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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 1, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 1, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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NO. 1812 NI&apos;ITICE TO CREDITOR,q IN THE SUPf]RIt3R COURT OF THE STATE O, WASI{INOTON ]711F MAI()N ( OLTN TY. tN PROBATE. .In ti%atter of Ill I!]SlSlO el IT.l- NOTICE" IS I{It{ERY (]]V.EN thai tiff' tl!tdrMgnm}, Minnie ltoglnlln, has l b#erl: apDolntbd arid has ¢luallfld hsJ ]),;ecuLviX/of lhe lll4t ill slid 'I'll- tanrest nnd of the Esloie of /fairer O Bergh. deceased, and THAT ALL P[DRSONS having claims agRt:nst tile. said decea.ed, or tim said es,fa{e, are hereby requh-ed lo' serve ill() Same dnly verified with the ne- e.exsary vouchers attached, upon the tltiil(,rslgned Executrix;,, or her At(or- ,soy of Record, at tile law office of ,Chas, R. Lewis. Bell Building, 119 Solllh 4ill Stroll, Shelton, Mason Colin- t,y Wash i gi)n the same truing desig- silted as lhe place for' the lrsnsal, tlon of l,ha hnsiness of the sbdd create, anti fib:* shell eJailos' tngelher with proof of sore ee With 1.ha CIeI'R of lllo above olH tied colrl #ilh n f] months slier file frlt puhlleailon 9f ihls notice lo wit: J"ly'5, 19'g;, or :ill eleinlS sol tin fih, d nnd iervt, d shall h for- ever barred. .MINNT IIEGMAN, t4eiHlirix Of tile l,,slal,e of Itli]%t)r f), og)l daeoacdt ' BeLl' .EhlllLllng, ] 19 Nouili dth Si.. Shelton, Mason Coun- ty, Wflshinffl on. CT'IA, . LEWIS, Attsrnr')' for said Estate,, I]oll ]]alldhlg, I19 Sfttih 41h S'., St'ellen, Mason County, W.nshington 9-25--8-1--R-15--4I NO. 47:14 • silVtioNs TIE SUP )IR' C/OURT OF FOR • M .A,ON CO;fr_Ni' .... ' f?lilf0i'(! A, Wilson. Phdlll If, Iluzel V¢ilon, Del'endant. STA.N O'W'.5HYN(ITON to l lazol Wiloib Deles(rant: , 011" ae JlsrPby stttalnoned tO appear within mxty 9ays .altos l:lle fl!'st pub* tgeatlon el ) tlxl,'tirnfi)6,n,L .1,o-wit% wit.h- In slxfy ((]O) days after Jiffy 4|,11 l.q4ll, and defend |he a]iove enttilod 'lClinn Ill the above entitled :oal't and Sel.Vt , ,qny qfyour answer npon'1:hq inl- l,ol)ted attorney ,,'for fh lnam ttff at Ills office' address herctnbolow stal- ed, and in eg ,of your fstluro so Io do. jtldgn/ent Will bt! t:endred against you tmeordlng to the dmnand of tim complaint, whleh hss |men filed with th ,(',)lerk of said e0till:, ' , : The obJeel: of above entities action i'll I€ Behar0 a divorce (ip0n the ,ground af desertion. J. W. GRAHAM, Atlorne 'OP Plaintiff. Offh' Address, Covey 1) tiff, Sheltnn, Wash. 7--]1-18-25-8 -.1-8-157t NOTICE OF SALT,2 OF KTATE LANDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That on Tuesday lbe 6tll day of August, 1916 eouiinenebig at lea o'ehick in the fc)rennon 'of said diy, tn fl,fint of ilia lsaia entrance door to Ilia Connty f}ourt 11onse in lilt! City of Shelton, eonnty of Mason, t,ato of Wamllington, by the CoanlY Auditor of said eouaW, l.llt following des0rlbed state, lands, 10gether with the liliprovelnents tiltl- at.d thereon, will hd sold at public anetlnn 1,') the highest bidder lllere- flit', tO-Wit : NOE~-No onn except citizens.of the United States, 'ill" persons who bare decqared < their intention to become neh, can p nrcham slate lands, AI'PLICATIIIN NO. 191113 NW% {if NE$ of section 36, town- ship L9 north, range 4 west. W.Nf.. coittalning 40 acres, 'nlore or lesS, ae- ording lo ,' the govornnient stn'vey thereof, lipl)raised 'at. $400.0, Said lands witl be oldfor not less :NO. 1834 NOTICE rO CltleDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Q THE STATE eli" WASIffINQTON ]POR MAS. ON (3OUNTY IN PII (il'lA TE In lhe Mailer of "tliel "Istait, of Wil- IJatn Sandholm. Deeeased; NOTICE 'I,q HEREBY GIVEN thai the undertignod Axel Jtslsoli, bast been ap!eiolnied and ha,q qiinllfled as Admit/is[rater of the eslall of Wll- 8andhoha. dearea.sed, anti lbal tvDlg Pitttms again,at ihe ot 1'11o S/lid )Aid/lib, are lliVed te serve ill(" tan]e, lho .pei'essliry you + itlached. loll 1,11o tuillorsin- rillslralor, or ]ii;-1 'of Lewis. of Chain R. l,e'g, ts. 2qATD:' 'L' dlffltl DANCINO every Satnrda, at: I{alelmry [ llone. '4 tal'g'p ro0als and I)alh in- ll:lv,' I'lq'ri'(•l•:ll()l ' I•,,I ' ,'liliZ. lilt aim•/ chides  bedi,oonis and' llntl.' Parl ('Irnnge /t'M1. hritt mnMc goot[ lilac. 'lc•tl til.herl, ,qi:ti' F:,,llh,.1. V.)x ,'4(;, ] liardwood I'lobrs. Latot style',equlDo " W5-33tfn• . - -2F)--.S-S { rrl,nl. I a,rge porches. Qolr er IoI SADT.)L IJORE for, rent. Dally - ............................... (;0xl00, Lovely vh-,w hleal famUy wnd Stmdav, except,' Wodnesd..ay,. '  :-tAIJ: C,.)lla )il,lc, babv On)T ,t;,' [ h.e'allon. Ncal; Itore,<t and" luls." On Cole Rne]l] 3 Inlles oalh on, Olym. t i'vvw''ii'*i'rIvv'i''i io:l:.,i)litl|llo, ll.lU re I'.S t,]. (','qllii -- ,,la, .,.00 ,.>p,,n"ire"" Mo,,n.,in Vie..,, :,,.,era., o,,I,'  h,,.,'u,,. 2.r,. "a ,,l,...],w,,.v.. Cla,,,,>e W veli,,I.71i,.lio,te t C!a,ssified Service c!l,afmnm:D m-,vR'l'l,qmo ,,Ir,,el. ,U,.U,.I, ','-'!!.g-;-, ill AIlgust ill. So,, L., :l', Arnoht tiler, .... RATES ....... , ...... ----S ..... 7:'-----= ...... EKC[E "PIt?NIt', Augu!tl I, Mal)lo BlfN'l,'J,q OI:)PORTUNITY; $525 in- IFOR SA[,: o-room, )nodern lit)nil, ] Beaoll, . 8-1-,15 vested Is V,,nding Mll(,hinl,s ellii issl(e yea eve)' r)0 pPl' week ill 5'|till •1" liill0 fr,llii town, ('ily walo,'; flU'- IIEMSTITCtIING, : 10e ynrd. also lint- [ Lii le, N Sv n, A I) ) ," N()\\;V 1' .). i nis}led or luifurniMled, On Day/on tonb011ng. ' Ml',r. Ellis ,WolIs, 405 Ar- I J:lex 1074, Ol','ol'ida. Wilsll. J8-'25 -.9-E roll ]. Ilnrry W;qiiers, 72]:-:8"1 eadla Avenue. (Corlmr Arcadia and 2-28-tfn WELL DRILLIN(I: Werk and lrt:lle- i)f sad file  sueli clainl -nicer O1' sert'i('e, 'wilb above entit ed eels nlonths after ttte, dat0 of tlle. fh'st Itnblleatlon iff tills notice t0rwll.: Jiffy 11 19,16 nr all ehihlis bet sit served and.'fil.d Ml:tll 1)i, for- ever b:lrred, " A'XEI. MATSON. ' Adininlsh'ator "er lhe eslale of Wl111ani Sfindholni, deceased. ]4oil Sulldhig, 119 SOlitli 4ill S1r!et Sholton Mason CollOid-, Wa.hingi cm. CIIAS, R. LEwLq, lt,orney for "ssid ,slale, t3ioll ,Blilldlng', ):If) Sotitll 4tit Sl., ]lt';]lrin, Masoa .(]eallly .Washinz'll)n, ' 7-.11 z18-25---8-1 - .1I, NOTICE OF SALE OF TIMBER ON " "TATf] leOl|t). ' BOARD ][,AND is that on ]946. fore- Shel- ; IIOOD CANAL Waterfront. View and often, tile' l'r6Ml wales lotto A, Johnstone, 4,t14 Norlll 8th St., Tae0ma, Pholie Pree- lar 471..9. 7-118-1 FO SALE: two houses. Apply at phone 284R or 518 Park St, " 7-4)In HOOS  T" SOe US for JSSE O. THOMAS CO, C. Nolan Mas61ol !,,Agt. [ I mile aoulh of 1,lntOn--TeliL Union II86 5-] tfh. FOR SALE: Large waterfront lot. eh,ared. Good soil, In Walk0r Park Addlllen, .Call 4111R, ' ' (8-1 IPO 8A{-E: 0"='|tel roe n modern house [ ollII)uildlngs (neilr Airport a'lso': .lo I roo))i lilo0ern house' un, fI!:llshhd llp-l slalrl, Electric punll), t0<aeres, in- I I qliire Sllir Roufe I,:. Box $6, "E, C. I i Swltnson. #-1-15 t FOR SALE three lots on Bayshm.e road. 150.feet "l'wo miles frenl town, Phone 33R 0r Set, :Wall Elllt)ll, 'tll3 Birch. ' 8-]-8 EAOLE PICNIC. Augusl 18, Mtlll](" • Bach. 8-1 -.15 FOR SALE: lWO 4.reels modern hnuses wtlh s(¢en lots overl0oklng Heed Canal, Two .lals with grliVtty 0:ter system, ]dii,y be ,n J:)y.ap- polntmehl. :BOx ]84, Hoo'usi$ollt, '.n. Phgne .ttoodsport I]iV2."  A8-1 JR SAIE: 'Modern home, Good le- eatldn. Aulomatlc oll •iirnaee and ; Je.%% act'.ording electric hot, watt;r. Full eliient lme- Aurvey t11ereuf, ment 0netSan shades..W]ed for ........ • . iqe/q-rh,'it6{;e. Three lots. L'SPalbd al g to the ist0's erlliSe there i (121 No, 2nd or Phone 688. G8-] re , aplrox nlately 05,000 feel old i - ' -- " -- rowgj fJc '2 000 leer. hito pfne, 2,¢)00 ()-J"LE."--" a'(ljolng'lots )n SoUtil- l.'0elar; "find ]] (ilXI 'eet jlaitilock, ' sttl Hill,' $1.fi00 cash. Call ill '044, Loggillg c6ndill0ns are faX'orllh L. Cnscade, Slndt0n. " O8-l-g T!m , l*br'Chall'er of tlte aoovo ue- ,l'ltTOd .,l:imlsee will ,be l"ealjmd to fall I 'FOR SAI • 257 acres, Write Route 1t deai and tlefectlvo trees on the '1, Box 'i70. Elma, O8-1 rca and' tti eoltilMY strictly .lth laws govcrnlng slaMi disp)Sal as folnld in FOIl SA.LE: 6-room modern house, IPttla 36, ,ChKpler' 1, ,e;mmgton's Coin- ] g aiago,: Large l a:wn all garden space Piled tatutes and hlws a)nPldatory Mr.' view Addiuon. write Box 10. Lhere{d. " (:nre Jourmll ,Offli'e. 8-1-15 The purcllasers of state timhor a),e' requh'ed tO l*nn out the linch and are ' FOR SALE: 4-roonl liouse, 5 "acres, tesl)onsible for trespass ill case timbee ' Route 1, Box 151. (Mill Creek road), iS eat' on adjac0nt siate-owued ]and, ' pll(ine 403J, ' 7-25--8-8 . Tl,00. o, 8,,o to he ,.,s,,ed wi,,' -i givg Ihe holder the right (o eeSnstraet Jf)k--7)i-" logging roads across the above do" I MOVED, 20 ft by 60 fl, Doubh. floor, sePtbed tract for the removal of said divided door, double door and plain tinlbeI', but will not give llim any door, six window.q, excellent roof, oxcinsive jurisdiction ov0r 1he tract, i coffee bar. Built1½ years, u'sed only The Stale reservo.s 1he right 1o grant) for, dances. Must hi3 sieved. Mrs. rigllls of way for 10gglng roads or for ) Ciarene( Wivell, 3 niilea sont]l on ffily ,olht!r purpose over and aeross l Olynl))ia )iighway. Phone 218J4 for the above d.serltmd traet st any tilne I al)pointnient, ' tin and neilher lhe Stale. nor ihe grantee i • ahtdl be l!able to tim holder el; tlle l leer SALE: ]House and two lots on bill hi: saW. for any (]iilliage eaa.ed  Itillcreat. Pilone 652J. 7-25--.8-1-8-3t t, 'Said lilnber oil said hind will l)e sold REAL ESTATE .for not le.' than the appraised valne. ]i'OR.SAL7]: 2-roo111 senli-n)odorn heine tls appraiaed by the Conlnilsstoner of wllh two t']cw lots on :caliitol Hill; Pttt)lic Lands in the nlanner provided f lawn and garden. Price $1,'800. See by law, a siatement of which is new [ M. C, ZINT}tEO, 7.25 on file In the offlee of tile Auditor FOR SALE: 6011236 fl. lot ()ll 5r-. of said county, . cedis, facing north. 3 hloeks fronl Ternis of stile el'(': Cas]t Lo ))e pale seliool; light, water and sewer, A on the day of sail, buy fir[ $00. TerltlS. M, C. ZIN- The purchaser of limber on state Tt4EO. Phone 157. 7.25 la(is will llave 5 years within which FOR SAL:: 36-acre farl'n 14 nil. S.E. to remove ssid tDuher wilh the privi- of Shelton tm Ilard-surfaeed road; 7 ]ege (if securing extensions of lhnc a(!re,q cleared; 6-r0oni luodern hotiso, antler th(: 4-11,atilt.eta gevtwning., , several ()tit buildings; well and plee- lrie pump; 'creek lhrotlh In'operl,y, OTTO A. CASE; Price $5,000. M. C. ZINIIEO, Real- Commissioner o1' Public Lands, ] ior, Phone 157, 8helton, 7-25 7"¢'11"18"25-8"I I FOR SALE: Collapsible baby buggy, sloe Tedtor Babe, Inquire 1t88 Ar- H8-1-15 lhan the appraisi)d value above al.ated , and upon tilt; l,erms and conditions f01- lowing: ...................... NoL less than one-tenth ¢ f I11o DUr-i . NO. 1784 these 1 rice i'uist )e paid at l.h t,fme[ N()TICE O]," llEAIIING FINAl, AC- OJ sal0 The purchaser f l'l be ll0t I' "CO?INT AND 1)ETITION ]1,'O11 'the ownffr of the ln)Drovements, mllkt ...... I}ISTRIBUTION forl.hwtth pay t0 the (fficer making IN THE StJP2HtI()i,(70U, ICI;.OIe T{-!] the stile the hill amotmt of the ap- STATI, (.z ,• i,AS,a,Gz., e'..t tiraisvd vahte el: the inlprovements, as MASON COUN'I Y', IN PROBATE, above stated. One.tenth ef 1he pur- In lhe Mattei ef the Estalo of ehtlse price Inui be pald annually ESTHER ALEXANDE1:, Deceased. lheraaf(e' with interest on all defer- NOTICE IS I{IffREBY GIVEN that red paylrent at the rat( f six per A. K, A.lpxlnider.,. (,x.qutor of il. eentuul ller anntnn; Provhled, That eqhite of Earlier Alexalltler, Qeceasetl, any purehllsor iliay make full paynllmt Jigs fih,d In the off!co 91' tIle Clerl of principal interest and statutol'y fees el the I!q()ve t:(lUl't. Ol. t!nal acc(it, lnL at aay tlll e tad' ol)l:in deed. '[lie ltllU jletitl(!n los OlStFll.nltlen, aSl(lll Dilrehaser of land ¢6nlalniilg timber the tM)urt to sttttle saHl final accoual, or if)thor va,ltiahle llittel' ts prohl- distrl!.lute lhe .[)lolerty. te t,hl, per- bited hy law from ca(ling nr rnlov- sons laereto enl.ltleQ anti lO OISCSaFgO ins' any such lhnher orniaterials with- 1 m said A. K. Alexander (xieutor. oUL I'[r,-'  obtaioing censent' €.if t]ll and lhsl said final at,,count apd peli- Conqnltlslonlr 7if Ptl))ljl ,Lairds, until tlo,n _l'er distribution will be lliqlrd ()ll tile hiii snladnt of lh. t)6rcila pr e the 71h, day, of :S(,ptel},!l)e}',)'I7461oa  lilts been I)a d and deed Issued e/el:(,n o ct?cit -t. v. ai tile ('l art '• All sales of state [ands are made (ll tU) aDove ueult, sohject to 1lie reservn,ti¢ms of oils. Dated tilts 23rd day of Jn]y, "19,16. CLARE ENGELSEN, Clerk of sold Stll)erit)i' Ctmrt, ISEAL) 8-1-8-15-22-41 Nee :1838 NO'I'ICE TO' CREBITOiI 1N TI41 SUPERIOt: (X)URT OF TIIE • TATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY. In (],e Mailer of the Goardtanstlil) gaes, cold. ores. nltnerats and fos- sils or every name. kind and descrip- tion. and to the additional terms and conditions lirem'rlbed in scctloII 8 of chaDler 256 of the Laws of 1907. Shld land wl 1 be sold mibject to the lm'ms, eondtth)ns and r.servations of thapter 312 of the Session Laws of 1927. .relaling to easements, for 'rights- of-wily and the carrying of timber. stone, - minerals and other products I (__•a d fa Arena(,. ' FOR SALE )4-ACRES of land with good drilled well, 3-rm. house. Prop- erty is located close to She[ton and is eve( half level and Cleared Several hundred feet fronting Isabella Lake High- way. Excellent' close-in prop- erty for future'- building tracts. City water on highway. Priced at $2900 casll. 13,73 ACRES of good property located on Hammcrsley Inlct about 12 miles from Shelton, at Lihbys Point. 300 feet of 1st and 2nd class tidelands. Has 6 room home with fire- place, not modern, good well, woodshed, garage and chick- en' house. :&bout 2d0 grape- vines, 20 fruit trees, 6 nut trees, all fenced. Also some second timber. Excel- ¢,vor 1he same. of Mary Maud Buding, an Incooll)e- lent suburban property for the ,tent. OTTO A, CASE, Notice is t)ereby, g i.en that Fred future when yOU are ready to Commtsmoner bf Poblic Lands. Budln  has been appointed and has ,,=+4  ra=. .#,,',.,4 ho 7-4-11-]8-25--q-1 qualt$#d ffS u0+rdlsn (,f the person :' 'e '; t'-8 -'^" all add estste ef Mary Matld Budlng an lrl eoa $ D0¢) ca. . irit!orripelfnt, nnd that all I)ersens nav- e (lainis against the s I d Mary 11 ( NO. 1825 g '-- ....... tilln 6 n it' -I toni modern homo with large NOTICE T(I ($1t.l(ll)lTO!g,.  Maud l:uulng s al wl " I on is • , , unfinished upstah's, nice ard and YN TI'IE SUPERIOR (<OTJRT"'OF TIIE artel that publlcat on of th s not c i .... e ,. -, *, I'in .... ' -;;" STATE OF WASIItNGTON OR cud it) W t within 6 months froni ¢it,, ltll#' n,,)., '' Innd tHth ir.n > , t 1 I AU USi ] 1946 S #I't' sa.h claim, duly 1.. .A ,,,, moat r.nooid MASON (.OIrNTY , vel'fled upon the said 2(ardlnn al ,lmnt I lllt f)nrn ¢lllntof at',hnl INpJto!I',AT! [ Allyn,: Wasl. or upou oi ! altoney .,i{-)ic];i.-at..0t0:.y .......... In the Melter • oi" the Estate oil at his offii'e horeintlfttr dcsigaateo, ' ' .' " ' George Heliry Wiley, Deceased and fl( SUl h ( lain with til: Clerk of . - --7 .... " -- '  " s( of t'hl " [l ( a-room Inodern ilolne in eXCellenl • NOICE IS ItEREBY (]IV,EN that aaiu t;oull anu in ca.   ia us. t ' " ..... " "" " " -(IV( and file .... *" e)ndltion located on hill, Has good the ander.igned, George '|10y, ]Iris el € t euitor tO SO s  . mut ll ' • ' ( o gu.ago and ulil ty room attached linen appointed and has qualified as clahs iht same w I he 1trove' Imrr d .. ... • _ z . " • ' ) x.x't n*ttxr(] tO I]orlle, IMlce yaro. uan lie par- administrator of the estate of George ....... . ...... c,.. Olased with additional lot il de- H(nry Wiley, deleted, and that all ulrulan o| l-elsiln tllltl 1 .......... airl d 'P)'ii,Pd lit aeoaf erat)ns .having elaLms against tko sald of Mary Maud Budtng, . ........... ., ............ leeeased, or tile staid estate,, are here- J. W, Graham, bY required to 9erve the same, dilly Atiornny for Guardian, Covey Bldg,, "lf.alt.4-  A.I vtlrtfka, wiut the necessary vouchers Sllelton, Wash, 8 1-815-31 JL.JL¢£ I,.It=;JLb U. 2qkl.l.)Lt:7 attached, upon the undersigned ad- mlnistrator or his Attorney_ of Rec- 0rd, Cites. R. Lewis, at the law office + M A S O N L A K E of Chas. It, ]Lewis, Bell Buildhlag"  119 ouih 4th Street, 8helton, mason .Couhty, Washl,lgton, the sa.lna ,being , Waterfront 'Tracts ¢leslgnatea a8 too place 10r too tranu- aeUoa of the busines .of the .said estate, and file such claims together with proof ()f seiwice, with the clerk of 60 x 300 foot, beautiful, trees, marvelous grave] beach, good the tbove entitled court "within six fishing, fine camp grounds. rnontlls after the date of the first Take Bayshore Road, follow signs. ONLY 15 MILES, come publication of this. notice, to-wit: July 1] :1946, or all claims not so served out and select your tract, you name the down and monthly and filed uha) be forever barred, payments---You can't go wrong owning a waterfront tract, CEORE wIIv, Administrator of the estate or See Gordon Mendenhall Representative on the Graund W. C. MADING 702---3rd AVe,, Seattle, El, 87d5 • George Henry Wiley_, deceased, Bell Building; :119 8outh 4th Street. She]ton, Mason County. Washington. CHAS. R, LEWIS, Attorno for said estate. Bell 1:ullling, ]19 South±tl! Strget, hillon, Mamnt Cotlnly, Waslllngton. - 7-11-18-25--3-1--`11 No. 1839  NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR CO UR 0 THE STATE ,>,, WAS00IN0000O00T00O00 MABON C(:)'UN'I IN P ' lit the Melter (,f tile Estate of Maude Le Master, Deceased. NOTICE I.S HEREBY GIVEN that ha underslgned, Ma'uerite L0 Mas- 'ter Chase has been appointed and has qualified as executrix of lhe estate o1' Maude Le Master, deceased, and .that all persons llaving: claims against the said deceased, or the said estate, uh'ed to serve the same, wiDi the necessary d, u|)on the under- or ner NO. 1828 NOTICE TO CRIIDITOliS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF T]IE ST3:TE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN 1)BOBATIIi In the Matter Of the Estate of Rose D. Nelson, Deceased, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, Nellie Nelson, hits been al;)PO)kted m,d has. qualified as aamlnlm,ratrix of toe estate or l,oae D, Nelson, deceased, /iid that Jill persons having claims against 1he said tate or the saia deceased, are nose- by rqquired to serve the same duly vorlfihd wlth the necessary vouchers attached upon the undersigned admtn- istratrL% or her Attorney of Record. Chas. R, 'Lewis. at the aw office of BAll Building, 119 helton; MaSon the same being place for the trails- of the business of tho said tO file, suCll C]a]ltlS, together ,roof of service, with the he forever barred. Estate of 4th Mason Coanty, CHAS, R. ttorney for said 'Estate ell Building, 119 South 4th Street, Sh01lon, Mason Cotisl.y, Washhlgton. . 7-11"18-2d":It"I'- 1 t, 7/4-tin NO. 1826 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN TI-I SUI ERIOR COURT OF THE) STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MAS()N COUNTY IN PROBATE In the'Matter of the Estate otIda Chappell, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the underslgnsd has been appointed and has (luallfled as Admhlistratrlx of the Estate of Ida Chappell. deceased, and that all persons havtng claims against the said deceased, or the said estate, are hereby required to scm, e the same, duly verified, wllh tluY necessary vouchers attached, upon the underMgned Adminlstratrlx, or her Attorney of Record, at the law office of Chas, R, Lewis. Bell Bufldlng, 1!9 South, dth Street, Sholton, Mason Coun- ty, Wash|ngton. the same being desig- nated as the place for the transac- tion of the business of tile said estate, and file such chdms together wiUl proof (if service, with the clerk of tile above entitl0d court within six nlontlts after ths dte of the first publication of this 'n0tiee. to-wii: July 11. 196. or all 'elaini8 lot so served and filttd shldl he forever barred, MARY CHAPPELL, Adnlinistratrfx of tho estate of Ida Chappell, deceased. BoIL Building, 119 South 4th St,, .Shelton, Mason Connly, wash- ington. CHAS. R, LEWIS, Attorney for said estate. Bail Bulldhlg. 119 South 4th treet. Shelicln' Masr, n C0tlI}Y .W, ashl?lgtop. " 7-11-18-25z#Sq-:4t. Boundary Streets,) I'IEff'TI--CHINIII 1: 10c. t'ARp. Kl)Ifo rial guaranh,ed. Vorn David..on, I)03 Ellinor, holloll, ]:)liene 229W. 7- l<qi fn • 6.1110 ,qclssor sharDening; Would like ............................................................... ld continue with Mrs. wohy's cus- tomers. Mrs. lered Elson. ,127 Belle- ELECTROI,IIX vile. 8-7-tin CLEANERS, SALES. Servive and MAKE BRICKS: MHlions are needed, supplies. Fl'Oe l)ickllp and dcliw,ry. Start a quhk CASH bushleSS, I'e- Jnek MIinley, , slY slit o 'zod I'u,- t'urns can Mart in two weeks with an tory l'eprt,senlaliv(,. Phi)no Ho(,lls )t)i't inoxpenslvi easily hand el)crated 2W2, 7-18--.4 fil TYRA'BRICK " MAKER, Ollly .6and .................................................. and eelnent' and any eld shed needed. ' FOR ]_:IETT]eP FINIStIING IJulld your HOME of hriel¢. Get it of year Kodak snIlliS TYRA-PLAN, S0whnt can he, See Anilrew Sludies R. K. TYRA CO., WYOMING, $-],11 In. MINN. 7-11-1 --IPOR BFITER INISHING PORTABLE STI,A.M CLEANER for Irui'k slid auto le()lOl•S. Work t,v(,-, 'lf',tllr Kodak snaps Illngs ,<lnd Sa[llrdays, ],:rni,t leoili, )qee Aodrtws ,qludto;i ,111 l-[arvard, piles(': ,178-.I (i-2tilfn. 8-]41 In. . ,..,)+.+,, .,, ,,•., ........... , ......... ILqED TIRES: pss,ncnger and trlwk i'eeaDDing anti re.pairing. Sam I-L Slslih Co,, Legion nnd Cl.o.rry, THE GIFT BOX Oiympht, Phone 7753, II, S. ].'ir(,s , . and batteries. • ]l-15tfn. 200!./_, West 4th IF YOU WANT CARPENTERS AND EI,ECTRfCLNS c.nhlct C. L. Col- Olynlpia, Wash, lies,. Business Agent, ]612 l:)lvision. Phone 2.10W. 3-.+t0t fn Books of Spiritual Va,]lle to ]ITRGESON RADIO REPAIRTN(] near Parents and Children Jnnior Itlgh School, Closed S:itur- d lys ]2 ]Cranklhi. IHloni. 112W or "St. Andrew's Daily lelP.' work at l(Hlnlor I)h'c r c. 5-7 Miss01s" -- Price Range I:II]I'I/DIN(|S RAISED, now f.unds- $2,75 to $6.75 li¢)n tlhtced nnder llloni lind olher a tera)lons. C. N. Allen, lt. I. Box 140 (Mill Creak Road), Sbeltou. 7/8-tfn 12-27-5-:10-I fo U I II .. • F'OOR SANDING AND"FINISHING C L A R K ' S Rug a.d Linolgum Cleaning 2nd HAND STORE Best .Rtes- QUick' Service BRACY S FLOOR SERVICE 201 E. Pine .... Phone .40 ' " P ho]}e Olympia 9547 WE IUY. AND SELL Butler Motor Rt. 6 EVERYTHING " 7/18-8/30 ii I & .... ., A.. ................................... i NEW ,TtlPMENTS MITCHELL'S Jl ST TN OF AUTOMOTIVE 2 and 4 .qlice " Electric Toasters MACHINE SHOP ............ o Electric Iro{as SPECIALIZING IN O O MOTOR REBUILDING WESTERN SUPPLY REBORING 218 N. First St, Plmne 126 VALVE SEAT GRINDING ,, , WATER PUP REBUILDING FLOORS LAYED BRAKE DRUM REFINISH- Sanded, Patched find ING. Refinished H & H FLOOR SERVICE O Phone Bremerton 629 7/25-8 .'15, 407 S. First St. Phone 628 - Slelton Jt•=-'-"-i'--)7"-f- ; ........... : ................... ................. Stoves and WE H&.VE THE NEWEST Furnaces TYPE BAR FOR VACUUM REBORING CLEANED Cleans Its Own Cut, No Slmvings TO Clean Phone 132-M Out Afte .rwards .o Prompt Service Cranlt Shafts Ground ......... 2.._J ..................................... MITCHELL'S AUTO BODY REPAIR Automotive Shop  .h-I T'I'-%'IFI%T t PAINTING 407 S: First St. Phone 628 yv_.lllJXZ,lt.T) GLASS WORK i i CO SHARPENING E A T O N " LawnmowerS,aiid Gard¢illNIliveS'To0]s SolssorSof Body and Fender Works all kinds Third and Grove Streets Bicycle Repairs PHONE 8,i 1 Sleyster's Fixit Shop Third and Cola SWEDISH MASSAGE PHONE 243 Rheumatism, overweight, underweight. Regulates funetions-of skin, nerves, oS'T ' digestion, lumbago circu- No, 1 ICE TO CBEDITOIIS lation and elimination. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF" THE MONDAY TIIRU FRIDAY STATE OF .WASHINGTON FOR yAS.ON C OUN.. IN PROBATE 9 a.m. - 6 p.m, zn me matier of the/state or Edwln 228 Souttl Second St. OlUnd, Deceased, ' ' NOTICE IS HIgREBY GIVEN that the underalgnad, Robert N. Olund, Ao F. OPPELT has been appoiitted and has qualified as Adminish;ator of the estate of Ed- Phone Hoodsport 21J4 or win Oluud, dae0aaed, and that all per- Shelton 448 Sons havlag claims against the said deceed, ar the said estate, m'e hereby r.ulred to er;ve,the' tiptoe, (luly veil- fled, Wlth the' necessary voucners li- taehed, up0n-the undersigned Admin- istrator, Robert N. Clued, or his At- torney of Record, at the ,law office of Chas. H. Lswts, Bell Building 119 South ,1th St. Shelton Mason County, Wash- Shelton ington, the samebeing deslgnated as the place for "the transaction of the fftTV TrI.OT_Tt%17) buslness of the said estate, and file sncll' claims, together wlth proof of service, with the clerk 'of' the above O Remodeling entitled court within six montlls after O Furniture ,Repair the date of the first puhlication of this 0 Appliance 'Repair notlee to wtt: July I8, 1946, or all clahus not SO served and flied shall O Cabinets • Bflilt or be forever barred. Repaired ROBERT N. OLUND, O Free" Estimates Adlninistrhtor of the estate of Ed- w.lit Olund; deceased, Bell Building O Pick-Up and Delivery 119 South ,1tll St. Shelton. Mason County. Washington, " CHARLES WARD CHAS. R. LEWIS, Attorn¢y for Said estate Boll Bnitd= Rohti3/B0x"182-A tng 119 South 4th St. Shelton, Ma- Phone d62-JX son Cotlnty, Washington. 7-18-258-1-8-4t OTICiI 0F BOND REDEMPTION NOTICE IS IEREBY, GIVEN that .... Public Utility District NO. 1 of Ma- No. 1836 son County, Washlngton,has elected NOTICE TO C'REDITOllI to call for payJnent and redemption IN THE SUPEItIOR 'COURT OF THE oil September 1, 2946, all of its out- STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR standing revenue bonds known Its TIrE COUNTY OF MASON, "Public Utili tv" District :No. i of Ms- In the Matter of the Estate of Anna son CountY, Washington, Revenue Itlibokt, Deceased. Bonds 1936" datqd Septonlber I, i936, Notice is hereby given that Lho un- lit the principal sum of $9500 bearing dcrsibfned has been appointed and lilts interest at tba rate of 5% par an- qualified as Executor of the above nunl payable semiannually, entitled estate; that all persons having The' owners atoll holders of said claims against said deceased are here- hands are hereby, .notified to present by requlred to "serve the same, dtdy them for redemption and payment on verified, on Said John Itlii)oki or his said first day 0f. Stptember, ]M6, attorneys ()f record at the address be- at the office of the county treasurer low stated, and file the same with the of !tiaaon County, Washington, at Clerk of said Court, together with Shelton, .,Waahlnglon. . proof of such service, within six YOU AR IVTIER NOTIFIED nlonths after the date of first publi- that interest on:sald b6nds will cease cation of this notice or the same will Sel)teatber 1, !9€6, - , .  be barred. Tills notice is given oy oraor ot Date of first publication, July 18, the Commissioners of Public Utility 1946. District No, 1 of Mason County, Wash- JOHN HLIBOKI ii<igtoII, Exocuttn' of said 'Estate. Daled this 1at day of August, 1946. Address Lost Lake• at, 1, Ehna, Wash. OMER L, D, IO. ..' Wright & Malloy, Atterneya for Es- Mason '0un.y,Treasllrerl tale. Angle Bnildin, Shel(on, Wash, S=T-5-22-29.1tt" 7-18-25--8-1-8-4t ll %V(iFI].q or li'.il tiiilnliilllm e]l,,ii'l).P) 3 weok, l.I}ti. 1 wl,(.It 5t1, .lie%vt:i" l,tl[e 11tr lilt z(tr ltll..t liall llllil.O hlsert ions. ]}cadtq' n()tic(,s 3C per word. 75C nliIlilllUlll cllal''e Oil o ll(h /Iol JPe. C:J+l'd Of Thanlcs. $t.0{I; original po(,Lvy 50e per ineli ; classified dislil,ty ralos on reqlu•sl. Advertisements accepted ov@r the telephone from phone sub- BC I'i b01"S. (Its|l sholl]d acctilllpally all ethel" orders er paylui?nt nutdo within five (5) dltys of lhe fh'sl insel'liolt 10 save eXpelise. Of bill- Ing. All exlra ebai.g( of ]ilc will hc lO:l(le when billi Ill is necev Her3 r. PIIONE 100 Miscellaneous leer P,[,ITTIR FINISItlNC ,)1' ylt ' 1(()tick ElIltlps ,,l Ali(lr(!w,n Slililio;l S-l,li fit, " B eli-e-r- us-edF tq;niture :; Beds, 4 Sprino's, 2 Reekers. excellent conditiou, 2 Dinette Tables, ] flue Wahult finish Extension Table. Olsen Furniture Co. :'21 l.nih'lm(l, Phone 102, tin .. . i, i i i .... i. COOK PLANT FARM 2 Miles Off Olympia It]way On Cole Road tir,q] Rolite 3, EoX 265 SI-/ELTON We' have a complete line of VEGETABLE, POT AND BEDDING PLANTS Also Window Box Mixtures ORDER EARLY List on Request VIST'PORS WELCOME ];h)I) SAI..." Fi'o:ql VOFff-l:il,l'. flay,' I,qiv, i(;ltl IVO::l T'l':i[ll:lili, Sli,qh,ll, 7-25 H. i .......................... F'{ll*, SAI.I,]: P:u'i c(dlio and p:u'l I*-- 1i(,(, ])lllJti• ('l • l%hii'l( IPav 5IN Pal,k Sll'OOI, ,%.'helh')li, 7• I. - ,;-I ............................... FOR SALE: fisl inff (•r(,i,Is, $7,50 liild ul,, :it H'ilh'i'l,sl 1-l;i.r(Iwai'o, -1 t,'(il SAI.E: Rose Mohnv,,l i)ll ", 9x12 all(1 llhl, 2 in;i(('hhll.;' .i' I t .... lg's Phone Un ili Ill.l. M7-11ifn l,OR ,qALE: Tractoi. disc ;ind niowhlg' llilich itlo. Illflll[re Nel•illa El]tSoll, 1).olih , I, I:,x l,q(/, Eillili, Wn.dling - WANTED: Lighl toll. 7-25---8-R I,,)at. E. S. ]PC)I SALE: Ollo cd' tit(' I,eM Je'say.< WANTEI): Lt;t on ill ]ason I'lilllity, ;1]t(i N re% v S(']O('I tith' lallds. ]itlte illilk l)tlls. lnqlih'o .'.1. (hi/hit2,h(,r, iiliqils. }Vrilo IloX lt;x 66, losl I:il.:l, lt.ilhL 1,]lilili, r;isllil/P:l oil. 7-25- - , €l ................................. %VA NTI']D : f.h,,qi(lont FOIl SAil,E: Sealer for htnlic v:inilhIK :hollon lh)i*,l and in lill, ti'ils N,). 2 :)nil N,,, ;I i':iiiS• ]"l'at" (tti %" net 7 I"li,)lit %',qliV. 7, 25--- , , Pill% SA/,14: i-Iktoi (•u.hilli I)uill lt'ail- or luillO. (bled Ill'lilies. ,7tl(i. ('. M. M(,i'c(.r. .I liiilo.<4 )llt I]:iy,h()ro riiilll. leer SALE: ](iioilon Sillk :illd l+ixttlro•.4. (h.,d sba ")e. JairlO.q Shrilni. Sl. R1. 2• I')(IX 5. P Hill(' 272MX. 14-1 lOR. SALE: 2-wheel csi{le tralh,r, lilll).l{i th•(s aild one 4 i! year-ohl (|ii(,rli.qlv-or,ql,v Pt)w. (livilK niilk. - t:lllll for 1:15. Andy S(.oll, Shir 1{cute 7. ,qhol 1 (ill. 14-1 7i)17 SALF]: l]ei'oflirit and IJtii.bllni c(IW. Jlist l'rosh. Also pig', ,lnqniro ('orIlo]ia t]'l'O ll(,ll (ill Pl'iZllor ]Qil I'lil :it M:II h,<'k. G8-1-15 li'()R SAI,E: Gllq()lhlo driven pnlnp Stlilal)lo f6r •  " lies D ,qcliu l fill. cn:qh. IUiy 1%. [irvbis, Rio 1, lo× 12!t, 1 rililo south of i'll.',' linlils Oil ( )lyinpia i-t ig]lway. 8-1-,€I II()[ISEWlVES: Why wa× your fh.)rs ,,t, ory we.k! tlt, IHlisii-[Colo twice II y(,:tr. Sohl al Sh('ltou ll)t'ti'i( to•. 1..10 4Ih street, 8-l-lilt 1;'OR SALE: I:]ERRIES. t]rinff con- tlihlers. H, Rayln0sd, Bollle 2, S]loi- ll)li (/kl4ale District), 8-1-15 WTIA TRADE: Ii'(,i'Iftlstln ]2-iit('h 2- ],otl.elii trach)r ph)w for one .ot)d .lG-hlt']l sillv.le I)()ltolll trself, r )low. • T(•d lIi.ll:chori. " (i•lil)(-','iew, S- -N I,'131 >, SALE: ha'go Im'kh. hox(,s, $7.50, at HillPr¢'si Hal.dwal'l,, R-] FOR SALE: small b)y's bikl, in good ,,.lldilion. ]l,,tSIlshte. Phone 782M. tt8-1 I,]41;1,E P1CNTC. Augusl 18, Maple • Ih,:ioh. 8-1-15 (II RL IV1STlli;S TO I)I,'EN, l):ly ,,r \\;VANTETI: )al;l thne j A'[,,Ioi • k4:ll(,-i I,hflle O • ":' T \\;VA N'P1,]Ii : tim l<:oWOl /it,el' u.til.ll 1,3" I ;¢)(l(I ('i,ll(• VZANTI;',II : mai l l,] ul•n. ]t]-incl/ M n hiv¢..v. MA lllld %Vi•e llotli I l/oll, '(1 apsrtni'nt (it 119tI;V. Elr.i. p¢ilor, %VANTED : Sovol'al able for IlSQ ill I()II ttolol, hlc i | frigeration Equlpoi(nl, lIonle freez- ers, locker plalltl, lllilk coolers, etc:, cold storage doers alld illsulo.tion, portallIe c.t)olers, power meat saws, "Cat Line' of (alden lraclors. Kohl- er Power Phnlls. Prices rig)if- _quick. deliria'lea. MISKELLA 1{I']o FFt I(IERATION & I,]QIJ] PMENT l>ll. 96), Olympia, on lhe IIighway }like. Balloon tires. F, Iz'in slake. aL Ill(l }lay '•M", l.O. I}OX 012. (ill(ill ('Oil(lilies, R(,liSI)lllthl('. P]lolle 2/7-tin 3:I1WX. 1(8-1 ............................................................. FO[{ SALE: %VilSlo lapel' I)liM{,qs, 75c, PAPERHANGING il I I ('resl Ilardware. 8-I ................................................... INTE|()I PAINT/'( l,'lil{ SALE: D(,I/ival so ,ai'lltoi'. 5- to()(h :ill=sit,el culliv:i or. M Ik (,()()|- llf[,q' h(]lll'S abl ¢ i\\;'l :i WOOl(• WANTEtI: Sah's (.l'il!d akery. VqNTED : Ex' l'tH'. lql.Ol'al o1" II at Viox ilELP WANTED wilh s|llinp l]ilhq'('st lh('n s011 ,))" w)'ito 5'.0. I),o , WATER, PIPE }lighway. ltt)ug'l,as 581, Iliih)il. rANTED : Vs,,d (,r ('hfwrtih!l. ] ,0 " ,] I)[lll4OO, KEMTON IN G Now's the time to plan your Spring Renovating George W. Sawyer :105 Front St. USED CARS HIGHEST PBICES: for your car. Sec tlS fOl" llS0d CIIFS. (')hill')it • Motor Sales. Fh'sl ,'lad )Mill St;l. Silollon. Plion( 595. 8-l-15 li'OR SALI,I: 1929 M(.lol A ('otlpo. l.'(led i'lillliili(A " ('(in(li[hni. P|i()ilO 71,(I M. l)t!- 1WOl,il .i lllld (i ii.lll. 7-25--8-8 WANTED TO BUY Gdod Used Cars for Cash nt OPA Ceillng Prices. S. L. PEARSON Phone 5d 8-%V plo:ist, l)lic](Ol'S, 11 aSlU WANTED : wt)nwn :C "i 1 i y  oaol ]"OR" of S WANTED : Exper sen eral ehiitt. Reels, qtlire Journiil. VANTED : women cullers at Cyst, lance Oyster Oscar Zande I. WAITRESS and ki ......................................................... Apply Ilotel 100]% SALE: g('n(i(' sa(hlh" 1terse (Bay) li:tiiii'd "Snip," ally child t'nn l'id(, Iliin. Also Darl Arabinn g(,]dhig •, voi•y Sl)irit('d, bolh' ])rh•?d lilest rcasl)ii- abh.. Iilqtlil'O )VIi's. (']tirollCi  Wh-oll, 21, ilHlt.,s, smilh ()It OI3"nillia his'h- wa.v. l>houl , 21HJ.I, 8-1 F(IR. SALE : girl's b]llo and whih, (,)'. I->hoa( , 215J,I, 18-1-15 1,'Oi SAL1'].: '2 used 400X15 Iracler tires illtd lllbOS. A, (), CIlSFlSOlI, Pllfill(' 21SR3. 7-25--8-8-3t l,'(/R SALE: Pra('(i('ally lww lmnk bod, %Vil'h v/a1(l'l,l'oof lllattrosses. IPIlSell- Itb]o. 1,1111 llllllllit I)]'!V('. Ph()lle 799J X, 7-12-2'12t 1,'O1% SALE: ]]llI,(1 alfMfa, hay. P]lonl 14F35, Slar Rollie 2, Yi0x (}6, Siiel- lo11. L7-18-8-29 ]i'()1 SALE: }al) wood till tht, ground. P;li'l d '.V ..ll(I .'i Col'd..4. (I. Ch'u'l- .Oli. ] Ill)lie 21OR3. 6-201 fn ................................... /P()|. SALE: tin blsck V¢oo1 Sllit; ()no brown e}le(J¢ %vool sllil. 17h)th I)re-war nlateriltl and size 11;. In- quire Journel. :B,I-:I 1tin '(.)NVERT YOUR tITCI-1EN RANGE t() f)ll. See I:he new Thernl silent Air 3Clew ltrner in operation at Sam IL Smith Co., Lcghm Way and Cherry, olympia, lhene 7753. 11-15tfn. FOR SALE: One n'lndhnu size wood or ('oal rflllg0. Good condi[lon. Cheap, with new coils. I144 East Fairniont, P]ione 189B., 7%18--8-1 FOR SALE: Drag saw. Vatighn.,heavy, weight. Two saws. Phone 527R after i 4:30 p,m. 618 Fairntont. 7-11--9-6 FOR SALE: Coal furnace and hot air piping, complete, $100,00, No reason- al)h offer refused, Also one coal heater, $10.00, Shelton Foursqnare, f)10 East Dearborn avenue. D6-20tfu RASPBERRIES: 20e box, you pick. ]PI'('sh for ]oek0r, brhtg conlalners. PIloue 217R4. 7-,1tfn. FOR SALE: soe Olympic Me(or Sales I,'OR SALE: Single size. hed (Holly- ...................................................... wiled style) consisting of sprlnff en V, V V v Viv "v'i' i'v'l'v" i''viv II v'v' i ]eKS and lllat t ross, $20,00. Phone FOR RENT z)0M, P7-18-8-1 FOR RENT: hospital bed sad mitt- tress. $5 per week. Olsca Farniture Co. t hone 10.. 6-20tin. FOR BETTER FINISHING of your Kodak snaps See Andrews Studms 8-1dtfn, /fOR RENT: Eeautifully located ell North Bay slid. state highway I,1A at Allyn, wasuinglon, known as Baysidt Ap/s, Managemeat fam- ishes nsual furniture and furnish- ins, hot and. cold running water, refeigoratlon, electric tlghlm oll bllriier and laundry faeilit les, Aparlment prices frolu $25 to $:12,50, (?el)ins $15 and $17,50. W. A ]:h;ak- Icy. MI nager. 3-28-tfn for anl() parts•and llceessories, Fh's{ and Mill SIreets. pholle 5,}o. 7-4ifn F'OR RENT: lit;all'el Ill. witli kitchell .................................................. SOME Farnl Macliiaery for sale, In- chiding lnowor, spreader, etc. Dewey Bcnnell, Route ], Box 23,t, Shelten. 7-18--8-1 FOR SALE: Choice I.ullhlhlg lot en Angleside, Inqulre Joe Tire, Union, or Phone 77M, 7-tStfn FOR SALE: One gaited saddle horse. one Model "A" motor, one small white enanlcl range, C, W. McIrvin, Rle 1, Shelton (Kamilche Point road) 7-25--8-8 FOR SALE: get your winters wood now for stove or furnace, Priced roasonal)lc, A, O. Charlsen. Phone 218R3. 5-t6tfn. "BRIGGS AND STRATTON air cooled gas engine. Smith and Binges, Le- gion way and Cherry, Olympla. Phono 7753. , ll-15tfn EAGLIg PICNIC, Auvusi J'8, Maple Beac)i. 8-1-15 • LOST AND FOUND LOST: bi,y's BuNter' rown shoe. with stilehed slain in llack. Ering 10 Jettrn(tl if fouud. $8-1 LOST: 10-foot yolh)w plywood 1teat on Hood Canal nelll, Tahtlya. Reward if fiader notifies Leslie A. Wvevs, Tahuys, Wash. " 8-1'- LOST : 111- fo(')t V-btlttonl boat, No, 30G892, last Monday. If found notify Dim Ol#orn, 1725 Sununit Drive, 8-1-8-15-31 LOST SUNDAY: ' Red Pekinese dog on highway nerth of Sholton. Named "Sntlffy." Reward, Elmer Sytsnui. n('ar Mr. Vitw church. 8-]-15 LOST: Man's Tavannes wrjstwatclu loIilller band. Reward for rdturli to Journal Office or Floyd Davis, cam. Tayler's Jersey l'ar Ill. 8-1 LOST: Black plastic' 1)urs6 with shoul- der strap, C(hltains vahlable personal papers. Name of Mrs. Don Saeger in- side. Reward, Inquire Journal. .... 7-,18,--8-1 livin I'(IOIII and bqtiirooln tirivil(.g(s to rel hll')h, ('olltJ h-,, No dl'inker>  . r,(A Pllone. ,).).iJX. C8-1-8 i No. 1029 NOTICI," OF IIEARING ON lelNAL IIEI?(IRT AND PETITION leOlt DISTRI]IUTIIIN IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF' THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOl. MASON COUNTY. IN.PROBATE. In the Matter of the Estatt, of Frank H. Walker, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Francis Ward Widker. Executor of the cslate of Frank H. Walker. deceased, has filed witlt' the Clerk of the above cal.iLlcd court his Final l{eport illltl Petitioo for Distribution asking the court to sit(tie and approve said Final all,err and Petition for Distribution, j distrihuting the property t. the mr- sons thereto entitled and to d seharge sitid Execulor. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN 1hat tht' said Final Report and Petition" for Distribulioll will ho ]leard ell SaILlrday tile 7th day of Sel)leiitbCl,, 1941J, Ill |he hour of 10 o'el ek ill LIle forcllo¢)n, in tile Collrt Reonl. in the Conrl Heus(;L ill Shclten, Was]lingtl)n, Dated Ibis 271h day (,f July. 19,111. CLARE ENGELSbN.. C()ulit3] Clci'k. CHAS, ]2. LEXi'IS. Attlwney ['.r said estate. Bell Building, 119 So. .Ith Street, Sheltoll, Mason Connty, %Vashliigtt)n, 8;-1-8-15-22-,lt No. 1721 NOTICE Ole IIEAIIIN(I FINAL ItEI'OIlT ANI) PETITION FOR DISTIIIIIUTilIN IN TIlE SUPERIOR COURT ()F THE STATE OF WASHINGTON. MA- SON COUNTY In the nmt.ter (if the C(,mhined Es- late tif JOSEPH 1-1. WI{ITE and MARY WHITE. Deceased, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that W. A, Lynn, adnlloislralor ef -ttle combined ostatos cif Joseph I.I. White and Mary Wllite, de(.oased, has filed hi Ihc office nf tim Clerk tif the Iib()ve nat<ilCd COlll't a Finlll Report arid P(.ttthn for l)istribution asking tile Cotll'l to settle said i•oport, dls- Iribut(, • the property to the persons etllereunto entitled, and to discharge thc said W. A. Lynn as adm nist'a- torT and that acid report will be ]ieard on Saturday the 2411 dly o August 1946 A, D. at 10 o'clock A, M, in the Court Room of the Court House of the County of Mason. State of Washlngton"in the Cily of Shelton. at which time and place any persons interested may appear and file objec- tions thereto and contest the same. Dated this 25tll day of July. 19,16 A. D. CLARE ENGELSEN, Clork of Said Cotlrl. WRIGHT & MALLOY. Atl¢ I'n¢ 3','¢ fOP Adlllinislralor. 7-.5 -• 8-1--.8-1o-4( WANT TO BUY: fecd. Mi'ers and Olyrnpia. Phone WANTED: inltll'S. ehi:tlo, willi i.OlUl, chttreis el' fellS. lice. EAGLE PICNIC, lit'at'h. (IAItl) I)F We ffiVe (illF heal' ()Ill' i'l'iOllt]S wlie eNI ill V l tile lost all(1 hi'or Ioi •, 1%t1". Arthue, Rey. , }O, tl'euc. waiter Professional FREE Write PIe. BoX Be Courthouse, Phol!e A, K. PersonaliZed SerVii Address: Rt. 3; Ph CRAIG- ELECTR Eliot Eleetric Title Charle Vii' Angle Building, ATTO! 119-121 Bell Lioensed W. A. Phone 180- tccountlnl! :890 12S 4th St. Office at +i i FOR BETTER FINISIIING of your Kodak snals " See Andrews Studlos S-14n. The driver s Vls,t)n was obscured in ()ne out of every five fatal ac- cidents in 1944, acording to the National Safety council. Approxi- mately 40 per cent of these visual obstl:uctions were caused by snow, sleet or rain, Cailfi,I Church Wa,h. P A ZTCIR 'qehool--9 :.l 5 a.m. i W°rSh!P -] 1 :l 111. M,,c,1 in g--- Fh'e, hie-- 7;?)0 Church i least pine St.  a.m. ,'1. m. 8:00 p.m. er Meeting, ]); 1]]. Meeting; l)Jill, WELCOME Caddy, Pastor Methodi00 Frie.dly Church in a FI Fonrth and t Sunday School at! Morning Worship 1 Topic: hMarriage Is HARDWICK W. }]PARSE Parsonage .2"20 N. 'lth Olive Luthe HILLcREST . HIGHWA  Telephone 395-M 9:45 a.m.  N i:::i:t : (:>i >; SPECIAL GROU] Beaches and Pi( Park, Minerva Par ht Park, Maple Beach, Lake .... Anywhere You For a Weeken( PIIONE 6: O1" SO0 Stand at Shelton Anywhere 0 ........ S 1 ND DAILY Leave L 'Shelton 'Brei 6:00 a.m. 9:15 a.m. 11: 11:30 a.m. 2: 2:45 p.m. 4: 5:50 p.m, 7: 8:00 p.m. 9: for Hoodsport d for Bremerton d unday. daily at 4:45 p. for Hoodsport. daily 2:'30' p.m. for ay's I 00asolin, your first tankful • What an improv power put new stt gave your motor oil a tlais extra lubri Shell Motor 0il is fo It has an m and l to clog oil lines a gets bctter lubrication.