July 31, 1969 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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July 31, 1969 |
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P" PAUL CONNER, left, District Governor of
s, presents a certificate to Carl Johnson, honoring
club for being in the top 10 per cent in the
Participatioll in the Toastmasters Internation
Membership Building program. The program was
from Feb. 1 through May of this year. The
'as made at the Toastrnaster's meeting last
meets every Thursday morning at 6:45 a.m.
ers Restaurant
STATE REP. PAUL CONNER, Port Angeles, left, who is also
District Governor for the Toastmasters club, presents a
certificate and plaque to Norm Eveleth as the outstanding
area governor in the district. The presentation was made at
the Toastmasters meeting last week.
lul:, Benefit Prizes Are Awarded
at the Fire llall
Ople gathered to
for two rugs
Bishop and
a fund raising
4dies Civic C.lub.
also made this
for Mrs. I:rank
birt hda y. Tilt;
with flower
€ere blue rhodies,
Petunias in pink
arrangement of
daisies. There
coffee for
Dean received
Two little girls were selected to
draw the winning numhers for the
rugs. The girls were Jani Pearce
mad Janet (;oforth. The ladies
wh held the winning numbers
and received the lovely rugs to
grace lheir homes were Mrs.
Kenneth Kohl and Mrs. Ed
Salurday evening Mr. and Mrs.
Max I)ean and Mr. and Mrs. Leo
Pcarce look Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Dean to dinner in ltoodsport to
have a family celebration for Mrs.
Dean's birthday.
An announcement in the Union
Post Office calls for bids on the
new post office building to be
']'he present building has been
in rise for 14 years and the mail
traffic has grown so the present
post office building has become
inadequate. "lhc residents of the
communily have been very
interested in gaining a new
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Mercier are
making their headquarters in the
Potlatch area anti arc enjoying the
pleasant wealber and seeing their
many friends on the Canal. They
lived in Union for many. years
before they started to enjoy the
sun in (?alil'ornia. They will be in
the area for another month before
starting back down t,) (?alifornia
thirty persons erected in the near vicinity of the with many side trips to places of
present Union post office, interest along the way.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boggs
|vans Will Stress " delightfully surprised when
their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs.
0000ir°nmental Quality ,, Wince, of Toledo, (.,hi,,,
drove in Monday evening. Much
talking and picture taking to show
Ea ,,ertal qualit wdl 1 the folks at home took place
l! tnee ' Y ' be "'tie council holus that before Mr. and Mrs. Wince left
Ilz'vans' nl of Governor grouping of items ip ar omnibus Tuesday.
:ii]a, essage to the highway bill gives an opportumty Mrs. Pat Nelson attended a
IJgt0n "Uary,en he tokl the to pass narrow interest legislation family reunion of her mother's
.,on., wh,ch would not have passed in ,'an,,y at the home of '.,r. and
|' 'g in Olympia separate bills. Mrs. Charles Levi in Puyallup
lting Wa Governor Evans invited all Sunday. About 70 people were
i%,. rreiide 's called by citizens and civic groups to come there, coming from all directions.
i,'t, t0t. Thomas O. forth with legislative ideas for An uncle, Mr. Elmer t,evi, came
ll p arttl LXehange ideas of improving the environment. These the longest distance as he lives in
,T,,%ev: no governor and may be addressed to the
. iro
L! be _ nlnentalqualit Kerens, Texas. Four of the
iCrV, tatese_, . - Y Washington Environmental original six children who grew to
%^ 70 uteu at the Council, 119 South Main Street, adults were there. In 1936 most
.... ur E eSsion.
b vans said t Seattle. of the family came out to this
tff rl this ' . hat very area from South Dakota.
%, g t" subject were .............
1, a,,elastlegislatue [ Smokey Says J. Mr. and Mrs. Art Krause
i( ' at ". of th o : r ' traveled to Ephrata this weekend
lk% the 19 -¢ meas 00FIREI 1o pick up their daughters at their
|,,,)rt t _ 6 session grandmothers. The girls have been
t¢tMth,°me of tire there for the past three weeks.
|ll, for " more time was
"ti% st u d a They had a real nice time but
. , Y • nd were happy to get on this side of
...... , the mountains where it is not
'etlrtr told the
,11 e.- was optimistic
'ttal _ thou t
'at t . qtalit gh. out
'¢dl he. Y bills will
!i' titled at the July 23
ik-' % ,,.
[II,',%, ',%t al
l- "elea quality
Lli a r POWer plant
' 0f beautification,
'd river ba
[i Ptio-, nks and
K'%'%e en') ue regulation,
],tt ?f th" of the
fd%t,. %b: e highway
!2i' ne,2. Views of the
L 't 'd mghway routes
D); t, g)'entt al council
]'k%nUler (or that it will
'lit aeti "ganizations to
f _!P detern, ine
]7.% ""rebUs highway
leil' .
,.. ,4),,.,. e, ection 19
"t :ntutio
i% . t)ill s n which
ebl,: Which have
m SUbject.
)f diaper
4e left in
It will be a
and w00ll e
|H H
Shelton's exciting new
quite so hot.
UNION NliWS held over from last
week is as lollows:
UNIL)/'q People of Union did
nltlCh the same as the billions of
people all over the world did
Sunday. All stayed in close
proximity of a television set so
that they could see history in the
,naklng and io see that first step
on the moon by Neil Armstrong.
Children were allowed to stay up
beyond the normal bedtimes to
see the astronauts maneuver
about the moon conducting tire
experiments and collecting of
samples and the tasks set out for
them to do.
Visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
Frank l)ean are Mr. and Mrs.
Virgil Baxter and their children
Patrick, Jana Rae, and t.uann of
Bentley, Kan. and Mr. and Mrs.
Gus Stamack and children
Thomas, George and Susan of
Mr. and Mrs. John Rebman
attended the birthday celebration
of Mrs. Rebman's mother Mrs.
Christina Savage at the home of
Charles Savage. The occasion was
also a family reunion as seven
children were present and their
families were all there. Mrs.
Savage is 89 years old.
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Dilworth
have visiting them a nephew Mr.
and Mrs. Bernard Dilworth of
Monrovia, California. They are
spending much of the time
sighteeing and having a good time.
Mr. and Mrs. George Adams
and their three children ariived at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Metzler last Friday. They are here
from California for a vacation and
for a very important event in the
family the marriage of Bette
Only 32" wide...18.4 cu. ft.
big.., this elegant Hotpoint No-Frost
Food Center "18" fits the same space
as most old refrigerators -- and fits it
beautifully! In the No-Frost
229-pound-capacity 6.5 cu. ft. freezer,
4 door shelves put frozen foods at
your fingertips; and a slide-out basket,
juice-and-soup-can dispenser and 4
full-width shelves aid orderly food
storage. In the No-Frost 11.8 cu. ft.
refrigerator, the full-width
procelain-on-steel meat pan and
vegetable crisper slide out.
$468 w/t
The Elegant Ones
Prices start at
Thursday, July 31, 1969 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 13