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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 2, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 2, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thl t 1962 Page 5: asey May for I,:athryn ,e held in Bat- mc today aT 1 Sandoval will :il] be in Shel- '- b(}rll ill Sh{'l- 1925 and died M.{). She had 'f Noel for tile am foPmerty of employed in the [itor',, office for 'e her marriage. by her husband, ldrcn, Curt, Ge- l of Noel, Me.; Georgia Miller, rge, Fred, .h}hn, llel', all of Shel- th.s..lean Plant, cite Longshore, la Olsen, Olym- avel, Germany; fith, Bremerton. erence grounds camp will be keg. 13-18. This /ill be for 4th ers. Any inter- TR 7-5283 for es were expect- Martin Sanda n., on Tnesday is Phylis' sis- visit the Fair , Rodman visit- ndma Scott on the Jack Rod- t at Staircase rold Mille drove today. They en- lghter and son- [rs. Joe Hansen Dr. and Mrs. hter, Fila at a Monday night. t Tuesday mor- ro, Va., where daughter and )in her for two :list. eturned to their ffter seeing the , Rolland E. .................. Last Rites Rolland Er,wSt J{ Fairnmn! (tied 11111/1|{)11. New Y{}l'k, l'cbrua]'v 17. 490, enct,. O1'9., :ln{l C{}llllty f{)l' 25 years. He had l}een empl0 County Public Three arid wlq a Uni{m Cil y Funel"t] serviCeS Tuesday at 1 I,'llllel'il l ].l{}lne. Knautz officiated. ,el'vice \\;va s of tlle Union Ma: Shclton Memorial He is survived bY Shclton; a son, daughler, Mrs. |(}IX and seven Grav eside Held For Graveside 2 Monday c.rial Park for man, infaut son \\;Villiam Pinkermal% died Friday at the!LblNGSe v Hospital, Tacoma.,/iegreat begrnn{n;:ndr;dhe pe°ple .... wil, conducted by ReV. .,'g Pdg e When on Panhandle b°n_ lay.;- t'l night they come to the salmon in TimothYshelton waSGenerat =/OlnS at 6:30" p.m.The publiCMrs. GeorgiaiS invited and Miller sides his parent= he !.r,t; the VlC0 ,,!::,.,: barbecuing. The lodge is part three sislers, and Tersia; two br0bWi. ..................... Terry, ail at the fai! gran'dfather, Mr. 6n! Born at Moorehe 11, 19904, he tla( County tile past Fnneral terday at 11 a.n I , Fune{'al Home. Re' officiated, inter}el t lkinson will be ton Memorial parle at the church He is stu'vived i' g. Rev. Wesley Elizabelh Btlrzloll' ly'are on vaea- P, iece, Mrs. Arehle Ariz.; and one neP # C. Burzloff puyallt D FIGHT bugs ....................... :he camp be- rover kno, ; 'garden without We  have sueee# a.m. to the ,ulletin "HOME when ( .... Mig ue!_'Ci ctt is reminis- }r yon free from bell of yes- ,vice. Pets a.ssemble at 7:30 a.m. . Ceremony and Places at the the campers I0 --GIll rig :otis and .T*'*" "" '" H'P tUl' hike led any other out- Choosing [ off is avail- ring session of and everyone for One of the APPO,K " ILL chimes at = ngry campers again at tim ............... ... ....... • ...... ,.. of the cooperative work of the Grays Harbor and Mason County 4-H Leaders' Council to provide adequate camping facilities on their 425 acre tree farm that completely surrounds Lake Pan- handle 12 miles west of Shelton. (Extension Service Photo) and the one they feel is the neat- est receives the "Gooney Bird" for that meal. Each club tries very hard to receive the "Bird" therefore competition gets very keen as the week passes so that each table feels they are "table best of all" by the time camp closes. AFTER LUNCH, classes com- mence, which will include Danc- ing, Beginning and Intermediate Swimming, Junior and Senior Ar- chery, Plaster of Paris Planters Paper Craft, Ribbon Flowers Song Leading, Camp News, Wooa Craft and Knitting. All these clas- ses will be taught by 4-H Leaders and Junior Leaders with the ex- ception of Swimming. Mrs. Sally Stacey who is a qualified life- guard will be in charge of the swimnting instruction and will be assisted by two 4-H Junior Lead- ers. After classes the boys and girls are given a free period to do any- lhing they wish. They can go s;imniflg, rest or cheek out ,equipmeht: fo{" sports. By the time the dinner bell ring:s, the boys and girls are fa- mished and rush in for their eve- Lqng meal. They will be fed dur- ing the week by two very hard- working and most delightful lad- ies, Mrs. Buby Smart and Mrs. Lavina Pulsifer. Their day begins at 6 a.m. and ends at 10 p.m. through which they seem to main- tain smiles. In addition to the three nteals a day they put out, "liSp Shelton. t ' ' Hers Wl end Busy Panhandle Lake Campsite JaKen ,-. members When .the meal is over,,each Death elaiuaed ld] aXiousiy prepar 2 club stacks serapes ant arranges CO.:I 1 cLrl ' heft Monda in@Ta . , nual week of the silver and dimlerware in a had bcn ,tYesident t h0!d tnis year July neat and orderly pile at the end , e  , ,. e ' their ' • " '- we eaders are month. Mr. Krabb le eampmte on of he tables. T l , home was at star " ' then picket to judge the tables t'd(.,,/ ','ill check in I l|:m. MOnday. After year's camp " Jlkl2"U. The shelters t ili" ged by a team of i *1' l he one tt]at is ' {, • • , • p i" Y m rmng ;IbiS, ues Will go some- lh. are noisy AS AUTHOIIIv : Call "organ- every nleal :lay serenade :here doesn't M ERCUR ble in the dining hall for recrea- tion. There is dancing, games, and special programs. Every night it is different. One night during the camping session, there is usually a party and the campers wear costumes depicting the theme of their shelter. Most often these are costumes they have made up at camp and are quite nnique and imaginative. EACIt CLUB presents a skit during camp. These are usually given after the evening meal. The best skits are given again on the last night of camp at a program for the parents. The evening recreation session continues until 9:30 p.m. then the hampers have a snack 'and are ex- cused to go to the shelters and get ready for bed. Lights out comes at 10 p.m. and the giggling and talking starts any time after that. This is probably as much of camp as anyt?ffng else, but in order to get. any rest at all, the leaders have to insist on peace and quiet. The Camp News class puts out a newspaper twice during the Harstine Island Couple is Honored On 45th Anniversary By i)onette Gl.lser HARS'f'INE -- One of Harstine Island's happiest couples cele- brated their fourty-fiftl wedding anniversary on July 14. Paul and Odeyne Chaffee were honored by their children on that day at the Borst Park in Centralia Mrs. Don Marble of Sparks, Nev., Mrs. Betty Radelet of Elma and E,'nest Chaffee of Vaneonver, hosted the anniversary picnic where 93 friends and relatives joined to- g'ether to ironer Patti and Odeyne. They had a "This is "Your Life." t.ype program showing pietnres taken from childhood tllrough 45 years of marriage. Poems written by Paul were read, and stories were told and a lot of reminiscing was done. Cake, coffee, punch and Ice cream were herved in the big' community kitchen. A pot luck picnic was laeld in the shade of the big evergreen trees. Their children presented them with a star-shaped plaque with the names of their five children and grandchildren on the points of the star. The Chaffee's nantes and wedding date were engraved in the center of the star. Two of their sons, Dick and Don of California were unable to attend I;tlt Don and children Linda, Donna, .rancie and Donald of Long Beach, Calif. arrived Tuesday and his wife Jaunice arrived by plane Sunday. Congratulations to both of you from all yon, Island triends. GRANDMA Dugdale enjoyed a four day visit from her sister, Mrs. Ruth Scherler of Foster, near Seattle. Had a nice chat with Gret Simmons and learned son Jim is home fro' a month's stay. Jim is director of the choir and orchestra t North Central High School in Spokane. The Simmons recently bad company from Kodiak, Alas;a. The Hiram McAllisters stopped for a visit on Harstine on their way north after a visit to Hawaii. They will make their new home in Seattle. Mrs. Virginia Sanford and chin dren Debra and Stephanie of Wen- atchee were recent housegtmsts of the Simnmns. Gret and daughter Dixie and children Sil and Suzie 8pent a week at Long, Beach. They were disappointed there were no clam tides but did enjoy beach combing. THI LAST WEEK our fet'ry crews really earned their money. The ferry harl :t big wor'R out. 647 eal's crossed frolll Monday nlornirlg Ill Sin]day night. Friday altered{ion Mr. alld Mrs. Don Eddy bP(mghl Suzie (llaser honle afteP a tWo week vacatiol] in t{oquiant and Lake Quinault. AL lhe Lake Suzan was the guest of Let Aunt and Uncle. the Donnld Bm'netts. Satur(lay morning the Eddys and Vincent Glaser left, for :, three-day visit in Everett then on to Hoquiam for the rest of his week's vacation with (;ran(tnta Cda and Papa. Islanders wistl to say a "speedy ]ccovery" tn Mrs. Earl (Mary Wingert) Chappcll who has been ill in the Shelton General this 'a eek. Grandma and Grandpa Wingert are earing for lhe chil- dren while Mary gets "back on her feet again." BIRTtIDAV, top the news this week. Mrs. Mablc Baunsgard was bonored by her friends and neigh- Lors Friday night. The A1 Prid- hams, Sid Baunsgards, Gordon Simmons, Ray McCullochs, Mrs. ,Bassendale and Mr. Nels Bauns- gard joined together to sin K t4appy Birthday Mable. Sunday evening Bud and Donette Glaser hosted a picnic v.t their borne at Ballow. The occasion was Donette's birthday. Ham, fried chicken and all the trimmings were. served buffet style from their picnic table (a gift from Pat Doherty). Mr. and Mrs, James Lohrer, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Meeks and children and Clark Shultes Jr, and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Yates and Rusty, and the Glaser childen attenael ALgO celebrating his birtlid/y Sunday was Art Wingert, who reports he wrapped himself armmd n fried chicken dinner and one of his wife Ciaire's famous pies. Belated greetings Art. The Lyle and John ttitchcocks ore camping' out on the east side of Harstine. They have a lovely campsite on a pebbly beach with just enough gentle slope to make the swimming wonderful for Janet and Sheryl. We would like to remind all Islanders tbat the Harstine Store is, closed Mondays. Store hours Tuesday, Wednesday, Thm'sday and Sunday are 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday and Sah,rday the holws are il a.m. to 8 p,m. t The Robert Thorn;', spent the weekend on Harstine. Enjoyed boating, water skiing, sun bathing KIMBEL AWARDED [ITSAP GONTRAGT Tile Roy J Kind)el Construction Company nf Shelton yesterday e(mH}leled e(}nlractm'al papers to in.tall water re'tins and fire hy- drants al Annapolis (Kitsap Coun- Iy) m n civic p!'nje{tt costing $76, 000. The Rhclhm fiPm was low hi{t- de, on the project The Kimbel firm also has just eonph,i.ed the new public launch- ing ramp at Arcadia Point. The pr(}£i(ct was d{me for the Shelton Pm't District. The concrete ramp i.' 24 x 150 feet and rmrntits lallll- thing boats at low tidt;. :rod swinaming a[ their honte near he ferry landing. NE ABOUT Harstine's new- cst young couple, Yvormc and Bob Stamborsky are living in Glasgow, Mont. where Bob is st,tioned in the Air Force. They purchased a 40' hy S' trailer house. Gall and Hank Riggs and chil- dren of Pale Al(o, Calif., have am'ived on McMiken Island for a lhree-week's stay. They attended the fair Monday. Dy. and Mrs, A. B. Carson are due to arrive today from Oakland, Calif. Saturday the J. Lohrers and L. 5errells called on the R. L. Me- Culh/chs. They played the popular Garden Bowl game, "Bocce." Mar- garet reports that her daughter and family the Gino Battonies have' returned from ()hi() where they attemled the family rennion of the Battoni family. Gino has won his second suggestion award from I.B.M. He will attend San Jose State College this fall. His course :will be Business Management. Also calling on the McCullochs this week were Mrs. Esther Goetsch and grandson, Schuyler, and Mrs. H. Hartley and girls. The Harstine Island Grange met Friday, July 20th at the hall. They requested the commissioners to have the roads graded and asked them if anything can be done about the approach from the Ballow roa0 north towards the store. The Grange also donated $5 to the Shelton Recreation fund. IIUGO AND CELIA Glaser spent Sunday in Gig Harbor visiting their daughter Mr. and Mrs. Lam'en (Margaret} Simmon and children. The Ray Berghs of Olympia came by boat Monday and visited 1he Jim Lohrers. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Spahr and o.aughterPatty of Tacoma and Dick Dixon of Port lan( spent the weekend at the Spahrs summer borne. Regislration For Primary To Glose Regislration for the Sept. 11 l, rimary election in Mason Coun- ly will be eh)sed Aug. 12, County Auditor C. Nohtn Mason sai(l to- day. The registration books will he open for transfers tmtil Aug. 26. • Eligible voters wire will be reg- istering for tile first time m the county can register with the reg- istration officer in the precinct. Voters in city precincts register at city trail. Lelters !o the Editor GLAI) TO HEAR Tills To the Editor: I havc begun to like this new trailer life here where the sun shines evePy day. Of course .I must get used to no rain for we have had none since April. The wcather is in the 70-80's every day. I'll say hello to all my old friends :rod neighbors and report that my health is slowly getting better: I ant just 20 miles east cm highway 80 out of San Diego. My address is 13954 ttighway 80, No. 35, Lakeside, Calif. --Mrs. Syble Taylor P.S.- Will you send me the map as there was none in Iny paper. I sure enjny the Journal every week. Try A Journal Want Ad Two Fires Reporled In Rural Areas , i i i | i Fire reports du,'ing the week from the Department of Natural }esonrces inchlded: 7:44 p.m. Thurs(Iny, a brush and grass fire at Hixon's Cm'ner which burned 1.6 acres. 1:29 p.m. Friday, a spot fire on lhe Del Shur /'arnl. Accident in farm lmmes take approximately 2,600 lives each year. Falls lead the list. Anchor scatter rugs with skid-proof ba('k- htg. and keep stairs uncluttered and well-lighted. i i i ull, ,ul Les Joslin SUGGESTS/ You'll need your income more while you're disabled and can't earn it  see me about low oost Accident Insurance. ' LIF| * ACCID|NT * N|ALIN 1627 SUMMIT DRIVE • PHONE 426-6373 week. This contains everything from teacher interview to shelter scuttlebutt. TIIE HIGItLI(HT of camp is EELLS and VALLEY Presents. no doubt the last night hen a Salmon Barbecue is featured. The public is invited and usually turns out in great number. Bat then, who wouldn't when they find out  that Mrs. Georgia Miller does the A B L ES'" bavbeetling. ' "UNTOUCH ooo,00,, ,,x0s THE in her special Indian fashion "md  it is delicious, to say the least. "Pickets will be sold at camp the night of the barbecue which is Aug. 3. Dinner will be served at 6:30 P.m, While Georgia is barbe- cuing the salmon, 4-H Leaders and the Camp Cooks are prepar- ing the rest of the meal. There IIIUI'AIIIIIIIIII IH is no better way to spand a love- umu00unao00=, : m , , , ly summer evening than to have auvar00u00u""'""" STYLING a wonderful dinner by the side , * , , , , ! of a picturesqtte little lake and is always they also fix ttp an evening snack to enjoy a program prepared for OOMPAOT DESIGN ,  and lets tor the campers before they are you by the 4-H boys and girls nf O'ALRO:D " ' | | C 0 M i table and hustled off to bed. Mason Oo,,nty :, VALUE ' members The Flag Lowering ceremony is As you can see, life aL 4-H u all might held shortiv after dinner and the camp each summer is quite active Healing Unils up and par- boys and o:irls g'atl, er a,'o,,nd the and not enot, gh praise can be giv- a . AND UNTOUOHABLE IN e a couple Flag Pole and sing "Day is Done". en to the 4-H Legders, Cotinty AND" ;ht see. This ¢ometimes they go down to the Agents and the parents wlio malte ' * * P I E! R C ( t on those lake afterwards for Vespers and it possible for boys and girls in __ __ __ , . . ,at W,th their inspirational singing. 4-H club work to participate each M[KI;Un e. When this is own' they assem- summer. Push Bullon , : ... .,,, il Conlrols T METE0 ' '" , , ,, ONLY UNTY Full WJdih SON CO Slorage Drawers $ - ; * * * E Flueres©.u! M Lighl W , * * IOWROOM NO the Oven Gyoling NTEREY which we most Light important day of your lifel \\;\ \\; Glass Oven Door Rotisserie TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS FAOTORY PURDHASE AND SAVE AS MUOH AS $95.00 NOWtt SEE , , , UNTOUoHABLE GEORGE (NESS) . , . THIS PRIOE IS UNBELIEVABLE. BETTER HURRY -- ONLY FIVE LEFT IN STOCK NOW!!! ffer our customers th{ AUTOMOBILES for i OF Whether you pIaa a slrnpIe service or an elabo !: , ate ceremony there is an Art Point wedding invi. : tatioa or annouacement styled for you. * * * Let our sodety editor have all the details of your wedding plans and at the same time look over our complete selection of At Point invitations, aa. nouncements and wedding accessories. Free! wlth out compliments, Virginla Courtcnay's etiquett booklet. Ask for you copy. 'NEW OAR OR ANY CARS OR TRUOKS ORD COU elC;t '6o FORD ½ TON '60 CHEV. ½ TON =" '59 FORD PANEI .... phone Eelis ,& Valley Appliance Center Where You Get The Best Deal, By George • 2nd and Cota Streets Phone 426:4663 W/T