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Superior court roundup: Violator sent .to pris
Drug crimes alleged after
Two people were ordered in-
carcerated Thursday in Mason
County Superior Court for parole
violations. They are:
false names given at arrest . Louis Douglas Marsh III,
24, of 515 Park Street, Shelton.
He received 480 days in prison for
job and failed to pay a community
placement fee.
Judge Toni Sheldon cleared
him of one allegation by finding
that he did not have unauthor-
ized contact with minors while
working at Taco Bell in February
and March of this year.
Marsh was questioned by de-
fense attorney Charles Lane. He
told the court he thought he was
off probation. "I went back into al-
most a transient living status," he
said. "Due to my conditions of
sentencing there was no place for
me to live. I didn't have a family
where Dec said it was okay to
Deputy Prosecutor Pat Easel
asked Sheldon to give him
more time behind bars. "I bl
the testimony has shown that t
defendant has made no
to comply with the
his judgment and sentence,"
son said.
Sheldon said the
were willful. "I'm concerned
the number of times that
Marsh has been brought
the court," she said.
• Gerard Alfred
57, of Satsop. He signed an
melt with the court in
with four alleged violations
probation in a 1993
Judge Sheldon sentenced hJ
30 days in day reporting.
and Related Items
Insurance Agency, Inc.
Offer good through July 1999.
409 W Railroad * 426,6t02 426-3317 1535 Olympic Highway North, Shelton
Page 20- Sh'elton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 29, 1999
eight violations of probation in
Two men face drug charges af- hal was intoxicated at the time of ing warrants and a prior drug the second degree, his 1994 conviction for child me-
ter their arrest last Thursday at his arrest, conviction in Thurston County. Judge Sawyer found probable lestation in the second degree.
the intersection of McEwan Prair- Sheldon said Vincent could come cause for her arrest and appoint- William Corbett of the Wash-
ie Road and Oakes Road by depu- IN SUPERIOR court proceed- back to court and ask for a for- ed Lane to be her defense attor- ington Department of Corrections
ties of the Mason County Sheriffs ings on Thursday: lough from jail if she gets a firm hey. He set bail at $2,500 and testified that he failed to report,
()ffice. • Naomi Raymond, 26, of date for starting a treatment pro- scheduled arraignment for July failed to take a test for the pres-
1311 Turner Avenue, Shelton, gram. 29. ence of drugs in his system, failed
William Monroe Hargrave, had charges of assault dismissed. * Brandi Lynn Cabana, 20, She faces possible charges of to make payments, failed to re-
30, of 1124 Dogwood, Lacey, was She was accused of attacking her of NE 51 Cutless Way, Belfair, forging a check at Sandi's Deli port a change of address, failed to
identified Friday in Mason Coun- estranged husband, Jerry Ray- pled not guilty to delivery of a Mart in Belfair and of possession take a polygraph, failed to get
ty Superior in an investigation of mend. Mr. Raymond hanged him- controlled substance to a person of a stolen credit card. permission to leave the state,
possession of illegal drugs with self to death on June 19, accord- under 18 years of age. failed to work at an authorized
intent to deliver and unlawful ing to the Mason County Coroner. Judge Sheldon appointed Lane
possession of a short firearm.
Judge James Sawyer found prob- • SamuelZiranda-Ambriz, to beherdefenseattorneyand Adams Tate tc serve jail time
able cause for his arrest and 37, of 1202 Franklin Street, Shel- scheduled an omnibus hearing for
scheduled arraignment for today, ton, had charges against him dis- August 26, a pretrial hearing for
missed with prejudice. That September 22 and trial during 9
A man identified as David means the charges can't be filed jury term that begins October 4.
Leroy Milton, 26, of 1017 Capi- against him again. Defense attor- She released Cabana on personal Two people were sentenced to money she had paid the company, whole and make yourself whole as money that he owes.
tel Way SE, Olympia, was also hey Richard Woodrow argued recognizance and ordered her to jail time last week in Mason Judge Toni Sheldon said if the well," Sheldon said. "I've been trying for the
before the court Friday in an in- that the state didn't have enough tell her doctor about the charge County Superior Court. They are: Sheldon ordered Adams to pay year to clean up a 34-year4
vestigation of possession of illegal evidence to proceed against his against her. * Mary L. Adams, 54, of 2021 courts can't rely on people telling $177.75 in court costs and fees mess but it's been an u:)h
drugs with intent to deliver and client. Judge Sheldon ordered Cabs- NE Tahuya River Road, Tahuya. the truth "that does undermine and $500 to the crime victims' climb," Tate said.
unlawful recreational fishing in Ziranda-Ambriz and two other ha, who is pregnant, to stay away She was sentenced on Thursday the court system." fund. Sawyer said he can serve
the first degree, men were arrested after police from drugs, alcohol and places to 30 days in the Mason County The judge, in suspending all • Joe D. Tate, 34, of 2861 other 90 days in day reporti
,Judge Sawyer found probable pulled over a black Camaro that where alcoholis served. Jail for false swearing and 365 but 30 days of the year-long sen- East Brockdale Road, Shelton. he is approved for that prog#
days with 335 suspended for for- tence for forgery, said Adams He was sentenced on Friday to He ordered Tate to pay $110
cause for his arrest and appointed contained drugs and a handgun. * FdmberlyAnn Sturgell, 35, gery. could serve the sentences concur- four months in jail for welfare court costs; $500 to the crimea
Charles Lane to be his defense at- A search of Ziranda-Ambriz found of 1623 South Second Street, Adams was charged with lying rently. She then converted 15 of fraud. Judge Sheldon converted tiros' fund and $450 in attorn
torney. The judge set bail at nothing illegal on his person, ac-
$5,000 and scheduled arraign- cording to papers filed in superior Shelton, signed a diversion agree- during sworn testimony in her the 30 days to 120 hours of corn- 30 days to 240 hours ofcommuni- fees.
melt. She will avoid prosecution lawsuit against a Belfair land- munity service. "You can give ty service after defense attorney Tate was given 12 monthS
melt for July 29. court. Judge Sheldon ordered that for possession of methampheta- scaping company. She was found back something to the community Charles Lane said his client has a pervision. A restitution he
he be released.
BUT ON MONDAY, after Mil- mine if she completes the Friend- guilty of lying about how much and so make the community job and wants to pay back the was scheduled for August 26.
ton's fingerprints were run • Michael Dismas Morris- ship diversion program.
through the Federal Bureau of In- sey, 39, of 708 West (eta Street, To qualify for the program she
vestigation, he was identified Shelton, pled not guilty to 14 had to sign a statement agreeing
again as 25-year-old David counts of possessing photographs that the state has enough evi-
James Mullen, a man with an of minors engaged in sexually ex- dence to convict of her drug po-
active criminal record and an out- plicit conduct. Morrissey was session. If she fails to successfully
standing no-bail warrant out of found guilty of child molestation complete the Friendship program
Thurston County. in the third degree by a jury earli- she could be found guilty after a
Judge Toni Sheldon raised his er this month. The current charg- bench trial based on the arresting
bail to $25,000. Arraignment is es against him resulted from evi- officer's report.
scheduled for today, dence gleaned from his computer "Miss Sturgell is well aware of
The two men were arrested in the course of that investigation the circumstances and is fully
last week after Deputy Martin and prosecution, prepared to comply with this," de-
Borcherding saw them working Judge Sheldon scheduled a fense attorney Lane said.
under a car at the rural intersec- pretrial hearing for July 29 and • Judge Sheldon signed a
scheduled trial during the term
tion. The. man first identifed as $10,000 warrant for the arrest of SAVE
Milton told the deputy the fuel that begins August 2. Brian Edward Guenther on
pump had failed, according to the * Betty Darlene Hockett, 63, charges of violating the uniform
statement ofprobablecause, of East 1590 McReavy Road, controlled substances act and a BACKS...
The deputy said that when he Union, pled not guilty to theft in no-bail warrant for the arrest
went to other side of the car to the second degree. Judge Sheldon James Lawrence DeGagne af- AND YOUR
talk to the other man, "Milton" scheduled an omnibus hearing for tar he failed to appear for a hear-
walked front of him and shut August 26, a pretrial hearing for ingon alhged violations of his pa- BUCKSI
September 22 and trial during role on charges of fergery and
quick movement and watched the jury term that begins October theft.
.,., , We ve purchased the Evergreen Drug building next
could only see the front of the en- " Adam L. Inman, 19, of 502 IN OTHER superior court pro-
gine compartment as Milton Maple Street, Shelton, pled not ceedings on Wednesday, July 21:
closed the hood. I observed guilty to taking a motor vehicle .Ted ChttltopherHali, 36, to Les Schwab We have a store full of appl=ances &
'swastikas' that had been drawn without permission in a case in- of 10625 Bald Hills Road, Yelm, •
on the engine's fan blades," voicing a motorcycle taken from a
Borcherding wrote. Shelton residence. Judge Sheldon was identified in an investigation
scheduled an omnibus hearing for of a violation of the uniform con- vacuums that we don't want to move.
HARGRAVE identified him- August 12, a pretrial hearing for trolled substances act. Judge
self to the officer as 34-year-old August 18and trial during the Sheldon found probable cause for So we're putting our entire store on SALE!
Steven R. Webb, Borcherding jury term that begins August 30. his arrest and appointed Ron Ser-
noted. • Cherish Deneen Vincent, gi to be his defense attorney. She
After a Shelton Communica- 26, of 641 Seahawk, Olympia, released him pending arraign-
tions Center dispatcher reported pled not guilty to possession of rnent.
that there were no drivers licens- methamphetamine. Judge Shel- • Fredrtvk Stewart Reinke, ON rand
es or identification cards issued ton scheduled an omnibus hear- 39, of 8335 NE Sandy Road, lad I1 wte'-
under either name, Borcherding ing for August 12, a pretrial hear. Bremerton, appeared following
suspected they might be lyingand ingfor August 18and trial during his arrest on a bench warrant. A__,® A-KINDS
called for backup, according to the the jury term that begins August The warrant was issued by Judge
statement of probable case. Depu- 30. Sawyer after he failed to appear
ties William Reed and Dean Byrd Her mother, Rebecca Vincent, for an omnibus hearing on a nar- noes
came to his assistance, asked that she be released to her cotics charge.
"Milton" said that Webb was home on personal recognizance so Judge Sheldon set bail at
really Hargrave, according to the that she can get treatment for $5,000 and scheduled an omnibus
statement of probable cause, drug abuse. "My daughter has hearing for August 12, a pretrial
A search of the vehicle turned been trying to get into treatment hearing for August 18 and trial
up a .22-caliber handgun, several for six months now, she said. "It during the jury term that begins
bags of a powdery substance would be really nice if we can get August 30.
thought to be methamphetamine her some help and get her to be a 0
and needles and other things mother again." ON JULY 20, Shelley Gib- D00SP L'fI0000 SC--TcHRA
used by those who consume Judge Sheldon ordered bail to men, 35, of East 120 Boundary
drugs, according to the statement remain at $5,000, calling personal Road, Grapeview, was idertified MISMATCHES
of probable cause, recognizance "too risky" consider- in an investigation of forgery and &
ON TUESDAY in superior ing Vincent's record of outstand- possession of stolen property in
• Bradley Alan Grubhan, 36,
of 173 S:::lhead Drive South, |, Confused
Belfair, identified in an in-
vestigation of domestic violence " "*"': i_. ) bf €luto
He faces a possible charge of ma-
li;o?s mischief in the second de- msuronce" Special orders accepted at sale prices.
Commissioner Richard Adam,
son found probable cause for his 'Y, rates? ==FRIGIDAIRE 0000nana,
arrest and set bail at $2,500. Ar- , " ' ' ''
raignment was scheduled for to-
day. Adamson ordered Grubahn I You'llqu°te'be
Call us for
to refrain from using alcohol or
drugs and to stay away from
Michelle C. Harp and from her
homein the Park Place Trailer ' t PPB !1 i
Park. The deputy who responded ]/ ]
to Harp s call for help said Grub-
glad you did.
STOilI¢ Mutual umclaw In
Wedding Invitations Arnold & Smith l • PARTS
Superior court roundup: Violator sent .to pris
Drug crimes alleged after
Two people were ordered in-
carcerated Thursday in Mason
County Superior Court for parole
violations. They are:
false names given at arrest . Louis Douglas Marsh III,
24, of 515 Park Street, Shelton.
He received 480 days in prison for
job and failed to pay a community
placement fee.
Judge Toni Sheldon cleared
him of one allegation by finding
that he did not have unauthor-
ized contact with minors while
working at Taco Bell in February
and March of this year.
Marsh was questioned by de-
fense attorney Charles Lane. He
told the court he thought he was
off probation. "I went back into al-
most a transient living status," he
said. "Due to my conditions of
sentencing there was no place for
me to live. I didn't have a family
where Dec said it was okay to
Deputy Prosecutor Pat Easel
asked Sheldon to give him
more time behind bars. "I bl
the testimony has shown that t
defendant has made no
to comply with the
his judgment and sentence,"
son said.
Sheldon said the
were willful. "I'm concerned
the number of times that
Marsh has been brought
the court," she said.
• Gerard Alfred
57, of Satsop. He signed an
melt with the court in
with four alleged violations
probation in a 1993
Judge Sheldon sentenced hJ
30 days in day reporting.
and Related Items
Insurance Agency, Inc.
Offer good through July 1999.
409 W Railroad * 426,6t02 426-3317 1535 Olympic Highway North, Shelton
Page 20- Sh'elton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 29, 1999
eight violations of probation in
Two men face drug charges af- hal was intoxicated at the time of ing warrants and a prior drug the second degree, his 1994 conviction for child me-
ter their arrest last Thursday at his arrest, conviction in Thurston County. Judge Sawyer found probable lestation in the second degree.
the intersection of McEwan Prair- Sheldon said Vincent could come cause for her arrest and appoint- William Corbett of the Wash-
ie Road and Oakes Road by depu- IN SUPERIOR court proceed- back to court and ask for a for- ed Lane to be her defense attor- ington Department of Corrections
ties of the Mason County Sheriffs ings on Thursday: lough from jail if she gets a firm hey. He set bail at $2,500 and testified that he failed to report,
()ffice. • Naomi Raymond, 26, of date for starting a treatment pro- scheduled arraignment for July failed to take a test for the pres-
1311 Turner Avenue, Shelton, gram. 29. ence of drugs in his system, failed
William Monroe Hargrave, had charges of assault dismissed. * Brandi Lynn Cabana, 20, She faces possible charges of to make payments, failed to re-
30, of 1124 Dogwood, Lacey, was She was accused of attacking her of NE 51 Cutless Way, Belfair, forging a check at Sandi's Deli port a change of address, failed to
identified Friday in Mason Coun- estranged husband, Jerry Ray- pled not guilty to delivery of a Mart in Belfair and of possession take a polygraph, failed to get
ty Superior in an investigation of mend. Mr. Raymond hanged him- controlled substance to a person of a stolen credit card. permission to leave the state,
possession of illegal drugs with self to death on June 19, accord- under 18 years of age. failed to work at an authorized
intent to deliver and unlawful ing to the Mason County Coroner. Judge Sheldon appointed Lane
possession of a short firearm.
Judge James Sawyer found prob- • SamuelZiranda-Ambriz, to beherdefenseattorneyand Adams Tate tc serve jail time
able cause for his arrest and 37, of 1202 Franklin Street, Shel- scheduled an omnibus hearing for
scheduled arraignment for today, ton, had charges against him dis- August 26, a pretrial hearing for
missed with prejudice. That September 22 and trial during 9
A man identified as David means the charges can't be filed jury term that begins October 4.
Leroy Milton, 26, of 1017 Capi- against him again. Defense attor- She released Cabana on personal Two people were sentenced to money she had paid the company, whole and make yourself whole as money that he owes.
tel Way SE, Olympia, was also hey Richard Woodrow argued recognizance and ordered her to jail time last week in Mason Judge Toni Sheldon said if the well," Sheldon said. "I've been trying for the
before the court Friday in an in- that the state didn't have enough tell her doctor about the charge County Superior Court. They are: Sheldon ordered Adams to pay year to clean up a 34-year4
vestigation of possession of illegal evidence to proceed against his against her. * Mary L. Adams, 54, of 2021 courts can't rely on people telling $177.75 in court costs and fees mess but it's been an u:)h
drugs with intent to deliver and client. Judge Sheldon ordered Cabs- NE Tahuya River Road, Tahuya. the truth "that does undermine and $500 to the crime victims' climb," Tate said.
unlawful recreational fishing in Ziranda-Ambriz and two other ha, who is pregnant, to stay away She was sentenced on Thursday the court system." fund. Sawyer said he can serve
the first degree, men were arrested after police from drugs, alcohol and places to 30 days in the Mason County The judge, in suspending all • Joe D. Tate, 34, of 2861 other 90 days in day reporti
,Judge Sawyer found probable pulled over a black Camaro that where alcoholis served. Jail for false swearing and 365 but 30 days of the year-long sen- East Brockdale Road, Shelton. he is approved for that prog#
days with 335 suspended for for- tence for forgery, said Adams He was sentenced on Friday to He ordered Tate to pay $110
cause for his arrest and appointed contained drugs and a handgun. * FdmberlyAnn Sturgell, 35, gery. could serve the sentences concur- four months in jail for welfare court costs; $500 to the crimea
Charles Lane to be his defense at- A search of Ziranda-Ambriz found of 1623 South Second Street, Adams was charged with lying rently. She then converted 15 of fraud. Judge Sheldon converted tiros' fund and $450 in attorn
torney. The judge set bail at nothing illegal on his person, ac-
$5,000 and scheduled arraign- cording to papers filed in superior Shelton, signed a diversion agree- during sworn testimony in her the 30 days to 120 hours of corn- 30 days to 240 hours ofcommuni- fees.
melt. She will avoid prosecution lawsuit against a Belfair land- munity service. "You can give ty service after defense attorney Tate was given 12 monthS
melt for July 29. court. Judge Sheldon ordered that for possession of methampheta- scaping company. She was found back something to the community Charles Lane said his client has a pervision. A restitution he
he be released.
BUT ON MONDAY, after Mil- mine if she completes the Friend- guilty of lying about how much and so make the community job and wants to pay back the was scheduled for August 26.
ton's fingerprints were run • Michael Dismas Morris- ship diversion program.
through the Federal Bureau of In- sey, 39, of 708 West (eta Street, To qualify for the program she
vestigation, he was identified Shelton, pled not guilty to 14 had to sign a statement agreeing
again as 25-year-old David counts of possessing photographs that the state has enough evi-
James Mullen, a man with an of minors engaged in sexually ex- dence to convict of her drug po-
active criminal record and an out- plicit conduct. Morrissey was session. If she fails to successfully
standing no-bail warrant out of found guilty of child molestation complete the Friendship program
Thurston County. in the third degree by a jury earli- she could be found guilty after a
Judge Toni Sheldon raised his er this month. The current charg- bench trial based on the arresting
bail to $25,000. Arraignment is es against him resulted from evi- officer's report.
scheduled for today, dence gleaned from his computer "Miss Sturgell is well aware of
The two men were arrested in the course of that investigation the circumstances and is fully
last week after Deputy Martin and prosecution, prepared to comply with this," de-
Borcherding saw them working Judge Sheldon scheduled a fense attorney Lane said.
under a car at the rural intersec- pretrial hearing for July 29 and • Judge Sheldon signed a
scheduled trial during the term
tion. The. man first identifed as $10,000 warrant for the arrest of SAVE
Milton told the deputy the fuel that begins August 2. Brian Edward Guenther on
pump had failed, according to the * Betty Darlene Hockett, 63, charges of violating the uniform
statement ofprobablecause, of East 1590 McReavy Road, controlled substances act and a BACKS...
The deputy said that when he Union, pled not guilty to theft in no-bail warrant for the arrest
went to other side of the car to the second degree. Judge Sheldon James Lawrence DeGagne af- AND YOUR
talk to the other man, "Milton" scheduled an omnibus hearing for tar he failed to appear for a hear-
walked front of him and shut August 26, a pretrial hearing for ingon alhged violations of his pa- BUCKSI
September 22 and trial during role on charges of fergery and
quick movement and watched the jury term that begins October theft.
.,., , We ve purchased the Evergreen Drug building next
could only see the front of the en- " Adam L. Inman, 19, of 502 IN OTHER superior court pro-
gine compartment as Milton Maple Street, Shelton, pled not ceedings on Wednesday, July 21:
closed the hood. I observed guilty to taking a motor vehicle .Ted ChttltopherHali, 36, to Les Schwab We have a store full of appl=ances &
'swastikas' that had been drawn without permission in a case in- of 10625 Bald Hills Road, Yelm, •
on the engine's fan blades," voicing a motorcycle taken from a
Borcherding wrote. Shelton residence. Judge Sheldon was identified in an investigation
scheduled an omnibus hearing for of a violation of the uniform con- vacuums that we don't want to move.
HARGRAVE identified him- August 12, a pretrial hearing for trolled substances act. Judge
self to the officer as 34-year-old August 18and trial during the Sheldon found probable cause for So we're putting our entire store on SALE!
Steven R. Webb, Borcherding jury term that begins August 30. his arrest and appointed Ron Ser-
noted. • Cherish Deneen Vincent, gi to be his defense attorney. She
After a Shelton Communica- 26, of 641 Seahawk, Olympia, released him pending arraign-
tions Center dispatcher reported pled not guilty to possession of rnent.
that there were no drivers licens- methamphetamine. Judge Shel- • Fredrtvk Stewart Reinke, ON rand
es or identification cards issued ton scheduled an omnibus hear- 39, of 8335 NE Sandy Road, lad I1 wte'-
under either name, Borcherding ing for August 12, a pretrial hear. Bremerton, appeared following
suspected they might be lyingand ingfor August 18and trial during his arrest on a bench warrant. A__,® A-KINDS
called for backup, according to the the jury term that begins August The warrant was issued by Judge
statement of probable case. Depu- 30. Sawyer after he failed to appear
ties William Reed and Dean Byrd Her mother, Rebecca Vincent, for an omnibus hearing on a nar- noes
came to his assistance, asked that she be released to her cotics charge.
"Milton" said that Webb was home on personal recognizance so Judge Sheldon set bail at
really Hargrave, according to the that she can get treatment for $5,000 and scheduled an omnibus
statement of probable cause, drug abuse. "My daughter has hearing for August 12, a pretrial
A search of the vehicle turned been trying to get into treatment hearing for August 18 and trial
up a .22-caliber handgun, several for six months now, she said. "It during the jury term that begins
bags of a powdery substance would be really nice if we can get August 30.
thought to be methamphetamine her some help and get her to be a 0
and needles and other things mother again." ON JULY 20, Shelley Gib- D00SP L'fI0000 SC--TcHRA
used by those who consume Judge Sheldon ordered bail to men, 35, of East 120 Boundary
drugs, according to the statement remain at $5,000, calling personal Road, Grapeview, was idertified MISMATCHES
of probable cause, recognizance "too risky" consider- in an investigation of forgery and &
ON TUESDAY in superior ing Vincent's record of outstand- possession of stolen property in
• Bradley Alan Grubhan, 36,
of 173 S:::lhead Drive South, |, Confused
Belfair, identified in an in-
vestigation of domestic violence " "*"': i_. ) bf €luto
He faces a possible charge of ma-
li;o?s mischief in the second de- msuronce" Special orders accepted at sale prices.
Commissioner Richard Adam,
son found probable cause for his 'Y, rates? ==FRIGIDAIRE 0000nana,
arrest and set bail at $2,500. Ar- , " ' ' ''
raignment was scheduled for to-
day. Adamson ordered Grubahn I You'llqu°te'be
Call us for
to refrain from using alcohol or
drugs and to stay away from
Michelle C. Harp and from her
homein the Park Place Trailer ' t PPB !1 i
Park. The deputy who responded ]/ ]
to Harp s call for help said Grub-
glad you did.
STOilI¢ Mutual umclaw In
Wedding Invitations Arnold & Smith l • PARTS