August 2, 1962 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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igust 2, 1962
Page 9 SttELTON--MAS0N COUNTY JOURNAL -- PuNisheit in ", U.KA.," SheRon, Washington Thursday, Ak
nnnnnAlni I
Mt. vi00,w
ieLev iVlO4dlHV*P' mE,lr O]LA.A t b.. end to learnin
' v u - OdW' I [;UI n of Shelton's Am-
And 'B' Loop Tithes
---= ...... . . r
Rayonier's I sl Win
Comes At Expense Of
Shdlon Xrejghbors OUTDOORS
HURRYIH' HUGH McELHENNY will return to the University of Wash.
ingron stadium on Saturday, August ! ! when his Minnesota Vikings
" meet the San Francisco 49era in a pro-season pro football spectacular,
The game is sponsored by reater Seattle, Inc. and is one of the top
sports highlights of the World's Fair. Tickets are on sale at the U. of W.
ticket office and major agencies throughout the state.
SEATTLE (Special) -- When
I-l'ugh McElhenny trots onto the
University of Washington stadium
field for tle Minnesota Vikings-
San Francisco 49ors game Satur-
day, August 1.1, he will be start-
ing his eleventh year in the tough
:National Football Dengue.
But, despite his 32 years, and
the rigors of over a decade in one
of sportdom's most grueling pro,
fcssions, Mac is still "The King.'
And it may be that "The King"
wilt be making his last appearance
before the hometown fans in
Greater Seattle's World's Fair grid
It was on this same stadium
turf that McElhenny rocketed to
stardom as one of college football's
most ele<:trifymg runners, and aft-
er setting a Pacific Coast Confer-
once rushing record and earning
all-America honors, he continued
his success with the pros.
The 49era made Hugh their
number erie draft choice in 1952
and he didn't disappoint the S. Y.
Reservations after 5 p.m.
Run by Double D Ranch
owners, In his first game, he went
40 Yards ola a wwing pass from
'rankie Albert O1 the first play of
the game,
Through the season of 1960 with
the Bay City eleven, MeElhenny
averaged 4.9 yards per try, caught
15 touchdown passes, taking 195
aerials for 2,666 yards, and re-
turned 164 punts for 2,142 yards.
Thought to be in the twilight of
his career. San Francisco put hhn
on the blocks in the player pool
draw for Minnesota. He turned in
a great year for the Vikings and
they are expecting even greater
things this year
Tickets for the World's Fail" grid
spectacle may be purchased at the
University of Washington ticket
office, or at major agencies
throughout the state.
Free Tennis Clinic
At Park Sunday
A free tennis clinic for all ages
will be held at the Kneeland Park
courts Sunday.
The clinic, to be held from 1:30
pm. to 4 p.m. will be under the
}irectorship of Arnol0 :Fox, who
formerly played amateur tennis
t of ma, is now employed
the Sli]l%n (:choral hospital.
: f art.,(,pants must fm'nish theh'
Ai,!00,00;brook St.blc00 i ,e..,s l,a,ls .,,d l00,ckot00.
Union IA 8-2265 or TW 8-2428 I ...........................................
' Ad(liiriOt|al SI)OI't el) ] agP 3
If you plan to build or buy a home
of your own, why don't you and
your wife let us help you finance it.
Olympia, Washington
321 S. 1st St.-- Phone 426-6592
Olympia Brewery. ............. 11. 3
MeClcary .......................... 8 5
Flying A .............................. 8 6
Binger's .............................. fi "
Rayonier . ............................... 1. 13
Latest ltesults
Shelton 6-11, Rayonier 9-0
Brewery 6-3, Flying A 3-5
MeCleary ], Shelton 0
Brewery 6, Binger's 0
Flying A 9, Rayon,or 3
Shelton vs. Flying A
Rayonier vs. Binger's
Brewery at MeCleary
Shelton entries in Olympia's
Class A fastball league ha({ a poor
week, each losing two of three
Their victories were against
each other.
Rayonier had reason to eele-
Lrate, however, for that one vic-
tory marked their first success
m 14 games. It came in the play-
off of a 5-5 tie with the Shelton
Merchants which had been hold-
ing over for several .weeks. Tak-
ing up where the tie left off in
the tenth inning, Rayon,or scored
four runs in the 12th, which the
Merchants answered with only one
for a final 9-6 vmliet.
Bill Morgan got tile victory over
Bill JackstadL.
In a second game, te regularly
scheduled contest for the night,
Bill Nutt bold Rayonier to one
bit as the Merchants clobbered
Morgan for an 11-0 triumph. This
was Monday night.
Last Thursday the Merchants
ere themselves a shutout victim,
]-0, at the hands of the McCleary
Merchants. Nutt matched his slab
rival, Bob Michalak, wih a three
Meanwhile, Flying A hung a
9-3 loss on Rayonier with a 13-hit
R]! E
Rayonler 203 000 000 04--9 7 3
helton 020 000 300 01--6 14 3
Batteries--Morgan and Ahlf: Jack-
stadt and Swearingen.
R 11 E
Rayon,or 0 0 0 0 0-- 0 ] 1
Shelton 5 2 ] 8 x---ll 12 0
Batteries--Morgan and Ahlf: Nutt
o.nd Swear Jnken,
If l[E
MeCleary 0 0 0 0 0 O 1--.1 3 1
Slelton 0 0 0 0 0 0 0--0 3 1
Battorles--Miehahtk and Hamilton;
Nutt and Swearingen.
i{ I! E
Flying A d 0 4 ] 0 0 0--9 13 2
Rayonler 2 0 0 0 0 0 1---3 4 1
Bfft*ries--Cunlnfins and Elliott;
Morgan and Ahlf.
Paul Bigley Birds
Impressive Again
Patti Bigley's impressive pige
grabbed the firs,! four placeslfl
the Shelton Pigeon Racing Club's
Slmday race from Salami, Ore. •
Six lofts and 85 birds entered
the compelition.
Bigley's blue cheek pied cock
flew in first at a speed of 1174.407
yards per minute over 154 384
miles. Three hens followed, a blne
check pied, blue and blue check
His second place bird traveled at
Sheryl Johnson victored in jtln-
,or club action from the same
:'ace station Sunday witt her blue
check hen Tle winning speed was
1034.429 yards per nainute over
a 155.135 mile course.
(OJO I*-Si*X (li. lleed
Blgh,y B C lPied C 15't.384 1174,407
Bigley t C Pied H 154,384 1173.307
Bigh?y B H 154,384 1169.676
Bighw B C Y1 H 154.384 1166.610
L. E. Johnson B B C 155.135 1108.857
l};ennett B B C 153.583 1093.747
L. E. Johnson B P, C 155.135 1086.284
Giles Sih, C 163.723 1083.551
Morris B C C 164.457 1083.047
Karvenek B Wft H 1.53.871 1071.324
Junior Club
Johnson B C H 155.135 1034.429
R & R Giles B C II 163.723 971.901
Cripp B I Pied H 153.772 923.055
Pile Wins 'Cycle
Field Meel Sunday
A: Pile won first place lzonora
in Shelton Trailblazer.' ?.oLof
cycle Club field meet Sunday.
Von Hogen got second. Ed
Johnston, third ; Bob AJtken,
fourth; Paul Johnston, ftftl and
Walt HaUoway, sixth.
.The Club's next
]eld at the home of M
Stan Dyaon, at 7. p.m, Saturd
Although there are many mor'e
being hooked than caught, evi-
dence of late shows that some
tackle-busting kings have return-
ed to Hood Canal.
Ben Barber of Hoodsport Mar-
ina will verify that statement. He
lost his rod and reel t.o a heafty
one in the Indian Hole Tuesday.
The big fish bent Ben's pole hold-
cr and tool(, to the briny with
everything. Ben offers a reward
however! He says anyone can
keep the salmon, bm he wants his
rod and reel back.
Proof of the lunlcers was re-
pro'ted out of Hoodsport by Loy
Hicks, who boated a 22-6 black-
mouth Sunday, and Ellen Green-
wood, who brought in a 20-
blackmouth along with a -0 sin
ver on the same day.
Paul HinLon caught a 10-8 Mng
Saturday off the mouth of the
Harems Hamma and reportedly
lost gear to a "big one that got
away" over the weekend. Charlie
Dahlman suffered the same prob-
lems with a 'big one Sunday,
Art BasMn had a 3-0 silver Mon-
day, along' with Bob Montgomery's
7-0 silver and 3-12 blackmouth.
Jim Richardson (Seattle) brought
in three blackmQuth to 4-0 Sun-
Last Wednesday Dick and Jua-
na Fuller joined Bob and Martha
Michaels fox' a "night dive" near
Hoodsport. The undevater light
failed after a short time and the
rest of the dive was completed
without any artificial light.
The various forms of marilm
Efe on the canal bottom seemed
lo gzve off ample light for the
divers to see in the pitch black
Dean Perry and Bill Johnson.
an Oregon "Hell Diver" also tried
night diving recently.
More han 1,000 hunting and
fishing license dealers receWed
their shipment of general hunt-
ing pamphlets thls week. They
include all seasons except those
on upland game birds, ducks and
;;eese. Legal descriptions of unit
boundaries are also available at
license dealers.
Hunters are urged o obtain
their pamphlets and be familiar
with the seasons and regulations
when the general hunting season
penu October 13.
This year a new,. applfation Is
beIi:zi'nished or persons who
Sll fb apply together for con-
trolled elk hunts. The new Part-
nership Eli[ Application card must
be filled out and attached with
lhe completed stubs from the ell(.
Computed for Hood Canal
Oakland Bay tides are 1 hr. and
50 rain later and pln 3.0 ft.
Friday, August 3
Low .................. 1:49 a.m. 5.5 ft.
High ................ 6:52 a.m. 9.8 ft.
Low .................. 1:35 p.m. 0.5 ft.
High ................ 8.:32 p.m. 11.9 ft.
Saturday, August 4
Low .................. 2:29 a.m. 5.0 ft.
High ................ 7:37 a.m. 9.5 ft.
Low .................. 2:10 p.m. 1.3 ft.
High ................ 9:01 p.m. 11.5 ft.
Sunday, August 5
Low .................. 3:12 a.m. 4.5 ft.
High ................ 8:28 a.m. 9.1 ft.
l)w .................. 2:48 p.m. 2.3 ft.
High ................ 9:31 p.m," 11.5 ft,
Monday, August 6
Low .................. 3:58 a.m. 4.0 ft.
High ................ 9:25 a.m. 8.6 ft.
Low ................ 3:29 p.m. 3.4 ft.
High .............. 10:02 p.m. 11.2 ft.
Tuesday, August 7
Low .................. 4:47 a.m. 3.5 ft.
High .............. 10:35 a.m. 8.3 ft.
Low .................. 4:16 p.m. 4.6 ft.
High .............. 10:34 p.m. 10.8 ft.
Wednesday, August 8
Low .................. 5:38 a.m. 3.0 ft.
High .............. 11:58 a,m. 8.3 ft.
Low .................. 5:11 p.m. 5.7 ft.
High .............. 11:09 p.m. 10.4 ft.
Thursday, .August 9i.
Low .................. 6:31 a,m. 2,3 ft,
High 1:80 p.m. 8.6 ft.
I5o .::;;:;;:::;':::;. 6:18 p.m. 6.7 ft.
2 Door Sedans -- 4 Door Sedans
Hardtops -- Station Wagons
Come in NOW and
t i
on lhese 1962 Models
Bank Terms -- Top Trade Allowance
", 707 So/lirs-St. " Phone 426-3433
controlled elk hunt% but were only
z'equired LO staple lhei|' appli('a-
tions together.
The new applicalion will he used
only for tie drawing. The elk
lag al)t)lieations aLiachecl will be
filed and if tile pal tllerMlip is
drawn, the validaled stubs will
be retnrned to tile individuals.
Partnership Cards may be obtain-
ed, free €)I" ehal'ge, froln all li(.-
ellSt deHlers.
Upland game I)i|*cls and (h](!¢
seasons will be covered in a pam-
phlet awlilable at the license (ltal-
ers abOtll the last of September.
Shelton Ranger l)istrit.t
Browns Creel(. Campgrotmd Is ex-
pected to be completed by Friday,
Aug. 3. in time for weekend use.
Hoot' owl restrictions have been
lifted in the woods. Vila black-
berries are still ripe in tim valleys
All roads in the forest are quite
Hoodsl)ort l{aager l)istriet
Forest roads and tra ih were heav-
ily used this week. Campgrounds
were full over the weekend_ Fish-
ing in streams of the upper I-iota-
ma Harems drainage has been
excellent with fine catches of rain-
bow and brool(, trout being talen.
Salmon berries are red ripe and
blackberries are ready for pick-
ing, although not especially plenti-
ful this year. HucMeberries and
blackcaps are beginning to ripen.
Avalance lillies and other Alpine
flowers are blooming t high ele-
TVII,I(;qlT I,ITT][E Ll,'A(l'iq
'*A" Sl:Ln(liu's
MI. View 9 3
tags nf boll] par/lle]'s. Sollthsi(le 7 5
In the pt|sl elk hmlte) ,; h:lvo ltillcre;t 7 5
bCCll alh)wed Lo apply toKt!lhel" f()l" t':ll)li]('h, 3 9
La| e,t llelltl
Mr. Vi',w ;, I<amilch(, 0
S(mlhsh]e I?;. Hillerest 6
SouttlsMc 2H. f(amitche ;]
MI. \\;qew 2. [-[illm'esl 1
Two MI. View wins during tle
pasl wcel (.ouph.d with ,.. pair of
Hilleresl i;.,.:e: nv(, lhe Tigers
Ilndispnl,d })()ss('()ll of the Sin]p-
,;on Twili.v,lll l,itlte League champ-
The ['t)lll'-[e;llll ha) t} comphqed
ils 12-ga mc schechlh -Tuesday
ni.aht A 01,'ly-off is slated for
.¢:econd plat,., imwevcr. Mt. View
faced off v,ilh S(mlhside Vrednes -
day and [*:ami]ci)e hosts Hillerest
Mr. View's 2-1 dec,stun ovor ihe
Bears in the fill;tl l'()ilil(I of action
Tuesday niKht clinched the pen-
Pant. Tiger Mall n(;e Roger Sam-
ple: tossed one-hit one-I'lln ( Lln-
(arned ball to enable the victory.
Mr. View opened the scoring
ip Lhe third inning when, with the
. /
L, ases .] KDnlle(l. Beyer Cl'Ossed t.he
plate .filer :he Bear third sacker
muffed Jim Denoyier's line drive.
Ron Co,o's single to left field
brought in [ob Bennett who had
singled earlier, to cap ttle scoring
for Mt. View.
Hillerest rfi:ruck back for its lone
folly in the sixth. Tom Lowe stag-
led, stole second and scored on an
error by the Tiger center fielder.
Tiger Bob Bennett twirled his
.¢;ccon(t consecutive shut-out win
lasl Timrsday as the Bears trim-
med Kamilche 8-0. Bennett held
the losers Lo three safeties and
collected two hits himself.
Southside's bats boomed in the
lasl two games for a total of 39
runs which brought about a pair
of wins. The Hawks' first one
was the 13-6 shelling of Hillerest,
In Southside's half of the first
inning six base-tnl-balls, one hit
batter, three Hillcrest miscues and
a trio of Hawt(, singles by LeRoy
owman. Cliff Anderson and Jack
Sehuffenhauer equaled 10 SS runs.
iii}ii ! From that point on the lwo Learns
battled on even terms.
.:i:)};:i ' DenLly ailey led Hillcrest bats.
men wilh two doubles in four trips
} lo the di:h.
Capitalizing on a 13-rim sixth
" frame, the Sonthsidm,s swamped
Kamilche 26-3. Monday. Dave
Munson provided the big blast in
Lhc sixth, a grand-siren homer.
Dave Johnson also st;arred at lhe
plate for SouLhside with three
kits and fonr rllnS scored.
't'h(:} slJort seorps:
1-)ilh'rest 0 e o 0 o ] 0----1 I "I
View ) o 2 0 0 u x-.-2 4 2
JIM DANDY Jim Hamby,
Shelton barber, boated the 50-
lb. salmon he is shown holding
in the picture above durin9 a
highly successful trip out of
Westport last Thursday aboard
the charter vessel Nymph. He
was fishing with a party out of
MoCleary hospital staff mem-
bers, where his wife is superin-
Hood Canal
Evinrude Sales
& Service
Scott Owners Welcome
PRAMS _ $;)6,95
Open Every'Day 9 - 6
Union, Wash.
TW 8-2252
Quality Used Cars and Trucks
59 Plymouth Savoy V8 2 Door Sedan $1245
Radio Heater Automatic Transmission
Clean Inside and Out
57 Ford Fairlane 2 Door Hardlop , $1095
Radio -- Heater Automatic Transmission
Power Steering New Red and White
2 Tone Paint Sharp
60 Willys 4 WheelDrive Pick.up , $.1896
Heater Hubs H. D. Rear Bumper
New Paint, Brakes and Valve Grind
Low Mileage Excellent 700 6 Ply Tires
66 Inlernational ¾ Ton Flatbed , $695
Heater 4 Speed 6 Ply Tires
Overload Springs
64 inlernalional H,D, 1/2 Ton Pick.up $795
8 Ft. Box Heater 4 Speed -r-- New, Paint,
Rebush 6 Ply Tires H. D, Rear Bumper
Older Units "As Is"
56 Chevrolet 4 Door
55 Pontiac 2 Door
54 Buick 4 Door
54 Ford 4 Door
54 Pontiac 4 Door
54 Chrysler 4 Door
53 Chevrolet 4 Door
53 Dodge 4 Door
53 Chevrolet 4 Door
53 Chevrolet 2 Door
47 Dodge Ton Pick-up
49 Chevrolet ½ Ton Pick.up
707 So. First St. Phone 426,3433
];ath,vie,:: Jim 1,. AIllh'::-qm :lnd Ii-
ch;ll'ds; Sillll]lleS ;tlld ,',ViS}W1.
II n I':
](:l)lih'h,' 0 (I 0 (i 0 (I (I ( 3 x
Mr, Vi{'w , x x
})nl||('l'it's: W;I211!I ' ;tll(l (D]'i'V; I};('ll-
1;tqt :llld SW i.d wr.
II I I':
Itilh'reM 1 ] 0 0 () '{ ] li '1 (;
*'(,lll}l.'4i(t' l 0 1 2 (J 0 5; I;I 5 't
P, nt t,'ries : M;Ishq h,. ' . I]ll ih*y (l),
I,redson (5) and lichard.-'; l(wnmn
all(l I)ylq'.
I{ I! E
F,,mlhsid,', 1 2 0 5 5 1:1 x 26 x *
](alldlch,' 0 ] 0 ] 1 {) X 3 X X
[:lt[Ol'b'': 14o/1111|1 llld J)ycr: l{Oll-
(,t']{('i' llll(t ('tll'l,}'.
:b G ::
"ll" N| a IIdilH4's
V I.,
/fit. View . ............................ 12 0
Skokon-fish ............................ 7 5
Southside ............................. 5 7
ttilleres ............................. 0 12
][,a | esl l{estllts
Southside 11, Hill(rest 9
Mt. View 6, Skokomish 0
Mt. View's Tiger see.ends bop-
ped Skokomish 6-0 last Thurs-
coy in "B" league action to not
only Lake the crown, but finish
the regular season with 'm unl)]e-
re,shed record.
Coach Ray Densley's "B" team
didn't let defeat cross its 1)ati
once this season, while racking
up 12 straight wins.
Anderson Brolhers
Go-Karl Viciors
S u n d a y go-karl enthusiasts
Ronnie and Larry Anderson ad-
aed more silver to Lheir trophy
tockpile with two firsts at Olym-
Ronnie won the jmior 'A' stock
and Larry tool(, the jmfior 'A' sup-
er race, Ronnie was third in jun-
ior 'A' super competitmn.
Adopt a Dolt
Just $1 Down!
Tell ;he]l on
]ol' the ,]lllliOl'
lield lnell ;It:
Ibeir l
mfl)-distri(L meet
Ton; L(we, ill
division, sparld
'Ph( ||'es]lnlilll
:ibl)ons in the II
.junq) un,I hop, step
(,)!her rirst-place
Lermediai ' clasS,
\\;';(lilt t!VQllt.
ili ltmL 2:|'cup we
all'end ill S p0tlll
ill ]lop, step an
,] Oil IIS01], S(,eod
l-ob ,l(|h||sml,
,h)t_nson, third
.lira RuLele(lge,
In the juniOr
V anBlari,!om
lmmer-up spot t
eeonds in tile
1;'online Sl)eCdS
LI) 1he 1] tz](I
events. She took
th0 broad jump
llie P* tt? l'gOll
The tFue
shadow of the
• Lessons -
• Group trail z
The outside
of a
Shop now...P ay
we urge you to
Lay-Away and
choices are most
w i t:
evening. Cla
es cost them a 5-4 sco]
Lo Olym- T
second piac( I a I
Kitsap County I :ec,
but they err(
young diamond- sco]
things in the I t -'la
helton's promising i
was sailing along
two-hit shutout
five hmings, and
a 4-0 lead when
the sixth, chief-
own making.
Olympic bat--
spoiled Tim's
aud double
single which
Terry La-
hit bacl(, to Tim,
off secon
to run him
him out and
at second. Had
play the victory
is, but a succeed-
a base-cleaning
monnd rival,
the score
to the Shel-
ed Shelton out
with succes-
top or the game
in, regulation
but took
when Bob
d throw to first
panning Johns
the Shel-
creek on the
and third
Supervised by
assistance from
' Larson, Jerry
ich constitutes
some areas or
to the left of
n prompt-
a scin-
revealed and
Week's 19th
Where it was
August neet-
set for the
recorded in the
the liffle
of a greet
She sleeps. She drinks gnd
wets. She has curly hair and
• big blue eyes.
• /
Brand New Type DoN
Chatty Baby
Talks! Cries! Laughs!
Pull magic ring and hear baby
talk like, "Go Bye-Bye, Doggie
bow-wow," and "Cookie all
..... .co. '16"
90 . On
,: 2 lots and Ic
For Little Mothers
Baby Dolls
"Drink & Wet" Types
'2'* to '4'"
Tremendous Selectionsl
Boys' Favoritesl
Just $1
Evergreen Square • S. HASTINGS, Mg r''*
' 285 Top of the H
08 .... 3 Bedrooms, M
Closing costs. FH