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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 31, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 31, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Jeannie C. Riley, just one of... 10 FREE! GRANDSTAND SHOWS ~hru 10 SOUTHWEST WASHINGTON FAIR CENTRALIA/CHEHALIS y31 Yacht Club dinner, 6 p.m.; Clubhincheon, noon, business meeting, 8 p.m., Cafe. clubhouse. Club, 6:45 a.m., Democratic Central Restaurant. C o m m i t t e e, 7 : 3 0 p.m., Washington Chapter No. courthouse. 5 p.m., Baptist Church. Mason County Recreation canes Club of Mason Association, 8 p.m., Colonial Seniors, noon, Senior House. Christmas Town Rounders, 8 p.m., fairgrounds hall. Anonymous, 8:30 r. Without Partners, home of Rudy Flakus. 1 of Commerce board 7:30 a.m., Hy-Lond Inn. 8 p.m., Memorial Hall. 7 p.m., Shelton PUD August 2 community potluck 2 p.m., state park on Island. August 3 churches invite you the church of your August 4 No. 3 commission 1 p.m., PUD conference commission meeting, courthouse. Bridge Club, 7:15 Committee, 5 Center. Pinochle Club, 7:30 Hall. p.m., ME. View PTO, 7: 30 p.m., at ;on County Park and Board, 7:30 p.m., room. picnic and meeting, Lm., Kneeland Park. ¢, August 5 Club luncheon, noon, Commission meeting, 2 hall. Anonymous, 7:30 Library. !erican Legion and 8 p.m., Memorial Hall. Club dinner and board 7 pan., Hy-Lond Inn. Daughters, 7:30 p.m., Rotary Club luncheon, noon, Ming Tree Cafe. Toastmasters Club, 6:45 a.m., Timbers Restaurant. Tops Washington Chapter No. 313, 6:15 p.m., Baptist Church. Kiwanis Club of Mason County Seniors, noon, Senior Center. Overeaters Anonymous, 8:30 a.m., Timberland Library. woman The Washington State Heart for Potlatch and Hoodsport is Association's memorial program Mrs. Fred O. McDowell, whose makes possible many of the address is Post Office Box 33, research, education and community service programs provided for the public, the Club / / i medical community and heart Art schedules meeting disease patients. Volunteer Ruth Broughton and Jack memorial chairpersons donate Ashurst will show paintings and many hours to make the silver at the Wednesday meeting memorial program possible, of Shelton Art Club to be held at Mrs. Robert D. Sutton of Star 7:30 p.m. in the PUD auditorium. Route 1, Box 431, Belfair 98528, David Palumbo will show films on is memorial chairperson for Norman Rockwell and Andre Belfair. Her telephone number is Wyatt. 275-6120. Memorial chairperson For display in the Puget m emorna program Potlatch 98574, and whose phone Shelton and may be contacted at number is 877-5474. Mrs. Elsie Seattle-First National Bank, Post Zehe is memorial chairperson for Office Box 640, Shelton 98584, or by phone at 426-8295. Memorial gifts may be sent to these persons. Memorial envelopes and further information may be obtained from them. Sound National Bank, members are asked to bring wall hangings of stitchery, collages, ceramic and mosaic plaques or other craft work that can be hung. Hostesses for the coming meeting are Jean Adams and Verna Heath. Potluck planned Hillcrest Homemakers will meet for a potluck luncheon on Wednesday in the home of Mrs. Carl Erickson. Plans will be made for a future rummage sale. SLICED & TIED PICNICS ..... L,.85¢ BONELESS ROASTS U.S. CHOICE BEEF, BOTI'OM ROUND, $ RUMP, OR SIRLOIN TIP ROASTS .... LB. 98 BAR-S QUALITY, 6 TO 8 LB., SHORT SHANK PICNICS -- WATER ADDED. BALL PARK FRANKS HYGRADE'S ALL d~ MEAT OR ALL ~P BEEF ..... LB. PKG. PURE AND FRESH. MORE THAN 70% LEAN ....... LB. 19 SLICED BACON SHOP-RITE FIRST QUALITY. $ ....... LB. PKG. FEATURING SAL THE FINEST OF U.S. CHOICE BEEF WITH GUARANTEED FLAVOR & TENDERNESS. T- BONE u.s. c,oIc, REEF STEAKS A,.,,,, ,2s9 FAVORITE ....... LB. TOP SIRLOIN STEAK us c,oIc, REEF KING OF STEAKS ..... LB. TOP ROUND U.S. CHOICE BEEF BONE-IN STEAKS SURE TO PLEASE. ........... LB. 19 U.S. CHOICE BEEF BONELESS STEAKS. ................. LB. 98 GOURMET STEAKS OTHER GREAT STEAKS AVAILABLE ARE BONELESS FILETS, NEW YORKS, AT SHOP-RITE AND SPENCERS. LOBSTER TAILS 2 TO 4 OZ. SLIPPER TAILS GREAT WITH STEAK .................. LB. MANDARINS TINS 4 / s DUCHESS ORANGES ...... 11 OZ. CASE OF 24. sS.90 PEARS HILLSDALE IRREGULAR .......... 29 OZ. TIN CASE OF 24 .... s10.19 APRICOTS PARADE .................... 17 OZ. TINS CASE OF 24 .... s10.70 PEACHES LADY ELBERTA FRESTONES .......... 29 OZS. CASE OF 24 .... s15.50 pt,s 4/* CASE OF DUCHESS ............. 16 OZ. TINS 24 .... s5.90 CUT BEANS 4 ] s 1 ~o~ PARADE FRENCH ........ 16 oz. TINS 24 .... s 5.9 0 NOW'S THE TIME TO SAVE DURING ONE OF OUR BIGGEST CANNED FOOD SALES OF THE YEAR! SAVE AT SIfOP-RITE!! TOMATOES HUNT'S PEELED .......... 141/2 OZS. /$ SPINACH 5 [ $ PARADE .............. 15 OZ. TINS ASPARAGUS PARADE CUT ................ 141/~, OZS. CASE OF 24 .... s7.90 CASE OF 2, ,, s4.70 CASE OF 24 .... s11.65 dinner meeting, 6:30 clubhouse. Club, 8 p.m., clubhouse. p.m., at the lodge. Town Kiwanis Club, a., Hy-Lond Inn. Art Club, 7:30 p.m., of Realtors directors tg, 7:30 a.m., Timbers Homemakers, noon c, home of Mrs. Carl GREEN PARADE ..... 16 OZ. CASE OF 24 .... S5.90 DEL MONTE... ! 7 OZ. CASE OF 24 .... s8.30 Grapefruit 16 oz. ...... 16 OZ. TINS CASE OF 24 .... s6.85 8 p.m., Evergreen August 7 Barracks No. 1462 and auxiliary, noon Memorial Hall. Cosmetics for YOU IMPERIA AA LARGE ............................. DOZEN MARGARINE ................................... POUND NORTHERN ....................... 4ROLLPKG. 65 DUCHESS NKS .................. .OZ.T,, 39 HI nip m OR LEMON DETERGENT BOttLE69 I1¢ ................ 480Z. FROZEN FOODS MEAT PIES BANQUET ,oz, 4/=1 12 OZ. TIN NIBLET CORN WHIP TOPPING PARADE • .. 10 OZS. HEALTH & BEAUTY (REGULAR OR MINT)... 7 OZ. TUBE HERE'S HELP FOR DRY SKIN as overactive oil glands teens with acne, the sufficient oil on the create problems for in later years. Lack of )m the glands creates dry Conditions. We these products for the problem: ,ANSERS.. Using a tissue-off" cleanser ks Your skin without skin troubles. RS.. Gentle ',rs bring a glow to skin, POres and remove cleansers with drying Y & NIGHT e ~'h R~,... Help e skin. Use rich aent daytime bases, and night creams. . ~S... For occasional have a temporary effect that .very helpful after a day and before an out. TYLENOL .............. ,DO cou. $1.25 "DAISY FRESH" PRODUCE SOUR CREAM .. PINT65 CARNATION ........................ SHAVE CREME.C.°.Lp.A.V. .... 11 oz A,-- 59 BAG-O-POPS $1 29 ASSORTED POPSICLES ......... 18 COUNT TWINKLES $1 09 HOSTESS ................... MULTI-PACK• ROMAN MEAL All ........................... 22'~ OZ. LOAF qJlW LARGE EARS 8/'I '--PRICE$EFFECTWE--JULY31, AUG.|&2--I|M|TR|Gif[$__ CELERY CRUNC,., 29 CRISP ..................... EA. AVO n^cCALIEORN'A CAvv CALAVOS ..... ,, 2/49 SANTA ROSA PLUMS ......... HONEYDEWS v,. 29 RIPE ............ LB. INC. lency Ph. 426-2165 St.~426.3327 Daily 9:30 to 7:30 'rdays -- 9:30 to 6:00 RED RIPE DELICIOUS .................... LB. WE GUARANTEE EVERYTHING EVEN A SMILE! STORE HOURS: SUNDAY 10 TO 7 - DALLY 9 TO 9 Thursday, July 31, 1975 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page ;