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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 1, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 1, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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TLzrs .I a.,.&apos; iimior, !,i| :t 3' ;31i eiltelI:iili - A'el". flw hii,"lS i'V(qihi K tl G il;iyIi ei hei' 'L ([h.ave: I'OF ei pre:;ehl, 3s (3i;]o11' al :ed inchlded ielvi Lathaln, T Price .el'- 2e Aloxandel', lhe Ileal e.'-',.q. I NOTICE are asked lo lie of tile l•ug ;he books IO by life elld of "I LST 32 Once 156 ib% Mis T weight v,eel:]y w/th Imlh Caniiy l{educing lihe ]ills a ]ilodd 51;t[drP., 1)eliellCO 111¥ of lll[/¥ i10 tlrllt* bll{ I IV Ibis t?gL:siel plan. Vt.v Fi'/ £'ox R alh back. It1 Ii]ed persons lost 14 io 15] uverage in a few the AYI)S % icamiU Reducinf Plan. No exerr, lso. No laxat dlklg4, lzL I] OI1{, IllPaiq, [ otatt •, ete, J ellt l|leln di*pWll, Silo enjoy delh im.., lleuh, Only '2,25 for 30 q McCONKEY PH 4th & Railroad [ton Produces porfanf cereal gtains-- irley, rye, corn . = dln all crees. eels or cane, all pure sugar. weetness and qualitz. diool t [; -%! rE PERMANENT DURING AUGUST ONLY g BEST FOg SCHOOL er A ngmt Spcciuls o1 ' " S INEIJLS, ANrFY I)eLUXF00 I' BEAI 51,Y SHOP 4rs. Nellie .Weston, Operator scores of things to help y0U better ,time of your life this orable month of August el" VALUES that say "Let's 'oF fun in thc sun . . . for a the deep .... for a whirl in ort's world. So come to Mr-." y-Fir Pharmacy for tim e accessories you need for old time at old time low ...... 49 ¢ 2"95 ..... 29 ¢ i .... 89 ¢ 39 * 49 ¢ E ]H your ore- cConkey- receives mount of r e and very pre- is double- enter ab- e. Every elves the ntion of :ompetent r macists, ' .= work of ;s means WICE as hen you rmacy ! O REE ..• #< i l i Mi.% CEORGE GRISDALE, ST. , ,O.OREr.., sooAY lt. g iT I and am no dale, .h'., and Mr. and Mra. Earl relief from l?orinm] entertained their mnthev. that i will ] Mr:L Oeol'ge M. Gri,dale, ST,, writing' me 'ilildny afternoon with n dinner Anna. lPaulz, at the CIrL,dale, Jr. lama on Hood \\;Ta.y.J/. ! . :],'ial, ihe ooe,qYfioo being' hel' R Hutson=Pincimey • lip|lOiS Friday lVriday evening', .Tuiv'26, Mi.s (]erai(li. , ftlltso'n and l,beli (-', i:qnel{ney were llnited m m:l Tinge ql .,I o'clock al the j bh"ihdaV anuivera.l'y,. Methodii CllHreil, fqhelton, wiih I Gue :{ . for ' tile .*affair indiuded.l'the , R'verend " H. , ¥V..<q-lnrshrfian' Mr,;. VQ. li'. Cl'oSby, Dr. andMr I officiating for 'lhe" candlelighted P, dwin Loveii an d daughters Carol ervlce. t'he bride In the daugtiter I a'o and L3:iln; P.eth Fortnm'n an¢![ of Olll'lb? i=iurm?n, and the bride- I Jane (h'i{daie, granddaughters oil groolil i!-; tile ROU of '[1'. and Mrs. ,hffni ,1 Pinekney, all or Shelton. the honor guem, anti the l io.¢,;t.m I The eilllroii deem'ated with Mrs. Grisdalc received many love-I was 13, Kifts I•or ihe oevnMon. , whih, atllf/ lavender sl|nllllOr flow- e|'.q. CONCRETE PIPE SEWER PIPE CULVERT PIPE DRAIN TILE WELL CURB Alo Washed SAND &', GRAVEL FOR QUALITY AND ECONOMV ee MASON MATERIALS S1 leeossor,q to SH ELTON CONCRETE PROD U*GTS CO. PHONE 123 71h St. Bridge Saturday Night PARK HALL 1,28 ON LAKE ISABELLA RAU'S ORCHESTRA MILRE GRIMES AT THE PIANO II. E. Miles On the Drums by Shelton Eagles Aerie No. 207£ g 9:30 p,m. to 1:30 a.m. --Your for the telephoning! One call and we'll pick up your laundry, do it up "hos- pital clean" in our modern, scientific plant and return it to you paekaqed anti ready for use. Cleaners Phone 88 Seven Days a Week Tile bride was attractively dressed in an nqua jersey after- nOOll dress with a lrlal'ine motif and with it she wore white acces- sories. Hey bouquet wa of bouv- ardia, mw-.etlea:; and Itll orchid, Virginia. Lqllge WaS her only al- lelldald aild Hlle wore fl, yellow and black llrinl dress with blacl¢ arid white aceessorien and her bol.lqllet Wan of peach colored rose- buda• Candielighters were June Hilt.* son, sister of the bride and MarKie Pmvson. John J. Plnekney, Jr., was I:fin I)roihel": best man and ushers WOre Chlren(m Perldns aud Paul St:eases, 'ill of Shelton. :Miss IvIerrily lttll, Shelton, played the wedding music and MIss Joan SOl:)- ev sa.ltg, "Oh Promise Me" and "l [.a)ve Yell Trnly," oeeompnnled hy Miss ]{ill. An annl of the brido, V,"rs. W. A. ul'nlrager of East Olympia, received with lhe bride and wore a Ifl|lek and rose th'ess with a gel'- ( [enilt COl'SO gy,. lVh'< Pinelowy wore n, ligllt hhle Sllil, with tlla(k aioessories slid :l Wn'denia, 12orsa .(e. " A ree.epLion was held in the clnlreh l)a.rlors witil the rooms dec- ornted with pastel eolored flowers. The tabh, was cenlered with nn a.ll-while lhree-liered cake nnd flowers of pastel shndes. Mrs. V& R. l-lsl)son, of Olympia, poured and Mrs. Bln'ntrager serv- ed the cake. Mrs. Miles Mols- wor|h was il ollalT, o or the wed- ding pii ft m There were ,10 gnests present for the wedding and reception. For traveling the bride added a white "shortie" coat to her wed- ding dress and wore nn orchid eorsn,e. Arh,r n short wedding 1rip Io they will mnl{e their llome in helton. Mr. and Mrs. Pinckney both at- tended tie Irene . Reed Senior l:fih Sehool, and Mr. Pinckney has reeently been discharged from the Na, vy, after two years in the Sonth Pneifie. W('rIJ TO MEET :F'Ri DAY AFTERNOON The Sheltm Woman's Christian Tempernnee mmn will hold the regular monthly meeting Friday, Alg. 2, al Lhe lame of Mrs. I. W. Wha h,y, hegimlinp: with a. 1 (feloel i)othl(d hmelleolL ffrs. Mel Dobson will be assisting" hostess anti Mrs. VV. MT. Ellioti; will lead tile dew)lions. ][rs. Arvilla Wiley will il"tV(. charge of the program. All iu-l;erestod \\;VOlYlell are col'dial- ly invited to attend, SON BORN IN CALIFORNIA Mr. and Mrs. I),vid YI. Logan }l,q\\;'e )'o('eivod lv()rd lh ir son 'llltl da,ug'hter-in-lnw, Lt. Coindr. and ?v]rs. William 1)avid Logan have :,, son. William David, Jr., born July 25 in the SI. Mary's hospi- l:ll, iiii lPl'alleisco. BAPTi,T Biill.E CLA, s I'ICNIC TUESDA The al'lDIllll Baptist Bible class l)icme was held Tuesday evening aL tlm V. S. FIe(:kmari home near llnion. A1)out 50 altended. Horse- shoes were played and a busi- ness essiun was enjoyo(l foilowin K the dimwr. Pictures taken by :Mr. Heckman formed the entertain- mcnt for the evening. HOME LOANS Convenient Terms Reasonable Bates NO DELAY Mason County Savings & Loan Association % Title insurance Bldg. :Food --Fine Music on Fridays and Saturdays "The 4 Esquire Boys" Musical Quartet You'll Go Hurtle Applauding Esquire Club 1, Box 147, Olympia -- at MUD BAY Range Burners Convert Your Range to an 0il Burner TWO TYPES TO CHOOSE FROM AVAILABLE NOW!! ER ELECTRIC i Phone 66 207 Cote Street SOCIAL EV ENT S Miss Allen is Honored Friday Miss Marjory Troy mid Mar- gart }'Hantilton . were.; cohostese. at>a shower given in l)0'ff0r"of lvliss Lueille Allen at the C. O. Troy home riday evPning, Jnly 25. flnests inebldefl :lV[endnmes Wnl- tm" S. Allen, Rohert Dodge, Hal - ry Hamilton, C. . Troy, John VanderWal, Andy Harris, May L. Troy and Misses Collen Mast, Nel- dn Chaplnan, Nona Harris, Mar- garet Glaser, Pat Troy, th hon- ored glest, Miss Llei]le Allen, nnd the eohostesses, Miss Hamil- m and Miss Troy. (]ames were enjoyed during the evening with prizes going, to Mi's. Harry Hamillon aml Mrs. John Va nderWal. Many lovely presents were re- ceived by the honored guest. Re- freshmeus were sem,ed at the end of llie evening. DeMolay Pressing for Majority Degrees Mark N. Reed. elmpLer of the Order of DeMolay is bending its principal efforts toward getting eonfeiTal 'of majority degrees for as ln&ny Of its, members as pos- .<dble at ttlo first state DeMolaly t;onvention to be held .since be- fore the war, scheduled at Aber- deen AUgUSt .20, 31 nnd .Septem- ber ]. All members of the order who have reached 2 years of age will have an opportunity of, having the l:)eMolay majority con- ferred at the convention. All mem- bers eligle'aad who Wlsli to' re- ceive tee degree m;e asked to notify W. M. Valey at the L.M. grocery department or l%rnard Winieeki nt his home. IIOOD CANAL GARDEN CLUB "I'he Hood Canal Garden ehlb held :l picnic. July 18; at Twanoh State park. There were 32 in at- tendance tn enjoy the pot.hlel¢ lnncll. Qames for the day were arranged by Mrs. Gladys Lock- wood and prizes which'were also furnished by Mrs. Lockwood, were won by Mrs. Nancy Brown, Mrs. Merle Snlith, Mrs. Frances Hill, Karl Linscott and Mr. Glfford, who all composed poetry aboui different species of flowers, The next meeting of the Gar- den club is to be tmld at the home of Mrs. Josie Peterson August 15. Luncheoh is to consist of clqm chowder and dessert which will be served by Mrs. Zoe Seeva, Mrs. Elizabeth Robinson and Mrs. Frances Hill, instead of the nsual pothlck hmeh, :Mrs. Hill is asking all members of tt'm cllb to bring a donation of a remnant of goods to be sent to Greece for makilg garments for children. Timy need dress material, unblenehed mmlin, cotton and flannel in amounts from one-half yard to five yardm VThis is a national federation proj- ecl but there i. still time t0 Send conLributiol. AI,ICE SILVERS ANNOUNCES ENGAGEMENT Mr. aud Mrs. Omar G-, Silvm-. or (hq'iixd lIill anuounce the on- gagement of their youngest d:mgltel', Alice :Marie, to Donald E. :Burson, recently discahrged from the nnvy, A dinner was held at the home of the bride-elect Sunday, July 21, nt which time the annmmcement was lna de. Guests ineluded Mr.-and Mrs. Waltm' A. Silvers of Olympia; :Mr. gnd Mrs. W. E. Sharpe, :Mrs. t(a.therine JOhnson, Mrs. C. W. Coleman and children and Miss Jacque :Mowry. Mr. Burson is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. urson of Spokane. No wedding date has been set. MR. AND MRS. :EDWARDS RETUISN TO SHEL'£ON' Mr. and Mrs. W. W..Edwards of 411 Arcadia avenue, returned to their Shelton home last week, after completing a 7,000 mile mo- tor trip which took 'th:em as far east as 'Minnesota, stopping at the Mayo Clinic, then on south through Iowa, stopping to visit Ivfrs. Edwards parents and broth- el', then to Tulsa, Okla., and then home through Kansas, stopping in Cohn'ado to bring Mr.iEdwards' mother, Mrs. M. :IV[. Edwards of Palisade, Col., home with them for a visit during the summer, where she will also visit three other sons and a daughter. ATTENDING FURNITURE MART Ole Olsen, proprietor of the el- sen Furniture company of Shel- ton, accompanied by Mrs. Olsen, left here yesterday for a two-week trip to the furniture markets in San Francisco and LOS Angeles. BROTHEI 1S VISITOg ber Thomas of Seattle, broth- er of Mrs. Grant C. Angle, has been a geust at the Angle home on Angleside several days this week. INITIATION FOR RAINBOW GIRLS TUESDAY Tuesday, August 6, the Rainbow Girls Assembly will hold an initia- tion at the Masoni6 Temple, start- ins at 7:30 in the evening. There will be refreshments. RETURN FROM VACATION Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fuller and sons Bob and Floyd flare just re- turned from a l'7-day auto trip through Yellowstone Park. They also visited relatives l South Da- kota. CIIARLES NUBY ESTATE Judge Wilson signed a decree of distribution on the hearing of the final report and petition for distribution in the Charles Nuby estate TOWNSEND CLUB TO MEET SATURDAY The Southside Townsend club No.  will lneet Saturday, Ag. 3, starting at 8 o'clock. Visitors are welcome. SHELTON COUPLE WED Edwin C. Sepp and Laura Kin- kel both of Shelton, were united in marriage Saturddy, July 27, by ,lustiee W. A. Magoon. Fifth Birthday Is Celebrated Pn.lrricia Grace Morgan, dangh- ter, of' Mr. afldtMrm., l-Iar.old,,W. l'organ, celebrated ler fifth birth- day ahniveraary, July 24, at Kneeland park where the gnentn enjoy0d splashing in tlie wading prl nnder the mlpervision .of Pat's two aunts, Mrs. Arthur Crocker and Mrm Wesley. Morgnn. The usual birthday refreshments were served picnic style and all reported a fine time. uests inchlded Danny Morgan, Bessie tOOl), Wanda Ann Wh|te; Michael Hopkips, Carla, Kimbel, Marsha. anti K.ermit Livermore, Carol Hannah, Beal3"ice SIa'uel- loan of Seattle, Robl)in I,ee Mar- shall, WllO has just returned from a irip to Elgln. Ill., Pliyllis Lane of' Everett and tlle holior gueal, Pat.ricia G rsee Morgan. Mother present were Mrm Earl Fortlum, Mr.. Herb Loop, Mr.o,. Robert Marshall. Mrs. Orlan Hnnnah ,and Mrs. Kermit Liver lnol'e. TIM[ IEEE IS IN'CliilA A note" to Mrs. Mina Lee fronl her sen Tim, who is an aviation nlaellinisUff mate second class, states that he was leaving 3uly 18 to ai'rlvo in Cuba, 3uly 22, where tlmy will opera:t for a.feW days arid. then return lo New York, Angu.t 2 and IJlelt cleave AUgUS 5 for Annapolis. I-le is worklng witlt the fighter glmtp at A nnapolL aId,, has one :l,'4II ,Corsair,: to ake :care el'; He :ment, ioned fhe: .weath'er. Was pret- ty-eold for hfilnmor wllere-he was dt the tlmd o.f writlng. Tim's brother Dici¢ is stationed at god|ok, nd lie is a RClc. MYRTLE DOWNIE TELLS OF E2qGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Wiltiam Downie of Arcadia. road announce the en- gagement, of tl/eir daughter, Myr- tle to David Greene of The Dalles, Ore. Miss Downie was a gradu- ate of the Irene S. Reed senior high schoo L class of 1944. She has been eriiployed in the office of a dairy concern in Portland for the pant two years. She is to be married Aug. 3 at The Dalles wilere tie is employed by the tel- ephone company, and Whel'e they will make their homo.. BU) PAULEY AT FORT LEWlR Bud Pauley am'ived Sunday at Fort Lewis from Puerto Rico, Ar- uba and Caruso, w]ere lie is awaiting s0paratior from the armed force§. He has been in tim, service for the past fourteen and one-half months. VF%V CONVENTION IlEI,D IN ABERDEEN The vFW state convdntion was held in Aberdeen .hfly 10 to 13. The delegates attending from Slel- tan wore Ethel Compton, Juanita Pottee, Ann Levil and Bee Gray. The next meeting of the auy ilia, will be held August 2 at 8 o'clock at the Memorial hall. Members are urged to attend as there will only be the ene meet- in' dnrin A]lktlt. I,'fENIL'4HII' ('i,UB MEETS The Friendship club llet Jnly 17 at the home of Toni Swiger with Helena Iinns as assisting hostess. A lovely luncll was served in :Mrs, Swiger's beautiful yard. Birthday cakes and gifts honored Muriel Graf and Libbie Saeger. The next receiving will be a pic- nic at Walker park August 7. FRANK II. {VAI.KER ESTATE An order settblg the time for hearing the final report and pe- tition for distribution of the Frank 1-17, Walker estate was signed Sat- urday by Judge Wilson. The thne was set for Saturday, Sept. 7. LEPAGE-WEEKS WEDDING. Justice W. A. Magoon performed a marriage cereniony Wednesday, July 24, for Ray W. LePage ar{d Grace R. Weeks, both of Yacolt. RETURNS FROM BOSTON Mrs. Ernest C. Dahlgven return- ed Tuesday from a visit of the past six weeks In Boston with her daughter, Mrs. Warren Wilson. While on the trip, Mrs. Dahlgren visited with friends and relatives in Chicago :Montana, New York and other places of interest. ON INSURANCE wlfh fhe •FARMERS INSURANCE GROUP. Broad insurance profecf|on Frle,dly claim service. AUTOMOBILE and TRUCK #Je=--"Co.i;,.i.gfom," assessable. Be, safe.., not iorty Isure fodayl or inform.lon, see---. BILL PEAION Distr.iqt Agent OSCAR MELL Local Agent FARMERS AUTOMOIILE I=t.r, INSURANCEI==Imn¢o Truck Insurance Exchanp Miss Eddy Weds Donald Ribbe The wedding of Mis 1Tern Eddy of Belfnil' to Donald Ribbe of Gift Harbor hohl Saturday evening, July 20, ati.raetd over 150 friends and relatives of the eonple. The ceremonywas held in the'. St. Pauls Lpi,enpal cilmell, l/!remer- ton, with n beauT.ifulty candle- lighted service, Rev. C. M. Bailey officiated at the doable ring cere- rnony. The hride is tlie d.qnghter of Mr. mid Mi's. Eddy of Be]fair. Preceding the service. David Eddy of Olympia, eousnl of the lrlde, sang nuptial songs, accmn- paniod by Willimn Roller at the organ Mr Roller also played the wedding am;tiles, Eseorted down llle willie-car- peted aisle, Miss Eddy was :l ellarming bride iri her gown of white brocaded sai.hL Slle wore ,q fingertip veil of wiite lace and carried an all-whil.e bouquet of sweei,peas, carnation and nteph- anoti,. Mrm Chloe Dinnoen, of Aber* deeu, acted as Inatl<oll of honor and bridesmaMn Wm'e Mi,n Ool. leell Ferguson of A'herdeen, nnd Miss Patty Igddy of Olymtlia. All are ('OURillS Of i)le t}ri(]e, l?lower gh'ls were Winifrod P, oad nnd ,lan- el Browu. Walter Eddy, ,It'., brolher of I.he bride, was best man for Mr. Ribbe aud lls]lers were Leonard Sellwelt- 7,o1', of Bremerton, nnd Pat Iul,ten of Manchester. A recelltion followed nnd yeas held in the church phrlors. Poui'- ing ,were, MI¢.% Loonal'd Sc*]lwcitzer (Edna Cln'istyl mid Mrg. Etta. Short, of l{l'enlol.ton. The weddihg cake was served by Mrs. Kenileth leasman of P, ilverda]e, wllila ihe flower girls served the hrid0- groom's eakes, nod Miss Evelyn Nelson passed the gtlest book. F'ollowifig t,hir weddiflg, the eouplo' left far Lake Quina.uli'., where they will spend:q• few weeks before retm'nlg to Bremerton. The new M]'s. Ribbe, who wa,q reared and educated in.Belfair, and Port Orchard, has been employed at Melody Lnne. Mr. Ribbe, wlm attended schools in Bremerton and Gig Harbor, is employed at Paget Solnld Naval shipyard. MAR,RIAGE APII,ICATIONS Edwin C. Sepp 29, and Laura Kinkel 28, both of Shelton Jnly 23, at Shelton. James E. Einnl'ssm 25, of Co- quille, Ore., and Leota R., Ed- wards 24, or Shell.on, ,hHy 27, at Shelton. Louis F. Tylezak 32, and RIlth Lavington Hillier 24, both of Shel- ton, Jnly 27, a.t Sholton.;, Carl R. Dodge 26, and Llmillo N. Allen ]9, both of Shelton, July 29, at She]ton. AUTOMOTIVE PAINTING GLASS INSTALLED RIDLEY'S Body and Fender Works PICKUP • and DELIVERY SERVICE WORK GUARANTEED 1 Milo South On Olympic Highway ROGERS BROS. GARAGE Phone 218R.2X Mi$ NELLIE NELZON I=#,ETI)R,N FP.OM VACATIC, N Mis Nellie Nel,-loa hn rel;nrned lo :he]ton nfl;er a two weeks' va- eat|on ill Cllleago, where lie vi;-, ,ted relativem On her l"eturn E;he was aeeonlpanied hy Mis K:. (2ydewood of Nari, Alitonio, Tox., wlio viMl:ed here for lwo weekg before returniiLf to 5Jan Alltrltio This week V, rednesday, Mr. Clad3L't Boles art'ived 1or a V1RiI of a Week "with Ivllim Nelqon be- Ifore contlnning on to ltollohiili, :MI':L Eoles' hlisbnnd i n ef3/lfhit of ,lohn 12oles eft I.he iilovt{,;L MR. AND MES. WERBEI{GEI{, ENTERTAIN Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Wcrborger entertained al'Ollnd 200 fPlends lnst SrtLurdly evening wii,h a >alp- per and dance at. their bou'le. A hirg'P table was la(len with f0o(I, slid dallehlg w,q,q enjoyo(I diiring lJie eVeliing, wil h lOm'g I aR-, en througli lhe winory, All pl'eS, ellt report a fine arid enjoyable evening. "lhe occasion xva! abe the birth- day armversary of Mr. Werberg- PI' and lie l'efeived many good wislles from ilifl l'riendm ON ALL GENERAL Eleetrieal Appliances Such as ]rOllS. Hot Plates, Washing, :Machines. Vaetlum. Cleaners, Electric Ranges, Motors of all khlds. le. ELIOT ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT CO. Title lnmirance Bldg. Phone 6,t5 Seed PotatOes leld Seeds HOME , Olympia Feed Coinpany O'Neill BIdg, - Shelton ' I Ill I I I J I I " Genlline PARTS --and-- "tly Strw New MotorI- I Direet from Fac,tory-- I Not Rebuilt i Not Reeonditioned SRICILY NEW FOR ALL CIITIgLER CARS and r 1  ' " I' l IN.I.iRNA.IIONAI TICUCIS KIMBEL MOTORS Chrysler- Plymouth- International 306 OIynlpic Highway 2- DAY SALE OF GLENMOR FURS AUGUST 2 AND 3 CONDUCTED BY MR. MORSE. Representative of Glenmor Furs . For the Best in Styles, Craftsmanship and Val,nes Get Gienmor Furs hy M & S Morse, Seattle CRANE'S APPAREL 311 Cote St. Phone 228 From Now Until All Our Merchandise Is Gone REDUCED PRICES ON ALL OUR APPAREL IN A BIG CLOSING OUT SALE I