July 31, 1975 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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July 31, 1975 |
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Lake Limerick
The regular monthly meeting
of the Lake Limerick Ladies Club
will be today, 7:30 pan. in the
clubhouse. All Lake Limerick
ladies are welcome. If you have
guests, come anyway and bring
them along.
The ladies golf club members
and their partners had Saturday
to golf for fun, with Uoyd Roth
and Kate Plemons getting the first
prize. Sunday was serious golfing
for the ladies. They were all
getting in their 18 holes to qualify
for the ladies club championship.
Sunday the men's club
members were guests of
LakeLand Village for golf and
lunch. Hope to have the results by
next week. One thing I will
report, their water hazards seem
to attract more golf balls than the
Lake Limerick number six does.
Lakeland Village course is a
challenge, in a beautiful setting,
for any golfer.
This week the ladies golf club
is busy getting signs for the golf
course. Oren Peterson is
reponsible for the design and
labor and the ladies will try their
hand at painting instead of golf
for a few days. Of course, credit is
Auto Repairing
Major Overhauls
- Brakes & Ignition
.... Welding & Tune-ups
219 So. 1st 426-1212
Back Hoe Service
Septic Tank Installations
Bonded & Licensed
Dale Fleshman 426-3073
After 5 426-8896
Complete Hair Care
- Wigs - Wiglets - Switches
- Merle Norman Cosmetics
-- Pennyrich Bras
6th & Laurel 426-4582
due the ladies golf club for the
purchase of the materials for the
s ns.
The social committee will
have a meeting August 2, 10 a.m.,
in the pro shop. More members
are needed. Any interested please
Sadie Hawkins Dance will also
be August 2, music by John
Henry Trio. Come for the fried
chicken buffet at 6 p.m. and stay
for the dance. Maybe someone
will get a prize for the most
unusual costume, like Daisy Mae,
Ma or Pa Perkins.
The Howard Lees of Tacoma
were guestsof Richard Doughertys
last weekend. The Lees have a lot
in Division Three and with all the
building going on, they may also
be getting the urge.
The inn is open for food
service only three days a week
now, Friday, Saturday and
Sunday. Ernie is back to welcome
all her friends and a goodly
number of them were there this
last weekend.
Carol Waiters had a short
vacation trip to Ogden, Utah
accompanied by her son, Brett
Haskell. Carol visited with her
family and was happy to see
Farm Slaughtering
" Cutting & Wrapping
• Curing, Sausage
• Sharp Freezing
Kamilche 426-1643
Floor Covering
-- Linoleum -- Carpeting
-- Tile -- Formica
Mt. View Ph. 426-2292
Furniture Repair
* Paintings * PriDED, Art
* Gifts * Jewelry Boxes
* Custom made Furniture
* Handmade Picture Frames
* Specialty Antique Restoration
Shelton Furniture Repair
and Art Studio
RE. 1, Box 168 4,,-lISa
schoolmates she hadn't seen for a
good many years. Carol was
principally concerned with her
sister's and father's health, and
her visit was good for all
concerned. Carol came back
feeling well blessed that she lives
in Shelton, Washington - Lake
r legal Publimtions i legal Publkatiom
Limerick to be exact, with our
clean air smelling of pines, good
water, quiet surroundings and no
long hot dry spells.
Your newsletter was put in
the mail Monday; be sure to
check the calendar for coming
events in August.
the work is situated, the Chapter any subsequent .
By KAREN JAMES at school and actually skiing to Offices of the Associated General terms of said Deed ot
Contractors of America in Seattle, NOTICE OF the Trustee's fees ar
Judge Carol Fuller will preside schOOlKarendUringandth~eNealWinterMccullochmOnths. -==_-_ ............. _-_-_~ Portland and Tacoma, the offices TRUSTEE'S SALE costs, must be cured
at a public meeting August 6,8 -~ld;~; of the District Engineers of the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN
the d
p.m., at the library of Evergreen spent three days in Sedro Woolley Department -of Highways, that the undersigned Trustee wll PRINCIPAL OBL
Elementary School in Shelton. last week. Dcx McCutioch has Districts 1, 3 and 4, -and theon Friday, August 29, 1975, atThe sum now owing
The meeting will focus on been working in that area for the NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS offices of the Minority Contractor .the hour of 9 o'clock, A.M., at obligation secured by tffi
Associations in Tacoma and thPLF~ODt entrance of the Mason Trust is $11,190.36~..
WASHINGTON STATE Seattle, where they may be County Courthouse. in the Citywith interest there
questions and answers concerning last two weeks, trying to HIGHWAY COMMISSION, inspected. Plans furnished for the of Shelton, State of Washington, November 1, 1974 andf
women and the law. The Mason determine what's going on below DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS, plan fee are 12" x 18". Sell at pUDnC auction to the costs and fees as are pl/
County Chapter of N.O.W. the surface of the earth. Neal was DISTRICT NO. 3, P.O. BOX 327, The improvement for which highest bidder for cash, payable at statute.
OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON the bids will be received follows: time of sale, the following No action is Dendl~
(National Organization of more interested in watching Mt. 98504, July30,1975 1. THE PLAN FEE FOR described real property, situated obligation securedbY~
Women) is sponsoring the event. Baker for volcanic activity but Sealed bids will be received by T H IS ' PROJECT IS $4.00. in the County of Mason, State of of Trust. crl
the Washington State Highway (Estimate Range: $7,500 to Washington, to-wit: The above des I
Louise and Dan Stewart are nothing happened, not even a Commission, at District No. 3, $25,000.) The South 60 feet, as property will be sold
pul'f of smoke. Return to UnionDepartment of Highways, SR 101, M.P. 346.18 to M.P. measured along the east line the expense of sale,
in the process of moving from was via Highway 20 down the Tumwater, Washington on 347.42, Matlock Interchange thereof, of Lot 7 in Block C ofobligation secured by
Thursday, August 21, 1975 until Vicinity -- Erosion Control in Hillcrest Addition to Shelton as of Trust as provided b|
their home near Robin Hood to length of Whidbey Island to the 3:00 P.M. and will then and there Mason County by placing "recorded in Volume 2 of Plats, Said sale will be made
Alaska. Dan has been Keystone Ferry and Port be opened and publicly read for approximately 2800 cubic yards page 39. In City of Shelton, warranty, express or
enforcement officer for the Mason County, Washington, regarding title, posSl
Washington State Department of Townsend. Deception Pass Statethe construction of the ofgravel borrow and other work which is now subject to and encumbrances.
improvement listed below. This is (L-4822).
Park appeared tQ be the spbt for a District Three Contract. G.H. ANDREWS described in that certain Deed ofDated this 17th daY=
Fisheries here on the Canal. He locals to spend a fairly isolatedBid proposals delivered in Director of Highways Trust dated November 3, 1970, 1975. N
Iperson will be received only at the by: V. W. KORF, P.E. recorded November 5, 1970, in /s/JOHN E. SLOA
has accepted a new position with vacation, at least during the week. Department of Highways District Engineer Reel 74 of Mortgages, at Fr162TRUSTEE
the National Marine Fisheries There were very few people in Reception Desk located in the
Service as marine enforcement 7/31-8/7-2tunder Auditor's File No. 255233, JOHN E. SLOAN
evidence on the beach or camping foyer of the District Office Mortgage records of Mason 2200 One Washingtor
Building, 5720 Capitol Blvd., County. Washington, from DavidTacoma, Washington !
officer and mammal protection
agent under the National Mammal
Protection Act. As mammal
protection agent, Dan will be
concerned with the ivory trade,
sperm whales and fur seals. Dan
has been working on his new job
since July 7. The Stewarts will be
living in the community of Eagle
River, about 17 miles from
downtown Anchorage. Their
children, Jeff and C.B., are
looking forward to skiing lessons
Music Lessons
• Piano • Classical Guitar
• Accordian • Music Theory
• Oriental Rhythms
30 years experience 426-1858
][l ofln &
Im lmce il
Give Heart Fund
American Heart Associationl•
Legal Publications
NO. 4620
Notice is hereby given that
the u ndersigned has been
appointed and has qualified as
Personal Representative of the
above entitled estate; that all
persons having claims against said
deceased are hereby required to
serve the same on said Hildur E.
Slattengren or Her attorney of
record at the address below
stated, and file an executed copy
thereof with the CLERK OF
SAID COURT, within four
months after the date of first
publication of this notice or
within four months after the date
of the filing of the copy of said
notice to creditors with the Clerk
of the Court, whichever is the
OF July 1975.
Personal Representative
of said Estate
Hildur E. Slattengren
50 Masterton Road
construction of a new entrancea ppo-in-te~ TruCe
must be completed and furnished road, construction of a timberDeed of Trust.
to the District Engineer, District bridge spanning Twanoh Creek, The Deed of Trust
3, Department of Highways by no renovation of two camp comfortits terms that the
Two Shelton men, Ronald M. later than 12:00 Noon on August stations, and remodeling and -described and
14, 1975. Proposals will be mailed
renovation of the entire not used pri
Freeman and MilD G. Stansell, no later than August 15, 1975, to campground at Twanoh State agricultural or fal
were among 54 from western those whoareprequalified. Park, within Sections 19and 20, DEFAULT: A
Washington who recently enlisted This project is advertised in Township 22 North, Range 2 occurred under the
as the Washjngton State order to enable small businesses West. W.M. in Mason County, said Deed of Trust
and minority contractors to Washington; said development is terms of that instr
Bicentennial Spirit of 76 effectively compete for Highway proposed to be within the operative a power to
Buddy Flight. Department contracts, wetlands of Hood Canal. Grantor has failed to
Prequalification forms, maps, Any person desiring to due the following amc
Following a formal enl/stment plans and specifications may be express his views or to be notified are presently in arrears: :
ceremony on the McChord Air obtained from the District 3 of the action taken in the ARREARS: The
office upon written request application should notify Mason installments for the
Force Base flight line, the new therefor and payment to the State County Regional Planning December, 1974
airmen said goodbyes to family Treasurer, Department of Council, Mason County through March,
Highways, by cash, check or Courthouse, Shelton, Washington amount of
and friends and boarded a C-141 money order in the amount set
98584, in writing, of his interest charges of $2.12 for
Starlifter for Laddand Air Force forth below for each copy of such within 30 days of the last date of said monthly
Base near San Antordo, Texas. maps, plans and specifications, publication of this notice. T I M E T O
Informational copies of maps, Publication dates of this notice DEFAULTS: In order
For the next six weeks they will plans and specifications are on file
undergo basic training as a team. in the Office of the County are July 24 and July 31, 1975.discontinuance of the
Engineer of the County in which 7/24-31-2t sale, the default referred
Tumwater, Washington.
Mailed proposals shall be
addressed to Post Office Box 327,
Olympia, Washington 98504.
Special prequalification will
be required for those bidders not
Notice is hereby given that
the Washington State Parks and
Recreation Commission has filed
an application for a substantial
development permit for the
L. Coffey and Linda Ix,. Coffey as * The grantor or
Grantor, to I-irst /American Title in interest has the
Insurance Company as Trustee, to restrain, on any
secure an obligation in favor of the proposed sale.
Coast Mortgage Company (now **The effect of
Rainier Mortgage Company), as be to deprive the gral
Beneficiary. First America Title those who hold by,
Insurance Company, as Trustee, under him of all their
has resigned as Trustee thereunder the property.
and JOHN E. SLOAN has been 7/31-8
currently prequalified under
standard prequalification. The
Special Limited Questionnaire,
included with each set of plans
We Welcome You Jesus loves you -- we do, too! Evening Service .... 7:00 p.m. * The Morning WorshiP_I
S.B.C. Bible Study (Wed.) . 7:00 p.m. cast live over KMAS, 12110
Episcopol Church Welcomes You Firt;t Cltur_¢h of Christ, S¢ientist
; ME. View ......... Have you been
! Alliance Church baptized right? First Ba
Call 426-5336 Washington & "J" Sts. inlf yoUthe namehave nOtof thebeenLordbaptizedjesus Church
Sunday School 9:45a.m. Christ, you have not been STHAND
or write: Box 884 : Morning Worship .. 11:00 a.m. baptized scripturally. See Acts
Evening Service .... 7:OO p.m. 2:38, 8:16, 10:48, 19:5, Rom. August 3, 1975
Prayer Hours (Wed.) 7:00 p.m. 6:1-5, Col. 2:12, Gal. 3:27.
A.Y.F. (Wed.) ..... 7:00 p.m. For more information A.M. "God's
Church of EARL EVERS, Pastor Call 426-5390
- P.M. "Fishin,
" Northside i 'Foursquare
• 9:30 a.m .........
lr 828 Washington St. Baptist Church [ * 11:00 a.m.
Pastor Eason Church ....
7:00 p.m .... Evening
Sunday School 9:45 a.m. 123 w. "c" Street 910 East Dearborn " Dr. Arian M.
.... Interim Pastor Dave Bellamy
Morning Worship.. 11:00 a.m. 4,6-1264 LEWIS B. WYSONG. Pastor
Evening Service .... 6:00 p.m.
Wed. Eve Service ... 7:00 p.m.Sunday School ........ 9:45 a.m. Sunday School ....9:45 a.m. 7:00 p.m.
Morning Worship ..... 1] :00 a.m. Morning Worship . . 11:00 a.m. Bible study & prayer
St. David's -4th & Cedar, Shelton, Sunday 8 & 10 a.m. Sunday School 11 :O0 a.m.- Church 11:O0 a.m.
St. Andrew's House - Union, 2:00 p.m. Wednesday evening testimony meetings 7:30 p.m.
Reading Room -- 107 S. 2nd
COME AS YOU ARE Hours: 12 to 5 p.m. Tuesday thru Saturday
- ~ Child care provided during services
Wall Papering - Signs
Prehung Prefinished'
Doors & Woodwork
Licensed & Bonded
Free Estimates
Heinitz Painting Co.
Chuck Heinitz 426-4841
Services: 7:00 p.m. Sunday, 7:00 p.m. TuesdaY&l
Saturday - 9:30 a.m. --Sabbath School Location: Parish Hall, St. David s Episcopal Church, 4th
11:00 a.m. -- Hour of Worship
Wednesday - 7:30 p.m. -- Bible Study and Prayer
GARETH ELLIS, PASTOR 426-3508 Pastor Dennis Teague, 426-2758
Bronxville, N.Y. 10708 ......
Beauty Gifts Plumbing L.R. Ghilarducci, Jr. ~ .......................
Attorney for Estate FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH ! chu,e-h ,,1 i,=.,,, chef-, i,.**-, n,.,,
r P er • New construction ............. " , - " - .................. ',-- - ..... -~-,-,v
I Personalized Haircutting i Mex|can impo ts. ott y, i • Remodelin" zzuu une washington Plaza .~rcadla and Lake Boulevard KURT HARDENBROOK, Minister _ ' _. - .......
i Men • Women I Leather Goods, c;eramics,I "3 Tacoma, Washington 98402 ~,~,L ,. ~ -= ..... -.-;.: ---- * Connection & 12th Sts., enone 4Zb-ZUU=
Anthon Sannlc ndro Wrought Iron
[ y a I I • Service _,, D..AT. E , O.F _F_/R_S T ~o~:h~.ocnool . .... ~::o :.=. Family Service .... 7:00 p.m ...... .g
I Appotntme?sOnly I ,.LJ~ L~i~ [ KIEBURTZ PLUMBING i"UU;LI~,/~/IUI~I JUly ;a4, 1~97b. p .........zl:uu . • " Priesmooo Meeting ............................ :
I BEAU11QUE BEAUTY SALON I urM = I 426-3108 7/24-31-8/7-3t Wednesday -- Bible Study and Prayer -- 7:00 p.m. Sunday School .............................. 111
licensed bonded insured
4214,a, Kneeland =,~, i / 1 _ ................. Child Care Service Available___._._..___~at 11:00 Service ~~.~Sacrament Meeting 5:~
I/~,O,,S/ F ,,,,,,o~,c.o,o. ~
Builder Insurance Rentals NOTES "
] l Tired of shopping? I . T - SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD ' H
i e BuIId:gabi:eRt:m°dehng I A~~ik~th J ee =:ore i FROM / J 1521 Monroe Street -' I ....
J~~ / / M. A. Younglund, Pastor Dale Sutter, Assistant[ Worship Service 9:30 am.
I DICK WOOD Ji insurance is our only business. I " : " ...... ..... Ii
I RE. 1, Box 598 426-3657 I I ARNOLD & SMITH I BARDEN'I RENTALS I IM' NElL / /Sunday School (Sunday School is for Everyone) ..... 9:45 a.m. I G and King Streets Rev. William Andrews,
MasonMason LakeLake Drive.Drive. GrapeviewGrapeview ~! 17 Eeta [ ympi¢ Hwy. S.4,6-10, I~:~ ~1~r / / Morning Worship (Pastor Younglund Sp.eaking) ..... 10:55 a.m.
i, • / /~os.pel Service (Pastor Younglund SpeaKing) ........ 6:00 p.m. - .......................................
I ........ ~'~ " / / wednesday, Youth Serv ce ......................7:00 p.m. ~'
......... Bible Study & Prayer .................... • • . 7:00 p.m. ~
Cable Landscaping ', Rental Service j ° 'Dr=sup ,, Doubl. / L REVIVALTIME, SUNDAY, KGDN ............... 3:00 p.m. I r MTo OLIVE LgTHERAN CHUR(
I For Service Ca,I I I Lanoscapeues,gnf i i Bu..aozers.Loaoers.~.umps .... I:%~.o:,~:,HT:.,,nl[ N DHu22R;'
I ........... ii • Shrubs • Rock • Water alls I I .........
" " I ! POlOing uanquet laDieS '
Lawn Sod or Seed I'arlL "rum variousUII I Ulnllll~ ~ -~-"~-= = =, L .=Masses
J /1Q/ 1 01 I I I I• Chairs, Hospital Beds, etc. fro : n Chur
I "t L U" 1 U,71 I i .,R,,AZ, LANDSCAPING I I L,W RENTS I be more than doubled by/ I . ..... " * I
I ..o..,4264718,,, .J J2216w. 4th, Olympia, 357.7731 11976, the. company.says:[ I _ /manorra,,~,,, ..... I [ Sunday, August 3, 1975
Ib au e. it has. design / I / I Serv ces8: & 0='
Concrete Masonry ..... -------- I Septic Tanks I n w f a c ill t i e s a n d J i ,, J
I Ready-mix Concrete I I . ,! |procedures for collecting/ I ............... , ..................... ; ........ -- .... .-"
, L ght cat work
I .... ConcreteCulverts-&-Blocks I I Block Foundations I J .. .
i- Sand, Grave~&-S~tone I i * Anything with Masonry ] i L ravei Iiarger quantities of the| I Kenneth Robinson, Pastor Phone426-8611' II The church that preach-es-what the Bibletea
larger quantities of the cM
Call collect for estimate CO:eg:~[
ant ith rom bi n-anticoagu- _ _ , ....
l Rt. 2, Box947 4'6"1512 I ~ "1" ~'~L____I -'~-'=--1'1 I' THE UNITED PENTECOSTAl CHIJII(
I - FireplaceScreens-& 3"oo/s- i I I ] i,antithr_°mbi.n-an.t_i i
Ipr°ces °r " * / I ',' Edward's Catholic Church .
Drugs -- Music i Window Washing----------- i iFather Michael Feeney 3rd & Pine J / Our new church meets in its brand-new location at t #!
I --Helena Rubinstein I Ir~ c I I .~lm"'. e commercial I Ndl's Phamacv ' ' ------ . / i Lake FirehalleverySundaymorningatl0:00a.m.
I --Cosmetics I l|l.IC~ | I ~ ..... ~I e Residential I II :tnU d,a ...... ;. ..... :7p.m.-ill
j ....Hypo-Allergic Cosmetics I I IE .... I I ft.Pf . "H ....... i -saturday . ' HE LORD WITH US
i ....... : ..... I Il11~4rl~l'l MikeGibson I I i~JUL-., d,t wlnoow;b;ervice iFi~inSt.--426-3327/ I "~ ..... ~ ................... ~a.m.,~a.m.,lla.m. I / " T" ' ' :.............
I n_E'L'S A=MACY I I ow.ER I I 4,,,.,. ii Open Daily 9:30 to 7:30 / J ummer Mass at Potlatch " J i ne wno,e gospel to the whole world.
Lewe R Ferns D
Saturdays--9"30 to 6.00 May 25-Aug 30-- Clubhouse-- 6 p m Y • ", irector 426-5390
[Sth& Franklin Ph. 426-3327 II ...... i, "-" .--,-, I Seturday$ -- 9:30 to 6;00 /, .... //
26- Shelton-Mason-C-ounty Journal- Thursday, July 31, ]975