July 31, 1969 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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July 31, 1969 |
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U.S.M.C., son of Mr. and Mrs.
John A. Strom of Shelton, who is
starting his lenth month ira Viel
Nam, achieved lhe rank of
Corporal this month, tic made
Lance Corporal April I.
In April while on rest and
recreation leave Cpl. Strom
became engaged to Miss Jan Force
of Mountlake Te,race whom he
met while allemling' Everett
Junior College.
Size plans to become a nurse" or
social worker. A military wedding
is planned when the groom-to-be
returns from Vie( Nam.
(!pl. Strom graduated from
Shelton Iligh School in 1966, His
Viet Nam service began with six
months in infantry operations in
the Da Nang area,
In April Ire was assigned to the
I.I,S.S. Okinawa, a helicopt.er ship
from which his unit was flown
into hot spots, investigating
run,ors of el,e),ly advlnces arid
sweeping areas for booby traps.
Lilliwaup ...... Shelton Seaman At Splashdown
*amn p,,n*..,,,.s reo0r, I"
Lilliwaup I-air Unite : In Marr,age Thompson, USN, sonofMr, and the Naval Ucw'
Station, Honolulu. €fftl € I
Mrs. Charles D. Thompson of Arlington al,,,tl u
Headquarters t0r r, tm| Bl
t, ILLIWAUP .... Lillian Beeman
and Leonard Gray were married
Tuesday at a quiet service
attended only by her sister and
brother-in-law, the E. M. Olsons,
and their daughter, Wendy, of
Lilliwaup. The ceremony was
performed by the Reverend
llorace Mounts in the beautiful
chapel of the United Methodist
Church in Shelton.
Lillian has a lovely home at
by her daughter, Mrs. J:,mcs
l)unham with her three chiklren
from Uhicago, were htncheon
guests. Mrs. Kazasa is a college
friend of Mrs. McGrady and is
now teaching at the Seattle
Coxnmunity College.
Mr. aml Mrs. Allie Robinson
spent a long weekend in Yakima
visiting at the home of their
son-in-law's brother, the Roe
Burmans. They enjoyed the
the girls on back-packing hikes up
into the Olympics. For the
inexperienced hikers these have
been over-nile trips. For the
seasoned campers the trips are
longer, with two five day trips up
the l)osewallips and to Anderson
Pass. Atlcr a three day break, the
new season starts Wednesday.
Curtis and June Lee have as
their house guest June's sistc,',
Maxine Temple. Maxine lives in
The Pink or ltumpbacked
sahnon are beginning to show up
in ilood Canal. This fish is pink
fleshed and is one of the smaller
species, averaging about five to
seven pounds. They travel in large
schools a)rd migrate in their
spawning run on a two year cycle
in the odd year.Spawning Is done
within a few miles of the salt
water, making such rivers as the
l. illiwaup, l)uckabush and
Ch D. Thompson
Shelton, is serving aboard the USS
Arlington, which recently
participated in the recovery
operations for the Apollo 11
Possessing the most modern
communications equipment, the
Arlington acted as an at the scene
relay for the voice and teletype
circuits between the primary
art pn0r
and his P Y,&. ,,,id,a, r.,I
splashdown. 1 ,;t,,si
t h e s h i p - -':ti to m ! k,'-
full abreast of I ""
- Y - urs of the t°'.I'
final 11o . _,,,,,,r.
The ArlingtOn alS0 l_'g, ii
in the Apollo 8 sl
lunar Missions.
F'our Seasons Ranch near Port opportunity c)f picking frt, il and Tillamook, ()re. June's st)n aud llamma llamma ideal for this fish.
Angeles where she particularly brought back fresh apricots f-r daughter-in-law made the trip to Before spawning the male
enjoys the club golf course and canning. While there, they had a Oregon to bring Maxine up for a develops a characteristic hump on
Cpl. James M. Strom swimming pool. Leonard has a chance It) visit with Mrs. Mary tcw days visit, and this gave .lune his back anti twisted hooked jaws,
picturesque place on Dawn Lake Smilh, who, with her ht,sbam.l, and (Tuttis a Lhance It:. keep CAVE IN AT RESTWHILE
Cpl St at lleart O'the ilills where his formerly man',iced Resiwhile young grandson "Todd" under
• ro hobby israisingswans. Resort. happier circumslances, 'lhey L, ast Monday at around 5:15
emoted As the couple cannot decide The Rol,insons left Tuesday for previously kept him while his a.m. there was a slide and cave-in
p which place to live (Lillian could a wrcation trip to Cannon Beach, mother was seriously ill in the at tire Restwhile boathouse. A
r • hardly golf, up at the lake and ()re. with their daughter and h()spital. She is now happily large portion of the concrete
age a-swimming could create a bit of GUESTS FROM MICHIGAN grown amazingly, Ju)le said. it's husiness as usual down there,
confusion in the swimming pool) Curtis caughl a nice five pound despite some inconveniences in
Corporal James . S/rein, they'll spend their time between Mr, and Mrs. I)ave t:ollins had ltumpic lasl week. servicing boats.
as house guests for the past ten
For . .. _ aluml
Table Tops, Mirrorn, nnar
Sash, Shower and TU.nwngO
Storm Doors and WindOW."
Se Replacementse:-- of all kinds
710 Cedar • Leroy Dale •
-;-----_-_-_-_-_-_-_ Call for Free Estimate_ ._z
(he two homes.
In August they will have a
helated honeymoon when they
make a trip to Hawaii to attend
t Ire t went y-fifth wedding
anniversary celebration of good
friends and former Four Seasons
Mrs. ('harles Diesen and son,
lh)ward, Mrs. George Moake, Mrs.
l,on Wcbb and Mrs. Stella Morken
motored to Shelton Tuesday to
lhc home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Sauers for Ihe hirthday party
honoring Mrs. llester Odgen of
Shelton. After a delicious
luncheon the afternoon was spent
in visiting.
Mr. and Mrs. Ilerman Runge
are enjoying the company of their
grandson, who is spending
somelime with them this summer.
They are particularly glad to have
him with then, at /h/s time as he
will soon hc in the service and will
I)t, stationed in Sargon.
days Mr. and Mrs. t;ary Niece,
from Southhm, Mich. The Nieces
are long time hunti))g flicntls of
I hc ('ollins and lhc Allie
Robinsons. In f:kct ihcy first reel
while hunting deer and anlclope
in Wyoming.
As well as bei/)g quite lhe
)linlrods, tile Nieces are also
ardent fishe)men. While here lhey
spenl two dayx fishillg oul of
Westport, where they did very
well. And all spare lime was spelrl
in the Collins boat fishing locally
Approplialcly, the Allie
Robinsons entertained. Mr. and
Mrs. Niece and their h()sls at a
farewell seafood dinner which
included ahnosl all lypes of
scat'are which llood ('anal cotdd
provide, including sahuon, clams,
oysters, shrimp and crab!
The (',irl Seoul ('amp
Robbirswold, on I lood ('anal, has
finished Ihe firs! half of the
stln,,r)er call,pillg SCilSOII. Mrs.
Farcy reporls that it has been fun
for all cot,cerned -- and only a few
run-ins with Poison Oak. Wealher
Brush Type Automated
Permit Sought FOR JELLYFISH STINGS permitting, (hey takirr_ _
" F/oats Io Mrs. v.. m. ()ken was t.,ated Legal Publications
rot and released by the Mason
P;-kr/no Pass (;eneral Ilospital Sunday
"'' ....... -- afternoon after being severely INVITATION TO BID
slung t)n her face, neck arnls alld NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN
• that sealed bids will be )eceived OPENING
Applicaton" has',' been" received. • legs by a potsonous jellyfish, by the Board ot Directors of
,..,ny o,,,., ,,, ,,o,,,oo,. " -:,"°°r%°.","?%n,%taTT "-o,n , .,,.t.,,, o,..o.d..,...,oot
Glen R. A.(.les,!9. 110!6 )de a.dshe hd been divngfor Washmgto,,))th,,)),clOmce
Nell|IS[)) W)y S Iit()n,I ltr and Pine St)eets in Sheltor), to
• "" ; .... :' ;' " oysters for them when the )n the Eve)g)een School at 8th at
a I)epartmenl ol lib At y pc)), -_, ....... , ,,_, , ,
P P " ' ) , r, aCCluCzil ()ccureu. 'Hst au at supply the pc,) 3()0 and PS 400
to )nstatl ll)ats m ! ckcrmg
' " ' ' ' hon,c failed to give any relief so F:uel Oil )equired by the District I --
Passage, on lhe easl side g, • . for 'the 1969-70 school year, until IF ' ,'|/,'--"--' --""
..... she was taken to the hosp)tal Jor 8:00 p.m. August 12, 1969, at "-- .... -- "
Interested parties are requested tneatment, which time they will be publicly /]:i
to submit, in writ in any [Alliwaup news held over from opened and read. ' )" " u, ')./t,, ,'i¢i,.-,':;*
co,nn,ents o, ohjections that they last week is as f,,llows: at StPheciMg/ii°g"Sorfnale)bl secu{d : '.!:. " !". ':.(tk. -- "
,nay have to the proposed work ...........
' . ' aatultray Sunuay ant) wlonoay Evergreen School, Shelton,
The determinatmn as to whetl,er were "'guests d'tys" at the P'H Washington.
,'e,s;a,'&o:o,/,,% .oa, o, ,
Directors, July 8, 1969. ! %,e,
CIerkSigned: ? ,' < ' !":.,. '': ...... . ' :i!''!'i:'- .,a i
DORIS K. HILLMAN I " '"'" : . ' ' ' 1
Replies to this notice should be r, :" s'-/. .......... .. •
.......... .... . ._ .
marled to reach ttns prime not atchin the )
..... . was spent w' • g ' nip( n
c,msideration. ' Mrs Matt Kazasa, accompanied i ., A.,.,!,.,j :i:i, ' : :{;::!{i::i
' ""-" "'= -" WASH ......... .... ""
[ INtErNAtIONAL i'"I= ==. ,=.== !MII ! ....... ::'
I WOODWORKERS ; . av _ - .
Gallon Gas ,, r,W ^ • ..,d
' ' " " rRE00 i00I!
[ PICNIC [ -- WASH Week J /iJ
0 Local 3-38 members and retired , Wit !!i ! k
O members and their families are I / ___, A,, ii il!ii! Per Car for
I cordially invited to attend i I ana uun l!!:l!,!iii!! ii!!iili,!.!
..... ,?{,i!>®, >?::,,::, Car Wash
=o,..F.:,..0.. : .. j NiiJii//lll I
: : Knmbel s Rnchf,eld '
! PLACE: AreaSimpS°nat MasonRecreat'°nLake ! d. ,, :,.i AT Bob ' , ' ' 0,,,°
O O tZ
ii, ,,Iii) ,,i, O O ,,IID ,mime, O ,ii, ,4im, o ,,iI, ,gID, ,,Iub O o ,It. ,A -- , , ' ,,,, ,
Page 14 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 31, 1969