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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 29, 1999     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 29, 1999
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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REAL ESTATE WANTED 2 BEDROOM house, $475 monthly, first/tastldamagelreferences/6 me ?;9.Alilable August 10. 427-5704. LARGE TWO bedroom apartment, W/D oPa_ce/h°°.kup, W/S/G included. Close .t4n°pPmg and hospital. No pets. Mc;29tn206"725"3242' evenings. R3AND NEW! Creekside Apartments, /4 bedrooms, full size W/Ds, frost- ee freezers, self clean ovens, and extra storage Stalin,-, at $487, 426- 4669. W7/29-8/5 f0rAVAILABLE AUGUST 10: well-cared- 2 bed°cm home,-- attached garage fee:teA db -...-Y rd. No pets. Referenc-' ,,. ,gtesiae area. $600 month in- '.,uses W/S/G. Call 360-426-8635. T7/29tfn 2 BEDROO M apartment in nice Hillcrest hookunnelghb°rh°°d of Shelton. Garage, W/D , monthly/S450 deposit Available 'Ugust 1st, 206-546-41'36. 137/29 VAILABLE 9/1 first time rental. 3 bedrooms, 11/2 'baths, gas fireplace, microwave, covered ,',atio Fenced ri vats ba .... v • P - yara with garden space. One ca ;l,gnarag e with work area/storage -- nsmokinn..€725 500 de osit ' p.m. W$29tfn p ' sHtOa ? 1SPORT HOUSE. 2 bedrooms up- =., SOWn, 1 bath woodstove, W/D $lu= p, fenced yard, $600 monthly, eCurity de us= 94.5 '==. . p t, 877-9238 home, 8/5 3,,, work - ask for Mae. $7/29- BUSINESS PROPERTY The Charles S00)lners Colnpany 800-264-4646 / 275-0400 3 bedroom, 2 bath doublewide in Rustlewood. Wrap-around View of Pickering Passage, No pets, $500 deposit. at 426-3319. S7/19 ST - 2 bedroom du- garage, W/D hook-up, all ap- large deck, W/S/G paid ($80 Pets, $515 monthly, deposit fee. For appoint- O7/29-8/19 -NEAT and clean 2 bed- bath townhouse style with storage. Only $475 rent, Available 8/10/99. Invest -3567. 17/29 AFFORDABLE 3 bedroom ,eat. We pay W/S/G ($75 $500 rent, $500 deposit. August. Invest Realty, MOBILE HOMES - LOW cost 2 bedroom HUD ("Section 8"). We ($60 value). Only $415 rent, Available 8/1/99. Invest 17/29 BEDROOM, 11/2 baths, W/D, heat, fireplace, PUD insula- garage, large kitchen, Modern home, nice neighborhood in Shelton. $650 per month. No pets. 426-5377. H7/29-8/19 duplex, garage, dish- • yer hookups, Hill- .95. 412-0318 (local call). 9 house downtown. Car- e to everything. $425 month- references. W/S/G H7/29-8/5 Shelton's nicest rentals avail- nd of August, $750 monthly. 3 family room, double garage, Yard, mt. view, references re- 426-6526. $7/15-8/5 1 bedroom house, electric WOodstove, south shore Hood Alderbrook, $500 monthly then $450 monthly till deposit. No pets, ntal Mgmt. For Rent HARSTINE ISL.: 2 bed 1 bath 1200 lt/F;' W/d, fP, with a view of t ' '=,=uer andthr he Water ....., ee counhes over r,,^ . uon't miss out on this , ota kin-" . . ,'"/u me. u rental opportunity. MORTGAGES 2 bed 1 bath apartment, $550 me : Large 1 bed 1 bath apart- g Paid. $450 me. :lEST: 3 bed 2 bath, W/gas heat. $550 me. =W LAKE: 3 bed 1 bath, yard $600 me. Oly Hwy N. & K 1-11 separate • $3B )Is. S g Fee • TORAGES rIClUding 5x10, 10x10, 10x20 $29 to $65 m PlCKERI,, onthly FIeated'Uni s PROTECT-IT COVERED" N Hwy 101 & RV STORAGE IOPERTY OWNERSI you dissatis- rrent situation? I can help. ement with a personal 6154. 54 []] I ECONOMICAL 2 bedroom apartment, $475 monthly, rent includes W/S/G, electricity and gas. Rental references and good credit. Deposit $300. 426- 0240 anytime. M7/15-8/5 HOUSE FOR rent, Hartstene Points. Two bedroom, one bath. $550 monthly, $400 deposit. Access to all amenities. (360) 792-1673. B7/22-8/12 $999 MOVES you in! 3 bedroom, 1 bath, $599 monthly/S400 deposit. No pets, no smoking preferred. Lake Lim- erick, 352-0835 leave message. P7/22- 29 TWO BEDROOM duplex unit available 1st week August. Includes W/S/G, washer and dryer, no pets, non-smok- ing, $500 with $350 deposit. Call 426- 5384. M7/22-29 SHORECREST, 101 NE Parkway. Older fixer mobile, rent-to-own. $550 month- ly. (360) 692-4780. Owner will finance repairs. A7/15-8/5 2 BEDROOM, 1 bath, gas heat, 2 car garage, in town, $635 monthly. W/S/G paid. 426-7810. B7/15-8/5 HOODSPORT ONE bedroom apart- ment, sundeck, Hood Canal view, in- cludes W/S, $395 monthly. 877-5997. T7/22-8/12 TWO BEDROOM, 2 bath mobile, W/S/G paid, Johns Prairie, $450 monthly. First/last/damage deposit/references. For application, 426-1046. M 7/22-8/12 RENT-TO-own, Oak Park. $1,200 de- posit, $800 month, $150 month back if you buy in two years. Newer 3 bed- room, 2 bath, 2-car garage. $115,000. 956-9000. H7/22-29 NICE MT. View 2 bedroom mobile, fenced yard, storage available, N.S. N.P. $475, 426-3557 after 5 p.m. L7/22tfn MINI-CABIN IN Shorecrest, studio with full bath, W/D, all utilities paid. On nice wooded lot. $400 first, last, and deposit. References required. (425) 432-6810 or (206) 818-4126. S7/8-29 BARGAIN RENTS. Fully restored, one and two bedroom apartments. New laundry facilities, children's play area. Many have saved enough for a new home. Don't be misled, check us out. Sorry no pets. (360) 426-5511. N7/15- 8/5 BARGAIN MINI-STORAGEI Lowest rents in town. Newer units. Alarm and video security system. Starting at only $25. (360) 426-5511. N7/15-8/5 ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS at Goldsborough Cove Apartments and Fairmont Cove Apartments, subsid- ized family housing, 426-4417, Equal Housing Opportunity. F1/16tfn TWO BEDROOM Victorian town- house, from $500. Plus deposit, plus references. (360) 307-9505 or 1-800- 575-1574, PIN 00. J7/ltfn RV SPACE available, W/S/G paid, cable available, $200 monthly 426- 2015. E6/17tfn SPACIOUS LIKE-NEW 2 bedroom du- plex, large living room and oversized bedrooms. Stove, refrigerator, dish- washer, washer/dryer hookup, garage. Water/garbage/lawncare included. $650 monthly, $250 deposit. (360) 426-7646. S6/24tfn GREAT MOVE-IN SPECIALS Kneeland Park Apartments 2 bedroom, H/C unit -- $438 3 bedroom, 2 bath, large family unit  $460 4 bedroom, 2 bath, large family unit  $521 Now Taking Applications i  Call for Appointmenti[g I 427-7909 $475- $450- $525- $625- $900- $975- $1000- RESIDENTIAL 2 bdrm, very clean, 55 or older apts, heat,, water, sewer, garbage paid, DOWN- TOWN 2 bdrm lg. apt., new carpet and paint, clean, DOWN- TOWN 2 bdrm, new carpet, vinyl and paint, DOWNTOWN 4 bdrm, 2 bth, new carpet and paint, ANGLESIDE WATERFRONT! 3 bdrm, I 3/4 bth, daylight basement WATERFRONT, 3 bdrm, 4.5 acres, 2 1/2 bath, ARCADIA 5 bdrm, 2 1/2 bth, fireplace, acreage, SHELTON VLY 606 WEST COTA FAMILY OF 4 seeking 2/3 bedroom home to rent short term. We're building at Lake Limerick, expect completion late November. Excellent rental refer- ences. 1 medium-size dog, 2 cats - will pay pet deposit. If you have accommo- dations, please call the Crotty's at (253) 536-0816. C7/29 QUIET, HONEST, reliable, female look- ing for small cabin/home to housesit or caretake in lieu of rent. Two very polite kitties to accompany female. Please call 432-8610 to interview and/or leave message. H7/22-29 WORKING COUPLE relocating to Shel- ton area. Need 2 bedroom, garage and fenced yard. Prefer Sept. 2. 360-482- 5324. L7/22-8/12 QUIET, HONEST person looking to rent a small cabin for a small price. Two family pets (cats) will accompany this recluse. Smoker. Please leave mes- sage at 432-8610. H7/22-29 600 AND 1,700 sq. ft. office/retail spaces available in historic brick build- ing, downtown Shelton. $375 and $750 monthly. (360) 275-5240. C7/15tfn PROFESSIONAL OFFICE space avail- able in the Collier Bldg. Convenient location, reasonable rates. Call Rosie at the E.F.I. office, 426-0077. E7/8-29 OFFICE/RETAIL SPACE for lease, AI- lyn Center. Hwy 3 frontage. 372 sq. ft. available now! Call (425) 603-1312. H 7/15-8/5 PROFESSIONAL OFFICE space, 1620 Olympic Hwy. N. Office/conference room/copy machine. $300 monthly in- cludes utilities. Call (360) 753-0086. B7/8tfn OFFICE SPACE, free standing building, very high exposure, 1304 Olympic Hwy. South, 1,200 sq. ft., reception area and 4 office spaces. Call 427- 0397. B7/22-8/12 PROFESSIONAL OFFICE space for rent. Office with large loft above. High traffic exposure. Must see to appreci- ate. $500 monthly plus utilities. 2136 Olympic Hwy North. 427-8612. Not available until August 1st. R6/24tfn 1991 WILDERNESS, 33 ft., large bath- room, rear bed, front kitchen, A]C, mi- cro, stereo, new awning, excellent con- dition, $9,250. Harstine Island, 360- 426-6682. H7/22-8/12 #1 DEALER to Washington selling several first time buyer land home packages, new homes including the land under $75,000. Payments approx- imately $600. JoAnn, 1-800-490-9424, dlr. W7/29 18 SOLD, only 2 left. New 1999 3 bed- room, 2 bath homes for only $29,900. Call Jack" 1-800-490-9424, dlr. W7/29 DESPERATEt FORECLOSURE is forc- ing sale of this beautiful 3 bedroom home in nice neighborhood. Assume huge equity and unbelievable terms to sell fast. Cal today! SN #52244, dlr, 1- 800-830-5044. D7/15 BEST BUYI Large, new, 3 bedroom in nice neighborhood for next to nothing down and easy payments, with good credit. Call 1-800-830-5044, dlr. D7/29 FORCED TO selll Owner never moved into this beautiful 3 bedroom home on large wooded corner Iotl Seller desper- ate and will work with whatever you have down if credit is good. Take ad- vantage. SN #52244, dlr, 1-800-830- 5044. D7/15 III¢,lI00 WE DO HOME LOANS! • 15-, 20- & 30-Year Mortgages • Financing and refinancing • Home Equity Credit Lines ALL MASON COUNTY RESIDENTS CAN JOIN/ Peninsula Community Federal Credit Umon 1-888-426-1601 Shelton • Belfair Port Orchard CASH AVAILABLE. Private party has cash to purchase real estate contract mortgages or deeds of trust at a dis- count. Call 491-5463. Jtfn 3 BEDROOM rambler in Angleside area of Shelton. Fresh paint, new carpet/vi- nyl. 13/4 bath. Priced to sell. $89,500, 426-6486. W7/29-8/19 WATERFRONT HOME. Enclosed sunroom/deck with super view. Over 2,200 sq.ft, with 3 bathrooms, sauna, fireplace up, woodstove down, family room, den, double attached garage and private dock. Close to clubhouse and golf course. Only $149,000. Invest Realty, 426-3567. 17/29 BY OWNER, LUliwaup. 2 bedroom, open beam ceiling with 1/2 daylight base- ment, garage, large lot, RV hookup. Beach rights. Will help finance. Ap- praised at $59,000, sell $49,000, 426- 3804. P7/29 253-851-2511 1920 WASHINGTON ST. JUST LISTED $69,900 Nice 1,320-sq.-ft. 3-bdrm. rambler, woodstove, great in-town location with fenced yard. Will consider trades. Call Kim Thompson, 534-4506. FAWN LAKE WATERFRONT $122,500 55' no-bank waterfront, 1,224-sq.-ft., 1991 tri-level, skylights, cathedral ceilings, large entertainment deck and private deck off master, 3 bed- rooms, 2 baths, laundry room. Con- tact Kim Thompson, 534-4506. E. 51 SEA VISTA LN. REDUCED TO $69,900 Quality built '95 manufactured home, sheetrocked with rounded corners and great floor plan, 1,512 sq. ft. with 3 bedrooms, 2 baths and covered porch area. Contact Kim Thompson, 534-4506. 621 E. LAKESHORE DRIVE EAST $65,900 Corner lot next to park on little Timberlake. 1994 manufactured home, 1,377 sq. ft., 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, large kitchen with breakfast nook. 2-car carport and storage area. Just needs some TLC. Kim Thomp- son, 534-4506. PUBLISHER'S NOTICE: All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limita- tion or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, famil- ial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such prefer- ence, limitation or discrimination." Familial status includes children un- der the age of 18 living with parents o r legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of chil- dren under 18. This newspaper will not know- ingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby in- formed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To com- plain of discrimination call HUD toll- free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll- free telephone number for the hear- ing impaired is 1-800-927-9275. IQUAI. I OPPORTUNITY YOU FIND A HOME-- I'LL FINANCE IT! J down Kant Buckowsid "Home Loan Specialist" 1-877-287-2210 Toll Free (Ask for Kam) * Refinances = Debt Consolidation = Purchases = Custom Construction [] LAKE LIMERICK, 3 bedroom, 2 bath manufactured home (1993), 1,080 sq.ft., $43,090. Jim Culp, 1-253-851- 2511, Properties NW. P7/29 LISTEN TO the silence, wildlife abound: 10 acres on Harstine Island with earn your money back potential. Four sub- plotted lots ready to build on. Reduced to $160,000 for all four lots, or will split. Sewer/well/electric, phone. Top lot has Olympic view. Also 2/2 acre corner parcel across from community grange. Commercial possibilities, $69,000. Owner will finance, with good credit/sizable down. 427-6702, 426- 4131. J7/22-8/12 HARSTINE ISLAND, 344' of waterfront with tidelands. Gorgeous view of Case Inlet and Mt. Rainier. 5 acres, with sep- tic, water and power. $255,000. Owner will finance. 426-4131. C7/15-8/5 COMMERCIAL ZONED - investment - now a duplex, could be office. "Multi- use" zoning, downtown Shelton. Owner will help with financing. Some repairs needed, $95,000. Invest Realty, 426- 3567. 17/29 LIKE NEW 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 car ga- rage, fenced backyard. $106,950, 368 Springfield Loop, 432-0911. D7/29 EMERALD LAKE mobile ready, large lot, wooded, must see, $21,500, terms, Bob 427-7000 home. Mc7/15-8/5 LAKE LIMERICK lot across from golf course, water/power, Division 3, $12,600 terms, Bob, 427-7000 home. Mc7/15-8/5 LIFE ON the golf course, right on the ninth hole. Very private 2 bedroom, 13/4 baths, plus family room and den. Range/oven, fridge, D/W and W/D. Great for year round living or for hide away from the city. Call todayl Priced right, at $117K, Diamond Real Estate. 360-459-8833 or Bill Coleman 360-427- ]1=285, R-697. D7/15-8/5 LOVELY RAMBLER, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, on 1 acre. Nearing completion, on Ann Arbor Dr. Choose your color, , $157,000. 360-659-7763, 360-898- 2274. D7/22-8/12 1.75 ACRES on newly paved road on Bald Eagle Drive. View of Olympics, $32,500, terms. 426-6935. Mc7/22-29 BEST OF both worlds. Lake Limerick amenities and golfing with country club close by. Must seal 3 bedrooms and 1 bath, 8 years youngl Will go RECD fi- nancing. Call Bill Coleman 360-427- 7285 or Diamond Real Estate 360-459- 8833. R-698. Priced right, $76,000. D7/15-8/5 Would You Like to live in the midst of 50 acres? 2 bdrms, and 1.5 baths on 9 acres. Complete privacy. Grapeview. Only $119,000. Price! Location! Recreational Property! 1.62-acre lot lightly treed ... firs and evergreens. Power already installed. Grapeview. Only $18,900. Call us for a FREE brochure with all our listings ... including addresses. 800-228-9523 E-maih allyn@ windermere.corn Winc00rmere Windermere Real Estate/LakeLand Properties $299,000. 2+ bedroom with guest apartment, near Allyn. $264,950. 2 bedrooms and den, 3 baths. 85' WF, Low bank on Picketing Passage. i $369,500. 130' on Pickering Passage. Huge shop, exercise building and guest quarters. ,) t ] b $145,000. 100' low bank, level, near Harstine Bridge, , i i II 2 BOa-car garage & all purpose I med00k amenities. I $69, I II[l BEAUTIFUL CUSTOM HOME 3 BD, 1.75 BA w/vaulted ceilings, tile counter tops, f blk. from boat launch. $119,000 BUY AN ORIGINAL 3 BD, 3 BA w/family room/den, passive solar heat, 2 FP's, RV spot & view of city. $142,900 www.johnlscott .com/45242 I PRICE REDUCEDI Mt. View home w/3 BD, 2 full BA & 1352 SF. FP & garage w/storage. $99,900 9171 62'2 of WF $119,950 HARSTINE ISLAND BEAUTY 3 BD, 2 BA DW w/2-car garage, bldg. wl stove, on 2.83 acres. 400' of creek beside it. $105,000 PEEK*A-BOO OF OAKLAND BAY 3 BD, 1.5 BA partially finished bsmt. 2-car garage, hot tub, garden area & more, $132,000 PRICE REDUCEDI RV/shop & near fresh/salt water fishing. Home & land are in great shape. $174,500 LAKE NAHWATZEL BEAUTY 2 BD, 2.5 BA, home with covered front deck for evening meals or just to relax. $214,500 www.johnlacott .com/33992 Thursday, July 29, 1999 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 29 II II REAL ESTATE WANTED 2 BEDROOM house, $475 monthly, first/tastldamagelreferences/6 me ?;9.Alilable August 10. 427-5704. LARGE TWO bedroom apartment, W/D oPa_ce/h°°.kup, W/S/G included. Close .t4n°pPmg and hospital. No pets. Mc;29tn206"725"3242' evenings. R3AND NEW! Creekside Apartments, /4 bedrooms, full size W/Ds, frost- ee freezers, self clean ovens, and extra storage Stalin,-, at $487, 426- 4669. W7/29-8/5 f0rAVAILABLE AUGUST 10: well-cared- 2 bed°cm home,-- attached garage fee:teA db -...-Y rd. No pets. Referenc-' ,,. ,gtesiae area. $600 month in- '.,uses W/S/G. Call 360-426-8635. T7/29tfn 2 BEDROO M apartment in nice Hillcrest hookunnelghb°rh°°d of Shelton. Garage, W/D , monthly/S450 deposit Available 'Ugust 1st, 206-546-41'36. 137/29 VAILABLE 9/1 first time rental. 3 bedrooms, 11/2 'baths, gas fireplace, microwave, covered ,',atio Fenced ri vats ba .... v • P - yara with garden space. One ca ;l,gnarag e with work area/storage -- nsmokinn..€725 500 de osit ' p.m. W$29tfn p ' sHtOa ? 1SPORT HOUSE. 2 bedrooms up- =., SOWn, 1 bath woodstove, W/D $lu= p, fenced yard, $600 monthly, eCurity de us= 94.5 '==. . p t, 877-9238 home, 8/5 3,,, work - ask for Mae. $7/29- BUSINESS PROPERTY The Charles S00)lners Colnpany 800-264-4646 / 275-0400 3 bedroom, 2 bath doublewide in Rustlewood. Wrap-around View of Pickering Passage, No pets, $500 deposit. at 426-3319. S7/19 ST - 2 bedroom du- garage, W/D hook-up, all ap- large deck, W/S/G paid ($80 Pets, $515 monthly, deposit fee. For appoint- O7/29-8/19 -NEAT and clean 2 bed- bath townhouse style with storage. Only $475 rent, Available 8/10/99. Invest -3567. 17/29 AFFORDABLE 3 bedroom ,eat. We pay W/S/G ($75 $500 rent, $500 deposit. August. Invest Realty, MOBILE HOMES - LOW cost 2 bedroom HUD ("Section 8"). We ($60 value). Only $415 rent, Available 8/1/99. Invest 17/29 BEDROOM, 11/2 baths, W/D, heat, fireplace, PUD insula- garage, large kitchen, Modern home, nice neighborhood in Shelton. $650 per month. No pets. 426-5377. H7/29-8/19 duplex, garage, dish- • yer hookups, Hill- .95. 412-0318 (local call). 9 house downtown. Car- e to everything. $425 month- references. W/S/G H7/29-8/5 Shelton's nicest rentals avail- nd of August, $750 monthly. 3 family room, double garage, Yard, mt. view, references re- 426-6526. $7/15-8/5 1 bedroom house, electric WOodstove, south shore Hood Alderbrook, $500 monthly then $450 monthly till deposit. No pets, ntal Mgmt. For Rent HARSTINE ISL.: 2 bed 1 bath 1200 lt/F;' W/d, fP, with a view of t ' '=,=uer andthr he Water ....., ee counhes over r,,^ . uon't miss out on this , ota kin-" . . ,'"/u me. u rental opportunity. MORTGAGES 2 bed 1 bath apartment, $550 me : Large 1 bed 1 bath apart- g Paid. $450 me. :lEST: 3 bed 2 bath, W/gas heat. $550 me. =W LAKE: 3 bed 1 bath, yard $600 me. Oly Hwy N. & K 1-11 separate • $3B )Is. S g Fee • TORAGES rIClUding 5x10, 10x10, 10x20 $29 to $65 m PlCKERI,, onthly FIeated'Uni s PROTECT-IT COVERED" N Hwy 101 & RV STORAGE IOPERTY OWNERSI you dissatis- rrent situation? I can help. ement with a personal 6154. 54 []] I ECONOMICAL 2 bedroom apartment, $475 monthly, rent includes W/S/G, electricity and gas. Rental references and good credit. Deposit $300. 426- 0240 anytime. M7/15-8/5 HOUSE FOR rent, Hartstene Points. Two bedroom, one bath. $550 monthly, $400 deposit. Access to all amenities. (360) 792-1673. B7/22-8/12 $999 MOVES you in! 3 bedroom, 1 bath, $599 monthly/S400 deposit. No pets, no smoking preferred. Lake Lim- erick, 352-0835 leave message. P7/22- 29 TWO BEDROOM duplex unit available 1st week August. Includes W/S/G, washer and dryer, no pets, non-smok- ing, $500 with $350 deposit. Call 426- 5384. M7/22-29 SHORECREST, 101 NE Parkway. Older fixer mobile, rent-to-own. $550 month- ly. (360) 692-4780. Owner will finance repairs. A7/15-8/5 2 BEDROOM, 1 bath, gas heat, 2 car garage, in town, $635 monthly. W/S/G paid. 426-7810. B7/15-8/5 HOODSPORT ONE bedroom apart- ment, sundeck, Hood Canal view, in- cludes W/S, $395 monthly. 877-5997. T7/22-8/12 TWO BEDROOM, 2 bath mobile, W/S/G paid, Johns Prairie, $450 monthly. First/last/damage deposit/references. For application, 426-1046. M 7/22-8/12 RENT-TO-own, Oak Park. $1,200 de- posit, $800 month, $150 month back if you buy in two years. Newer 3 bed- room, 2 bath, 2-car garage. $115,000. 956-9000. H7/22-29 NICE MT. View 2 bedroom mobile, fenced yard, storage available, N.S. N.P. $475, 426-3557 after 5 p.m. L7/22tfn MINI-CABIN IN Shorecrest, studio with full bath, W/D, all utilities paid. On nice wooded lot. $400 first, last, and deposit. References required. (425) 432-6810 or (206) 818-4126. S7/8-29 BARGAIN RENTS. Fully restored, one and two bedroom apartments. New laundry facilities, children's play area. Many have saved enough for a new home. Don't be misled, check us out. Sorry no pets. (360) 426-5511. N7/15- 8/5 BARGAIN MINI-STORAGEI Lowest rents in town. Newer units. Alarm and video security system. Starting at only $25. (360) 426-5511. N7/15-8/5 ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS at Goldsborough Cove Apartments and Fairmont Cove Apartments, subsid- ized family housing, 426-4417, Equal Housing Opportunity. F1/16tfn TWO BEDROOM Victorian town- house, from $500. Plus deposit, plus references. (360) 307-9505 or 1-800- 575-1574, PIN 00. J7/ltfn RV SPACE available, W/S/G paid, cable available, $200 monthly 426- 2015. E6/17tfn SPACIOUS LIKE-NEW 2 bedroom du- plex, large living room and oversized bedrooms. Stove, refrigerator, dish- washer, washer/dryer hookup, garage. Water/garbage/lawncare included. $650 monthly, $250 deposit. (360) 426-7646. S6/24tfn GREAT MOVE-IN SPECIALS Kneeland Park Apartments 2 bedroom, H/C unit -- $438 3 bedroom, 2 bath, large family unit  $460 4 bedroom, 2 bath, large family unit  $521 Now Taking Applications i  Call for Appointmenti[g I 427-7909 $475- $450- $525- $625- $900- $975- $1000- RESIDENTIAL 2 bdrm, very clean, 55 or older apts, heat,, water, sewer, garbage paid, DOWN- TOWN 2 bdrm lg. apt., new carpet and paint, clean, DOWN- TOWN 2 bdrm, new carpet, vinyl and paint, DOWNTOWN 4 bdrm, 2 bth, new carpet and paint, ANGLESIDE WATERFRONT! 3 bdrm, I 3/4 bth, daylight basement WATERFRONT, 3 bdrm, 4.5 acres, 2 1/2 bath, ARCADIA 5 bdrm, 2 1/2 bth, fireplace, acreage, SHELTON VLY 606 WEST COTA FAMILY OF 4 seeking 2/3 bedroom home to rent short term. We're building at Lake Limerick, expect completion late November. Excellent rental refer- ences. 1 medium-size dog, 2 cats - will pay pet deposit. If you have accommo- dations, please call the Crotty's at (253) 536-0816. C7/29 QUIET, HONEST, reliable, female look- ing for small cabin/home to housesit or caretake in lieu of rent. Two very polite kitties to accompany female. Please call 432-8610 to interview and/or leave message. H7/22-29 WORKING COUPLE relocating to Shel- ton area. Need 2 bedroom, garage and fenced yard. Prefer Sept. 2. 360-482- 5324. L7/22-8/12 QUIET, HONEST person looking to rent a small cabin for a small price. Two family pets (cats) will accompany this recluse. Smoker. Please leave mes- sage at 432-8610. H7/22-29 600 AND 1,700 sq. ft. office/retail spaces available in historic brick build- ing, downtown Shelton. $375 and $750 monthly. (360) 275-5240. C7/15tfn PROFESSIONAL OFFICE space avail- able in the Collier Bldg. Convenient location, reasonable rates. Call Rosie at the E.F.I. office, 426-0077. E7/8-29 OFFICE/RETAIL SPACE for lease, AI- lyn Center. Hwy 3 frontage. 372 sq. ft. available now! Call (425) 603-1312. H 7/15-8/5 PROFESSIONAL OFFICE space, 1620 Olympic Hwy. N. Office/conference room/copy machine. $300 monthly in- cludes utilities. Call (360) 753-0086. B7/8tfn OFFICE SPACE, free standing building, very high exposure, 1304 Olympic Hwy. South, 1,200 sq. ft., reception area and 4 office spaces. Call 427- 0397. B7/22-8/12 PROFESSIONAL OFFICE space for rent. Office with large loft above. High traffic exposure. Must see to appreci- ate. $500 monthly plus utilities. 2136 Olympic Hwy North. 427-8612. Not available until August 1st. R6/24tfn 1991 WILDERNESS, 33 ft., large bath- room, rear bed, front kitchen, A]C, mi- cro, stereo, new awning, excellent con- dition, $9,250. Harstine Island, 360- 426-6682. H7/22-8/12 #1 DEALER to Washington selling several first time buyer land home packages, new homes including the land under $75,000. Payments approx- imately $600. JoAnn, 1-800-490-9424, dlr. W7/29 18 SOLD, only 2 left. New 1999 3 bed- room, 2 bath homes for only $29,900. Call Jack" 1-800-490-9424, dlr. W7/29 DESPERATEt FORECLOSURE is forc- ing sale of this beautiful 3 bedroom home in nice neighborhood. Assume huge equity and unbelievable terms to sell fast. Cal today! SN #52244, dlr, 1- 800-830-5044. D7/15 BEST BUYI Large, new, 3 bedroom in nice neighborhood for next to nothing down and easy payments, with good credit. Call 1-800-830-5044, dlr. D7/29 FORCED TO selll Owner never moved into this beautiful 3 bedroom home on large wooded corner Iotl Seller desper- ate and will work with whatever you have down if credit is good. Take ad- vantage. SN #52244, dlr, 1-800-830- 5044. D7/15 III¢,lI00 WE DO HOME LOANS! • 15-, 20- & 30-Year Mortgages • Financing and refinancing • Home Equity Credit Lines ALL MASON COUNTY RESIDENTS CAN JOIN/ Peninsula Community Federal Credit Umon 1-888-426-1601 Shelton • Belfair Port Orchard CASH AVAILABLE. Private party has cash to purchase real estate contract mortgages or deeds of trust at a dis- count. Call 491-5463. Jtfn 3 BEDROOM rambler in Angleside area of Shelton. Fresh paint, new carpet/vi- nyl. 13/4 bath. Priced to sell. $89,500, 426-6486. W7/29-8/19 WATERFRONT HOME. Enclosed sunroom/deck with super view. Over 2,200 sq.ft, with 3 bathrooms, sauna, fireplace up, woodstove down, family room, den, double attached garage and private dock. Close to clubhouse and golf course. Only $149,000. Invest Realty, 426-3567. 17/29 BY OWNER, LUliwaup. 2 bedroom, open beam ceiling with 1/2 daylight base- ment, garage, large lot, RV hookup. Beach rights. Will help finance. Ap- praised at $59,000, sell $49,000, 426- 3804. P7/29 253-851-2511 1920 WASHINGTON ST. JUST LISTED $69,900 Nice 1,320-sq.-ft. 3-bdrm. rambler, woodstove, great in-town location with fenced yard. Will consider trades. Call Kim Thompson, 534-4506. FAWN LAKE WATERFRONT $122,500 55' no-bank waterfront, 1,224-sq.-ft., 1991 tri-level, skylights, cathedral ceilings, large entertainment deck and private deck off master, 3 bed- rooms, 2 baths, laundry room. Con- tact Kim Thompson, 534-4506. E. 51 SEA VISTA LN. REDUCED TO $69,900 Quality built '95 manufactured home, sheetrocked with rounded corners and great floor plan, 1,512 sq. ft. with 3 bedrooms, 2 baths and covered porch area. Contact Kim Thompson, 534-4506. 621 E. LAKESHORE DRIVE EAST $65,900 Corner lot next to park on little Timberlake. 1994 manufactured home, 1,377 sq. ft., 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, large kitchen with breakfast nook. 2-car carport and storage area. Just needs some TLC. Kim Thomp- son, 534-4506. PUBLISHER'S NOTICE: All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limita- tion or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, famil- ial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such prefer- ence, limitation or discrimination." Familial status includes children un- der the age of 18 living with parents o r legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of chil- dren under 18. This newspaper will not know- ingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby in- formed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To com- plain of discrimination call HUD toll- free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll- free telephone number for the hear- ing impaired is 1-800-927-9275. IQUAI. I OPPORTUNITY YOU FIND A HOME-- I'LL FINANCE IT! J down Kant Buckowsid "Home Loan Specialist" 1-877-287-2210 Toll Free (Ask for Kam) * Refinances = Debt Consolidation = Purchases = Custom Construction [] LAKE LIMERICK, 3 bedroom, 2 bath manufactured home (1993), 1,080 sq.ft., $43,090. Jim Culp, 1-253-851- 2511, Properties NW. P7/29 LISTEN TO the silence, wildlife abound: 10 acres on Harstine Island with earn your money back potential. Four sub- plotted lots ready to build on. Reduced to $160,000 for all four lots, or will split. Sewer/well/electric, phone. Top lot has Olympic view. Also 2/2 acre corner parcel across from community grange. Commercial possibilities, $69,000. Owner will finance, with good credit/sizable down. 427-6702, 426- 4131. J7/22-8/12 HARSTINE ISLAND, 344' of waterfront with tidelands. Gorgeous view of Case Inlet and Mt. Rainier. 5 acres, with sep- tic, water and power. $255,000. Owner will finance. 426-4131. C7/15-8/5 COMMERCIAL ZONED - investment - now a duplex, could be office. "Multi- use" zoning, downtown Shelton. Owner will help with financing. Some repairs needed, $95,000. Invest Realty, 426- 3567. 17/29 LIKE NEW 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 car ga- rage, fenced backyard. $106,950, 368 Springfield Loop, 432-0911. D7/29 EMERALD LAKE mobile ready, large lot, wooded, must see, $21,500, terms, Bob 427-7000 home. Mc7/15-8/5 LAKE LIMERICK lot across from golf course, water/power, Division 3, $12,600 terms, Bob, 427-7000 home. Mc7/15-8/5 LIFE ON the golf course, right on the ninth hole. Very private 2 bedroom, 13/4 baths, plus family room and den. Range/oven, fridge, D/W and W/D. Great for year round living or for hide away from the city. Call todayl Priced right, at $117K, Diamond Real Estate. 360-459-8833 or Bill Coleman 360-427- ]1=285, R-697. D7/15-8/5 LOVELY RAMBLER, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, on 1 acre. Nearing completion, on Ann Arbor Dr. Choose your color, , $157,000. 360-659-7763, 360-898- 2274. D7/22-8/12 1.75 ACRES on newly paved road on Bald Eagle Drive. View of Olympics, $32,500, terms. 426-6935. Mc7/22-29 BEST OF both worlds. Lake Limerick amenities and golfing with country club close by. Must seal 3 bedrooms and 1 bath, 8 years youngl Will go RECD fi- nancing. Call Bill Coleman 360-427- 7285 or Diamond Real Estate 360-459- 8833. R-698. Priced right, $76,000. D7/15-8/5 Would You Like to live in the midst of 50 acres? 2 bdrms, and 1.5 baths on 9 acres. Complete privacy. Grapeview. Only $119,000. Price! Location! Recreational Property! 1.62-acre lot lightly treed ... firs and evergreens. Power already installed. Grapeview. Only $18,900. Call us for a FREE brochure with all our listings ... including addresses. 800-228-9523 E-maih allyn@ windermere.corn Winc00rmere Windermere Real Estate/LakeLand Properties $299,000. 2+ bedroom with guest apartment, near Allyn. $264,950. 2 bedrooms and den, 3 baths. 85' WF, Low bank on Picketing Passage. i $369,500. 130' on Pickering Passage. Huge shop, exercise building and guest quarters. ,) t ] b $145,000. 100' low bank, level, near Harstine Bridge, , i i II 2 BOa-car garage & all purpose I med00k amenities. I $69, I II[l BEAUTIFUL CUSTOM HOME 3 BD, 1.75 BA w/vaulted ceilings, tile counter tops, f blk. from boat launch. $119,000 BUY AN ORIGINAL 3 BD, 3 BA w/family room/den, passive solar heat, 2 FP's, RV spot & view of city. $142,900 www.johnlscott .com/45242 I PRICE REDUCEDI Mt. View home w/3 BD, 2 full BA & 1352 SF. FP & garage w/storage. $99,900 9171 62'2 of WF $119,950 HARSTINE ISLAND BEAUTY 3 BD, 2 BA DW w/2-car garage, bldg. wl stove, on 2.83 acres. 400' of creek beside it. $105,000 PEEK*A-BOO OF OAKLAND BAY 3 BD, 1.5 BA partially finished bsmt. 2-car garage, hot tub, garden area & more, $132,000 PRICE REDUCEDI RV/shop & near fresh/salt water fishing. Home & land are in great shape. $174,500 LAKE NAHWATZEL BEAUTY 2 BD, 2.5 BA, home with covered front deck for evening meals or just to relax. $214,500 www.johnlacott .com/33992 Thursday, July 29, 1999 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 29 II II