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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 31, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 31, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PHONE € 12 For Sale CLEAN USED furniture and appliances. Now at Blue Lantern Antiques. See us for antiques and second hand merchandise. Buy, Sell, Trade. 426-6444. A7/17-8/7 LOWREY STARLET Organ. Regular $675.00 now $595.00 Johnny's Music Box 205 Cota. 426-4302 J7/17tfn YOUNG GRAIN fed steers cut and wrapped. Expert cutting and wrapping. Shelton Foods. 426-6523 $3/27t fn FOR SALE or trade: 500 gallon fuel tank. Want to buy 14 ft. boat trailer. 426-6286 W6/5tfn FOR SALE -- Good, effective and inexpensive advertising. Just call The Journal, 426-4412.8/9tfn REMOVE EXCESS Body fluid with Flutdex tablets. Only $1.49 at NeWs Pharmacy, Franklin Square. R7/17-8/7 ]953 GMC PICKUP I/2 ton, fair condition. Delaval cream e2P6arator electric, good condition. -4139 after 5 p.m. H7/24-3] SALE ON CEMENT stepping stones, different shapes and sizes. 50c each. Also flower boxes and bird baths. 1232 Railroad W7/]0-17-24-31 COLOR PRINTS, Jumbo, from color negatives only, ]9c. 5x7 enlargement, 89c. Ziegler's Camera Shop, 124 No. 2nd. 4/17tfn SIMPLICITY MOWERS and tillers. See now at Mike's McCulloch Sales and Service. 22]5 Olympia Hwy. North. 3/281fn INDOOR--OUTDOOR CARPET, $3.99 sq. yd. Choose from 11 different colors at Olsen Furniture, 4th and Cota. 426-4702. O8/ltfn FOR SALE -- Large selection of reconditioned ranges, refrigerators, washers, dryers. Eells & Valley Appliance Center. 6/Stfn WOOD FOR SALE, any type or size. Call 426-1124. Delivered. J7/31-8/21 25. Singer sewing mac-hlne, .walnut cabinet, sews good, $35. Some cabin furniture. Phone 426-6953. D7/3] I I i I ml, II iii II i COLOR T.V. 8ee at Olsen Furniture 4th & Cots 426.4702 , , m ,mu IIII, ,I ,I Immediate Delivery HOTPOINT 10 Year Free Replament Warranty WATER HEATER The Hotpolllt Custom GllMilllhle wirer hester provides the uJfl. mate in tutomstiej safe, effi- cient operation. And best of silo it Is beaked by |0 year flail repllemeat wsrrsaty. Eells & Valley Appllanoe Center 2nd & Cots St. Phon4 46-4665 Complete Home Furnishing Center /,,- i%1 / C %, %%%%%%%%%A + For Salu TRADE IN YOUR old furniture at Olsen Furniture, 4th and Cota. 4/14tfn MOBILE HOME FURNITURE- We specialize In quality compact furniture for your mobile home. At Olsen Furniture you're always welcome, 4th and Cota. 426-4702.4/14tfn WALL--TO--WALL CARPETS or room-size rugs. Custom-made draperies. We measure, expert installation. Your satisfaction is uaranteed. Free estimates. ou're always welcome at Olsen Furniture, 4th and Cota. 426-4702. O11/]8tfn FREE KODAK FILM' Kodacolor or black/white with each roll left at Ziegler's Camera. Ask for it. 426-6163. 5/25tfn 1000 QUALITY business cards only $7. Best prices also on all business needs, including letterheads and envelopes. Speed-Eze Duplicator, ]05 No. Columbia, Olympia. 352-0420. 26/5tfn TWO SETS USED Washers and Dryers, one is a small set (good for apartment or trailer). Kitchen sink, complete with fixtures. Rollaway 3/4 bed, mattress. Phone 426-49 ] 3. A 7/31 NORGE DRYER for sale, like new. Phone 426-3397 Mc7/31 VERY GOOD WOOD burning heating stove for large cabin or home. $50. Phone 426.2360 C7/3I-8/7 STEEL BUNK BEDS $40. Good condition, newly painted. Phone 426-8970. M 7/31-8/21 GIRL'S 20" Bicycle, first class condition. Front jump-seats for jeep. Call after 6:30 p.m. 426-4650 B7/31-8/7 BE GENTLE, be kind, to that expensive carpet, clean it with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer $1. Coast to Coast 7/31 MEDITERRANEAN Walnut console piano for sale. 41" high. Sacrifice, owner moving. Terms or cash. Phone Brokers, Tacoma BR 2-5282 T7/31-8/7 NASHUA 1965 MOBILE home, 40'x8', 2 bedrooms, bath, lots of built-ins. Partly furnished, good condition. Call 426-8372 or Hoodsport 877-5423. May be seen at Rex Court, Shelton. S7/31tfn ]3 ft. 1965 Road King house trailer. Excellent condition. 898-2415 Union. St. Rt. I Box 39 R7/31 USED OIL barrel, 150 gal., good condition. Changing to gas. $25.00. Phone 426-1475 after 6 p.m. H7/31 PLYWOOD, 3/8" CDX, $3.00 per sheet. Phone 426-8584. $7/31-8/7 FOR SALE small refrigerator, 30 inch electric range, G. E. electric mixer with juicer. Heavy duty 8 inch skill saw with case, Call after 5:30 p.m. 426-2526 7/31tfn PORTABLE CEMENT Mixer with motor, $50. Baby crib, springand mattress $I3.50. Phone 426-3649. B7/31-8/21 USED ELECTRIC mimeograph $50. Phone 4_264113 or Inqutre 311 COOKSOn 5t. B7/24tfn J.- (or= i 1966 FORD  ton pickup, $1650. 1961 Chinook Cab-over camper. Perfect condition, $700. Prefer to sell as combination, $2,450. Excellent deal. 426-6908. P7/31-8/7 1968 Vz Ton Fleetside Chev. custom sport pickup. Excellent condition, two-tone, positraction, 307 V-8 turbo hydromatic, power steering, radio. Cascade canopy and boat carrier. 5 new tires, 2 snow tires. Heavy duty rear bumper. Call 877-5833 Hoodsport. E7/31-8/7 ,t Buildi ppl Nye ng Su y Complete Building Supplier Weekly Specials Sherwin-Williams Colonial Latex Wall Paint $3.10 gel Semi-Gloss Enamel $4.95 g,,. 9 colors to choose from For Rent-- 2 gal. tank type Paint Sprayer $5 s day on the Cole Road Phone 426-8224 Page 18 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 31, 1969 Used Cars 1967 JEEP WAGONEER. Completely equipped to Airconditioner. $3,000. Days 426-164]. Evenings 426-8649 LaB7/24tfn 1954 JEEP PICKUP. Motor recently overhauled. New oversized tires. Excellent condition $995. Days 426-1641. Evenings 426-8649. 7/24tfn ]963 FORD GALAXIE 500, low mileage, good tires, new brakes, good body condition. $595. 426-4645. R7/I 7-8/7 1948 WILLY'S JEEr pick-up, 4 wheel drive with warren hubs. Utility trailer with canopy. 426-2642. C7/]0tf FOR SALE /946 International pickup. Good condition, lots of extras. Call 426-3724 after 5 p.m. S 7/31-8/7 1960 PLYMOUTH 4-door sedan. $325. New Tires. Excellent running condition. 426-2035. M7/31 INTERNATIONAL R190, Short logger truck, $1500. Call 426-8875. P7/31-8/7 Used Cars '69 Galaxie (air) ....... $3395 '66 Merc Hardtop ........ 1595 '66 Mustang Hdtp ....... 1695 '66 Ford Wagon ........ 1795 '65 Olds 442, 4-spd ...... 1595 '65 Falcon Wagon ...... 1095 '65 Comet Sedan ........ 995 '64 Rambler Sedan ...... 695 '63 Corvalr Monza ....... 695 '63 T-Bird (air) ........ 1095 '62 Vauxall Wagon ...... 695 '62 Chevy II Wagon ...... 595 '62 Rambler Wagon ...... 595 '62 Dart Wagon ......... 695 '61 Corvair ............ 395 Boat, Motor and Trailer ............... 695 C ' 23 MORE ARE TO CHOOSE FROM .! Used Trucks '65 Datsun .......... $1095 '63 F-t O0 ........... 595 '53 Studebaker ........ 195 '48 Chev Panel ........ 95 8 MORE TRUCKS TO CHOOSE FROM ! JIM PAULEY'S BOB-- BUS-- BILL 5th and Railroad 426-8231 i i i I Sporting Goods FOR SALE or trade for what have you -- 20' inboard convertible Uoat, asking $900. 426-3483 before 5:30. H6/19tfn FIBERGLASS 40' sailboat. 14' sailboat Kyak. Fiberglass supplies, piano, T.V., trampoline. Skin diving equipment, air, rentals, instructions. 426-6877 M 7/17-8/7 RELAXAWAY, the original "Slim-Gym". World's easiest method of active exercise. For information Call 426-1276. M7/17ffn TENT TRAILER. Sleeps six. Good condition. $250. 426-3828. S 7/3 ] -8/21 1968 650 TRIUMPH less than 300 miles. Priced for cick sale. Days 426-1641. venings 426-8649 7/24tfn OMC and MER CRUISER stern drives. Evinrude and Homelite motors. Factory-trained mechanics. Hood Canal Marina, Union. 898-2252.4/3tfn ! GLASSPAR, GLASTRON, Fiber Form, Boston Whaler, Schock sailboats, Evinrude, Homelite. Uppy's Hood Canal Marina, Union 898-2252.2/15tfn -MINIBIKE, good condition, new engine, up to 25 mph. Call 426-6638 between 6 & 7 p.m. C 7/31 Good 14 ft. boat and trailer, glass bottom, cheap. Phone 426-6413. D7/31-8/7 1966 MERCURY convertible, ,rellow, black interior Automatic anemia)ion, power steering, brakes. Original owner. $1325 Union 898-2515. Very good condition. T7/24-31 Pets, Uvestock FOR SALE! BLOOD Bay. thorough-bred mare. Good trad horse, Excellent with children. 426-4563 after 6 p.m. Z7/24-31 DOG TO GIVE away. Full bred Samoyed, full grown, male, to country home. Excellent with children. 426-4617 K7/31 FOUR MONTH OLD female Siamese kitten for sale. Part Siamese kitten free to good home. 426-2880. W7/31 GOING ON VACATION? Leave our dog with us if over 20 Ibs. eI-Ru Kennels. 426-2387. N7/10-7/3! AUSTRALIAN TERRIER male dog, Oneyearold, withoutpapers, $35.00. Phone 426-6]52. F7/3tfn TROPICAL FISH-new and regular variety, including live bearers black angels, Bumblebees. Mariam Wilkowski 426-6148. W7/17-8/7 K-9 Klips, professional poodle clipping and pet grooming. Call Mrs. Kimball for appointment, 426-8988.8/31tfn FOR SALE: 10 year old sorrel American saddle gelding. Plenty of spirit and looks $200. 426-3668. H7/10-31 ii III IIII iiiiii i I I I MELL CHEV.OLDS CLOSE-OUT PRICES ALL 69% 100 CARS, PICKUPS, TRUCKS from $145 CAMPER SPECIAL Services Help Wanted BACK HOE SERVICE- Light MAN FOR CARETAKER and grading, back filling, sewage maintenance work in exchange systems. Reasonable rates. Dietz for rent Write Box 500 % The Kadoun, phone 426-6893 7/22tfn Journal. B7/31tfn SEWING AND IRONING done in INSURANCE BROKER needs tny home. Reasonable rates - experienced office girl. Submit Babysitting. Ages 2 months - 1Vz resume to Box 40 c/o Journal. years. 426-6258 H7/17-8/7 7/241fn i CHILD CARE-EXPERIENCED and reliable, my home. Agate MEN WANTED area. Phone 426-3661 87/31 to train for ELECTROLUX SALES & HEAVY EQUIPMENT Service. Electrolux bags available. OPERATORS Free delivery. Call Jack Manley 426-3544. 1622 Boundary. AND MECHANICS M8/15tfn You will get your training with a EXCAVATING, HAULING, and qualified contractor. Operate the clearing. Free estimates. Ph. D-8, Tournapulls and Grader. The 426-4378. Gordon B. Moore. only training of its kind in the M4/4tfn northwest. Fill in coupon NOW. West Coast Training Service, CHAIN SAW SHARPENING, Write Box x]O0 RATES 15 words oP  -- $1.50 • 10 centl for ea©h a(iditlonal word over tlk • FOUR (4) Inlet]lone for the pride cf THREE (3). • Clauifled deadline= 3 p.m. TU hly' Business Opportunities speedy, accurate. Precision c/o The Journal Agency. Collect calls accepted. inding. Now at Saeger Motor P.O. Box 430, Florence Crittenton Home, PA op, Hillcrest. Phone 426-4602. Shelton, Wash. 98584 2-8004. Box 8944, Seattle, Wa. 1/15tfn Name ........... Age ....... 98]78.8/28tfn BATH ROOM AND KITCHEN Address .................... ---_----------------_, remodeling. Roofing, patios, Phone ..................... carports. Smaller jobs also. Call City ............ State ...... st  faund Osborne's 426-6241. 01/25tfn Hrs. I work a.m ..... p.m ........ "--'---A------------------------------ 7/]0-] 7-24-31 LOST TOY BLACK female WILL DEMOLISH houses or poodle. At Mason Lake. $30 buildings, any type or size. Phone ----------------------- reward. Call Mrs. Burkman days 426-1124. J7/31-8/2 t Fulton 3-5495 collect. B7/17-8/7 Psving Contractor-- Business Opportunities - ---------------_-_-._-._-_-. KEY CHAIN with 13 attachments ASPHALT PK1/'[NG FOR LEASE -- Shell Service and R insignia. Write Box 1000 • Driveways Station, good location, high c/o the Journal. Lost by parking • Parking Lots gallonage. Call 426-3322. G6/Stfn lot of Bayshore Golf Club. 7/31 BOB KIMBEL CONST. SELL BAUM TOYS-- Party Plan! LOST. OAKLAND BAY area. 426-42&3 • Shelton Car necessary. No Del. We train. Reddish-pink paddleboard. Phone - Excellent comm. 426-3397 Bayshore 426-6301. Reward. I N S U tAT I O N M C 7/10tf n B 7/31-8/7 A P P L I C A T O R S A N D v=--v-_-_-v---; SUPPLIERS of rock wool and For Rent Wanted to Rent fiberglass blown and blanket _-=-==----. h o m • i n s u I a t i o n. C a I I f o r ,--%--------%------------=-%--- quotation, 943-1360. Willamette WANT TO RENT -- 3 bedroom ValleyCo. $7.95 RENTS a new piano, unfurnished home. Phone 7/17tfn Sherman-Clay, South Sound 426-8922. Need by September Center, Larry. Phone OLympia first. S7/24tfn ' 491-3370. S8/22tfn =_=_-_-_=_=_=_%-_- - - - = GEN. HAULING ................................ For Rent. One upstairs apartment Real Estate Wanted Sand - Pit Run - Gravel for single, quiet person. Inquire 5.Yard Dump Truck 526 Franklin. B7/24 tfn --------------:--------- EXCHANGE -- What you have -- Peat Soil For Rent. One bedroom furnished for what you want. Kurt Mann, TEL.- FRANK- 426-3153 apartment with carport. Call Rea'ltor-exchangor. 426-6592. 7/10-17 426-4428. J7/24 tfn 8/18tfn F O R R E N T 2 b e d r o o m, ---v-_---------------------------------- .............. J .......... unfurmtshed +a#atment.J=k;dly Hill Real Eat=to Apartment. 426-6593. B7/]0tfn Bob Ogden FOR RENT -- Trailer space. New Three Bedroom home. 11/+ INSTALLATION SERVICE Walking distance to town. Carport and storage. 426-3242 B5/8tfn baths, fireplace, w/w carpeting, carport. $16,500. Phone McCleary 495-3416 evenings. Carpeting - Formica - FOR RENT -- Trailer space close L7/24-8/14 Ceramic and Linoleum to downtown. Call 426-4426. M 10/8tfn _ , Lioensed, Bonded & Insured ONE 00+o.ooM ,oo,+ LoBI$$ONIERE furnished. No children. References and deposit. Matlock Phone 4.26-3155 area. Call Ford at 426-6718 $7/31 Real Estate 3/8 tfn COZY ONE bedroom, w/w carpet _ living room, new range, FHA Appraised refrigerator, new gas heater. Older HAND SAWS couple preferred. References 100% Financing, closing costs required. 426-1475 after 6 p.m. down on this 3 bedroom home, & TABLE SAWS H7/31-8/21 very roomy and just one year old. Attached garage, natural as SHARPENED FOR RENT, furnished apartment furnace, most of the landscaping 1714 Jefferson (Mt. View) downtown. Carlon Apartments, .is in and part of the yard is Ph. 426-6687 H 2/17 tfn 120 Kneeland. Call 426-3011 fenced. Full price $14,250 and C7/31tfn approx. $500 will put you in. LANE FOR RENT -- Trailer House. Over Vz Acre in Town HOUSE MOVING Phone 426-3169. B7/31tfn Older four bedroom home with newly remodeled kitchen and Houses Raised, Foundations AVAILABLE Sept. 1, 2 bath, carpeting, nearly new as and Leveling bedrooms, completely furnished, furnace and lots of room inside waterfront home. Wall to wall and out. If you want a roomy, Phone 426-8147 carpet, fireplace. $125 no small comfortable home see this one 1/27 tJn children. References. 426-4000. today. 87/3 ltfn Assu me 6Vz% Interest PAINTING and DRY WALL 2 BEDROOM unfurnished house. The payments are only $90.00 Wall to wall carpet, oil furnace, per month including reserves. 3 RESIDENT and $80 a month. References. bedrooms, living room with COMMERCIAL 426-4000. W7/31tfn fireplace, hardwood floors, furnace heating system, small play 3 bedroom Spencer Lake Home, room, some carpeting and J. E. HARRIS partly furnished. Available August draperies included. Available for Bonded and Insured 15 on 10 month lease. $]25. Call occupancy on approval of credit. CALL 426-8773 426-4957. $7/31 tfn $13,600. - 7/4 tn Fawn Lake 1 - 2 BR Apartments .............. This 3 bedroom home is brand GENERAL HAULING $110 new, carpeted and ideal for the Sand Pit Run Gravel Appm.neea, Drapes, CarpeLs, fisherman. There is swimming, - - canoeing and excellent fishing in 5-Yard Dump Truck Water, Garbage, umple Parkmg the private lake and country living and Loader - Peat Soil No Pete at its best. Only $16,500. JEFFERSON APTS. Colonial Styling TEL.- FRANK-426-3153 On Mt. View This 5 bedroom home needs a 7/3 1 Phone 426-8663 nice family. There are 2½ baths 12/5  all with ceramic tile, 2 fireplaces, one in the panelled recreation Waflted .... room in the basement. Many MT. VIEW more advantages too numerous to SHELTON JUNK COMPANY, 1st ELWOOD MANOR $30,O00.menti°n here. See it today. and Mill. Always buying copper, APARTMENTS brass, diators and batteries. Call 426-8626. S6/26tfn 2 BEDROOM UNFURNISHED" We have ,e,ral vacation lots available, and one very desirable with new 8Vzx45 Security Camper i ,4f Quick Parle " "rvi'l M°n" "S°'" I Wan+ed I Jr II ,= Leoee& Rental Core • MIC Ins. I Wlll Buy or Consign Good Used Furniture or Appliances Kelly Furniture 625 8o. let 426.2411 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%'_ FULL OR PART-TIME -- • Dynamic Direct Selling Company with 80 years experience is carrying out expansion program in Washington. Full or Part-time Opportunities. For immediate interview, write: Minnie L. Daniels, Sales Mgr., 710 Exchange St., Aberdeen, Wash. 98520 R 7/24-31 Work Wanted CHILD CARE WANTED -- Certified, experienced, reliable. Day or night, fenced yard. Phone 426-2540. A7/10-31 Personal CONFIDENTIAL care for unwed pregnant teen-age girls. UGN WANTED -- Alder Logs. 9" 352 vo'",  UlDgnlllBrl¢"r--'-------"- diameter and up. Mason Available NOW, waterfront5 miles froml°tsheltonat FawnwithLakepavedJUSt Hardwood Co. formerly Smith No Pets roads, school bus service, and Alder Mill. 426.I411. M4/24tfn 700x15 Tires, Split Rims, Radio $2995 CONTACT MANAGER many more advantages. 426-3100 + FOR RENT. 2 bedroom furnished or house at Timber Lake. $150 per 426-6155 month. No Children, no pets. Will consider lease. i i iiiii iii I I Call 426-1641, FOR RENT Bey Thomason 426-8615 Exclusive, quiet, big one bedroom apartment. Fireplace, abundant storage, all utillties included, LaBI$SONIERE partly furnished for couple or single person. References required. A G E N C Y 426-3560 after 5 p.m. REAL ESTATE - INSURANCE W7/24-31 122 SOUTH THIRD ST. I FOR SALE: home. Do. furnisheO 426-2544 or Vacant TWO BEDI carpet( out A mobile home in t roperty 7/31 VACANT 4 creek. inqui FOR SALE bY house p.m. Y7/ 5 ACRES. home. 7 baths. G 7/3 I-8/7 ANGLE 3+ Acres, Here is the under 60% cc CO New of into 3 room wl k tchen a attractive A f $ Island Lake Here is a someone pro cared living carpets, features. unsold fc See thiS Island Lake Here is and for the bedroom fireplace call & we Suburban 12% Ac cleared, spring Ideal horse Hillcrest Aps 3 do-it-y conve Business Bt One story in center corner renova invest man. Can be barn, through ShelU 3 and ba Just li road availab LoW 2-Low Allyn on ab( bla( well total or $ larger Real 401