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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 31, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 31, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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U S |Ira S S County School Merger Brings Financial Changes SCENE , will bring nearly 80 Model T's to MADE Op SCientific at ITT Rayonier were announced F. Teague, Senior for the Chemical Forest Products g Subsidiary of Telephone and B. Creamer has Manager of Dr. R. who moves to ning and as SCientific advisor. has been Director Planning and April of this Director Assistant of Research for '. Creamer joined 0 as a Research later served as teal Service. Shelton Friday on the way from Lake Limerick back to the Tyee where the group will be staying while in this area. John Temple, of the Shelton Port District, will lead the cars from Purdy, after they have crossed the Tacoma Narrows Bridge, to Lake Limerick, where they will arrive for a noon luncheon• From Limerick the club will drive to Shelton, and will park the "T"s on 5th and Railroad where they will be served coffee and doughnuts• According to Pauley, the entire group of cars will be on display with the owners at 3 p.m. Friday. AUTOMATIC CAR WASH TO OPEN SATURDAY Bob Kimbel, announced today that he will open the first automatic,drive-through, brush-type car wash in southwest Washington, this coming Saturday. Kimbel, who has installed the car wash at the same location as his Richfield station on ttillcrest, Mitchell Mrs. Bobble Goodwin \\; 'L Mason County commission meeting Friday, made three decisions on financial adjustments relating to the merger of the county school superintendent's office with Intermediate School District 113. The commission approved a resolution submitted by County Superintendent William Goodpaster providing for transmittal of the balance in his present budget to the treasurer of Thurston County where the head office of the new five-county district is located. A resolution was then ordered prepared by the clerk to provide that all capital outlay items will operate the wash the same ql , hours as the station• * 4c ** ** Edward J• Eads, of 2503 South Tides DL's CORNER t 64th St., Tacoma, died July 22, at Seems a little quiet around the the Swedish ttospital in Seattle. area these days, but that is to be Born on May 5, 1907, in expected with the amount of Olympia, Mr. Eads was 62 years people on vacation .... old at his death. The merchants haven't stopped lte lived in Shelton 20 years offering people top notch prior to moving to Tacoma in bargains however, as some of the 1968. ,He was a member of the sales listed below prove ..... Eagles. At MILLER'S, Manager Bud Mr. Eads is survived by two Laudahl, has really slashed prices sons, Donald Eads, of Portland, for the e.o.m, sale, as has shoe William Eads, of Salem, Ore.; one manager Tim Buchholz. The daughter, Mrs. Molly Stacy, of entire store has some terrific Tacoma; one brother, Ted Eads, bargains, so stop in today .... of Olympia, and seven county engineer that Pacific Rim Engineering Corporation he hired to study the bids on the boiler replacement and water heater installation and be engaged to run a test to assure compliance with the contract terms was approved. The commission then set a special meeting for August 1, at 10 a.m. to announce contract award on bids which have been received on the boiler and heater work. A. call for bids to be opened at I1 a.m. August II on two road projects was authorized• These are: Project 1: Grading and other work on Mason Lake NW Road, County Engineer J. C. Bridger presented a letter in which he denied that his department had failed to comply with a request of the State Auditor as charged in a letter on road examination from the state office• Bridger said his office is following procedures outlined by the state auditor's examiner. Hearing on a franchise submitted by Cascade Natural Gas Corporation was set for August 18at 11:IS a.m. A resolution was presented to the board for Mason County Road Standards which is part of the county platting ordinance, upon which a hearing will be held tidewater installations were approved after no objections were heard. These are: Glen R. Anderson to install floats in Pickering Passage, and Mason County PUD No. 3 to lay submarine power cables across Hood Canal. A letter from Larry Lewis of Seattle, president of Northwest Outboard Marathon Association, protested that the county's fee of $ ! 00 and $5,000 bond requirement for lake racing is too high. He offered to appear before the board to discuss the issue• The letter was read and ordered filed• Permit for a driveway access culvert was granted to Mrs. C. Holmgren. A group of citizens interested in pollution control and development of areas along Hood Canal appeared asking to whom they should apply for action on problems• They were advised to call the Olympia office of the Thurston-Mason Co. Health Dept. CITY BUILDING PERMITS Building permits approved by the City of Shelton during the past week were: Pe88y Mead, fence, $100; The Epcon Co., replace existing sign at Schaub-Ellison, $200. BOBBIEGOODWINJOINS pertaining to the superintendent 0•55 mile; at 2:30p.m. August 4. MANN REAL ESTATE STAFF of schools be retained in the Project 2: High bank clearing, Proposals for applications to county current expense fund• etc. on North Shore Road, 1.76 the U. S• Army Corps of Mrs. Bobble Goodwin, a Mason The commission also directed miles. Engineers for permits for two County native, has joined the the clerk to write Fred Tidwell, sales staff at Mann Real Estate, chairman of the intermediate Kurt Mann announced this week. Ni C t), FoE B ildi Mrs. Goodwin, an experienced district, requesting that an r'e oJr r [J rgs salesperson, is an Island Lake itemized statement of expenses for Mason County's member of Being Filled With Exhibits resident and the mother of four the intermediate district be children. She has been active in local chapters in the American present to the board each month Cancer Society and Epsilon Sigma after which a warrant would be "Fair Weather" is the hope of have reserved either concession or the Mason County Fair Manager educational space. drawn and mailed to the Thurston as residents and local business Besides the above displays, Alpha. County treasurer, men of the county are putting the there will be floral, garden, A recommendation of the finishing touches on their exhibits hobbles, horses, livestock, Edward Eads to be displayed at the County poultry, rabb,ts, home economics, Dies In Seattle -_-_--__-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_ Fair August 15 16 17 ceramics andgrangebooths. TIME AND MONEY The [:air Association promises Other attractions will be a FRIDAY, AUGUST 1 Low 2:11 a.m. 4.8 ft. High 7:35 a.m. 10.3 ft. Low 1:59 p.m. -0.6 ft. High 8:53 p.m. 12.8 ft SATURDAY, AUGUST 2 Low 3:05 a.m. 3.7 ft. High ' 8:41 a.m. 9.7 ft. Low 2:41 p.m. 2.1 ft. High 9:29 p.m. 12.4 ft. SUNDAY, AUGUST 3 the best fair ever. There will be nine buildings filled with new exhibits this year as the Shelton Rock and Mineral Society finishes their new building which will be over-flowing with displays• The painting, arts, and crafts department will also have a building of their own this year as plans are to move to the smaller rock-hound building• Thirty-four business groups and educational organizations have reserved space to display their merchandise and fifteen clubs display by the Washington Correction (,enter, the traditional Indian sahnon barbecue, Betty Orrick and the Entertaining Crackerjacks, pig and chicken scrambles, teenage dance, square dance, horseshoe contest, Stun Boreson and NoMo, motorcyle races, a horseshow, and many other contests• Men planning to enter the horseshoe tournament are aksed to call in their names to the manager 426-2120 or the Fair office, 426-1133. We'll save your time and money when you buy your concrete blocks and concrete driveway culverts from us. • Long lasting and always in stock, we deliver right to your job when you want i(. Call us today. GRAYSTONE of SHELTON 7th &. Park 426-3344 I I Rod Olsen, owner of OLSEN grandchildren. Low 3:53 a.m. 2.9 ft. .... FURNITURE, has some rattan Funeral services were held in High furniture that is really s°mething the Burst°he Funeral H°me L°w 9::9;itml itlittl lam ' A t tCarolyn!= to see. It would be absolutely Saturday at 11 a.m. with Rev. ttigh 9:59p.m. 12.0ft. I "the thing" to have for your rec ttorace Mounts officiating. Burial MONDAY, AUGUST 4 room, as it is really comfortable followed in the Shelton Memorial Low 4 5 2 2 ft ! to sit in. Better run in and take a Park :" - ' .... gander today ..... • " High I I :23 a.m. 8.8 ft.  Larry Knudsen, manager of Low 4:17p.m. 5.6ft. I i  j LUMBERMEN'S, now has that -------'--'-----"--"--- ttigh 10:35 p.m. 11.4 ft. " "" i!i'i.ili  . / I:' l'iiii!il;i / great Fuller Ful'Ex latex in stock Mclrriaoe license s TUESDAY, AUGUST 5  [ . I B & R SALES, always known  Low 5:53 a.m. 1.6 ft. i for top buys, is really showing a ,--_----------_-._-._----_- High 1:05 p.m. 9.0 ft. Low 5 29 pm 70 ft price saving in a top quality Those applying for marriage t' :' .... i q  [i ¢* i"dE  I - livingroom set. Manager Jerry . i hgh 11 17pm 109 ft I 15. Creamer Watilo, has many, many items for licenses in Mason County during .... • Phb in chemistry the home, from floor covering [o the past week were: WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6 l'13niversity* of appliances, he has them all, and Steve Witcroft, Shelton, and Low 6'53am 1 2ft received both his foralow, lowprice. Better run in SharleneMikkelsen, Shelt°n. High ""4i p'm" 9"6ft  I ' I " degrees from the soon .... Stanley R. Bragg, Shelton, and Low 6153 olml 81Oft: . i :. Y of New York, Bob Wotton, ownerof BOB'S MardellaE. Worthy, Shelton. High ll'50om 103ft , .:., It i /iiii I r eStry, at Syracuse. SHOE TREE, has some of those Franklin N. Foster, Hoquiam, - '" - .... THURSDAY AUGUST7 Lt her of both the "Psyche-Delicious" shoes in stock and Elizabeth T. Derr, Elma. , I  and planning now for fall. Don't wait tEl then, Churl E. Matteson, Tacoma, Low 7:53 a.m. 0.8 ft. I  ....... .... ' ....... lneCompany, as theyjust might be allgone, so and Regina Leale, Tacoma. High 0:OOa.m.O.0ft. , I !i / / ii /// ' I e_nas been General better patter right on in David J. Wood, Shelton, and Low 8:23p.m. 8.4ft. i arch since 1959. tomorrow .... Karen Day, Shelton. ttigh 3:47 p.m. 10•3 ft I I  e was Research For top quality bedding, better e firm's [".astern run in to PENNEY'S today. * " • ! :°n Laboratory at Manager Clint Harrington has IWA To Picnic BJbJeSchooJ I !1 / / // !l // l// l h_*ersey • slashed prices to the bare At Mason take Starts Aug. 4 ,h:lrman of the minimum to give you the best ! mical S°ciety's p°ssible price' s° check °n it L°cal Uni°n 3"38 °f the Daily vacati°n Bible sch°°l will I ! ' i n, Dr. Mitchell is soon .... International Woodworkers of be held August 4 through 15 at :,ally recognized A savings jubilee is now going America will hold its picnic on Mr. View Alliance ChurCh,worK with E.I. loves I !!i iiiii j/'i l; !  il !:i? '. r ' : It°rity, holding on at the MONEY SAVER store Saturday, August 2, at the Washington and JStreets. il  i .n Covering viscose and Manager Shirley Cameron has Simpson Recreation Area at Classes forages4tol2willbe ii i }i I SUrfactants He really trimmed prices down to e:t at its Shelton bedrock• Always a good place to Mason Lake. held'from 9 a.m. until noon• Ages • All Local 3-38 members and 13 to 20 will have evening classes ii? tory in 1938'as a save money, it's even better than retired members and their families from 7 to 9:30 p.m. with special • ,,or, after several ever now rch.- . • .... are cordially invited to attend• time for recreation and ,x, Hotpoint George Valley, The picnic dinner will be served refreshment. ::i'iiik!i,liii !ii: "'em°urs and °wner °f EELLS & VALLEY c°mmencingat 12:30 p'm" There Games' st°rice' handcraft'and ! ' 0 i %1 ,i: 4 i I  L! e APPLIANCE CENTER, and so will be games and contests for the refreshments are scheduled every ii': i " ::   :ff'L ::: : 0 ;earned his B.A. will you when you find out how youngsters• day. All are, invited to attend• I !re College of much money you can save when • taR PhD at the you buy that refrigerator-freezer• 3:ffalo, New York. Hey ladies! Want a free gift?  ' t"aUnear of both Then stop in at NEIL'S i!.', u planning PHARMACY and find out how --== .......... xayonier. you can buy a cosmetic and still 1 LUB Tn get a free gift .... • TON-" That's --30- for this week, but ', o remember what Franklin said: t  i 1  t Wner of Jim "Those who would give up ,,e, °rd dealership, essential liberty to ourchase a Mrs Swivel ..... .,:.. ..... Mrse Swivel "uY that " - 1  1 -- :. Rocker Rocker I ,_ the1969 httle temporary safety deserve ii!i;:?!k :? i . IOur of the neitherlibertynorsafety". . .... V  /: 1,2 I  . . ::'iI: !:' 7',  " " .F : *9300 84 I S oo tAT AND HUMIDITY , 50 " .... ' ....... ' I Carolyn Brewer hasworked for OIsen Furniture as *'j . ,,, ....... :::" : " [ Save 2 on ' HARD. ON !EARING AID! P,nSBUR00H'PAmS ? I : SUN-PROOF : Latex House Paint : [:i°"i' i I00,t.the-Heat Kit The paintthatstretches  : and shrinks with your house. =.-- : I Peial _ for a limited time only Many paints crack and peel when your   I III =, $1.95 house stretches and shrinks with ' lmlll il • I variations in temperature. SUN-PROOF #'l mmmltJL • I LATEX expands and contracts with the lld-'lr 1 See h°use. Tough. Long-lasting. Noprimer II1 Gallon . L S E   i  0 = = L Ik , our representative, Mr. Harry necessarv over most repaint surmces, l II i " ., at Eells and Valley Appliance Center, ! ;t let, between 10 a.m. and noon. Get Summer Sale Price 1JB ,,,,,.., ! Co nt j e the supply lasts. Take good care of Reg. $8.97"  c,',',,; ''' i nd of your hearing aid. Summer Sale Savings on Sun-ProoPOiI-Base 4th & Cota 426-4702 I HEARING AIDS Eacrett Lumber Co. Quality Furniture Since 1936. Free Parking. Free Delivery 106 E. 4th, Olympia Dial 357-3521 , -_-_------J J Thursday, July31 1969 ;helton-Masi00 1332 S. ,22 ,.,,..,. ...