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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 31, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 31, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PHONE For Sale bedstead, $25• 426-4915• Saturday calls. guitar, solid included, $200• 195, Olympia. G ROUPS and perform or at the Mason ~st 15, 16, 17. th, 426-3361. for installing on houses and grounds. Free weeks to fill Miller, 426-4884, 426-8750 or 1 PORTS: Pottery, and wrought & Curio Shop, a, 42 6-9205. For Sale RASPBERRIES FOR sale• Call 426-4912• C7/24-8/14 USED OIL space heater, good for small house or cabin, $40. 426-4000. B7/24tfn EIGHT-FAMILY garage sale- house plants, herbs, knickknacks, china, glassware, books, jewelry, good clothing for children and adults. Lots of miscellaneous. Collectibles include old insulators. Doors will not open until 10 a.m., August 1 and 2, at 1902 South Second near First Christian Church on Hillcrest. D7/24-31 MERLE NORMAN Cosmetics at Elaine's Beauty Salon, 6th and Laurel, phone 426-4582. 11/9tfn TRADE IN your old furniture at Olsen Furniture, 4th and Cota. 4/16tfn AUCTION EVERY Thursday night at the Tropics Ballroom (Schneider's Prairie). Call Olympia 866-0866. D3/10tfn -- Booth space MOST POPULAR sizes of tires Fair, August 15, and batteries now in stock. Call businesses -- Sears 426-8201. S9/26tfn Jerry Smith, SINGER MODEL 337 zigzag. Buttonholes, overcasts, etc. Balance only $46.50. Terms and -- Top free home trial. Central Sales, good, clean 877-5798. C7/17-8/7 and gas or or 30")• on new furniture 426.4702• Olsen Cota. O7/17tfn Pot Shack ~ast of Union 106 Bird Baths Planters Hanging Pots e today for ESTIMATE Call Norm Bunko Guaranteed Back AND CO. Square For The Finest In: * GRAVEL ; 426-820 1 POURS ME ACROss FROM GOLF COURSE 4 Phone b- 26.2( RYS ~ EVENINGS ~v%%%%--~%%%%%%%~.. _%%%% For Sale For Sale 6/]3tfn Materials i twSnd & Gravel CruShed Rock Ready Mix POURs TCHED RUCKS N & Park Street 2/lltfn PASSING FANCIES by Jan Danford. An illustrated book of verse and prose. $1.95 at the Journal and book stores. D2/24tfn SEWING MACHINES. New heavy-duty zigzag machine, few paint scratches, save 1/z. Balance only $89. Central Sales, 877-5798. C7/17-8/7 BINOCLI-LARS -- SPORT, hunting -- move in closer -- $39.95 up -- Bushnell quality -- Photo Center. P5/15tfn JX BRAND country-fresh beef. Phone 426-3325 weekdays. 426-2806 evenings and weekends. J2/27tfn SHELTON JANITORIAL Service, carpet cleaning our specialty. Phone 426-8936. S 11/30tfn ALDER SAWDUST, bark. 426-4035 or 943-9845. L5/15tfn CAMERAS -- THAT make picture taking easy -- yet give you beautiful photos -- Photo Center, 426-6] 63. P5/ltfn BARGAIN TABLE -- Misc. items, some V2 price. Photo Center, 426-6163. P3/6tfn CORDWOOD. CALL Exceptional" Foresters, 426-1550. E1/31tfn ROOFING -- NEED a new composition roof? For free estimate call Norm Bunko at Sears, 426-8201. S1/10tfn FRAMES -- FRAMES -- frames. Photo Center, 426-6163. P2/20tfn NEW GAS or diesel tanks, two 500-gallon 12-gauge tanks and one 675-gallon 10-gauge tank. 426-9320. P6/Stfn 10-SPEED bike for sale. Call 426-1938. T7/17-8/7 RCA WHIRLPOOL 30" self-cleaning range, excellent condition, $95. Also lawn sweeper, $15; rug shampooer, like new, $40. Call evenings 426-1842. $7/17-8/7 ............. 30" HOTPOINT range, excellent condition. Call 426-3431. R7/17-8/7 = NEW BLUE long dress with jacket, size 16, $20. Call after 6 p.m., 426-4359. $7/17-8/7 15' PLYWOOD boat, 35 h.p• Evinrude and trailer, $350; single cable steering, $50; 1970 35 h.p. Mercury, electric control, 9as cans, like new, $400; hook-up for temporary electrical power, $35. Trades considered. Twanoh Falls 275-3621. L7/31-8/21 15' TRAVEL trailer, can be seen at Lot 82, Division 7, Big Lake, Timberlakes. 365-5440, 426-4891. W7/31 FOUR G60x14 tires on 14x7" mag wheels, 41//' bolt pattern with lugs and locks, excellent condition, $160. Two 6-bolt GM truck to 41/z'' pattern wheel adapters, $15. Transmission or engine oil cooler, good quality, $20. 2.75x18 and 3.25x18 knobby tires, nearly new, $20. Olympia 866-7586. $7/31-8/7 VITAMINS, GRAINS, bakery and LAUNDRY TUB and assembly, 2 dairy products, all your healthaluminum window frames and food needs. Old Healthy's Natural assembly, 1 easy chair. Phone Foods, First and Railroad, 426.3240. R7/31tfn 426-5158. O4/17tfn TRIPLE-ACTION exerciser, CEDAR FENCING. Call rolling, riding, cycling. New Exceptional Foresters, 426-1550, condition, $60. Phone 877-5455. for free estimates. E5/16tfn F7/31 GARAGE SALE -- Friday, Saturday 10-3. 543 East Fir, Capitol Hill. Lots of clothes, baby furniture, children's clothes, refrigerator and misc. G7/31 8' CAB-OVER camper. 4 h•p• Evinrude outboard motor. 426-8763. $7/31 Baled Grass Hay Top quality in field. 426-4936 7/24-31 PRE MIX .Serving the Hood Canal area with ready-mix concrete. Located in Potlatch 8/15tfn TOP SOIL Supplied soil for 25 years. Skokomish Valley good, sandy loam or top soil. Pickups welcome. Will deliver truckloads anywhere. Small lot clearing. Call 426-3735 or 426-8993. 3/6-tfn Field Phone 426-1500 after 6 p.m. Serving Mason County • Septic Tanks • Backhoe Service • Bulldozing G ravel P.O. Box 37 Grapeview WA 98546 CEMETERY PLOT for sale at RUMMAGE SALE--Island Lake Shelton Memorial Park. FirehalI. School and adult clothes, 1-503-581-1724, Salem, OR. toys, misc. August 4-5, 10 to 6. 2024 Myrtle N.E., Salem 97303. B7/31 C7/17-8/7 GARAGE SALE -- Friday and 21' CRUISER. Call after 3 p.m. Saturday. 1767 Holman Street. 426-5435. HT/31tfn Mc7/31 MODEL "AG6" Cletrac, bulldozer. 426-6715 after 6 p.m. W 7/31-8/21 FREE -- ONE gallon of root beer to Jim Cameron, Rt• 2, Box 509, from Minor's A&W Drive-In on Mt. View. A7/31 '72 250 Suzuki. Trade for 1949-1951 Ford pickup or older car in good shape. 426-5908 after 6:30 weekdays. D7/31 1969 CHEV carryall 4-wheel drive, $1,800. 1968 Fleet 101/2 self-contained camper, $850. 426-2459. N7/31-8/21 POTTED PLANTS Mums, daisies, begonias - blooming. 50 cents and up. Only Fridays across from Casa de Canal. 7/24-8/14 r JAY'S CUSTOM MEATS (Complete Meat Processing FARM SLAUGHTERING Custom cutting, wrapping and freezing. Hams and bacon cured. Locker beef available. E LMA 482-2203 G 19-tfn Call Norm for fast quotes on continuous aluminum guttering. Satislaetion Guaranteed or Your Money Back Sears ] SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO. Evergreen Square Call Norm 24-Hour Shopping 426-8201 GARAGE SALE -- School clothing and misc. 512 East Birch, Capitol Hill. Thursday and Friday from 9-5. A7/31 MOTORIZED HOSPITAL bed, like-new condition, $175• 426-6835 after 6• J7/31tfn 1960 REX mobile home, 10x45, 2 or 3 bedrooms, refrigerator, stove/oven, 8' sliding glass door, very good condition. 426-8395 6-8 p.m. Thursday, Friday, Saturday. $7/31 GARAGE SALE, big variety, lots of clothing, maple desk, playpen, older hi-fi set, fabric remnants, art objects. August 1, Friday only, 10 a.m.-8 p.m• V~ mile out Cole Road, Box 813. P7/31 GARAGE SALE, Saturday, August 2, 9-3. First left past Airport Store on Spring Road.. 1949 Indian twin motorcycle motor, new snow tires, air-conditioner for car, refrigerator, dressers, baby things, etc. B7/31 YARD SALE Friday, August 1, 10-5. Rt. 5, Box 439, up road from Skokomish Tribal Center. P7/31 TWO 3-passenger van seats with six sets of seat belts, $100 apiece, like new. 877-9288. D7/31-8/7 ~-AU--~NK--T S-~RE'-O and record player -- beautiful sound, $35. 426-2384. B7/31 SOUP'S ON, the rug that is, clean with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer, $2. Coast to Coast Store. C7/31 1973 JD140 H3 tractor, 85 hours, hour meter, wheel weights, traction tires, chains, center angle blade, dump cart, angle rock rake, 3-point hitch. Cost $3,800, package $2,000. 18,000-pound tandem wheel tilt bed equipment. Trailer, new paint, $895. 426-2384• B7/31 CHILDCRAFT SET by World Book, 15 volumes, 2 annuals -- like new, $85. 426-2690. L7/31-8/7 MOVING -- GARAGE sale, August 2nd and 3rd, beginning 10 a.m. 2 miles on Highway Bayshore -- Shelton. Watch for signs. S7/31 '59 FORD wagon, runs good. '69 Honda 350, extras. U/z-year-old Appy filly. 6-year-old jack donkey. 426-5704. 07/31 y's Furm lure First & Mill 426-241 I and Time Around 7 qts. floor wax ......................... 50c ea. 2 gal. floor wax ....................... $1.00 ea. 5 twin size headboards .................. $5.00 ea. 2 rollaway beds . ..................... $45.00 ea. 1 dinette w/4 chairs ..................... $129.50 YOU PRICE ITEMS Used Appliances Odds & Ends Murphy Beds 192' FLOATING dock, 8 sections each 24', fair condition, on Hood Canal, Tillicum Beach. 877-9400. $7/31-8/7 CARPORT SALE, 7th and Grandview, Friday, 10-6. Children's clothes, tricycle, misc. R7/31 COLDSPOT FROSTLESS 16 cubic foot refrigerator/freezer- Bottom freezer. $175. 877-5336. S7/31 1971 BaN Prix mobile home, excellent condition. Pay off balance $6,700, $2,000 equity or best offer. 426-5436 M7/31-8/21 TIPI 22', liner door cover and po es, $325. (New in April)• 1952 Ford pickup 3/4 ton, dependab e, $490. 16' wood boat, small cabin, needs caulking, $200• 275-6704. D7/31 For Sale MOVING SALE: bassinet and misc. baby items, chest of drawers, old Avon bottles, canning jars, garden tools. Thursday through Sunday, 320 East Pine. 426-7246. C7/31 U..I Can 1970 OLDS Toronado, excellent condition, $2,000. 426-8415. W7/24-31 1971 BUICK Electra, 2-door Spt. Cpe., 60-40, PS/PB, power windows, AC, T/W, tape. Call 426-8295, 9 a.m.-5_P.m._ST/10tf_n- THE TEEPEE. Authentic Indian i arts and crafts. Mrs. Marie E. Simmons, Rt. 5, Box 572, Shelton 98584. 877-5836. S6/26tfn HEAVY-DUTY rotovating, 60-inch Howard, 55 h.p. tractor. 426-3648. H6/Stfn VW BUG, 1972 -- sharp -- must H O R S E S H see to understand -- 37,000 miles Brummitt. -- $1,995. 426-6163. P6/26tfn B4/10tfn OEING -- Jim. Phone 866-1646. Sporting Goods 1956 V2-T. Chevrolet pickup up CRUSHED ROCK for your ~-..-_-_-_-_-~-_-_--_~-~-_- for bid at Mary M. Knight School, driveway or the permanent Monday, August llth at 8 p.m. in solution, concrete paving. 25' BAYLINER Saratoga Express school library. Can be seen at Graystone, phone 426-3344. Cruiser, excellent condition, 188 school any time. K7/31-8/7 G12/7tfn • Mercruiser I/O, trim tabs, DF, low hours, other extras. $7,950 1966 PONTIAC GTO body and FOR CUSTOM made boat tops, firm. 426-6583 after 6 p.m. engine. Body excellent condition, curtains and covers, call the P7/31-8/7 Phone 426-3245. $300 cash. Herculite Jungle. Free estimates. M7/31 After 6 p.m., call 426-2321. D7/24 Used Can 1968 3/4-ton Chevrolet pickup with 396 engine, air-conditioning, bucket seats, radial tires. 426-5746.07/31 1972 DODGE ~-T. flatbed pickup. 6 cylinder automatic. $2,275. 426-5752. $7/31 1963 GMC step van, damaged, as is, $300. 426-4929. B7/10-31 With a new or used truck From Walt I at Capitol Chevrolet '68 EL CAMINO 327, 4-speed, $875. Lima 482-3827. T7/31 1969 DODGE Charger, 440 magnum, good condition, $700. Call 426-5411. J7/31-8/7 FOR SALE- '73 Mazda pickup. 426-8344 evenings. D7/31-8/7 1947 CHEV pickup, V-8, 3-speed, good body and running. New tires. $500. 426-1294 after 6 p.m. weekdays. W7/31 "1 appreciate your business." Residence 426-2181 Business 3574633 i li 1972 INTERNATIONAL 3/4-T. pickup with 10' cab-over camper, V-8, auto, P.S., P.B., low mileage, $4,200. See at Mill Creek Motel, Apt. 3. $7/31-8/7 Now is the time to trade- we need used cars=. 1974 VW ............ . .. ..... ., ........$3,650 | 974 Mustang ........................... $3,525 1974 Datsun PU & canopy ................. $3,495 1974 Mustang ........................... $3,450 1973 Torino 4-dr ......................... $2,795 ! 973 Comet ............................ $2,595 1972 Courier, GF2358 .................... $2,350 1972 Chev PU .......................... $2,695 1972 Courier ........................... $2,495 1971 Comet 4-dr ......................... $1,595 1970 Pontiac 4-dr ........................ $1,325 1961 Chrysler 2-dr ....................... $ 550 JIM PAULEY, INC. 6~~ Mt. View at neeland Center Phone 426-8231 48 month financing available AUTO PAINTING, reasonable prices. Also trailers, etc. All work ~uaranteed. Phone 426-4322. 202 Cote St. R7/20tfn 1968 Buick .... Skylark_` S, Outstanding condition ..................... ., I 1968 Plymouth S 4 door ................................... 1967 Plymouth 4 door ................................. 1966 Plymouth Fury 2-door hardtop .......................... 1963 Imperial Crown $, 4 dr., very nice condition ................... 1975 Dodge Sport Demo ......................... 1969 Datsun $, Pick-up .............................. 1965 Chrysler 4 door ................................. @ @ 1969 01ds F-85 .............................. 1972 Dodge D-200 Crew Cab ....................... FRONT & RAILROAD SHELTON 426-8183 BING'S PLUMBING and Repair. Call 426-5397. B1/4tfn I PRESERVE THOSE precious old- photographs with fine art copies. Twenty-five years experience. Dean's Studio. 3/7tfn CHAIN SAW sharpening, speedy, accurate, precision grinding. Now at Saeger Motor Shop, Hillcrest. Phone 426-4602. 1/15tfn CONCRETE FINISHING. Patios, sidewalks, driveways, concrete repair. Small jobs welcome. 426-1710. K7/31-8/21 Lew's Tree" Service Tree Topping Tree Removal Stump Removal Phone 426-2064 Shelton, Washington 9/19-tfn Ammons Septic Tank Installations Phone 4, 6-:3153. •. . /22-tf n GUNSMITH • Repairing Modern and Antiques • Precision Scope & Sight Mounting • Shotgun CJnoke Alterations, all gauges. • Shooting Supplies Warren A. Girard Route 2, Box 7ns Phone 426.2501' nil Jack Frost Construction Licensed - Bonded Remodeling and new. No job too small. Call for free estimate. 426-4227 7/a z-arzz MOBILE BOAT SERVICES Woodwork, fiberglass gel coat, topside paint jobs, bottom jobs, misc. maintenance. Call Brent Olympia 943-3506 , 7/31-8/21 Help Wanted NEED LIVE-IN babysitter, references preferred. Call 426-1397. L7/24-31 p~ d llmb CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our heartfelt gratitude for the sympathy, kindness and assistance, also the beautiful floral offerings given us during the loss of our loved one. J. Donald Tveit and family T7/31 WoA Wanted 2 TEENAGE boys will do yard work, any kind. 426-1140. L7/10-31 MASON YOUTH Service has kids who want to work. Will do miscellaneous odd jobs. 426-5823. N7/17-8/7 GLASS ON the move. Will go anywhere your car is and install the glass. For free estimates call 426-9684. W7/24-8/14 OLDER LADY will do babysitting in her home. Hillcrest area. Loving care. 426-9550. M7/31-8/21 LICENSED CHILD care. Want your children to have special care and fun this summer? Call 426-2589. C5/15tfn Help Wanted WELCOME WAGON -- Immediate opening for energetic self-starter with car. Meetpeople, have fun as you earn. Flexible hours. Write Carolin Dilorenzo, 24140 S.F- 32nd, Issaquah, WA 98027. D7/17-8/7 HELP THE family income now. Town and Country Clothing. $400 wardrobe to start -- free. Will interview. Call manager, 426-9550. M7/31-8/21 SECRETARY III. HEPB merit system at Washington Corrections Center at Shelton. Salary range: $619-$792. Experience: 2 years minimum. Training: college level courses preferred. Examination: application, job element and office machines. Exam will be given Thursday, August 7 and/or Friday, August 8, Washington Corrections Center between 9:30 a.m. and 3 p.m. For additional examination information call 753-3433, extension 230. Closing date, August 8, 1975, 3 p.m. C7/31-8/7 RETIRED SINGLE person for light apartment house duties. Free ~r6den apartment. Phone Olympia -7059 or write owner, Rt. 14, Box 347, Olympia 98502. HT/31tfn WAITRESS WANTED -- exPerienced or will train. Must be 21. Palitos, 2nd and Cota. 426-5070. P7/31 SECURITY GUARDS- 21 to 65. Shelton area, full or part-time. Send name, age, address, phone number to P.O. Box 747, Shelton. 6/5-8/28 OPPORTUNITY -- COUPLE, young knowledgeable able-bodied to work oyster and clam beach, seafood store and snack bar on percentage basis. References required. Jorstad Creek Trailer Park, St. Rt. 1, Box 43, Lilliwaup 877-5857. J6/5tfn Contrary to popular belief, good jobs aren't that hard to find these days. Not if you know where to look. You won't find a betier place to look than today's Army. Our confidence is based On these simple facts: • We have mere jobs to offer tkan enyeee. Military or civilian. • The jobs are the kind yen don't usenlly step right into. |lectrenics, coastrnctien, cempaters, technical repair, communications end low enforcement are • few ef the over 200 good steady jobs we offer. • Starting pay is '344.10 • month with four weeks paid vucatien each year, end free medi- cal and dental care. • Some jobs ore worth cash bonuses. • Some ef you will be eligible for rapid ~o- motions under our Stripes for Skills Program. • Our Project Ahead Program gives you the chance to earn college credits while on active duty wherever you're stationed. That's our job offer. We think it'll pay you to look into it. Suite 3|9M South Sound Center -- Lacey Call Collect, 456-16| 1 Thursday, Joi. the people who've joined the Army. July 31, 1975 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 27