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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 31, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 31, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Real Estate Real Estate Cards of Thanks Legal Publications Legal Publications Legal Publkations Legal Publkations Jses, close HAVEN LAKE upland tract CARD OF THANKS NOTICE OF HEARING Natural Gas Corporation, a No. 10126 INVITATION TO BID house. $1100 or trade for boat or jeep. Y0U CAN HAVE We wish to express our ON APPLICATION FOR corporation, has heretofore filed SUMMONS BY PURL,CATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN b. 426-8113 Union 898-2722. L7/10-31 heartfelt gratitude for the FRANCHISE with the Board of County In the Superior Court of the that sealed bids will be received '.ookson St. sympathy, kindness and IN THE MATTER OF THE Commissioners of Mason County, State of Washington for Mason by the Board of Directors of ISLAND LAKE home for sale. this choice waterfront lot. assistance, also the beautiful floral APPLICATION OF THE State of Washington, under County Shelton Consolidated School Interest. 426-3115. R7/24-31. Remainin(i lots on Lake offerings given us during the loss CASCADE NATURAL GAS provisions of Chapter 187, Laws KELSEY TANNER and District No. 309, Mason County, n. Ideal for Arrowhead priced at $10,000 to of our loved one. And to thank C O R P O R A T t O N , A of 1937, an application for a MARY' TANNER, husband and Washington at the District Office $14,000--this for sale by owner at Ellinor Chapter Eastern Star for C O R P O R A T I O N, F O R franchise to use, cross, and wife, Planintiffs, vs. LEATHA I. m the Evergreen School at 8th rooms, full serving dinner. P E R M I S S I O N A N D occupy the roads and highways in TANNER; the Unknown Heirs of and Pine Streets in Shelton, to .room, double PURDY REALTY $9000. Cleared lot on Lake Arrowhead 88-front feet by Alice Huntley and family AUTHORITY TO LOCATE, the County of Mason, State of Leatha I. Tanner, if deceased, the supply Dairy Products required CONSTRUCT, OPERATE, AND Washington, for the purpose of Unknown Heirs of Kelsey John by the District for the 1969-70 t, but could use Wynwood Center-- P.O. Box 410 111-feet deep, offers sewer, Close MAINTAIN NATURAL GAS locating and constructing natural Tanner, deceased, and all Other school year, until 8:00 p.m., shopping. Gig Harbor-- 857-2121 water, lights and paved roads. Call CARD OF THANKS DISTRIBUTION PIPELINES gas distribution pipelines along, Persons Unknown, having or August 12, 1969, at which time owner, WE 5-]582 or write: 2401 We wish to thank the UNDER AND ACROSS ROADS under, and across the designated claiming any right title, estate, they will be publicly opened and and 60' Mason Lake Lot $8,950. -53rdS.W.,Seattle98116 Department of Natural Resources AND HIGHWAYS IN THE roads and highways in said lien, interestor equity in and to read. mortgage C7/17-31 from Mason and Grays Harbor COUNTY OF MASON STATE The Board reserves the right to includes 260' Hammersley Inlet $29,500 , county, described on the attached the hereinafter described real taxes and Counties, the Mary M. Knight OF WASHINGTON. list marked Exhibit "A" and by estate, Defendants. refuse any or all bids. PURDY Oe000**m0n* ond o,, ou, WHEREAS. the Cascade reference herein incorporated, THE STATE OF BY Order of the Board of ment. 400' Saltwater & Creek Frontage friends and neighbors, for the NOW THEREFORE, WASHINGTON, TO: The said, Directors, July e, 1969. $8,950 help in the truck load of hay that ="--'-=----'---- fire. NOW -- 3 300' Waterfront in Cove $7,950 REALTY, iNC. caugMhr! & Mrs. Roger Spalding NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Leatha I. Tanner; the unknown Signed: |.-,=L near Real Estate that a hearing will be held on such heirs of Leatha I. Tanner, if DORIS K. HILLMAN 1,.,75_ Easy 75' Stetch Island Waterfront SATSOP MAPLE GLEN application by the Board of deceased, the unknown heirs of Clerk 7/24-31-2t .,..=-_.._--_._-_-..,. ----'------------- County Commissioners of Mason Kelsey John Tanner, deceased, --E-XEcuTION =,1 426-4000. $8,500 L ARGERIVERFRONT . ,i jIw/u County, Washington, at their and all other persons unknown, NOTICE Cause of SHERIFF'S No. 9761 ..._ Recreation Lots on the Satsop Real Estate regular meeting place in the Court having or claiming any right, title lA for sale new 9 Acres Near Allyn $5,950 River, just North of Schafer State House at Shelton, Washington on estate, lien, interest or equity in In the Superior CourtSALEof the , Park. Excellent fishing, hunting --------------- ------'--- Monday the 18th day of August, and to the hereinafter described State of Washington in and for nchet ce, 4 acres Beautifulfishin Call Julius Stock, 426-6705da s; and camping area. Priced to sell at at the hour of 11:15 oclock, real estate; you and each of you ; ............. Y only $2,950 to $3,950. CallDON CASE INLET-- 225 °f beautiful W Real a.m., or as soon thereafter as such are hereby summoned toappear Mason County pot. 426-6794. 426-6911 evenings and weekends. WATLAND at 857-2121 or beach plus 2 acres upland, hearing may be had. . within 60 days after the date of WILLARD F. WHITE, Plaintiff vs. HAROLD HAMILTON and ..,._.  858-3735 eves. and make your Reasonable price and terms. Dated at Shelton, Washington, the first publication of this JANE JOE HAMILTON, husband appointment for this weekend. Owner will carry contract. --' Estate this 29th day of July, 1969. summons, to-wit: Within 60 days Don will be there Friday, *** Mason County Board after the 31 day.of July 1969, and wife, Defendant.under and by virtue of a writ Saturday and Sunday this week. of Commission and defend the above entitled of --- Execution issued out of the Twenty-six units plus duplex By/s/RUTHE. BOYSEN action in the above entitled Superior Court of the State of MR. REALY STATE Says: LAKE HOLIDAY ;hows high return on $20,000 SCHOOL OPENS SOON County Auditor Court, and answer the complaint h  JUST FOR THE fun of it, takea down payment. $85,000 full And there's still time for you to EXHIBITA of the plaintiffs, and serveacopy Washington. holding terms at look at Lake Holiday. Prices range price. *** All Roads in: of your answer upon the Shelton, in and for Mason  I  get into this 3 bedroom home Township 23 North, Range 1 undersigned attorney for the County, in said State, and dated on the 16th day of July, 1969, on from $3,950 to $12,500 with low near Bordeaux School. It's a and 2 West plaintiffs at his office below a judgment rendered in King %f down, terms. Wooded access lots, Three Acres -- very nice view dandy value considering the many Township 22 North, Range 1 stated; and in case of your failure large waterfront lots, tennis property, all cleared. $6,600. features. Large bedrooms, a huge and 2 West .so to do, judgment will be County Court on the 20th day of d courts, clubhouse, boating, 6-hole * , , family room with circulating All within Mason County, rendered against you according to March, 1968, in favor of the golf course, good fishing, fireplace, l/zbaths, covered patio, le OII1 childrens playfield, green area and above named Plaintiff---, and , It • much more. Call 857-2121 days 2 bedroom-new paneling, new carport, garage and it's on 2 lots. Washington. 7/31-8/7-2t the demand of thP. cnmnlaint.  or 858-3735, 857-2492 or kitchen. View, nothing down, A 5V4% mortgage can be assumed  which has been filed with the against the above named llltlfllgS.., , Tacoma Sk 2-6725 eves. * * * include reserves for tax and Real Estate this action is to guiet the F.H.A. $8,950 full price, with payments of $106 which Clerk of said Court. The object of Defendants, for the sum of Two Thousand ($2,000.00) Dollars, plaintiffs' title in and to the together with an attorney's fee of PURDY REALTY WANTED-1 to 5 acres with or insurance. Full price $17,500.  following described land situated None Dollars and costs of suit j  71/z Miles fr°m NarrOws Bridge withOut buildings'On 0NTac°ma'Bremert°nH00D (:ANALHighway * * * Just3 BEDROOMS, 1 ACREoutside of city limits. An i ' in Mas°n COunty' washingt°n: taxed at FOurty One and Thirty ;,-- SectionThe SEt/42, OfTownshipthe SE¼,21 CentSinterest ($41.30)at the rateD°liarS'of NoneWlthper Gig Harbor, 857-2121 Wanted--40 to 50 acres suitable older house, in good condition, cent per annum from date for Christmas,tre,es., partly modernized with partial IUI= JlJ North, Range 5 West, basement, many outbuildings. W.M., thereof, or $ .... , and amounting The price is $13,500. We think and to perpetually bar and enjoin in all to the sum of Two Thousand, Fourty.One and Thirty LIVING IS GREAT Savage Services, you should sea it. f REALTY you and each of you from Cents--($2,041.30) Dollars, plus asserting any right, title, claim, costs of sale. "new on the market" older home that is just AT OLYMPIC VISTA IInc, THINK YOU COULD USE equity or interest therein and Which said writ of .... 3m Hillcrest home has extra large rooms and DUCKABUSH RIVER 8tap Route 2, Box 181) 2,300 square feet of living space? "HE ACTION OFFICE J themtheret°toandbe thef°r aownersdecreeofadjudgingthe said Execution was to me as Sheriff of x 120 lot. $2,500 down to assume a 7% This may be for you. Beautiful 226 N. 1=t lit., Shelton lands. Mason County, Washington, duly 5 monthly. Hurryt! Semi secluded cabin on large lot Phone 426-8SIN large sunken living room, a B. FRANKLIN HEUSTON directed and delivered, and by with well, surrounded by trees. ' tremendous fireplace, a truly TRADE several good Building Attorny for Plaintiffs which I am commanded to sell at 'ACREAGE ...... $3,600 and terms, exceptional kitchen with many LOTS for UNIMPROVED Office& Post Office Address: Public Auction, according to law ,1 extras--There isso much more-- ACREAGE, Angle Building the following described property, ting you'll want to see if you have an eye IDEAL FOR BOATING FAMILY to-wit: As Attached: All that choice 9/2 acre tract is well located in the /L_IIL  so why not call right now and Shelton, Washington 98584 portion of Government he Spring Road. It's nicely wooded and ideal Holiday Beach lots $2,950 and we'll arrange to show it at your 5 ACRES Pls - Cleared to 7/31,8/7,14,21,28,9/4-6t Lots two (2) and three (3) You'll make an excellent buy at $15,000. up. Good terms. Includes 200' convenience. Full price is $25,500 Pasture! Priced from $750 per beach access, beach house, dock -- You should see it. acre - COSTS DOWN. Section twenty-four (24), and float. $400 down, $45.00 per Township twenty (20) North, Range three (3) month, full price $4500. $100 CASH OUTLAY HIGH & LEVEL - 95'x125' CITY No. 4035 West, W. M., particularly tract has lots of frontage on the Dayton PERFECT FOR THE MT. VIEW LOT with 1 Bedroom COTTAGE. NOTICE TO CREDITORS lots of pretty trees, has a cleared meadow WATER SKIING FAMILY 5 lucky people are going to Excellent location for a MOBILE described as follows: dy (IN PROBATE) BEGINNING at the )nd filled year round with clear spring water. "Olympic Vista" Hood Canal's Harm malnlls qualify for these 5 new homes HOME. S4,500.00 In the Superior Court of the Northeast corner of -=nt at$10,250, finest. Permanent or Summer that are to be built and will State of Washington for Mason i Government Lot 3, Section home sites. 2 miles East of Union Barga rlJl require only $100 cash outlay. 40 Logged Acres 12 miles West of County. 24, Township 20 North, • on South Shore. OlympicMt. and (You can paint for your closing Shelton. GOOD POTENTIAL IN THE MATTER OF THE Range 3 West, W.M.;. only 3 miles from downtown Shelton. Canal view. Beach access, includes 4 room house, part base- costs.) They'll have fireplace, 1Vz $12,000.00 E S T A T E O F A N D R E W thence West, along the contains more than an acrea and it can be beach house, dock, swimming, baths, patio, attached garage and HOPLAND, Deceased. N or t h I i ne o f said II helpyou finance it, if you like.) clams & oysters. Price $3,400 and ment, 1.6 acre. will be fully carpeted. 30 Acres CONSIDERABLE The undersigned is the Government Lot 3,448.92 up with terms. (Call for brochure) Approximately $135 per month, AMOUNT OF TIMBER. Near appointed and qualified rxecutrix feet; thence South 43 deg including tax and insurance. FHA Hood Canal Floating Bridge. of the estate of AndrewHopland, 30' West 763.00 feet; |f' See Mgr. (evenings) $17,200. $13,750.00 deceased. PersOns having claims thence South 64 deg 30' building site with trees and cleared area. Well Shumate ReD SKYLINE DRIVE IN against the deceased are required frontage -- priced right-- easy terms. ADANDY2BEDROOM West 263 feet; thence HOODSPORT THEATRE CLEAN-MODERN HOME with to serve the same in duplicate, South 53 deg West 260 With panelled living room, basement. 5 ACRES mostly duly verified, on the undersigned feet, more or less, to the Mt. View home is a "must see" for the serious 877-5576 days, 877-5575 evenings 5 mi. south of Shelton good.size bed rooms, utility, PAST U R E. F i ne all-year or the attorney of record at the Government meander line; =,, on one level and contains nearly 1,600sq. ft. SHELTON426,8510 7/31o8/7 carport $9,250 -- $1,250 will STREAM. CLOSE-IN! Excellent address stated below and file the thence following said handle or pay $3,250 down, development possibilities and its same with the Clerk of this Court, meander line in a ng area. Everything you wogld look for, ' assume a 5V4% mortgage with under $20,000.00!! together *With IOOf of such Southeasterly direction to baths, plush carpeting, pr'ef(y drapes, Y0U HAVE IT ALL HERE payments of only $65.00 per service within four months after the Southwesterly corner dining room, attached garage and much, month including tax and 31 July 1969, or the same will be of a tract of land for an appointment, insurance. 60 Acres LUSH - FENCED - forever barred, heretofore conveyed to CIAL-. Secluded country living three miles from town! PASTURE. Some trees! Year MAGNA HOPLAND,Executrix Craig P. Eliot and Jean P. LAKE LIMERICK--NEW round POND. SOLID, older 3 528Laurel Eliot, husband and wife, , bedroom farmhouse (needs some Shelton, Washington miles out on the Spring Road, there's a neat 2 --384 feet of the choicest Island Lake beach available in one Or nearly new 3 bedroom home work). Big BARN. Over 3,000 ft., by deed recorded in 1.8 acres. Nicely panelled throughout, it has a 98584 Volume 123 of Deeds, parcel or divided into one 90 foot cleared lot at $140 per foot. on the lake. It's quality, it's County Road Frontage! B. FRANKLINHEUSTON I)age 559, under Auditor's $13,000. Think carfully, but fast. One 90 foot lot uncleared at $135 per foot, remainder with 3 roomy, has fireplace, bath and a $35,000.00 Attorney for Estate bedroom, 2-story ideally designed frame home with many half. 2 car garage and many more File No. 128673; thence KIDS TO THE LAKE... attractive features at $40,000. extras. It's $26,500 and several Angle Buildincj North 50 deg 37' 37" East, Morn and Dad in this exceptional 2 ways of financing cao be Good TERMS can be arrangedon Shelton, Washmgton98584 along the W-esterlv line of home. 75' of frontage with your own --Double carport, hard-suTfaced driveway, beautifully landscaped, arranged, any of these properties! 7/31-8/7-14-3t said Eliot land, 1529.46 Connected garage, electric heat, plus fireplace, float and ramp, bulkhead, fireplace, concrete foundation, two I.F YOU WANT TO BUY OR feet, more or less, to an ,500. large porches, other details you'll like. 10 ACRES, BINGHAM CREEK SELL --  __ __ - - _- - - - intersection with the East With a so-so house - but what a CALL 426.1141 FIRST! line of said Government ; $15,500 --This property has escalated in value very rapidly in the past five potential. Stream frontage tracts Real Estato Lot 3; thence North along home on Cascade that offers 1,900 sq. ft. of years, will continue to do so. A solid investment for the future, are in great demand - so take a .veningB the East line of said 2 baths, huge family room with Cash deal only. look - you'll agree this could be a  Government Lot 3, 65.00 tress and scads of berries and a G. 3ohn Brush, 3r., Broker feet, more or less, to the real money-maker. Full price d R aJy s much more we can tell you about this --Interested partlescal1426-4305. $1S,O00. Terms? Yes. '=" Townsen • point of beginning, D-7/17-tfn Albert Windeil, Assoc. Broker excepting therefrom, • , ....... $100 DOWN -- 5 ACRES 426-3681 however, the following IS PERFECT-- A little more than a mile from "3tin" Roush 426-8522 COUNTRY LIVING described tract of land, Need more elbow room? 5 acres towit: Commencing at the HOMES FOR EVERY BUDGET ,,,, ,imits. mostly cleared, some 2'6N. 11tBt,.,Shelton the dining roor# in this spacious ..- young second growth, convenient with Mill Creek runningthru the Northeast corner of built-in buffet. Besides that there's monthly payments. Full price " ' center. Well constructed like new Government Lot 3, Section ,k in the kitchen along with built-in range, $4,750.00 home with f,ireplace and wall to 24, Township 20 North, 3 bedrooms and 1Vz baths, plusa $7,500 .... $16,750 ....  wall carpeting. Big bedrooms, Range 3 West, W.M.; fireplace m akesthisaperfectfamilyhome O lder3bedroomhomelocated Neat-as-a-pin 2 be droomhome $, 7,500 -- MORTGAGE ANIEL& partial base m ent, double garage thence South, along the y to move into for $23,900. on large lot on Hillcrest. Terms located on approximately 2V2 ASSUMPTION M with storage area and covered e a s t I i n e o f s aid R patio. Excellent pasture and Government Lot 3, 65.00 ES .... are available on this one as acres close to town. Beautifully Yes, you can assume an existing EALTY exercise area foryour horse. Fruit feet; thence South 50 deg owner will carry contract, panelled walls, large 6% mortgage on this 3 years ) acre building site on a good county road for Takes about $750 down. combination utility.sewing young 3 bedroom home with full trees and garden. Located just 37' 37" West 1277.66 feet room with country view. Has basement, large country, style over Vz mile from the highway on to the point of beginning Think carefullybutfast. $8,950 .... unique fireplace and indoor kitchen with built-in GE range. Arcadia road. Price at only of the tract of land hereby CREEK.- Very, very well kept planters, and you'll certainly Living room, hallway and stairs to 111111 Olymplo Highway Ileuth $19,500.00 with terms available, described; thence Northwesterly at right on Arcadia Road and a 4 bedroom home downtown 2 bedroom home appreciate the open kitchen basement are carpeted and 4211.11100 angles to the last above $18,000. That's not all -.there'sa 2-car with attractive carpeting arrangement. Property also has bedrooms have gleaming Carport, a workshop and the refrigerator, family style kitchen, and running creek frontage on back hardwood floors. There's more, COUNTRY LIVING MT. VIEW course, 160 feet; thence are included. Consider this a minute -- natural light sewing room. for good seclusion, large family room, built-in garage, Very attractive 2 bedroom home South 50 deg 37' 37" west a shop and storage building. Call 3 bedrooms -- bath-- living room with newly remodeled kitchen to the meander line; thence -- kitchen -- extra large utility including disposal unit. Recently Southeasterly, along the Attached 1-car garage. $17,000 .... us for details-- NOW. room -- secluded in the trees and painted, intermr. Carport with lots said meander line to a $9,000 .... An attractive 3 bedroom home Only ½ mile from town -- The of storage space andlarge fenced point thereon which is sq. ft. of home plus huge double garage Two 2 bedroom homes on located downtown and CLOSEIN, price Is just right too$6,500-- yard on a corner lot. Just a few aouth 50 deg 37' 37" West )ital on Callanan. 4 big bedrooms, 2V2 Mountainproperties. VieW.owner,GOOdwill rentalcarry approvedHas almostf°r3 IotsFHAandfinancing'small 1 AnWATERFRONTexceptional homeHOMEin need of a Move right in as it is empty, minutes'from the Mt. View school of the point of beginning; and the new hospital. Cost of thence North 50 deg 37' Jghout, dishwasher, lovely cabinets, ajust go see it-- there's much more contract with about $1,000 room rental house whichcould family. 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, RIGHT ONTHE living and building prices still 37' East to the point of it's price of $35,400. We can talk down. With the shortage of serve as a guest house. Many fireplace, patio, sundeck - all on GOLF COURSE going up. Better buy now. beginning. Excepting from rentals in Shelton, these units other features - small creek, truly choice low bank waterfront Come in and make us an offer on the above described real should always be Tilled. fireplace, l=/zbaths, etc. with nearly 400 feet of depth, this lovely custom built RENTAL INCOME estate public road ) $17,500 ..... $32,500 and worth more. Call for details and appointment to see it, home-double construction -- 3 Live on one side and let the rights-of-way, nice roomy bedrooms -- bath off income from the other side make SUBJECT "TO reservatios will be welcomely received and an A full basement 3 bedroom $13,000 .... mas.terbedroom--.largeentry hall the payments on this duplex on and easement of record. for inspection of the fabulous home on Angleside. You won't Nice downtown 2 bedroom 40 ACRES -- elegant carpezeo Ilwn 9 room -- Hillcrest. Living.. room, kitchen, A LSO S U BJECT TO near Island Lake. Just 5 years old believe the excellent condition home with good fireplace. Has Here's a property that won't last. dining room --..gourmetdeslgned utility room, z bedrooms and mortgage executed by Don appointed 5 bedroom home offering of this home. Plush carpet, new 2-car garage. Convenient About half of it is in Christ'rnas kitchen -- tamHy room -- private garage for each unit. R. Prescott and Virginia G. a large family. There is a private den, fireplace, very cheerful walking to all stores and trees and the rest has timber that patio-- privacy -- u..eacn pr!vlleges Prescott, husband and Dnclosed sundeck, 3 full baths and a most kitchen, and of course the full schools. Modest but very should be logged in 4-5 years. The -- Everything for tne family that COUNTRY ESTATE wife, to Capital Savings dl stable and 7 acres complete apicture of basement with utility area. comfy, price is right at $750 a'n acre and cares, and Loan Association, a a fantastic opportunity for $46,000.00 Back yar, d has well manicured ' A man's ambition -- a woman's mile Realty, Inc. lawn and comfy area to spend we know you'll agree when you cor potation dated these warm summer evenings. $25,950 .... see it. Call now. SPENCER LAKE dream -- is the best way to , describe this beautiful home. 3 December 22, 1955, filed Cozy 2 bedroom home with 2 BEDROOMS, DEVELOPMENT bedrooms, 3 fireplaces .. each December 22, ].955, as ILL!! $13,000 .... 80' of salt water frontage on NEAR AIRPORT That is if you want to levelop with its own heat-o-lator, 3 baths, Auditor's File No. 161715, this property- 4 beautiful acres paneled den and family room. which mortgage Grantee and here's you chance -- a big 100x100 How about 4 bedrooms sheltered cove. Really an landscaped to show off the 3 bedroom downtown. Has fireplace, • x c e I I e n t r • t i r • m • n t Elderly couple wants to give up which would produce-- 15 lots-- Panoramic view of the Olympic herein assumes and agrees ;orace, fireplace, large private ground dining room, large double opportunity. Attractive this immaculate little home and 10Oft. waterfront -- or excellent mountains and the bay. Appralseo to pay according to its |tio furmture. A big opportunity if you kitchen, utility, room, and large year-round view. Let us show will consider trading into a 2 retirement home site -- $21,000. for $44,000.00...priced to sell for terms and conditions. this. $17,900 is full price and you can enclosed yarD. lakes about only $31,500.00 Perfect for the you why we think this one is bedroom mobile home. Can' be Now, therefore, public notice is $2,000contract.dOWnReallytO assumebuilt fog°t da so nice. furnished.Y°urs for $7,500 or $9,500 fully FAWNcome tnLAKEand letHOMEus show you this excu t iVeimmediate declsion.Wh° can make an ofherebYAugust,gtven 1969,that Onatthe1015tho,clockday a.m. of said day, at The East Door larger family. $29,500 .... buy - 2 houses -- one can be used ACREAGE of the Courthouse Mason County, ,bably be needed to put someone into this $13,500 .... Custom-built 3 bedroom, 2/z 2 BEDROOMS, as a rental -- 2 bedrooms -- bath, and family room home OPPOSITE HARSTINE everything built in -- landscaped Just listed -- 40 acres in the Washington, I will sell the above on a FHA-Veterans-type loan. Located Rambler styled 3 bedroom on Mountain View. Separate -- the larger home has elegant Grapeview area at a bargain price described property at public lot with fenced back yard and home in nice wooded setting, living room has very attrative Here's a honey of a year-around fireplace -- built in appliances -- and reasonable terms, auction to the highest bidder for priced right too--just $12,000.00 Plenty of room for kids to play fireplace. The kitchen is really waterfront home on Picketing lots of room --, Income off rental cash, or so much thereof as may and no worry about heavy Pass. Medium bank with a _ be necessary to raise sufficient t o will help with payments Total I YOU ARE INTERESTED IN one to marvel at, with all of stairway to the beach. House also BUYZNG OR SELlinG satisfy said last above named traffic. Lovely panelled walls the conveniences to make the price $24,500. and attractive kitchen cabinets, has extra room which could be CONTACT amount, together with Increased REALTY Inc Small poured patio space for wife's work easier. This is a real used as a 3rd bedroom. $17.500 cost and increased interest. 1 • cookouts, quality home. and we'll consider your terms (if OWNER BUILT HOME Dated at Shelton, Washington, Phone 426-2646 reasonable.) Want to see it? 3 Bedrooms -- attached garage -- Tom Townsend this 16th day of July, 1969. living room -- kitchen with dining W.F. ANDERSON ,v,.,.., c... .,.. - .0.,, ,o ..o ...e .oo Towns nd Sheriff of Mason A l O Y D U N N NAN IlrdlL ESTATE aI,,ac,,,*,os on,,$1,,,0o • cooo,, w.,,,o,,oo ........... By ANN ROSE ."SKIP" NESS 426-3049 • SUE M. DANIELS, Broker Chief Civil Deputy 426-8635 ...... CARL JOHNSON 426-8407 110 RAILROAD AVENUE 426-4447 121 R.R. Ave. 426-6592 anytime 426-1600 c v .. o, Closing Broker 426-8162 Evenings Call: Evening, Call WALTER GEORGE 426-3530 Schneider, Smythe and BOBBLE GOODWIN Associate Broker Salley, Attorney for HIMLIE, Broker 426.6501 DON BROWN - 426-6388 A. ROY DUNN - 426-4601 426'3503 116 N, 2nd • 426-1515 Plaintiff 7/243].8/714-4t I I I I II II B Illell II I __ I I III I I I I IIII IIIII , , ,- ......... Thursday, July 31, 1969 - Shetton-Mason County Journal, Page 19