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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 29, 1999     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 29, 1999
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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II 4 • Lions__ and.., bears, oh my! Health board At Harmony Hill: LO 9 • • Ions glft bear brightens meet on Cancer, healing arts set surgery scene for Brooke august 12 HeTlhwMila]s:ntCmOUtYexB°dr: f as wellness fest&apos;s focus The Shelton Lions Club presented a Spinoza Bear to 3-year-old Brooke Lund of Shelton on Wednesday, June 16, a month before her scheduled open heart surgery. "Brooke was very excited to receive such an un- expected gift," reports Lion Mel Williamson. Brooke's mother Kim Lund and sisters Amy and Allison were with her at the presentation. "Kim said Brooke has been a real trooper through this ordeal," Williamson notes. Brooke's Spirits have held up well through four other opera- tions, he adds, and her mother believes this bear will help her get through the next one. The Spinoza Bear is available to nonprofit or- ganizations for the purpose of providing comfort to °ung children going through serious or terminal Jnesses. It's larger than a normal size teddy bear and is equipped with a recording device. When parents are unable to be with their chil- dren at the hospital, the child can play pre-recorded music or talking tapes to ease anxiety and help soothe them, Williamson explains. Family mem- bers can also record their voices. The Spinoza Bear is one of the only items allowed with a child in the Operating room, according to Williamson. Shelton Lions Club members save their pennies and bring the coins to each of the bi-monthly meet- ings. This is the second bear the club has presented to a Mason County child this year. Williamson says donations from the public are also appreciated. Tax-free contributions for this tPl°ject and other community efforts can be sent to t^ne Shelton Lions Club at P.O. Box 596, Shelton t8584. BROOKE LUND hugs a special friend she will take with her when she has open heart surgery. The Spinoza Bear, a gift to the 4-year-old from the Shelton Lions Club, has a recorder tucked inside so she can listen messages from her family, music and stories. We are growing changing like our patients. We now have a new name...and better serve you! i (i ::J: Come see us for: ,,,,: n)ictzman, M.I). i)iilska*l'hursmn, M.I). • (',l)lllprcht, nsiv¢ hcalthcarc trunl birth Board certified in pcdiatri(:s m \\;'()un adult • N..,, b,...s 360-426-3102 • Well-child dmcl<s •.IIllIlliIlliz4ti(}liS • I'hysicals (school and sports, imnual) Now located at: 2300 Kati Court, Suite C (across the street & down 2 blocks from Mt. View School) Shelton, WA 98584 Oakland Bay Pediatrics IIZer±l --11 k [e'i e] lII : I =! iI J111 ! -" 1 =lii[I A liilialctt u'tth Alt,ot (,cJlcJ(d Ih,'lita l:brmc;h/ /,;ttnt'7 (x S/wltrnl I''¢t ( n:x Be Part Of.The MCHN Family! MCHN membership has grown to over including specialists in every field. Plus, if 26,000 this past year. Why? Because at Memorial Clinic Health Network we have the best health plans for Southwest Washington residents and their families. MCHN members now choose from PacifiCare, QualMed, First Choice, and KPS Health Plans as well as the best Senior plans available. Memorial Clinic Health Network members have over 2000 physicians available to them, you or one of your family members ever needs to be hospitalized, you can rely on the trusted care of the Providence Health System, Mason General Hospital or Children's Hospital. Join MCHN and see how our unparalleled local service can benefit you. For more information call us at 413,-8402 or 1-800-788-MCHN. Memorial Clinic Health Network...A name you already know. day. Instead, the meeting has been rescheduled for 10 a.m. Thursday, August 12, at Memori- al Hall, rather than in the com- missioners' chambers in Building I. The hall is located at Second and Franklin streets in Shelton. Once a month the Mason County commissioners convene as the county health board. IIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Michael David Gerhold was born on July 23 at Mason General Hospital to Tracy and David Gerhold of Shelton. He weighed 7 pounds, 5 ounces and was 20/2 inches long. He joins Sam, age 3. Grandparents are Randy and Carol McFarland of Kennewick, and Helen Gerhold of Shelton. Victor Garfias Gonzalez was born on July 20 at Mason General Hospital to Leticia Gon- zalez and Victor Garfias of Shel- ton. He weighed 8 pounds, 8 ounces. He joins Brenda J. Gar- fias, age 4. Grandparents Jacinta Silva, Jaime Gonzalez, Inocente Gariias and Modesta Morales, all of Mexi- co. Kayla Margie Gairns was born on July 15 at Capital Medical Center in Olympia to Marianne and Tom Gairns of Shelton. MEDICINE PE -00ii,J IIIIlI I-- P'/ll*m iIi I Smith i  : The Medicine ! ?i ] Shopp e® ..... i Pharmacy |I00il Gum Infection & Risk of Diseases Periodontal disease is caused by bacteria-containing plaque at or be- low the gum line, resulting in chronic infection of the gums and supporting structures of the teeth. Chronic gum disease has been linked to cardio- vascular disease, diabetes, respira- tory disease, and preterm delivery and low birth weight. The inflamma- tory response to infection can allow bacteria and toxins to enter the sys- temic (entire body) circulation and cause infection elsewhere, such as in the heart. Severe periodontal in- fection can make it more difficult for persons with diabetes to control blood sugar. Periodontal disease is often painless and may have few symptoms until late in the disease. Diagnosis is made by probing the gums and reviewing oral x-rays. More information is available by calling the American Academy of Perio- dontology (1-800-FLOSS-EM) orvis- iting their website ( 1-800-640-5503 207 Professional Way 426-4272 (Across from the hospital) l The tenth annual Wellness Festival will be from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, August 21, at Harmony Hill in Union. The focuses of this year's free festival, which is sponsored by the Mason General Hospital, are on cancer and the healing arts. Some of the festival's speakers will discuss and demonstrate massage therapy, the healing touch, spinal evaluations, foot care, aromatherapy, cholesterol and blood-pressure checks, organ- ic foods and herbs. Booths will in- clude chiropractic medicine, alco- holics anonymous, and osteoporo- sis risk assessment. This year's festival will have programs for individuals suffer- ing from cancer and cancer infor- mation for caregivers and other interested people. Exhibitors have donated prod- ucts and services for a silent auc- tion. Two local bands will provide the entertainment. Harmony Hill is located at 7362 East State Route 106 in Union and shuttle vans are avail- able for traffic reasons. If any more information is needed, please call (360) 898-2363 or visit the Web site. Monday-Friday 9 a.m.-4 p,m. (.20+ Years Experience) f DENTURES s950 a set J • Extractions • Crowns • Bridges • Full Dentures • Relines • Repairs Front Door P' " arkmg Available Medical Coupons and Most Insurances Accepted Jin Miao, DDS .,,.,,,,:,,,,.,.d*,,N,,,,,,,,o,,., S. Peters, DPD i,i i i i m .. * When your heart hurts or needs care - our local physicians (:an help get you on the road to recovery with treatment and care. ll close to home, your family, and friends. Making it all possible (loll to right): Internal Medicine: Leonard Albert, M.D., Chandar Bhimani, M.D., 1on Sandberg, M.D., Mark Schlauderaff, M.D., ludith Son, M.D. and Waldo Dagan, M.D. Family Practice: Christine Bozich, M.D., Iohn Butler, M.D., Peggy Hosford, M.D., Allen Millard, !I1, M.D., ]eny Mixon, M.D., Christopher Penoyar' D.O., Mark Trucksess, M.D., D'mothy Weber, M.D., and Doris Wilson, M.D. Quality care.., in our own home town: ' Mason General Hospital 901 Mt. View Drive, Building # I, Shelton, WA 98584 (360) 426-161 I, from Be!fair 2 75..8614 North Mason Medical Clinic in Belfair is affiliated with MGH. I Thursday, July 29, 1999 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3 II 4 • Lions__ and.., bears, oh my! Health board At Harmony Hill: LO 9 • • Ions glft bear brightens meet on Cancer, healing arts set surgery scene for Brooke august 12 HeTlhwMila]s:ntCmOUtYexB°dr: f as wellness fest's focus The Shelton Lions Club presented a Spinoza Bear to 3-year-old Brooke Lund of Shelton on Wednesday, June 16, a month before her scheduled open heart surgery. "Brooke was very excited to receive such an un- expected gift," reports Lion Mel Williamson. Brooke's mother Kim Lund and sisters Amy and Allison were with her at the presentation. "Kim said Brooke has been a real trooper through this ordeal," Williamson notes. Brooke's Spirits have held up well through four other opera- tions, he adds, and her mother believes this bear will help her get through the next one. The Spinoza Bear is available to nonprofit or- ganizations for the purpose of providing comfort to °ung children going through serious or terminal Jnesses. It's larger than a normal size teddy bear and is equipped with a recording device. When parents are unable to be with their chil- dren at the hospital, the child can play pre-recorded music or talking tapes to ease anxiety and help soothe them, Williamson explains. Family mem- bers can also record their voices. The Spinoza Bear is one of the only items allowed with a child in the Operating room, according to Williamson. Shelton Lions Club members save their pennies and bring the coins to each of the bi-monthly meet- ings. This is the second bear the club has presented to a Mason County child this year. Williamson says donations from the public are also appreciated. Tax-free contributions for this tPl°ject and other community efforts can be sent to t^ne Shelton Lions Club at P.O. Box 596, Shelton t8584. BROOKE LUND hugs a special friend she will take with her when she has open heart surgery. The Spinoza Bear, a gift to the 4-year-old from the Shelton Lions Club, has a recorder tucked inside so she can listen messages from her family, music and stories. We are growing changing like our patients. We now have a new name...and better serve you! i (i ::J: Come see us for: ,,,,: n)ictzman, M.I). i)iilska*l'hursmn, M.I). • (',l)lllprcht, nsiv¢ hcalthcarc trunl birth Board certified in pcdiatri(:s m \\;'()un adult • N..,, b,...s 360-426-3102 • Well-child dmcl<s •.IIllIlliIlliz4ti(}liS • I'hysicals (school and sports, imnual) Now located at: 2300 Kati Court, Suite C (across the street & down 2 blocks from Mt. View School) Shelton, WA 98584 Oakland Bay Pediatrics IIZer±l --11 k [e'i e] lII : I =! iI J111 ! -" 1 =lii[I A liilialctt u'tth Alt,ot (,cJlcJ(d Ih,'lita l:brmc;h/ /,;ttnt'7 (x S/wltrnl I''¢t ( n:x Be Part Of.The MCHN Family! MCHN membership has grown to over including specialists in every field. Plus, if 26,000 this past year. Why? Because at Memorial Clinic Health Network we have the best health plans for Southwest Washington residents and their families. MCHN members now choose from PacifiCare, QualMed, First Choice, and KPS Health Plans as well as the best Senior plans available. Memorial Clinic Health Network members have over 2000 physicians available to them, you or one of your family members ever needs to be hospitalized, you can rely on the trusted care of the Providence Health System, Mason General Hospital or Children's Hospital. Join MCHN and see how our unparalleled local service can benefit you. For more information call us at 413,-8402 or 1-800-788-MCHN. Memorial Clinic Health Network...A name you already know. day. Instead, the meeting has been rescheduled for 10 a.m. Thursday, August 12, at Memori- al Hall, rather than in the com- missioners' chambers in Building I. The hall is located at Second and Franklin streets in Shelton. Once a month the Mason County commissioners convene as the county health board. IIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Michael David Gerhold was born on July 23 at Mason General Hospital to Tracy and David Gerhold of Shelton. He weighed 7 pounds, 5 ounces and was 20/2 inches long. He joins Sam, age 3. Grandparents are Randy and Carol McFarland of Kennewick, and Helen Gerhold of Shelton. Victor Garfias Gonzalez was born on July 20 at Mason General Hospital to Leticia Gon- zalez and Victor Garfias of Shel- ton. He weighed 8 pounds, 8 ounces. He joins Brenda J. Gar- fias, age 4. Grandparents Jacinta Silva, Jaime Gonzalez, Inocente Gariias and Modesta Morales, all of Mexi- co. Kayla Margie Gairns was born on July 15 at Capital Medical Center in Olympia to Marianne and Tom Gairns of Shelton. MEDICINE PE -00ii,J IIIIlI I-- P'/ll*m iIi I Smith i  : The Medicine ! ?i ] Shopp e® ..... i Pharmacy |I00il Gum Infection & Risk of Diseases Periodontal disease is caused by bacteria-containing plaque at or be- low the gum line, resulting in chronic infection of the gums and supporting structures of the teeth. Chronic gum disease has been linked to cardio- vascular disease, diabetes, respira- tory disease, and preterm delivery and low birth weight. The inflamma- tory response to infection can allow bacteria and toxins to enter the sys- temic (entire body) circulation and cause infection elsewhere, such as in the heart. Severe periodontal in- fection can make it more difficult for persons with diabetes to control blood sugar. Periodontal disease is often painless and may have few symptoms until late in the disease. Diagnosis is made by probing the gums and reviewing oral x-rays. More information is available by calling the American Academy of Perio- dontology (1-800-FLOSS-EM) orvis- iting their website ( 1-800-640-5503 207 Professional Way 426-4272 (Across from the hospital) l The tenth annual Wellness Festival will be from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, August 21, at Harmony Hill in Union. The focuses of this year's free festival, which is sponsored by the Mason General Hospital, are on cancer and the healing arts. Some of the festival's speakers will discuss and demonstrate massage therapy, the healing touch, spinal evaluations, foot care, aromatherapy, cholesterol and blood-pressure checks, organ- ic foods and herbs. Booths will in- clude chiropractic medicine, alco- holics anonymous, and osteoporo- sis risk assessment. This year's festival will have programs for individuals suffer- ing from cancer and cancer infor- mation for caregivers and other interested people. Exhibitors have donated prod- ucts and services for a silent auc- tion. Two local bands will provide the entertainment. Harmony Hill is located at 7362 East State Route 106 in Union and shuttle vans are avail- able for traffic reasons. If any more information is needed, please call (360) 898-2363 or visit the Web site. Monday-Friday 9 a.m.-4 p,m. (.20+ Years Experience) f DENTURES s950 a set J • Extractions • Crowns • Bridges • Full Dentures • Relines • Repairs Front Door P' " arkmg Available Medical Coupons and Most Insurances Accepted Jin Miao, DDS .,,.,,,,:,,,,.,.d*,,N,,,,,,,,o,,., S. Peters, DPD i,i i i i m .. * When your heart hurts or needs care - our local physicians (:an help get you on the road to recovery with treatment and care. ll close to home, your family, and friends. Making it all possible (loll to right): Internal Medicine: Leonard Albert, M.D., Chandar Bhimani, M.D., 1on Sandberg, M.D., Mark Schlauderaff, M.D., ludith Son, M.D. and Waldo Dagan, M.D. Family Practice: Christine Bozich, M.D., Iohn Butler, M.D., Peggy Hosford, M.D., Allen Millard, !I1, M.D., ]eny Mixon, M.D., Christopher Penoyar' D.O., Mark Trucksess, M.D., D'mothy Weber, M.D., and Doris Wilson, M.D. Quality care.., in our own home town: ' Mason General Hospital 901 Mt. View Drive, Building # I, Shelton, WA 98584 (360) 426-161 I, from Be!fair 2 75..8614 North Mason Medical Clinic in Belfair is affiliated with MGH. I Thursday, July 29, 1999 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3