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A nodding acquaintance:
Her effect was
...uh, hypnotic
Jeremy Miller nodded off on
numerous occasions at the county
fair last weekend, but not out of
A voluntary guinea pig for the
thir's visiting hypnotist, the 17-
year-old Shelton High School sen-
ior-to-be proved an apt and con-
vincing respondent to slumber-
induced suggestion more than
once during the three-day extrav-
Why, he even did a limp-wrist-
ed rendition of "Beat It" as the
one and only Michael Jackson -
moments after summoning seem-
ingly genuine tears of frustration
over being anointed repeatedly by
a make-believe soda "spilled" on
him at the movie theater.
"Yeah, but the main reason I
go up there is not so much to put
on a show and make myself look
funny," said the amiable Miller
betbre Saturday night's episode -
his third stint of the weekend and
fi)urth if you count last year's fair
appearance. "It's to RELAX. Ya
"I mean, it's great. When she
sits there and tells ya, you know,
'Your feet and your toes are
gettin' heavy and they're limp
and relaxed' - they ARE. And it's
really relaxing. Just the way she
talks and everything, it just
sooths you down and relaxes you
quite a bit.
"You feel good and warm in-
side. You know, last night, when
it was freezin' cold, I was up there
....... and 1 felt good. Ya know? And
when you come down you just feel
good and refreshed, like you just
woke up in the morning."
Though he fervently insisted
he wasn't one of them, Miller ad-
mitted he can't rule out the pos-
sibility that there are some fakers
among the volunteers.
"I think some of the kids she
had up there might have been,"
he saM. "I've known them before,
from school and stuff, and they
are the type of people who would
get up there and play along with
it so that they'd get a little atten-
"But me - I would never, Yer,'
euer dream of doing any of the
stuff that I'd then hear about
when I'd come back down."
tiuh? ttear about?
"Oh, you don't remember it,"
oaid Jeremy, grinning. "At the
time you can hear it all, but you
don't remember it afterwards..."
When he wasn't obliging sub-
liminally, by the way, young Mill-
er was patrolling the fairgrounds
as a volunteer with Fire District
One. Yes, he said, he plans to be a
professional firefighter one day.
to hypnotic suggestion -
again - during last week's
county fair. Here, hypno-
tist Tammy Harris has just
told him an annoying little
kid has snuck up from be-
Kiwanians flip over breakfast
Shelton Kiwanians served up a record
3,500 meals last Sunday during the
club's annual Pancake Breakfast at
Kneeland Park, Shelton Mayor Scott
Hllburn reported. And, as usual, pleas-
ant weather was the rule of the day.
Brown r,00signs from MMK
board; he r position is open
Mary M. Knight School Board
member Janie Brown submitted
her resignation at Tuesday's
board meeting.
Any resident of District 2 is in-
vited to apply to serve out the re-
mainder of Brown's term, which
ends in December 2001. District 2
runs roughly from Lake Nahwat-
zel south to the Simpson State
Hatchery and east of the Matlock-
Brady Road.
Those interested in applying
are asked to submit a letter ad-
dressed to the board providing a
little background information and
why the applicant is interested in
serving. Applicants must be regis-
tered voters in the school pre-
The deadline for applying and
for voter registration is August
23. The board will review applica-
tions and visit informally with ap-
plicants at its 7:30 p.m. meeting
that day. Members may then
meet in a closed session and
make their selection, which would
be announced publicly.
OCS schedules GED tests
General educational develop-
ment (GED) tests will be given at
Olympic College Shelton five
times in August.
The GED tests offer people
who didn't finish high school the
chance to earn high-school cre-
5:30 p.m. on'Tuesday, August 17;
8:30 a.m. on Thursday, August
26; and 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Au-
gust 31.
There is a $40 fee for the tests.
The fee covers all five parts of the
tests: writing skills, social stud-
ies, science, literature and arts
and math. Those planning to take
the tests should phone the college
at 432-5400 to schedule an ap-
pointment. Persons less than age
19 must present a high-school re-
lease form.
Together We Can support
group sets picnic August 2
The annual picnic for the Together We Can breast-cancer
support group will be held at 6 p.m. on Monday, August 2, in
Kneeland Park. Members, their family and friends are invit-
ed to bring a potluck dish to share, table service, extra chairs'
and beverages for the group for this festive event.
Together We Can invites those with questions about breast
cancer and those who have been affected by it to join the group
for the picnic and this opportunity to meet and discuss concerns
about breast health. Those who join the event will need to bring
a dish to share, table service and beverage.
The Together We Can group will begin its fall schedule of
meetings at 7 p.m. on Monday, September 20. The group meets
regularly on the first and third Monday of each month after
that, October through June, at 7 p.m. in the Skokomish Room at
Mason General Hospital. Interested persons are invited to at-
tend the meetings; they can call Pat Edmondson evenings at
426-5346 for more information.
Cancer group ready to start
planning Relay for Life 2000
Representatives of the American Cancer Society and Relay
for Life organizers will meet at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, August
5, in the meeting room at the Burgermaster restaurant in Shel °
ton to discuss initial planning for the Relay for Life 2000 cam-
paign. There is a proposal to hold two events in Mason County,
one in Shelton, another in Belfair. Those interested in the
event and having a say into its organization are invited to
bring their ideas and join in the discussion.
The successful Relay for Life 1999 campaign raised more
than $48,000 for the American Cancer Society's efforts to im-
prove patient services, advocacy, research and cancer educa-
tion for Mason County. Organizers are interested in gathering
ideas for the year 2000 campaign.
Firefighters plan blood drive
at hall in Skokomish Valley
Mason County Fire District 9 Firefighter's Association will
sponsor a blood drive and garage sale from 9 a.m. to 3 p.vt.
Saturday, August 14, at the fire station in the Skokomish L-
ley. The Puget Sound Blood Center will accept donors from 9 to
11:30 a.m. and from 12:15 to 3 p.m. at the event. Those who
want more information about the event or hope to schedule s
blood-donation appointment can contact Edward Bish at 898-
8409. The fire station is at 2320 West Road.
hind at a movie theater - The three-hour tests will be Quality Computers was splitting at the seams, so we had to move.
and emptied a soda down given on the following dates: 5:30
his back. p.m. on Tuesday, August 3; 8:30 The building behind our old corner spot is six times our previous size...
a.m. on Thursday, August 12; \\;
Moving Next
Mud Bay Road work .....
to impact localtransit ....... .-"
Door Salel
The City of Olympia's Public take a detour around the con-
Works Department will close Mud struction zone, causing some de-
Bay Road between Cooper Point
Road and Yauger Way for a 10-
week construction project on
Monday, August 2.
This closure will cause the Ma-
son County Transit Authority to
For more information, call the
Customer Service Center at 426-
5033. From outside the Shelton
area, call 1-800-374-3747.
Class of.1959 .will hold
its reunion thls weekend
and the program at 8 p.m. The
evening will finish with dancing
to the big band, Swing Fever.
The reunion revelers will have
a joint potluck picnic with the
classes of 1950 through 1958 at
noon on Sunday at Loop Field.
Any classmates who haven't
Shelton High School's class of
1.959 will celebrate its 40-year re-
union this weekend.
Saturday's reunion festivities
will include a dinner and dance at
the Sheiton Moose Lodge, begin-
ning with a no-host bar at 5:30
p.m., followed by group pictures
at 6:30 p.m., dinner at 7 o'clock
sent their reservations can obtain
tickets at the reunion.
For any additional information,
those interested can call Judy
(Pearce) Taylor at 426-4930 or
write judytaylor@freei.net, or
call Carol (Alverson) Goodburn at
426-8433 or write to cgood@
2 loads ANY SIZE crushed We deliver year-round!
rock delivered into Shelton.
Special savings to
outlying areas Kennedy
Call for deta, ls, 426--4743 Creek
Located on Highway 101 Quarry
between Shelton and Olympia
Page 12 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 29, 1999
'Thank Mason for business. You have us
grow. As we move next door to a larger location, we look forward to
pre-configured [ your continued support. Thanks again."
system packages I, , , ,, , --Terry,,,,, owner,,
Features: AMJM' ® $589 [ 333' 3so
32MB 1 O0 MHz SDRAM 366 4oo
4.3GB Hard Drive AM€$ ® $ 610 0 .,...- $ 610 0 .,,.,.'u s 7 69
4MB S3 AGP Video Card "
(t tlt
1 Year Warranty AH® s739 o ¢.,...- ,.,,,..m $869 o
aaellamt L_
,,o,,,,o 1 $1419
with CD-ROM These systems include: Desktop case, 3 5-1/4" and 2 3-112"drive bays, Windows Plug & Play [ i.qliNm.]] ] [
pills manuall BIDS, minimum 230 watt power supply, minimum of 6 expansion slots, 3 PCI, 2 ISA. I AGP, 2
high speed serial ports, bi-directional parallel port, 1,44MB floppy disk drive, 104 Key keyboard.
"* Our systems have completed the hydrous Mfcrosoft hardware compatibility testJng program ensunng hardware functionality across tae Wtndows family of Operating Systems. * *
32 to 64MB SDIMM .............. $30
32 to 128MB SDIMM ............ $74
I 32 to 256MB SDIMM .......... $180
Hard Drive Urades
4,3 to 6,4 GB Ultra DMA ...... $25
F....I 4,3 to 8.4 GB Ultra DMA ...... $40
4,3 to 10 GB Ultra DIVIA ....... $70
=1 4.3 Eo 13 GB Ultra DMA ....... $95
F_....I 4.3 to 173 GB Ultra DMA.. $149
*Call for SCSI Drives
Video Up arades _IAGPI
Case & Keyboard U__rades MINOLTA Printers
=1 Upgrade to Tower ................ N/C =1 Minolta PageWorks 18L ...... $599
to ATX Huge Tower .............. $30 { Minolta PageWorks 8L ........ $410
F! HR Natural ergo keyboard .... $20 =1 Minolta consumables ........ $ Call
Hewlt Rand Monitors oftware end O/S U_crades
15" 1024 NI/LR (,28) .......... $169 O MS Works Suite 99 ............. $ 110
15" 1280 NI/LR (,28) .......... $189 MS Office 2000 SB Ed ........ $220
F...i 17" SVGA NI/LR (,27) ......... $240 [3 MS Office 2000 Pro ............ $349
17" SVGA NI/LR (,25) ......... $270 I198 to NT Workstation 4,0 ,.. $105
19" SVGA NI/LR (,25} ......... $430 Warranties
t Upgrade to 2 year ............... $60
1 56K V.90 WF/DATA .............. $35 =1 Upgrade to 3 year ............. $100
Year 2000 Solutions
t) Millenium BIdS test software ................................. $15
2) llenium BIdS Board with insurance and test software.., $ 100
Multimedia Drives & Kits
[Add a 44X CD-ROM drive ..................................... $49
Add CD-RW 20x4x4 RICOH ................................. $309
[ Add DVD 6x Creative Labs Encore Kit .................. $245
Add Yamaha 724 PCI 3D Soundcard ..................... $19
l Add Creative Labs Soundblaster " 16 pnp, soundcard $ 30
Add Creative Labs SoundblasterAWE b4 pnp soundcard $40
Add Creative Labs Soundblaster" PC1128 soundcard $50
Add Creative Labs Soundblaster = Livel .................. $60
=14MBATI3DCharger ............ $10 156KV,90USRModem .......... $70 IlAdd lyearOnsite ................ $65 lAddamplifiedmultirnedia 14Wspeakersw/pwradaptor,$15
F...I 8MB ATI Charger Rage IIC .... $ 20 fax data modem (software incl,) i Add 2 year Onsite $ I I 0 I Add large amplified multimedia 36W speakers w/pwr adaptor $30
In 8MB ATI XPERT 98 2X ........... $30 E;hime't-t:a-'s Power Protection .............. a Add AIWA 20W 3-piece Speakers .......................... $65
8MBATIXPERT@Plav 98 $60 ,Q lal:: TY ¢lfl I1APC 7 hi, ,",^,/mn.dm ¢ ,r "A IAdd Iomega 100MB Zip Drivew/software no media) $94
I 16MB 3DFX Voodoo Banshee$75 1:1 ............................ Intel Etherexpress Pro I 0/I 00 $60 HR 425"vVA UPS ............... w/sftwr ....... w .... $89 Q Upgrade to Microsoft IntelliMouse w/wheel and pad $25
ssmcE • Psooucrs YOU €oum ON"
....... :,erving Eireater Puget Sound Area On-Site or Carry-In Service
m " ' " OFFICE HOURS MON-FRI 9-3:30
All IBM Co patble PCs & Laptops I - thoriz - VARS & ]1
, Sales , Upgrades ] Service Centers 1 --I i i II
• Repairs , Software ",..,. WJ. .... =
' / I 124W. ISt. Shelton
• Monitors • Installations | HIlWIJI"lr | vvww qualitycomputersl.com
....... Factory Trained / PACKAIO • "
. vnnters . networking Technicians / ,,,, ,, ,, m Pager: 923-9875
A nodding acquaintance:
Her effect was
...uh, hypnotic
Jeremy Miller nodded off on
numerous occasions at the county
fair last weekend, but not out of
A voluntary guinea pig for the
thir's visiting hypnotist, the 17-
year-old Shelton High School sen-
ior-to-be proved an apt and con-
vincing respondent to slumber-
induced suggestion more than
once during the three-day extrav-
Why, he even did a limp-wrist-
ed rendition of "Beat It" as the
one and only Michael Jackson -
moments after summoning seem-
ingly genuine tears of frustration
over being anointed repeatedly by
a make-believe soda "spilled" on
him at the movie theater.
"Yeah, but the main reason I
go up there is not so much to put
on a show and make myself look
funny," said the amiable Miller
betbre Saturday night's episode -
his third stint of the weekend and
fi)urth if you count last year's fair
appearance. "It's to RELAX. Ya
"I mean, it's great. When she
sits there and tells ya, you know,
'Your feet and your toes are
gettin' heavy and they're limp
and relaxed' - they ARE. And it's
really relaxing. Just the way she
talks and everything, it just
sooths you down and relaxes you
quite a bit.
"You feel good and warm in-
side. You know, last night, when
it was freezin' cold, I was up there
....... and 1 felt good. Ya know? And
when you come down you just feel
good and refreshed, like you just
woke up in the morning."
Though he fervently insisted
he wasn't one of them, Miller ad-
mitted he can't rule out the pos-
sibility that there are some fakers
among the volunteers.
"I think some of the kids she
had up there might have been,"
he saM. "I've known them before,
from school and stuff, and they
are the type of people who would
get up there and play along with
it so that they'd get a little atten-
"But me - I would never, Yer,'
euer dream of doing any of the
stuff that I'd then hear about
when I'd come back down."
tiuh? ttear about?
"Oh, you don't remember it,"
oaid Jeremy, grinning. "At the
time you can hear it all, but you
don't remember it afterwards..."
When he wasn't obliging sub-
liminally, by the way, young Mill-
er was patrolling the fairgrounds
as a volunteer with Fire District
One. Yes, he said, he plans to be a
professional firefighter one day.
to hypnotic suggestion -
again - during last week's
county fair. Here, hypno-
tist Tammy Harris has just
told him an annoying little
kid has snuck up from be-
Kiwanians flip over breakfast
Shelton Kiwanians served up a record
3,500 meals last Sunday during the
club's annual Pancake Breakfast at
Kneeland Park, Shelton Mayor Scott
Hllburn reported. And, as usual, pleas-
ant weather was the rule of the day.
Brown r,00signs from MMK
board; he r position is open
Mary M. Knight School Board
member Janie Brown submitted
her resignation at Tuesday's
board meeting.
Any resident of District 2 is in-
vited to apply to serve out the re-
mainder of Brown's term, which
ends in December 2001. District 2
runs roughly from Lake Nahwat-
zel south to the Simpson State
Hatchery and east of the Matlock-
Brady Road.
Those interested in applying
are asked to submit a letter ad-
dressed to the board providing a
little background information and
why the applicant is interested in
serving. Applicants must be regis-
tered voters in the school pre-
The deadline for applying and
for voter registration is August
23. The board will review applica-
tions and visit informally with ap-
plicants at its 7:30 p.m. meeting
that day. Members may then
meet in a closed session and
make their selection, which would
be announced publicly.
OCS schedules GED tests
General educational develop-
ment (GED) tests will be given at
Olympic College Shelton five
times in August.
The GED tests offer people
who didn't finish high school the
chance to earn high-school cre-
5:30 p.m. on'Tuesday, August 17;
8:30 a.m. on Thursday, August
26; and 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Au-
gust 31.
There is a $40 fee for the tests.
The fee covers all five parts of the
tests: writing skills, social stud-
ies, science, literature and arts
and math. Those planning to take
the tests should phone the college
at 432-5400 to schedule an ap-
pointment. Persons less than age
19 must present a high-school re-
lease form.
Together We Can support
group sets picnic August 2
The annual picnic for the Together We Can breast-cancer
support group will be held at 6 p.m. on Monday, August 2, in
Kneeland Park. Members, their family and friends are invit-
ed to bring a potluck dish to share, table service, extra chairs'
and beverages for the group for this festive event.
Together We Can invites those with questions about breast
cancer and those who have been affected by it to join the group
for the picnic and this opportunity to meet and discuss concerns
about breast health. Those who join the event will need to bring
a dish to share, table service and beverage.
The Together We Can group will begin its fall schedule of
meetings at 7 p.m. on Monday, September 20. The group meets
regularly on the first and third Monday of each month after
that, October through June, at 7 p.m. in the Skokomish Room at
Mason General Hospital. Interested persons are invited to at-
tend the meetings; they can call Pat Edmondson evenings at
426-5346 for more information.
Cancer group ready to start
planning Relay for Life 2000
Representatives of the American Cancer Society and Relay
for Life organizers will meet at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, August
5, in the meeting room at the Burgermaster restaurant in Shel °
ton to discuss initial planning for the Relay for Life 2000 cam-
paign. There is a proposal to hold two events in Mason County,
one in Shelton, another in Belfair. Those interested in the
event and having a say into its organization are invited to
bring their ideas and join in the discussion.
The successful Relay for Life 1999 campaign raised more
than $48,000 for the American Cancer Society's efforts to im-
prove patient services, advocacy, research and cancer educa-
tion for Mason County. Organizers are interested in gathering
ideas for the year 2000 campaign.
Firefighters plan blood drive
at hall in Skokomish Valley
Mason County Fire District 9 Firefighter's Association will
sponsor a blood drive and garage sale from 9 a.m. to 3 p.vt.
Saturday, August 14, at the fire station in the Skokomish L-
ley. The Puget Sound Blood Center will accept donors from 9 to
11:30 a.m. and from 12:15 to 3 p.m. at the event. Those who
want more information about the event or hope to schedule s
blood-donation appointment can contact Edward Bish at 898-
8409. The fire station is at 2320 West Road.
hind at a movie theater - The three-hour tests will be Quality Computers was splitting at the seams, so we had to move.
and emptied a soda down given on the following dates: 5:30
his back. p.m. on Tuesday, August 3; 8:30 The building behind our old corner spot is six times our previous size...
a.m. on Thursday, August 12; \\;
Moving Next
Mud Bay Road work .....
to impact localtransit ....... .-"
Door Salel
The City of Olympia's Public take a detour around the con-
Works Department will close Mud struction zone, causing some de-
Bay Road between Cooper Point
Road and Yauger Way for a 10-
week construction project on
Monday, August 2.
This closure will cause the Ma-
son County Transit Authority to
For more information, call the
Customer Service Center at 426-
5033. From outside the Shelton
area, call 1-800-374-3747.
Class of.1959 .will hold
its reunion thls weekend
and the program at 8 p.m. The
evening will finish with dancing
to the big band, Swing Fever.
The reunion revelers will have
a joint potluck picnic with the
classes of 1950 through 1958 at
noon on Sunday at Loop Field.
Any classmates who haven't
Shelton High School's class of
1.959 will celebrate its 40-year re-
union this weekend.
Saturday's reunion festivities
will include a dinner and dance at
the Sheiton Moose Lodge, begin-
ning with a no-host bar at 5:30
p.m., followed by group pictures
at 6:30 p.m., dinner at 7 o'clock
sent their reservations can obtain
tickets at the reunion.
For any additional information,
those interested can call Judy
(Pearce) Taylor at 426-4930 or
write judytaylor@freei.net, or
call Carol (Alverson) Goodburn at
426-8433 or write to cgood@
2 loads ANY SIZE crushed We deliver year-round!
rock delivered into Shelton.
Special savings to
outlying areas Kennedy
Call for deta, ls, 426--4743 Creek
Located on Highway 101 Quarry
between Shelton and Olympia
Page 12 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 29, 1999
'Thank Mason for business. You have us
grow. As we move next door to a larger location, we look forward to
pre-configured [ your continued support. Thanks again."
system packages I, , , ,, , --Terry,,,,, owner,,
Features: AMJM' ® $589 [ 333' 3so
32MB 1 O0 MHz SDRAM 366 4oo
4.3GB Hard Drive AM€$ ® $ 610 0 .,...- $ 610 0 .,,.,.'u s 7 69
4MB S3 AGP Video Card "
(t tlt
1 Year Warranty AH® s739 o ¢.,...- ,.,,,..m $869 o
aaellamt L_
,,o,,,,o 1 $1419
with CD-ROM These systems include: Desktop case, 3 5-1/4" and 2 3-112"drive bays, Windows Plug & Play [ i.qliNm.]] ] [
pills manuall BIDS, minimum 230 watt power supply, minimum of 6 expansion slots, 3 PCI, 2 ISA. I AGP, 2
high speed serial ports, bi-directional parallel port, 1,44MB floppy disk drive, 104 Key keyboard.
"* Our systems have completed the hydrous Mfcrosoft hardware compatibility testJng program ensunng hardware functionality across tae Wtndows family of Operating Systems. * *
32 to 64MB SDIMM .............. $30
32 to 128MB SDIMM ............ $74
I 32 to 256MB SDIMM .......... $180
Hard Drive Urades
4,3 to 6,4 GB Ultra DMA ...... $25
F....I 4,3 to 8.4 GB Ultra DMA ...... $40
4,3 to 10 GB Ultra DIVIA ....... $70
=1 4.3 Eo 13 GB Ultra DMA ....... $95
F_....I 4.3 to 173 GB Ultra DMA.. $149
*Call for SCSI Drives
Video Up arades _IAGPI
Case & Keyboard U__rades MINOLTA Printers
=1 Upgrade to Tower ................ N/C =1 Minolta PageWorks 18L ...... $599
to ATX Huge Tower .............. $30 { Minolta PageWorks 8L ........ $410
F! HR Natural ergo keyboard .... $20 =1 Minolta consumables ........ $ Call
Hewlt Rand Monitors oftware end O/S U_crades
15" 1024 NI/LR (,28) .......... $169 O MS Works Suite 99 ............. $ 110
15" 1280 NI/LR (,28) .......... $189 MS Office 2000 SB Ed ........ $220
F...i 17" SVGA NI/LR (,27) ......... $240 [3 MS Office 2000 Pro ............ $349
17" SVGA NI/LR (,25) ......... $270 I198 to NT Workstation 4,0 ,.. $105
19" SVGA NI/LR (,25} ......... $430 Warranties
t Upgrade to 2 year ............... $60
1 56K V.90 WF/DATA .............. $35 =1 Upgrade to 3 year ............. $100
Year 2000 Solutions
t) Millenium BIdS test software ................................. $15
2) llenium BIdS Board with insurance and test software.., $ 100
Multimedia Drives & Kits
[Add a 44X CD-ROM drive ..................................... $49
Add CD-RW 20x4x4 RICOH ................................. $309
[ Add DVD 6x Creative Labs Encore Kit .................. $245
Add Yamaha 724 PCI 3D Soundcard ..................... $19
l Add Creative Labs Soundblaster " 16 pnp, soundcard $ 30
Add Creative Labs SoundblasterAWE b4 pnp soundcard $40
Add Creative Labs Soundblaster" PC1128 soundcard $50
Add Creative Labs Soundblaster = Livel .................. $60
=14MBATI3DCharger ............ $10 156KV,90USRModem .......... $70 IlAdd lyearOnsite ................ $65 lAddamplifiedmultirnedia 14Wspeakersw/pwradaptor,$15
F...I 8MB ATI Charger Rage IIC .... $ 20 fax data modem (software incl,) i Add 2 year Onsite $ I I 0 I Add large amplified multimedia 36W speakers w/pwr adaptor $30
In 8MB ATI XPERT 98 2X ........... $30 E;hime't-t:a-'s Power Protection .............. a Add AIWA 20W 3-piece Speakers .......................... $65
8MBATIXPERT@Plav 98 $60 ,Q lal:: TY ¢lfl I1APC 7 hi, ,",^,/mn.dm ¢ ,r "A IAdd Iomega 100MB Zip Drivew/software no media) $94
I 16MB 3DFX Voodoo Banshee$75 1:1 ............................ Intel Etherexpress Pro I 0/I 00 $60 HR 425"vVA UPS ............... w/sftwr ....... w .... $89 Q Upgrade to Microsoft IntelliMouse w/wheel and pad $25
ssmcE • Psooucrs YOU €oum ON"
....... :,erving Eireater Puget Sound Area On-Site or Carry-In Service
m " ' " OFFICE HOURS MON-FRI 9-3:30
All IBM Co patble PCs & Laptops I - thoriz - VARS & ]1
, Sales , Upgrades ] Service Centers 1 --I i i II
• Repairs , Software ",..,. WJ. .... =
' / I 124W. ISt. Shelton
• Monitors • Installations | HIlWIJI"lr | vvww qualitycomputersl.com
....... Factory Trained / PACKAIO • "
. vnnters . networking Technicians / ,,,, ,, ,, m Pager: 923-9875