July 29, 1999 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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SUBWAY HELP needed. Must be able
to work mornings. Apply in person at
Taylor Towne Store. T7/29
CASHIER NEEDED at Taylor Towne
Store. Must be over 21. Experience
preferred. Apply in person. T7/29
have WSDL. Call 427-5269. B7/22-2g
and disabled in Mason County area,
360-455-4524. C6/10-7/29
LIVE-IN MOTEL clerk. Homebody who
likes people, includes transferring
calls, etc. Background checked, 360-
426-3397. $7/29-8/19
QUALITY CHILD development center
seeking experienced teacher with gift
for nurturing. Organized creative and
fun. Mail resume to PO Box H, Shelton,
WA 98584. B7/22-29
OFFICE ASSISTANT for local in-
surance agency. Looking for friendly,
energetic individual. Duties are diversi-
fied in this small friendly office. Please
send resume to The Journal, BB #581,
PO Box 430, Shelton, WA 98584. 7/22-
BOOTH RENTAL, reasonable rates,
clientele needed, 427-1415 Hotlocks
Hair Salon. L7/29-8/19
panding Mason-Thurston/Shelton law
firm. General practice emphasizing
criminal defense, bankruptcies and
family law. Position is full-time Monday-
Friday, salary DOE. Computer skills are
required, preferably WordPerfect 6.0
and Forms Plus. Legal experience is
preferred but not required. Submit
resumes with references to PO Box
2370, Shelton, WA 98584. $7/29-8/19
JUVENILE COURT contract available:
Mason County Superior Court is now
considering applicants to fill one juve-
nile court contract position. Applicant
must be a licensed attorney in good
standing with the Washington State Bar
Association. The term of this contract
is six months commencing on Septem-
ber 1st, 1999, through February 29th,
2000. Compensation will be $2,600 per
month. Letters of interest and resumes
should be forwarded to Geri Burr, Ad-
ministrator, P.O. Box "X", Shelton, WA
98584, on or before noon on August
13th, 1999. Equal opportunity employ-
er. M7/22-8/5
voltage techs, Lacey, WA - 1-800-227-
0945, ask for Spud. C7/22-29
tions and Involvement. Rribte tot
ckg =rod 9ovtdlng laadtp for
district-wide community relations. Col-
lege degree, preferred, experience may
be substituted. Computer experience,
including Desktop publishing. Closing
date is 8/6/99. Complete job descrip-
tion, qualifications and application
available from the Shelton School Dis-
trict, (360) 426-1687, 207 N. 9th Street,
Shelton, WA 98584, EOE. $7/22-29
EXPERIENCE THE Prudential advan-
tage. Free license schooling, best
splits in area, no desk fee, no tranac-
tion fee, no technology fee. Individual
training in all areas of real estate
sales, including land development,
residential, and commercial. National
caregiver to care for 2 special needs
children in my home. 6-24 hours a day,
up'to 7 days a week. Possibility of per-
manent position for the right person.
Must be 18, flexible, dependable and
honest, with own transportation. Non
drinker, non drugs. For more informa-
tion call Sylvia evenings at 432-1014.
nounces the following openings: One
certificated teaching position for a
2nd/3rd grade split, for the 1999-2000
school year. One half time or less, cer-
tificated or classified position for a
Technology Lab Director, for the 1999-
2000 school year. One 3 hour, evening
custodial position, All positions are
open until filled. Applications are avail-
able at the Southside District office or
by calling 426-8437. $7/22-29
GET PAID to party. Established mobile
D.J. business for sale. Owner retiring.
Training available. Call for details. 1-
800-308-3854. C7/15-8/5
PANDA BEAR Childcare, licensed
home with preschool, ages 2 years
through 3rd grade. Lots of love and
excellent references. Meridian Park/
Angleside/Bordeaux. Kim N., 426-
4103. N7/1-29
teacher has 3 openings for ages 3-5 in
my Dayton Trails home. Hours, Mon-
day-Thursday 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Register
July 6th-August 9th. Please call 432-
2410 for interview. K7/1-29
CELLO, BASS and electric bass les-
sons including music theory, ear train-
ing and advanced techniques. Also
offering beginning violin and keyboard.
21 years experience. Call Dave, 427-
5487. P9/17fin
COUPLE8 NEEDED to pall:mta in a
study ot marital communication. 1-2
hours, flexible schedule. Call Linda at
426-2093. C7/22.8/12
WANTED: AN honest,, compassionate,
open-minded, fun.loving woman who's
willing to look beyond my present situa-
tion, and give my friendship a chance;
a woman that knows that friendship
knows no dam or border; it flows unhin-
dered by time and distance. Reward: A
loyal, considerate, understanding, well-
built, very strong, enthusiastic, 25,
5'7", 180 pound incamerated SWM who
has slot to give, cause in giving there's
slot to be gained- mainly friendship.
Write directly to me at: James Curtis
#984533 Washington State Peniten-
LOST FEMALE Sheltie on Hwy. 101
near Beacon Point. Answers to Chris-
sie, lost July 24. Reward, 877-5810.
LOST FEMALE Boston Terrier in Mt.
View area on July 3rd. Jet black,
white neck and feet, answers to Peg-
gy Sue, cannot hear or see well. Re-
sponds to loud clap, very friendly,
black collar, reward offered, 426-3699,
message 426-6338. A7/8-29
FREE TO good home, must go. Large
black dog, male adult, needs fenced
yard. Friendly and well-trained. And
purebred female, Pixie-Bob, breeder.
426-3758. 17/29
Born 6/28199. Parents excellent hunt-
ers. Great disposition, males $300, fe-
males $350. 427.8389. G7/15-8/5
FREE GOLDEN Retriever/yellow Lab
mix, medium size. Neutered, outdoor
dog, loves people, needs fenced yard.
426-6896. D7/29
20 MONTH-OLD Shepherd cross dog
needs good family. Very friendly, beau-
tiful, sweet dog. Moving and must find
home for my wonderful dog, (360) 709-
3530. N7/22-29
HORSE BOARDING, you care. Stalls,
corrals and tack room. Great pasture. 4
miles west of Shelton. $65 a month,
426-3909. 17/29
ALFALFA FOR sale, by bale or ton.
Semi load available. Will deliver. Eve-
nings 426-3633. G11/9tfn
FREE. GOOD hay. Cut, not baled, in
field. U-haul. Twin River Ranch, 426-
1023. R7/29
THREE PYGMY goats, 2 does and one
buck. Also includes house and hay
feeder $100. 426-3979. L7/22-29
WEANER PIGS, eat healthier, raise
own meat. Cut, wormed, shots, $50.
Boar service. Ostrich chicks, $50 and
up. 426-9913. $7/22-8/12
DAVE'S PAINTING interior, exterior,
mobiles, Ill wood, drywall, texturing,
since 1981. ,427-687.3.
DAVESP*012KR. Y7/15-8/5
tenance. Mowing, weeding, edging,
pruning, brush cutting, hauling, hedg-
ing, weedeating, rototilling, etc. 427-
1397, ask for Terrie. T7/22-8t12
hoe, dozer, dump truck. All types of
work, including septic systems, land
clearing, hauling, etc. Licensed and
bonded. Bob Paysse, 426-1803. PIO-
NEDI081P7. P11/12tfn
RICK WOKOJANCE window cleaning.
Serving Mason County for 20 years.
Company for decks, docks, remodel-
ing, and repairs. NORTHPC015LH, 427-
4111. N7/22tfn
Services, NORTHPC015LH, 427-4111.
Handyman Service. Remodels, addi-
tions and repairs, Lic. #RUDOLD05419.
427-1990. RG/Gtfn
PAINTING? CALL Tozier Bros. True-
Value for close out specials. As low
as $3 per gallon, 426-2411, ask for
Dick. T12/5tfn
HAKOLA'S TREE and Logging Service.
Danger tree falling, residential logging,
topping, limbing, stumping. Licensed,
bonded and insured. Free estimates.
Lic. #601-312-066, 426-5234. R5/Sffn
try, painting and building decks, car-
ports, garages, fences. Call 427-1741.
N8/21 tfn
Decorating, 16 years in business. Free
estimates - Reasonable rates. Lic.
#PAMSD121J5. 427-5066. Cl/15tfn
tenance and cleaning. Trouble shoot-
ing household repairs and detail clean-
ing, masonry repairs, telephone, ca-
ble, yard care. Lic #10221. 360-426-
4348, 360-490-3107 (cell). D6/24-8/26
SITE PREP, land clearing, roads and
driveways, tree removal, excavating,
demolition work, rockeries, retaining
walls, storm clean-up, slide clean-up,
curtain drains, rock and pit run. 426-
9047, call Lot Hauling, Lic
#ZIRKLTS141OW. Z3/1 ltfn
FREE ESTIMATES. Roofing, roofs
cleaned, pressure washing services,
mobile home roof coatings,
interior/exteriqr painting, general car-
pentry, finish work, manufactured
home repairs. Call Dave, 427-4237.
LIC #DAVIDWG044KU. W7/1-10/14
DAVID CASEY Painting. Interiors, ex-
teriors, mobile homes. Varnish and
enameled woodwork. 20 years experi-
ence. 426-0235. #DAVIDCP065QW.
JACK FROST Construction, JACKFC-
257N1. Thirty-five years experience,
quality craftsmanship, remodeling,
new construction, decks, garages, car-
ports, cabins, additions or new
homes. Dependable service anytime,
426-0953. F8/3ffn
tank, equipment, boat repairs. Monday-
Friday, 426-2474, weekends and eve-
nings, 427-3936. Mobile services avail-
able. D7/22-8/12
PAINTING EXTERIOR-interior, quality
service, competitive prices. Free esti-
mates. Quality construction services.
CARLSQC033MP. 427-1484. C7/29
I 1,000 gal., 1,150 gal.,
1,200 gal.
• Drain Fields, Ditching,
Backhoe, Conc. Pump
CUSTOM STAINED glass windows,
doors, gift items, repairs. Cpll Koleen,
426-0824 evenings after 6: p.m. and
weekends for information and esti-
mates. W7/Stfn
needed crew is available for yard work,
brush clearing and other labor projects.
Call 426-6812 for free estimates.
QUEEN ANNE'S Landscaping. All as-
pects of landscape installation and re-
organization. Extensive references.
426-4598. QS/13tfn
YARD MAINTENANCE and clean-up.
Pruning, mowing, etc. Call Jack, leave
message, 432-8398. W4/15tfn
YOU DEMAND the job done right the
first time and at a fair cost. That's our
motto. Painting, remodeling, repairs,
carpentry, handyman specials. Small
jobs a specialty. Licensed and bond-
ed. 427-4111. T5/27ffn
JAY'S PAINTING Company offers
years of experience in interior and ex-
terior painting at a price you can afford.
Call today for a free estimate at 427-
8824. Ask for Jay (owner). P7/29ffn
KAWASAKI 440 jet ski, souped up, re-
cently tuned, rarely used, $950, 360-
426-0752. M7/29
19' BAYLINER, 90 Force outboard,
open bow with EZ-Loader trailer. Can be
seen at Lake Limerick. Phone 426-
7783. $5,500. $7/29
1993 INVADER ski boat, 120hp Evin-
rude outboard. 1993 EZ-Loader trailer,
always garaged, excellent condition,
great family/ski boat, $9,500, 426-
0003. KG/3tfn
RESTORED 21' Tolly Craft, hard-top,
fiberglass hull, rebuilt MerCruise I-O,
excellent condition, $5,500, 432-1261.
24.5' BAYLINER and E-Z Loader trailer
for sale. Excellent condition, fresh wa-
ter cooled, full galley, head, and bed-
room below. New full canvas and all the
toys and extras. Runs great. Has been
pampered. Low price of $13,000 firm.
427-7299. H/22-29
38' TOLLY Craft, tri-cabin, 2 new
Chrysler Inboards (not rebuilt). Like
new, loaded. Must see, $54,250. Bob,
360-427-7000. Mc7/15-8/5
33 FOOT Roberts, all glass, pilot house
model. Cruiser, twins, self baling
decks, transom door, cruise, 14 k+ top
20. Super Sea Boat. Must see, in boat
house - Shelton. Always under cover.
Broker was asking $34,950 must sell, 2
boat owner, $27,500. Bob 1-360-427-
7000 home. Mc7/15-8/5
WANT TO rent clean travel trailer to
sleep 3. Need for guest quarters, 2
weeks beginning August 8th. Refer-
ences available, 360-275-0541. L7/29-
1972 CRICKET 9' camper, immaculate
interior, dually extension, $800 OBO.
432-8929, between 5 p.m. and 8 p.m.
1979 CAMPER Vacationeer 9' S/C, 2
watt fridge, sleeps 4, hot water tank.
Licensed to June 2000, $2,200. 1-206-
767-3228. F7/29-8/5
1980 CR100, $800. 432-0185. F7/8-
1985 CHEV. 3/4-ton Silverado, 454 en-
gine. Equipped for RV, 5th wheel or
trailer. Electric brake control. Like new,
$3,850, 360-877-5179. B7/29-8/19
1980 FORD F250 4x4, extended cab,
VS, 4spd. New alternator, starter, water
pump, wiper motor, bed liner. Good
body, great work truck. Runs, but
needs work. $3,200. 427-0925. D7/29-
1984 NISSAN p/u, A/T, A/C, great con-
dition. Original owner. $1,900. 877-
0767. P7/29
1976 CHEVY camper van. Too many
extras to list. Really nice, $2,300. 1976
Ford Mustang II, Much I 302. Runs,
drives, licensed, $1,100. 432-0684.
1984 NISSAN king cab Pickup, 5
speed, canopy, clean inside and out,
runs good, $2,500 OBO. 427-5355.
1983 FORD 150, runs, drives $750.
1978 Kawasaki 1000, doesn't run,
$500. 426-1206. J7/22-29
1991 TAURUS P/S, P/B, A/T, A/C,
stereo/cassette. Good clean car.
100,000 miles $4,600 OBO, 360-427-
6220. H7/22-29
1993 CHEVY pickup, 2 WD, 84,498
miles, V-6, auto, 1/2 ton, runs great,
has tool box, excellent condition,
$6,500. 426-0003. KG/3tfn
1995 FORD Escort LX, 5-spd, second
owner, clean, $7,000. 426-1788.
1980 BRONCO full-size 351 Cleveland,
runs strong, CD, alarm many new parts,
$4,000, 432-8197. B7/22-29
BACK TO school special, 1980 Saab,,,
classic model 900 EMS, hatchbaok,
sports coup, $950, 360-275-3505.
1992 FORD Tempo GL, new tires,
Moving to New York, must sell.
OBO. Call Kefii, 426-9354. W7/29.B/'5
1963 CHEVY P/U, new tires
OBO. Call Richard, 426-9354.
1989 HONDA CRX SI, 200K
miles. $1,000 recent work.
runner, very reliable, economical.
er overseas, $3,500 OBO.
1990 ACURA Integra, 121K miles.
to drive, $4,200. Call 426-9845.
CARS UNDER $1,000. Large
of low-priced cars, trucks, RVs,
ors. Consignments wanted. Sun
and RV Sales, Inc. 5961 E. HwY.
Shelton 426-2907. S9/17tfn
1983 FORD Ranger, runs good
real nice, $900 (360) 709-3530.
1993 DODGE Shadow V6, AT,
wheel, speed control.
drivers seat and door locks,
console, new tires, aluminum
AM/FM cassette, recent tune-uP
new timing belt and water
$4,250, 426-5725. R7/22-29
1995 OLDS Sierra Custom
miles, 427-2510. P7/22-8/12
BEAUTIFUL 1978 T-Bird, good r
order, come see it and drive it.
buy at $1,300. Call 426-5384.
Man's Best
Use the
Journal Classifieds
to help you find
a good used car.
Why Pay More ?
We have great cars, trucks and RVs.
and International referrals and free tiary, 1313 N. 13th Ave., Walls Walls, 426-9354. W12/11tfn Tanks, Pumps FULL LINE of 1999 Wilderness by Test drive your favorite today!
web page with National Home-site. WA 99362. 6-B-12. C7/22.8/12 Sharer Digging Service Fleetwood, Companion and Sunchaser
State-of-the-art facility. Contact Kevin .. - Phn, dA :uAn by Kit travel trailers and 5th-wheels. Up A few examples:
or '_'_'.'L "''v. E-"g_'".:-. " to 200/0 discount for 1999 close-out.
(360) 426-9748. Shelton, Mason lions. Fast, efficient. $205 collection ue=Jlxner 31111 21b-'ZIb Ielar Aimnrt A, tn nV =n, P,=wn 956 lq73
County. P6/24tfn recovery, small claims. G.P.S.F. rfm,,.=d..,.== rb,=,===l,i ........ L,¢#SH^REDS20,OB, , A772-2'8/'1"; ....... "v..
bonded. 253-472-1072 or 1-600-925- ."ft. ! 1994 PLYM
son JRsRestaurant, SE 62 Lynch Rd.--- '"'- "--'---- " -- 1520. G6110-8/26 DuilCOela:r.tiatt:r.snme. ACCLAIM
qllBIIIqPll m Northland, like new. NC, jacks, anten-
at Taylor Towns. J7/22-2.9 FosTER' CHILDREN need your helpl ,, =-'- A A-= ,, =lmr y,, ., | ha, micro, catalytic heater, and step,
LOOKING FOR something to do when Open your heart and home to a child. aUB',..I]p=¢I, , II $12,995.(360,877-9255.$7122-8/12 $'ZgINLT'I Ilt
the kids go back to school? Position Financial reimbursement is available [( M,,,4.;n h.t. W NOI NAUOAN| r 4-door, white. Excellent family car.
opening soon for dishwasher,p.m.,hours will when you care fore child in.your home. [= ,-''_'_,.='_.'.;_'.='__ Jn 3o04.oo= I awnings,kitchen' super slide, OakqueenCabinetS,bed, verytw° z.., .,1,jj.,wz-,,,ij ,,,b,.i ,z--La.==..= "" S--9--"A3 9Y
be Monday-Friday 9 a.m,-3 no ex- Children have medical and dental bone- 1 t, on$ruuon | ,ul=Oltlm.I II microwave, ........= .=-,.L., = = . = = =.,'...',
perience necessary. Apply in person fits. Training is available and some i/t - = m 11 Oo=OylWlClt I clean, bue carpet and sofs, $16,5oo 1
JR s Restaurant, SE 62 Lynch Rd. at classes even offer college credit. Cou- l'J[ ........ Ir >"llat 1 426"4788. H718"29 4x4 station wason,S-speed,white -- nice,, J
pies, singles and senior citizens are ....
Taylor Towns. J7/22-29 welcome to apply, Children can be se- _ , ' WANTED RVs, travel trailers, 5th 1985 PLYMOUTH CARAVELLE s
BREAKFAST COOK needed, experi- lected to adapt to your own family tl .IAY BUTTLES' ......... : ..... wheels. Buy or sell on consignment. | --,
once necessary. Apply in person JR's structure. In some cases, future adop- 1| a z-t • ,.-, = = L,,J Sun Auto and RV Sales, Inc. 5961 E. 4-door, low miles, one owner (blue). | I
Restaurant SE 62 Lynch Rd. at Taylor lion may also be possible. Young chil- tlTREE SERVICES Hwy 3, Shelton, 426-2907. S4/29tfn
T dren and babies are great, but when I| • •='• J--,z y .,.
given a chance, many teens turn their I| • TODDtrltz L'ICCI1$cd
lives around in foster care. Please join II .2.;':.' . ' _ ,.,- _,_.
our foster families. Call Stacta Ward at II ° L:mppm • uonoco
Attn: Past & Present (350) 432-2095 or 1-888-283.2634 for II" [U]13 ° [13$u£¢d CHEHALIS
information about foster cars, For infer- ..:_.4;_..,
Weig htwatcher$® mation on foster adoption, callKaren II ]t
Members Thompson at (360) 432-2082 or 1-888- ]1 [A' A Al,
283.2634 D8,17.8/5 II """'"""" == v
Watchers •
dynamic, fun. energetic close Ufetime members or to goal members " /L ,,AYUT,0S Show
tO fill Receptionist positions for
Tuesday Shelton meetings. JULY 10 THROUGH AUGUST 8
Part-time. Good paY. D M s 995 °|
Call Heather NEW & USED 1993 PONTIAC ORAN A 5,9
(800) 562-6962_ x114 ,,,., Make Your ]R.e,el";ao,s Early ]For 1991 FORD TAURUS 3,8800L
Spring and Summer Needs MOTORHOMES, TRAVEL TRAILERS, 4-door, burgundy-- loaded. | cff=c
• FREE lifetime campground certificate with ir,,,ou
4-door, low miles. | -
purchase. I
• FREE S100 WaI-Mart gift certificate with 1989 BUICK REGAL $3009900! ,1¢,
• FREE parking, FREE admission
Exit 79
2-door, V-6, automatic.
Plus tax and license. All vehicles subject to prior sale.
All vehicle identification numbers posted at dealership,
Located at Taylor Towne
Page 28 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 29, 1999
SUBWAY HELP needed. Must be able
to work mornings. Apply in person at
Taylor Towne Store. T7/29
CASHIER NEEDED at Taylor Towne
Store. Must be over 21. Experience
preferred. Apply in person. T7/29
have WSDL. Call 427-5269. B7/22-2g
and disabled in Mason County area,
360-455-4524. C6/10-7/29
LIVE-IN MOTEL clerk. Homebody who
likes people, includes transferring
calls, etc. Background checked, 360-
426-3397. $7/29-8/19
QUALITY CHILD development center
seeking experienced teacher with gift
for nurturing. Organized creative and
fun. Mail resume to PO Box H, Shelton,
WA 98584. B7/22-29
OFFICE ASSISTANT for local in-
surance agency. Looking for friendly,
energetic individual. Duties are diversi-
fied in this small friendly office. Please
send resume to The Journal, BB #581,
PO Box 430, Shelton, WA 98584. 7/22-
BOOTH RENTAL, reasonable rates,
clientele needed, 427-1415 Hotlocks
Hair Salon. L7/29-8/19
panding Mason-Thurston/Shelton law
firm. General practice emphasizing
criminal defense, bankruptcies and
family law. Position is full-time Monday-
Friday, salary DOE. Computer skills are
required, preferably WordPerfect 6.0
and Forms Plus. Legal experience is
preferred but not required. Submit
resumes with references to PO Box
2370, Shelton, WA 98584. $7/29-8/19
JUVENILE COURT contract available:
Mason County Superior Court is now
considering applicants to fill one juve-
nile court contract position. Applicant
must be a licensed attorney in good
standing with the Washington State Bar
Association. The term of this contract
is six months commencing on Septem-
ber 1st, 1999, through February 29th,
2000. Compensation will be $2,600 per
month. Letters of interest and resumes
should be forwarded to Geri Burr, Ad-
ministrator, P.O. Box "X", Shelton, WA
98584, on or before noon on August
13th, 1999. Equal opportunity employ-
er. M7/22-8/5
voltage techs, Lacey, WA - 1-800-227-
0945, ask for Spud. C7/22-29
tions and Involvement. Rribte tot
ckg =rod 9ovtdlng laadtp for
district-wide community relations. Col-
lege degree, preferred, experience may
be substituted. Computer experience,
including Desktop publishing. Closing
date is 8/6/99. Complete job descrip-
tion, qualifications and application
available from the Shelton School Dis-
trict, (360) 426-1687, 207 N. 9th Street,
Shelton, WA 98584, EOE. $7/22-29
EXPERIENCE THE Prudential advan-
tage. Free license schooling, best
splits in area, no desk fee, no tranac-
tion fee, no technology fee. Individual
training in all areas of real estate
sales, including land development,
residential, and commercial. National
caregiver to care for 2 special needs
children in my home. 6-24 hours a day,
up'to 7 days a week. Possibility of per-
manent position for the right person.
Must be 18, flexible, dependable and
honest, with own transportation. Non
drinker, non drugs. For more informa-
tion call Sylvia evenings at 432-1014.
nounces the following openings: One
certificated teaching position for a
2nd/3rd grade split, for the 1999-2000
school year. One half time or less, cer-
tificated or classified position for a
Technology Lab Director, for the 1999-
2000 school year. One 3 hour, evening
custodial position, All positions are
open until filled. Applications are avail-
able at the Southside District office or
by calling 426-8437. $7/22-29
GET PAID to party. Established mobile
D.J. business for sale. Owner retiring.
Training available. Call for details. 1-
800-308-3854. C7/15-8/5
PANDA BEAR Childcare, licensed
home with preschool, ages 2 years
through 3rd grade. Lots of love and
excellent references. Meridian Park/
Angleside/Bordeaux. Kim N., 426-
4103. N7/1-29
teacher has 3 openings for ages 3-5 in
my Dayton Trails home. Hours, Mon-
day-Thursday 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Register
July 6th-August 9th. Please call 432-
2410 for interview. K7/1-29
CELLO, BASS and electric bass les-
sons including music theory, ear train-
ing and advanced techniques. Also
offering beginning violin and keyboard.
21 years experience. Call Dave, 427-
5487. P9/17fin
COUPLE8 NEEDED to pall:mta in a
study ot marital communication. 1-2
hours, flexible schedule. Call Linda at
426-2093. C7/22.8/12
WANTED: AN honest,, compassionate,
open-minded, fun.loving woman who's
willing to look beyond my present situa-
tion, and give my friendship a chance;
a woman that knows that friendship
knows no dam or border; it flows unhin-
dered by time and distance. Reward: A
loyal, considerate, understanding, well-
built, very strong, enthusiastic, 25,
5'7", 180 pound incamerated SWM who
has slot to give, cause in giving there's
slot to be gained- mainly friendship.
Write directly to me at: James Curtis
#984533 Washington State Peniten-
LOST FEMALE Sheltie on Hwy. 101
near Beacon Point. Answers to Chris-
sie, lost July 24. Reward, 877-5810.
LOST FEMALE Boston Terrier in Mt.
View area on July 3rd. Jet black,
white neck and feet, answers to Peg-
gy Sue, cannot hear or see well. Re-
sponds to loud clap, very friendly,
black collar, reward offered, 426-3699,
message 426-6338. A7/8-29
FREE TO good home, must go. Large
black dog, male adult, needs fenced
yard. Friendly and well-trained. And
purebred female, Pixie-Bob, breeder.
426-3758. 17/29
Born 6/28199. Parents excellent hunt-
ers. Great disposition, males $300, fe-
males $350. 427.8389. G7/15-8/5
FREE GOLDEN Retriever/yellow Lab
mix, medium size. Neutered, outdoor
dog, loves people, needs fenced yard.
426-6896. D7/29
20 MONTH-OLD Shepherd cross dog
needs good family. Very friendly, beau-
tiful, sweet dog. Moving and must find
home for my wonderful dog, (360) 709-
3530. N7/22-29
HORSE BOARDING, you care. Stalls,
corrals and tack room. Great pasture. 4
miles west of Shelton. $65 a month,
426-3909. 17/29
ALFALFA FOR sale, by bale or ton.
Semi load available. Will deliver. Eve-
nings 426-3633. G11/9tfn
FREE. GOOD hay. Cut, not baled, in
field. U-haul. Twin River Ranch, 426-
1023. R7/29
THREE PYGMY goats, 2 does and one
buck. Also includes house and hay
feeder $100. 426-3979. L7/22-29
WEANER PIGS, eat healthier, raise
own meat. Cut, wormed, shots, $50.
Boar service. Ostrich chicks, $50 and
up. 426-9913. $7/22-8/12
DAVE'S PAINTING interior, exterior,
mobiles, Ill wood, drywall, texturing,
since 1981. ,427-687.3.
DAVESP*012KR. Y7/15-8/5
tenance. Mowing, weeding, edging,
pruning, brush cutting, hauling, hedg-
ing, weedeating, rototilling, etc. 427-
1397, ask for Terrie. T7/22-8t12
hoe, dozer, dump truck. All types of
work, including septic systems, land
clearing, hauling, etc. Licensed and
bonded. Bob Paysse, 426-1803. PIO-
NEDI081P7. P11/12tfn
RICK WOKOJANCE window cleaning.
Serving Mason County for 20 years.
Company for decks, docks, remodel-
ing, and repairs. NORTHPC015LH, 427-
4111. N7/22tfn
Services, NORTHPC015LH, 427-4111.
Handyman Service. Remodels, addi-
tions and repairs, Lic. #RUDOLD05419.
427-1990. RG/Gtfn
PAINTING? CALL Tozier Bros. True-
Value for close out specials. As low
as $3 per gallon, 426-2411, ask for
Dick. T12/5tfn
HAKOLA'S TREE and Logging Service.
Danger tree falling, residential logging,
topping, limbing, stumping. Licensed,
bonded and insured. Free estimates.
Lic. #601-312-066, 426-5234. R5/Sffn
try, painting and building decks, car-
ports, garages, fences. Call 427-1741.
N8/21 tfn
Decorating, 16 years in business. Free
estimates - Reasonable rates. Lic.
#PAMSD121J5. 427-5066. Cl/15tfn
tenance and cleaning. Trouble shoot-
ing household repairs and detail clean-
ing, masonry repairs, telephone, ca-
ble, yard care. Lic #10221. 360-426-
4348, 360-490-3107 (cell). D6/24-8/26
SITE PREP, land clearing, roads and
driveways, tree removal, excavating,
demolition work, rockeries, retaining
walls, storm clean-up, slide clean-up,
curtain drains, rock and pit run. 426-
9047, call Lot Hauling, Lic
#ZIRKLTS141OW. Z3/1 ltfn
FREE ESTIMATES. Roofing, roofs
cleaned, pressure washing services,
mobile home roof coatings,
interior/exteriqr painting, general car-
pentry, finish work, manufactured
home repairs. Call Dave, 427-4237.
LIC #DAVIDWG044KU. W7/1-10/14
DAVID CASEY Painting. Interiors, ex-
teriors, mobile homes. Varnish and
enameled woodwork. 20 years experi-
ence. 426-0235. #DAVIDCP065QW.
JACK FROST Construction, JACKFC-
257N1. Thirty-five years experience,
quality craftsmanship, remodeling,
new construction, decks, garages, car-
ports, cabins, additions or new
homes. Dependable service anytime,
426-0953. F8/3ffn
tank, equipment, boat repairs. Monday-
Friday, 426-2474, weekends and eve-
nings, 427-3936. Mobile services avail-
able. D7/22-8/12
PAINTING EXTERIOR-interior, quality
service, competitive prices. Free esti-
mates. Quality construction services.
CARLSQC033MP. 427-1484. C7/29
I 1,000 gal., 1,150 gal.,
1,200 gal.
• Drain Fields, Ditching,
Backhoe, Conc. Pump
CUSTOM STAINED glass windows,
doors, gift items, repairs. Cpll Koleen,
426-0824 evenings after 6: p.m. and
weekends for information and esti-
mates. W7/Stfn
needed crew is available for yard work,
brush clearing and other labor projects.
Call 426-6812 for free estimates.
QUEEN ANNE'S Landscaping. All as-
pects of landscape installation and re-
organization. Extensive references.
426-4598. QS/13tfn
YARD MAINTENANCE and clean-up.
Pruning, mowing, etc. Call Jack, leave
message, 432-8398. W4/15tfn
YOU DEMAND the job done right the
first time and at a fair cost. That's our
motto. Painting, remodeling, repairs,
carpentry, handyman specials. Small
jobs a specialty. Licensed and bond-
ed. 427-4111. T5/27ffn
JAY'S PAINTING Company offers
years of experience in interior and ex-
terior painting at a price you can afford.
Call today for a free estimate at 427-
8824. Ask for Jay (owner). P7/29ffn
KAWASAKI 440 jet ski, souped up, re-
cently tuned, rarely used, $950, 360-
426-0752. M7/29
19' BAYLINER, 90 Force outboard,
open bow with EZ-Loader trailer. Can be
seen at Lake Limerick. Phone 426-
7783. $5,500. $7/29
1993 INVADER ski boat, 120hp Evin-
rude outboard. 1993 EZ-Loader trailer,
always garaged, excellent condition,
great family/ski boat, $9,500, 426-
0003. KG/3tfn
RESTORED 21' Tolly Craft, hard-top,
fiberglass hull, rebuilt MerCruise I-O,
excellent condition, $5,500, 432-1261.
24.5' BAYLINER and E-Z Loader trailer
for sale. Excellent condition, fresh wa-
ter cooled, full galley, head, and bed-
room below. New full canvas and all the
toys and extras. Runs great. Has been
pampered. Low price of $13,000 firm.
427-7299. H/22-29
38' TOLLY Craft, tri-cabin, 2 new
Chrysler Inboards (not rebuilt). Like
new, loaded. Must see, $54,250. Bob,
360-427-7000. Mc7/15-8/5
33 FOOT Roberts, all glass, pilot house
model. Cruiser, twins, self baling
decks, transom door, cruise, 14 k+ top
20. Super Sea Boat. Must see, in boat
house - Shelton. Always under cover.
Broker was asking $34,950 must sell, 2
boat owner, $27,500. Bob 1-360-427-
7000 home. Mc7/15-8/5
WANT TO rent clean travel trailer to
sleep 3. Need for guest quarters, 2
weeks beginning August 8th. Refer-
ences available, 360-275-0541. L7/29-
1972 CRICKET 9' camper, immaculate
interior, dually extension, $800 OBO.
432-8929, between 5 p.m. and 8 p.m.
1979 CAMPER Vacationeer 9' S/C, 2
watt fridge, sleeps 4, hot water tank.
Licensed to June 2000, $2,200. 1-206-
767-3228. F7/29-8/5
1980 CR100, $800. 432-0185. F7/8-
1985 CHEV. 3/4-ton Silverado, 454 en-
gine. Equipped for RV, 5th wheel or
trailer. Electric brake control. Like new,
$3,850, 360-877-5179. B7/29-8/19
1980 FORD F250 4x4, extended cab,
VS, 4spd. New alternator, starter, water
pump, wiper motor, bed liner. Good
body, great work truck. Runs, but
needs work. $3,200. 427-0925. D7/29-
1984 NISSAN p/u, A/T, A/C, great con-
dition. Original owner. $1,900. 877-
0767. P7/29
1976 CHEVY camper van. Too many
extras to list. Really nice, $2,300. 1976
Ford Mustang II, Much I 302. Runs,
drives, licensed, $1,100. 432-0684.
1984 NISSAN king cab Pickup, 5
speed, canopy, clean inside and out,
runs good, $2,500 OBO. 427-5355.
1983 FORD 150, runs, drives $750.
1978 Kawasaki 1000, doesn't run,
$500. 426-1206. J7/22-29
1991 TAURUS P/S, P/B, A/T, A/C,
stereo/cassette. Good clean car.
100,000 miles $4,600 OBO, 360-427-
6220. H7/22-29
1993 CHEVY pickup, 2 WD, 84,498
miles, V-6, auto, 1/2 ton, runs great,
has tool box, excellent condition,
$6,500. 426-0003. KG/3tfn
1995 FORD Escort LX, 5-spd, second
owner, clean, $7,000. 426-1788.
1980 BRONCO full-size 351 Cleveland,
runs strong, CD, alarm many new parts,
$4,000, 432-8197. B7/22-29
BACK TO school special, 1980 Saab,,,
classic model 900 EMS, hatchbaok,
sports coup, $950, 360-275-3505.
1992 FORD Tempo GL, new tires,
Moving to New York, must sell.
OBO. Call Kefii, 426-9354. W7/29.B/'5
1963 CHEVY P/U, new tires
OBO. Call Richard, 426-9354.
1989 HONDA CRX SI, 200K
miles. $1,000 recent work.
runner, very reliable, economical.
er overseas, $3,500 OBO.
1990 ACURA Integra, 121K miles.
to drive, $4,200. Call 426-9845.
CARS UNDER $1,000. Large
of low-priced cars, trucks, RVs,
ors. Consignments wanted. Sun
and RV Sales, Inc. 5961 E. HwY.
Shelton 426-2907. S9/17tfn
1983 FORD Ranger, runs good
real nice, $900 (360) 709-3530.
1993 DODGE Shadow V6, AT,
wheel, speed control.
drivers seat and door locks,
console, new tires, aluminum
AM/FM cassette, recent tune-uP
new timing belt and water
$4,250, 426-5725. R7/22-29
1995 OLDS Sierra Custom
miles, 427-2510. P7/22-8/12
BEAUTIFUL 1978 T-Bird, good r
order, come see it and drive it.
buy at $1,300. Call 426-5384.
Man's Best
Use the
Journal Classifieds
to help you find
a good used car.
Why Pay More ?
We have great cars, trucks and RVs.
and International referrals and free tiary, 1313 N. 13th Ave., Walls Walls, 426-9354. W12/11tfn Tanks, Pumps FULL LINE of 1999 Wilderness by Test drive your favorite today!
web page with National Home-site. WA 99362. 6-B-12. C7/22.8/12 Sharer Digging Service Fleetwood, Companion and Sunchaser
State-of-the-art facility. Contact Kevin .. - Phn, dA :uAn by Kit travel trailers and 5th-wheels. Up A few examples:
or '_'_'.'L "''v. E-"g_'".:-. " to 200/0 discount for 1999 close-out.
(360) 426-9748. Shelton, Mason lions. Fast, efficient. $205 collection ue=Jlxner 31111 21b-'ZIb Ielar Aimnrt A, tn nV =n, P,=wn 956 lq73
County. P6/24tfn recovery, small claims. G.P.S.F. rfm,,.=d..,.== rb,=,===l,i ........ L,¢#SH^REDS20,OB, , A772-2'8/'1"; ....... "v..
bonded. 253-472-1072 or 1-600-925- ."ft. ! 1994 PLYM
son JRsRestaurant, SE 62 Lynch Rd.--- '"'- "--'---- " -- 1520. G6110-8/26 DuilCOela:r.tiatt:r.snme. ACCLAIM
qllBIIIqPll m Northland, like new. NC, jacks, anten-
at Taylor Towns. J7/22-2.9 FosTER' CHILDREN need your helpl ,, =-'- A A-= ,, =lmr y,, ., | ha, micro, catalytic heater, and step,
LOOKING FOR something to do when Open your heart and home to a child. aUB',..I]p=¢I, , II $12,995.(360,877-9255.$7122-8/12 $'ZgINLT'I Ilt
the kids go back to school? Position Financial reimbursement is available [( M,,,4.;n h.t. W NOI NAUOAN| r 4-door, white. Excellent family car.
opening soon for dishwasher,p.m.,hours will when you care fore child in.your home. [= ,-''_'_,.='_.'.;_'.='__ Jn 3o04.oo= I awnings,kitchen' super slide, OakqueenCabinetS,bed, verytw° z.., .,1,jj.,wz-,,,ij ,,,b,.i ,z--La.==..= "" S--9--"A3 9Y
be Monday-Friday 9 a.m,-3 no ex- Children have medical and dental bone- 1 t, on$ruuon | ,ul=Oltlm.I II microwave, ........= .=-,.L., = = . = = =.,'...',
perience necessary. Apply in person fits. Training is available and some i/t - = m 11 Oo=OylWlClt I clean, bue carpet and sofs, $16,5oo 1
JR s Restaurant, SE 62 Lynch Rd. at classes even offer college credit. Cou- l'J[ ........ Ir >"llat 1 426"4788. H718"29 4x4 station wason,S-speed,white -- nice,, J
pies, singles and senior citizens are ....
Taylor Towns. J7/22-29 welcome to apply, Children can be se- _ , ' WANTED RVs, travel trailers, 5th 1985 PLYMOUTH CARAVELLE s
BREAKFAST COOK needed, experi- lected to adapt to your own family tl .IAY BUTTLES' ......... : ..... wheels. Buy or sell on consignment. | --,
once necessary. Apply in person JR's structure. In some cases, future adop- 1| a z-t • ,.-, = = L,,J Sun Auto and RV Sales, Inc. 5961 E. 4-door, low miles, one owner (blue). | I
Restaurant SE 62 Lynch Rd. at Taylor lion may also be possible. Young chil- tlTREE SERVICES Hwy 3, Shelton, 426-2907. S4/29tfn
T dren and babies are great, but when I| • •='• J--,z y .,.
given a chance, many teens turn their I| • TODDtrltz L'ICCI1$cd
lives around in foster care. Please join II .2.;':.' . ' _ ,.,- _,_.
our foster families. Call Stacta Ward at II ° L:mppm • uonoco
Attn: Past & Present (350) 432-2095 or 1-888-283.2634 for II" [U]13 ° [13$u£¢d CHEHALIS
information about foster cars, For infer- ..:_.4;_..,
Weig htwatcher$® mation on foster adoption, callKaren II ]t
Members Thompson at (360) 432-2082 or 1-888- ]1 [A' A Al,
283.2634 D8,17.8/5 II """'"""" == v
Watchers •
dynamic, fun. energetic close Ufetime members or to goal members " /L ,,AYUT,0S Show
tO fill Receptionist positions for
Tuesday Shelton meetings. JULY 10 THROUGH AUGUST 8
Part-time. Good paY. D M s 995 °|
Call Heather NEW & USED 1993 PONTIAC ORAN A 5,9
(800) 562-6962_ x114 ,,,., Make Your ]R.e,el";ao,s Early ]For 1991 FORD TAURUS 3,8800L
Spring and Summer Needs MOTORHOMES, TRAVEL TRAILERS, 4-door, burgundy-- loaded. | cff=c
• FREE lifetime campground certificate with ir,,,ou
4-door, low miles. | -
purchase. I
• FREE S100 WaI-Mart gift certificate with 1989 BUICK REGAL $3009900! ,1¢,
• FREE parking, FREE admission
Exit 79
2-door, V-6, automatic.
Plus tax and license. All vehicles subject to prior sale.
All vehicle identification numbers posted at dealership,
Located at Taylor Towne
Page 28 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 29, 1999