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CASH FOR your mobile home, NOTICE OF ACTION BY: 2.B. The System's Nuclear Project No. 5 is a nuclear fueled electric NOTICE OF NOTICE OF
paid for or not. Olympia MobileWashington PublicPowerSupplySystem generating unit consisting of a nuclear steam supply system TRUSTEE'S SALE TRUSTEE'S SALE
Homes, 3813 Pacific, Lacey. Public Utility District No. 1 of Benton County manufactured by Combustion Engineering, Inc., which supplies steam NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN On August 8, 1975, at 3:00
456-8890. O11/14tfn Public Utility District No. 1 of Chelan County to a Westinghouse Electric Company turbine-generator, designed to that the undersigned Trustee will P.M., at the courthouse door of
Public Utility District No. 1 of Clallam County produce approximately 1,240,000 kilowatts of electric energy and the on Friday, August 29, 1975, at the Mason County Courthouse in
Public Utility District No. 1 of Clark County related cooling facilities and other auxiliary equipment, structures and the hour of 9 o'clock, A.M., atthe City of Shelton, Washington,
Public Utility District No. 1 of Cowlitz County buildings. The unit is currently scheduled to begin commercial the Front entrance of the Masonthe following described real
Public Utility District No. 1 of Douglas County operation in March 1983. County Courthouse, in the City property in Mason County,
Ready to be " - Public Utility District No. 1 of Franklin County The Project location is in Grays Harbor County, Washington, and is of ~13elton, ~tate ol" Washington, Washington, to wit:
426o1798 or for your | 2' wide Public Utility District No. 2 of Grant County
located approximately three miles south of the town of Satsop. sell at public auction to the Lot 14 of Hartstene Pointe,
Mobile Home Public Utility District No. 1 of Grays Harbor County 2~C_The Puget Sound Power & Light Company's Skagit Project ishighest bidder for cash, payable at Addition 8, according to Plat
Public Utility District No. 1 of Klickitat County described as two nuclear fueled electric generating units each of which time of sale, the following recorded May 22, 1972 in
Volume 9 of P(ats, Pages 50 and
Paid for or not! Public Utility District No. 1 of Lewis County will include a nuclear steam supply system manufactured by General described real property, situated 51; subject to covenants recorded
Public Utility District No. 1 of Mason County Electric Company, a Westinghouse Electric Company turbine-generator, in the County of Mason, State of May 22, 1972 in Reel 91 o
poi ntment, Bayview Mobile Pub,c Utility District No. 3 of Mason County designed to produce approximately 1,270,000 kilowatts of electric Washington, to-wit:
Public Utility District No. 1 of Okanogan County energy and the related cooling facilities and other auxiliary ecluipment. The Southeasterly 45 feet of Deeds, Frames 1001 through
stru(~tures and b-uildings. The units are currently scheduled to begin Lot 2 and the northwesterly 30 1027 inclusive, under Auditor s
EST, like new,
2 baths, island
~ver $4,500 on this
Public Utility District No. 2 of Pacific County
Homes Public Utility District No. 1 of Pend Oreille County commercial operation in July 1982 and July 1985, respectively. . feet of Lot 3 in Block 1 of Fee No. 269469, records of
of used mobile Public Utility District No. 1 of Skamania County The Project location is in Skagit County Washington, and is located Callanan Mountain View Addition Mason County, Washington,
95 easy terms. Taylor Towne Public Utility District No. 1 of Snohomish County approximately 12 miles northeast of the City of Mount Vernon. to Shelton as per plat thereof together with a residential
Public Utility District No. 1 of Wahkiakum County 2.D. The electric power service areas and property therein, which recorded in Volume 4 of Plats,building to be constructed
a F Dines, 3813 Call Dave: 426-5252 City of Blaine may or may not be affected by the above actions, include the service page 76, records of Mason thereon, subject to the terms and
- cey. 456-8890. 7/i7-8/7 City of Centralia areas of the above listed public utility districts, people's utility districts, County, Washington, which is conditions set forth upon the plat
City of Cheney • irrigation district, cities, towns and electric cooperatives. . .. . now subject to and described in and all easements, restrictions,
~ ~ City of Coulee Dam 3. The electric power produced by'the above-mentioneD P'rojects is that certain Deed of Trust dated covenants and conditions of
City of Ellensburg expected to be distributed to the preference and other customers of August 3, 1972, recorded August record, subject to a deed of trust
rview recorded in Reel 121 of Official
City of McCleary Bonneville throughout the Pacific Northwest Region by Bonneville and 9, 1972 in Reel 94 of Mortgages Records at Frame 844-45 under
City of Port Angeles to the investor owned utilities by Bonneville or their own systems, at FR 678 under Auditor's File
City of Richland 4. The System's actions authorized by Resolutions Nos. 752 and No. 271813, Mortgage records of Auditor s File No. 293914,
753 referred to above are subsequent to its action authorized by its Mason County, Washington, fromrecords of Mason County,
~ City of Seattle Board of Directors Resolution No. 719 adopted October 25, 1974, and Robert G. Smith and Beverly A.Washington, wherein John D.
_/ MO ILE H MES Town of Steilacoom the System reserves its rights under the notice of said Resolution No. Smith as Grantor, to Security Sanders, a single man is grantor,
City of Sumas 719published and filed as authorized by RCW Section 43.21C.080. Title Insurance Company of Safeco Title Insurance Company,
Presents.,.Slngle-wlde city of Tacoma 5. Pertinent documents may be examined during regular business Washington as Trustee, to secure a California Corporation is
Vera Irrigation District No. 15 hours at the offices of the System and the auditors or clerks of each an obligation in favor of Coast trustee, and The Quadrant
~'ursuanz zo me prov=slons of Chapter 43.21C RCW, notice is district, city or town as listed below: Mortgage Company (now Rainier Corporation is beneficiary, will be
hereby given that the above listed jo nt operat ng agency, public utility Washington Public Power Supply System .300 George Washington Way, M o r t g a ge C o m p a n y ), a s sold at auction to the highest
r4 Display Model districts irrigation district, cities and towns did on the dates shown Richland, WA (Duane Renberger) Beneficiary. Security Title bidder for cash payable at the
below, take actions which may or may not be held or deemed to be a PUD No. 1 of Benton County .... 524 S. Auburn St., Kennewick, WA Insurance Company of Wash., astime of sale.
LOSEOUTS major action significantly a~fecting the quality of the environment. PUD No. l of Chelan County. 327 N. Wenatchee Ave., Wenatchee, WA Trustee, has resigned as Trustee The undersigned is trustee and
Any action to set aside, enjoin, review, or otherwise challenge such PUD No. 1 of Clallam County .... Highway 101 E., Port Angeles, WA thereunder and JOHN E. SLOAN The Quadrant Corporation now
actions on the grounds of noncompliance with the provisions ofPUD No. 1 of Clark County. 1200 Fort Vancouver Way, Vancouver, WA has been appointed Trustee under holds the beneficial interest under
• • • Chapter 43.21C RCW (State Environmental Policy Act) shall be PUD No. 1 of Cowlitz County .... 960 Commerce Way, Longview, WA said Deed of Trust. said deed of trust. No action is
commenced within 90 days or be barred. PUD No, 1 of Douglas County ... 1151 N. Main St. E. Wenatchee, WA The Deed of Trust provides in now pending for the satisfaction
Bendix Home Systems The actions taken by the above listed joint operating agency, public PUD No. 1 of Franklin County ....... ,..,,1411 W. Clark, Pasco, WA its terms that the real property of the obligation secured thereby.
utility districts, irrigation district, cities and towns, notice of which is PUD No. 2 of Grant County ........ 30 C Street S.W., Ephrata, WA described and conveyed therein is The default for which foreclosure
~ hereby given, were as follows: . o PUD No. 1 of Grays Harbor County. 2720 Sumner Ave., Aberdeen, WA n o tu s e d p r i n c i pally for is made is failure to pay when due
) Pacifica • 14x56 Pacificar the monthly installments and late
I.A. On the below mentioned dates the Commission or Counci= or PUD No. 1 of Klickitat County ...1303 S. Columbus, Goldendale, WA agricultural or farming purposes, charges under said obligation set
the respective public utility distr ct or city adopted its below numbered PUD No. 1 of Lewis County .......... 981 Pacific Ave., Chehalis, WA DEFAULT: A default has forth below plus those falling due
resolution or ordinance (1) approving the,undertaking by Wash ngton PUD No: 1 of Mason County ...................... Potlatch, WA occurred under the terms of thesubsequently hereto. Said default
ns, carpeted & 2-bedroom (front & rea ), Public Power Supply System (the "SYstem ) of its Nuclear Project No. PUD No. 3 of Mason County ......... 311 Cote Street, Shelton, WA said Deed of Trust which by themust be cured before the time of
iorm windows, breakfast bar, carpeted & 4 and Nuclear Project No. 5; and (2) authorizing the execution and PUD No. 1 of Okanogan County ...1331 Second Ave., Okanogan, WA terms of that instrument makes sale above stated to cause its
rag, feature wall, draped, special foam core delivery of an "Option and Services Agreement" between it and the PUD No. 2 of Pacific County .... 4th & Duryea Streets, Raymond, WA operative a power to sell, in that discontinuance.
:With single lever insulation, storm windows, ~ystem relating to said Projects and their financing and the Puget
nbed and wired stainless sink with single lever Sound..Power.&,. Light Company's Skagit Nuclear Power Project (the PUD No. 1 of Pend Oreille County.. 130 N. Washington, Newport, WA Grantor has failed to pay when The amount now in arrears
dryer. Breakfast faucet, exposed ~Kago:Di~tJe~ ')" Resolution Dateof PUD No. l of Skamania County ...... 183 Second St., Stevenson, WA due the following amounts whichconsists of 6 installments of
PUD No. 1 of Snohomish County .. 2320 California Ave., Everett, WA are presently in arrears: $266.96 each for the months
wood-beamed ceiling.
City " " t No. Adoption PUD No. 1 of Wahkiakum County ................. Cathlamet, WA AR REARS: The monthly beginning with November, 1974
UA PUDNo. l of Benton County 776 April22,1975 City of Blaine ........................344H. Street Blane, WA installments for the months ofand continuing through April,
PUD No. 1 of Chelan County 5090 Apri 29, 1975 City of Centralia ............... 1100 N. Tower Ave., Centralia, WA December, 1974 through March, 1975, a total of $1,601.76. The
PUD No. 1 of Clallam County 758 Apr I 28, 1975City of Cheney .................... 609 Second St. Cheney, WA 1975 in the amount of $212.00 amount now owing on said
I PUD No. 1 of Clark County 1936 Apr 22, 1975 City of Coulee Dam ................ 300 L ncoln, Coulee Dam, WA each, and late charges of $4.24 obligation is unpaid principal in
PUD No. 1 of Cowlitz County 1805 April 23, 1975City of Ellensburg ................. 420 N Pearl, Ellensburg WA for each of the said monthly the amount of $30,555.00
PUD No. 1 of Douglas County 3525 May 12, 1975 City of McCleary ................. Th rd and Ma n, McCleary; WA installments, together with interest thereon at
PUD No. 1 of Franklin County 359 April 22, 1975City of Port Angeles ............ 140 W. Front St., Port Angeles, WA T I M E T O C U R E the rate of 9-1/2% per annum
U.$. GOV'T. PUD No. 2 of Granz CoJnty 3242 May 5, 1975 City of Richland .................. 505 Swift Street, Richland, WA DEFAULTS: In order to cause a
PUD No. 1 of Grays Harbor County 1463 May 5, 1975 City of Seattle ............. First Floor, Seattle Municipal Building, discontinuance of the proposedcomputed from September 14,
1974, minus reserves in the
CASH PUD No. 1 of Klickitat County 736 April 22, 1975 600 Fourth Avenue, Seattle, WA sale, the default referred to above, present amount of $-0-. Costs and
PUD No. 1 of Lewis County 1253 April 21, 1975Town of Steilacoom .............. 1715 Lafayette, Steilacoom, WA any subsequent defaults under the fees as provided by statute are
PUD No. 3 of Mason County 493 April 28, 1975City of Sumas ............................ City Hall, Sumas, WA terms of said Deed of Trust, and likewise owing. .
BACK PUD No. 2 of Pacific County 752 May 5, 1975 City of Tacoma ...... Office of Deputy City Attorney, Second Floor, the Trustee's fees and accrued
PUD No. 1 of Skamania County 577 April 21, 1975 Department of Utilities, Public Administration Building, costs, must be cured by August Said sale will be withouz
PUD No. 1 of Snohomish County 1986 April 22, 1975 3628 South 35th, Tacoma WA 29, 1975, being the date of sale. warranty, express or implied, as
PUD No. 1 of Wahkiakum County 676 May 6, 1975 PRINCIPAL OBLIGATION: t o title, possession, or
Vera Irrigation District No. 15 ...... 601 N. Evergreen, Veradalel WA
City of Richl.and 35-75 April 21, 1975 Dated this 30th day of June, 1975. The sum now owing on the encumbrances.
L.izy OT ~eathe 104524* M=,, 1~ 197~ FILED BY: Washington Public Power Supply System obligation secured by the Deed ofDATED this 2nd day of April,
Cgty of Tacoma Public Utility Board U-4568 P,'1~1"9",'1975 J.J. Stein, Managing Director Trust is $23,395.75, together 1975.
City Council 23306 April 15, ]975 P.O. Box 968 with interest thereon from FIRST AMERICAN TITLE
• Ordinance Richland, WA 99352 November 1, 1974 and such other INSURANCE CO.
1.B. On the below mentioned dates the Commission or Council of 7/24-31-2tcosts and fees as are provided by /s/R. C. Fahrenbruch
the respective public utility district, irrigation district, city or town statute. R.C. Fahrenbruch
adopted its below numbered resolution authorizing the execution and No action is pending on the 1000 Second Avenue
delivery of an "Option and Services Agreement" between it and the CALL FOR BIDS NOTICE OF HEARING obligation secured by said Deed Seattle, Washington 98104
System. Sealed bids will be received by FINAL ACCOUNT of Trust. 7/17-24-31-8/7-4t
Resolution Date of the Mason County Commissioners NO. 4569 The above described real
District, City or Town No. Adoption until 1 1:30 A.M., Monday, THE SUPERIOR COURT OF property will be sold to satisfy
August 4, 1975 for constructing WASHINGTON FOR MASON the expense of sale, and the
PUD No. of Mason County ,450 April 21, 1975 asphaltic concrete pavement onCOUNTY obligation secured by said Deed NOTICE--SERVICES
PUD No, of Okanogan County 825 May 12, 1975 ~ 0.4 miles of Mason-Prickett Lake IN THE MATTER OF THE of Trust as provided by statute. TO PERSONS UNABLE
PUD No. 1 of Pend Oreille County , 737 May 6, 1975 Road, County No. 6231, at which ESTATE OF GEORGE G Said sale will be made without TO PAY THEREFOR
City of Blaine 688 April 21, 1975
City ofCentralia 1359 May6, 1975 the bids will be opened and HENSEL, Deceased. warranty, express or implied, CERTIFICATION
City of Cheney C-336 May 13, 1975 Publicly read. Approximate NOTICE IS GIVEN that the regarding title, possession or Mason General Hospital
City of Coulee Dam 82 May 14 1975 quantities are: Final Account and Petition Forencumbrances. Shelton, Washington
City of Ellensburg 1975-13 Mav ~ '1o7~ 530 Ton Asphalt Concrete Distribution has been filed with Dated this 26th day of March, The Mason General Hospital
City of McCleary 159 Ma~ ~' ;q-/~, Class B; 1 Ton CSS-1 Tack Coat. the Clerk of the above Court and 1975. has certified that it will not
City of Port Angeles 12-7~ A'r~ril-l~"l"Q"7K . Specifications and proposal the personal representative seeks~[John E. Sloan excl ude any person from
Town of Steilacoom .ql Anr,ll=. 1QTr~4 - "'~': ....... torms are available at the office of settlement of the account, TRUSTEE admission on the ground that
~apl"~ii~i~Rtnne~a°~nl~t ~i~:ut~i ~~in~CIty of Sumas ite~rl~N.slgA~i25rStm~!o~!;a~t ]~ sSrt~v'l~>"'l~7"~ the County Engineer. distribution of the estate, andJOHN E. SLOAN such person is unable to pay for
The County Commissioners discharge, which matters have 2200 One Washington Plaza needed services, and that it will
reserve the right to reject any and been set for hearing on AugustTacoma, Washington 98402 make available to each person so
all bids and to accept only that 21, 1975, at 9:30 o'clock A.M..in * The grantor or his successor admitted services provided by the
bid deemed most advantageous to t h e C o u r t r o om of t h ein interesthas the right to restrain facility without charge or at a
above mentioned public utility distr cts, rr gation d str ct, cities and the County. above-entitled Court. on any proper ground, the charge which does not exceed
towns and the following people's ,,*;,;* ................. BOARD OF COUNTY /s/JOHN C. RAGAN proposed sale. . . such person's ability to pay
I coo er ,~, ,,~. u,~tNcz~, L,tJes, zowns and COMMISSIONERS OF JOHN C. RAGAN ** The effect of the sate will therefor, as determined in
Q OPEN SUNDAY electrica ..P ativeswh,ch are statutory preference customers of the
Bonneville~'ower Administration ("Bonneville"). MASON COUNTY, Attorney for be to deprive the grantor and all accordance with criteria
A der Mutual Light Company " ^ .... WASHINGTON Personal Representative those who hold by, through or established inthe Washington
........................ ~oer, w~ /s/Ruth E. Boysen 7/31-1t under him of all their interest in State Medical Facil ities
~L. ~TB~ IP=~vi~ Benton Hural Electric Association ............... Prosser, WA Clerk oftheBoard ~ the property Construction Plan. This
Big Bend Electric Cooperative, Inc ..... , .... .. Ritzville, WA 7/24-31-2t "7/31-8/7-14-21-28-5tcertification has been made
Columbia I~ural E~eczric/~ssociation, Inc." ~ ~. ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ i... Dayton, WA ~ NOTICE OF PROBATE ~ pursuant to the requirements of
Elmhurst Mutual Power and Light Company Tacoma, WA PROCEEDINGS the regulations of the Public
Inland Power and L ght Co .......... ;- ...... CALL FOR BIDS
........................ ~poKane, w~ NO. 4598 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Health Service,. U.S. Department
--'/IVl0blle H01 LincolnElect.r,cCo.operative Inc... Davenport, WA Sealed bids will be received by
Nespetem.va.He.Y.V-.m..ctric L-ooperative: inc." ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Nespelem, WA the Mason County CommissionersIN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF No. 4624 of Health, Education, and
Ohop Mut~a~u~gnt.~ompany ..................... Eatonville, WAuntil 1 1:30 A.M., Monday, THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF Welfare, (42 CFR ss 53.111), and
August 4, 1975 for constructing IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON the applicable provisions of
uKano~an ~Y ~!ec~c cooperative, Inc .... Winthrop WA FOR MASON COUNTY Wash i ngton State Medical
Orcas ~,ower and L-=gnt (company ...... ~=~+~,,.,,,~' wa asphaltic concrete pavement on MASON
0 , 10WNE • 426=5252 Parkland Light & Water Compan,," ................... ~- ........ .,-.,.~ 2.1 miles of the Old Belfair IN THE MATTER OF THE In the Matter of the Estate of Facilities Construction Plan. The
' Tanner ~leczr~ ..... x ............. ......=acoma, w~ Highway, Co. Rd. No. 9825, at ESTATE OF HERMAN D. JOSEPH PETERSON, Deceased. Department of Social and Health
Bandon ........... " ...... North Bend, WA which time the bids will be RUNGE, Deceased, The undersigned is the Services has, therefore,
-- " .................................Bandon, OR Notice is hereby given that on appointed and qualified Personal established the foregoing level of
Blachly',Loa;~o~°nUnty~C°°perative Electric Association Eugene, OR opened and publicly read.
TheCity ersrerry .-''" .- .~. APproximate quantities are: May 23, 1975, Lillian Runge, Representative of said estate, services as the level of
Burle ...... t~onners Perry, IU
City of y .............. 2320 Ton Asphalt Concrete Lilliwaup, Washington was Persons having claims against the uncompensated services to be
of Can ........... Burley, ID
The C ty by ........................
~~~------= City of Cascade Loc'k's" ~ ~ .............. ....... (~as'cacle CLaonc~y' OR ClaSScoat. B; 5.5 Ton CSS-I Tack asapp°intedpersonalandrepresentativehaS since qualifiedof the thedeceaSedundersigned,must serVeor thethe claimattorneyOn themade periodaVailable Januaryby said facilitY1, 1975in
Central Eleczric Cooperative,'lnc ................ - - -'-.- Specifications and proposal above estate and probate of record, at the address stated through December31, 1975.
P li " "r I Li ...................... P(eclmono, uP(forms are available at the office of proceedings are pending in thebelow and must file an executed The level of services set out
The ~enz a ncoln P'eoples Ut lity District ........... Newport, OR
Clatskanier~eOwPles Utility Dstrict ........ Clatskanie, ORthe County Engineer. above court, copy of the claim with the Clerk meets the presumptive
• ~-~--------~----~-~---" Clearwate . e_r Company . . " ........ Lewiston, ID The County Commissioners Dated on this 21st day of of the Court within four monthscompliance guideline of the
..SHERIFF,S NOTICE TO CREDITORS Columbia Ul~sin Electric Coopera;cive~ inc " " ~ ~" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Heppner OR reserve the right to reject any and July, 1975. after the date of first publication Federal Regulations.
.-~L ESTATE NO. 4626 Consumers ower, Inc ..... " " " . . Corvallis' OR all.bids and to accept only that James B. Sawyer, II of this notice or within four Copies of the criteria used for
~,AsSH!NGTON, THE SUPERIOR COURT OF Coos-CurryE,ectricCoopera~ive'l'nc:'i~i~.~. Coquille~OR bid most advantageous to the Attorney for Estate rnonths after the date of the filing identifying persons unable to pay
Douglas Electric Cooperative, Inc ......... Roseburg, OR County. P.O. Box 869 of a copy of this notice or thefor services may be obtained from
s. bHERIFF'S WASH INGTON FOR MASON The City or urain ...... " ..... .... Drain, OR BOARD OF COUNTY Shelton, Washington 98584 claim will be barred, except under Department of Social and Health
T ,, - COUNTY - Fall River Rural E ectr c Cooperative,'lnc" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ashton, ID COMMISSIONERS OF Phone: 426-5524 those provisions included in RCW Services, Health Services Division,
iu " u p__ O F IN THE MATTER OF THE Glacier Etec.tric Cooperative, Inc" Cut Bank, MT 7/24-31-8/7-3t11.40.011.
• ~f out of the ESTATE OF SAMUEL DEAN MASON COUNTY Office of Planning and Health
City of HeyDurn . .................... He- ourn D Date of filing copy of noticeFacilities, M,S. 3-1, P. O. Box
;, t the State of MOORE, Deceased. Hood River Electric'(~oo .... - ....................... , WASHINGTON
~SonCounty, on NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ............. perahve of Hood River County ..... ~dell, OR /s/Ruth E. Boysen to creditors: July 24, 1975. 1 788 -- Olympia, Washington
menD ~oun[y L-=ght & Power Cooperative Clerk of the Board Date of first publication. July 98504.
i~' ,~/5, by thethat the undersigned has been Association, Inc ......... ................ Grangeville, ID NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS 31, 1975. "
W A S H I N G T O N S T A T E /s/Helen Jean Yost on the basis of which the above
~e case of appointed and has qualified asCity of Idaho halls ...... " .... . ............Idaho Falls, ID 7/24-31-2t The records and documents
.~rgreens, Inc., a personal representative of this KootenaiElectricCooperative~inc .... CoeurDAlene, ID HIGHWAY COMMISSION, HELEN JEAN YOST level of uncompensated services
Wf',,~.~lon, versus estate. Persons having claims .Lane CnO~:~ty Electric Cooperative,'lnc.'~~ ..... Eugene, OR NOTICE OF HEARING DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS, Personal Representative was established are available for
Jsl~'u and Claraagainst the deceased are require.o Llncol ectrlc Cooperative, Inc .................... Eureka, MT EMERGENCY BUDGET DISTRICT NO. 3, P.O. Box 327, c/o ROBERT L. SNYDER public inspection at Building No.
to"~'u and wife,to serve the same, duly veri1"ieo, Lost River Electric Cooperative, Inc ............... Mackay, ID EXTENSION O LYMPIA, WASHINGTON Attorney at Law 3, Thurston Airdustrial Park --
w, me, asSheriff, on the undersigned or the Lower Valley Power & Light, Inc..'.~ ........... ....:..Afton, WY WHEREAS, unanticipated 98504, July23, 1975. 125½N. 5thStreet Olympia Airport between the
~-~.~u: attorney of record at the address City of McMinnville ....... : .........McM nnvil e, OR expenses have arisen for the Th e W as h i ng t on State Shelton, Washington 98584 hours of 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M.
~,, H E R EBY stated below and file the sameMidstate Electric Cooperative "ln'c ..... . ...........LuPine, OR Mason County Weed Control Highway Commission, District . 7/31-8/7-14-3t on regular business days. 7/31 It
=,.'_'.. Proceed to with the Clerk of this Coup, City of Milton-Freewater . . '... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ~.. Milton-Freewater, OR District for which no revenue was No. 3 is soliciting sealed bids for
,r~c~:~on to thetogether with proof of su.cn Missoula Electric Cooperative Inc Missoula, MT provided in the 1975 Weed the improvement listed below to
=ed~=~, Within the service within four months alter City of Monmouth .. . ' ................. Monmouth, OR Control Budqet; and be opened on Thursday, August NOTICE TO CREDITORS
o.u,=oY law for July 31, 1975, or the same will be Northern Lights, Inc. ~.ii ................. ~'~'..Sandpoint, ID WHEREAS, the State 7, 1975, at3:00p.m. NO. 4598
th'~', zen o'clock forever barred. Northern Wasco County Peol)les Ut'ility" D'istrict". ~.. ~ .The Dalles, OR Legislature has provided funds Bid proposals delivered in IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION
(through the State Department of person will be received only at the THE STATE OF WASHINGTON
he ~Yot August, /s/GLORIA M. MOORE Prairie Power Cooperative, Inc ...................... Fairfield, ID TO APPROPRIATE
Agriculture) in amount $2800.00Department of Highways IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF PUBLIC WATERS
Co- uurt House GLORIA M. MOORE Raft River Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc ............. Malta ID for, Mason (~ounty, to be used on ReceptionDesk located in the MASON
at~'nelton,~'unty' Fourthm th J HNPers°naIRAGANRepresentative Ravalli County Electric Cooperative, Inc " " Corvallis,'MT STATE OF WASHINGTON,
e O C. Rural Electric Com,~an'v .............................. For 1975" on a one-third, Building, 5720 Capitol Blvd., ESTATE OF HERMAN D. TAKE NOTICE:
9t~;; all of theAttorney for Estate City of Rupert ... " ............. Runert ID a Tansy Ragwort Pilot Procjram foyer of the District Office IN THE MATTER OF THE DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY
n a~.=t o~ said Title Insurance Building Salem Electric . r- x ............................Rupert, ID one-third, one-third basis between Tumwater,Washington. RUNGE, Deceased, That DENNIS J. CONNORS
;cribe~lo to the122 Railroad Avenue ..... Samon River Elec;~ric Coo--'-,'.." " ". ................... Salem, OR the State Department of Mailed proposals shall be The undersigned is the ofTacorna, Washington on July 1,
~n C~,.property,Shelton, Washington ~ooo,* .... The City of Springf eld ~uve, Inc ................. Challis, ID Agriculture, Mason County, and addressed to Post Office Box 327, Attorney of Record for the estate 1975, under Application No. S
O-Wi;(~u"ry, State 7/31-8/7-14-~z .......................... Springfield, OR
Tdlamook Peoples Ut ty District ............. Tillamook, OR the land-owner; and Olympia, Washington 98504. of Herman D. Runge. The 2-23880 filed for permit to
t 1, " ~ Umatilla Electric Coqperative Association" . Hermiston, OR W H E R E A S, t h r ough a This project is advertised in qualified .pe. rsonal representative appropriate public waters, subject
..%1 In" WagonVolumeWheel Unity Light and Power Company " ~ ........ Burle ID Memorandum of Understanding order to enable small businesses of said eszaze is Lillian Runge and to existing rights, from an
,,record~ ..= 5of NOTICE OF RACIALLY Vigilante Electric Cooner~H,,o ~..~" .................... Y'..~-between the State Deoartment ofand minority contractors to all persons naving claims against unnamed creek, tributary of
ason me NON-DlSCRIMINATOI'~Y__ ...Wasc°. _E =~.~,j,~;~ ~.uuperazwe,~'--- ~"'""~nc ......................... ................... The uillon,Dalles, OR~/ Agriculture and Mason County, effectively complete for Highway the deceased must serve the claim Cranberry Creek in the amount of
.vted on'-Uunzy, POLICY AS TO STUDENT5 .. wells ~ural ~-Iectric L:ompany ........................ Wells, NV the County now has to provide Department contracts. . .
said de" as. the The Hood Canal Parent-t;nilo. West Oregon Electric Cooperative, Inc ............... Vernonia, OR $2800.00 for this program as Maps, plans and specificazionson the personal representative, or 0.75 cubic feet per second,
ed, ,, e, renaants Coo erative Preschool will noz I.D. On June 19, 1975, the Board of Directors of the System their one-third of the cost; may be obtained from the District the Attorney of Record at the continuously each year, for Fish
o t~, ~atisrv = - P licants NOW, THEREFORE, notice 3 Office upon written request, or address stated below and must file Propagation, Wildlife Refuge. The
,~.Untin¢~ ,.. -,..~ Discriminate against PP adopted Resolution No. 753 providing for a plan and system for the is hereby given that the Board of telephone call to 753-7218, an executed copy of the claim source of the proposed
with the Clerk of Court within appropriation is located within
,,~Undr~d -u ~!x and students on.the be.sis.of_race; acquisition and construction by the System of two nuclear generating County Commissioners will hold a Olympia. four months after the date of first NE ¼ N W ¼ o f Sect ion 3 5,
rnev,~XLI0 ($6,~Z.61)"jntrtY ThiSl i m iP°licYt e d inc~ucles,t o , rDUZa c i =~a ~'u~ Y plants to be known as its Nuclear Proiect No 4 and Nuclear Project No public Hearing at 11:00 A.M., The improvement for which publication of this notice or Township 21 N., Range 3 W.
:~St'o~ sees o~ non-discriminatory administrat'on 5. " " " Monday, August 11, 1975, in the bids will be received follows:
2. The projects which are the subject of the above actions and the their office in the County 1. S R 1 0 6, M A S O N within four months after the date W.M., in Mason County.
Of Die ,,, u~t and bv the chairman as to enroHmen~ property pertaining to said actions are as follows-
. ",,u~rs, Plusor any activity that is a part o~ 2.A..The System's Nuclear Project No. 4 is a nuclear fueled electric Courthouse, to consider granting COUNTY. SKOKOMISH RIVER of the filing of the copy of this Protests or objections to
said emergency budget extension. VIC., MP 2.69 to MP 2.79, BY notice or the claim will be barred approval of this application must
!st of j ...... the school's regular pr.ogram, anu. generaz~ng uniz consisting of a nuclear steam supply system DATED this28thdayofJuly, REMOVING DANGER TREES except under those provisions include a detailed statement of
~A, IR, ~Y,.1975.sim ar act vities. The HOOa .L:ana.I manufactured by Babcock &Wilcox Company which supplies steam to 1975. Date of filing of copy of must be accompanied by a two
~ruve~ -'-~r,~t ~ .... ÷ rhi~ Coooerative will noz 6 ' A N D L A R G E R I N included in RCW 11.40.011. the basis for objections; protests
v ........ " ....... a Westinghouse Electric Company. turbine-generator designed to BOARD OF COUNTY D I AM ETE R, BY C LOS E Notice To Creditors: 21st day of dollar ($2.00) recording fee and
er, Civil D ..... maintain separate classy,separate produce approximately 1,250,000 k,lowatts of electric energy, and the COMMISSIONERS OF CUTTING AND DISPOSAL. July, 1975. filed with the Department of
~ury buildings, separate ~cuo~ ~- u,~ related cooling facilities and other auxiliary equipment, structures and MASON COUNTY, (M-32) James B. Sawyer, II Ecology, Southwest Regional
R,.-- eating area, or other sep~ buildings. The unit is currently scheduled to begin commercial WASHINGTON G.H. ANDREWS
• ,t~er facilities, along racial lines, operation in March 1982. Attorney of Record Office, Olympia, WA. 98504
/s/Ruth E. Boysen Director of Highways
Karen A. Louc , The Project location is in Benton County, Washington, and is P.O. Box 869 within thirty (30) days from July
66 Chairman, Hood Canal Auditor & Clerk By: V. W. KORF, P.E.
Shelton, Washington 98584 31, 1975.
1-8/74t Parent-Child Cooperative/31 It located approximately ]5 miles north of Richland on a portion of the of the Bd. District Engineer 7/24-31-8/7-3t 7/24-31-2t
United States Energy Resources Development Agency Reservation. 7/31-8/7-2t 7/24-31-2t
July 31, 1975 Shelton-Mason Jc 31