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Mr. and Mrs. Randy Linder
~ Shelton.
In a double-ring ceremony on
June 13, Peggy Ewart and Randy
Linder were united in marriage.
The bride is the daughter of Mrs.
John A. Ewart of Grapeview.
Parents of the groom are Mr. and
'Mrs. Charles Linder of Skokomish
The Reverend Ken Robinson
officiated at 7:30 p.m. in the
United Methodist Church. The
bride was given in marriage by
John Ewart.
Her ivory satin gown and train
were designed around heirloom
lace which accented long sleeves,
bodice and hemline. She wore a
cathedral length veil.
Nancy Ewart was her sister's
maid of honor. Bridesmaids were
Carol Ewart, sister-in-law of the
bride, Cherrie Korth, sister of the
groom, and Holly Eaton.
Best man for his brother was
Greg Linder, and the 275 guests
were seated by Steve Mercier, Tim
Hopkins and Ben Baze. Candles
were lighted by Cindy Donnell
and by Roger Ewart, brother of
the bride.
At the 8 p.m. reception held
in the church, cake was served by
Mrs. AI Eaton and Mrs. Art
Nicklaus with Mrs. Ed Montoya
JOHN KENNY of New York City, left, is a summer visitor in
the home of his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Brian Kenny of
Shelton. He is pictured with his cousin, Chris Kenny of
New Yorker visits Shelton
John Kenny, 15, nephew of the Fire Island Surfing Club.
Brian and Elenor Kenny of Never having been west of
Shelton, is visiting from New New Jersey, John plans to travel
York City for one month, to Victoria and to Oregon, to go
He has been rated third on the backpacking in the Olympics and
Brooklyn-Queens Diocese to build model airplanes with his
Swimming Team in the 25-yardcousin Chris, 16, during his stay.
freestyle and is also a member of
pouring punch, Mrs. Jim Hunter
serving coffee, and Mrs. Greg VFW
school held Saturday
Linder dispensing tea. At the gift
table and guest book were Mrs. Veterans of Foreign Wars Post Gephart, ldel Rutherford and
Tim Hopkins and Jorda Nutt No. 1694 and its auxiliary will Robinson.
respectively, meet at 8 p.m. Friday.
Both bride and groom are A school of instruction was
Shelton High School graduates, held Saturday at the Tyee in
and the groom is employed by Olympia. Attending from Shelton
ITT Rayonier. After a wedding were Commander Gene Hyatt,
trip to Hawaii they are at home in President Ida Hyatt, Andrea
State chairpersons spoke on
programs for the coming year.
Voice of Democracy theme is
"What Our Bicentennial Heritage
Means to Me." The state theme is
"Spirit of Washington."
Jones, Mabel Aitken, Colleen State legislative representative
Ralph Dever spoke to the
auxiliary. To celebrate the
Bicentennial the auxiliary plans to
L~,e~rees won erect a statue in Washington, D.C.
Receiving bachelor's degrees Quilt-making and flag-making
from Western Washington State contests will be sponsored.
College. were Debra Deibert, The District 5 picnic is
Linda Kaszycki, Patricia Starkey scheduled for Sunday at Schaefer
and Peggy Rae Stevens. All are of State Park between the hours of
Shelton. 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. with potluck
Denise K. Herrick and Susan to be served at 1:30 p.m. Ice
L. Rains. both of Shelton, and
cream, coffee and soft drinks will
Susan J. Wheat of Potlatch each be furnished.
received a 4.0 grade average.
Receiving grade averages of 3.5 or Commander Gene Hyatt and
above were Janna R. Eken and president Ida Hyatt attended a
Brian W. Grinnell, both of mortage-burning ceremony in
Shelton. Raymond, Washington.
ing rea
In the artistic design division
entries will be in three classes and
will be judged accordingly.
Indicate class on entry card.
N (Novice) is one who has not
won a blue ribbon in the Mason
County Fair.
A (Amateur) is one who has
not won more than five blue
AA (Advanced Amateur) is
one who has won more than
five blue ribbons at the Mason
County Fair.
To the left of the door inside
Olympic Hall will be a display of
various kinds of Christmas trees
grown by our local farmers. You
will be asked to register your vote
on the tree of your choice.
At the end of the building
stands the new kitchen where the
4-H will be serving food this year.
Tables and chairs will be set up
adjacent to the kitchen. There
people can eat and rest in the cool
of the building.
All persons who are renting
booths or space at the fair and
who will need tools or equipment
should remember that each
department must bring its own
tools. It is not possible for the fair
to furnish these for you.
Avoid the crowds, enjoy the scenery
JEWELRY from $hipm& N.M.
Pieces by Navajo, Hopi, Zuni
bracelets, rings, pendants, necklaces.
squash blossoms and belt buckles
See our shells, resin gifts, imports, plants, seagulls,
shell and driftwood lamps, abalone jewelry,
fishnets and floats.
Darlene Austin
Feature Writer, JAN DANFORD presents films
: of Bolivian visit
The appearance of the word
"bitch" in last week's doggerel
apparently proved offensive to a
few of my readers.
I am moved to comment on
the fact that while most people
are familiar with the term, not
too many have heard it used in
connection with canines.
Daring the danger of dating
myself, I recall the days when I
was, of course, a mere toddler and
the word "bull" was seldom said
in what was somewhat facetiously
referred to as "mixed company."
Some of our more genteel
grandmothers, I believe, in fits of
giggling girlishness went so far as
to call the creature a "gentleman
The calling of a spade a spade
has 'always appealed to me. I
wanted a horse named
"Dammitt" but somebody beat
me to it. Moreover, 1 was recently
As she strolled from the house
Darlene Austin, Rotary
did she primly pretend exchange student, presented films
to a fictitious task of her eight-months stay in
at her journey's end? Bolivia at the July 22 meeting of
Did shejustifygoing Shelton Chapter 462 of the
by "slip that was showing" Moose.
or a rip in her gown She is the daughter of a
that she hastened to mend? member, Edna Anseth. Ms. Austin
will again present the pictures at 7
(Although chilly and damp p.m. on September 9 at the
and as cold as a tomb meeting of the Moose.
was the shanty yet known
as the "little girls' room?.) .....
Did grandmother state
as she snatched up her shawl
that she was but answering
"nature's call?"
What was the phrase
in the good old days
to describe that edifice
mighty but small?
The 1975 Mason County Fair
will present a brand new entrance
to the grounds, complete with a
new ticket booth and a
260-foot-long cement walk
leading to the building most
recently completed and named
"Olympic Hall."
From the front of this
building unfolds an unobstructed
view of the Olympic Mountains in
the distance. To the right, inside
the building, is the floral
department, complete with new
tables, niches, and a revolving
turntable with a lighted fountain
on top as the principal focal
Persons planning on entering
flowers or plants on the morning
of August 14 between the hours
of 8: 30 a.m. to noon sharp should
be considering the disbudding of
dahlias almost daily from now on.
Remove the side bud on each side
of the terminal bud and the
smaller buds on the next lower
pair of leaves.
Each entry must have a fully
opened bloom and an
unblemished pair of attached
leaves. Cut in the cool of the
evening or early morning and
plunge immediately in a full pail
of cold water. Set in a cool dark
place to condition.
Gladioli need conditioning for
at least 12 hours. Cut in advance
when first buds begin to open. On
each stalk one-third should be
stem, one-third open florets and
one-third buds. Only one spent
bloom may be removed
beforehand. Foliage must be
(Of current misnomers
the one known best
invites the patron
inside for a rest.)
Few females, indeed,
were consistently able
to rise all alone
from the restaurant table
to cross a wide floor
to the bright-labeled door
without fabricating
some ludicrous fable.
(How very discreet
and how winsome it is,
the placard that whispers
"Hers," or else "His!")
Liberated are women
who need not resort
to the cute euphemism,
who do not report
their fond destinations
in false explanations
or other remarks
of a similar sort.
(Do not demean it
and do not despoil it,
the sign that says honestly
"Public Toilet.")
Pushed down
You can't hold a man down
without staying down with him.
Booker T. Washington
stricken with envy upon hearing
of a puppy named "Sunnabitch."
Come now, all you liberated
ladies! The days of the daddy cow
and the mother dog have tumbled
irretrievably down the tube.
When the old-fashioned outhouse
was having its day
what in the world
did a nice lady say
when a real need arose
to go "powder her nose"
and she murmured excuses
and hurried away?
(Everyone knew
that there wasn't a bath
in the room at the end
of the well-beaten path.)
! doubt there existed
facilities there
to further the pretext
of "fixing her hair."
Did she simper and talk
about "taking a walk"
and saunter away
with a downcast stare?
(Did she "see a woman
about a dog"
in the days of the passe
"Rhinestone Cowboy"
LP Album $ 98
at Hoodsport
10 a.m.
Joan M. Rye and James F.
Cramer, both of Eugene, Oregon,
exchanged vows in an 11 a.m.
double-ring ceremony on June 28
in the Shelton home of the bride's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Rye.
The groom is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. J. F. Cramer of Rochester,
New York.
Officiating was the Reverend
Arlin Halvorsen, and the bride
was given in marriage by her
father. She was attired in
floor-length white knit and her
'shoulder-length veil was caught
with white daisies. Yellow and
white daisies formed her bouquet.
Donna Nelson, matron of
honor for her sister, wore
daisy-patterned yellow and'
carried yellow daisies.
Luncheon was served in the
home of the bride's parents
following the wedding.
Out-of-town guests included
grandmothers of the bride,
92-year-old Mrs. C. Dalzell and
Mrs. Anna Rye, 87, of Calgary,
Alberta; an aunt, Mrs. Eunice
Krausert of Calgary; Mr. and Mrs.
AI Crockett and Mrs. Dan
Trumbull and daughters, all of
Eugene; and Albert Winson of
The bride, a Shelton High
School graduate, was employed as
a beautician in Eugene. The
groom was graduated from high
school in Rochester, New York,
and from the University of
Oregon with a master's degree in
recreation. He is employed by the
government in a recreation
The couple will reside in
Falher, Alberta, Canada, where
the groom is now employed.
Mr. and Mrs.
More than 100 relatives and Arcadia Road for a family
friends gathered at the Harryreunion on July 19, the first to
Newman lakeside home on be held for the Newman family
Potluck NOW to present
Simpson Camp 3 residents, public program
Simpson employees from other
IAn l l
areas and their families and on weanesaay
friends will meet for their annual A Mason County chapter ot
potluck at 1 p.m. on August 10 at National Organization of Women
the Hood Canal home of Mr. and has been formed, and the first
Mrs. Allen Strine. public program will be presented
The Strine residence is locatedat 8 p.m. Wednesday in Evergreen
south of Hoodsport near Potlatch. School library at Eighth and Pine
The Strine mailbox and road are Streets.
on the opposite side of the Judge Carol Fuller will
highway from the PUD No. 1 conduct a question and answer
installation, session with subjects to include
Th~se attending should bring credit, divorce and community
table service, property agreements.
and for Mrs.
Newman's side
noon potluck was!
The eldest
was John Boone
Newman. The
Sarah Saxton,
The longesl
traveled by
family of
Green is a
Newman family
Mrs. John
Paul (Joyce)
Ellensburg, and
Neil & Hudson help you
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Page 6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 31, 1975