July 31, 1969 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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44 Citizens Are Proposed
For School Advisory Group
(Continued from paBe I)
Grange; Ruth Tuson, Head Start
Five Shelton school teachers
are included in the group. They
are Clayton, Mrs. Evander,
Kreger, Mrs. Parson, and
Most of these selectees were
present at Monday's meeting and
at the behest of Dr. Hergert, who
presided as. temporary chairman,
proceeded with preliminary
organization even though the
committee will not have official
status until the school board
makes the appointments.
Dr. ttergert promised that the
board would name the committee
at its next meeting and urged the
group to get on with it so that
pressing problems in four areas of
concern could be dealt with
As a result, a nominating
committee was named which will
present a list of officer candidates
at a meeting set for August 13,
the day /fiLer the board makes the
full committee official. Past
Chairman Bill Smith will preside
at this meeting.
Those present also split up into
four groups which will form the
basis for standing committees on
the areas for study which Dr.
Hergert indicated would be
assigned to the advisory
committee. These are finance,
curriculum, building, and public
Each of these groups then
canvassed and selected a member
for the nominating committee.
These are:
Darrell Sparks, finance; Ronaid
Ring, curriculum; Ran Sanford,
building; Mrs. Helen Ruddell,
public relations.
This committee conferred
briefly, then decided to continue
its deliberations after contacting
Temporary Chairman Smith, who
was not present Monday evening.
During the discussion of
procedure for choosing officers,
Ring suggested that in addition to
names offered by the committee
nominations be received from the
floor and that final choice be
made by secret ballot.
Dr. Hergert told the group that
he opposed having directors on *
the advisory committee because
that might lead to the belief that
pressure was being exerted.
But he made it clear that the
committee would receive its
assignments from the board and
that the directors and
administration would cooperate
by providing information
Dr. Hergert outlined in detail
the background events which led
to a decision by the board to
reactivate and expand the scope
of the committee's work and the
immediate problems facing the
school district for which advice is
During recent negotiations with
tile Shelton Education
Association, he said, the teacher's
representatives agreed to the
board's proposal that three of the
SEA's requests be referred to the
advisory committeb for their
recommendations on
implementation during the
1970-71 school year.
There were:
1. Additional Personnel,
including a curriculum director, a
music teacher, a helping teacher,
State Board Studies Ruling
On Fate Of Small Schools
Mary M. Knight ttigh School
may be classifed as "remote and
necessary" and thus escape loss of
state funds imposed by the 1969
legislature on small high schools,
if tile State Board of Education
meeting in Olympia Wednesday
accepts a recommendation of
State Supt. of Public Instruction
Louis Bruno.
The new law reads: "For
school districts judged 'remote
September 4 anti on the next day
will classify I!1 districls in the
state with high school enrollments
of less than 250 pupils to
determine which will get extra
funds which will be cut off.
Liquor License
Transfer Asked
The State Liquor Control
* than 250 sludents in grades 9-12,
the State Board will determine a
weighting factor /'or such
This means, according to Supt.
Bruno's office, that small high
schools which are not judged
remote and necessary will receive
only the regular apportionment of
state funds. They no longer will
receive extra money given them in
the past to support their higher
costs of operation.
Monday a committee of 12
small district administrators met
with Bruno to propose criteria for
this classification to present to
the State Board,
The group decided that a high
school should be classified as
"remote and necessary" if:
(1) It is more than 10 miles
from another high school
building, and
(2) Students would be required
Mac's Corner, Inc., lo move Mac's
Corner front 127 South Second
Street, Shelton, which has
destroyed by fire, to 119 Cots
Street in Shelton. Anyone who
wishes to support or oppose the
application for transfer may write
to the Liquor Control Board in
High Low Precip.
July 24 89 54 0
July 25 78 51 0
July 26 78 52 0
July 27 76 53 0
July 28 76 47 0
July 29 76 49 0
July 30 78 48 0
Readings are for a 24 hour
to ride an hour or more each way period ending at 8 a.m. as
from their homes to artotherhigh ,reported by the ITT Rayonier
school. Inc. weather station,
A spokesman for Bruno's office
told The Journal that Mary M.
Knight ltigh School falls within
these categories.
The State Board considered
these and other criteria at
Wednesday's meeting. At its next
meeting in Vancouver, the board
will hold a public hearing
Temperatures Thursday thru
Monday will average near normal
with a cooling trend over the
weekend. Olympia normals 81
and 49, Rainfall is expected to
average less than normal with
chance of a few showers over the
and physical education teacher
for each elementary school, two
qualified boys' and girls'
counselors at the junior high
school, an athletic director, a full
time audio-visual specialist, and
sufficient teacher aids to relieve
certified personnel from five
categories of routine activity.
2. Preparation periods for
3. Class size limitations.
Dr. Hergert pointed out that
implementing, these programs,
particularly the added personnel,
would require excess tax levies
every year, if Shelton were to
avoid drastic terminations which
have occurred in other districts
when levies failed.
He also said the board faced a
major decision on the third phase
of the building program. Because
the 1969 legislature authorized
school districts to double their
bonding limits, the Shelton
District now has the financial
capacity to build a new high
school on the Mountain View site,
instead of the middle school
previously planned for the third
Dr. ttergert stressed the
importance of improving public
relations in order to carry out
decisions reached on these issues
and indicated that if the district
goes ahead with programs
requiring major financing, the
efforts of the advisory committee
on marshaling public support
would be vital to success.
Dr. tlergert was flanked at the
meeting by School Director
Thomas Weston and District
' Superintendent Louis Grinnell.
Gloss Smashed,
Caps Quiz Man
SHELTON KIWANIS CLUB'S famous invention, the Paul
Bunyan Pancake Cooker, here being cleaned up by Frank
Maranville, turned out 3,000 pancakes, with no waiting,
Sunday to raise $500 for the Swim Fun at the club's annual
benefit breakfast at Kneeland Park.
i,, i i
Jaycee Float Takes First
At McCleary Bear Festival
Shelton police questioned a
man with a large gash in one hand
while investigating the breaking of
a disolay window at Eell's &
Valley Appliance (',enter, at Rep. Conner
12:50 a.m. Saturday.
Officer A. C. Johnson reported On Committees
no entry was made but that blood State Rep. Paul 1t. Conner,
appeared on the broken glass and 24th legislative district, has
the pavement, received sub-committee
]'he incident was reported by assignments during the legislative
telephone by a man who gave his
name as William Surrat, 609 E.
Alder Street, Walla Walla.
participated in the Seafair parade
in Seattle.
A public relations booth will be
staffed by the Jaycees at the
Mason County l:air next month.
GaP Picnic Set
The Mason County Republican
Central Committee will sponsor a
potluck family picnic on
Thursday, August 7, at the
Simpson Recreation Area on
Mason Lake.
The picnic is scheduled for
6:30pm rain or shine.
Thelma Anderson
Dies In Hospital
Ida Thelma Anderson, of 943
East Cascade, died Wednesday in
the Seattle Swedish Hospital at
the age of 57. She was born on
June 30, 1912 in Chemainas
Island, British Columbia, Canada.
She has lived in Mason County
most of her life and was the
daughter of the late Dean and
Emma Coleman, pioneers in
Mrs. Anderson was a member
of the Jesus Christ Church' of
Latter Day Saints, the Relief
Society, the Mutual Improvement
Association, and the Primary
Organization and remained very
active in Sunday School work.
Survivors include her husband,
Olaf Anderson, Shelton; one son,
Donald Anderson, Shelton; one
sister, Ruth Garner, Seattle; and
four grandchildren.
Funeral Services will be held
Friday at 11 a.m. in the Jesus
Christ Church of Latter Day
Shints with Bishop James
Farrimond officiating.
Arrangements were made under
the direction of Batstone Funeral
A Queen Float ponsored by
the Shelton Jaycees took a first
place at the McCleary Bear
Festival and a third at the
Olympia Lake Fair for the 5,000
to 25,000 population division.
The Jaycee entry also
Day At Ocean For Kids On TuesdaY_.
lllju m
This Could Only Happen,.
In The Seattle's U Distncr00
polaroid 100 camera was which a bearded Nt I
turned into the Shelton Police funny glasses hopl,_,
Department Monday by Guy scooped up all the ¢ao-
Hedge, 613 Euclid Street, the satchel, o 0€1.,
Shelton. He said he had found it "Do you know
in Seattle. Hedge said he
Hedge told police he was "Nay ' was the rellff. '_
driving on 45th Street in the characte;; . ,IDII
University District when he saw a you can." Whe reun lcJ""
into his VW and left. - 1
satchel fall out of a station Hedge then P ied Well
wagon. Another car hit the f;
satchel, breaking it open. camera which had
Next a pale blue Volkswagen of the satchel. Shelt0111 .
stopped, Hedge related, from notified the Seattle '
Found Department.
of the week for*
his last
week week TITLE
1 1 Man Blues
2 3 Rib
To Make
3 5 A Man
R0gerR r
Me & Bobby Mill'
4 , 6 McGee
But You Know Bill
5 2 I Love You David
Down To My Houst,,
6 4 Last I Love you TernS.
Wicked & BroS"
7 8 California shar
Keep A Truckin' 511
8 10 Man HappY Lilldl
Color Him Martell
9 31 Father
That's A
10 32 No-No
Shelton Multi-Service Center
anaounces the coming departure
eta chartered Greyhound bus at
8:30 a.m., Tuesday, for Twin
Harbors State Park, near
Teen-aged passengers should be
prepared to spend the entire day
there at the ocean, equipped with
a sack lunch. Planned return is 5
p.m. the same evening. The
Center requests each passenger
under 18 years of age to fill out
and return a parental permission
slip, which may be obtained at
the Center.
There is still room available, so
get your permission slip returned
and a bus seat reserved; and get
set to have a wonderful day.
Union Burglary
Beer, wine, anti meat were
taken by burglars who broke glass
in a door to enter Bali's Food
Center at Union between 2 and 7
a.m. Monday, Mason County
Sheriff's Department reported.
.- - _
building pc[mils approved by
the Mason County Planner's
office during the past week were:
Charles egg, roof on mobile
home, $1,000; David Brown,
home, $18,000; Leland F. Sorrels,
cabin, $1,500; Howard Boelk, add
All of the hit songs are available
room, $1,200; Carl Baldwin,
cabin, $10,000; Berton Tweed,
summer cabin, $3,000; Frank
Valenta, cabin, $7,000; Herschel
E. Payne, garage, $1,000; Ford
Nelson, addition to room, $500;
James L. and Florence C. Craft,
vacation cabin, $800; Reid
Realty, cabin, $1,500; A.C. Pratt,
summer cabin, $4,000; Charles E.
Love, home, $7,500; Kenneth J.
Elslip, cabin, $700; Ilarold
Waring, summer home, $3,800;
Genieave Norris (Short) replace
cabin, $2,500.
205 Cota
interim to the Joint Committee SATU RDAY!
on Highways. New Arrivals
Conner will serve on
County-'City Administration, Mr. and Mrs. Robert E;Towers
Finance, tfighway Department Jr., Rt. l, Box 206 A, Elma, a
Administration, Motor Vehicle boy, July 25.
Department Administration, Mr. and Mrs. KennethA. Lane,
Motor Vehicle Standards and Box 455 Phillips Road, a girl, July
Safety sub-committees, 27.
Fashion Manor blankets and *' ii::il '
all our Fashion Manor sheets!
Twin, Full 66"x90"
reg. $10 NOW ............ •
Double, S0"xg0" reg. $ ! 2 NOW I Aftr
The most washable blanket ew'.',l'#
.... looks g.,,.dt
many washings it srm W u
ew. Nylon bonded to foam
7hrmk, shed or pull. FashiOO
Twin 60"x90"
reg. 6.99 NOW
Full 80"x90" ...... reg, 7.99
Use our thermal all year
cool in summer, warm in
chine washable in warm
tlful colors
--.E- ....
" 6
l/ t/
Twin fits 39 x75 mat-
tress reg. 7,99 NOW •
Full fits 54"x75" 9 NOW 1'1
manress ............ reg, 8,9 t_,,f r..
Eas bedmakng.., mot: '%e
All ac'rylic blanket. MacM,,io.
in warm water."Fashiorl '"
FRIDAY00AU00 IjBII PAULEY S 20% All °ur tam°us Fashi°n Man°r she'e00
DRAPERIES. SAVE ON ,132 count bleached and finish•d, ell dll7
You II see as Many as 50 parked , LABOR, SAVE ON FABRIC! twin 72'x108"flot or Elasta-fit • I m.
Sanforlzed® bottom ................................. reg. 1,99 NOW I " /"
at 5th & and Railroad withsome Now s the time to decoratel Bring in your window ful181"x108"flatorElasta-fit .--- pillow cases 42"x36" /Y'
measurements and we'll make draperies to fit 5anforized ® boItom . .reg. 2.29 NOW 1., .reg. 2 fur 1.09 ........... NOW fCl' ....
from as far away as California perfectly. Choose from hundreds of fabrics from PENCALE WHITE COMBED COTTON PERCALE .,d'
• .,•...--. •=.... =..--. • our decorator collection. Both fabric and labor re- , 1 86 count bleached and finished ql I1'-
$00 irt3pe ' duced from regular price. Fabricalone 20% off. twin 72 'x108" flat or Elasta-fit n_l.
Decorate today.., use Sonforized® bottom ................................ reg. 2.39 NOW II P
PAULEY S full 81"xl08" flat or elasta-fit .. pillow cases 42"x36 '
mr Penneys Time Payment Plan Sanforlzed ® bottom . .reg. 2.69 NOW 2.a7 re9 2 for 1 39 NOW 2 fl'
5th & Railroad
Page 2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 31, 1969
426-8231 Shop Dally ta S:30.Friday til 6peru. to 5:0-