loved hunting, fishing and boxing,
family members said.
He is survived by his sons, Don
Peden of Yelm, Mike Peden of
Shelton and Billy Peden of Turn-
water; daughters Barbara Peden
of Oregon, Terry Peden of Naps-
vine, Penny Peden of Rochester
and Paul Kahn of Abilene, Texas;
26 grandchildren and 14 great-
A family gathering was held
Sunday afternoon, July 25, at the
Don Peden home in Yelm. Inurn-
ment will be at a later date.
Arrangements are under the
direction of McComb Funeral
Home in Shelton.
Michael Comstock
Michael J. Comstock, a Shelton
resident for the past nine years,
died Saturday, July 24, at his
place of employment in Bremer-
ton. He was 44.
He was born January 2, 1955
in Oak Harbor to Allison and Ber-
nice (Craswell) Comstock.
He married Lorrie Radcliffe on
January 2, 1999 in Shelton.
I-Ie was employed as an elec-
tronics technician for Sound
Amusements in Bremerton for
the past 15 years.
He attended school on Whidbey
Island and Port Orchard, gradu-
ating from South Kitsap High
School in 1973.
Mr. Comstock was an avid out-
doorsman who enjoyed hiking,
backpacking, swimming and fol-
lowing activities of his children.
He is survived by his wife, Lor-
rie Comstock of Shelton; son Ma-
rine Lance Corporal Gery Corn-
stock of Washington, D.C.; step-
sons Mark Radcliffe of Shelton
and Jerome Cornelius of Seattle;
daughter Erin Comstock of Ros-
lyn; and step daughter Becky
Radcliffe of Shelton.
Also surviving are his parents,
Allison "Ace" and Bernice Com-
stock of Mesa, Arizona; brothers
Allen Comstock of Chico, Califor-
nia, Randy Comstock of Fort
Pierce, Florida and Terry Com-
stock of Essex, Iowa; sister Susan
Shefler of Shelton; and numerous
nieces and nephews.
A memorial service was held
Wednesday, July 28 at Hope
Chapel in Shelton.
Arrangements are by McComb
Funeral Home in Shelton.
James H. French
Former Shelton resident James
Harold French died of cancer
Monday, July 19, at his sister's
home in Elms. He was 53.
He was born February 20, 1946
in Sheridan, Wyoming, to James
C. and Bertha Lee (Gibson)
He spent most of his life in
Shelton and Tacoma before mov-
ing to Elma when he became ill.
He attended Shelton High School
through the 10th grade.
Mr. French served in the Army
during the Vietnam War. He
worked in Tacoma as a forklift
driver for Nalley's Fine Foods for
10 years.
He enjoyed riding four-wheel-
ers in the hills and was a Gold
Wing rider.
He is survived by his daugh-
ters, Pare Greenwald of Montana
and Terina Nagro of South Caro-
lina; brothers John D. French and
Louie Churchill of Tacoma; sister
Mary E. Ponischil of Elma; and
three grandchildren.
A memorial service was held
Saturday, July 24 at Whiteside
Funeral Chapel in Elms, which
handled arrangements.
Dr. William Post
Dr. William R. Post, 75, of
Hoodsport, died Friday, July 23,
at his home in Hoodsport.
A full obituary will appear in
The Journal next week.
In lieu of flowers, memorial do-
nations can go to Mason County
Fire District I in Hoodsport.
Arrangements are by McComb
Funeral Home in Shelton.
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Most insurancesand medical coupons accepted
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PUD sets
Keith 'K.C.' Holmes
Former Shelton resident Keith
Coleman "K.C." Holmes died of
natural causes Saturday, July 24,
at his home in Littlerock.
He was born March 25, 1916 to
Joseph and Katie Holmes of Arca-
dia, Nebraska. He was the 10th of
11 children. He attended a coun-
try grade school, then graduated
from Arcadia High School in
1935. He attended college in
Kearney, Nebraska.
He married Ads Russell on
February 14, 1939. The couple
settled in Shelton.
Mr. Holmes worked at the
Shelton-Mason County Journal,
and then was employed by the
Daily Olympian for 30 years. He
retired in December 1979.
While working at the Daily
Olympian, he and Mrs. Holmes
operated a Grade A dairy. They
later owned and operated the Lit-
tlerock Dividend Store for approx-
imately 18 years until his retire-
He enjoyed hunting, salmon
fishing, gardening, playing cards
and bowling. But most of all, Mr.
Holmes enjoyed his family.
He is survived by his wife of 60
years, Ada Holmes of Littlerock;
sons Burdette Holmes of Belle-
vue, Tom Holmes and Joe
Holmes, both of Olympia; daugh-
ters Sue Gibbs of Forks and Katie
Holmes of Olympia; sisters
Catherine Pierce of Tumwater
and Lenora Wissler of Olympia;
11 grandchildren and three great-
grandchildren and numerous
nieces and nephews.
A funeral service will be held
at 2 p.m. Thursday, July 29, at
Olympic Memorial Funeral Home
in Tumwater.
Memorial donations may be
made to the Littlerock Methodist
Arrangements are by Olympic
Memorial Funeral Home in Turn-
The Mason County PUD 3 has
announced three power outages
for facility upgrades next week.
One outage is scheduled for 10
a.m. Tuesday, August 3, which
will affect customers on Highway
108 for about four hours. The out-
age will affect 10 customers on
lines from the Grays Harbor
County line and extend to the end
of PUD 3% lines.
On Wednesday, August 4, an
outage will begin at 10 a.m. for
customers on Satsop-Cloquallum
Road in the Lake Arrowhead
area. Some 15 customers will
have the power down for about
four hours.
A third outage will begin at 10
a.m. Thursday, August 5. The
outage will affect approximately
20 customers on Jensen Road,
Lund Drive and Capital Peak
Drive off Brockdale Road for
about three hours.
Applying for marriage licenses
recently, according to the Mason
County Auditor's Office, were:
Vike W. Johnson, 34, Belfair,
and Beth E. Tryon, 35, Belfair.
Troy Wade Martin, 37, Shel-
'ton, and Sarah Elizabeth Moran,
23, Shelton.
Alan Edward Curtis, 24, Shel-
ton, and Teresa Marie Mehl, 25,
Stanley B. Palms, 45, Bremer-
ton, and Winter Runningdeer, 35,
Robert M. Tobin, 37, Poulsbo,
and Lorilei Chargualaf, 37, Bel-
Frank Dean Herring, 54, Shel-
ton, and Linda Irene Herring, 52,
Motivator Hubbard
to speak August 4
Retired Air Force Colonel Ed-
ward L. Hubbard, a nationally
recognized speaker on human po-
tential, will speak twice in Shel-
ton on Wednesday morning, Au-
gust 4.
He will speak at 7 a.m. next
Wednesday at the Skookum Ro-
tary meeting and will address the
general public at 10 a.m. at the
Mason County Senior Activities
Center at Ninth and Railroad.
That appearance isn't just for
seniors, notes Janis Byrd Hunter,
organizer of the presentations. If
reservations exceed the center's
capacity, she said, the talk may
be moved to the Shelton High
School Auditorium.
Colbnel Hubbard spent six
years, seven months and 12 days
as a prisoner of war, regaining his
freedom in 1973. He then com-
pleted five college degrees in sev-
en years and later headed the lar-
gest safety organization in the
U.S. Air Force. He is the author
of Escape from the Box: The Won-
der of Human Potential.
His tour through the local area
is sponsored by Edward Jones,
but planners of the event note
that his talk is free and not sales-
oriented. Reservations are re-
quested and can be made by call-
ing 426-0982.
Colonel Hubbard will speak in
Seattle, Des Moines and Marys-
ville as well as in Shelton. He will
return to the area later this year
to visit communities to the south
of Shelton, including Portland.
DON't M1$$ OUr m
ON IWlil
With any Quaker State motor oil case purchase,
et t ei:nd oils
: o,,y-,-- I E/Ill
- prehale of l II
.... ThurSdaY, 29; i999:sheiton-Mason County Journal- Page 1
Robert B. Johnson
Robert B. Johnson, a lifelong
resident of Shelton, died of cancer
Thursday, July 22, at his home.
He was 60.
He was born August 1, 1938 in
Shelton to Woodrow and Dorothy
(Krise) Johnson.
He married Sharon Buckles on
September 5, 1975.
Mr. Johnson served in the U.S.
Air Force from 1955 to 1958. He
as a member of the Squaxin Is-
d Indian Tribe and the Church
;oesus Christ of Latter-day
Q-cs. Family members said he
maintained, "When I get to heav-
en I want to find out if my grand-
raamade good cookies!"
,He worked as a commercial
Serman. He enjoyed hunting,
'ng and woodworking.
ur. Johnson was preceded in
ueh by his sister, Edith Clark.
L e is survived by his wife,
aar.on Johnson of Shelton;
ghtter Traci Van Mechelen of
_ pla; stepson Jeffrey Hiebert
of Yakima; brothers Bruce John-
ssn n °:fShelton and Bryan John-
L .. f Lake Havasu, Arizona;
S°eher'in-law Buck Clark of
an'°n; grandchildren Melissa
si: ara Van Mechelen; and
-eP'grandchildren Jered and
issia Hiebert. :
,, A memorial serwce was held
s:2aY, July 27, at the Squaxin
i u tribal Center.
_ .emorial donations may be
:re t° Providence SoundHome
N and Hospice, 404 Lilly Road
- vJYmpia, 98501.
Fun_rra.ngements are by Forest
eral Home in Shelton.
GeOrge Lambert
ShTl;°rg e Walter Lambert, a
: mn resident for 19 years,
eu of natural causes Monday,
uly 26
tal , ' at Mason General Hospl-
}i? e Was 83.
i,h e Was born June 18, 1916 in
yrOrte, Indiana, to George T.
an Nina (Prosser) Lambert.
-Y married Willadean Car-
::eiwi:!!r:::e3 p 1 Dye d as'
e, loved fishing and hunting.
h ° :cayeci constantly busy with
0 :t ands" He also loved to be out
. -e roacl, and he enjoyed teas-
/ tLPeople, especially the women
IteeWsurvived by his wife, Wil-
ladean Lambert of Shelton; sons
L°ri Lambert of Federal Way,
Larry Lambert of Maple Valley
:nd l.erry Lambert of Buckley,
a:ad daughter Donna Edwardson
t 8helton
.AI "
:.so Surviving are brothers
,#)-Oncl Lambert of Pahrump,
• vacia, Ji
• , -. _ mmy Lambert of Rent-
. ",m Dick Lambert of Albu
€ eroue ,
' tr^;' , ew Mexico; sisters
1 ,yiyn Marek of New Carlisle,
" lana, Eddith Holtzlander of
? r OUver, Effie Jones of Shel-
Zola Cramer of Boles Sta-
:i ,r
l,L New Mexico, and Alberta
Ii ella.s-.°f.Yakima; six grandchil-
, eight great-grandchildren
c numerous nieces and
lq p ews.
Visitation will
l.rn . be from 10toll
' oaturday, July 31, at New
Orizons Church o
:on A f God in Shel-
L ' mneral service will
,,e .... be held
l.rat. 11 a.m. Saturday, July
^ unal at Harstine Island
aetery will follow the funeral
a In lieu of flOWers, memorial do-
L ?:r)aY be sent to Willadean
, t070 Harstene Island
au outh, Shelton, 98584
11 aAreraagements are by McComb
ral Home in Shelton.
John Sandstrom
resident John Ernest
died Thursday, July
He was 66.
!as born May 26, 1933 in
Survived by his wife,
ndstrom of Shelton;
ndstrom and his wife
tle and Patrick
and his wife Tammy
daughters Suzan
sband Randy of
Lucie, Florida, and
sandra and her husband
llup; sister Lorraine
Moines, Iowa; 11
ren and three great-
service was held ear-
Was at Gethsemane
emetery in Federal
t ,,ran
a s F-- geraents are by Yarin -
Uneral Home in Seattle. g
Warren Woods
Warren J. Woods
Former Shelton resident War-
ren J. Woods died Friday, July
23, at Hospice House in Kenne-
wick. He was 75.
He was born August 4, 1923, in
Shelton and moved to the Tri-
Cities area more than 40 years
An engineer tech at Westing-
house, he retired in 1985.
He served in the Navy as a ra-
dioman in the South Pacific dur-
ing World War II and throughout
his life remained deeply dedicated
to his country, his family said.
He was a member of the First
United Methodist Church in Ken-
newick, the American Legion, Fly
Casters and the Elks Lodge.
He was hard working, warm, a
good listener and cared deeply for
his family and friends. Even
through his illness, he retained a
sense of humor that was irresist-
ible and always knew how to
make others smile.
His interests included animals,
traveling, sports (in high school,
he earned a varsity letter in every
major sport), but fishing was his
favorite hobby. He also enjoyed
spending time with his family
and friends, and often met with
his fishing buddies for coffee and
donuts in early morning hours.
He was preceded in death by
his parents, I.H. and Anna Woods
of Shelton.
Mr. Woods is survived by his
wife of 53 years, Ygerne (Gary)
Woods of Kennewick; daughter
Barbara A. Sorenson of Richland;
brother Donald H. Woods of
Union; granddaughter Megan L.
Snyder of Richland; grandson
Specialist Andrew J. Sorenson of
Fort Stewart, Georgia; and nu-
merous nieces and nephews.
A funeral service was held
Wednesday, July 28, at the First
United Methodist Church in Ken-
newick. Burial was at Sunset Me-
morial Gardens in Richland.
In lieu of flowers, memorial do-
nations may be made to the Tri-
Cities Hospice House, 2108 En-
tiat, Kennewick, 99336; or the
American Cancer Society, 2617
West Falls Avenue, Kennewick,
Lillian M. Cottone
Lillian M. "Lila" Cottone, a
Shelton resident for the past
three years, died of pneumonia
Wednesday, July 21, at Fir Lane
Health and Rehabilitation Cen-
ter. She was 85.
She was born June 4, 1914 in
Brooklyn, New York, to Henry
and Sophia Javaowski who
migrated to America from Poland.
She married Frank Cottone in
1939 in New York. He preceded
her in death in 1975.
She worked as a clerk.
She loved to clean house. She
loved her children and was a
great mother, her family said.
Mrs. Cottone is survived by her
sons, Frank Cottone of Shelton,
Paul Cottone of Miami, Florida,
and Steve Cottone of Jackson-
Dylan L. Patterson
Dylan Lee Patterson, age 2, of
Shelton died of accidental asphyx-
iation Thursday, July 22, at the
Mason General Hospital Emer-
gency Room.
He was born July 9, 1997 in
Shelton to Ronald R. and Tanya
L. (Miller) Patterson.
He is survived by his parents,
Ronald and Tanya Patterson;
brothers Riley Miller and Brent
Patterson of Shelton; grandpar-
ents Richard and Phyllis Patter-
son of Shelton and Warren and
Glenda Miller of Phoenix, Arizo-
na; aunt Shawna Dunning of
Phoenix, Arizona, and her uncle,
Lamonte Holbrook of Shelton.
A private family gathering and
graveside service were held Mon-
day at Shelton Memorial Park.
Arrangements are by McComb
in Shelton.
Earl J. Calkins
Earl J. Calkins, a Shelton resi-
dent for two years, died of a heart
attack Saturday, July 24, at Fir
Lane Health and Rehabilitation
Center. He was 77.
He was born September 2,
1921 in Olivet, Kansas, to Earl
and Gladys (Woodward) Calkins.
He married Ruth McCrady on
August 21, 1995 in Nampa, Ida-
He served in the Navy during
World War II and received a
number of medals, among them:
the Asiatic Pacific Campaign
Medal with nine stars, the Philip-
pine Liberation Ribbon with two
stars and the World War II Vic-
tory Medal.
He worked as a chief engineer
in the U.S. merchant marine.
He was a member of the Cloud
Peak Masonic Lodge 27 in Wor-
land, Wyoming, Darius Chapter
10 Royal Arch Masons in Cody,
Wyoming, Constantine Comman-
dery 009 in Cody, Wyoming, the
Nile Temple, Veterans of Foreign
Wars Post 10706 in Brinnon and
Elks Lodge 2171 in Lynnwood.
His interests included golf and
card games. He loved his family
very much, his family said.
Mr. Calkins had lived in the
Lynnwood-Edmonds area for
many years before moving to
He was the oldest of eight chil-
dren. He was preceded in death
by three brothers, Francis, Bar-
ton and Leland Calkins.
He is survived by his wife,
Ruth M. Calkins of Shelton; step
daughters Sally Magnuson of Ko-
diak, Alaska, and Nancy Jones of
Cle Ellum; brothers Martin Cal-
kins and his wife Sue of Broken
Arrow, Oklahoma, and Melvin
Calkins and his wife Sue of
Hoodsport; sisters Helen Webb of
Bothell and Carroll Farafontoff
and her husband John of Port
Orchard; two step granddaugh-
ters and two step great-grandchil-
A funeral service will be held
at 11 a.m. Thursday, July 29, at
Hope Chapel, 421 West E Street,
Shelton. Burial will be at Ever-
green-Washelli Memorial Park in
Arrangements are by McComb
Funeral Home in Shelton.
Delores Lambert
Delores A. Lambert, a former
Shelton resident, died Tuesday,
July 27, at Swedish Hospital in
Seattle. She was 58.
A full obituary will appear in
The Journal next week.
Visitation will be from noon to
5 p.m. Thursday, July 29, at Me-
Comb Funeral Home in Shelton.
ville, Florida; daughters Francis A funeral mass officiated by Fa-
Childs of Lawrenceville, Georgia, ther Dominic Hahn, Order of
and Penny Edmondson of Lake Saint Benedict, will be held at
Placid, Florida; and several noon Friday, July 30, at Saint Ed-
grandchildren. , ward's Catholic Church in Shel-
At the family s request, there ton. Burial at Shelton Memorial
will be no services. Park will follow the mass.
Arrangements are by Forest Arrangements are by McComb
Funeral Home in Shelton. Funeral Home in Shelton.
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Virginia Walter
A memorial service is sched-
uled for tomorrow for former long-
time Shelton resident Virginia
Lee Baker Walter, who died in
the Port Orchard area. She was
She was born October 18, 1915
in Olympia. She graduated from
Irene S. Reed High School in
Shelton in 1934.
She attended nurses' training
in Pendleton, Oregon, where she
met and married George Walter.
They lived and raised their family
in the Seattle, Tacoma and Port-
land, Oregon, areas. Upon Mr.
Walter's retirement, they moved
to Shelton where Mrs. Walter's
mother, Alma Clark, resided.
Mrs. Walter was an avid gar-
dener who loved arts and crafts.
In recent years, she enjoyed trav-
eling and camping with her
friends and family.
She was a member of a nonde-
nominational Christian fellow-
ship group for many years and
had been a caretaker for shut-ins
and elderly people.
She was preceded in death by
her parents, her husband and
sons David and Daniel Walter.
Surviving her are her daugh-
ter, Nancy Ronhaar and her hus-
band Lewis of Yakima; daughter-
in-law Janet Walter of Olympia;
grandchildren Jon Ronhaar and
his wife Tracie of Terrebonne, Or-
egon, Julie Fry and her husband
Michael of Yakima, and Heidi
Walter and Kevin Walter, both of
Also surviving are great-grand-
children Hannah, Caleb, Colin
and Heidi Ronhaar of Terre-
bonne, Oregon; niece Janet Wicks
of Tacoma; and special friends,
Jack Wright, and Doug and Jea-
nee Wright of Port Orchard.
A memorial service will be held
at 2 p.m. Friday, July 30, at Hope
Chapel, 421 West E Street, Shel-
ton. Bob Anderson and James
Lindsey will officiate. Burial will
be private at a later date.
Arrangements are by McComb
Funeral Home in Shelton.
William H. Peden
Former Shelton resident Wil-
liam H. "Bill" Peden died of heart
failure at his home in Yelm. He
was 67.
He was born December 11,
1931 in Mosca, Colorado, to Wil-
liam Harold and Addle Alice
(Cooper) Peden.
He served in the Army from
1949 to 1952 and served in the
Korean War. He was a private at
the time he was discharged.
Mr. Peden was self-employed
as a body and fender man and ar-
He enjoyed his artwork and
loved hunting, fishing and boxing,
family members said.
He is survived by his sons, Don
Peden of Yelm, Mike Peden of
Shelton and Billy Peden of Turn-
water; daughters Barbara Peden
of Oregon, Terry Peden of Naps-
vine, Penny Peden of Rochester
and Paul Kahn of Abilene, Texas;
26 grandchildren and 14 great-
A family gathering was held
Sunday afternoon, July 25, at the
Don Peden home in Yelm. Inurn-
ment will be at a later date.
Arrangements are under the
direction of McComb Funeral
Home in Shelton.
Michael Comstock
Michael J. Comstock, a Shelton
resident for the past nine years,
died Saturday, July 24, at his
place of employment in Bremer-
ton. He was 44.
He was born January 2, 1955
in Oak Harbor to Allison and Ber-
nice (Craswell) Comstock.
He married Lorrie Radcliffe on
January 2, 1999 in Shelton.
I-Ie was employed as an elec-
tronics technician for Sound
Amusements in Bremerton for
the past 15 years.
He attended school on Whidbey
Island and Port Orchard, gradu-
ating from South Kitsap High
School in 1973.
Mr. Comstock was an avid out-
doorsman who enjoyed hiking,
backpacking, swimming and fol-
lowing activities of his children.
He is survived by his wife, Lor-
rie Comstock of Shelton; son Ma-
rine Lance Corporal Gery Corn-
stock of Washington, D.C.; step-
sons Mark Radcliffe of Shelton
and Jerome Cornelius of Seattle;
daughter Erin Comstock of Ros-
lyn; and step daughter Becky
Radcliffe of Shelton.
Also surviving are his parents,
Allison "Ace" and Bernice Com-
stock of Mesa, Arizona; brothers
Allen Comstock of Chico, Califor-
nia, Randy Comstock of Fort
Pierce, Florida and Terry Com-
stock of Essex, Iowa; sister Susan
Shefler of Shelton; and numerous
nieces and nephews.
A memorial service was held
Wednesday, July 28 at Hope
Chapel in Shelton.
Arrangements are by McComb
Funeral Home in Shelton.
James H. French
Former Shelton resident James
Harold French died of cancer
Monday, July 19, at his sister's
home in Elms. He was 53.
He was born February 20, 1946
in Sheridan, Wyoming, to James
C. and Bertha Lee (Gibson)
He spent most of his life in
Shelton and Tacoma before mov-
ing to Elma when he became ill.
He attended Shelton High School
through the 10th grade.
Mr. French served in the Army
during the Vietnam War. He
worked in Tacoma as a forklift
driver for Nalley's Fine Foods for
10 years.
He enjoyed riding four-wheel-
ers in the hills and was a Gold
Wing rider.
He is survived by his daugh-
ters, Pare Greenwald of Montana
and Terina Nagro of South Caro-
lina; brothers John D. French and
Louie Churchill of Tacoma; sister
Mary E. Ponischil of Elma; and
three grandchildren.
A memorial service was held
Saturday, July 24 at Whiteside
Funeral Chapel in Elms, which
handled arrangements.
Dr. William Post
Dr. William R. Post, 75, of
Hoodsport, died Friday, July 23,
at his home in Hoodsport.
A full obituary will appear in
The Journal next week.
In lieu of flowers, memorial do-
nations can go to Mason County
Fire District I in Hoodsport.
Arrangements are by McComb
Funeral Home in Shelton.
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PUD sets
Keith 'K.C.' Holmes
Former Shelton resident Keith
Coleman "K.C." Holmes died of
natural causes Saturday, July 24,
at his home in Littlerock.
He was born March 25, 1916 to
Joseph and Katie Holmes of Arca-
dia, Nebraska. He was the 10th of
11 children. He attended a coun-
try grade school, then graduated
from Arcadia High School in
1935. He attended college in
Kearney, Nebraska.
He married Ads Russell on
February 14, 1939. The couple
settled in Shelton.
Mr. Holmes worked at the
Shelton-Mason County Journal,
and then was employed by the
Daily Olympian for 30 years. He
retired in December 1979.
While working at the Daily
Olympian, he and Mrs. Holmes
operated a Grade A dairy. They
later owned and operated the Lit-
tlerock Dividend Store for approx-
imately 18 years until his retire-
He enjoyed hunting, salmon
fishing, gardening, playing cards
and bowling. But most of all, Mr.
Holmes enjoyed his family.
He is survived by his wife of 60
years, Ada Holmes of Littlerock;
sons Burdette Holmes of Belle-
vue, Tom Holmes and Joe
Holmes, both of Olympia; daugh-
ters Sue Gibbs of Forks and Katie
Holmes of Olympia; sisters
Catherine Pierce of Tumwater
and Lenora Wissler of Olympia;
11 grandchildren and three great-
grandchildren and numerous
nieces and nephews.
A funeral service will be held
at 2 p.m. Thursday, July 29, at
Olympic Memorial Funeral Home
in Tumwater.
Memorial donations may be
made to the Littlerock Methodist
Arrangements are by Olympic
Memorial Funeral Home in Turn-
The Mason County PUD 3 has
announced three power outages
for facility upgrades next week.
One outage is scheduled for 10
a.m. Tuesday, August 3, which
will affect customers on Highway
108 for about four hours. The out-
age will affect 10 customers on
lines from the Grays Harbor
County line and extend to the end
of PUD 3% lines.
On Wednesday, August 4, an
outage will begin at 10 a.m. for
customers on Satsop-Cloquallum
Road in the Lake Arrowhead
area. Some 15 customers will
have the power down for about
four hours.
A third outage will begin at 10
a.m. Thursday, August 5. The
outage will affect approximately
20 customers on Jensen Road,
Lund Drive and Capital Peak
Drive off Brockdale Road for
about three hours.
Applying for marriage licenses
recently, according to the Mason
County Auditor's Office, were:
Vike W. Johnson, 34, Belfair,
and Beth E. Tryon, 35, Belfair.
Troy Wade Martin, 37, Shel-
'ton, and Sarah Elizabeth Moran,
23, Shelton.
Alan Edward Curtis, 24, Shel-
ton, and Teresa Marie Mehl, 25,
Stanley B. Palms, 45, Bremer-
ton, and Winter Runningdeer, 35,
Robert M. Tobin, 37, Poulsbo,
and Lorilei Chargualaf, 37, Bel-
Frank Dean Herring, 54, Shel-
ton, and Linda Irene Herring, 52,
Motivator Hubbard
to speak August 4
Retired Air Force Colonel Ed-
ward L. Hubbard, a nationally
recognized speaker on human po-
tential, will speak twice in Shel-
ton on Wednesday morning, Au-
gust 4.
He will speak at 7 a.m. next
Wednesday at the Skookum Ro-
tary meeting and will address the
general public at 10 a.m. at the
Mason County Senior Activities
Center at Ninth and Railroad.
That appearance isn't just for
seniors, notes Janis Byrd Hunter,
organizer of the presentations. If
reservations exceed the center's
capacity, she said, the talk may
be moved to the Shelton High
School Auditorium.
Colbnel Hubbard spent six
years, seven months and 12 days
as a prisoner of war, regaining his
freedom in 1973. He then com-
pleted five college degrees in sev-
en years and later headed the lar-
gest safety organization in the
U.S. Air Force. He is the author
of Escape from the Box: The Won-
der of Human Potential.
His tour through the local area
is sponsored by Edward Jones,
but planners of the event note
that his talk is free and not sales-
oriented. Reservations are re-
quested and can be made by call-
ing 426-0982.
Colonel Hubbard will speak in
Seattle, Des Moines and Marys-
ville as well as in Shelton. He will
return to the area later this year
to visit communities to the south
of Shelton, including Portland.
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.... ThurSdaY, 29; i999:sheiton-Mason County Journal- Page 1