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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 31, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 31, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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page five.)"There was a false ~arm~at Miller found a 12-foot Hood Canal School July 24. boat on Picketing Cecil McLean reported someone riding a blue ten-speed zd Pace of Walker Park bicycle down the Corrections there was a dog in the Center Road acting very ds residence that has a suspicious. hewing up his dog. Lawrence Mattson of Agate zen reported a youth on reported a dog on his property toad was shooting a BB was causing damage. 22 at everything in the Tim Ward of Hoodsport n the water and in the reported a passing motorist had found a purse belonging to an eis Ash reported a Ohio woman. ae on Lake Cushman Richard Lee of the Old Mill exhaust. Creek Road reported someone Houge reported a was filling his mailbox with dirt near the old ferry daffy and he wished they would a Pickering Passage stop A 5-year-old was the culprit, Bacon reported a" boat the sheriff learned, and he had etween Squaxin Island been duly punished, e from Island. There was diesel spillag neon, a park aide, the old Arco storage warehouse !d people dumping on Highway 3. lagsarbage ate garbageKaren Gross reported a son Lake Park. The motorcycle speeding. " d that inns in the park are for Harvey Daffey reporte " someone comes across the water [ur Perkins reported a by boat (near the Leads loop 'ower outboard motorRoad) and takes straylrOslges a at Mason Lake. salvaged from Hamm y [DEN TOOLS • WATER HEATERS • CEILING TILE • Zm )pen Frl(tay 'hi 8 ' ow's i O0 Fl bl G TIME! i Seal-tab $1RSS $0¢ sq. quantity discount ; ,~ on 10 or more squares. z 5 = -lb. Felt ...... Reg. 8.40 .... $6.50 )O-lb. Roofing Reg. 9.72 .... $8.80 V )O-lb. Shake Felt Reg. ... $6.50 i ,,! Galvanized Metal " • 0 Roofmng 7 ........................ -.,' i 6'x10' , ....................... $4.99 m :6"×12" , ....................... $5.99 Z i LYWOOD SPECIAl ; ~t i) Z 1/8 4x8 Fxt. Sheathing $3 99 /), 4x8 Fxt. Sheathing $4.99 z i ) • • /8 4x8 Fxt. Sheath,ng $6.25 ), 2 Iexture 1-11 Siding Shop g 3/8" 5/8" $4.99 ..................... $7.50 LRDEN TOOLS • WATER HEATERS • CEILING TILE • for firewood. The person the road were leaving McCleary. parked at Rest Awhile and Eugene Stidd, 1302 CoLa, carport, supposedly takes them back to The Mason County Sheriff's windows were broken out. exterior siding, $500; the Simpson Mill he said. report said the motorcyclists were Dean Tarrach said neighbors Miller, Fawn Lake, interior Ron Bluher of the Skok no problem in the county. They at Lake Limerick were using his remodeling for donut shop, Valley reported cars speeding past were escorted to the county line, property. $1,000; James D. Cross, 2025 his residence, said the report. John Budd of Agate reportedAdams, reroof residence, $500; Helen Radar reported a brown George Crosby said vandals vandalism to a cat. Ralph Aldrich, 1326 Franklin, yearling calf in her yard on the broke windows to a pumphouse Roger Holmes reported concrete slab for carport, $400; Mill Creek Road. on his property on Mill Creek vandalism to his beehives. Sidney Tindall, 229 West Seattle, Clifford Flynn of Holiday Road. Bert Sutcliff reported an open retaining wall, $200; Brad Owen, Beach found a white long-haired Mrs. Olive Addington well, uncovered, at Maggie Lake. 918 Ellinor, repair porch, $200; dog. reported two cows came through Norman Kabel reported a Ken Woodall, 1600 block of i John Warren, a PUD lineman, her property tsand went out onto house burglarized on Mason Lake. Fairmount, residence, $20,000. was injured seven miles outthe road(Johns rairieRoad).A citizen said juveniles were COUNTY BUILDINGPERMITS Arper d a Road, the sheriffhorsMe:rYn theroadl0mileoutWyatterep°rtedsf°Ur squirting passingmotoristsonthe E. Mona Akin, deck Mill Creek Road with a hose. extension, Mason Lake, $500; Mrs. Marge Emley reported athe lost Lake Road. There was a burglary at theThomas J. Baze, residence, loud party on the McCleary A citizen reported a horse on Nimrod Club. Carmen Road, $19,820; Boyd A. Cutoff Road. Highway 302 north of Victor. Parnsey Parker reported there Bentrott, bulkhead, Union, A citizen reported a loud Dave Wood repOrbede that 12was a young boy in the $2,000; Elsie M. Drebis, mobile party at Highland Estates. head of his cattle hh d renletout neighborhood on the Deerfreek home, Island Lake, $4,800; Nels Anderson reported loud of the fence on "s p perry in Two boys, 16 and 10, were taken Harstine Island, $23,000; noise at Walker Park the KennedYnCr:neka e;aand that Loop Road who was shooting.Andrew F. Glaser, mobile home, Mrs. Willis Ellote reported they had b g y. away and locked up by their Leonard G. Hunter, residence, noise at the public access area of Richard Allen reported his grandmother. Lynch Road, $29,105 ; William R. Lake Isabella. son was bitten by a dog. Ralph Bennett reported fourIversen, mobile home, Satsop A citizen reported a loud Lee Bemdt said a car was ontires on his car were slashed while River Tr., $400; Arthur F. party on Island Lake. its top ½ mile south of Highway it was parked at Lake Limerick. Johnson, reroof cabin, Tahuya, Tom Buechel reported aloud 106 on Highway 3. Pansy Parker reported the $261 ; Joe W. LaValley, party atParadiseEstates A man reported his sister had theft of a cord of cedar atbathhouse, Star Lake, $3,840; A Mrs. Blanchard'reportedhis so,rat security check and Cranberry Creek. " James S. Lockhart, living room people tearing around inn ear and wouldnt give it to him. TheAlene Whitener reported a addition, Pleasant Cove, $7,065; spinning out. problem, the sheriff said, stems burglary to the Squaxin Island Michael E. McAferty, Russ Krumpols reported from who owes whomwhatanda Tribal Center. Beadwork wasresidence, Alderbrook, $38,747; people speeding on the airport property problem, taken. Richard McComb, deck and roof runway. Hans Zingier reported a Harold Wilson reported tools cover, Rae Lake, $700; Norman Jim Blanchard reported burglary at Mason Lake. valued at $400 were taken from Midbey, garage, Benson Lake, motorcycles on the airfield John Hays of lower Lake his residence on Island Lake. $2,989; William C. Milbrot, cabin, preventing planes from taking off. Cushman said someone gave him Joyce Nichols reported a Maggie Lake, $5,500; Thomas E. Kenneth Simons said $40 in some keys the someone found, prowler one block past the Miller, mobile home, Fawn Lake, ,cash and a $200 citizens band Leroy Johnston reported a Delaney Road. $9~90e0; Norman N. Nogler, radio were taken from his truck burglary at Timberlakes. Bill Russell reported people st g shed, E. Trask lake Road, when it was parked on the John Gallup reported a 30 firing gunsin the Highland Estates $300; Haman l-lamma Road. horsepower Evinrude outboard area. George R. Quimby, residence, There was an alarm at the motor stolen from Union. Tim Robbins reported the loss Walker Park, $27,423; M. J. Hood Canal School July 27. The burglar alarm went off at of a 17 -foot glasspar cruiser Roalsvig, addition of bedroom Superintendent John Pill checked Hood Canal School July 26. from Cooper Point. and bath, Lilliwaup, $4,320; the buildings and found themThere was a report of a person Betty Chappell reported a lost George Saxon, residence, Olympic secu;. liamJ. Deivert reported he "'"u m, o , -a sh°w -gaC°lt45atthe?ldMi beagle. . Shores, $35,000; Duane C. r Don Lynn said a chain saw Weidman, storage shed, Gosnell was assaulted on the Tribal Center a.m. July 26. was taken from the Capitol Hill Creek, $800; Edward C. Werner, Road on the Skok ReservationAt 1:40 a.m. July 26 Greg area. roof over trailer and carport, July 27. E Wright reported someone at the George VanCleave reported aHoOdsport, $2,162.40; Bruce B. Gary llis reported suspicious Old Mill Tavern told him he had a calf killed by dogs in the Skok Williams, storage shed, Cole Road, activity involving a pink Cadillac. gun. The man was intoxicated, Valley. $1,080. Margaret Peirce of Jorstad said Wright, and Wright was afraid CITY BUILDING PERMITS Creek said people had trespassed he would pull the gun. C.F. Boswell, 904 Railroad,FIRE DISTRICT FIVE ,on her property and taken John Goodchild reported two-car garage, $1,000; Graham July 27, 5:28 p.m., aid call, oysters, vandalism to mailboxes. Dundas, 1927 Olympic Highway Grapeview, person down (CPR). The Grays Harbor Sheriff's ., Ronald L. Sieeman reported a North, plumbing; Harold L. July 18, 5:14 p.m., fire call, Office told the Mason Countyburglary at his Lake Limerick Sutherland, 423 G Street, Allyn, carfire. Sheriffs Office at 2:21 p.m. trailer. " Conei te stab for garage, $400; July 22, 5:54 a.m., aid call, Stmday that 10 motorcylistswho Alan Tahja said kids were Floyd Temple, 612 North 13thAgate, person with trouble had been trying to force cars off throwing rocks at his pickupStreet, reroof woodshed, $150; breathing. ~ 1 mu • • II lm • tsoe(~ L ( " m~ # 1 -- " II l~ Ior 111e Sl: (:',, ' Washington is noted for the * : relaxed lifestyle of its people., " ....... " Not the kind of people who want to feelpressured by rules and deadlines. First Bank has designed a new loan to suit that style of living. And from now on, it applies to every installment loan we make, everywhere in Washington. First of all, you make theh payments on any day of the mont you feel like it. Second, if you meet the skip payment guidelines, you get to skip a payment once in awhile. (Think about that around Christmas time.) You II still have to make the payment later, but the safety valve is there if you ever need it. And best of all, we charge you simple interest computed on a day- to-day basis. So you're not paying interest on money you've already paid back. Not even for a single day. If that sounds like your kind of a loan, it's because that's how we planned it. We want to make banking in Washington as special as living here. Shelton Branch Member FDIC Deposits insured to $40,000 July 23, 7:53 p.m., serviceNatural Foods call, Bayshore, gas washdown. | SUPERIOR COURT . _ * Legal Separation Vitamins of Marriage Granted to Marilyn Anne SheJton's DeLong and Denton Blaine DeLong. Largest NewCa Darlene Jean C;~k, change of Selection name. of : John E. Harris and Donna A. . .. Harris vs. Simpson Timber l'iledlh Rdated Company, damages. A. Keith Uddenberg and BOOK Eugenia Uddenberg vs. Pete Peterson and Merilee Peterson, vitamins unlawful detainer. "" " - Association Collectors Inc. vs. Open Richard Webber and wife, debt. Monda" thru Frida" SHELTON FIRE DEPARTMENT 9 to S 30 y At 4:45 p.m. July 27, the First & Raiiroad department answered a call at the 426 S 158 John Doran residence, 535 Ellinor. PHOTO ~~~ CENTER F'lm, Sal ;4~, No one is perfect- But we try harder! PHOTO CENTER PRICE Cx 126-12 ~ $4,, a rOllS ...........: ....... Cx 126-20 3rolls ............... $5~' CX 135"20 ~*O"S''" S5" Super 8 movie ~,o,,s .............. $9" Also our Photo-Finishing prices will save you money too! PON ML v-'7" . . .A Color I ,'-.XlUon,y ~mmmmmqb ~lmImmmm~ fiNE I " \~@),'~lgtlRe" I I~ I , I i .ll I:- III I II : I I II I I I I !lli! i i ,. ,. . Jlllili!iiii! . mplus 5" .-iii , , ! gnnq in Vour 5" '! l t- ._ :.L __'~ I I rdl~'l mm mv~ynv~.~ m (aauare mm Jia') tl 10e I *t Ul 'v"y/ I Reg. $4.28 liP' ~ ~ .~,~iss.=.,a-•~ d*~ ~ -- m Wuq~ =t~ Imqelur~rl~e ""-- e~l~% , ==--1 == == Expires 8/7/75 Compare to $36.00 cameras NOW ONLY 124 N. 2nd • Shelton 426-6163 • Free Parking Thursday, July 31, 1975 - Shelton-Mason County Journal-Page 9