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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 1, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 1, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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,eston¢ The Tire that Safer Longer :t 7; Rely on Firestone Batteries; i L 7.95 Exchang- aomieal, trouble-free service. I-I , interlocked plates; seleoted, best t-Fashioned, Ineffective Llghf\\; practically double your driving much safer. Simple L Just remove old lens, sert new unit. - - Ea. New pmnps of ve quality to tncreaS car&apos;s efficiency. More to insure lon dependable Looks and Plenty of Long Weor ty seat cov made of fins tailored to fit perfectly, 111 rly whi' e quantities laat. Sedans ....... : .... 13,95 & ,til GS M "what about, and MRS. RUDOLPH have been long known Me- 175 Pioneers Gather At opposite Hay- has been dc- Annual Picnic Sunday and success with business enter- finds rolling down to the Waters of Puget ands covered with and stands of harvested each the making of Products that have. famous Their modern ome nestles just of the sound, of buildings ery and the rberger on- setting, of the ad- Puget sound for advantages migilt well faro- the beauty nature ]as same time taking that give wherewithal family patron, do with the re- Mason County is a true be- of the and spares expense in COUrt- ity celebration is almost tim, and the left him to show his who had the success. Workers and for one reason last Saturday circumstances for the af- Promisel good, and work completed on that pro- general merry- was no or- ringing to- friends for ndly manifes- It was a bringing county life, with all of for a hearty e was dancing m SOme of Shel- figures, trip- With the proverbial rainless and perfect day, Sunday, July 28, the Mason County Pioneers celebrated their annual holiday at Kneeland park, with many old some new comers noted from past such af- fairs, and about 175 during the day. Other older residents and family friends visited the park during the afternoon, to meet ear- ly residents who came from a dis- tance to join in the rennion. Under the tall trees of the shady grove the tables were set and the family parties were gathered to enjoy a leisurely dinner from well laden tables and talk about events and old families who helped to start the building of Shelton and Mason county, and many took time out to turn around the town and note the improvements and prog- ress made in Shelton during the years. There were some of the old families missing from the pic- ture this year but several new parties took their places to make the total of around 175 that us- ually attend the annual picnics. Sickness, haying and old cars de- terred some coming from a dis- tance, but those who did attend were well pleased. Below are listed those who were seated at the tables and left their" own records, although there is no record of those who dropped in for a brief stay. The list follows: Shelton Mrs. Frank Fredson, Sr., Jean Todd Fredson. Rose Fredson, Kath. Cruses, Esther Roles, Clara Huntley, Grace Holt. Freda Fred- son, Dora E. Fredson, Howard Robinson. Ernie Crane. Ernestine Crane, Ruby Crane, Alice Grind- rod, Grace Gooey, Martha Rand, Edith Mathewson. Jim Robinson, Paul Fredson, Charles Fisk, Mrs. Henry Grind- rod, Carolyn Grindrod. Malcolm Grindrod, Mrs. Dan,Paulson, Don- nagenc ariel Ruby Jane Paulson. W. L. Sargison, C. S. McGee. Dan McLeod, Mrs. W. M. Elliott. Nellie A. Pugh, Mrs. F. A. Ecker. Mr. anff' Mrs. H. A. Beinsen, with Mr. and Mrs. George V/. Saw-or, her guests from South Dakota, Mine Hackett, Ada, sett, ?arb Musses, 3. Frank. Ben- nett, Ruth Bennett, Cecile Gay- diner and Bobble Jean. Denis Hurley, Mr. and Mrs. Will Mc- Donald, Mr. and Mrs. Will Valley, Mrs. Mamie Earl, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. King', Edward H. Fauoert • J'adi  1: :Comb,"Ir.'a'd Mrs. A. E. Doherty. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Smith, Mrs. L. B. Clark, Maude Clark, Mrs, Eva K. Wivell, Mrs. Ed Olli. Flora Johnson, Mrs. Belle Hopkins, Burke Cruses, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Chalmer Saeger, Mr. and Mrs. Royal Brumbaugh, J. W. McKcn- zie, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rose, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rose, Harry and Jerry Frazier, B. S. Barger. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Grout, Mrs. J. T. Burke, Mrs. Herbert Clin- ton, Mrs. Florence Groshong, Anna Hneeland, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bell, Dorothy Bell, Mrs. Er- nest Eaton, Blanche B. Bell, Mr. and Mrs, G. C. Angle, Mr. and Mrs. M. H: Needham, Josephine Needham, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Hack, Charles Fisk." Mrs. Minnie Myers, Mrs. Susie Pauley, Milt Adams, Mrs. Marne Simpson. B. C. Willey, Warren Lincoln, (Continued on page six) 01stead Moving To New Building With completion of his section of the new building at Second and 'ranklin streets virtually ac- complished, Hal Olstead moves his entire general insurance agency and real estate business to bright new quarters sometime in the next few days, at 116 North Second street, just across the alley from the Mason County Savings & Loan. Space the Olstead agency has occupied at 123 Raih'oad avenue will'be utilized by the Needham's Men's Wear store for expansion of its present quarters adjoining the Olstead offices, W. H. Need- ham, store owner, announccd Oil Tuesday. $3,860 Emergency Fund Approyed by Board An emergency resolution appro- priating $3860 for expenses in the county auditor's office and for ttle Juvenile Detention Home was passed this week by the county commissioners. The sum of $1860 was needed for additional clerks in the auditor,s office and $2,000 was needed to take care of Mason county's share for the balance of the year in the Juvenile Detention Home operated jointly by Mason and Thurston counties, under the direction of Mr. and Mrs. F. R. McBratney. Monthly payments of $75 are made as a retainer fec and $10 daily for any juveniles sent th:ere from Mason County. VOL. LX--NO. 31. SHELTON, WASHINGTON. Thursday, August 1, 1946. 6c PER COPY; $2.50 PER YEAR I I ! To Help Keep Washington Green I"lt00rt00 s Mow Resusltatcd I Will:: O.PA Up No 1. Put all matches, cigarette or pipe ashes and any e..*e w burning material in the ash tray of my car. Never New Price Act--Jnder tlte out of the window, price extension act signed by the  president July 25, all ,ceilings go !  2. Never smoke in the dry summer woods, in the fields back to where they were on June or on the ranges; but always fnd a safe spot. 30, except specific exemptions..All industries and businesses, buyers 3. Build camp fires only on bare, scraped soil; and put and sellers covered by OPA price them out before I leave, regulations on June 30, now are autom'atically subject to those 4. Notify the Highway patrol, or telephone "Operator" same regulations.  if I see any forest or grass fire unattended. Rents back to June 3 0-- lh iii ' " areas under rent control, rents  Thank Yo also roll back to June 30, ev(tton STATE AND 0CAL ' rules are back in force, an' st- KEEP WASHINGTON GaN COMMITTEES curity deposits collected from ten- . ants during the itertm must be ("  I I I repaid on or before Aug. 25. Land- " • " lords who collect higher than June HOW FIRE DEMON!00 BATTLED IN oe,lings are in violation..l00, landlords who changed their rent- MASON COUNTY FORESTS RETOLD ed basis, such as from m0uthly . to weekly, or weekly to dally, if contrary to rent regulations, must By W. L. SESSUP ducersthe Simpson Logging return to' the old basis. Editor The Journal company, the Weyerheuser Tim- Terms of leases maned during If this had been written during ber company and the Milwattkee the interim are void if they con- the heat of'last Sunday, the sub- Land c0mpanyis managed by flict with  OPA. All uncompleted ject might have been more im- Oscar Levin, Who headquarters eviction proceedings by landlords pressive to the writer and have in S.helton. He is in contact with who did not comply with OPA fallen on a more fertile field of the fleld activities and i n the regulations are banned. However, evf Of emergency by fire be- tenants evicted during tie inter- readers. We are all appreciative of the forest industry that makes big tarted in any section of the im cannot regain possession. Only it possible for all of us to make t tree farm holdings, would landlords who complied with OPA a living, drawing as we all do £aka'charge of the situation, The requirements and obtained an eric- from money that comes from Tree Farm suppression crew is ties judgment in local court may Mason county's forest industries, under the direction of Leo (uinn, proceed to evict legally. but I doubt that many of us have veteran woodsman, who Keeps Decontrol board--Under thenew an understanding or appreciation his men occupied in road building price act, a decontrol board of of what is being done to see that and other activities when they three has been appointed to make the products of the woods are are :hot required for fire fighting, special decisions about decontrol- safeguarded against a great en- These men are available for fire ling foods and other commodities, and also recontrolling them if emy--FIRE, suppression during the dry sea- What means of fire detection, Soi while during the winter necessary. They will hear appeals months they are employed in from industry and consumers on protection and forces for com- PlanHng tr seedlings. batting ,woods conflagration we  po Everywhere commodities still under price con- have seems t,e a good subject trol and also on those which have for better Uiidistanding and the L00kout Stations over "the vast been taken off. The future of timber- domain of the Olympic ceiling prices on food end writer waylaid Oscar Levin for peDi{isula are manned by the state on the department of agriculture the information. Three agencies --- the federal department of forestry and they as well as OPA. On the first of h. ,rV¢ under observation all of the each month the secretary of carl- government, state and the South forest lands, communicat|ng with cutlure will make up a list of Olympic Tree Farm--have a lot their he]dquarters any sign of foods in short supply and turn of concern in the problem and fie tha is obsbrved during the the list over to OPA. These foods C "tt S k their plans and facilities are at- fir,eea2on. The state department Dmwnin Claims will stay ondor price costal. omml ee ee S ranged as completely and as ef- maintains a state fire hall, fully g Foods not on the list will go off. '" "V " t ficiently as a well oiled military equipped to fight fires, In Shelton, : tl ite's Life Food ceilings-- About 40 per Fi re u men organization, with lOOkOUtS, corn- under the direction of Herb Grell, Seat e cent of foods remain under munications, equipment and men state district fire warden. F H d I Hood C al price control. Ceiling price lists or oo sport ready and anxious to take up the William Bryan, stationed at n an for fresh fruits and vegetables, trail against the fire demon. Hoport,, is distri'ct ranger and , HoodsportAction to provide Federal Aid Avilble in charge of all federal forest Hood Canal's waters claimed canned goods, coffee, tea and co- coa, bread, flour, sugar and syrup, this community with fire fight- The federal government, of la;,h% including the Olympic Na- the life last Ttmrsday evening cereals and spaghetti should be ing equipmen which would pre- course, is interested in federal ti(imi forest, of Leslie Lcland Pool, 50, Se- reappearing in the stores. Meat, forests, but can be expeot! to /rYjth a systematic approach to attle electrician, when efforts butter, cheese and milk go back vent recurrence of losses like the lend a. hand in the event that c *bat  the threat of devastation to revive him from drowning near under price control August 21 un- W. O. Hauson set,cite station and fire JJa private  or state lad a.d- in,':e,t land.% which Would mean Tahuya WOrd £t'uitlgs . lesa the decontrol bo.f&tll- .gery of lmt week' 'has been Joining tttoi.l pYk:''l a*lld losses tb'tte national axed i,ie: .body wan cai<a, b ettlo 6rwls. l°Ult"nd  ihto'! started as an aftermath of that threaten their own jurlsdictiom state govements, as well as prl- Frlds,y for burial. conflagration in the appointment By the same token, the sta'e rate enterprise, going, dowu the " Meager reports given Prosecu- exempt from price €ontrol for an indefinite period. Beer prices are of a committee consisting OfanJ  maintains an efficient and ex- line with its disastrous efect on toy-Coroner Frank Heuston of back where they were June 30. W. Goodpastor, chairman, tensive organization to protect the hundreds of people .directly circumstances surrounding the Pro-ticketed ProtectionHouse- Herb Dickinson and Harold Mille state forests, while the crew of employed in the industry to those tragedy indicated the victim and to seek out and purchase the fire fighters maintained by the who receive their living as a re- his niece. Margaret Simpson, of hold appliances, lower priced best possible equipment of the South Olympic Tree Farm is in- sult of business with those en. Tulsa, Okla., had taken a small clothing, and other articles which formerly were required to be type needed as quickly as pea- terested in keeping devastation gaged in the business, sufficient boat to a raft in the vicinity of marked by manufacturers with sible, out of their young and growing facilities are at hand to prevent Tahuya and that when ready to the retail ceiling price, again must The committee has investigated stands. Consequently the three such calamity, with the present return to shore tlm woman dove be so marked, even though the the Belfair community's fire fight- agencies work closely together system for fighting fires, into the water and swam in. tickets were removed during the ing setup and has made several and in the event of a possible di- - Upon reaching shore she dis- contacts but so far has not been saster, would join forces in corn- covered the small boat in which days when there was no price con- trol. able to get a definite line on any batting the common enemy. Sheltonian Finds he, .uncle had been was empty, New duto prices--The increase adequate fire fighting equipment, The Tree Farm manages 150, his body in the water. He was in automobile prices is due to the Chairman Goodpastor reported 000 acres of land which is being Own Stolen Car fully clothed. Rescuers .tried ar- provision in the new price act per Tuesday. However. he said no of- used to produce the forest of the  tificial respiration in a fruitless mitting retailers of products out fort is being spared or lead left future. These lands are in three Californi .,p'r'- effort to revive him and a Dr unfollowed in trying to secure the countiesMason, Grays Harbor , a Macomber of Port Orchard, called of production during the war to return to their fuU prewar mar- type of equipmefft which will give and Thurston--and fire in any of to assist, also was unable to rc- Hoodsport proper fire protection, this giant domain would greatly Well pleased with the results rive the victim, gins. June 30 ceilings remain until specific new orders are effective. As a corrolary to the fire retard their work. A suppression of his buying trip to San Fran- Pool's address was listed as Ceiling prices for cars ordered be- equipment msue, another commit- crew of 10 men are on duty Jn- cisco and Los Angeles wholesale 16641 Sixtl avenue SW., Seattle, tween July 1 and 24 will bc ceil- tee consisting of Howard Lock- tinuously at a camp near' Camp clothing markets, Verne W. Mil- Hc was born July 25, 1896, in ings in effect when the new cars wood, chairman, Bill Gilbert and Five and they are fully eqmlped let returned to Shelton early this Jcnnings county, Ind. His widow, Ike Palmer was appointed to in- and ready to respond to ny week ready to pitch into the de- Minnie, of Seattlc, survives, are delivered. vestigate the feasibility of estab- alarm. ' tails of preparing his men's wear RestaurantsRestaurant prices lishing public utility water dis- The lookouts, located at strat- store for its fall opening in the returned to same levels as on trict to serve the community. Us- egic spots in the wide area, are Shelton Hotel building quarters Hood Canal Couple June For certain items or ion has such a water district equipped with radio and telephon- now occupied by the Penguin meals made up entirely or in ma- jor part of decontrolled commod- now. No report has been made ic communications and keep con- Shake Shop. Head for Denmark public by the committee as yet. tinuous watch so that no blaze Miller almost came back. minus ities, restaurants may adjust their will get out of control before they his car for it was stolen while he prices to cover their current cost have had time to report the blaze visited friends in Burlingame, Goodbyes are being said to :Mr. plus tlaeir June 30 margin of prof- and have fighters on the scene Caiif,, but his own searching and Mrs. Maurice Kaare of TiN it. licum Beach prior to their de- Prices and Profits  A basic Johnson Works 2 when police failed to locate it fi- ns soon as automotive power can .nelly found the vehicle at the San parture this Saturday for a trip modification of OPA's former pric- hifts on Annex get the men there. Francisco airport, undamaged and to Denmark to visit Mrs. Kaare's ing standards now is in effect. " Well Equipped Fighters with nothing of value missing from mother. Formerly an industry was enti- With crews working two shifts q7 h es e suppression crews, it. En route they expect to stop tied to an increase in prices to a day, Wes Johnson, Hoodsport whether under auspices of the fed-,] He reported the Shrine cofiven- over a day in Clicago to visit Mr. kecp earnings at the 1936-39 no- heavy construction contractor, is erai government, state or .private ] ties in San Francisco provided a Juvicks nd daughters before sail- erage. Under the new law, prices busy fulfilling requirements of the forest interests, are well equipped I lot of fun and laughs for the pop- ing from New York on "/kug. 10 are based on industry's 1940prices contract on which he was low with vehicles, pumpers, tools and[ ulaee, and he ran into extremely o,t the S. S. Gripsholm to Goten- plus any cost increases since then. bidder recently for improvements the other paraphernalia needed to hot weather in and around Fres- berg, Sweden, thence on to Co- Price increasesCarrying out penhagen, Denmark. The canal the mandates of the new price to the navy supply department stop fires that could become hol-lno. annex near here. ocast. The crew members are ex- couple will be gone three months, control act as passed by congress, The contract calls for installa- perienced woodsmen, some of returning to their home here in OPA has annotmeed a number of Faubert 40 & 8 November price increases. Waterpr00f rub- ties of spur railroad tracks con- them college forestry studentx, S They were guests of honor at bey footwear goes lap an average netting thc outdoor storage an- seeking to further knowledge of sex with the No,'thern Pacific their chosen profession, and their a surprise party at Springwater of 10 per cent, Certain work tn'a,ch liue rumaing from the yard work is capably supervised by New Chef de July 20 at which about 50 old gloves are increased from one to to  Shclton, constructing roads, men, 10ng veterans in fire fight- and clearing and grading land. ing work and woodcraft. Capt. E. H. Faubert, eteran time friends presented them with six cents a pair. Some high-priced a beautiful traveling bag and a shoes go up. Coal is increased Johnson was low bidder on the The South Olympic Tree Farm, of two World Wars and an active flock of good wishes for their from 6 to 8 cents a ton as a re- job at $109.865. sponsored by three forest pro- worker on behalf of Amercian Le- ,trip. stilt of freight rate increases. Oil ,__ gion activities in Mason county ............................................ burners go up 5, per cent. Cer- and the state, was elected Chef tain hnnber and buildhtg mate- N P.' Commercial Service Gets IC£ de Gare of Voiture 135, Lea So- GIRL FOR GRUNE,ToS rials are increased to step up pro- ' S elate, 40 Heroines et 8 Chevaux A girl we.'; born Friday, July duction. Cotton -ags go up from Clearance from Shelton to Bremerton at the regular monthly meeting 26. to Mr. and Mrs. C. IL Grun- 3'/ to7 pc," cent, and inexpensive of the orgaflzation last week. err. Other officers elected include: " chinaware from 1 to 3 cents per 18th B rthday i piece. Brcmerton---Commencing Aug. Washington, D. C., asking that chef de train, Dr. M. C. :Melcum; 17. Brcmcrton will finally and body to uphold the order )f the Decontrols .... Under the new correspondent, Reg. Sykes; corn- 1 " S price control act OPA has been Trenckmann Resigns /ks Hospital Manager the pressure of increased per- sonal activities and demand that he devote more of his time to his dairy farming activities, is a rea- son given for the resignation of Robert Tl'cncklann as superin- tendent of tim Shciton General hospital. No successor has been selected, but an annollncenlenl is expected to be made at the next meeting of the hospital board of trustees on August 21. TrenckmamL long time Mason county resident and former coun- ty cmnmissioner, operates a ranch in the Satsop district. He lms managed the hospital here for the past 18 montts. and a banjo. There With food, and other good prepared by and her sting Rudy Werberger dldren, their and son, as a fine re- friendly and get to- people, World's finest. the us- of the am proud to their friends I was listed as I know are Who joined in 1. A few of the random around ties was the Lewis', the Clerks, Gib and Fred during on a wine were Mayor and the Walter Mr. and rail Laubers, Mrs. Charl- icioners and LeComptes, Bessie City Clerk Roland Ger- Mr. and and Mrs. .and Mrs. Zin- J. L. Carte, lley, Mr. md and a long lud, t those and activity and Mason the Wer- e county- d peple and came as a tality ex- the gen- and those who a memorable tufty has fine been many and ;r togeth- the re- ct. Mr. and be thanked for one of happy re- have o enjoy. reunions and rings, last occasion e and happy county peo- ecrs picnic )ught to- real. coluing [l'Oln 0ill with old S, trade cx- county ght sunshine kept recrea- number at- llot SO great, Circumstance verier- six) J Commission Starts 1947 City Budget Preliminary work on prepara- tion of the 194.7 budget for oper- ation of the seices of the city of Shelton occupied members of the city commission at their reg- ular monthly meeting at city hall Tuesday evening. A preliminary hearing on the budget will be held in September, with approval of the budget being required for October. Bids were opened for construc- tion of'a 30-inch storm sewer on Front street,  project that would rel|eve presentdrainage facilities in that area of downtown Shel- ton, but the'bids exceeded the aN lotment and as a result were ta- bled until such time as arrange- ments can be made with the state development board to increase the money allowance, Mrs. Alma Cat- .to, City clerk, is expected to con- fer with development hoard offi- cials in Seattle on this project and other matters that concern improvements here, An ordina ee setting up tho city s partiCtion  in 'eonstrue- tioa of the n:water tank for ,the waterdpartment rS passed, The contract for coistruCtion of the utility has been awarded and the ordinance passed this week will allow for the city to provide $9,212 as a matching fund to the state development board's allot- ment of $18,424 for payment of the improvement. A. E. Todd of Seattle, repre- senting the Miller Parking Meter company, attended the meeting arid demonstrated his meter for possible installation in the city. American Legion Sponsoring Local Talent Show Soon Miss Winafred Strawderman arrived in Shelton Tuesday to start work on the American Legion show "Pep Parade" whicb will be presented Thursday and Friday, August 15 and 16 at the Shelton Junior high atditorium for the benefit of the Veterans' ceme- teiss" Strawderman comes to Shelton well recommended. In ad- dition to special training on this ]particular production she tins long been interested in Little Theater worl¢. "Pep Parade" has the unquali. fled recommendation of many oth- er towns where it has played, Tile American Legion is confident that this production will be a worthy addition to the entertainment sea- son. Miss Strawderman met with Ro- land L. Gerhardt, commander; Vern Eaton, chairman of Pep Parade, and Oscar Levis, and rehearsal of an all male - cast wilt A "Tiny Tot Popularity" con- test will be held in conjunction with the local talent show. It's for boys and girls under six years of age. The young citi- zens of Shelton will be sponsored by the leading stores, and each will have their contestant's vote jarsat one cent a vote! ! : : There will be prizes and honors to the boy and girl receiving the most votes.  All contestants who are pres- ent will be int'oducod from tile stage of "Pep Parade" Thursday, August 15. The winners will be announced at the show on Friday, August 16. dcfinitely be a station on a tress- commission's northwest regional continental raih'oad winch the board which had set June 23 for missaire tntendszt, Reg. Sykes; ordered to decontrol articles not garde de la porte, Tony Servidlo; D t Sig f Northern Pacific Railway Co. will the N. P. to start commercial conducteur, Paul Berets; lampiste, ay 0 n or deemed important in the cost of begin commercial service for lo- service here. living, or as rapidly as supply and cal business establishments, tlae I, its appeal, the Northern Pc- Glenn Gardner; coumis voyageur, D .aft N t L t Bremerton Sun reported Tuesday. cific pointed out that it pies- Walter Nash; medicin, Dr. H.L. r , o a er demand approacl balance. The q.ction followed the inter- neercd the Shelton branch and Kennedy; publiciste, W.L. Jessup; Young Man' state commerce commission's de- since then has assumed the cx- garde de prissonieres, Dr. Glenn If your 18in birthday, is io- [rs. A. B. Wolfe Hurt nial of a petition of the Union tended line to Bremerton which Lenders; avocet, A. W. Robinson; (lay, then leday is tim time Pacific and Mihvaukcc road that was constructed by the navy. aumonier, Vinco Connoly and for you to register wilit your Ill Traffic Collision those two "lines be permitted to Thus, the rail line assumes all cheminots, H. E. Lakeburg, A.L. draft boardnot 1omorrow, but Saturday evening, cars belong- slare at equal rates in the forth- costs of its construction and Huerby, Earl Jolmson and A. J. today, ing to A. B. Wolfe and .Vernon coming traffic to and from Brem- maintenmce not shared in by Curtis. This is tim advice offered by Moore of Shelton collided at the Delegates to the Grande Prom- Mrs. Carol Iineeland 'l lerce, intersection of University and often, the complaining competitors, enade at Bellingham on Augmst Originally, the Northcrn Pacif- In other words, the Northern secretary of lhe Mason county Lake boulevard, when one car ic line was to have established Pacific reminded the commission 22 to 24 include: Dr. Melcum, draft board, who pohHs out that turned in front of the other. No transcontinental rates and toni- that the Bremcrton line is "lo- Captain Faubert, W/ L; Jessttp, hm many el' Ma.en county's serious damage was done, butMrs. mercial service to this city as of cal" to the N. P., and it slmuld Walter Nash, Harold Lakcburg young men are waiting a cou- Wolfe received treatment at the June 23. Just prior to the effec- not, therefore, be "short-hauled" and Voyogcur Troy. pie of m, mtlm or ,, at'toy their Shelton General hospital for tive (late then. lmwever, the Us- by competitors in freight traffic. The election of officers followed 18th birthdkys before register- bruises and shock. ion Pa.cific and Milwaukee ix)ads Had other lines been permitted a banquet served in the 40 and 8 lug and lha.t in such delay timy Friday, just before noon, three protested to the ICC, asking that to establish the same rates to clubroom at Hotel Shelton and are vlolailng tim elective serv- cars became involved at tim inter- the through rates include their Bremertbn as the N. P.identi- was featured with the announce- Ice act. section in front of the Shclton one of these days may be a cocoa, routes, cal transcontinental rates with merit that the club's final finan- Ce, Young Man, on yotr 18th bank, the third car being in the nut tree. The Northern Pacific, pionecrs those now in effect at Seattle cial obligations had been saris- birthday trot over to tim draft role of m innocent bystander, so A Sprouted cocoanut whicl Mrs: in the establishment of the origi- and Tacomathe competitors fled. board office and ugister. The to speak. Cars driven by Bob Far- Catto's broler-in-law, JaCk Tlmt- draft board, incidentally, is lo- rington and Elmer O. Beardsley cller, brought here from Hawaii cated in the Memorial building of Lilliwaup came together and this Week hsS been planted in one Bremerton, naval ammunition de- in Seattle, Centralia or Tacoma, Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Mc- now, not in tim postofflce base- the impact swung one of the cars of the :ldereroft greenholses il nmnt any longer. " into Ivm W. Ziehl's car. No sc- hopes it will dbvelop into mature orn Tuesday, July 30.  .... --7- ...... :- -.-- ---S_: riotm damago waa rportcd, o0coanut treo ia the future. , hal ,line to Shelton, from which could haul the freight across the stems the present rail line in country and deliver to the N.P. MeDRMID'S ARE PARENTS pot and to thc Bangor magazine, thus giving the Bremcrton line] :)crnl are the parents of a boy than appealed to the ICC in l only a low revenue slmrt haul. Poacher Peppered By Shotgun Blast Suffering from shotgun wounds which peppered his back, Albert Bell, 23, recently discharged U.S. Navy sailor, was treated at Shel- ton hosplta! Sunday for the re- moval of over 0 birdshot pellets from his body, said to have been inflicted by a weapon fired at him by Bill Insel of Lake Isabella after Insel allegedly caught Bell in the act of poaching gtme on the Insel property. So far no charges against either .Bell or Insel have been filed by Prosecutor Frank Hcuston. Plywood Picnic- Scheduled Sunday Members of Plywood Local 9-317 and their families will enjoy pic- nic fun and festivities next Sun- day at Maple Beach on Lake Isa- bella. Coffee, ice cream and oth- er refreshments will be furnished by the local but picnickers must bring ttleir own basket hmch and sugar. Previous ..tluouncet]ltnts Of the plywood picntc which dated it for Saturday were in error, so those planning to altered are reminded to note the correct date., Sunday. Zintheo Hmmred for 25 Years of Service M. C. Zintheo was honored last Friday by the atate manager of The Home Insurance Cbmpany of New York, A. U. Hoelting of Se- attle, who presented him with a sterling silver medal enclosed in a glass case, representing ,5 ye,trs of continuous service for the com- pany. A certificate wa also pre- sented lr. Zintleo and a congra- tulatory letter from the president of tle company, H. V. Smith. Nurseryman to Try Growing Cocoanuts Amoug the variety f growing planL and shrubn ;hich Witbert Catto nurscs a]onff at his Aider- croft Nursery hoar Walker Parr