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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 1, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 1, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAIII00 :' One Gallon, (OOe sVerage roOm l) SHELTON.MASON COUN0000 JOURNAL Published every Thursday morning Men'lber o£ Washington Newspaper Publishers' Associatlon and National Editorial Association Entered as second-class nmtter at the postoffice at Shelton. Washington WILFORD L. JESSUP, Editor and Publisher Bill Dickie, Advertising A{gr. Bessie Bolen, Business Mgr. Subscription Rates: $2.50 per year in advance; 6 months $1.50: outside Mason County $2.75; Cmada and Foreiga $3•50. J. L. CATTO RAUSCHER & SON HARDWARE 12a Olympio Hiway (Hillcrest PHONE 585 317 Railroad Phone 48 MEETS AT 8 P. M. IN MEMORIAL HALL 1st and 3rd TUESDAYS TED DANIELS VISI'rS Ted Daniels, former Shelton high school athlete, accompanied by his wife and family, were va- cation visitors wittt relatives in Shelton last week. Thy now live in Chico, Calif. Ted reports his younger brother, Allan, has re- cently been discharged from the navy, and his older brother, Giles, is now in Mobile, Ale., with the maritime service decommission- ing ships. ()T1CE OF %;ATER RI(ll3P APJ*LICATION -NO. 7233 Stain of Washington, Of fin; of Su- l)ervisoe of ttydraulics, ely_topis. • 0 WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that Wendel R, Knauss of Shelton. State of Wash- lngton under date of June 11 19.t6:, filed with the State Supervisor ot Hydraulics, Olympia, Washington. an applleatioa for a permit to d*vert the public waters of unuamed spring trib- utary ot unnamed stream, in 1.he amount of 0.05 second-feet, sllbJect to existlag rights, for the purpose of dotuestic supDly for 5 families, coa- tinuously; that the approximate of dh, erston is located within NWa. of SEi of S,cl:lon 27, Townshl 20 N,, Range 3 W.W.M., in Mason Coun- ty. A nmp showing the location and plan of said diversion and the place of the proposed use is oa file in the office of the State Sup ery!sm: of Hy- draulics, Olympia, Wasnmgton, to- [ gether with such other $1nformation as Is requtred by law. Ally person, firln o,' corporation whose right will be injuriously af- fected by said application may file with the Slate .Supervisor of Hy- draulics, at Olympia, washington, such "objections or representations, in writ- ing, as he may desire tu make, within thn'ty (30) days after date of last publication, which date is August 8. 1946. • my hand and official seal this 21st day of June. A. D. /946. " IOI)NEY RYKER, [ State Supervisor of Hydraulics. 8q-8-2t E-TA¢OMA00 ¥ QUeen For o OQy Bulldog Drummond 00TH[ PUG[T SOUND STATnON00 SEE TODAY'S PROGRAM LISTINGS FOR PROGRAM TIMES t ' --::.- - ',"' "','--, .... SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOLIRNAI Potlatch Callers at the Morrison home lately were 1V[r. and Mrs. Carl vv,vvv,v,,vv,,,-v, Kanzler and little daughter of The Potlatch Ladies club was Tacoma nnd, a few days later, entertained by Mrs. Cliff Reader Mr. and Mrs. H. Galbraith, also on grednesday afternoon. A dell- of Taconla. cious dessert luncheon was served Dinner puests at the Tom at; 1 o'clock and a pleasant after- Bowles h()nle recently were Mr. noon was enjoyed with sewing, and Mrs. Glenn Reed and son fancy work and conversation. Glcnnie of Seattle, and Joe LassQre Those pr*sent were Mrs. Picker- of Hoodsport. ing, Mrs. Pierce, Airs. E. Carl- ttouse guests at the Tom Bowles son, Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Sehrimpf, home for a couple of weeks were Mrs. Morrison, Mrs. }hmsman and Mrs. Perne Bowles and three lit- the hostess, tle daughters of Aberdeen. S. D. Mr. Magnuson arrived home for M,r. and Mrs. Edwin Carlson a brief visit with his fam/ly last a. e moved from Potlatch to Sno- Tuesday. Tlle following day he qualmie. returned to Seattle to rejoin his fishing crew. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sheldon  Events Date Dayton spent last week in San Francisco Residents for reekend on a combined business and pleas- Dayton-Events keeping this ure trip. During their absence t comnlunity's citizenry dated up for their small son Tommy wss cared the imme[tiate future include to- for by his grandparents, Mr. and morrow night's Commtmity club Mrs. E. Carlson. meeting mad the big community Callers at the Hussman llome picnic this Sunday at Maple Beach last Monday afternoon were Mr. on Lake Isabella. and Mrs. Bill Treumper and Migs Election of officers will feature Robin Deffergo of Bremerton. the club meeting Friday, with a Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Morrison potluck hmch topping off the pro- plan to go to Tacoma Wednesday gram. to attend the funeal of !h's. Mof Those desiring transportation to rison's Mster-in-law who was fa- the picnic site may make arrange- tally stricken with paralysis last ments at the Friday night meet- Friday. ing, or by arriving at the Corn- Visitors at. Clar-Mel for an munity hall by 11 a.m. Sunday indefinite period are Gordon Hol- morning. lis and Peter, Roy and Harold 3_ special invitation to new res- BerLin, all of Pasadena, Calif. The idents of tile community has been three latter young men are ne- extended to attend both the meet- phews of'Norman and Bob Gray. ink and tile picnic as a means of Mr. and Mrs. John Rodgberg becoming better acquainted with drove to Aberdeen and Hoquiam their,, neighbors. last Saturday. They report that the mercury in those cities regr t Little work was accomplished toward getting the kitchen roof istered 100 degrees that day. completed on the hall Sunday as Mr. and Mrs. K. Simons and only three men turned out. two sons spent several days at Ocean Park last week. GUESTS AT ItEItMES HOME Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Blonk and o. lsl two children of Boise, Ida., were NOTICE TO CItI,I)IT()It weekend guests at the home of IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE Mr. and M:rs. George Hermes. Mrs. S/'ATE OF WASHINGTON FOI MASON COUNTY Blonk and Mrs. Hermes are sis- IN PItOBATF, tars. Mr. Blonk is connected w.ith In the Matter of the Guardianship the public relations department of the Estate of Marion 1.1. Grallam, of tile U. S. bureau of reclama- a Mental Ineonlpetent. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that tion at Boise. the tlnderslgned, William W. Grahanl, ....... has been apRointed and hns qualified I as the guardian of tile estate of Mar- ion H. Graham, a mental incompetent, and that all persons having claims National Forest Timber against the said incompetent or her estate are hereby required to scrvu ] For Sale their elaints, duly verified, on the undersigned guardian, William W. I Sealed bids wit be received by Graham. or hm Attorney of Rat.oral, Chas. R. Lewis. at %he law office of the Forest Supervisor, Box 187, Cl]as. R. Lewis, Bell :Building, :119 Olympia, Washington, up to and South 4th Street. Shelton. Mason not later than 2:00 P. M., Sap- County, Washington, the same being dcsigaated as the place for the trans- tember 2, /946, for all the live act on of the business nf the said timber marked or designated for estate, and file such claims ingather cutting, and all merchantable dead with proof o£ service, with the cl'k of the above entitled court within six tinlber located on an area era- months from tilt', dale of the first bracing about 16 acres within publication of tlds notice, to-wit: July Sees. 16 and 17, ']7 21 N, R 8 W., 11, 1946, or oUlerwise such claims aha/l VV. M., Wishkah River watershed be baz'red. WILLIA1V[ W. GRA]IAM. Olympic National Forest, Wash- Guardtan of the estate of ington, cstinmtcd to be 95,000 darlon II. Grahmn. a mental ineonlpotcnt. Bolt 13uildtng, feet B. IV[,, more or less, of west- 119 South 4th Street,, Shelton, ern redcedar, 110.000 feet B. M.. : Mason Ceunty, Washington. more or less, of Sitka spruce, and CIIAS. It. LEWIS, Attorney for said estate, 280,000 feet B. M., more or less, iii: Bell Building, 119 South 4th St.. of western llemlock. No bid of Shelton, Mason County. %Vashlngton less than $5.00 per M feet for 7-11.18-25--8-1--4t. western redcedar, $4.25 per M feet for Sitka spruce, and $2.50 per M feet for western hemlock and other species will be considered. I5. addition to the prices bid. for stumpagc a cooperative deposit of $0.15 pet' 5I feet B. M.. to be used by the Forest Service for paying tlle cost of slash disposal for the total cut of tirbcr under tile terms of the agr%eent, will be required. Bids with rates in excess of those permissible under MPl% No. 460 will be reduced to the allowable maximum in mak- ing the award. In the event of receipt of more than one bid at the maximum permissible price, award will be made in such man- ner as in the awarding officer's judgment will result in a maxi- mum contribution of materials needed for the reconversion and  housing prograxn. Where two or more suc] tie bidders are equally qualified in this respect in the awarding officer's judgment, CANNING awa,'d will be made, by lot among them. $1,500,00 must accompany PLIES each bid, to be aI)plied on the SUP ' u,,co price, t'efunded, or re- tained in part as liquidated dam- ages, acording to conditions of sale. The right to rejee any and all bids reserved. Before bids arc Jars - Rings - Crocks submitted full information con- cming the timber, the conditions Waterglass of sale, and the submission of bids FOr Putting Up Eggs should be obtained from the Dis- 01ympi Feed trict Ranger, Shelton, Washing', a ton, or the Forest Supervisor Olympia, Washington• Company .... O Nlelll Bldg. - S!elton Forest Closure Notice The following descrihed areas within and adjacent to the Olym- pic National Forest are hereby declared REGIONS OF EXTRA FIRE HAZARD: ,h)rstt! Creek Area: Section 36, T. 24 N., R. 4 W. Dry Creek Area: Section 15, except Cushman Reservoir, and Sections 16. 17, 20, 21. 22, T. 23 N., R. 5 W. Smith Skokomislz Riv- er Area: Those parts of Sections 1, 2, 3, 10 and 12 south 'of Brown Creek road, Sections 11, 13, 14, 15. E l,. Section 17, Sections 21 and 28 incluMve, and 33 to 36 in- clusive, T. 22 N., R. 5 W.; cx- t.sovs cept the road to Camp 3 in Sec- tion 35. For protection of the No above-described areas against Brush fire the following rule will be en- Mo,kfl forced: Going lute tlmse areas or " being upon the lands described is prohibited except with an en- try pernlit issued by a Forest Officer, and as provided by law. Tlle perlnit shall be in the pos- session of the permittee while hc is witlin tie eloged area. Entry shall be restricted to pcrmazent residents and others cngaged in condttcting a regular, legitimate business, such as industrial oper- a.tions, public works or facilities, livestock raising, mining, and pro- tectiou of the resources. Those An amazinq, new"cel/ophane, entering shall be restricted to cat'- like" tinish for Floor, Wood-, rying on their business and to g6- ing to and fronl their places of work and Furnituref Esy (o' business and their homes or places :leanl Requires NO waxingl of abode; also to tt'avel during daylighL hours when so stipulated Only $2.9s oer quart in their permits. Vktlators of the foregoing rule are subject to fine of $10.00 to $100.00 or 90 days ill jail, or botlt. Effective from SHELTON ELECTRIC July 25, 1946 to October 15, 1946. O, ' Closure requested by United States ] Ieorcst Service. ART GARTER, B. W. SOPER Director, Departlnent of Consez'- 110 4th St, Pfione 154.W vation and Development, State of ..... - - Washington, 8-1-1t ORDINANCE NO. 42528 All Ordinance authorizing the utiliza- tion of 19416 Budget Item of $37,500.00 h'om bonds not yet authorized for the. c onstructiou of a steel water tank and the creation of s special water tank consLructlon fuud, and deternliniag the sources froln which Sllch fund shall be created and au- thorizing tim transfer of $9.212.00 to such special fund• froill the water fulid t)[ the City of Shelton. Whereas the City of Shelton in its I9.16 budget provided for the erection of a steel water tank by the issu- ance of bonds not yeL authorized in the mnn of $37,500.00. and whereas the City of Sheltou Inks secured a grant uf $18.424.00 from the State of Washington Development Board to as- sist in the payment of the. eonstrue- tiou (,f a new app,'oxinmtely 520.000 gallon capacity steel water tank and whereas the City of Shelton supplies from its water fund the surn ot $9.* 212.00 to aid in such construction, now therefore tile City Conmlission of the City ul Shelton. Washington, does of dain as follows: SECTION I: That there is hereby created a Special Fund to be knowu as Water Tank Construction State. De- velopment Fund. which the Treasurer ut" (lie City of Shelton, Washington, is hereby instructed to sot up and establish on her books, and into whlch to transfer from Water Funds of the City of Shelton $9,212.00 and into which she shall ,pay and which shall be credited with [he sum of $18.424.00 wimn reeeived from the State of Wash- ingten Grant of the. Washington State Dev(dopmcnt Board. SECTION II: T let all expenditures in connection with the construction of said steel water tank shall be paid from warrants drawn on said fund. and that such funds be used in lieu of the 19t6 Budget item of $37,500.00 from Bends not yet issued. SECTION III: Public convenience filed with the clerk of the above el*- titled court her Final Report and Peti- tion for Distribution, asking the court to settle and approve the said Final Report and Petition for Distribution, to distribute the properties to the persons thereto entitled and to dis- charge said administratrix. NOTICE IS FURTHER •GIVEN that said Final /-report and Pelition for Dlsh'ibution will be heard on Satur- day the 10Lh day of August, 19,16, at the hour of 710 o'clock in the fare- noon in the Court Room in the Court 1-louse in Shelton. Washington. Dated this 29th day of June, 1946. (SEAL) CLARE ENGELSEN. County Clerk CItAS, R. LEWIS. Attorney for said estate, Bell Building, 119 South 4th Street Shelton. Mason County, Washington. 7-11-18-25--8-1--4t Mason County Post No. 1694 Veterans of Foreign Wars Regular :Meeting Friday, August 2 -- 8 p, m. Memorial Building Lyle O'Dell, Cmdr., Phone 6F14 J. H. Gray, Q.M. Adj. Phone 352J Thursday, oua 0 STEERIN Correctionists in Earth's value of Our Shlcere terrain ate ownership Store, llavin0 sold the I To him we wlsl will be as Dh and customers di business ill Sheltort. present, to expres , Who favort uq with tl n olIp aperatior, af the (2 GEORGE and safety require forthwith the ,:on- ROBERSON struction of said steel water tank and t this ordlnance'shallbeeffectiveupon AND HEATING its publication. INTRODUCED in regular Commis- '.don lneeting tills 23rd day of July  1946. , ' PASSED in regular' Commission P H O N E 6 8 5 lueeting this 30th day of July, 1946, i f" 'E MO F. A. TRAVIS, reet ',:: Mayo,.. 222 South Second St T(i I:tEGINALD SYKES, 0on.nissioner of Finance and *e- .... "" count,ng. ROY J. KIMBEL, Commisioner of Streets and Public I Utilities. A.TTEST : Annual Plywood Local AkL TIMES Master Motor (a IlSes for ' Trouble POWer Gas Use MO , Pine Phone 62 9.317 Alma K, Carte. Acting City Clerk. (SEAL) APPROVED AS TO FORM:' Chas. R. Lewls, City Attorney. NOTICE OF HEARING ON ]PINAL REPORT AND PETITION FOg DISTRIBUTION IN TttE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE In the Matter of the Estate of Ed- win G. Carlson. also known m Edwin C. Carlson, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Esther Roles. administratrix of the estate of Edwin G. Carlson. also known as. Edwin C. Carlson, deceased, has Bulldozer for LAND CLEARING, EXCAVATING, GRADING JOHN VINCENT Route 2, Box 12-A Capitol Hill All Members and Families Be g Trol Leave Yo Coffee - Ice Cream Refreshments Furnisied by Local 9-317 Bring Your Own Sugar and Basket Plenty of Fun and Entertainment for Sunday, August MAPLE BEACH PARK Insurance and Real We Pay Cash for Ashes and Sell Dirt S ME] & Applian, IN FURNITURE EDDY BUSINESS SERV e 0[ m,ll00 AND]PAINS Ke people apla Brewln MAY LEAVE YOU WITH A DEAD ENGINE OLYMPIA, WASHIN@TOI We Can Cure Them- Before They Costly... and Dangerous You are Invited to Come in for a Scientific EngiIe,4 Checkup and Diagnosis FREE 0F CHARGE- 0R Motor Tune up, with Modern Precision Equipment Engines Overhauled, Reconditioned, Automotive or Brakes Relined, Adjusted, Equalized Generators, Starters and Carburetors--Repaired, Valves Refaced, Seats Reground Welding, Burning, Machine Work Battery Charged in Car while you Shop FAIR PRICES -- GUARANTEED WOBK Kiaser-Frazer East Pine Phone 676 L. C, NELSON in Conneotion with S. L. PEARSON Amendl Consti VOTED ON NOV PaSSC ST/ OFFICE' OF Concern: ' the State Constitution, referred t of the voters of the Sta constitutipn of the said s NO. 9 may bc the la Senate and standin of. the Stato the em session Agz, Secre1 'otton to be going ITlent  (31 me in a we state, where througl State o£ Pnsse as seetlon 3. States and any Filed ,SUch taxation State, 1 ,ST OFFICE OF of State o and foregoiI No. at its twenty-ni nt Resolution on file i  and the seal of the S  ,, re,L,,