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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 1, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 1, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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DiiyfOli Conlinuiilt 9, Chi|;t PICNIC - AUG. 4 New Members of&apos; Coinmllniiy and Friend,: Cordially Invited 1"o Alleml -- DINNER AT 1 P, fvl, ---- COFFEE AND /CE CREAM FURNTHED PRIZES  ENTERTA.INIEN - - MAPLE BEACH PARK ° - On Lake Is,beil J J. UETS ,, AY<,,ORE HOMEf Rainbow Girlg Mr. ;ind Mr,m Mllw l.,lebeh m.d t,, ' ,,;,,,..,.. ,.,,,,,e ,.I'. i,,'l,a,,,, L../Confei HOil01 g MlTi] Carl  ark, ]v r arid Mr;l, t"t, I 1 _ ..  ; " D, I:favJiev ant] dtJtghter Ln.wan3 I aini3ow Assemhly No, 19 re- of Seattlel weft, ]uio,g,t of ]V[r, .qnd I costly honored all past worthy ad- Mrn. tt. i7.1, l:ta{,ley r,f Pdlystn-il.e / visor:, pnJl fother and Dad ad- hint. Vo(lne.;day, Mrn C|arenee Lqinos of heltolt was also n f3LieJt that evening talking nv,,'r old tirneq, IJEC.F.,IVE DONATION The rnembnr'n of tim Capital Hill vlub wish to lhank Iterb An. Ill(' for /lie danatlon 1i, gnvo r,,- colllly tel' lhoir new ehthhouse. "Dad's gettin' a INGRAM & BRIDGES MOTOR (;'0. lVIRRT AND "PINE ..I.IYl ],PS - NIIIRLTON vi.%ot'.<-i alnl confeiq•ed the Majority .blerviee h.)r Ceorgts Megay ttelb math Phylll Earl Tombruell, Car. ol 3an llatehei Ricimrdnon, Peg- pjy Townseld Elf!on, Ro.qelnary Kidwell Dawson, Nraneis LeDrew i'Oitllg, Prsncls Penilmnn IAlltll- qilisl, find R.Illll RoWe qallrner. The llaSr wortlty lidvisorN l'e.q- ent inchided .hlllnita Miller, past IlTalld. wori.hy advisor of the 8ta.te (if \\;rasllhlton, [dllbO, slid Alask% :unl past worthy ntlvimJi' o[ 'A';t- senlbly No, 19; Vera Thonm:4, l.Iel. ,•n tlanson, Phyllis q!embruell, Carol Pierce, Cnrol .leall l,ie, llsrd- son, Cleorgia Hclllnan, Mar jean C]iliVel >, Mavls Ross, .hnle Jordnn, I li'rancLq TOIlIIlG Iiil;h '1211rner, Wiii- 1 nifred Collier. Pat Rllodes slid Marjorie Ami Valley, pl'e,qel]l; oil- visor, ;Mi:m Joan Swan, past. worthy advi.qOl • el? North Bend wa,s a g'tle:t, nnd past Mother advisnr pl°esenl lnehlded Anna [(neeland, Myl,il Colller ll, llfl Elsie Wilson; ira,st Dnd advisors, Edward Stlttoll, %)Vill Andel'son, and l{irk Jordan. Mrs, L. D. tlaek and Clallde Rhodes, Motller and ])eel adxdsors resl)oetivoly, were also present, All th0 llonor glleSts received a lmaut, lful eorage :rod' lhe banqnet hail was beaUt.iflflly deeoratdd v'ith pink and white pond lilies a lid IasLel candles, Delicious Pofl esll menis were sel'vpI at tlie close. ROGERS HAVE SON Mr• and Mrs, lPrnncis Rogers are the. parents of a boy, lmrn on Wedne.qday, ,hlly 2,1. / STRA W ]fir zi i --'' N l)yl f!.S ........ s .... 1 .oo ,•,,s' ",,t>,.i,, ItOES /LT,' ' ......... " ........ 1'50 Ct/ld,.e,,.s SLIPPERs " ......................................... 50 '+ Wonc,.,' SLIPPERs seeR.,, L;,;.L&_ ............................. l .oo • l:i, 'tea hl,ic Wllite and Brown OS, 2.00 .... 2 .00 LUNCHEON SETS 36" Luncheon ClOth rand !lapkjns .... 2"00 GARMENT HANGEP LUolte .................... ...: ........... .......... 50 SHOE BAGS A real home ne'cessity ................... 1.00 sister .................... 1.00 4 ,,el, S 3.00 BRAIDED RI GS ... Pantie Girdle ..... 1.00 2-way stretclL Small and medium sizes Suits ..... 15.00 )men's Garbardine, suits Womens Stats .... 15.()() ' e 20NLY,.-Womeri S Ch .ck Stilts Womens (.,oats ... 15.00 20NL ..... . a clean sweep! Dickey Collai s ..... 10¢ W(men s Dickeys ... 50¢ GIRLS' Slipover Sweatei s .. 2.00 GIRLS' White Gym Shorts ..... ]2()0 GI, RLS' 'I* 9 Girls PedalPushers... 1.it0 Childrens' Blouses ..... 1.00 JUVENILE < weatels .. 1.50 Slipover S " " ... JUVENILE Bathing Trunk .......... 50¢ iiil!]lJqli'OlltD. CORD SETS I t,y':i ,I,vvii.lioO(, NOt yl 3 - ......... 4"00 TWO-PIEcE , i ...................... • ,,. Si OR'r SETS 0.OO lgoy':; Np•l.t ,I;leliet, tl'Otlser,t ....... , ........ 1 PLA ID TOP SPORT S ' 'rwn-plee,: sets lilt ............................................. 2.00 WOOL AND COTTON SETS luy's tw°'Pleee sets ............................ 4,00 FRUIT JUICERs ........ Plast (, ltand fo v.,^ .."2_Y "lt-[ • 1. u 2&lLIn.tlnllill ................ ! ................. .... 'll SCARFS 4111te an assol,tnlellg TOWEL SE,I, ................................... t;"()r 2peril > llesl;s ............................. : .............. 50+ "1 .N N % I)RESSER S ' 2 "piece Lll'C, lte .E.s CARRrALL a .................... ; .................. 3"°0 (.,,nve,lie. a,@ AG  .00 SA {!UET AGS >o,,,, ............................. 25 ¢ Womens Bloaes .. 2.00 'White and Co]oro.d I S0CI00! 07f00I8 Grald Offieer. oi' O. E, g, Here F, linor chptol'. O,I,Z.. ]77 (if Union, met Satnrdny eveninK Juiy 20, at Shelton with Welcome ehap- 1 r.l 0 of £helton nnd ahotil 200 rnem- ]]el',l slid visi|ol's, llolioring lhe of- fioinl visit, of the Vor|ily Crnnd Malroll of the (}ralld Chattier of }V,nsllhlgton, O.E,S,, Jiidith Slow.- yer. Other officers present were . Simmons associate grand pn- Iron: Lestcr E. 13itt, p'sl; worlhy gralld patron, and Piith \\;Vlrder, gTalld Adrih ,<lll(] org'rlnlsl. OpeninK and elosillg of ehaplel' wits done I)y the Weloolllo chap- ter find li]llnor eh<ql)ler inilialed I hree candid.ql,os, Offh,ers of Elliinr eh,qpier pre- £idhlg' were lP, Ila l.,alig'e, worl.hy lnltron; lred Sauors, worthy pa- l,tell; lesnor OrClllt, assoeiato mat;:o.; Bob Anderson, associate paflm:" Minnie Sauers, seeretn, l'$:; M t'll..', bt Anderson, trensln'¢:r; Nl'aneis HllSon, condiletress; Mill- nie I-lll.nlillon, qssoointe ('ondlle- tress; Allh, Ahl, chlll)lahi: Mar- garcL Shtlr, orR'anist : lAlill'a, Aso]- SOIl, A(hih : BeLty Goodpastor, ltllt.h; Vclin Itisn'lllssen, Esther: Thehna Winters, Martha, Mildred W]lon, Elects : 17'lots, Loekwond wrder and [,on Vobb, Selitlnel. PICNIC HONORS BIRTHDAV Mr. nnd Mrs. Ira Palms were h0st.q lltlday flt lheh" })oIlcll heine for a 12 o'clock l)ienie dinner hon- orhig the bi,rthday a.mliversary of Mrs. li'lol'en(l PalnlS. The :ifler- 110071 was spear swinlniing' alld playlnff cards, l'olli, tlll)les of pin- oi?,hle were ili play with honors g'o- lnl to Clllick Htlilthlgton, Ira ]Pahls, Charles Lombard, Mrs, Ida, Downie. Mra. (2era r)rake and Mrs. Gertrude Loinbard, Mrs. f}ora Drake and Bob Sehwhln %VOll file flostlnff prize. LAKE ISABELLA CLUB HAS PICNIC The Lake isabella Chlh me% n t Maple Eleaeh for theh' pit;ate July 24, There were 10 nl(ltlhers pres- ent alld Ida Downie was hostess. Ice cream was tarnished by the elnb, The next meetin will be .q blngo party al lhe home nf Mrs. Ella Rngc. SLUMBER PARTY ENJOYED ]3nralmrn Hnwley u.Lui'tained three of her Frieilds, Elhl, Mac No- ble, Jtl]eanna McColelYi/Ln and Joall I:ladsell, with a shnnber party last TlleSlly evellillK at her hollie. A pivnh Sill)tier .:ilitl SWil]liiling- W:lS ellJ(Ive(I. IJTTLE JACK HORNER SO UNCLE-- JIM YOU TIIINK,TI4Ar's A C, OOD LOOitiN0 KID rile STORK ,ROUGlll AUNT NARY rLL IETCI4 ............... .'U, I CAN gUYA BE-TT[R (4 ]l (X)t(I:R IH Ttl -  f =:'; '[l:lV[ ANO Jib, t] •.- /.,, (.Z, ) ....... 1" If LhflL ('llLe kid's month nlnsi(; sonnds kind of sour sometimes, turn on one of yonr favorite records from BECKWlTH'S MUIMC STORE and give him a bit of sweet cmnpetition frnm selections like these BECK- WITH HITS Two 3ilhouettes 1 o00 by Dinah Shore 50, ¢ Boogic Bhws by Gene Krupa Five Minutes More by Tex Beneke (Glen Miller Orchestral Tumbling Tumbleweed by Sons of Pioneers f Then l'll Be Happy by Tolpmy Dorsey Rogue River Valley by Elton Britt SCHOOL • MUSICIANS ! Get yotlr instrlnnents repair- ed now ... before school starts. Don't wait until the last few days and have to wait until October or later to get them back again. DO IT NOW! Turn your broken musical instrument over to us now and have them in time for your first music class when school starts, t21 Y BECKWI l H S SHELTON MUSIC STORE 129 Rallroad Phone :143 District Garden Chilis Picnic The dlsll'ict meetlnK nf tlle Olympic Peninsula Garden ehibs wa,: held Monday, Jnly 22. at Rainlmw cnnp at the fool of Mt. Willkor With el)sill 75 ill atten- (lalloe, l,11's, E, Eelle Applegreon, president of the Lincoln Heights ehll), Port Angeles; Mrs. ,l. A. 8hriner, president of the Port An- gelos (]srdea elllb; ]Vfrs. Lee Davis, [n'enidonl. of the Part Town,qcnd (larden c'hflL qnd Mrs. O. IC Lin- m,ott of' Iho flower division of the t'lood (llllf'il Won]en's cilib were pronenl, repre,qeniing Iheil' re,pee- l ive ehll), The following offieor.q of the %VashingLon ,qt.ate Pederation of (]Rrdelt cllihs were present and each gsve short t.alk on activi- lles of llle federal ion : Ml'>. John Morris Holeomb, president; Mrs. l-]m't Lee. judges' council; Mrs. Ar. T. Tierney, news letter editor: Mrs. D. R. [ob(lell, pro- gram and Mrs. Willian C. Oliver, I)llblieity, al of Senttle. Mrs. I.on Thoiiipson of Port A llg'eles, fop. iiloi' (tistrh.t e.hairnlan, now living ill Seattle, Cfltne with tile Port A lIKole.l l'(]lll). All ]]l]ollneolnent was n]sde l'lt the state convention whi0h will be held Allffnst 22 and 23 in Se- attle at l;h Women's Century club. Mrs. George Cropper, pres- ident of the Shelton chill intro- dlleed the Seattle guests, and Mrs. erie Gontev was in charge of the food. Ther( \\;%ere several Shelton Rliests present also. Two earloa.ds of the Shelton group went to the top of Mt. Walker where they thought tle picnic was to he held, anti ar- rived late for the picnic but stat- ed they certainly enjoyed the view from Mt. Walker. Others were late due to the Hoodsport fire nnd had ta take a, rmmd-about way to reach Rainbow camp. Miss Lee Edwards is tIonored with Showers Miss Lento Edwards, who Ires ,qet Angust 17 as the date for hcr wedding to James E. Einarsson t)f Coquillo, Ore., has been hon- ored with several affair& Last \\;e(]nesday evening, MJSR Virginia Ellsworth snrpPised hel' with a miscellaneous snrprise shower. Cuesl;s present inellded Mrs. Ed MeI{inney, Mrs Inez Dammann, Mrs. Eh'oy Nelson, Mrs. Edna M.c- Nieh(fls, Mrs, Ion Mcdermott, h'ina Lynch, Miss Marie I(i.lbik, Miss Kitty Price, Miss Sybil Lev- in, Miss'Rnby Salisbury, Miss Mar- tan affny, the Ironer gmst, Miss Edwa.rds and the hostess, Miss EIs- worth, l)eliciolis refreshlnents were served at the close, Friday evening a no-host pot- ]tick dinner and shower was held at thv home or Florence Scott on Bayshore by the girls of the Simp- son Logging Co., Invited guests included Mrs, Cal'ol Pierce, Mrs. Jean Carrper, Mrs. La,Vonne Cole, Mrs, Eva Ahlskoe', Ml'. Vdrn Thomas. Mrs. /\\;l'tCll(? t=',odt-ei1, !lilt'it byll0|l, MAss Marian Gafflwy, Miss Mari'ln Le- Mis. Haniiiton ihniorg Mi.s OlgoJi Tiielhty Miss Gladys Tlnn-iilioh en Lelq,Aili- ed with a bridal ,qiio\\;ver.fiw 7vh,qt Lol Ol,qon Tiio.,qday evqihi,%' il 4 ) vloek, Mis,q Olan n<i! ei iie wedding dale Ic, lai'l ([li:,t,e: loi Al.lgilSl 16. The EieI.q pl'e.qehl, all co-\\;vortrers nf Nfi,tls O],]on'n at Rayonier Ineolporated inchlded Georgis Valentine. Hek, i Latham, Marjorle Craig, Kitty Price, Ger- tl'ude Parllow, Beairice Alexander, 1.he hnnor glleSl and lhe hoste.<-'.q. RAINBOW GIRLS NOTICE All Rninhow Cil>ls are asked lo please complete the sale of tlm rng tickets and return the books lO Msrjorie Ann Valby by the end of tllts week. Washington Produces 11 kinds of important cereal gtains heaf, oafs, barley, rye, ¢orn . . ifh wheat leadln all crees. "1 LOST 3:2 LB! Once L6 lb. wewht veel ]y w t .4. h+ilh CaIhl* ht' ]1,: a, lliodel s figdre, 1)ellellC@ Ill,'%}" of Ilia , [117 hilt llv tt. easlt plan. Veil' ,KilA ox R al/ el znonev back. Itl person lost 14 to 15 llvera 0 ill the AYJ)S Reducing. Plan. No exerr, is.. No laxatl dltlg< ]at el, y. Yon Ollt llltl.Ist |Jottllt)t.l i, illt t|lPiil tit)%l.'ll. Siln enioy delh hm.- l/leul, tOlily LI,25 [()r ,q0 MoCON I(EV phi 4Lh & Raih'o:ld Master. Miss Virginia Elsworth Miss Jlui,niti Miller, Miss Doro- lhy Sehwietering, Miss Georgiebel Wehb, Miss Mavis ROSS, Miss Eln- ilia, ltieherl, MAss liMwni'ls nnd 1;'hlrence elltt. VISIT IN SEATTLE Mr. and Mrs. H, E. Hawley and children Barbara. Jhnmy and Jennie spent the week end at the home of Mr. ad Mrs. Carl Static in Seattle, They were accompan- ied by Mrs. Lou Wiley who will stay this week with her daughter, Mrs. R, L. Smatlers. August School Special on Permanent Waves :I,,4.,,, ........ TiSM ivi as, c ITIS Mr.r sad sm so dale, .h relief from Porinnr that I will Mr,,.;. writing' me ,:llllda V Anna, Palilz, ni lhe'C \\;Va r.:h. (?anal, blrthda? Laboralorie Clltett Mra. W Edwin l 3o and ,Tane C'_ the 11Ol Mrs. 131 ]3' gift; St 1,21t Saturday PARE ON LAKE ISABELL Our RAU'S ORCtt Regular MILRE GRIMES' AT $1o.00 <li - .,+.  . ,E. Miles Oll the ] " ,i;i::llarlred by Shelton Eag']es A., ..... i',i:"" uancing 9'30 p m to 1 3 MACHINE,PERMAN lN'l'.. , N 'O.,.r A,,.q,  -7 °"' ' ' )  > ;N O.e c MACHINELESS "PERM A N'I']N:J Oe c! VANITY I)eLUXF, :  p,t,,< BEAU,o V seie.ti, 218 S. fE/l[ Ir i' it to y< I ;Z2 Steal rs ., • We've sc res of thirlgs to help yo ,ii i have a better time of your life this li,: out-doorable month of August- • I]. Summer VALUES that say "Let's II }l Go."* for fun in the sun . . . for a ! dip in the deep . . . for a whirl in i the sport's world. So come to Me.." II'] Conkey-Fir Pharmacy fo,. t,, " -bevenu ii playtime accessories you need fo" _]. a high old timeat old time low "; !ll prices• . ¢0 ,. ekroache$ --ll00 SELT,R .................... 49 ¢" g on Fridays aE ; i ' BO.B ......................... 2 "9 :i l he 4 Esquire , TAMPAX eW M ,0,s ................................ 29¢' ,t...l Quartet Yo Friday -- Saturday Augnst TWO FEATURES "DEADLINE AT DAWN" with ilSiill llayward, Paul I,nka,% Bill Wiiltam. and Ithqlfraw ill lhe Royal l[Olllited in "MURDER ON '.! ItS YUKON" ,llililP Newel, Polly Anll oilli, "(!blef" Thiindcr- cloud NEWS S u nday-Monday-Tllesday Aagilst 4-5-6 "JANIE GETS MARRIED" starring Joan Leslie, Robert Hutton, with Edward Arnold, Ann Harding NEWS  CAR'I'O()N - Wednesday - Thursday August 7-8 Jimmy Stewart, Rosalind Russell in "NO TIME FOR COMEDY" witl Geneviev Tobln, Charle Ruggles Plus NEWS axld SHORT FEATURES $1.00 WILDROOT ilki4blli lkL /" CREAM OIL .............. 89¢' o, ,PAPA 39 ¢ TOOTH PASTE ........ 60 SAL HEPATICA ................ I TWICE AS MUCH When you bring your pre- scription to McConkey. Fir Pharmacy it receives DOUBLE the amount of professional ca re and skillbecause every pre- serlption by us is double- checked to guarantee ab- solute accuracy, Every prescription receives the professional attention of TWO highly competent registered p h a r macists,- one checking the work of "the other. This means that you get TWICE as much safety when you come to our pharmacy! Applauding Esquire 1, Box 147, Olympia- I Your TYPES 'AVA !