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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 1, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 1, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thursday, 1, 1946. SHELTON-MASON CO JOURNAL yage b &apos;aP" ''',v'-4e,e- ,qr 'qe, ,wn,",ee' p-p, ,ae-,,w-,ip, "4p,',,w'lr''  , . " 0 • C.rnn00vi00w sd00y for You SUBSIDIES UNDER 0.P.A SETUP Additional $36,00 GEN. SANDERSON NOW COMMANDS | ,use AIR WING IN TIEN SIN I! TAYT I ,ip W at EXPLAINED IN FOLLOWING STORY Allocated Olympic ..: r_'::- MARINE elief th t the bu in virs. 'annie Woodside of Hol y- p.m. in In the b .  Y g workings of subsidy payments.  , wood Calif was h se est of 1 • public in general, has had little The following report cities the Park for Next Year , .., a; lou .gu c) Tientsin, China, uy < - d commissioning. It -R. Mb.I..]L ! •, in-L" S VILSON CO. . • " • Mms Hattm Barke: .......... n layed)--Marine Brigadier General He helped to complete a color- | • mformatmn or unaerstanumg con- ways and means of arrival at Port Angeles The Olymnic Na- ,-.-.-.. a.u .n,.nh T-Tnnqn tank Lawson Sanderson, 50, who as- ful chapter in World War II his- II • er affairs, i. H00DSPORT cernmg g.overnment suosmms on costs, whether through submdms tional Dark will have apm'oximate- . w,d¢in,  w,.t¢,, ,,d sumed command here recently of tory last Stepember by accepting | E]r|,], e league's and :'ll'" ' food items.mid tha ne presen or taxation, or increased direct ly $37.000 more approp'riation for S"¢V/'ari'er"for"a dvealon the F,rst Marine Arcraft wing, the surrender of Wake Island.rom | . • power ill ' ' Sho00 .......... 'ing t)ower a • ':' ' dmpute on Ok'A na.s ma.oe sucaun consumer prices: the 1947 fiscal year that started :.^'r.  is a native of Shelton, Wash. He 3,400 Japanese, with the aid of i .. .....- • is credited with having been one 100 marines and three navy de- • rnono :,, n aout them. Curio  uerstaaaamg of v, tal.lmportance " 'Wirer is a subsidy? A subsidy this month than it had for thc Henry"Peterson visited in tte of the marine corps' pioneer dive stroyers, il .., ...vw • to every consumer, t e oournat is a sum of mone-" aid b" the • , -  - - • " • • , .   # . prewous 5ear, acorfllng to Gala is '" n jll!iil  his cx lanatmn of the ....... " .,ct last week. Mrs. Peterso bomber pilots, and was a fore- Born in Shelton, Wash., on .'luly 1, _ _ ,vTv,,v,, Va MILE SOUTH 0F passes on t p government to a manufacturer or received by the Evening News had exnccted to came too but ill- most racing and fighter pilot of 22, 1895, Sanderson now makes I producer to enable him to sell his from B.ep Henry M Jackson who re "5"7 - "7- -'" .... - , ..! .. products for less. lor example, received the data i]'om the park ,'n"e-' ' g . ' : . , .ss or ner orotaer m eatue pre- the 1920's. his home with Mrs. Sanderson at ] i!!ii(!'a!ca ' (,rs a '" .... 1 ,as th'tt . . nu,e wcn tt, u,y. l'" t.u is credited to Sanderson, Who per- ter is married to a Quantico-based / | ! II 1 II | III I I | I i i III i Mr. and ther fSrtij:l!iiii!ii!iiiiiii i - \\; k . [ ]// _ . , submdy. The cs} X ? The following budget table is tttend the "25th anniversary reun- formed the feat from an old marine pilot, while his 18-year- ) • • p- * I • • • • • m - q I • I / r / / constlnl(,rs part IroYD q [O JZ een[s . - . ' ' . \\; / .  ........... , prepared by combining 1.9.17 m- [ion of O C I (Olvmnia Collegiate World War I-type DH-4 bomber, old son is serving as a marine ]l \\;m n n ur .\\;  | and Miss Hand tooled, hand i  \\; - / ' a. l)/)uno css zot ricer, aepcnomg formation received from Jackson [ ia,,,.,' "," ;[, ", .... ni, while serving in Haiti in 1919. private, at Parris Island, S.C. [ y \\;  w \\; |  • with 1946 exlend tu e data ob- b,, ,'o r, ..o xrn;o .n x. In each of the first three Pulit- Tim general has remained an/ t "-._" | rs. R. W. ther pocl.:eL coin  ..... # .............................. llets Sn -- LY.---" _J-\\;, '_ ,,lay d,d the government pay rained fro mlocal park ]madquar-'Eva Willis zer Cup speed races, beginning ardent sports fan since university, , • LaVerne !!i!!!:,i:£ tS,;cp u'  ,|,_[,_=-..  subsidies? OPA set ceiling prices tcrs which has received no infer- , ,,h ^ 14r:_ e, ie'v "'romen's Club in 1921 Sanderson won second days at Montana. H,e played left _ - of Seattle, i o " -.1 -- so low on certain items that the mitten on ttm actual 1947 appro- [laa ==::1 :,o'o o'mh:,: ........................ halt" for tim marine Iootball squad " Lundqui;t y 28. pie Pcnin¢mla. /i;:i  "-- I I-|]'1=1: IH "'--'E. "-- producer would lmve lost money priations except the general ad-!-' ...... ....2. r..= ..... : ":2'*?" iii.:"::.::/:i':.: : ::. (: that whipped an all-star armyelev- qattp,,,/ and • " ' hese ' clay evening at rwanda rarK Oswin of , .  €=[.-,__  gem. out of business so t ministration item. [ .." -' .......... ' .::;_:: en 19 to 0 in the all-service Rose ..I[/. [ .I .' :_ terns would have dsappeaedfrom Olympm Natmnal lark Budget I;u ...... . e,;..n..,.,....., ,i::ii::ii::ii: ========================= Bowl game of 1918. From 1921 {l ,a " y and Fri- New!... See our hg"U A. II ,'' __:--=.. :=z-_ i . , . • ' . ' • • , ooutaomemoersw,ultnelrlam- /;. ;7.=-- the market Consequently, the Fiscal year endin-' I ,.e ...... r ..... s .... e ...... ;!i;:i: 2. =_ - _ _ - _2:." <'::.:> : to 1925 he was a star halfback  INI\\; v]#\\;- NI .xf a Mr. and chimav,) cloth sport Jal • • /:2:2--; government paid subsidies to keep June 30 1. Mrs. A. E. is ii} the Shel .......... ::. .... : ......... ------ :!:i:.;!i::.:":: :.i::. and end on the famed Quint,co k ,P r had been" the hdie,q. Anothe.r    • • /'- the merchandise on the market Administration ton nosp,tal, having oroKen one of !!;!:: .... .:.:"!:::!- all-marine teams of that era r s;spol'tsne Britishto l°f st),N'i!id"send lhl}i)  --'&.00 D -- /-t1[:--'t[|-:-  \\;\ andwagetO hold prices in line with ..... protection..: ...... ande e 56 .¢)57 .  7n: nervirslegsa,weeKoounny l=;usnag° tast.TuesuaY.wmtes zrom :: :: :i;! :i):: ! : i i) ii! ..................... "-  k tending to 1 [ { 'Where did the government get Road and trail Pahner, Alaska: that wh,le pink .......... ]] ..:- _ -- , . .r, ,,,.., .] 14 to see ..-11- the money to pay these subsidies? maintenance 23 783 2 760 ing wild currants near her nome, '!i:i:ili::!::::. :i..: i .  __ | | - he is past CURIOS -- SO/t E Z E  - :..., . ....... . ......... .. .... :. ,The governmc,t obtained this ....... Road ,and tr'il, .... .¢; encountered a mothe bear i:ii):.i.::i:: ":::i::i, I MONEY TALKS SAN DWICHU'°';/,;!   Jill II   \\; / :Je,:;::,:f ':: ; noney through increased taxes .... nstruction 28 800 and two cubs. After some scram- rd had a .  (:;::ff: :;,/ Consdmers bought meat, butter, i-7,sical ................. hling around a neighbor shot the ;!@::::i.i:i:' || Vhidby Is-    '  milk, cheese, bread, coffee, sugar imnrovements 3 800 bears We haven t heard yet if ;i:!::: ' ,!:.:::., ...i, ¢ ..... ..... 12xCC . r ............... , • ,Ited over upen ua,ty ' .. -*'_  canned frmt and vegetables, oleo- Winter use Mrs. Bush went back to p,ck any ::;"::: .....i:.!i.:.. . Seattle on from 12 Noon pn et l!ne of ff|[]l' margarine raisins, prunes and onerations . 17,695 more currants. Open until 2 A.Si00 Units. Alumi- 'lli. [] [] []  flour for less, but paid greatly in- * .......... _i:__"/2; ........ ' Mr. and Mrs. Eekert have had i?i:i:ii::):i!!-:.::i::!:;i!:il}i:i;! PI | pay it out in ¢lahns for, spcntin Sheltonfr°m moznin s tOthc' Uuiong" danc..,.::a=:..,acc°-"-"-'--"=-'"-'-'-'' '.*ruetion inside and _.y.m. ., crcased income taxes to offset TOTALS $109,540 $146,958 much company lately 2Nvo cows- ill ] damages ff your car in= A. Johuson ,c u, ......... aef approved in-  1 rl-  the subsidies. Forest ......... ins, Miss Irene Weddigan and Mrs i =-_- =-\\;: [ jures or kills someone. It e tempera- l]iO1 • _ . "This extr cost of the st.bsidies I protection ........ 9,650 ............ Karl Barnes and their niece, An: , i:s!;io; nas Oeen taken out ot inaiviuat 'Road survey ................ 8000 drea Weddigan, from Auburn,    t k: h:urh:e ,:: g: Auseth of OlS.-Qtl=le . _ payroll checks in the form of in-'J If a;" thin-is allocated fo, ,'o ,d New York visited for a week ' t U aftc,'noon Umberet°; The costoflabor,smesame come tax deductions and through[ . y. s..' ...... "•' "- Mrs Frank Bamnton and Miss i rJi]  | (; Ctl  O rylie home, " * the a ment of " construcmn m ±uat t m not yet • e for a l m odd amt as p y . other dwect and ' L '- " • s Cameron --com;art °- Z PP Y g g P incli,..oe ÷ .... vei,, .... e ,h .... he, ]known here. It seems posmble omoe Nachtshenn ealne over  [ D I E S E L I e "o of.2Etna Automo g the week  l-m22;o;h;i for cheap paint. Good paint dies'"eve'nu'all.'.'"tia'e" (le'duct"ons "that part of the $,12,760 road and from Tacoma, Mrs. Robert. Bamp- !i!ii   I eron while llaNhh  M .- m "m" I lea]lol): ,, e ,otu's when. ...... .-=YOU lasts ............. longer--thereto. , re I, Is,, ..... creased'":2' ImY' °'t---" by" "theCnecKs'' amount'" ...... snOUmof oetheseae.=" trailintenacinaintenanCeror constructmn,item mightsmcebe Rot°"oertaand anddaughterSMis-. BarbaraE_clet.t • . andan.u :!!!ill' P O W E R 11 Listbillg Illsur.lcC, on of their MMlqV,i.:;e more economlcal)aswel, as,..-.. ',o, ....... ;,.. ,.,. the original budget request to con- sons Bobby and Kenny came from P " " ' d --v0n-- ,n. toaart ':e° .... h .... He,,1, bil]i*s'-l--; ;=" ......... " ..... gress was for only $23,800 road Shelton. Again in June 1921 he gaine i HERBERT --SEEH IA ::::;:2 ............... ,,I'n"'Z---Y''*'-- - , .,.). and trail maintenance, plus $50- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rauseher and n:2y wh:n, dWeitdh) p O R T A B L E ] = A1 = sidles, 2rgl°m:ur: oCl ua" ;on" 000 for road construction (for an Miss Rauscher of Johnstovn, Neb., w°ld;Xledent Go ANGLE ,ge D eri st and U [] m  ;y iave bee;, ghent hh.,' ..... = unnamed grading and surfacing and Mr. and Mrs. Emil Rauseher, hd sucessfully completed the first € A W M I L L € I Ang,e 00,dg. -- Pho.o 0, enthusiasm ;;;dl;; |V[] U =-i=W I n _V e'nment emnlo.";'"-.:a':,,.;2: project), of Si,elton, v,sited Mrs. Johanson over-water flight in land-basea -- -- I l ev r, I ....... =.vr) - .................. , - aircraft from Washington to Per- IMMEDIATE DELIVERY | Rc re en m IN ' the checkinr nnn me.h,,; .... e '[he $8.000 for 1947 road survey last Sunday Mrs. ]?red Rauscher . - " n Later he was a p s t' g The Alma Casuhy and ed and the .......... ,.. . ...................... to Rico, ano retur . uished fl In " FROM SEATTLE STOCK Surety Company of Hartford, Corm every de-  J- ,. • -  • '* •subsid,, .," ea"me"*"v ,,. is. for a. sectmn of the new. Hut'-. is Mrs. Johanson's. . aunt. awarded the Disting Y' g | • the. city's ily  r we:I: subdlestvre stP?dcarhY rC/vncy rdte °lad, °2,h } ieoil 1 uo2mht Cross for this feat. Write or ph=na f0t spetlflcatl0a$ 'i | ii III 'i isher, had e a 'fair's plan- . are paints ofthe finest qual- " Betm2tel)nc::t,,nlte ta: tb. sm(oTey 2 the public roads ad. ger for Scars Roebuck & Co.,and] Sanderson's military career be- 'AN I /, ,all tted on the Mrs. Wren, of Seattle, spent two lgan in April, 1917, immediately IIml rant of an- ity and will protect and vmt losses or xnlo 'nt ministration announced it then days of their vacation with Bill's I after his graduation from the Uni- EN61NE AND EQUIPMENT (0.  |  I nterprise-- beautify your house for the packers still lost $10 to $15 a had $17,190 to stat:t the ttu.t,- parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Wren.] versity of Montana with a degree 1500W,tlak.Seattl9. aterZa0 | n|n||| head every steer killed, in forestry and the outstanding peop|e who . on even cane react survey. The connectmn They spent some time fishing] athletic record of 14 letters in I/ IIllmi•••••|m•iJ• longest possible time; We after receiving the subsidy The between this and the above figures near Harstine Island and way four major sports. He earned his ith making aty the fine :t they are :orse S Y Colin Adm. $1.00 per Dancing 9:30 to N CO. ; 154-W ng Every ' Lee and Ilis IDER'S PRA YOUR BY BOAT I FREIGHT SERVICE DOR DELIVERY IN SHELTON )uld be routed via Str. Indian F 'a tr. Skookum Chlef, NO, 2 )Schedule as follows: aa daily, except Sunday at 5 p. In, ! Olympia and Shelton Shelton daily, except Sunday '.NCE CARLANDER, President ;0UND FREIGHT )pen for in Our Location on =untain View ton :ompany On Display recommend them; LAWTON LUMBER CO. 420 S. First St. Phone 56 Wilson Co. Hoodsport ' t 10 or 17 '11 dial cails all the across the country ly, youwill be able to complete a call to New where else in the country--almost as swift- call. For you will dial the number you want, call will be automatically outed across the • .T work oa a halloa-wide dialing ss- 'under way. esent centurions out' mired for some time, possible we will line o;f building m 657 P.O. BOX .i=ccurate; switching equipment like this iob. Each section of the country will have a code which yea will simply dial be- aaber you want. Between some neigh- here on the Coast long distance dialing will t_he next few years one of many m distanc0 and local tele- included J our rive-year four hundred xpans!on program. For it is our purRose )ove serwce m every way we can. 5rielepjione serv|€ l.leas witb good wages and working conditions )y, ees and a reasonable return to the tbou- le wt, o 'ave invested ; the budness. i( ,500ne aM Telegr*ph Co. big packers stayed in business, however, because the army, navy and lqd-lease were allowed to pay over ceiling prices, whereas it was illegal to sell at over ceil- mg prices to retail meat markets. "Following are the items that were subsidized and approximate- ly the amount of the subsidy: Beef, to 12c per pound, de- pending on the cut of meat; but- tcr, about 13c per pound; milk, about lAc per' quart; Cheese, about 5(: per pound: bread, lc to 2c per loaf; coffee, 3c per pound; canned fruits and vegetables, lc to 2c per can; sugar, lc per pound; rais- ins and prunes, 4c per pound; flour, $1.20 per hundred. "Now that the subsidies are eliminated, these food items will increase by that amount, adding to the over the counter price, but reducing the tax burdeaa. The..n-. crease, however, in no way brings additional income to the farmer, manufacturer, wholesaler or re- tailer." NEED A PLUMBER Phone 48 J. L. CATTO HARDWARE given by Ja.ckson is not known here. The PRA builds all national park roads, The prewar total cost estimate for building the 10.7 mih Heart o' the Hills to Hurricane ridge road was $618.000). In conclusion it is evident that the park will have some increase for general administration and maintenance, and little or nothing for new construction except for start of the Hurricane ridge road survey. Hopes for any material park development reside in the budget request now being pre- pared for the year ending June 30, 1948. The appropriation for 1947 win- ter operations will keep the Deer park road ()pen next winter• The 1947 general administration increase of $25•746 includes ap- proximately $4,000 for equipment replacements,, md sa.larics for se,, ez'tl additional field men. Tile fed- eral government's general 14 per cent pay increase effective this month also may come out of this amount. The official master plan for the Olympic National park includes more than six million dollars in approved projects. Major road projects, which are the largest in- dividual items, are Hurricane ridge road and an ocean parkway road from Ozette to Quillayute river. ..¢,t The Royal Canadian Mounted police motor schooner, SL. Rock, is the only vessel ever to have travelled the Northwest Passage in both directions between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. A ....... QUESTION 1 ANSWERED The question has been raised as to why, I, a re- tired Naval officer, should want the position of Coun- ty T r e a s u r e r. The pre- sumption being, I suppose, that the remuneration is the prime consideration. I believe that a frank discussion of the question would be helpful. It is true that because of my Naval service I receive retired pay sufficient to maintain myself and family, so ob- viously the pay involved is not an essential consider- ation. Frankly, I feel that I am too young and acLive to retire, and since Mason County is my permanent home I have welcomed the opportunity to project my- self into its civic affairs and selected the post of County Treasurer because I believe that I am parti- cularly well qualified, pro- fessionally a n d temper- mentally to fulfill the re- quirements of that office. If elected, I can assure the voters that I will con- scientiously and efficiently carry out the duties en- trusted to me. :ii!ii!iii i/i!i;i!;i;ill YOUIS VERY TRULY, g. REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR County Treasurer points. Harley Somers, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Seiners, has been] having medical attention for an infected hand resulting from a barnacle cut. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Daniels and son and Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Stic- kles and daughter of Bremerton, visited Mr. and Mrs. L. Wren last Sunday evening. The visiting men were former co-workers with Mr. Wren in the gyro shop at Brem- erton Navy Yard. Mr. and Mrs. Bush had as sur- prise visitors last Sunday, Rev. lIcIlvenna of t h e Methodist Church at Bend, Ore.. and Mrs. McIlvenna, long time friends. Mr. Fullmer is digging a well on his property near Pump creek. Mr. Bush is building a bulkhead ¢% his beach pperLy, ......... Eckert's have had an automa- tic water heater installed in their home. Mrs. Eleanor Wheeler of Berlin Germany, has sent postcards to several friends here showing a copy of their passport picture. It is a group photo of Mrs. Wheeler and her four children and very in- teresting. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Gilbert. Jr. entertained Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Klopsenstein and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Klopsenstein of Seattle last Sunday. Mrs. Verna Johanson and daugh- ters Connie and V.'tldi are spend- ing a few days in Portland, Ore. Celebrating-Mrs. Palm's birth- day last Sunday at the Palm's beach home at Hunter's Cove were Mr. and rs. E. Gunter, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Drake and family, Mr. and Mrs. L. Huntington and fam- ily and Mrs. William Downie from Shelton: Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jones. Gary Jones and Patsy Pahns of Olympia; Mr. and Mrs, Charlc Schwim and family. Mr. and Mrs, Charles Lombard. Law- rence McCue and Mr. and Mrs. Ira Palms and family. King Hammurabi of Babylon I established the first eontrols wage of recorded history in 2285"B. C., covering virtually all industrial agricultural and commercial pur- suits. pARAMOUN T THEATRE 8heiton, Waah. Thursday - Saturday August 1 - 3 2 FEATURES Red Ryder In "THE CAL][FORNIA GOLD RUSH" ---AND-- "MURDER IN THE MUSIC HALL" Sunday -[uesday August 4 - 6 Paulette Goddard Ray Milland --- in "KITTY" .. (3 Days Only) "Wednesday Only August 7 TWO IEATURES PORTRAI OF MARIA" SECOND 1 EATURE Nylon Nite wings in October, 1918; sewed briefly as an instructor, then joined the marine squadron fight- ing Haitian rebels. Sanderson returned to the States in 1920 for additional schooling and flight training, highlighted by a year's duty with the a.:Tny's first fighter group at Self ridge field, Mich. Mid-1928 found him in Nicaragua, again fighting insurrectionists, and 1932 back in Haiti on his third tour of foreign duty. A second eight-year stretch of ground and flight schooling in the States, from 1933 to 1941 was broken in 1937 when Sanderson, by then a major, organized and led a marine fighter squadron off the famed old USS Saratoga, which was sunk in the second Bil<i3i, ak01B., bpr)b . t0st recently, Tle outbreak.of World War II sent the veteran flier to the South Pacific as operations officer of the First Marine Air Wing in the Guadalcanal campaign. He was awarded both the Legion of Mer- it and the Presidential Unit ci- tation for his. work in the Solo- mnS'May,^" 194.5, Sanderson re- turned overseas to take command of the Fourth Marine Air Wing in the Marshall Islands, eventual- ly leading this unit to Guam for Final Divorce Held Up Pending Court Ruling Last month an article had been published stating that a final de- cree of divorce had been granted Edna Stewart from Rex Stewart. That statement was incorrect. Tim filing of the final decree in the superior court has been suspend- ed, pending a ruling of the su- preme, court on the plaintiff's ob- jection to filing the final decree and a motion for dismissal. On the basis of present figures it is estimated that one out of every 14= persons in the United States will be injured in accidents in 1947, with a mouetary loss of $5,000,000,000, or about the amount required to seice tbe national debt. To The Voters of Mason County I take this occasion to thank the voters of Mason County, both Democrats and Re- publicans, for the faith they have shown m me in my candidacy for Sheriff of Mason County, and I solicit further support in the General Election. I have made no pledges or promises other than, if elected, to perform my duties to the best of my ability and to give an honest, impartial and effic- ient administration, which pledge I now repeat. Again thanking you, I am JACK COLE,00 SR. s In Sincere Appreciation I am sincerely grateful to my many friends for their support in the Primary. Within a month or six weeks a campaign head- quarters will be established where I hope to see all and thank you in person. Meantime I suggest you ask your neighbor to register. JOHN RYAN DMOCRATIC NOMINEE FOR Prosecuting Attorney 202 E. PINE ....... TELE. 177 Within the Next Few Days WE WILL MOVE TO OUR NEW BUILDING Across Alley from Mason County Savings & Loan / At 116 North 2nd St. WHERE WE WILL BE EQUIPPED TO GIVE THE BEST SERVICE IN General Insurance and Ileal Estate t H. L. Olstead Agency PItONE 30