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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 29, 1999     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 29, 1999
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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CLASSIFIED RATES • 15 words or less - $5.00 I In multiple insertion • 10 cents for each additional word over 151ads ' The Journal will • Four insertions for the price of three I be responsible for • Classified deadline - 2 p.m, Tuesday I errors In the first • Classified display - 5 p.m. Monday I Insertion only. Phone 426-441'2 to Place Ad p- HELP WANTED FOR SALE GARAGE, YARD SALES HELP WAN'rED FOR SALE $59,500 PACKAGE. 32' Luhrs cabin cruiser, building site in gated communi- ty on Harstine Island, 40' moorage slip paid through 2017. All or nothing. 427- 8801. K7/29-8/19 TWO LARGE "teachers" desks; surplus file cabinet, etc. 426-3758. 17/29 AUCTIONS FREE KILN-DRIED cedar mill ends. U- haul. Great for k ndling. We deliver4565 truckload 6400 E Agate Road,' 6- 7900. C7i29-8/19 ' HOT TUB: Softtub, lightweight, portable S.=tspa' no costly installation, just plug in. 0° 4"6 people. Reasonable. 432- v. W7/29 CRAFTSMAN CHAINSAW, 2.0/14" Iockbar. Craftsman circular saw, 71/4"- 2hp, adjustable glass door fireplace screen with andirons. 427-1227. $7/29 LIKE NEW queen mattress set, $125. Like new pillow top king mattress out of estate, not used, paid $799, sacrifice $150. 360-426-5335 after 5 p.m. $7/29 McCULLOCH 610 chainsaw, 16" bar, $75. McCulloch 250 chainsaw, 24" bar, $125. Winchester 75 target rifle with scope, $350. H&R 666 revolver with 22 & 22 WM.R.F. cylinders, $125. Huffy men's 10-speed bike (new) $75. AMF ladies 5-speed bike (new), $75. 426- 5753. A7/29 GARAGE, YARD SALES " Accessories • Supplies " Service • All special orders ready for pick-up next day, no extra cost. • Parts available to all in-house technicians wholesale rates. • Custom-built computers to your specifications ...... lowest cosl, highest quality. ' Networking • Training • Tech Support f  tee delivery within I O-mile radius 124 W, 'T' St., Shelton 426-7525 ,,,,,,.qualitycomputers 1 .com Pager 923-9875 SPOONER FARMS is here in SHELTON! • WANTED RASPBERRIES HERE NOW! Marionberries next week For more information call Olympia 456-4554 WE CAN BUILD 'EM START TO FINISH OR DO-IT-YOURSELF Custom designed in any size to fit your needs... not our convenience, at competitive prices. Call Art today 426.2411 32'x24'x10' Two-Car Garage and Storage 20'x36'x8' Horse Stable with Feed and Tack Room 24'x48'x11' Shop and Storage =0x,4x. Justv/Ask Two-Car Garage 16'x7' Roll-Up Door REN TA L ifuPutation for Qualit .. PeOple have over 2Yvears of service to the Pacific Northwest with thousands n [IStied customers " • of the lea We ca .... dlng post-frame builders in Mason County. With no' ustom design at competitive prices, any width, length or height required (:hoo ' P nalty in price. araro.m s wide range of buildings... • Airplane hangars • Carports • MSch.  "Mobile home covers • Warehouses • Horse arenas and stables • '"= storage and shops 4 K LIc. #TOZIEBI02 P First & Mill, Shelton 426-4373 or 426-2411 Hours: Rental hours Sun 9-6 Mort-Sat 7-5, Sun 9-5 RECONDITIONED APPLIANCES from Integrity Appliance. Whirlpool washer, works great, $75. Hotpoint XL capacity washer, $125. Whirlpool dryer, $110. Hotpoint built-in dishwasher, $149. Call 427-8824 (Jay). Want used appliances. P7/29 GRAPEVIEW ANNUAL Water Festival, July 31st. Starts at 10 a.m. Golf con- test, silent auction, children's activi- ties, salmon dinner, 3 p.m. 'til 5 p.m., Fair Harbor Marina, Grapeview. G7/29 25" ALL-CHANNEL console TV, swivel base. $50. 426-8699. H7/29 THREE-PERSON Pelican peddle boat, $300. Two docks, 6x10 and 6x8, $25 each. Leisure Time lifetime membership plus coast-to-coast, $1,200. 426-1584. N7/29 UPRIGHT FREEZER, Sears 17.4 cu.ff., white, $150. 427-0829. B7/29 HAMBURGER, 501b boxes, $1.49 a pound. Call 426-2411. T9/18 tfn METABOLIFE 356 TM, for product, call Debbie at 426-2136. Metabolife inde- pendent distributor, N4187100499. R7/15-8/5 OLDER T-BIRD golf cart, electric. Sharp - good for farm, with hitch. $750. 427-7000. Mc7/15-8/5 AVON, IF you don't have a represen- tative, call Judy at 877-0026. L7/8-29 BUGS! USE Enforcer Insect Killers to kill ants, roaches, crawling and flying bugs. Guaranteed effective or your money back! Available at these partici- pating stores: Tozier Brothers True Value, Shelton. E7/15-8/5 NIFTY THRIFTY Gateway Center, men's and women's jeans $1 pair. Bed- ding /2 price. Furniture, large selec- tion. Reasonably priced. Hours 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday. $7/29 THREE YEAR old full system computer with monitor, printer, many programs, desk and chair included. $850 OBO. Call 432-8574 or 426-1502. H7/29 ENTERTAINMENT CENTER. Oak veneer. Holds 27' TV, excellent condi- tion. $125, 426-4103. N7/29 SHAKER STYLE pine dining table, needs refinishing, two caneback side chairs, excellent condition, 432-8207. $7/29 OAK PEDESTAL table, 4 press-back chairs, $200 OBO. 432-9291. $7/29- 8/5 BEANIE BABIES for sale, 4th genera- tion and 5th generation, too many to list. Lots of Beanie Buddies and Teeny Beanies. I have about 35 attic trea- sures, all retired, willing to sell cheap, 427-3839. M7/29 FREE REFRIGERATOR, 877-5501. Mc7/29 STAINED GLASS windows, stepping stones, door inserts, suncatchers, boxes, lamps, custom designs, re- pairs, etc. Call Koleen, 426-0824 evenings after 6 p.m. and weekends for information and estimates. W7/8tfn SEPTIC DESIGNS and install - we try harder for gravity - get our bid too. Lux Design, 426-0820. LUXDE*'033CJ. L 12/3tfn TOP SOIL High quality sandy loam Top cut • No Rocks • No Clay LANDSCAPING Lawns • Sprinklers Plants ° Bark Backhoe ° Dozer ROCK WALLS Bulkheads • Ripraps Deliveries Anywhere rLANDASCAPERS00 NORTHWEST | 426-9922 I • LAND203B-4 "1 Answers to Super Crossword lelAIwIEIo IITIAIHIL AINITIIIAIt I,IIINI,IaloIAITI=I=IsIalsIIIRI I BUY, SELL, trade, Rodeo Drive-In swap meet, Sundays 8 a.m.-3 p.m., near Bremerton Airport. Information, 360-698-6031. R5/20tfn BUY OR consign one item or an entire estate. Serving the local area since 1963. References available, Lic. #193. Ken's Auction Service, 3707 Marvin Road NE, Olympia. 491-6804. K1/14tfn GIFT FOR Special Children, will be hav- ing their annual garage sale, Saturday, 7/31, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., at the PUD Audi- torium. C7/29 TWO TELEVISIONS, stereos, wood twin bed, bench-top woodworking tools and equipment, furniture, misc. Satur- day, Sunday 9 a.m.-5 p.m.E. 390 An- nas Way, Timberlakes. W7/29 SATURDAY, 7/31, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Quali- ty merchandise: 1997 Honda genera- tor, EB2500X, used 8 hours, $700. Studded tires, yard tools, women's clothing size 20-22, household, sports cards. Pickering Storage, Unit C7, 346 E. Pickering Road. B7/29 PRE-MOVING sale: Saturday, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. 926 Wyandotte. Household items, clothes $1 per bag, misc. items. H7/29 THE BIG one, by Pioneer Kiwanis. Fur- niture, small appliances, tools, some- thing for everyone. Save Saturday, Au- gust 7th, for us. 10 a.m.-3 p.m., at 1111 Picketing Road, across from Spencer Lake Resort. P7/29-8/5 GUNS - GIRLS - guys - and grandmas stuff. Four family garage sale. Beanie Babies, 34x36 501 Levi's, a dozen guns and reloading supplies, misses large leather jacket, flannel shirts, blankets, nine pc. water picture set, Franciscan dinnerware set, ab roller, table top, collectible glassware, pair of grey marble brass lamps, antique high back chair, mid-70s Chevy truck parts, camp stove, new household size gen- erator, and lots, lots more, 505 Terrace Blvd, Saturday only 10 a.m.-5 p.m. No early sales, cash only. V7/29 GARAGE SALE, some furniture, misc., new children's clothing left from Sugar & Spice. 10 E. Oak Place, Friday, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. $7/29 ESTATE SALE, everything goes, for- mal dining room set, couch, recliner, end tables, W/D, jewelry, doll, bear and toy collection, handmade quilts and afghans, kitchenware, old & new, tons of misc. Friday 7/30, Saturday 7/31, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., 934 Cascade Ave. F7/29 SATURDAY ONLY, Rainbow Lake. Tools, tires, aluminum boat and motor, fishing gear, clothes. Follow signs. G7/29 GARAGE SALE Friday/Saturday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. 191 Noble Glen Drive. T7/29 4 FAMILY garage sale. Saturday/Sun- day, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Pots-n-pans, king- sized sheets, TV, tools, small rowboat. Cancel if rain. E. 381 Olympic Drive, Grapeview. F7/29 MULTI-FAMILY BARN sale, over 1,700 sq.ft, of pre-owned treasures - wash- ers, dryers, kitchen items, bunk bed, sofa sleeper, dressers, chairs, toys, bikes, welder, tools, shower, vanities, toilet, 1983 4WD Bronco, 1974 4WD Wagoneer, 1963 870 cu.ft, cargo truck, I engines, 19208 Kermath, 120hp Mar- ' cruiser rebuilt, 200, diesel Her- I cules, children and adult clothing, much more. Harstine Island, over bridge, turn right at stop sign. 2.6 miles to 2853 E. So. Island Drive. Saturday only, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. C7/29 OUTSTANDING BARN sale at 941 Ar- cadia Rd. Tools, fishing gear, linens, glassware, lamps, bedding, kitchen- ware, oriental ware, full-size bed, dishes, picture frames and more items will be added on Saturday. Something for everyone. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Friday, 30th, and Saturday, 31st. G7/29 2111 LAUREL. Friday/Saturday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Lots of stuff. 07/29 MULTI-FAMILY YARD sale. Saturday only, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Furniture, house- hold items, too numerous to list. 170 SE Stroud Road, follow signs out Arca- dia. V7/29 MOVING SALE Saturday, 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Used hot tub, furniture, stove, 10- speed, miscellaneous spa/pool equip- ment, new specialty vinyl windows, dishes, clothing. Follow signs off Alder, 414 Henry Street. Z7/29 FRIDAY.SUNDAY, 9 a.m.-? N. 30 W. Fairway Drive, Lake Cushman. Three. family, pre-moving sale, Sears wood chipper, miscellaneous. P7/29 MULTI-FAMILY BLOCK sale. Ferry Street off Summit and Roosevelt, Friday/Saturday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Exer- cise equipment, lawn furniture, display cases, foam pads, trumpet, furniture, stereo equipment, computer, stove/ oven/vent/hot water tank, tools, good tires, bicycle, unfinished utility trailer, trailer axle, antiques, Beanie Babies, arts & crafts, 14 ft. boat, kids' clothes and toys, Datsun motor and transmis- sion. Much more, too much to list. C7/29 GARAGE SALE, Friday-Saturday, 2- man army tents, riding lawn mower, burning barrels, too many items to list. SE 470 Arcadia Road. D7/29 SATURDAY-SUNDAY, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Miscellaneous housewares, furnish- ings, books, tools, odds and ends. 110 Bluff Loop Rd., Bay East. Follow signs on Lynch Road off Hwy. 101. $7/29 3 FAMILY sale. Fertilizer spreader for riding lawn mower, mag wheel rims, pa- tio umbrella, baby to adult clothing, lots of misc. Saturday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. 781 SE Arcadia Rd., 7/10 mile. H7/29 SATURDAY 7/31, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. 1826 Stevens Street, just off Arcadia near five corners. Computer desk, tools, dryer, Raleigh mountain bike, and many more items. 07/29 THREE FAMILIES. Furniture, dishes, mowers, chainsaw, toolbox/tools. Fri- day, Saturday, 9 a.m.-? Follow orange signs from Hwy. 3 and Agate Road to 421 E. Agate Beach Drive. $7/29 FRIDAY/SATURDAY, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Household items, books and clothes. Printer, computer items, large area rug, and so much more. 1418 Jefferson Street on Mt. View. J7/29 JUST DID spring cleaning, have lots of stuff to get rid of. 327 W. Grove. Fri- day, Saturday, Sunday. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. No early sales. W7/29 FRIDAY, SATURDAY only, multi-family garage sale, clothes, big screen TV, knickknacks and more. 537 W. 'T' Street, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. T7/29 WANTED - I prefer a 1977 or newer 14' wide or will take 12' wide single-wide trailer. Free or cheap, cheap. 426- 0855. J7/29 OFFICE SYSTEMS and equipment wanted for consignment. Let us sell for you. Call Quality Computers, 427-7525. Q7/29-8/19 WANTED: MAGNETS (all types - large/small) donated for science class projects, call after 6 p.m. 426-2041. R7/29 VHF RADIO, handheld or mount, new or used. Must work. 426-5377. H7/29- 8/19 WANTED ANTIQUE lamps, to buy or consign. In old lamp shop. 898-8100. B7/8-29 ESTATE BUYER, 898-8100. B6/10- 7/29 ELECTRICIAN, RESIDENTIAL and commercial. Journey level only, paid benefits. D.O.E. 426-8910. P7/15-8/5 HAIRSTYLISTS FOR busy TGF Hair. cutters Shelton salon. Great pay, medical/dental, 401K, vacat, on. Pull or part-time. (206) 232-8008. T7/8-29 ADOPT-A-PET KENNELS are in need of volunteer help, From 2 p,m, to 4 p.m., I day a week, But, these hours can be adjusted. Your help would be greatly appreciated, please call 426- 2610 or our new web site at for more details. A4/30tfn 1 Providence I SoundHomeCare I and Hospice HOME HEALTH RNS (Shelton/Olympia) Providence SoundHomecare k Hos- pices is currently seeking 2 FT RNs (Olympia & Shelton Offices) to work Mon.-Fri. 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. w/occa- sional weekends and also for Olympia Office, one full-time RN 2:00 p.m.- 10:30 p.m. and a PT RN to work Sat. & Sun. 10 hr. shifts. Requirements in- clude current WA State licensure/cer- tification; minimum of one year expe- rience in a home health, acute care or long term/transitional care setting; ability to work well independently; valid WA State drivers license. Inter- ested applicants can send resume to or apply at: 3706 Griffin Lane SE Olym- pia, WA 98501, fax to: (360) 493-4657 or call (360) 459-8311 for an applica- tion. E.O.E. 7/'2.2) 2t NAC's, LPN's, RN's needed at Sun- Bridge Care & Rehabilitation for Shel- ton. We have wonderful residents, a great staff, a new building and exten- sive benefits. If you are looking to work in a positive, caring and team-oriented environment, please call 360-427-2575 for an interview, or fax resume to 360- 427-2563. EOE. J7/29-8/5 SURVEYING. Kitsap County Public Works has 3-6 month temporary right- of-way position including deed re- search, right-of-way boundary determi- nation, property calculations and map- ping onto existing aerial digital draw- ings. Requires: WA professional Land Surveyor's license, knowledge of prop- erty boundary calculations, deed re- search, and property descriptions. De- sirable: AutoCad, Right-of-Way and aerial mapping. Salary: Negotiable. Send resume and cover letter to: Kit- sap County Personnel, 614 Division St. MS-23, Port Orchard, WA 98366-4676, (360) 337-5401 ext 0, Kitsap County is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Check out our website at: K7/29 LOCAL CONCRETE prscaster looking for self-motivated person, forklift ex- perience helpful but not necessary. 427-6040. K7/29-8/5 ATTITUDE PAYS $ Telemarker needed. Must be self motivated, have a good attitude and able to communicate well with public. Experienced preferred. Base hourly guarantee. Plus lucrative bonus program. Call between 3-6 p.m. only, 426-6599. J7/15-8/5 FULL OR part-time golf club clerk. Re- tail experience, must be 21 years or older. Available to work weekends. Please call 898-2560. Alderbrook Golf Shop. A7/15-8/5 POSITIONS AVAILABLE at the Blue Heron Resort Condominiums. House- keepers, grounds/maintenance, jr. as- sistant manager. Call for appointment, 898-3123. B7/22-29 AGGRESSIVE WOMAN/Man. Our top rep made $400,000 last year, we're looking for an assertive person who stands out in the crowd because of their poise and ability. Someone who is looking for an opportunity to live up to their potential. The person we select must be able to communicate with a professional person regarding our unique business service. We offer: $2,000/mo. initial guarantee with mini- mum requirement. Exc. comp. training program. Advancement opportunity. No travel nights or weekends required. Ex- ceptional repeat business. For a per- sonal interview call 360-456-4065 Olympia, 253-370-8379 Tacoma. T7/29 NEED AN expert to prune our native and non-native shrubs and trees. Ref- erences a must. If you don't know what you're doing and don't show up on time, don't call, 426-2214, eves. F7/29-8/5 EXPERIENCED FRAMER and framer helper. Call after 6 p.m. 275-2197. B7/29-8/5 ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS for home care assistants. We are looking for dedicated individuals who would like to join our team. Providing one-on-one care for the elderly and physically chal- lenged. Full, part-time and live-in posi- tions available. Shifts, evenings, weekends. Applications are available at 1716 Olympic Hwy. N., Shelton. Contact Dawn Clark at 427-2230 or 586-2960. C7/29-8/5 i DRIVERS WANTED - Drivers with at least 3 years over-the-road experi- ence, familiar with flatbeds, for 48- state operation. Late model trucks, good pay, with health benefits, 427- 7652. One local position available. Must have CDL. U7/29-8/19 LOCAL NON-PROFIT group is seeking qualified individual or organization to fulfill service contract for hazardous waste/water quality project. Duties in- clude: grant administration, project co- ordination, research existing educa- tional materials, create water quality brochure, design and implement haz- ardous waste survey, and public edu- cation and outreach. Must have good communication and organizational skills. For more information, call Toni at 426-7591. C7/29 EARLY CHILDHOOD Education Spe- cialist. Olympic College is recruiting applicants for an Early Childhood Spe- cialist position at the Shelton campus. The position is temporary with no com- mitment for continued employment; less than half-time employment (ap- proximately 19 hours week); the pay rate is $12.67 per hour. Qualifications: 45 college quarter hours in early child- hood development/special education or equivalent or Child Development Asso- ciate Credential and two years experi- ence working with children in a group setting ages birth to six years or com- bination education/experience. Open until filled. Contact the Shelton Campus in person or at 432-5400, (EEO/AA). 07/29 MT. OLIVE Lutheran Daycare is looking for an enthusiastic Christian to work with our school-age children from 2 to 6 p.m., M-F beginning in September (possible school vacations and sum- mers off). Must love working with chil- dren, planning creative activities and be actively involved in a church. Must be at least 21 years old with WSDL and clean driving record since respon- sibilities include driving a van to pick up children at five local elementary. schools. This position closes Monday, August 2, at Noon. Please call be- tween 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. for more information and an application. Mar- garete or Eve 427-3165. M7/8-29 , ,,,,, , ,,,,, REQUEST FOR ,Bids. The Southern Pu- get Sound Inter-Tribal Housing Authori- ty is currently accepting subcontractor and supplier bids in the following areas of work on 5 homes to be built on the Culik Site, Skokomish Indian Reserva- tion, Shelton, Washington and on 4 homes to be built on the Longhouse Property, Shoalwater Bay Indian Res- ervation, Tokeland, Washington. Foun- dations, framing material, plumbing, electrical, windows, roofing, insulation, framing labor, trim package, finish car- pentry labor, doors, cabinets, vinyl, carpet, woodstoves and appliances. This request for bids is open to all qualified subcontractors and suppliers and is subject to Indian preference and Davis-Bacon wage rates. If you have any questions or need further informa- tion, please contact, New Construction Manager, Ken Behling by phone at (360) 426-4641 or 1-800-400-4641, by mail or in person at SE 11 Squaxin Drive, Shelton, WA 98584. $7/15-8/5 DIRFCTOR FOR North Mason Food Bank, Belfair. Responsibilities include the efficient operation of the food bank. This is a volunteer position. Resumes to P.O. Box 421, Belfair, WA 98528 or call 360-275-4615. R7/8- 29 iii i CITY OF SHELTON CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION ENTRY LEVEL POLICE OFFICER EXAM Job Title: Entry Level Police Officer Salary Range: $3,119.60 per month plus full benefits Date of Closing: August 6, 1999 The Shelton Civil Service Commission is calling for an exam to add to the current Eligibility Register for the position of Entry Level Police Officer for the Shelton Police Department. A complete job description and fact sheet are available as a part of the application packet. This position is within a collective bargaining agreement. Qualification Requirements: To perform this job successfully, the person in this posi- tion must be able to perform each essential duty satisfactorily. The requirements listed below are representative of the knowledge, skill, and/or ability required. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions. Language Skills: Ability to use tact, understanding and judgment in dealing with the public in law enforcement situations and all other contacts. Ability to establish and maintain harmonious working relationships with superiors, co-workers, and the gen- eral public. Ability to learn and apply technical information pertaining to law enforce- ment. Required Knowledge, Certificates and Licenses: High School Graduate or have a GED; at least 21 years of age and a citizen of the United States who can read and write the English language; have, or have the ability to obtain, a valid Washington State Motor Vehicle Operator's License prior to hire with an acceptable driving record; and free of misdemeanor or felony convictions. Examination Procedure: Examinations for the establishment of the Eligibility List will consist of one of more of the following: 1 Application Evaluation, 2 Background and Driving Record Examination, 3 Physical Agility, 4. Written Exam, 5. Oral Board Interview. Procedure for Submitting: Request a City of Shelton Civil Service Police Officer application packet from City Hall, 310 W. Cots Street, Shelton, WA. Monday-Friday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. No applications will be received or sent by faxed. Applica- tions nust be received by 5:00 P.M. on August 6, 1999 and must Include a $15.00 non-refundable application fee (IISLg.IItL made out to the City of Shel- ton). Questions may be directed to Jeanette Valley, Civil Service Secretary Examiner at (360) 426-4491 during normal working hours. EOE. ADDITIONALLY Applications are being accepted through August 21, 1999 for RESERVE POLICE OFFICER. This Is a non-paid volunteer position which augment= Police Depart- ment personnel at community events. Applications for RESERVE POLICE OF- FICER are available at the Shelton Police Department at 122 Franklin Street be- tween the hours of 8am-Spm, Monday through Friday. 7/2229 2t ii i i i i Thursday, July 29, 1999 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 27 3DD 13013 DBBDB OcIOC IllllllllIIIlllllllll CLASSIFIED RATES • 15 words or less - $5.00 I In multiple insertion • 10 cents for each additional word over 151ads ' The Journal will • Four insertions for the price of three I be responsible for • Classified deadline - 2 p.m, Tuesday I errors In the first • Classified display - 5 p.m. Monday I Insertion only. Phone 426-441'2 to Place Ad p- HELP WANTED FOR SALE GARAGE, YARD SALES HELP WAN'rED FOR SALE $59,500 PACKAGE. 32' Luhrs cabin cruiser, building site in gated communi- ty on Harstine Island, 40' moorage slip paid through 2017. All or nothing. 427- 8801. K7/29-8/19 TWO LARGE "teachers" desks; surplus file cabinet, etc. 426-3758. 17/29 AUCTIONS FREE KILN-DRIED cedar mill ends. U- haul. Great for k ndling. We deliver4565 truckload 6400 E Agate Road,' 6- 7900. C7i29-8/19 ' HOT TUB: Softtub, lightweight, portable S.=tspa' no costly installation, just plug in. 0° 4"6 people. Reasonable. 432- v. W7/29 CRAFTSMAN CHAINSAW, 2.0/14" Iockbar. Craftsman circular saw, 71/4"- 2hp, adjustable glass door fireplace screen with andirons. 427-1227. $7/29 LIKE NEW queen mattress set, $125. Like new pillow top king mattress out of estate, not used, paid $799, sacrifice $150. 360-426-5335 after 5 p.m. $7/29 McCULLOCH 610 chainsaw, 16" bar, $75. McCulloch 250 chainsaw, 24" bar, $125. Winchester 75 target rifle with scope, $350. H&R 666 revolver with 22 & 22 WM.R.F. cylinders, $125. Huffy men's 10-speed bike (new) $75. AMF ladies 5-speed bike (new), $75. 426- 5753. A7/29 GARAGE, YARD SALES " Accessories • Supplies " Service • All special orders ready for pick-up next day, no extra cost. • Parts available to all in-house technicians wholesale rates. • Custom-built computers to your specifications ...... lowest cosl, highest quality. ' Networking • Training • Tech Support f  tee delivery within I O-mile radius 124 W, 'T' St., Shelton 426-7525 ,,,,,,.qualitycomputers 1 .com Pager 923-9875 SPOONER FARMS is here in SHELTON! • WANTED RASPBERRIES HERE NOW! Marionberries next week For more information call Olympia 456-4554 WE CAN BUILD 'EM START TO FINISH OR DO-IT-YOURSELF Custom designed in any size to fit your needs... not our convenience, at competitive prices. Call Art today 426.2411 32'x24'x10' Two-Car Garage and Storage 20'x36'x8' Horse Stable with Feed and Tack Room 24'x48'x11' Shop and Storage =0x,4x. Justv/Ask Two-Car Garage 16'x7' Roll-Up Door REN TA L ifuPutation for Qualit .. PeOple have over 2Yvears of service to the Pacific Northwest with thousands n [IStied customers " • of the lea We ca .... dlng post-frame builders in Mason County. With no' ustom design at competitive prices, any width, length or height required (:hoo ' P nalty in price. araro.m s wide range of buildings... • Airplane hangars • Carports • MSch.  "Mobile home covers • Warehouses • Horse arenas and stables • '"= storage and shops 4 K LIc. #TOZIEBI02 P First & Mill, Shelton 426-4373 or 426-2411 Hours: Rental hours Sun 9-6 Mort-Sat 7-5, Sun 9-5 RECONDITIONED APPLIANCES from Integrity Appliance. Whirlpool washer, works great, $75. Hotpoint XL capacity washer, $125. Whirlpool dryer, $110. Hotpoint built-in dishwasher, $149. Call 427-8824 (Jay). Want used appliances. P7/29 GRAPEVIEW ANNUAL Water Festival, July 31st. Starts at 10 a.m. Golf con- test, silent auction, children's activi- ties, salmon dinner, 3 p.m. 'til 5 p.m., Fair Harbor Marina, Grapeview. G7/29 25" ALL-CHANNEL console TV, swivel base. $50. 426-8699. H7/29 THREE-PERSON Pelican peddle boat, $300. Two docks, 6x10 and 6x8, $25 each. Leisure Time lifetime membership plus coast-to-coast, $1,200. 426-1584. N7/29 UPRIGHT FREEZER, Sears 17.4 cu.ff., white, $150. 427-0829. B7/29 HAMBURGER, 501b boxes, $1.49 a pound. Call 426-2411. T9/18 tfn METABOLIFE 356 TM, for product, call Debbie at 426-2136. Metabolife inde- pendent distributor, N4187100499. R7/15-8/5 OLDER T-BIRD golf cart, electric. Sharp - good for farm, with hitch. $750. 427-7000. Mc7/15-8/5 AVON, IF you don't have a represen- tative, call Judy at 877-0026. L7/8-29 BUGS! USE Enforcer Insect Killers to kill ants, roaches, crawling and flying bugs. Guaranteed effective or your money back! Available at these partici- pating stores: Tozier Brothers True Value, Shelton. E7/15-8/5 NIFTY THRIFTY Gateway Center, men's and women's jeans $1 pair. Bed- ding /2 price. Furniture, large selec- tion. Reasonably priced. Hours 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday. $7/29 THREE YEAR old full system computer with monitor, printer, many programs, desk and chair included. $850 OBO. Call 432-8574 or 426-1502. H7/29 ENTERTAINMENT CENTER. Oak veneer. Holds 27' TV, excellent condi- tion. $125, 426-4103. N7/29 SHAKER STYLE pine dining table, needs refinishing, two caneback side chairs, excellent condition, 432-8207. $7/29 OAK PEDESTAL table, 4 press-back chairs, $200 OBO. 432-9291. $7/29- 8/5 BEANIE BABIES for sale, 4th genera- tion and 5th generation, too many to list. Lots of Beanie Buddies and Teeny Beanies. I have about 35 attic trea- sures, all retired, willing to sell cheap, 427-3839. M7/29 FREE REFRIGERATOR, 877-5501. Mc7/29 STAINED GLASS windows, stepping stones, door inserts, suncatchers, boxes, lamps, custom designs, re- pairs, etc. Call Koleen, 426-0824 evenings after 6 p.m. and weekends for information and estimates. W7/8tfn SEPTIC DESIGNS and install - we try harder for gravity - get our bid too. Lux Design, 426-0820. LUXDE*'033CJ. L 12/3tfn TOP SOIL High quality sandy loam Top cut • No Rocks • No Clay LANDSCAPING Lawns • Sprinklers Plants ° Bark Backhoe ° Dozer ROCK WALLS Bulkheads • Ripraps Deliveries Anywhere rLANDASCAPERS00 NORTHWEST | 426-9922 I • LAND203B-4 "1 Answers to Super Crossword lelAIwIEIo IITIAIHIL AINITIIIAIt I,IIINI,IaloIAITI=I=IsIalsIIIRI I BUY, SELL, trade, Rodeo Drive-In swap meet, Sundays 8 a.m.-3 p.m., near Bremerton Airport. Information, 360-698-6031. R5/20tfn BUY OR consign one item or an entire estate. Serving the local area since 1963. References available, Lic. #193. Ken's Auction Service, 3707 Marvin Road NE, Olympia. 491-6804. K1/14tfn GIFT FOR Special Children, will be hav- ing their annual garage sale, Saturday, 7/31, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., at the PUD Audi- torium. C7/29 TWO TELEVISIONS, stereos, wood twin bed, bench-top woodworking tools and equipment, furniture, misc. Satur- day, Sunday 9 a.m.-5 p.m.E. 390 An- nas Way, Timberlakes. W7/29 SATURDAY, 7/31, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Quali- ty merchandise: 1997 Honda genera- tor, EB2500X, used 8 hours, $700. Studded tires, yard tools, women's clothing size 20-22, household, sports cards. Pickering Storage, Unit C7, 346 E. Pickering Road. B7/29 PRE-MOVING sale: Saturday, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. 926 Wyandotte. Household items, clothes $1 per bag, misc. items. H7/29 THE BIG one, by Pioneer Kiwanis. Fur- niture, small appliances, tools, some- thing for everyone. Save Saturday, Au- gust 7th, for us. 10 a.m.-3 p.m., at 1111 Picketing Road, across from Spencer Lake Resort. P7/29-8/5 GUNS - GIRLS - guys - and grandmas stuff. Four family garage sale. Beanie Babies, 34x36 501 Levi's, a dozen guns and reloading supplies, misses large leather jacket, flannel shirts, blankets, nine pc. water picture set, Franciscan dinnerware set, ab roller, table top, collectible glassware, pair of grey marble brass lamps, antique high back chair, mid-70s Chevy truck parts, camp stove, new household size gen- erator, and lots, lots more, 505 Terrace Blvd, Saturday only 10 a.m.-5 p.m. No early sales, cash only. V7/29 GARAGE SALE, some furniture, misc., new children's clothing left from Sugar & Spice. 10 E. Oak Place, Friday, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. $7/29 ESTATE SALE, everything goes, for- mal dining room set, couch, recliner, end tables, W/D, jewelry, doll, bear and toy collection, handmade quilts and afghans, kitchenware, old & new, tons of misc. Friday 7/30, Saturday 7/31, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., 934 Cascade Ave. F7/29 SATURDAY ONLY, Rainbow Lake. Tools, tires, aluminum boat and motor, fishing gear, clothes. Follow signs. G7/29 GARAGE SALE Friday/Saturday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. 191 Noble Glen Drive. T7/29 4 FAMILY garage sale. Saturday/Sun- day, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Pots-n-pans, king- sized sheets, TV, tools, small rowboat. Cancel if rain. E. 381 Olympic Drive, Grapeview. F7/29 MULTI-FAMILY BARN sale, over 1,700 sq.ft, of pre-owned treasures - wash- ers, dryers, kitchen items, bunk bed, sofa sleeper, dressers, chairs, toys, bikes, welder, tools, shower, vanities, toilet, 1983 4WD Bronco, 1974 4WD Wagoneer, 1963 870 cu.ft, cargo truck, I engines, 19208 Kermath, 120hp Mar- ' cruiser rebuilt, 200, diesel Her- I cules, children and adult clothing, much more. Harstine Island, over bridge, turn right at stop sign. 2.6 miles to 2853 E. So. Island Drive. Saturday only, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. C7/29 OUTSTANDING BARN sale at 941 Ar- cadia Rd. Tools, fishing gear, linens, glassware, lamps, bedding, kitchen- ware, oriental ware, full-size bed, dishes, picture frames and more items will be added on Saturday. Something for everyone. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Friday, 30th, and Saturday, 31st. G7/29 2111 LAUREL. Friday/Saturday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Lots of stuff. 07/29 MULTI-FAMILY YARD sale. Saturday only, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Furniture, house- hold items, too numerous to list. 170 SE Stroud Road, follow signs out Arca- dia. V7/29 MOVING SALE Saturday, 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Used hot tub, furniture, stove, 10- speed, miscellaneous spa/pool equip- ment, new specialty vinyl windows, dishes, clothing. Follow signs off Alder, 414 Henry Street. Z7/29 FRIDAY.SUNDAY, 9 a.m.-? N. 30 W. Fairway Drive, Lake Cushman. Three. family, pre-moving sale, Sears wood chipper, miscellaneous. P7/29 MULTI-FAMILY BLOCK sale. Ferry Street off Summit and Roosevelt, Friday/Saturday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Exer- cise equipment, lawn furniture, display cases, foam pads, trumpet, furniture, stereo equipment, computer, stove/ oven/vent/hot water tank, tools, good tires, bicycle, unfinished utility trailer, trailer axle, antiques, Beanie Babies, arts & crafts, 14 ft. boat, kids' clothes and toys, Datsun motor and transmis- sion. Much more, too much to list. C7/29 GARAGE SALE, Friday-Saturday, 2- man army tents, riding lawn mower, burning barrels, too many items to list. SE 470 Arcadia Road. D7/29 SATURDAY-SUNDAY, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Miscellaneous housewares, furnish- ings, books, tools, odds and ends. 110 Bluff Loop Rd., Bay East. Follow signs on Lynch Road off Hwy. 101. $7/29 3 FAMILY sale. Fertilizer spreader for riding lawn mower, mag wheel rims, pa- tio umbrella, baby to adult clothing, lots of misc. Saturday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. 781 SE Arcadia Rd., 7/10 mile. H7/29 SATURDAY 7/31, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. 1826 Stevens Street, just off Arcadia near five corners. Computer desk, tools, dryer, Raleigh mountain bike, and many more items. 07/29 THREE FAMILIES. Furniture, dishes, mowers, chainsaw, toolbox/tools. Fri- day, Saturday, 9 a.m.-? Follow orange signs from Hwy. 3 and Agate Road to 421 E. Agate Beach Drive. $7/29 FRIDAY/SATURDAY, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Household items, books and clothes. Printer, computer items, large area rug, and so much more. 1418 Jefferson Street on Mt. View. J7/29 JUST DID spring cleaning, have lots of stuff to get rid of. 327 W. Grove. Fri- day, Saturday, Sunday. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. No early sales. W7/29 FRIDAY, SATURDAY only, multi-family garage sale, clothes, big screen TV, knickknacks and more. 537 W. 'T' Street, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. T7/29 WANTED - I prefer a 1977 or newer 14' wide or will take 12' wide single-wide trailer. Free or cheap, cheap. 426- 0855. J7/29 OFFICE SYSTEMS and equipment wanted for consignment. Let us sell for you. Call Quality Computers, 427-7525. Q7/29-8/19 WANTED: MAGNETS (all types - large/small) donated for science class projects, call after 6 p.m. 426-2041. R7/29 VHF RADIO, handheld or mount, new or used. Must work. 426-5377. H7/29- 8/19 WANTED ANTIQUE lamps, to buy or consign. In old lamp shop. 898-8100. B7/8-29 ESTATE BUYER, 898-8100. B6/10- 7/29 ELECTRICIAN, RESIDENTIAL and commercial. Journey level only, paid benefits. D.O.E. 426-8910. P7/15-8/5 HAIRSTYLISTS FOR busy TGF Hair. cutters Shelton salon. Great pay, medical/dental, 401K, vacat, on. Pull or part-time. (206) 232-8008. T7/8-29 ADOPT-A-PET KENNELS are in need of volunteer help, From 2 p,m, to 4 p.m., I day a week, But, these hours can be adjusted. Your help would be greatly appreciated, please call 426- 2610 or our new web site at for more details. A4/30tfn 1 Providence I SoundHomeCare I and Hospice HOME HEALTH RNS (Shelton/Olympia) Providence SoundHomecare k Hos- pices is currently seeking 2 FT RNs (Olympia & Shelton Offices) to work Mon.-Fri. 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. w/occa- sional weekends and also for Olympia Office, one full-time RN 2:00 p.m.- 10:30 p.m. and a PT RN to work Sat. & Sun. 10 hr. shifts. Requirements in- clude current WA State licensure/cer- tification; minimum of one year expe- rience in a home health, acute care or long term/transitional care setting; ability to work well independently; valid WA State drivers license. Inter- ested applicants can send resume to or apply at: 3706 Griffin Lane SE Olym- pia, WA 98501, fax to: (360) 493-4657 or call (360) 459-8311 for an applica- tion. E.O.E. 7/'2.2) 2t NAC's, LPN's, RN's needed at Sun- Bridge Care & Rehabilitation for Shel- ton. We have wonderful residents, a great staff, a new building and exten- sive benefits. If you are looking to work in a positive, caring and team-oriented environment, please call 360-427-2575 for an interview, or fax resume to 360- 427-2563. EOE. J7/29-8/5 SURVEYING. Kitsap County Public Works has 3-6 month temporary right- of-way position including deed re- search, right-of-way boundary determi- nation, property calculations and map- ping onto existing aerial digital draw- ings. Requires: WA professional Land Surveyor's license, knowledge of prop- erty boundary calculations, deed re- search, and property descriptions. De- sirable: AutoCad, Right-of-Way and aerial mapping. Salary: Negotiable. Send resume and cover letter to: Kit- sap County Personnel, 614 Division St. MS-23, Port Orchard, WA 98366-4676, (360) 337-5401 ext 0, Kitsap County is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Check out our website at: K7/29 LOCAL CONCRETE prscaster looking for self-motivated person, forklift ex- perience helpful but not necessary. 427-6040. K7/29-8/5 ATTITUDE PAYS $ Telemarker needed. Must be self motivated, have a good attitude and able to communicate well with public. Experienced preferred. Base hourly guarantee. Plus lucrative bonus program. Call between 3-6 p.m. only, 426-6599. J7/15-8/5 FULL OR part-time golf club clerk. Re- tail experience, must be 21 years or older. Available to work weekends. Please call 898-2560. Alderbrook Golf Shop. A7/15-8/5 POSITIONS AVAILABLE at the Blue Heron Resort Condominiums. House- keepers, grounds/maintenance, jr. as- sistant manager. Call for appointment, 898-3123. B7/22-29 AGGRESSIVE WOMAN/Man. Our top rep made $400,000 last year, we're looking for an assertive person who stands out in the crowd because of their poise and ability. Someone who is looking for an opportunity to live up to their potential. The person we select must be able to communicate with a professional person regarding our unique business service. We offer: $2,000/mo. initial guarantee with mini- mum requirement. Exc. comp. training program. Advancement opportunity. No travel nights or weekends required. Ex- ceptional repeat business. For a per- sonal interview call 360-456-4065 Olympia, 253-370-8379 Tacoma. T7/29 NEED AN expert to prune our native and non-native shrubs and trees. Ref- erences a must. If you don't know what you're doing and don't show up on time, don't call, 426-2214, eves. F7/29-8/5 EXPERIENCED FRAMER and framer helper. Call after 6 p.m. 275-2197. B7/29-8/5 ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS for home care assistants. We are looking for dedicated individuals who would like to join our team. Providing one-on-one care for the elderly and physically chal- lenged. Full, part-time and live-in posi- tions available. Shifts, evenings, weekends. Applications are available at 1716 Olympic Hwy. N., Shelton. Contact Dawn Clark at 427-2230 or 586-2960. C7/29-8/5 i DRIVERS WANTED - Drivers with at least 3 years over-the-road experi- ence, familiar with flatbeds, for 48- state operation. Late model trucks, good pay, with health benefits, 427- 7652. One local position available. Must have CDL. U7/29-8/19 LOCAL NON-PROFIT group is seeking qualified individual or organization to fulfill service contract for hazardous waste/water quality project. Duties in- clude: grant administration, project co- ordination, research existing educa- tional materials, create water quality brochure, design and implement haz- ardous waste survey, and public edu- cation and outreach. Must have good communication and organizational skills. For more information, call Toni at 426-7591. C7/29 EARLY CHILDHOOD Education Spe- cialist. Olympic College is recruiting applicants for an Early Childhood Spe- cialist position at the Shelton campus. The position is temporary with no com- mitment for continued employment; less than half-time employment (ap- proximately 19 hours week); the pay rate is $12.67 per hour. Qualifications: 45 college quarter hours in early child- hood development/special education or equivalent or Child Development Asso- ciate Credential and two years experi- ence working with children in a group setting ages birth to six years or com- bination education/experience. Open until filled. Contact the Shelton Campus in person or at 432-5400, (EEO/AA). 07/29 MT. OLIVE Lutheran Daycare is looking for an enthusiastic Christian to work with our school-age children from 2 to 6 p.m., M-F beginning in September (possible school vacations and sum- mers off). Must love working with chil- dren, planning creative activities and be actively involved in a church. Must be at least 21 years old with WSDL and clean driving record since respon- sibilities include driving a van to pick up children at five local elementary. schools. This position closes Monday, August 2, at Noon. Please call be- tween 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. for more information and an application. Mar- garete or Eve 427-3165. M7/8-29 , ,,,,, , ,,,,, REQUEST FOR ,Bids. The Southern Pu- get Sound Inter-Tribal Housing Authori- ty is currently accepting subcontractor and supplier bids in the following areas of work on 5 homes to be built on the Culik Site, Skokomish Indian Reserva- tion, Shelton, Washington and on 4 homes to be built on the Longhouse Property, Shoalwater Bay Indian Res- ervation, Tokeland, Washington. Foun- dations, framing material, plumbing, electrical, windows, roofing, insulation, framing labor, trim package, finish car- pentry labor, doors, cabinets, vinyl, carpet, woodstoves and appliances. This request for bids is open to all qualified subcontractors and suppliers and is subject to Indian preference and Davis-Bacon wage rates. If you have any questions or need further informa- tion, please contact, New Construction Manager, Ken Behling by phone at (360) 426-4641 or 1-800-400-4641, by mail or in person at SE 11 Squaxin Drive, Shelton, WA 98584. $7/15-8/5 DIRFCTOR FOR North Mason Food Bank, Belfair. Responsibilities include the efficient operation of the food bank. This is a volunteer position. Resumes to P.O. Box 421, Belfair, WA 98528 or call 360-275-4615. R7/8- 29 iii i CITY OF SHELTON CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION ENTRY LEVEL POLICE OFFICER EXAM Job Title: Entry Level Police Officer Salary Range: $3,119.60 per month plus full benefits Date of Closing: August 6, 1999 The Shelton Civil Service Commission is calling for an exam to add to the current Eligibility Register for the position of Entry Level Police Officer for the Shelton Police Department. A complete job description and fact sheet are available as a part of the application packet. This position is within a collective bargaining agreement. Qualification Requirements: To perform this job successfully, the person in this posi- tion must be able to perform each essential duty satisfactorily. The requirements listed below are representative of the knowledge, skill, and/or ability required. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions. Language Skills: Ability to use tact, understanding and judgment in dealing with the public in law enforcement situations and all other contacts. Ability to establish and maintain harmonious working relationships with superiors, co-workers, and the gen- eral public. Ability to learn and apply technical information pertaining to law enforce- ment. Required Knowledge, Certificates and Licenses: High School Graduate or have a GED; at least 21 years of age and a citizen of the United States who can read and write the English language; have, or have the ability to obtain, a valid Washington State Motor Vehicle Operator's License prior to hire with an acceptable driving record; and free of misdemeanor or felony convictions. Examination Procedure: Examinations for the establishment of the Eligibility List will consist of one of more of the following: 1 Application Evaluation, 2 Background and Driving Record Examination, 3 Physical Agility, 4. Written Exam, 5. Oral Board Interview. Procedure for Submitting: Request a City of Shelton Civil Service Police Officer application packet from City Hall, 310 W. Cots Street, Shelton, WA. Monday-Friday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. No applications will be received or sent by faxed. Applica- tions nust be received by 5:00 P.M. on August 6, 1999 and must Include a $15.00 non-refundable application fee (IISLg.IItL made out to the City of Shel- ton). Questions may be directed to Jeanette Valley, Civil Service Secretary Examiner at (360) 426-4491 during normal working hours. EOE. ADDITIONALLY Applications are being accepted through August 21, 1999 for RESERVE POLICE OFFICER. This Is a non-paid volunteer position which augment= Police Depart- ment personnel at community events. Applications for RESERVE POLICE OF- FICER are available at the Shelton Police Department at 122 Franklin Street be- tween the hours of 8am-Spm, Monday through Friday. 7/2229 2t ii i i i i Thursday, July 29, 1999 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 27 3DD 13013 DBBDB OcIOC IllllllllIIIlllllllll