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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 31, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 31, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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HEARING Mary M. Knight drill L" consisting of took many priT~s this At the Forest they got third place. At Rhododendron second place; and also trophies. They 'also went to Festival last Saturday. is their drill sergeant. a carnpout at his home and Mrs. Herbert Helin a family reunion a week It Oakville. Mrs. J. Max of Seattle was a guest at a week ago. Portman spent several week at the L. D. home in Tacoma where their cousins who from the East and Mrs. Ed Stretz of Were Thursday dinner of Mr. and Mrs. Grant gUest at the Siehl home. nd Mrs. Duane Lovette Mike and Linda, of were Thursday of Mrs. Elfin Hearing. callers Tuesday were Mrs. on Wednesday Joe Friday Mr. and Mrs. Barnes St. hosted at her home from Hemet, Seattle and Edmonds, IdeU Ronne, Mrs. and Mrs. Betty Grange met last with 15 members out. All enjoyed a movie by Robert Trenckmann of their recent trip. Grange will be postponed the second meeting in August because the Mason County Fair is on. Matlock Pinochle Club will meet this Saturday evening at 8 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bradberry, Dana and Tooter Breckenridge spent Friday and were dinner guests of Mrs. Thomas Rowe at Wesley Terrace at Des Moines. Then they visited Harold Hopkins and Dick Hopkins' family near Shelton. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Hopkins were luncheon guests at the R. E. Bradberry home Sunday. Mrs. Paul Gardener and daughter Taura returned from Houston, Texas Thursday after spending two weeks with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier attended their alumni picnic Sunday at Borst Park near Centralia and then visited Mrs. Irene Wahl of Rochester. They also went to Tumwater and called on the Eugene Rossmaier family. Joe Peterson of Shelton died at Mason General Hospital Thursday. He is a brother-in-law of 1. C. Ford and Mac Hansen. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Boothe of South Bend were weekend guests at the I. C. Ford home. Mrs. Sandy Bridges and Diane of South Bend spent Sunday at the Dick Boothe home at Lake Nahwatzel. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Valley spent Thursday evening with Mrs. Rodger Spalding and family. Albert Spalding burned his ann quite badly when gas caught fire on the tractor. Tami West is spending a few days with Sue Tupper. Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Ford and Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier had dinner Thursday evening at Hoodsport. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Valley attended the Union picnic at Mason Lake Sunday. Effie's Beauty Shoppe will have its annual picnic at Kneeland Park Tuesday, August 5. Folks should bring a potluck dish and their table service. Matlock Ladies Club met last week Wednesday with Hazel Townsend and June Mitchell hostesses. Kay Barnes, Emily Harvey and Leanne LaVergne celebrated birthdays. Hazel Townsend baked the birthday cakes. Linda DeMiero gave a lecture on communications. The Pinochle Club met at the Grange Hall last Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Gene Townsend and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Townsend hosts and hostesses. First prize went to Nellie Rossmaier and Carl Portman; pinochle to Dora Hearing and I. C. Ford; low score to Elsie Whetham and Bill Barnes Sr. Next party is August 9. Matloek Grange will meet this Friday night at 8 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Arvid Johnson of Skokomish were Saturday evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Helin. Mr. and Mrs. Rinehold Becker of Sunnyside spent a couple days last week at the Dick Cockburn on S 600x14 6 ply tire with Courier wheel Reg. 59.72, SAVE 26.12 .................. without wheel Reg. 34.52, SAVE 10.52 .................. Tra d with Dish Mags 1370.14, reg. 478.04 ......................... Reg. 19.45 ............ mkals & 20% OFF For 1970 Galaxie, LTD, etc.; and 1972-75 Courier, reg. 61.75... [ISSlS Torino and Thunderbird, reg. 46.45 ............... and lots morel 1974 A WAI(.D DEALER.:, Kneeland Center on MI. View in home. Mrs. Lyle Wood~ and Mrs. Ralph Teig of Seattle were Tuesday guests at the William Barnes Sr. home, and all enjoyed picking wild blackberries. Then a surprise caller at the Barnes Sr. home Tuesday was Harry Vail of Seattle. Mr. Vail and Mrs. Barnes were childhood friends in Quincy. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Leonard of Port Orchard were Sunday afternoon guests of Mrs. Elfin Hearing. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Fitting and family of Orting and Duane Siehl of Milton were Sunday dinner guests at the Grant Siehl home. Glen Fitting remained for a week's vacation with his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Ford, Mr. and Mrs. John Whetham and Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier enjoyed dinner at Hoodsport Cafe Saturday night. It was an anniversary dinner for the Fords and Whethams. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bradberry visited the Earl Tuner family of Shelton one day last week. The Sam Diggle family and Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Valley and son and Charles Beerbower were Sunday dinner guests at the Ed Valley home. Forty people signed up for the Healthmobile last week. August 28 it will come again. Dr. Caldicott, who comes with the mobile, just returned from a three-week vacation in Scotland and London. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walker are spending a few days with their folks, the O. W. Walkers of Federal Way. Janet Walker and Beverly Pettigrew of Tacoma are spending this week at the Dan Walker home at Lake Nahwatzel. Mrs. Grant Siehl spent a few days last week visiting her daughter and family at Orting. The Gene Fittings also visited friends in Sumner. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Rossmaier and girls of Tumwater were Sunday guests of the Lud Rossmaiers. Mrs. Archie Kelley was a dinner guest at the Kenneth Howard home Friday anti spent the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Leggett and family of Central Park were visitors of Mrs. Archie Kelley on Saturday. $1,763 to decorating A total of $1,763.57 had been contributed to the Christmas decoration fund for Shelton as of last week. Those business firms, service clubs and individuals which have contributed are: Seattle-First National Bank, Himlie Realty, Batstone Funeral Home, Certified Manufacturing Company, The Shelton Journal, Shaub EMson Company, Jim Pauley Ford-Mercury, Pantorium Cleaners and Tailors, Sprouse-Reitz Company, Simpson Timber Company, Nell's Pharmacy, Puget Sound National Bank, Mell Chevrolet and Oldsmobile Company, Shelton Veterinary Hospital, Nita's Coffee Shop, Ken Frank's Christmas Tree Farm, Saeger's Motor Shop, Ming Tree Cafe, Sears and Roebuck, Mann Real Estate, Gregg's Graphics and Printing Company, Kristmas Town Kiwanis Club, Mrs. Beatrice Gray, Dr. Jon D. Sandberg, Dr. Boy N. Collier, Dave Thacher, Mrs. Bobble Bamford, Warren Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mclntyre, Rudie OItman, Dr. R. W. Norvold, Dr. James Penney, R. E. Duckham, Mr. and Mrs. Harem, Mr. and Mrs. Tracy. Stop in at Warren's, we have a special earance Here's an example: Beautifully crafted candelabra for use as a centerpiece or as a decorative highlight. Charming red chimneys cast a lovely, warm light. Reg. $120 Many ol Items • Clocks • Figurines • Leather Goods • Glassware • Beer Steins r------Stainless I Two sets only! Services for eight. I Reg $ 5i] Reg $ 95 Fine sets of nationally famous stainless. Free Parking Free Gift Wrap 426-3283 Fifth & Franklin i htni -caused fo fi increase For those who believe that lightning never strikes in the same spot, there are a lot of spots now in Washington that would be considered safe. Almost 500 lightning-caused forest and range fires have been reported for the period ending July 15, 1975. This compares with 315 lightning fires for the entire 1974 season. "Since Keep Washington Green was formed in 1940, the average number of lightning fires has been 477 per year," reports from 1 1 Ed Loners, director. "With 497 lightning fires reported, we have far exceeded that average already and we're not even halfway through the '75 fire season." More disturbing than the increase in lightning fires is the number of man-caused fires. There have been 407 man-caused fires this season as compared with 334 during the same period last year. These fires were preventable. "This shows that while we've I enjoyed the cooperation of most of the residents and visitors of Washington, we still have a way to go yet," Loners said. He advised that we must think forest and range fire prevention. Whether it's a campfire, debris burning or smoking; in all uses of fire - practice safety. "We can't keep lightning from starting fires, but we can try to keep man-caused fires out of our forests and off our range lands," concluded Loners. / It pays to save at George's i We carry our own contracts on approved credit • 28 years Mason County appliance headquarters We have our own service department • Same day free delivery and normal installation Nationally recognized quality brands • Where your friendship is important Thursday. July 31, 1975 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 19