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Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 29, 1999     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 29, 1999
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Hood Canal West: Puppeteer will F erforrn .... 'Jack the Gianl: Killer' Healey part of 'Tandem Thrust' Army Staff Sergeant John ByNORMA JANE CAMERON A-While RV Park and the Hoods- dogs, buns, canned beans, potato Healey, son of Shelton's Lynnea Master puppeteer Clay Martin port Marina. Northwest Dive chips and watermelon for a Fri- Goldsby, was among 12,000 ser- will delight children of all ages at News and the Mason County day picnic at the end of the series, vice members from the United the Hoodsport Timberland Li- Torch Run Program are cospon- They can be brought to the States, Canada and Australia orary at 4 p.m. today with a pre- sors of the event, church on Sunday, August 8. In- who participated recently in sentation of"Jack the Giant Kill- "We estimate that 500 divers formation is available from the Tandem Thrust'99. er and Other Amazing Stories." and 3,000 nondivers will attend church at 877-9688. Tandem Thrust is a biennial Using five different kinds of this event," says Rick Stratton, exercise that teaches servicemen tP:Pat;i' nMc:rttn a =inl tt:rn:Tat - coordinator of the festival. Friday, July 30 and women from different mili- e i 9 a.m., Hoodsport Take Off tary branches and nations how to axy in an alternate universe. * It is hard to believe that spot Pounds Sensibly (TOPS), Hood work together while responding There, says a Timberland spokes- of snow is still visible across the Canal Fellowship Hall. to international crisis situations. person, he will use marionettes, lake on a hill at the upper end of Healey and his Army comrades Lake Cushman. However, it is 11 a.m. to 1 p.m, blood pres- were responsible for repelling k} 'T°: tales°f hild °°auapp;sei°tOsaadsmh:d°w: i 0 much smaller and should disap- sure checks by Lake Cushman enemy ground forces and evacuat- pear if there are sunny days Fire District 18 personnel, Lake ing allied noncombatants on ,L puppeter will then show ahead. Cushman Grocery. Guam in the South Pacific. si_,Participants how to create Visitors from Pennsylvania at 7:30 p.m. Alcoholics Anony- "WE'RE EVACUATING U.S. o- pie puppets and plays of their the lake last week enjoyed the wa T mous, Hoodsport Timberland Li- civilians from non-U.S, territo- ,L.__', he program will run cool breezes. '-rouga 4:45 p.m. brary Meeting Room. ries, said the 1991 Shelton High School graduate. "We're responsi- • THE HOOD Canal Institute Monday, August 2 ble for setting up the pick-up IN OTHER news in the Hood of Christian Studies will start a ii::: CanalWest area: 1 to 3 p.m., government sur- zone, calling in the aircraft and Cl*, The Lake Cushman Booster new series for Fall 1999 on Au- plus commodities distributed and getting civilians on the aircraft in;ow,hold its monthly meet- gust 10 and 11. A series of free Hood Canal Food Bank food dis- for evacuation." video classes entitled "Secrets of tribution, Hoodsport Community During the three-week exercise a'L- a-" eanesdav,L _ August 4, at the Heart" will take place at the Hall on Finch Creek.  ,2_'eoo on the Lake Cushman the Canadian Navy, backed by  starting August 10 and 11. Class Tuesday, August 3 U.S. Navy aircraft and Marine : !4  !! uaCOurse. Hood Canal Community Church . A SOcial time at 530 p.m. will times are from 7 to 9:15 p.m. on t  be followed by a 6' n m'catered 10 a.m., Lake Cushman Fire troops, played the "bad guys" role )] dinner of baby backribs sal Tuesdays or 9:30 to 11:45 a.m. on District 18 firefighter training, as a fictitious island dictatorship mb°: Wednesdays. e and all the fixin s inclu'dm Lake Cushman Firemen's Asso- intent on seizing its neighbor's ciation meeting following, Station territory. The U.S. and Australia nanas g ' g - A second series will start Sep- 1. .... FOster for dessert. Reser- responded with air, ground and v , "atlons are required for the $10 tember 7 and 8 with a 15-week naval forces to help the besieged " I  per e 1 p.m, Mason County Senior it  w:,,P rson dinner Nedra Ellis course entitled "Life and Teach ..... m ta'-e : nd.iod 9489 reservations at 877- ings of Jesus" by Dr. Daniel M. Activities Association board meet- republic repel the invaders. ' Doriani. Information about the ing, Shelton Senior Center. HEALEY IS STATIONED at t b belTirProgram will feature Mike course is available from Pastor 7:30 p.m., Hamma Hamma Fort Wainwright, Alaska, with . vat of the Washin on De- Jack Keith at 877-9688 or Rick Fire District 17 Commission, the 1st Battalion, 17th Infantry, JOHN HEALEY works at planning a recent Tandem Thrust exercise. PI tPi:r-tren t of Financial n°stitu - Rhone at 877-0085. Jorsted Creek Fire Hall, public an arctic unit that also serves as asth the topic, "Your Money * Each August, the yearly va- welcome, ton quicktroublereactiOnspots inf°rce'the Pacific•resp°nding lssuesae, r Turn-of-the-Century cation Bible school comes around Wednesday, August4 "I'm a platoon sergeant so I'm Rosenau trains as NCO Wal: • new members are alwa at Hood Canal Community 7:30 a.m., Celebrate Hoodsport responsible for the health and °at at the booster club me - Church. This year, "Bible Times Committee, Model T Tavern, pub- welfare of the 33 soldiers in the g. '99" has the theme, "Choose lic welcome, platoon," Healey said. "I super- Air Force Technical Sergeant Rosenau is a broadcast tele- The sergeant is a 1981 gradu- in; THE BIGGEST scuba-div- Whom You Shall Serve." It will -Vent in the Pacific North- run from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. each 5:30 p.m, Lake Cushman vise the physical fitness and Brian C. Rosenau has graduated vision engineer assigned to the ate of Shelton High School and a Wes' entitled "The Great North- day Monday, August 9 to Friday, Booster Club, social hour; 6 p•m training of all the soldiers." from the Air Force Noncommis- 17th Training Support Squadron 1999 graduate of Southern Illi- Wes CUBA Festival," is sched- August 13 for children from 5 dinner and meeting, Lake Cush- Tandem Thrust posed numer- sioned Officer Academy at Good- at Goodfellow. He is the son of nois University through the mili- Ulec are [or the Hood Canal West years old through "sixth-graders man Golf Course gazebo, ous challenges for the Army, in- fellow Air Force Base, San Ange- Richard C. Rosenau of 1515 tary extension program in San eluding controlling hostile anti- lo, Texas. Adams Street, Shelton. Angelo. on September 11. at the church in Hoodsport. 7:30 p.m., Hoodsport Commu- American demonstrators, safe- The graduate received instruc- T nity Club, Hoodsport Fire Hall. guarding American and allied cit- tion in advanced military leader- ¢ial event will benefit the Spe- Planners of the program are ptb.lyrapics and is free to t e seeking aid from church members Thursday, August5 izens and fighting enemy forces, ship and management theories Watson is honored Bea'It will be held at Mikhs in the form of juice and cookies 6:45 a.m., Hood Canal Kiwanis FOR HEALEY AND the arc- and responsibilities; physical fit- "" esort in Lilliwaup, Rest- each day for treats and with hot Club, Hoodsport InR. . . tic warriors of Fort Wainwright, hess and conditioning; oral and however, one of the biggest chal- written communications skills; at Air Force basic l00elfair veteran shares lenges was adjusting to Guam's supervisory rolesrelativetothe ' tropical climate. Air Force mission and organiza- "The change in temperature tion; and human behavior con- Airman Desmond Watson of with temperatures in the 90s and has a huge affect on all the cepts and problem solving, includ- Shelton graduated with honors 90 percent humidity. soldiers," said the Climber grad. ing counseling techniques and from Air Force basic training in Running was nothing new to 00aemories of MacArthur "Our areaofexpertiseisfighting orienting new personnel in the Texas on June 25. Watson, who turned out for cross- in the arctic. Winter in Alaska principles, practices and tools Watson, a 1998 graduate of country at SHS and was selected can get as cold as minus 70 de- necessary to operate in the Air Shelton High School, was one of as captain of the harriers his ju- 8y lAXIMus "MAX" LOYA 1952, after recall by President a huge statue dedicated to Mac- grees. We experienced a 100-de- Force. only five recruits in his flight of nior and senior years. He also tires of General Douglas Truman, MacArthur left the Arthur. Once again, the older Ko- gree change in climate over the 85 who received honors at the end played varsity soccer for the car never touched American Embassy in downtown rean people still remember what course of 24 hours here in Guam. of the training at Lackland Air Highclimbers for three years and Tokyo. His escorted staff car was MacArthur did for them and their "The U.S. Army will continue Force Base in San Antonio. It coached youth soccer in Shelton. to drive to Atsugi Airfield. Be- country. He is revered as a god. to deploy to environments such as means he excelled in physical Watson also attended Shelton Guam," Healy said, "so the best training, on written tests and First Baptist Church and was ac- Story from the past, if tween one and two million Japa- IN THE Philippines, that ha- thing the soldier can do is drink a during inspections at basic. at this far removed nese lined both sides of the road. tive in its youth group• For a year only a few living Japanese Some were weeping, all bowing tion so dear to his heart, Mac- lot of water and drive on." The airman is the son of Jef- after high school, he worked at occupation forces low. In one hand they each held Arthur is not only a god, but the frey and Julie Watson of Agate the local Safeway as a boxboy, It was brought to mind an American flag, in the other whole universe. LyIl and Rhonda Keller of Iowa. Jef- stocker and checker. W Weeks ago. There was a TV hand they held flowers. In the Philippine Army, his an enlists .... frey and Julie Watson traveled to on General MacArthur's As his staff car passed, they name is still carried on the corn- Array , San Antonio for his graduation The airman is now at Keesler Would like to share it with waved the American flag. The puny rolls. When roll call is in U.S. along with Desmond's little sister Air Force Base in Biloxi, Missis- I, too, am removed by flowers, they threw in front of his called, MacArthur's name is Jason C. Lyman, the son of and brother, Rachel, 8, and Si- sippi (he's hitting all the low-hu- called out. A sergeant shouts out Shelton resident Steven C. Ly- mon, 7. midity places in one summer) to whiThestory, as it was told to me car. While the 19-year-old airman receive specialized training in The legend: "The tires of Gen- loud and clear,"Present in spirit!" man, has enlisted in the U.S. was at basic training, he finished electronics, fiberoptics and Pan of old, is as follows, g Japan, Korea, The Philippines Army. : ' .... 20th out of more than 2,000 com- switching. He hopes to use those J_  was working and livin in eral Douglas MacArthur's car all have one thing in common: Lyman's test scores and his en- never touched the road." (He rode their love for a paradox of a man, listment as an M1 Abrams tank petitors, and third in his age skills not only in the Air Force ,,HEARD bits and ieces of on a bed of flowers.) class, by clocking a 19:27 in a fi- but in a job when he leaves the le en " . P General Douglas MacArthur. system mechanic qualify him for g -d.many hmes over the Never has one man been so There, dear readers, is the leg- ve-kilometer charity run held service. oy both Americans and Jap- loved by the Japanese people as end and one of the many stories a $3,000 cash incentive, says Ser- geant First Class Richard L. that I Worked with. I never MacArthur. Emperor Hirohito ac- of a great man. You may choose to Schwab of the Army recruiting much mind, really; it was tually cried when he said good- believe it or choose not to. The station in Yakima. Story. bye to MacArthur. story is as it was told to me. The new recruit graduated in day I met a Japanese AND RIGHTLY so. Mac- There are one million stories to 1998 from Highland High School  BOY A s- who was originally cattle• When World War II Arthur was a benevolent despot come out of the Far East. This in Cowiche. Airman Desmond Watson and more than anyone else, has been one of them. REGENCY GAS STOVE out, he and his elderly par- helped create the Japan of today. (Editor's note: Loya, from Bel- ere Put in one of those in- Today, by the older Japanese fair, has lived and worked in Ja- camps, who remember, MacArthur is pan, Okinawa, Korea, Taiwan, OR FIREPLACE in the Army and held in high esteem. The Japa- The Philippines, Thailand and ar in the Pacific. Be- nese women owe alotto Mac- Vietnam. He isa veteran of the FROM US AND A dge of the Jap- Arthur, as he gave them the right Korean and Vietnam wars.) he joined Gener- to vote. He gave workers the right Congratulations PROPANE TANK FROM staff as an inter- to form unions. Very important, as with MacArthur's he gave Japan a new constitution Marilyn and SERVICE general left for the that was accepted by the people. John PUGET SOUND PROPANE him about this story The list goes on and on. The story is the same in Korea. AND YOU'LL RECEIVE ,'ard about on and off. Because of his famous landing in tell you about itasI Inchon, heturned thetide against "Trained and competent Marilyn go 00 GALLONS OF Communist North Korea. technicians the firs[ week of August 1 ON THE morning of April 16, There is a park in Inchon with • [ 2 months or for her honeymoon. PROPANE ADVANCED HEATING 12,ooo mile warranty • Free local shuttle AND COOLING, INC. service PEACOCK FREE! I00JI "Your comfort is our business" SYSTE Residential and Small Commercial Open 1 0 a.m.-5 p.m. Offer good through 7/31/99 INSTALLATION SERVICE Monday-Saturday, ,, • I-. Free Estimates .Radio Dispatched pit City ea!,Umps .Gas & Electric Furnaces • Factory Trained ech . ' ,'r ia . Evenings by appointment. Ca a 1 L. "¢)maitioni • • 24 Hour Emergency Service A fulMervice professional "ue-'trnetal wenrlg • Electric Air Cleaners Systems Design/Duct Work &Repair .JackieBurfien,. Mari/ynClary, halr.alon formen, women Stove & Fan Center • Maintenance & Service ,,refW8 stylist Owner, sWlist ncLcbilaren To Flnancing Available 2118 Pacific Ave., Olympia * 943-5587 |l Free: 1(888)818-9335 TllIM 426=22 71 Mon.-Fri. 8:30-6:00 p.m.* Sat. 8:30-5:30 p.m, (360)426-1255 rCONTUC,ADVANHCO22NF It} Hard To Stop A T'ane:" / 123 Front Street i Thursday, July 29, 1999 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 25 Hood Canal West: Puppeteer will F erforrn .... 'Jack the Gianl: Killer' Healey part of 'Tandem Thrust' Army Staff Sergeant John ByNORMA JANE CAMERON A-While RV Park and the Hoods- dogs, buns, canned beans, potato Healey, son of Shelton's Lynnea Master puppeteer Clay Martin port Marina. Northwest Dive chips and watermelon for a Fri- Goldsby, was among 12,000 ser- will delight children of all ages at News and the Mason County day picnic at the end of the series, vice members from the United the Hoodsport Timberland Li- Torch Run Program are cospon- They can be brought to the States, Canada and Australia orary at 4 p.m. today with a pre- sors of the event, church on Sunday, August 8. In- who participated recently in sentation of"Jack the Giant Kill- "We estimate that 500 divers formation is available from the Tandem Thrust'99. er and Other Amazing Stories." and 3,000 nondivers will attend church at 877-9688. Tandem Thrust is a biennial Using five different kinds of this event," says Rick Stratton, exercise that teaches servicemen tP:Pat;i' nMc:rttn a =inl tt:rn:Tat - coordinator of the festival. Friday, July 30 and women from different mili- e i 9 a.m., Hoodsport Take Off tary branches and nations how to axy in an alternate universe. * It is hard to believe that spot Pounds Sensibly (TOPS), Hood work together while responding There, says a Timberland spokes- of snow is still visible across the Canal Fellowship Hall. to international crisis situations. person, he will use marionettes, lake on a hill at the upper end of Healey and his Army comrades Lake Cushman. However, it is 11 a.m. to 1 p.m, blood pres- were responsible for repelling k} 'T°: tales°f hild °°auapp;sei°tOsaadsmh:d°w: i 0 much smaller and should disap- sure checks by Lake Cushman enemy ground forces and evacuat- pear if there are sunny days Fire District 18 personnel, Lake ing allied noncombatants on ,L puppeter will then show ahead. Cushman Grocery. Guam in the South Pacific. si_,Participants how to create Visitors from Pennsylvania at 7:30 p.m. Alcoholics Anony- "WE'RE EVACUATING U.S. o- pie puppets and plays of their the lake last week enjoyed the wa T mous, Hoodsport Timberland Li- civilians from non-U.S, territo- ,L.__', he program will run cool breezes. '-rouga 4:45 p.m. brary Meeting Room. ries, said the 1991 Shelton High School graduate. "We're responsi- • THE HOOD Canal Institute Monday, August 2 ble for setting up the pick-up IN OTHER news in the Hood of Christian Studies will start a ii::: CanalWest area: 1 to 3 p.m., government sur- zone, calling in the aircraft and Cl*, The Lake Cushman Booster new series for Fall 1999 on Au- plus commodities distributed and getting civilians on the aircraft in;ow,hold its monthly meet- gust 10 and 11. A series of free Hood Canal Food Bank food dis- for evacuation." video classes entitled "Secrets of tribution, Hoodsport Community During the three-week exercise a'L- a-" eanesdav,L _ August 4, at the Heart" will take place at the Hall on Finch Creek.  ,2_'eoo on the Lake Cushman the Canadian Navy, backed by  starting August 10 and 11. Class Tuesday, August 3 U.S. Navy aircraft and Marine : !4  !! uaCOurse. Hood Canal Community Church . A SOcial time at 530 p.m. will times are from 7 to 9:15 p.m. on t  be followed by a 6' n m'catered 10 a.m., Lake Cushman Fire troops, played the "bad guys" role )] dinner of baby backribs sal Tuesdays or 9:30 to 11:45 a.m. on District 18 firefighter training, as a fictitious island dictatorship mb°: Wednesdays. e and all the fixin s inclu'dm Lake Cushman Firemen's Asso- intent on seizing its neighbor's ciation meeting following, Station territory. The U.S. and Australia nanas g ' g - A second series will start Sep- 1. .... FOster for dessert. Reser- responded with air, ground and v , "atlons are required for the $10 tember 7 and 8 with a 15-week naval forces to help the besieged " I  per e 1 p.m, Mason County Senior it  w:,,P rson dinner Nedra Ellis course entitled "Life and Teach ..... m ta'-e : nd.iod 9489 reservations at 877- ings of Jesus" by Dr. Daniel M. Activities Association board meet- republic repel the invaders. ' Doriani. Information about the ing, Shelton Senior Center. HEALEY IS STATIONED at t b belTirProgram will feature Mike course is available from Pastor 7:30 p.m., Hamma Hamma Fort Wainwright, Alaska, with . vat of the Washin on De- Jack Keith at 877-9688 or Rick Fire District 17 Commission, the 1st Battalion, 17th Infantry, JOHN HEALEY works at planning a recent Tandem Thrust exercise. PI tPi:r-tren t of Financial n°stitu - Rhone at 877-0085. Jorsted Creek Fire Hall, public an arctic unit that also serves as asth the topic, "Your Money * Each August, the yearly va- welcome, ton quicktroublereactiOnspots inf°rce'the Pacific•resp°nding lssuesae, r Turn-of-the-Century cation Bible school comes around Wednesday, August4 "I'm a platoon sergeant so I'm Rosenau trains as NCO Wal: • new members are alwa at Hood Canal Community 7:30 a.m., Celebrate Hoodsport responsible for the health and °at at the booster club me - Church. This year, "Bible Times Committee, Model T Tavern, pub- welfare of the 33 soldiers in the g. '99" has the theme, "Choose lic welcome, platoon," Healey said. "I super- Air Force Technical Sergeant Rosenau is a broadcast tele- The sergeant is a 1981 gradu- in; THE BIGGEST scuba-div- Whom You Shall Serve." It will -Vent in the Pacific North- run from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. each 5:30 p.m, Lake Cushman vise the physical fitness and Brian C. Rosenau has graduated vision engineer assigned to the ate of Shelton High School and a Wes' entitled "The Great North- day Monday, August 9 to Friday, Booster Club, social hour; 6 p•m training of all the soldiers." from the Air Force Noncommis- 17th Training Support Squadron 1999 graduate of Southern Illi- Wes CUBA Festival," is sched- August 13 for children from 5 dinner and meeting, Lake Cush- Tandem Thrust posed numer- sioned Officer Academy at Good- at Goodfellow. He is the son of nois University through the mili- Ulec are [or the Hood Canal West years old through "sixth-graders man Golf Course gazebo, ous challenges for the Army, in- fellow Air Force Base, San Ange- Richard C. Rosenau of 1515 tary extension program in San eluding controlling hostile anti- lo, Texas. Adams Street, Shelton. Angelo. on September 11. at the church in Hoodsport. 7:30 p.m., Hoodsport Commu- American demonstrators, safe- The graduate received instruc- T nity Club, Hoodsport Fire Hall. guarding American and allied cit- tion in advanced military leader- ¢ial event will benefit the Spe- Planners of the program are ptb.lyrapics and is free to t e seeking aid from church members Thursday, August5 izens and fighting enemy forces, ship and management theories Watson is honored Bea'It will be held at Mikhs in the form of juice and cookies 6:45 a.m., Hood Canal Kiwanis FOR HEALEY AND the arc- and responsibilities; physical fit- "" esort in Lilliwaup, Rest- each day for treats and with hot Club, Hoodsport InR. . . tic warriors of Fort Wainwright, hess and conditioning; oral and however, one of the biggest chal- written communications skills; at Air Force basic l00elfair veteran shares lenges was adjusting to Guam's supervisory rolesrelativetothe ' tropical climate. Air Force mission and organiza- "The change in temperature tion; and human behavior con- Airman Desmond Watson of with temperatures in the 90s and has a huge affect on all the cepts and problem solving, includ- Shelton graduated with honors 90 percent humidity. soldiers," said the Climber grad. ing counseling techniques and from Air Force basic training in Running was nothing new to 00aemories of MacArthur "Our areaofexpertiseisfighting orienting new personnel in the Texas on June 25. Watson, who turned out for cross- in the arctic. Winter in Alaska principles, practices and tools Watson, a 1998 graduate of country at SHS and was selected can get as cold as minus 70 de- necessary to operate in the Air Shelton High School, was one of as captain of the harriers his ju- 8y lAXIMus "MAX" LOYA 1952, after recall by President a huge statue dedicated to Mac- grees. We experienced a 100-de- Force. only five recruits in his flight of nior and senior years. He also tires of General Douglas Truman, MacArthur left the Arthur. Once again, the older Ko- gree change in climate over the 85 who received honors at the end played varsity soccer for the car never touched American Embassy in downtown rean people still remember what course of 24 hours here in Guam. of the training at Lackland Air Highclimbers for three years and Tokyo. His escorted staff car was MacArthur did for them and their "The U.S. Army will continue Force Base in San Antonio. It coached youth soccer in Shelton. to drive to Atsugi Airfield. Be- country. He is revered as a god. to deploy to environments such as means he excelled in physical Watson also attended Shelton Guam," Healy said, "so the best training, on written tests and First Baptist Church and was ac- Story from the past, if tween one and two million Japa- IN THE Philippines, that ha- thing the soldier can do is drink a during inspections at basic. at this far removed nese lined both sides of the road. tive in its youth group• For a year only a few living Japanese Some were weeping, all bowing tion so dear to his heart, Mac- lot of water and drive on." The airman is the son of Jef- after high school, he worked at occupation forces low. In one hand they each held Arthur is not only a god, but the frey and Julie Watson of Agate the local Safeway as a boxboy, It was brought to mind an American flag, in the other whole universe. LyIl and Rhonda Keller of Iowa. Jef- stocker and checker. W Weeks ago. There was a TV hand they held flowers. In the Philippine Army, his an enlists .... frey and Julie Watson traveled to on General MacArthur's As his staff car passed, they name is still carried on the corn- Array , San Antonio for his graduation The airman is now at Keesler Would like to share it with waved the American flag. The puny rolls. When roll call is in U.S. along with Desmond's little sister Air Force Base in Biloxi, Missis- I, too, am removed by flowers, they threw in front of his called, MacArthur's name is Jason C. Lyman, the son of and brother, Rachel, 8, and Si- sippi (he's hitting all the low-hu- called out. A sergeant shouts out Shelton resident Steven C. Ly- mon, 7. midity places in one summer) to whiThestory, as it was told to me car. While the 19-year-old airman receive specialized training in The legend: "The tires of Gen- loud and clear,"Present in spirit!" man, has enlisted in the U.S. was at basic training, he finished electronics, fiberoptics and Pan of old, is as follows, g Japan, Korea, The Philippines Army. : ' .... 20th out of more than 2,000 com- switching. He hopes to use those J_  was working and livin in eral Douglas MacArthur's car all have one thing in common: Lyman's test scores and his en- never touched the road." (He rode their love for a paradox of a man, listment as an M1 Abrams tank petitors, and third in his age skills not only in the Air Force ,,HEARD bits and ieces of on a bed of flowers.) class, by clocking a 19:27 in a fi- but in a job when he leaves the le en " . P General Douglas MacArthur. system mechanic qualify him for g -d.many hmes over the Never has one man been so There, dear readers, is the leg- ve-kilometer charity run held service. oy both Americans and Jap- loved by the Japanese people as end and one of the many stories a $3,000 cash incentive, says Ser- geant First Class Richard L. that I Worked with. I never MacArthur. Emperor Hirohito ac- of a great man. You may choose to Schwab of the Army recruiting much mind, really; it was tually cried when he said good- believe it or choose not to. The station in Yakima. Story. bye to MacArthur. story is as it was told to me. The new recruit graduated in day I met a Japanese AND RIGHTLY so. Mac- There are one million stories to 1998 from Highland High School  BOY A s- who was originally cattle• When World War II Arthur was a benevolent despot come out of the Far East. This in Cowiche. Airman Desmond Watson and more than anyone else, has been one of them. REGENCY GAS STOVE out, he and his elderly par- helped create the Japan of today. (Editor's note: Loya, from Bel- ere Put in one of those in- Today, by the older Japanese fair, has lived and worked in Ja- camps, who remember, MacArthur is pan, Okinawa, Korea, Taiwan, OR FIREPLACE in the Army and held in high esteem. The Japa- The Philippines, Thailand and ar in the Pacific. Be- nese women owe alotto Mac- Vietnam. He isa veteran of the FROM US AND A dge of the Jap- Arthur, as he gave them the right Korean and Vietnam wars.) he joined Gener- to vote. He gave workers the right Congratulations PROPANE TANK FROM staff as an inter- to form unions. Very important, as with MacArthur's he gave Japan a new constitution Marilyn and SERVICE general left for the that was accepted by the people. John PUGET SOUND PROPANE him about this story The list goes on and on. The story is the same in Korea. AND YOU'LL RECEIVE ,'ard about on and off. Because of his famous landing in tell you about itasI Inchon, heturned thetide against "Trained and competent Marilyn go 00 GALLONS OF Communist North Korea. technicians the firs[ week of August 1 ON THE morning of April 16, There is a park in Inchon with • [ 2 months or for her honeymoon. PROPANE ADVANCED HEATING 12,ooo mile warranty • Free local shuttle AND COOLING, INC. service PEACOCK FREE! I00JI "Your comfort is our business" SYSTE Residential and Small Commercial Open 1 0 a.m.-5 p.m. Offer good through 7/31/99 INSTALLATION SERVICE Monday-Saturday, ,, • I-. Free Estimates .Radio Dispatched pit City ea!,Umps .Gas & Electric Furnaces • Factory Trained ech . ' ,'r ia . Evenings by appointment. Ca a 1 L. "¢)maitioni • • 24 Hour Emergency Service A fulMervice professional "ue-'trnetal wenrlg • Electric Air Cleaners Systems Design/Duct Work &Repair .JackieBurfien,. Mari/ynClary, halr.alon formen, women Stove & Fan Center • Maintenance & Service ,,refW8 stylist Owner, sWlist ncLcbilaren To Flnancing Available 2118 Pacific Ave., Olympia * 943-5587 |l Free: 1(888)818-9335 TllIM 426=22 71 Mon.-Fri. 8:30-6:00 p.m.* Sat. 8:30-5:30 p.m, (360)426-1255 rCONTUC,ADVANHCO22NF It} Hard To Stop A T'ane:" / 123 Front Street i Thursday, July 29, 1999 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 25