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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 31, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 31, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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/ ine i h Col bi A gl C Id B t H ppy Loot Car, Leave Brew car owned by Arline Cuzick was the remains of a case of beer Logan passed away. For some YATEs reason the telegram that was sent Sorry about never reached them, thus they column, or didn&apos;t know of the July 5 death COlumn in last until they returned home. At the :someone time of his death he was 77 years for town is old and a vetern of World War I. of a challenge tie passed away at the Veteran's of the bridge, to Hospital in Sheridan, Wyoming. John and Beulah Hitchcock of waiting a also headed north the first part of arepairjob the month. But their trip had a ,gate vacinity) slight delay when they arrived at a delivery job Des Moines and learned their granddaughter who was to arrived at its accompany them along with her to make brother, Randy, and Morn, And Pauline Carnes, had fallen and was any reflection in the Hospital. And their Performed the reservation for the Skagit River tour was the following day. The indicates a rest of the group decided to drive from the on up and take the tour of the typewriter is three dams and return for this Week. Not Melanie. Once the patient was Very reassuring released they were on their way. the numerous The group of five crossed the of this border at Sumas. They drove as far north as the 100 Mile House mix a few of where they turned east. A good some of the share of this road runs along the e what we can Fraser River and is very scenic in this week's driving. They entered the northern part of Jasper Park. Island residents Two of the highlites were a returned from snow mobile ride on the Ice neighboring Fields near Calgary and a sky ride to the top of Banff Mountain. Margaret They crossed back into the U. weather S. through Waterton Park which is to be desired the north part of Glacier Park in trip to Montana. At that point they turned west to head home about the through Montana and Idaho. a couple of They had a few days at home old which were busy with a number at Bolean of visitors. Sunday they were the once again on the road. This time years they pointed the pickup and Started making camper south for a family reunion north country, at Camp Kalama. This even Cold rainy brought a group of 35 to 40 na to affect people from both Washington and caught their Oregon. The day An unfortunate accident ended home t he an otherwise delightful visit by a nippy 30 Carol Bengelsdorf and her two children recently. The day after Wever, didn't they arrived Lila Peugh and her McCullochs two small visitors, Jo and Stephie Nick Lasko, Somers, also myself and two at Bolean children headed for the Ocean ;o Was packed to dig the elusive razor clam before atire time the the beaches closed for two months. Toward the end of bad news digging our luck took a turn for C u 11 o c hs the better and .we all nearly got they were in our limit. A picnic lunch followed ther, M, G. by a dip in the Ocean before CALL FOR BIDS COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT received by the County Commissioners of Mason in the Courthouse, Shelton, Washington, until ugust 11 ]969, for two county projects, at Jblicly DiZened and read: ing, Drainage, Gravel Base and Crushed Top Dad No. 827, known as Mason Lake NW Road Estates No. 2 and Mason Lake Estates No. 3 involved are as follows: ] approximately 3.5 acres Lump Sum including Haul 1 l,O00 Cubic Yds. 100 M-Gal. 1,650 Cubic Yds. Course 580 Cubic Yds. 300 L.F. -bank Clearing, Grubbing, Grading, Drainage, Surface on County Road No. 1105 and No. 22, 27 and 28, Township 22 North, Range 3 s the North Shore Road, 1.76 miles. nvolved are as follows: Y 3.0 acres Lump Sum ight 53.0 SEa. eavy 40.0 SEa. acing 5,000 Cubic Yds. "A" 400 L.F. on separate Proposals. lay be obtained in the office of the County ngton. Each bid must be accompanied by a in the amount of five per cent (5%) of the ht to make awards as may be deemed to to reject any or all bids. shington this 25th day of July, 1969. Board of County Commissioners of Mason County, Washington By RUTH E. BOYSEN Clerk of the Board 7/31-8/7,14-3t the Northwest the w_ ay it is don't litter. Brewing Company Washington heading home made for a delightful day. The next day was spent in freezing fruit and vegetables that had taken a back seat to the clams the day before. Late in the afternoon the three gals and six youngsters decided to go down to the Hole-In-The-Wall for a swim before dinner. On the way home, and only about 1,000 feet from the house a grinding head-on collision occured. The one way overgrown gravel road accounted for some of the circumstances of the crash between Carol's station wagon and a Volkswagen driven by Ed Waite. The nine swimmers received two dandy jolts, the first the sudden stop as Carol applied her brakes and a second as the red 'bug' hit the 'wagon' dead center. All were very fortunate in receiving only cuts and bruises, with Ed being the recipient of the largest number of those. Carol's husband, Mary drove down from Tacoma that evening in his folks car to take his rather shaken family home. Birthdays are in the news, too, this week. Mabel Baunsgard was the recipient of an Open tlouse held at the home of AI and Monica Pridham in honor of her 85th birthday. Cake, ice cream, coffee, and punch were served to the guests who numbered between 35 and 40. A corsage made by the hostess, Monica Pridham, matched perfectly the new dress Mabel wore for the occasion, (and Monica had never seen the dress!) Then Sunday the actual birthday date a large group of Mabel's family was on hand to extend their best 'wishes to the birthday gal. They included a daughter-in-law, Margaret Rice, granddaughter Judy Easton, and her husband, Richard, and their two girls, Maria and Marilyn. Also present were Margaret Hartline, Bill Rice and his wife, Dorothy, Alden Baunsgard and his wife, Dorothy. Last Friday Liz Allison had a group of ladies down at the Maples in honor of Marie Crouch's birthday. The guests included Helen Johnson, Aina Anderson, Helen Louise Simons, and the birthday gal, Marie. The Wednesday before Marie had some old friends drop in for a visit. They were Selma and Edwin Wickman of ttoquiam who had at one time owned the house that Mi Brassfield now calls home. The Johnsons also of Hoquiam drove the visitors to the Island. The latter folks come from the same part of Finland that Marie and her first husband, Oscar, knew as children. Hiima and Irvie Wingert held forth with a picnic this past weekend. The guests included the Lloyd Johnsons of Buckley and his brother, George Wilson, who was visiting from Deer Creek, Minnesota. Also present were Hilma's brother, Sundius and Elizabeth Johnson of Olympia, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Romberg and grandson from Seattle. Frank Simons is currently home on leave from the Air Force with his folks, Helen and Everett Simons. He arrived here the middle of July and will be home until August 4. At that time he'll be stationed at McChord A.F.B. I I NEW 1969 DODGE PICKUP $2345 1966 MUSTANG 3-speed, V-8 $1545 1965 POLARA 2-Dr. Hardtop. Real clean $1395 1965 FAIRLANE 6-cyl. stick $995 1964 PONTIAC 9-Passenger Wagon. Motor Rebuilt $995 1963 MONZA Bucket Seats, 4-speed trans. $495 1963 VALIANT 200 4-Door, Low Mileage. Like new. $795 1948 FORD PICKUP Vz-ton. Runs good. Good tires. $245 SEE 'EM AT PAULEY DODGE Front A Railroad 426-8183 I Get well wishes this week travel to Portland to Betty Macfarlane who was severely burned last week while staying with her three childrert at the families vacation home at Island Shores. After being taken to the 'Shelton hospital she was then transferred nearer home to a Portla, d hospital. Thoughls of sympathy are exlended to the Mc(;rew family of Tacoma and Ballow. And just to show neighborliness didn't necessarily end with the ferry a phone call was received by a neighbor in the wee hours of the morning last Saturday. Its sad message of an accidental death of a grandchild was relayed to the Mc(;rcws shortly afterward. looted Saturday night at 619 which apparently had refreshed FairmontStrect, Shelton. the thief or thieves as lhcy lie told Shelton police a motor proceeded with their work. cycle helmet and miscellaneous But two bottles were left tools valued at between $150 and intact. $2110 were stolen. I) I) 14ygrocle lest Virg'tnia lb. ekg. Ba-S I=ull¥ Cooked Boneless (Limit 1 Bag) JUICE DRINKS School Boy Orange, Grape, Cherry or Boysenberry $ 46 OZ. tins lb. Bag GR :N ONIONS Also Fresh Crisp Radishes BUNCH S&W Oven Baked BAKED BEANS News Brand 35 off DETERGENT tin28 oz. 29 , King 93 ¢ size Standby 4/89 FRUIT COCKTAIL sos € tin Standby Brand 11 oz. tin MANDARIN ORANGES 4/89 * Campfire Miniature MARSHMALLOWS I___ BBQ Sauce Criss & Pittsl4 oz jar 3/89* Cocktail Shrimp Sea L,.e 4.,2 ozti. 39' Appl Moll's Brand 2/88 < esauce 3s o, s,. Handi Wrap oow,s Brand125, roll 34' Burger Bits Wa,ter O, o,Kende' DOglOOdo ,bs $1 .33 Corned Beef Ubbys Hash 68 < 24 oz tin Relishes Na,l.'s 3 Vari'eties 12 ozjar 3/89' Vienna Sausage -,bbY,4 Brandoz. tin 4/$1 Lemon Pled° ns°n's .rnitur. oli., .. 14 o. st. 1.23 Mustard Na..'s s2 oz jar 37' MJB Coffee A. Grinds (Ih tin 69€) (3 ,b tin , 9.)2,b t,. $1.35 Highland Coffee A,, Grinds ,btin 65' Highland ,._u__(2 ,b tinAll Grinds¢lt q quma I1 Sl.28) 3 Ib tin @ | .89 WAREHOUSE DIRECT PRICES * WHY PAY MORE ! * LIMIT RIGHTS RESERVED STORE HOURS Mon. thru Thurs.: .... ! 1 a.m. - 6 p.m. Friday: ...................... 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. Saturday: ................... 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Thursday, July 31, 1969 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 15