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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 1, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 1, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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• the abovo en- Leport and Pet(- asking the court the said Final or Distiq but(on. perties to the ,d and to dis- tri 11. GIVEN that Ld Pelition for (card on Satin&apos;- kugust, 1916, at k in tile fore- m in the Court shinglon. of June, 1946, ELSEN. re. ltll 41h Street • , Washinglon. 11-18-25---8-1--4t, ist No. 1694 Foreign .eting ,--8 p,m. uilding ., Phone 6F14 .IV[. Adj. 52J OUR G STEEBIN Correctionist$ in Earth's Know the life value of control thrd TPdPS into the OLYMPIC, Weekend In Thc Moilntain Out0oor,; or Stream Fi2hin --- Corgeou flcenery Bi Game ot' All Kind:- --- e.ntifiil gi[,ine teadovJ% :iilil ]\\;lGkniIiiil [,ii),\\;;ely; 't :[<;htiFSP. Lini:!l)ii:h c)i i)GE-\\;Vatii[t .kAMON am( PLEW!3 TRAIL C, KRViffF Phone 777 - Umon ill Sincere .1 h:mlis ]ERSON AND HEATING PHONE 685 termhlate ownership of tile Cooke Feed & Store, having sold the business to George Wage- 3ia, To hin'l we wish immediate success anti Ssocialion will be as pleasant as Otll'S h,qs been €tends and cuMomer..; diilqli tle ycar.q we` IH1ve business ill Sheltofi, We wish, m saying 9oo(I present, to expresn otlr slneel'c apprecialion f)e who favorll tlS with their patronaqe and ,qootl- llj alir operation af the Cac, te Feed £ tmpleraent flee - Ice Cream Refreshments Furnished by Local 9-317 Your Own Sugar and Basket LU f Fun and Entertainment for t10 Sunday, August 4 klAPLE BEACH PABII Real and Sell Dirt :SS SERVI IL ACHE 00AINS rH A DEAD ENGINE Before They Beco# i Dangerous , n for a Scientific Engile , i Diagnosis II ' 0R 0 ',,:' , -- BLIGATI000I ern Precision Equipment )ned, Automotive or ljusted, Equalized .buretorsRcpaired, Seats Reground ;, Machine Work Car while you Shop ARANTEED WORK IES MOTORS & Pine Phone 621 g Trouble Getting the Ball Game These Days? Leave Your Radio at the MERCANTILE & Apph00nce00Service "ITED IN FURNITURE DEPARTMENT  [r  light refreshment e o[ millions of 'rate people... Dt00pia Brewlng Company OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON, U. S. A, Amendment to the 00:,00tate Constitution ]tE VOTED ON NOVEMBER 5, 1946 STATE OF WASItINGTON, OFFICfI' OF TIlE SECRETARY OF STATE. Concern: the State Constitution, and the Joint Resolution of referred to, there is hereby published of the voters of the State of Washington, a propo:ed eonstitutipn of the said state, as follows: NO. 9 may be anthorlzed or permitted under tim laws of the Unlied States, noiwith- and standing anything to the contrary in of the State the constitution of this state." session AId Be It Furthvr Resolved, That the Secrelary of State shall cause the ore- election to be going proposed constitutional amend- next ment to be published for at least three No- (3) months next preceding the election submitted in a weekly newspaper in every county of this stale, where a newspaper is published or throughout the state, Article VII the State o£ d thereto as a as section 3, ted States and md Y whenever SUcl taxation Passed the House Marcll 3, 1945. GEollal F. YANTIS. Speaker o£ the House. Passed tile Senate March 7, 1945. VICTOR A. MEYEnS, President o£ the Senate. Filed in the office o£ the Secretary ot State. March 13. 1945. STATE OF WASHINGTON, OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE. etary of State of the State of Washington, and foregoing contains a full, true and lint Resolution No. 9, passed by the Legislature ngton at its twenly-ninlh session, as appears from int Resolution on file inmy office. ¢liid and the seal of the State of Washington thts 291h BELLE REEVES, Score(avis oI State. Phone 676 ion with S. L. PEARSON Loggers Tackle Elks Toniorrow (i0ucial Till IJ.[,JPlA Nil;JJT J,i;2..,tC-i] \\;V l. P;t, iLd yti'llda iLIK: ....... q I .Sd(I Caz'dihnh= ............... 3 ;i .5i)0 Huqtier2 ................. :, 1. f, ffft "PiF',:.l'P. ........................ 2 t; .2f;:; L,uiiliel'ja e`hl ........... I (i .1,t3 Their" 1)ailing rye`.o, .ghnrpcne(l afie`r :l lb-hil altnck which lJrOilL, qli a 15 to 1 Vie`t.ot'y over ilia ()lympi:l Hnsl.lers last lTl'id:ly tdght, Iho G]liqtllll l.or4"g('l'S l.nekh, lheii' chief riv'tl for 111o Olynlpi,q liigill, ha.a.ha.ll letlgllo title` illi: l,Tiday e`voninl.,; whe`n they uwe`l i lilt" ()lynlpiu I,;Ik; tit. :15 o'oh,,.k i1Dih,l' lie Ste`ve`n.: l?Je`ld a|'c.q. ll" lhr.y c:m lop the i,l]¢.q to- I]lnrl'+;w .iKhl l.he 1,ogge`|', will jll.<:l l:lhoill Pip thr fi,.hl nml will l.m- .:(-:-L,.', : l.VO-'[IYlle` edge V/illl (JDly four I- play. ,le: Phi(lip,% WliCi tei,%le(l n ,,:i.)al.ltlirlf l(Llrikeollt, eiEhl-llll ball gnnle a,nilii lha Hu.lie`r: la.<d Fh'iday, will toe` the` .<lnl) again tOliWllTO\\;\' ill the cmi- (.i,nl se`rfip, Manager Sl.qlt AI'ltl- • ql ]'ling' hid((q| e`d. 't'ho l.,ogKer, R r(,lllrn Ue Slpve`nR , l,'ivhl Montl:,y flight to ])l:ty Iho ( "l/rdillnl,. "l'ho L(igge`rs di.;hell Ull just :]l)(*lll e`Vol'3, I hillg ill t ho )mseball • I)ool{. \\;vhilo lln':i.dfii]p, tile, l-ltlt- • le`r:, inchldinff hoD]e l'nn.q which e`oilnl.e`(l fllld ltOll'iO rlnts whh:.h A ( ! IV IA N,•: i, \\;• i (li ......... i--) ..... F - 1) I,I_]M[II00_]RM I,N S ,,£-Oiiiiil ihtif FANTI-I.%I.i..gTANIII N ILg \\;V i " V:l Ae`IIvo ('llll) ..... '] I, ::I '21 R:lyol or . ............... :! tl 21 ?-2 ,'I'()l'q li l A IWl/)t'l' '2 (i '. t ) I NeodhlHH':-; 5'I ('It '.; I1 '.2' l'i :.': ', $14 ol[oilii:lll (h:n ig' I| '.. ili 25 I dlllllh'l'l}h'l'l':l AJ( '1'('- f) '-. [;- :.{ I ONilJ00, I., kS 1 I-IAI.,L 1 Ai.,E ,ilCdi!:' "I iO ]()O l)flill il Re`(,on(t tl'df .RtarlP, ily (]Fie I'llll D'lsiJli,q ,h(i e<mhl e`a.fily ('llfiriKo ilshl(.k llJlllj:;l/| if' lib" hllnl)orlllOIi doll'|" I,kLV tlwir be`.l gr,dc nf Lmll, Ner, dhrNTi Meli'S \\;Ve`ar mndc H : d,qnu to Ihe I('nlTue \\;vith a lai/" ill (]e`fe`n[:.¢ ])Ill .['lve e`Vol'y illdt(.:ltioll eL' ])Oill Ktt [hlhqlt foe- . '___%' ..................... =_=_ __A ......... Status Uncertain Yet on Lights Dim ho, t A r t,,(.ies .AII%'E''i|I qn+sti(mF, pat to iiim liaiiy Iw people inlei'i72ted itl v:hst ,ll;, i,ll :{il I.,o,N) fi¢'hl O,1\\;' 9."hooi :'hii,I i:. \\;'r Dii.idhn ::,:,,I i'iPE- (]3%' IItat lJli zitiiali,:at ival:dtng li'hi.< l: Vlriil wnoPZ'laili ,.-ind ill Die I'L%lil'lB of Ihe W,-.:21 ii ffhfil,qe Rh:rl ri," oonlpariy. l[c nill lhal the fii'm which hohIH Ih(' ('oIItl'alq ('(It' v[ili[)llihl  ilw field eh,('Iricqlly, has l.a'Imo i.:Pd him th:li il i:i doin" mid will ('oflLillno lo do ovel'yt}ling' ill il; 1)oWe`l' I(I l;ive I ha fiohl illulni. II, SOl'il01.ilYh" lle`l'l)l'e` lho ill(d- Gn.|o 'l'imiKhl No. ] I ,.M. Vf; !\\;lid !"All I,lllll  ] lil', Ni '.. -]-,i(lyiliil,'l' V:;. .'\\;'livi:,,- {] liliiPi T% i ((lid fl 3 Nil. "J. I';]''llll" V:; !hq'i111Hlll JqO [). -IV]Oi'[$fln \\;'::,. ICa.v, mlcl'. { i:lli'|P4 TlliIF,il.l y NiL l--(l'ili(' v:L ,%<'I P,-: :: N*;. '2.-- Noedtl:lti \\;-:. I,.M ! ,lll e`.l OtWON APIiVi:IFi> ]:; N,'cdh;lhl Mcli':; 12. 'i l II'..'; 1 t I I .Inll}h't I', ,]{ll][Ohli:th 7, II,Ol',qll 1AIlillle`l' Ill. N'¢'tlll:lll [L fta.V(micr I.I I.AM. I:L l[llyoni¢,i,' flthl Mid'L'fill I,till}h,r. .q]lnro|lDlth, l', Of IIII, I'ir.u tl',llf i'll.')' ] e'l ,P.'lle I"l::;l h:t I I (li;1, h-,n i i ilFiVili;; aS Vl,I Oi?l',qile`d (HI d':llc I,l' llte`il' tar iwVrl'ihole`.N: ill Ihe` .qe`e`(intlhalf :ltal I He`a:l{ll i;t ov,q', ltnl II1,, dilTi.. I',illLi}olili(lil. Thl' Ii'ahol'd!l.qhe`l'y I el I|v ill Iflll:lil'lilig [l'liit,il'ol'niA:'l'.q ,ihlA":i l/ii|i,qlioll W:]>q :'t t I() [0 [I h:::" hi lhi' (,o*(.[lqn|]lioli Mol'f,,f.lll i.ltnlJl,q' e`l'e`w I121 'Plinl'Bdzty, alld t':IfllA' l'l.q('k %\\;'ii]l :t IiOfi1'lIwe:lling ,::, It, (hi" :\\;cliVi:lh:: ,'[orl(lav ili?,11, l;J I(i ]:. wlie`n lhc ('hib- llii./i..-ql'lPl' l lailinli), ' Itliongliout tile c,,Hl-:ll, pll311Cd fl(,roH/l llll'eP tnl- lio>: ili Ihe` Ilnnl il]l)iilp,' Io :Inrilch 1 lit. dlfl(e,, ihe I,qsl l%vo 0oniing :tA'I'):!A (HI H wild itll'cw. PAll ([llfl.qe` hHIlOl! fair iho (,Iolhi(,l'l willie ll,'.u'- ry t"cle`r.q(m diltcled 1'Aft' I']lO \\;'il'- 1 (il'.-'. M orgl/ll l ,lln'ltH'l' .HOI'e,I I ['ol lr i iiu,.:; Ill 1110 Firl. inn(Jig lind WfiS In.Vi.i' ill itllle`]l dtnige`r ill Ncc(I- Iltllll' lril't x:t:il'l, Jtllllllly liar(lin, I lli'i])])}l foIll' (I[IVN before`, ,HIIlft,¢httl : I](IFIll-|' ill aid lilt MorKfin e`[lllslc, h, IA,V;lll'.q o('()l'l(i vil%ory WaS tl and henvy diity :wiloltes <,,)nlin- lie`s i(i hi, lti0 .,:tlinlbihil] hhAe`i¢ it, coniphq iiiF I he` pi'oj(,cL. Hllpe,riniondl'il Oil ITP.In ::.g kl I hc }Voslingholi,qe e`(nnli.qiiy, a: well fir (.!lande [inliiPlf;oll. niltlla[t-I" of r.TLT.D, Nit. ] haP, tIPA+n ,qe:rehinK fol' we`qIP> fin" lie,e, male`- rials wUieh hold lip llie lil;fhltn K pi'in now alid lh:ll Ilnlll he` mi.q- ili' :u'ileh.s ,gl'e 4o0111'ed iio de`fi- idl, o pi'tllii,qe` o1' I lie` (I,'ilf, wh(,i, lhe fllodiigiii,: will I., l'il':',l turnAqt llll e`{lll ll0 ililllhL {]onsli'ilelloil on linotlier pl'l of the i'h.hl's il/ilWOVelielil; lthil, will siari ,qOOl, ,Inl)(,rintiildelil C)ltnl,q,n S,lid, for :-t:.i WIOll ti]nllnor I)ilso- h-ill ph•ly i, fiiiished wc,ri: will dfArl oil ihe, erec|ton of [i 1,900- didll'l, :l, sh,;il All" tioltnL :l, berinod piayoff hnitl(;I ;we nl I la IhA,ii' ohl 15 lit 7 I'lllll fll" ,kl]¢oilii.iliCll'iiip, e foct Slne`l fonee (,omplele`ly Sllt'- bnlle`l', a ne`w sli(lin; l,e`chni(no lrek,q ill lliO ,.le,A,¢MId h:tll lilivin; Mold:iV hi which 'lix-rllri oiil- rouri(linF, lho fhAd :iFi(] l] V-,qh.qpr, d Io, ('lifl l(tq ), for dPlfii si /n I e`rl(qi ('ulped llte`ir l'itRI l\\;\h pal -:':, IJiii'.<d! ' ill Itw st,,.cmil alid thii'd i's]eil'<ili I 'rcindfdfllill (,ssl' o" llie ,+i v:]rie`il a;l,qOrl'n-iiq;ll of tAlie`r oi|- hnl ihrV t•iinl n lhird IVil'ly il.qr F- ll.:l'ici \\;vi]lr,d (nil. :i 5•1o L (Ir!iil(, wos.iil cdll .<¢i.qilll, whh,h will lie ,liti,.: loci lilllfl(q'(lll,q Io nl(,llliOll, in K iil i-;ll |lie`ir lillle :il>":illTle`n| Ild+ hL'ld. ,llli'/:,ali't ll/ii'il inn,lil IOrll th-lwii, 'l'h,, llt'\\;V ba.q(dl:ill ]il llil'e`o o1" llw I'il'st frilil' ili- lile` Avtiviaii:L Ik.i, h'ivo \\;>il,.. ;qdln'!4o w'i!,l Ih'il.llrP(I by 1}ill ;;tllnil:l will ,qeoon]nto(lnle bclwe(,n iiiilgS the` bitl4' I(,.i(•lel'l • nlFII1 tol'i(lilY, IAVict' f:tl' ili :;ccliid l'lie`kio': borriel' wiih iwo ,ql)(riril, i,tlfl0 ,qlid i,201i liorsclii,i, iili,i'- swiillel hi,tilt- rllilS Rill Taylor hnlf lll.qy, i l:iyorltorL<t l.I Ixi 13 ti'iumph iliie`lidoiil ()linlFin said. l'li,p])in7 a, sofid drive` ov(,r "lho I{,qvoni(,l' ilYlt] Ihe` A('livian ()v,,r Ihe` [..M, 'J'hiu'da.y lilso was Tho new f,)otlmli t.,'r:ull]stnl(1, rig'hl, fiehh:q,'s done iii lhe 'irst llavl," b:irelv Sqil0(<ze`d p:t,l, lhe`il' .i c:i,<Ao ltl' ovlli'eoliling 1. btf dcfi- (+:hie`h will ;e`lil, fippi'oxiniaiely I,- l:,ii.di Al'ilstrong, sandwiching' a 1,i\\;,al,-i by ";Aingie rnr lil:trKius e`it for the mercll:ints had I'llli up 5t)0 fiuis, is progressing well and izzling' liner l)etwce`ri tho left 'ind while tl'e lilinbcrmtqi lirivo dim- II. 7 1/i 0 first inllin K mnrgiii, rnosl will be re:ldy for the` opeuing lloirie eoill, er fieldei's for ;lllother in the I)]e`d l]ie`il' oppl)n(.iil:4' ,;core`i iii of' wliie]i wli:l wipe,d eill hv li six- foolhall 'lil'ih,. 'Pile idtilids th01n- ce`lln(I, and l¢=enny li'redson sky- I)olii skirnii,dle`s, bill il ,'ill ll(id,<i lilil sl,vllild by plllpll/e`il, i'ifl- qe`lves :li'* coh:liloil,d Init tile roof- lilt;, ,' fine o\\;,er thc eenlerfhqdcr': np to II il'iple tie` foi' the` 1.lip qlld. Icl\\;ve`d by "i $1eally iiriili/tliil,, i)f iiig civoi' [he`in iR IORS thtlU hnll' iiog'gin ill the f(nirlli, onlv l(en A.t Io,<i.\