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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 31, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 31, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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IRE DISTRICT NO. 5 is in the nstructing a new fire station for ,n Allyn. The new fire hall is t to the old fire hall. It • :. , will house one fire truck and the arnbulance Friegang Construction Co. is the contractor for the project. The contract price is $25,290. Walks Moon, Trout Grow When the 250,000 fish have been planted, the feeding the past couple schedule will be for five seconds so "out of every ten minutes during the have beena daylight hours. The feeding Space to try program will vary as the fish ng of interest - grow. COmpete with Viewed from the shore in the news. evening or early morning hours, brave men the little fish are as "jumpy" as ) earth", we can any fish anywhere and seem to be and the rest of enjoying their new home. for 'Two of our local young men had a "surprise meeting" recently never been at the remote village of Larson there is a Bay on Kodiak Island, Alaska. Upon, and Dave Sund and Darrold Peterson, living may both teachers, are summer qualthe "cost employees of Alaska Packers Association on this northern Were to be island. Voyages that' Neither of the boys expected of America to meet anyone they would here was no know, so were pleasantly their surprised to find someone they was the had grown up with and attended Ld Upon, and school together from gradeschool reception through college. riendly or Larry Sund, who has been in on hand. the Naval Reserve, recently ae to believe reported for active duty in has lost California and will be stationed in for lovers, or Hawaii. or ability Mrs. Anna Sandvig, of red job. And if Bellingham, has been visiting the the moon is Les Sandvigs at their home on ever, with no Lake Standstill, which he thinks is "the most beautiful place on at the lake -- earth," next to her own home in nut recently south Bellingham- which provides mdstill, are a view of the bay and the San "table", Juan Islands.' stations), The Jim Deans, who have just :es, for a five returned from a visit with Carol's for perhaps mother, Mrs. Warnholz, in depending Bellingham, brought one daughter, Nancy, back with them to attend 4-H Camp at Panhandle Lake. Susan Dean remained with her grandmother. Their youngest daughter, Jan, and Carol and Jim are taking a "packing trip" up to Nine Streams on the North Fork for a couple of days. This Dean family has been busy this summer, fully enjoying their vacation. ttappy "viewing" and happy vacationing from up here in the Olympics! WWl Veterans Slate Potluck The Veterans of World War 1 and Auxiliary, Madrona Barracks 1462 will meet in the Memorial hall next Thursday at noon for a potluck lunch and entertainment. WE. - 7 to g p.m., Family Night FRI.. 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. 8at.. 11 a.rn.. 1 p.m., Learners 1:30 p.m. - 4 p.m., Matlnea 8 p.m. - 11 p.m., Evening 8UN. - 1:30 p.m. - 4 p.m., Matinee SKATELAND Olympia • 352.9943 Great selectionl Great time to escape from the ordinaryl Hoodsport Canal Fishing Is Reported Good By DONA O'NEIL HOODSPORT - Fishing in the area, judging from most of the reports, has been pretty good this summer. Mrs. Jim Thurman reports that over 200 perch were caught off the dock just last weekend and her husband along with Cecil McLain landed a five and a six pound sahnon off tim dock using only squid for bait. NOT BIG NEWS BUT SLIGHTLY COMICAL Mr. and Mrs. Nell Simmons Jr. have had in their possession, for quite some time now, a varying number of rabbits. And at one time or another it seems that the gender of these animals is the only confusing factor. Well by now, being experienced rabbit owners, the Simmon's a,e authorities on this subject in regard to their animals. To make it short, they know which is which. Other supposed authorities were Mr. and Mrs. Richard Andrews of Shelton. They are also in the rabbit hobby. With the hopes of propagating more little bunnies they came to the Simmon's home one evening to borrow a father for their mother. No one was home but the rabbits. After serious deliberation and a long wait, the match-makers decided to help themselves and take their borrowed father rabbit home. Well, the relationship between the Andrews rabbits and was not quite all that had been the stranger was not quite all that had been anticipated. And it is a small wonder, for the borrowed rabbit was in fact not a. father, but a very pregnant mother and if it had not been for a telephone call from the Simmon's family, the Andrews would have had a batch of little bunnies a lot faster than they would have ever imagined possible, according to their previous plans. FAMILY REUNION Every few years Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fleshman of Star Route 1 just outside of Minerva Park have a good old fashioned family reunion. This time Mrs. Fleshman's aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. (;ale Forst of Sheraton, Iowa, came with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Davis, and Mr. l)avis's father. That's five guests from Iowa. Then there was Mrs. Fleshman's father, Arlie Courtney, from Milton Freewater, Oregon. Add to this her sister and husband with family, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Towne from Tacoma. To make a long story short there was also Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Jacobsen (granddaughter), Mr. and Mrs. Dave Kangas from Olympia (granddaughter) and Mr. and Mrs. Walt Glover front Bremerton (daughter). Of course there were the usual "local yokels" (just an expression) their sons, Darrell and l)ale, with their families. There were nine kids on the farm that day thai had great fun climbing trees, flying to the moon, snitching apples and munching on old Tom Turkey's drumsticks. l:.veryone is gone now so the Fleshmans will most likely spend the next week recuperating. It is, t'rom one point of view, a very good thing that these occasions only happen every few years. LIGHTHOUSE MOTEL Being at typical nosey reporter made it necessary to phone the Lighthouse Motel to inquire about the big cement trucks that were pouring cement there last week. The logical explanation for that was the new cement bulkhead being laid in front of the motel. In the process of the conversation a little more news popped out. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Yate's son, James Yates, who is a Sergeant in the Air Cops spent one day late in June with his family here in ltoodsport. The Sergeant has a wife and child at their home in Khebnester, Missouri, but right now he is stationed in Viet Nam thirty miles north of Saigon. WEDDING SHOWER Twenty good friends were guests at the home of Mrs. Bill Goodpaster in honor of Carolyn SchwaS's coming wedding. Gifts, games, and refreshments were the highlights of the evening. Mary Jane Sund was the winner of the game prize. Carolyn is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Schwab. She is engaged to Robert Larsen of Seattle. Ite will graduate from Ellensburg in August. They plan to be marrmd at a small ceremony for the family, August 16 in the Hood Canal Community Church. After the wedding there will be a reception at the Holiday Beach Clubhouse. Carolyn is now employed in Olympia at the State Library. OUTDOOR LITTER IS OUT Outdoor Litter Bags Are In They're in the National Forests to stop litter from spoiling your back-country trips. Take one with you and pack your litter out. Available at Ranger Stations and the start of many trails. I Ill I I I I Wouldn't you really rather have the money? We are thinking about all those useful but idle arti- cles stored away in closets, attics, basements and gar- ages in so many homes. These things have value to other people even though you never use them. Would- n't you like to have the money you can get for these articles you never use ? Take a quick inventory of the unneeded items in your household. Then resolve to use a Journal Want Ad to sell them. The cost is low, the response is fast. And the money you will get.., wel! maybe you will want to use it to buy that great new car "you would really rather have." It's easy to place your Journal Want Ad. Just dial 426-4412 and ask for an Ad-Visor. 15 WORD AD - $1.50 4 times for the price of 3 III " II Ill Illl I I II II II II I Thursday, July 31, 1969 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 17 t