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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 31, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 31, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Legol Publications NOTICE OF HEARING ON APPLICATION FOR FRANCHISE IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF HUSON BROS., A COMPANy, FOR PERMISSION AND AUTHORITY TO LOCATE, CONSTRUCT, OPERATE, AND MAINTAIN WATER DISTRIBUTION PIPELINES UNDER AND ACROSS ROADS AND HIGHWAYS IN THE COUNTY OF MASON, STATE OF WASHINGTON. WHEREAS, Huson Bros., a company, has heretofore filed with the Board of County Commissioners of Mason County, State of Washington, under provisions of Chapter 187, Laws of 1937, an application for a franchise to use, cross, and occupy the roads and highways in the County of Mason, State of Washington, for the purpose of locating and constructing water distribution pipelines along, under, and across the designated roads and highways in said County, in Bel Alre Cove&apos;-as recorded in the office of the Mason County Auditor and by reference herein incorporated; NOW THEREFORE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a hearing will be held on such application by the Board of County Commissioners of Mason County, Washington at their regular meeting place in the Courthouse at Shelton, Washington on Monday, August 4, 1969, at 11:00 a.m., or as soon thereafter as such hearing may be had. DATED at Shelton, Washington, this 18th day of July, 1969. MASON COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS By RUTH E. BOYSEN Clerk of the Board 7/24-31.2t NOTICE OF HEARING ON REVISED MASON COUNTY PLATTING ORDINANCE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That a hearing will be held before the Mason County Commissioners, Monday, August 4, 1969, at the hour of 2:319 p.m., in the Commissioner's Room at the County Courthouse in Shelton, Washington. The Board will at that time, review the revised Ordinance, as adopted by the Mason County Planning Commission at their public Hearing, held July 9, 1969. Any interested person may appear at said Hearing to be heard for or against said revised Mason County Platting Ordinance. DATED this 216t day of July, 1969. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON By RUTH E. BOYSEN Auditor & Clerk of the Board 7/24-3]-2t NO. 10113 SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION In the Superior Court of the State of Mason INT ION, a Washington corporation, Plaintiff, vs GEORGE W. HARTL and MARY ETTA HARTL, his wife; Legal Publications INVITATION TO BID NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that saled bids will be received by the Board of Directors of Shelton Consolidated School District No. 309, Mason County, Washington, at the District Office in the Evergreen School at 8th and Pine Streets in Shelton, to supply Bakery Products required by the District for the 1969-70 school year, until 8:00 p.m., August 12, 1969, at which time they will be publicly opened and read. The Board reserves the right to refuse any or all bids. By Order of the Board of Directors, July 8, 1969. Signed: DORIS K. HILLMAN __ Clerk 7/24-31-2t NOTICE OF SURFACE WATER RIGHT APPLICATION NO. 21643 State of Washington, Department of Water Resources, Olympia TAKE NOTICE: That STANTON S. and JOAN L. SANDERS of Fort Lewis, Washington on June 6, 1969 filed application for permit to divert the public waters of an unnamed stream tributary of Pickering Passage, in the amount of 0.2 cubic foot per second, subject to existing rights, continuously each year for the purpose of domestic supply, wildlife refuge, fish propagation and recreation; as needed for fire protection that the approximate point of diversion is located within W]/zSEIASW of Section 14, Township 21 N., Range 2W. W.M., in Mason County. Any objections must be accompanied by a two dollar ($2.00) recording fee and filed with the Department of Water Resources within thirty (30) days from Jly 31, 1969. Witness my hand and official seal this 23rd day of June, 1969. GLEN H. FIEDLER Assistant Director, Division of Water Management Department of Water Resources 7/24-31-2t RESOLUTION NO. 28 WHEREAS, inquiries have been made as to the availability by purchase of two pieces of County-owned property; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners has declared both pieces OT prol)erty as surplus to the County's needs, and has declared their intention to bring them to sale; NOW, THEREFORE, the Board does hereby declare that a public Hearing be brought about to determine whether or not their intention to sell the property as hereinafter described, shall be carried out. DATED this 21st day of July, 1969. Board of County Commissioners of Mason County, Washington Legal Publkations EXECUTION CAUSE NO. 199 NOTICE of SHER I FF'S SALE In the District Justice Court of the State of Washington in and for Mason County. A. I. ALEXANDER, d/b/a COAST CREDIT SERVICE, Plaintiff vs. ROBERT SIMMONS and "JANE DOE" SIMMONS, husband and wife, Defendant. Under and by virtue of a writ of Execution issued out of the District Justice Court of the State of Washington, holding terms at Shelton in and for Mason County, in said State, and dated on the 11th day of July, 1969, on a judgment rendered in said Court on the 26th day of August, 1966, in favor of the above named Plaintiff, and against the above named Defendants, for the sum of One Hundred Eight-One and Ninty-Five Cents ($181.95) Dollars, together with an attorney's fee of --none-- Dollars and costs of suit taxed at $15.10 Dollars, with interest at the rate of -- per cent per annum from date thereof, or $9.10, and amounting in all to the sum of Two Hundred Six and Fifteen cents ($206.15) Dollars, plus costs of sale. Which said writ of Execution was to me as Sheriff of Mason County, Washington, duly directed and delivered, and by which I am commanded to sell at Public Auction, according to law the following described property, to-wit: The South one half of the southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter, East of the right of way in Section 36, Township 20 North, Range 4 W., W.M. Now, therefore, public notice is hereby given that on the 22nd day of August, 1969, at 10 o'clock a.m. of said day. at the East Door of the Courthouse Mason County, Washington, I will sell the above described property at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise sufficient to satisfy said last above named amount, together with increased cost <ind increased interest. Dated at Shelton, Washington, his 16th day of July, 1969. W. F. ANDERSON Sheriff of Mason County, Washington By ANN ROSE Chief Civil Deputy GERRY L. ALEXANDER of Parr, Baker, Alexander and Cordes Attorney for Plaintiff. 7/24,31,8/7,14-4t Legal Publkations RESOLUTION NO. 271 A RESOLUTION of the City Commission of the City of Shelton, Washington, declaring its intention to improve various streets within the City by construction of grading, ¢raveling, paving and minor rainage installation and other such relative work as may be necessary in connection therewith, and to create a local improvement district to assess a part of the cost and expense of carrying out such improvement against the properties specially benefited thereby; and notifying all persons who desire to object to the project to appear and present their objections at a meeting of the City Commission to be held on August 18, 1969. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SHELTON, WASHINGTON, as follows: Section 1. It is the intention of the City Commission of the City of Shelton, Washington, to order the improvement of the following streets within the City by construction of grading, graveling, paving and minor drainage installation and other such relative work as may be necessary in connection therewith, to-wit: A. Paving with a 22ft Width Surface University Avenue' from Pioneer Way to Boundary Street. Bellevue Avenue" from Boundary Street to Division Street. Cascade Avenue from Boundary Street to Union Street. Boundary Street from Bellevue Avenue to Cascade Avenue. Madison Street from "B" Street to "E" Street and "G" Street to "J" Street. Adams Street from "E" Street to "1" Street. Jefferson Street from "F" Street to "K" Street. Washington Street from "E" Street to "J" Street. Laurel Street from "E" Street to "1" Street, "1" Street from Monroe Street to Washington Street. "H" Street from Madison Street to Laurel Street. "G" Street from Madison Street to King Street. "F" Street from Adams Street to Olympic Highway Monroe Street from "C" Street to "D" Street. "D" Street from Monroe Street to Adams Street. May Avenue from 15th Street to 16th Street. 16th Street from Harvard Avenue to Turner Avenue. 12th Street from Pine Street to Birch Street. Pine Street from 12th Street to 13th Street. Alder Street from 12th Street to 13th Street. Mason Street from Eilinor Avenue to Fairmont Avenue. 5th Street from Grant Avenue to Harvard Avenue 7th Street from Wyandotte Avenue to Euclid Avenue , ,  .L Grant Avenue from 4th Street to 7th Street. Wyandotte Avenue from 2nd Street to 7th Street. "J" Street from Olympic Highway to Washington Street. Legal Publications No. 4038 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION In the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Mason County. In the Matter of the Estate of IRENE H. FORREST, Deceased. A petition has been filed in this Court asking that Letters of Administration be issued to Alfred H. Clarke in this estate. It will be heard on August 21, 1969, at 9:30 a.m. in the Courtroom of said Court. LODGA KIMBEL Mason County Clerk By: TECKLA VERMILLION Deputy Clerk ROBERT L. SNYDER Attorney at Law 125V2 N. 5th Shelton, Washington 98584 7/31-11 NO. 10102 SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION In the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Mason County. SONJA COCHRAN, Plaintiff, vs NEAL C. COCHRAN, Defendant. THE STATE OF WASHINGTON to the said NEAL C. COCHRAN, Defendant: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to appear within sixty (60) days after the date of first pubhcation of this Summons, to-wlt: within sixty (60) days after July 31, 1969, and defend the above entitled action in the above entitled Court, and answer the Complaint of the plaintiff, and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorney for plaintiff at his office below stated; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the Complaint, which has been filed with the Clerk of said Court. The object of the above entitled action is for a divorce for cruel treatment. Legal Publications NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE OF ABANDONED VEHICLES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that on Friday the First day of August, 1969 at the hour and fplace as listed below I will sell the allowing described vehicles to-wit: Hoodsport Garage, Hoodsport, Washington at ]0:00 o clock in the forenoon. 1958 Ford H/T, Li. No. CLG-808, Ser. 919195. 1955 Ford 2/D, Li. No. AOX-109, Ser. A5RG125533 1954 Pont. 4/D, Li. No. CFA-045, Set. C8Z91516. 1954 Chry. 4/D, Li. No. KSC-091, Set. 65014432. W. F. ANDERSON, Sheriff Mason County, Washington By ANN ROSE Chief Civil Deputy 7/31-1t NO. 10291 NOTICE OF GROUND WATER RIGHT APPLICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES OLYMPIA TAKE NOTICE That ALDERBROOK DEVELOPMENT, INC., FOR WESLEY M. JOHNSON of Union, Washington on July 7, 1969 filed apphcation for permit to withdraw public ground waters through a well situated within Lot 109 of the plat of Alderbrook Golf and Yacht Club Estates, Division 11 of Section 4, Township 21 N., Range 3 W. W. M., in Mason County, in the amount of 250 gallons per minute, subject to existing riqhts continuously, each year Tar the purpose of community domestic supply, during irrigation season for irrigation. Any objections must be accompanied by a two dollar ($2.00) recording fee and filed with the Department of Water Resources within thirty (30) days from August 7, 1969. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%--L..%%-- Legal Publications %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% EXECUTION CAUSE NO. 9573 NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE In the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Mason County CHARLES F. BROWN, Plaintiff, vs. BIBI F. BROWN, Defendant. Under and by virtue of a writ of Execution issued out of the Superior Court of the State of Washington, holding terms at Shelton, in and for Mason County, in said State, and dated on the 12th day of June, 1969, on a judgment rendered in said Court on the 19th day of November, 1968, in favor of the above named Defendant, and against the above named Plaintiff, for the sum of Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars, toqether with an attorney's fee of Dollars and costs of suit taxed at Twenty-Four and Ten cents ($24.10) Dollars, with interest at the rate of per cent per annum from date thereof, or $, and amounting in all to the sum of Five Hundred Twenty-Four and 10 Cents ($524.10) Dollars, plus costs of sale. Which said writ of Execution BAHA'I FAITH "Is there any Remover of difficulties save God Say- Praised be God! He is God! PI} are His servants, and all abide by His bidding!" The Bab If interested Call 426-6473 or 426-6630 Foursquare Church 910 East Dearborn LEWIS B. WY$ONG, Pastor was to me County, directed which I Public the following to.wit: Tract 17, section Ran Now hereby of County, the above p u blic b idder thereof as raise suffic above with interest. Dated this 10th 5her McBride and : Attorney for ' Seattle, Wash. Alliance Witness my hand and official Morning /s/GLENN E. COR REA seal this 23rd day of July, 1969. Sunday School 9:45 a.m. A.Y.F. Attorney for Plaintiff GLEN H. FIEDLER ........ Morning Worship .... 11:00 am. I , .-ning serVi.'; fT]lk]tO Glenn E. Correa Assistant Director C.Y.'s & Cadets ...... 6:00 plm. I r.,w _ ,-ToUr (W" _t;ll Attorney at Law Division of Water Evening Service ...... 7:00 p.m. I prayer " ,,lllk  121S. 4th Street Management, Department of Bible Study (Wed.).. "/':00 p.m. I | Shelton, Washington Water Resources 7/31-8/7,14,21,28-9/4-6t 7/31-8/7-2t   i istar i , Auction Service Custom (bbJnetA I ED CHAMBERLAIN, Min =,rVtf  ;rll  Bible School 9"45 a m Family   ':: I I Quality Built Custom Cabineta I Worship ....... ::::::: er I Bank Tern Available I Wednesday  Bible Study and irsY.  ql, I John and Je-, Bunko I Child Care b 11'uu "- .ltr I Better Built Cabinet= by I ft.le".ll(: I B & B CABINET SHOP I I o.=.= -- I I NELL'8 PHARMACY l. lRh 41, Franklin C ASCADE-OLYMPIC CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, a C a EW hintn E cop?ration;R E L D NO. 4030 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Mason County. In the matter of the Estate of DENISON RICHMOND, Deceased. The undersigned is the appointed and qualified personal Chairman representative of said estate. Persons having €latm against the NOTICE OF HEARING deceased are required to serve the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: same in duplicate, duly verified, on the undersigned or the That the Board of County attorney of record at the address Commissioners has declared the stated below and file the same following described property as with the Clerk of this Court, surplus, and hereby Orders a together with proof of such Hearing on their intention to service within four months after Complete AUCTION SERVICE Farm Sales -- Equipment Sales end other type auctions conducted Anywhere - Anytime GARY LEAVITT 385-1517 Port Townsend Auto Gla00 .... , • lib'pert Installation JIM PAULEY, INC. 5th & Railroad Ph. 426-8231 St. David's Episcopa .... Ph. 426,- ,,/ Foluheh & Cedar, She]ton,.:tlelt _.16 %t Rev. t;larence . L.uu,T, .a. t'It The Church le always open for meditation s," '.'qi. bring the property to sale D E V E L O P M E N T according to RCW 3634.020: ' July 24, 1969, or theseme will be B. Paving with a 24 ft Width CORPORATION, a Washington 1. That portion of Government forever barred Surface corporation; CHESTERFIELD Lot 2, Section 3, Township 20 VAN R. RICHMOND Arcadia Avenue from Lake i,uto Pas ' Electrical uto i DEVELOPMENT COMPANY; North, Range 2 West, W.M. Route 3, Box 417 C Boulevard to Olympic Highway I Automotive Machine Shop I • ]Blrbazdr-Monm Pumpe 7:30 A.M. -- Holy Co i NATIONAL TRANSFER, INC., a Beginning at the quarter section Shelton, Washinqton 98584 Olympic"C" StreetHighway.from Van Buren to. I • ]E>az for aB c end trucks I • lectHe Heating on corner between Section 3 and ROBERT L. SNYDER Turner Street from 7th Stree I • 24-Hz'. Service on Paz¢ I • WestJghouse Appliances Section ]0, Township 20 North, Attorney for Estate to 16th Street. Range 2 West, said corner also 125V No. 5th All of the foregoing shall be ig | Lea Flelde Auto Part=, InD. I 8HELTON ELECTRIC CO. being the Southeast corner of Shelton, Washington 98584 Government Lot 2; thence North 7/24-31-8/7.3t accorDance with the plans and I 229 S. 1st 8t. 426-3351 426- 28;1 473.16 feet along center line of specifications therefor prepared .... I 419 Railroad.. Ph, 6 Section 3; thence West a distance by Howard N. Godat, City • of 279.48 feet more or less, and Engineer. parallel to the South Section line NOTICE OF Section 2. The total estimated AI][) ]Bm]te, tor Floor Coverings I • Repaired and Rod Out I • Linoleum of Section 3, Township 20 North, COLLECTION DE cost and expense of said I • Auto Glau Ins'claUon I = Tile Range 2 West, W.M. to a point, ASSESSMENT improvement is declared to be I • Body & Fender RepaJrL I • CsrpeUg !i,:* said point being the true point of NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN beginning. Thence West 216.9 that the assessment roll for the $122,500,00 Not to exceed $2.40 I and ]PslnUnS' I • Formica , feet, more or less, and parallel to improvement of BELFAIR per assessable front foot of property abutting upon the I WHITEY'$ AUTO BODY I REX FLOOR COVERING I (beM.mJ Klmbel Motors) I I Mr. View Ph. 426-2 the South line of Section 3 to an WATER DISTRICT, Utility Local Improvement shall be borne by I ,7,07ys 8, let 426.$604 I intersection with the Government Improvement District No. 1 of and assessed against the properties Meander Line; thence South 26 Mason County, Washlngton specially benefited by such deq West alon8g ' mfeander line a payable by the mode of Improvement to be included in a for distance of 6 .3 eet, more or "Payment by Bonds" is in my local improvement district to be AUto Repairing 00ssom300 less, to the intersection of the hands for collection, and any established embracing as near as I • Major Overhauls I • Fhhum North line of Tract • assessment thereon or any portion may be all properties specially n "' I • Brakes & X4pdUo I • All BH Governme t Lot 2 with the of any assessment may bepaid at benefited by such ImprovemenL I • Welding & Ttme-ul ! • mo wo meander line; thence East along any time within thirty (30)days The balance of the cost and I ' B p,,la3 WJJateH=bg i MASON'8 MAIONRY said Nortn dne of tract 7, Lot 2, from July 24, 1969, without expense of the improvement shall Section 3, Township 20 North, penalty interest or costs, and the be paid from arterial funds I ED 8 SERVICE Range 2 West, W.M. a distance of unpaid balance, ir any, may be anticipated to be received from 119 Io. 1M .... 42e-112 Phone 421-2278 246.90 feet more or les; thenc paid in twenty (20) equal annual , the State of Washington and other North 60 feet to the ooint of installments, or the lien of any moneys available to the CIty. beginning, containing .34 acres such assessment may be more or less LESS THE discharged at any time after the Section 3. All persons who may Beauty, RentalService FOLLOWING'DESCRIBED first thirty (30)days following desire to object to the I • CmpleteHai¢Caxe I I Almost Anything Anywhere PORTION: nt July 24, /969, by paying the improvement herein described are I • Wllp - WLgleta - 8wJtchee I I Bulldoze - Loaders - Pumps That portion of Governme entire unpaid portion thereof, hereby notified to appear and I •MeHe NormaJr Coettc I Folding Banquet Tables Lot 2, ;ection 3, Townshil) 20 with all penalties and costs present such objections at a I • ]Pe DemonatmUone . I [ & Chairs, Hosplta Beds, ]t.e. Mini €. North, Range 2 West, W.M. attached together with all interest meeting of the City Commission REV. HORACE H. MoUNTS,#  beginning at the quarter corner thereon to date of maturity of the to be held in the Commission I ELAINE'8 BEAUTY 8ALAN I I LEW RENTS .- between Section 3 and Section installment thereof next falling Chambers in the City Hall, I 6th&Laurol 426.4,,1,, I 12216u. 4th,,Olympla,$57-7731, il 10, Township 20 North, Range 2 due. The first installment shah Shelton, Washington, at - ,, West, W.M. Said corner also being become due and payable during 7:30 o'clock P.m. (PDST), on the Southeast corner of the thirty (30) day period ugust 18, 1969, which timeand ]B1B(]ULI Supplies--. Signs :/ Government Lot 2, thence N0rth succeeding a date one year after place are hereby fixed for heering IEIjAD N li ti: ' 413.16 feet along center line of July 24, 1969, and annually all matters relating to the l • MT. OLIVE LUTH " Section 3; thence West 1394.48 thereafter each succeeding proposed improvement, and all I • ihePwln.Wllllums Paint 3-D Magnetic feet more or less, and parallel to installment shall become due and objections thereto, and for I (Kern-Tone & Kem-GIo) Car and TPuok 81gne  lICItly' I -' the South section line of Section payable in like manner. If the determining the method of I • Cabinet Hardware W.A. LEIMBACK 'iDwIN G.*'- .' I " 3, Township 20 North, Range 2 whole or any portion of any Payment for that imorovement. I GRANT LUMBER CO. SUNDAY, AUGUST 3, ]969 " West, W.M. This being the true assessment remain unpaid after point of beginning. Thence on a the first thirty (301 day Iriod therein, SectiOnEngineer,4. nereoyN" directedG°dat"CitYto I 607 B. let 6-661 Hoodsport Phone 877-57B3 Divine Services 8:15 el i, curve to the right having a radius submit to the City Commission of 437.46 feet 100.0 fee. Thence ' Sunday School and Bible I, corporation, Defendants, and WILLIAM S. TSAO, Additional Defendant. The State of Washington to the said GEORGE W. HARTL and MARY ETTA HARTL, defendants above.named: You are hereby summoned to appear within sixty (60) days after the date of the first publication of this summons, to-wit: within sixty (60) days after the 17th day of July, 1969, and defend the above entitled action in the above entitled court, and answer the amended complaint of the plaintiff, and serve a copy.of your answer upon the undersigned attorney plaintiff at his office below stated; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to 'the demand of the complaint, which has been filed with the clerk of said court. The object of the above entitled action is to foreClose a mortgage on the following described real estate situate in Mason County. Washington, to-wit: Lots one (1 ! to seven (7), both inclusive, Lots ten 10) to fourteen (14), both nclusive, Lots twenty-seven (27) to twenty-nine {29), both inclusive, and Lots thirty-two (32) to thirty-five (35), both inclusive, all in Block One (1), Colony Surf No. 1, according to the recorded Iat thereof in the office of he Auditor for said County and State, in Volume 6 of Plats, Pages 93 and 94: Lot ninety-six (96), Block Six (6) Colony Surf No. 2, according to re:orded plat thereof in the office of the Auditor for Said County and State, Volume 6 of Pats, Pages 107, 108 and 109; Lot fifteen, Block Two(2L and Lot twenty-nine (29), Block Thee (3), Colony Surf No. J, according to the recorded plat thereof in the office of the Auditor for said County and State, Volume 6 of Plats, Pages 188 and 189. and to obtain a )udgment of foreclosure in tne sum of .$34,202.47, to.gether with interest, costs and attorneys' fees. DATE OF FIRST PUBLICATION: July 17, 1969. ALFRED J. WESTBERG Attorney for Plaintiff P. O. Address- 1500 Hoge Building Seattle, WashincKon 98104 7/1/-24-31-8/7-14-21-6t Southwesterly along the meander line 50.0 feet; thence East 131.0 feet to the true point of beginning, consisting of .29 acres more or/eBB, all located in Mason proviDeD tot, interest upon the whole unpaid sum shall be on or prior to the 18 day of North 37 deg 49' 02" West 24.0 charged at the rate of five and feet to the meander ine; thence one-half (5½)percentperannumt August, 1969, all data and and each year thereafter one of Information required by law to be said installments, together with submitted. interest due upon the whole Or The foregoing resolution was the unpaid balance shall be ADOPTED by the City. Commission of the City or County, Washington. 2. A four-room house, located at Fifth & Franklin Streets, Shelton, Washington, described as Lot 4, Block G, David Shelton's First Addition to Shelton. Said house is to be demolished, or moved from present site. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN: That said Hearing will be held in the office of the County Commissioners, in the Courthouse at Shelton, Washington, at 2:00 p.m., Monday, August 4, 1969. and that any tax payer may appear In person, or by council, to be heard for or against the proposal, DATED this 21st day of July, 1969. RUTH E. BOYSEN Clerk of the Board 7/24-31,2t Building Supplies "-1 Travel • Sherwin-Williams / Pants-Crpet-Walltper | • Cgmplete Bul}ding upplles I • Plastering & Supplies / Nye Co. Building Supply I Free Delivery / The Services will be led bY collected. Any Installment not paid prior to the expiration of the thirty (30) "day period .during which such installment is sue and payable shall thereupon become delinquent. All delinquent installments shall until paid, be subject to a charge of interest at the rate of five and one-half (5½) per cent per annum and to an additional charge of five and one-half (5Vz) per cent penalty levied upon both principal and interest due upon each installment or Installments from the date of delinquency. The collection of such dellnquent installments shall be enforced in the manner provided by law. JOHN B. COLE County Treasurer First publicat|on July 24, 1969 Second publication July 31, 1969 7/24,3 ! -2t Page 16 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 31, 1969 Shelton, Washington, at a regular meeting thereof this 22nd day of July, ]969. F. A. TRAVIS Mayor ATTEST: ALMA K. CATTO City Clerk FORM APPROVED: B. FRANKLIN HEUSTON CityAttorney I, ALMA K. CATTO, City Clerk of the City of Shelton, Washington, hereby certify that the attached resolution is a true and correct copy of Resolution No., 271, adopted on the 22nd day of July, 1969, as that resolution appears on the Minute Book of the City. DATED this 22 day of July, 1969. ALMA K. CATTO0 City Clerk 7/24-31-2t • Air - Rail- BteamshJp • Bus - Hotels - Tours • No Extra Clge for Our Bervtce Angle Travel Re=. Center 401 Rallrld Ave. 4-8272 42(I-4134 iiii Chain ws .... New and Ueed • Renta Oregon Chahm & Aceessoriee Small moto trine.up & repairs Hour: 8 r to 0 pJn., daily Mike's MOCulIh .15 Olympic PI. N., 89 ii i _ Concrete I --Ready-mix Concrete --Concrete Culverts & Blocks ---Sand, Gravel, Brick & Stone Flreplsce Screens & Tools Graystone of Shelton 7th & Park 426-3344 ii IL TV Service • Rldlo. 'J • l.onomphs • CaB 3-way Radio LEROY'8 "IV 8ERVlCE Mt. View Ph. 426-31711 I I w-mm.m.mmm , Firs÷ Ba Fifth & Cots St=. Rev. Jerry Lareon, TH'I Sunday, August 3, 1969 "AUTHORI'Y TO EXECUTE JUDGM ENT'! JOHN 5:17-27 8:30 & 1"1:00 a.m. Duplicate Services 9:30 a.m. Bible School 7:30 p.m. Rev. Art Beals Wednesday Night BlbleStudy 7:30 p.m, SHELTON 1521 Monroe St. M Sunday School ..................... " Morning Worship ................... " Christ's Ambassadors ......... .. • .'" ' ' Evangelistic Service ................. " Wednesday--Prayer & Bible Study ....