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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 31, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 31, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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d0ptive Study Group arts In Shelton Aug. 5 Area office of the of Public start its tenth group on Tuesday, Public Assistance 6th and Railroad meeting will bc upstairs office at 7:30 ne interested in attend. are interested in the unable to attend meetings are urged to office and a daytime ed. 1968, 44  aPplied to adopt, 30 been placed in homes, 3 referrals . pending, two ang referral, and 9 vn from the is based on education for hrough group honesty. Many pertaining to age, income, home have been the adoption states: "If someone really wants to adopt a child, we will help them." For information call the Public Assistance Office, 426-3363, write to Marv Saxton, P. O. Box 519, Shelton, or drop into the office and discuss the matter. Skokomish Get Improvements A $24,202 water and sanitation project on the Skokomish Indian Reservation was announced by Congresswoman Julia Butler ttansen. The work will be financed by the Indian Health Service through a grant. Rep. ttansen is chairman of the House Appropriations Subcommittee which funds the IHS. Installation of pre-cast concrete septic tanks and tile fills will be performed by a contract to B & G Septic Tank Service, Albion, totalling $10,495. A $13,707 contract was awarded Williams Drilling Co., Toledo, for drilling and casing of water wells on the reservation. 00reeM ers *rein $2990 10 Inch Oscillating Fan Regularly $888 $15.95 NOW ilr0nze Luster Reg. and Extra g Gellee ProtectiVeReg. $2 • County-O'tyRecord MASON COUNTY JUSTICE COURT Appearing before Judge Glenn E. Correa July 25 were: Washington State Patrol Thomas G. Fox, 916 Hanford, Bremerton, failure to keep right of center line, $15 forfeit; Darrell D. Hogan, Rt. 1, Box 250, Union, speeding, $15 forfeit; Max T. Killinger, 5401 Quinault, Kennewick, speeding, $15 forfeit; Evelyn k Masley, 2120 E. 17th, Bremerton, speeding, $40 forfeit; Richard M. Sharpes, Box 153, Hoodsport, failure to keep right of center line, $15 forfeit; Gunnar L. Sjoholm, 161 l Adams, Shelton, failure to keep right of center line, $15 forfeit; Robert P. Frederickson, Box 245, Hoodsport, driving while under influence of intoxicants, pleaded guilty, $95 fine, 5 days suspended, recommended license be suspended for 30 days; Roy J. ttolm, 114 Lilac Lane, Bremerton, driving while under i'.fluence of intoxicants, pleaded guilty, $95 fine, 5 days jail suspended, license revoked for 30 days; Caroline L. Savoie, 1434 W. 1 I th, Olympia, speeding, $15 for felt; Game Department Robert D. Markholt, 5846 S. Oakes, Taomca, fishing without license, $25 forfeit. SHELTON POLICE COURT Judgements of Shelton Police Judge Rolla Halbert Monday night were as follows: Keith R. Vanderwal, Rt. 3, Box 273, speeding, reduced from reckless driving, $50 fine; William R. Peele, 1104 Cota Street, driving while intoxicated, reduced to reckless driving, $150 fine; Adolph P. Rapacz, Rt. 3, Box 477D, negligent driving, $22.50 fine, $2.50 costs; Billy D. Warner, 1936 Washington Street, speeding, $20 forfeit; Beverly J. Bannister, allowing unlicensed person to operate motor vehicle, $17.50 fine, $2.50 costs; Kenneth Tosier, drunk in public, found not guilty; Kathren M. Chapman, 820 Fairmont Street, no operators license and failure to appear, $60 forfeit; Mark S. Ewing, 2029 Stevens Street, speeding, $20 forfeit. Stewart Sheffler reported he lost his wallet in downtown Shelton. Martin Longan asked police to contact parents of two small children he said rode tricycles in the street every day. George Davidson reported a smashed window. Police said the damage apparently was done by a rock run over by a passing car. Harry Swisher complained of hot rodders driving at excessive speed on Railroad Avenue. AI Taylor also reported hot fodders on Dearborn Avenue. Mrs. Irene Huddleston reported cars blocking the entrance to Evergreen Drug Center whose occupants used foul language to her. Mrs. iiilderman complained of a noisy party. Officer Balsingcr requested a neighbor to turn down a record player. George Lowe called police to deal with a noisy group of people on the street. Randy Houle turned in a lost hand bag. George W. Davidson reported boys tore shingles off his garage roof. He was advised to refer it to the Juvenile Officer. Mell Chevrolet reported a 12-volt battery was removed from one of its cars parked on (;rove Street. Mrs. Gertrude Pringle, 606 Cota, complained of beer bottles thrown at her residence. ttarry Swisher, 1525 Railroad Avenue, reported a noisy party next door. SHERIFF'S OFFICE Gerald Needham reported two men and a woman, all drunk, in his yard. Dave Longan of the Shelton Fire Department reported a pickup which had hit trees was blocking the Washington Corrections Center Road. Mrs. B. J. Slater of Belfair asked that her son, Ron Slater, be released from Mason County Jail to see his father who was seriously ill. Request was granted. Danny Kennedy reported a disabled vehicle parked off Highway 106 south of Belfair. Joseph Schembrie of Ayock Beach reported his 14-foot boat and 45 HP motor lost or stolen. Mrs. Cook reported noisy, obscene neighbors near her mobile home park. The Kitsap County Sheriff's Department reported a noisy party at the public access area at Panther Lake. The group cleared out when Mason County Sheriff Patrol vehicles approached. Stanley Jones reported a 12-foot plywood boat missing from Lake Nawhatzel. An escort for a woman with a cut thumb enroute to Mason General Hospital was requested by Brian T. Sheedy of Alderbrook Inn Mrs. Bill Cooper requested a check on a car parked in front of her house, then called back II minutes later to report the subjects had left. After a citizen reported hearing a gun shot and a woman's scream from a house in" Lilliwaup, the sheriff's patrol found a party going on and reported everything okay. A Clallam County warrant charging fishing in closed waters was served on Miles A. l)iehl, 40, of Rt. 1, Box 327-B, Shelton. Bail was set at $29. Neal R. Erickson, 18, Rt. I, Box 326, Shelton, was arrested on a Clallam County game warrant. Bail was set at $29. Wellington Wilber, Star Route 1, Box 174, Shelton, was placed in protective custody. Orin Miller, Rt. I, Box 232, Olympia, reported loss of a chestnut gelding with white sock on hind foot. l,avern Risder, Matlock, reported a black horse loose on the road. SUPERIOR COURT Default Divorces Default divorce decrees granted in Mason County Superior Court were to: Wyota Vanderwal from Karl Vanderwal. Divorces Filed Candyce L. White vs. Robert I:.. White; Darlene Christilaw vs Kenneth Michael Christilaw; Florence Stephens vs Joseph B. Stephens; Marcia Cole vs Joseph Cole. Probate Docket Estate of Charles Elmer BAYER Michael W. Scott, 633 E'llinor Martin Van Dyne reported he Systma, letters of administration Children's pi in s.oot, disorderly conduct, found a wallet in the water of issued; Estate of Irene tl. Forrest, AS r pleaded guilty, $22.50 fine, $2.50 Hood Canal off Indian Beach in petition for letters of € costs; Howard L. Goldsby, which were papers with the name administration; Estate of Edward Reg. negligent driving, $34 forfeit, of Bruce C. Cox Seattle. James Eads, will filed; Estate of 39d NOW SHELTON POLICE Robert Tracy reported his George M. Brewer, Jr., will filed; Joe R. Einarsson reported his 8-foot red fiberglass boat lost one Estate of Archie N. Young, Bronze Luster Reg. and Extra 9 g Protective " Cream Reg. $2 PHISOHEX SKIN CLEANSER 16 oz. size Reg. $3.04 69 ions 00ught in r C/a#a p rollers and do VOW tw Ilrdo wllh Io[t, bouncy Take good care ofyour cold! CONTAC Each Capsule Gives 12-Hour Relief Power Over Head Cold Congestion 5 DAYS' and NIGHTS' CONTINUOUS RELIEF Regularly $1.59 NOW '22"! 89 n Squar • 426.3486 car was stolen Saturday night from the scene of a party near the airport. Earlier the same evening he complained that a 16-gallon keg of beer was taken from his home while he was gone. William Beech reported his 15-year-old son failed to come home Friday night. The lad was picked up Sunday at Twin Harbors. mile east of Union. Wilbur Bolinder complained that cars of skin divers parked north of Potlatch had stopped traffic. Carl Peterson of Liiliwaup reported his I O-foot skiff lost. Brian T. Sheedy complained that kids were making excessive noise on the beach and parking lot at Alderbrook Inn. petition for probate of will. Civil Docket Washington State Tax Commission vs Schnabel Enterprises, warrant for unpaid taxes, $859.48, filed. Smokey Says: Only You Can Prevent Forest Fires ! It's NewW. It's HereW. FULLER FUL-EX Latex All.surface House Paint Only $598 gal. • Excellent durability • Hundreds of colors • A breeze to apply • Soap and water cleanup Now, a latex paint for all previously painted or primed surfaces. Saves time and money. Goes on fast and drlu to a rich, flat finish. Fade resistant pigments mean long color life, too. Of Shelton "Building Mason County" • 426-2611 Dayton Rickards On South Dakota Trip Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Rickards M Mrs. Merton Stalker and to call on Mr. and Mrs. John and children spent two weeks in Walker in Anaconda. children, Bob and Debbie. They South Dakota on vacation. They Rosalie Rickards was a happy have purchased the home of Mrs. were saddened to be called there fisherman on Gertrude Scott. Mr. Stalker is by the death of Mrs. Rickards' nephew, Larry Dimond. They stayed with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Dimond of Wood, S.Dakota. A brother, Qwen Burgess and family of Denver, Colo. attended the funeral so the Rickards were able to see them. They visited Mrs. Rickards' mother, Mrs. Bertha Burgess and a sister, Mrs. Olivia Jordan in White River, a sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fix of Onaca, and a cousin, Mrs. ()live Grass of Rapid City. The children especially liked touring Mt. Rushmore and viewing again the stone faces of the presidents. As they traveled through Montana homeward they stopped Sunday as she landed a fifteen pound King salmon while fishing at Westport. Hers was the second largest caught on her boat. We welcome to our community children SUB-TEEN SWIM SUITS 1 and 2 piece in assorted colors and styles. Sizes 10-16. Reg. $8.00. Now $5.25 FLARE LEG PANTS Girls, with zipper ,n prints or plain color. Sizes 7-14. Reg. $3.50 to $4.50. Now $2.35 and $3.35 GIRLS SWIM WEAR One and two piece in sizes 3-6x and 7.14. Reg. $4.00 to $5.00. Now cut to 1/3 & 1/2price GIRLS SPORTSWEAR Includes shifts, pant dresses, shorts, tops, etc. Sizes 3-Gx & 7-14. Now 1/3 off GIRLS DRESSES All spring and summer dresses and shifts. Reg. $ and $1o Now 1/3 off LITTLE BOYS WEAR Walking shorts, shirts, jackets, etc. Sizes 2-7. Reg. $2 to $5.95. Now 1/3 or less men and boys BOYS SHIRTS 15 shirts in sizes 8-14 made of Rayon and Acetate, all washable. Values to $5. Now $2.89 BOYS VELOUR SHIRTS Long sleeve and V-neck shirts. Sizes 8-14 in 100% combed cotton. 12 only. Reg. $5.50 Now $2.99 SLEEVELESS VEST 5-only, Boys V-neck vests, all size "S". 3 colors to choose frorn. Machine washable and dryable. Reg. $5. Now $2.49 MENS SPORT SHIRTS Permanent press short sleeve in classic Styling. Sizes small and reed. Values to $5. Now 99c SUMMER WEIGHT P. J.'s retired and they came from their home at Vandenberg Airforce Base near Santa Barbara, Calif. Mr. Stalker is now employed as custodian at the high school. Kimbel Motors _ J Boys, in assorted colors and patterns. $6. Sizes 8-14. Values to $350, NOW $2.88 'Now 99c MISSES & JR. SKIRTS MEN'S SWIM WEAR In Arnel and Polyester knit. Colors of Assorted colors and patterns & in all white, blue and beige. Plain and pleated. sizes. Values to $10 Now 1/3 off Regularly to $16. Now $6 to $10.67 MEN'S & BOYS JACKETS MISSES JEANS Cut-off and Jamaica length jeans in sizes Select from 1 rack of several patterns 7/8 to 13/14. Assorted colors in plain and colors in light and medium weight and stretch. Regularly to $5. iackets. Now ½ off Now $2.88 BOYS SHIRTS MISSES BLOUSES Select from knit and cut & sewn. Sizes One group in assorted styles and colors. range from G-18. Reg. $3.50. Sizes 30-36. Regularly to $7. Now $1.99 Now $1.99 and up BOYS SWIM WEAR MOSt sizes in assorted colors and patterns. BELL-BOTTOM JEANS Now 1/3 off Reg. Price Ladies. in white and light blue. Regularly $8. Sizes 6-14 Now $5.88 housewares LAD I ES SUMM E R D R ESSES Two groups of misses and junior dresses, SPRING FABRICS Regularly NOW $10.00 andup Final close out in cottons and blends, to $17 Reg. to $2 yd. NOW 2 Yards $1.00 Regularly to $17 NOW $6.50 and up HAl R SETTE RS shoe department 2 only. Reg. $12.95 Now $5.99 LADLES SUMMER SANDALS DECORATIVE LAMPS 2 only. Reg. $17. Now $8.99 CANDLE LAMPS Hurricane style. 3 only. Reg. to $7.50 Now $1.99 Each LENOX CHINA Odds and ends. Reg. to $3.50. NOW 99€ any piece ASH TRAYS 5 only, ceramic. Reg. $3.00 Now 99c Entire stock final clearance Now $4.44 WOMENS STACKED HEELS Mesh uppers COOl and casual. Now $4.00 WALKING HEELS 4Dne group in white or beigeNow $5.00 MEN'S SPECIAL Bargain Table Only$4.44 FINAL THREE DAYS SUMMER CLEARANCEI Many values too numerous to mention. Sale ends Aug. 2! " 'or Vdue It's 3rd, & Railroad" I I II II I I I Illl - Th= y, July 31, 1969 ;helton-Mason Page 3 J Spring and summer pants, shorts, CUlottes, jackets in assorted fabrics. Sizes 5-18. Regularly to $15. Now $3.33 and UP LADIES TOPS AND HALTERS Voile crop tops ancl cotton halters in assorted Colors. Sizes 10-14. Regularly ladies wear SUMMER HANDBAGS Ladies, entire stock. Straws, plastics, leather. Now 1/3 off LOOP TOP HOSE Made of 1OO% nylon Cantrece II. Gets rid of ugly garter gap and unsightly garter bump. If perfect $1.75. Irregulars now only 69c Pr. SWl MSUITS Misses and juniors in one and two psece styles. Sizes 7-42. Regularly to $22. Now $4.88 and up LADIES SPORTSWEAR Brand name knit tops in assorted styles, colors and sleeve lengths. Regularly to $11. Now $2.67 and up LADI ES SPORTSWEAR Now $4.99 e housewares EGG POACHER 2 only Now 99c HOT-TRAY Reg. NOW $4.99 $16.95 BOOK ENDS ] Pair. Reg. $9 Now $3.99 PORTABLE LIQUOR CASE 1 o,,,y. Reg. $S. Now $10.99 SUGAR & CREAMER Stainless steel, witll tray. NOW $1.99 1 only. EAGLE WALL PLAQUE. 1 on,y. Reg SlO. Now $3.99 FOLDING CHAIRS Samsonite. 6 only. Reg. $12.