August 2, 1962 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Vv000m.I00 [Eigh.IAppearln Dorothy Miller Exchanges Vows With
Jushce Csu[I Allen L. Bell In Candleli00:ht Ceremony
Eight persons ere fined' in Jus- ' "
l,'ounded 1886 by Gl:ant C. AHgh:: tire Court Monday night before
.................................................................................................................. Audge Rolla Halbert.
Mailing Addre,': Box 446, Shelton Phone ,126-4412 They were Freddie Beatty,
Published at Shelton, Mason County, Washington, every 'I'hursday. drunk in public, $20 forfeit; AI-
.................................................................................................................................. bert M. Smith, no li(ense display
Entered as Second-Class Matter at the Postoffice, Shelt0n, Washington light:, violation of Safety Responsi-
.................................................................................................................................................... bility Act, $97.50 fine, $2.50 costs
SUBSCRIPTION RATES.-.-$4.50 per year in Mason County, in advance; :nd 10 days in jail suspended;
Outside Mason County, $5.00 Kenneth G. Gooding, driving while
Member of National Editorial Association intoxicated, failure to keep right
Member of Washington Newspaper Publishers' Association of the center line and no operator's
......................................................................................................... hcense, $125 fine, $2.50 costs and
EDITOR AND PUBLISHER -- William M. Dickie 30 days in .jail; William Pinker-
'PLANT SUPERINTENDENT---Jim Shrtun man, drunk in public, $15 forfeit
OFFICE MANAGER ........ I.,odema Johnson William Klingbiel, drunk in public,
OFFICE ASSISTANT --- 1Vrary Kent $]0 forfeit; Richard J. Anderson
NEWS EDITOR ..... Alan I,'ord . negligent driving, $25 forfeit; I{el-
ADVF_ATISING MANAGER- Barbara Nelson vin Olney, violation of safety re-
SOCIETY EDITOR ..... Jenny Knautz :.,ponsibility act, $100 fine, $2.50
PRINTERS -- Russ Stuck, George Myers, Dave Thacher, Asa Pearson costs and 10 (lays in jail; Jack
Keith Ross Perkins, no valid operator's license
COPY DEADLINES .$5 forfeit.
DISPLAY ADVERTISING ........ Tuesday noon , ............................... 0
WANT ADS ..... Wednesday 10 a,m. i AMONG YOUR
PICTURES A.ND NEWS ........ Tuesday 5 p.m.
SOCIETY NEWS ....... Tuesday noon
................................................................................................................... : = = MERCHANTS
Mercury automobiles was, announ-
THERE MUST BE l BETTER WAY red thisweek.
The appointment means Jim
Pau]ey Inc. will now handle the
Immediately important to the economic evolution of this Comet and Meteor series. It has
nation is development of some better means of settling labor- had the Mercury Monterey line
ior several years The Comet is
management differences than strikes. Mercury's compact car while the
Meteor is the low-priced model
The two-month-long ironworkers strike, concluded fi- regular sized Mercury.
Addition of the two new models
nally after tNe issues were taken to Washington, D.C., was a of Mercury now gives Jim Pauley :JULY HITE--MIss Dorothy Lee Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
graphic and t,ggravating example of how costly and injuri- Inc. a complete line of both Mer- Virgil ¢. Miller and AHen Bell, son of Mr..and Mrs. Albert L. Bell,
, cury and Ford atttos, were married Friday evening in a candlelight ceremony at the
OUS strikes can be. Models of the Comet; and Met- First Baptist Church. Both families are of Shelton. The bride is
eor are now both on display in a graduate of Irene S. Reed high school. The groom also attended
While the strikers themselves usually are the most the Pauley sho)vrooms at Fifth Irene S. Reed high schoo{ and is employed with Simpson Timber
seriously hurt, one of the worst facets of strikes is the and Raih'oad avenue. Company. Their home is at Route 1, Shelton.
As a get-acquainted offer for * * * " * * *
attendant injury suffered by innocent persons adverse- this weekend the firm is offering Two Sheltonites, Miss Dorothy
ly affected along with those on strike, a barrel of gasoline free'with the Lee Miller and Allen Lee Bell,
purchase of any new car or truck were united in marriage Friday
Through no fault of their own, workers connected with as well as a selected group of evening in the First Baptist
used cars. (See Jim Pauley Inc. ehulh.
different phases of the building trades were thrown out of advelisement on page 4 of this The bride, dauglter of Mr. and
• work when the ironworkers strike closed down all activity Journal edition). Mrs. Virgil C. Miller, married the
• * * son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. Bell.
at the Washington Corrections Center, along with hundreds Wayne Joslin, parts sales man- All are of Shelton.
of other construction projects throughout the Northwest. ager for Jim Pauley Inc., has Baskets of white ehrysanthe-
been presented the first annual mums and catmations with yellow
Golden Circle Award by Ford Div- roses and greenery, enhonced the
Strikes hurt others than those coming under the gener- ision of Ford Motor Company. church for the evening candlelight
al label of labor. Vast corporations and small business The award is based on outstand- ceremony. Rev. Eugene Knautz
ing accomplishments in carrying performed the double ring rite.
firms are strongly affected, even to the point of being forced out managerial responsibilities Soloist, Mrs. Robert Ervin, sang
out of existence in some cases, such as parts or labor sales; parts "I Love Thee Truly", and "The
purchase control or shop produc-
Eventually and inevitably strikes are settled. But ev- tivity; sales promotion and adver- corded winners, E. B. Rickard,
rising, and customer satisfaction, divisional general parts and ser-
eryone direclly concerned, and many indirectly and unTil- Each Golden Circle Award win- vice manager, said, "Tlis award
lingly concerned, get hurt in the process, net receives a certificate of qual- has been designed to give much
ification for the honor and a coat deserved recognition to Ford deal-
lapel gold pin. For each year a ers' parts sales and selice sales
The ironworkers strike was settled. How? By going winner repeats the honor, a die- managers performing their man-
to court, so to speak, m0nd is added to his pin. agerial fun(itions in an outstand-
,, Commenting on the boiler ae- ing manner."
Going to court is the basis o'i ,which " .... '"
.?uslce, civil ....................................................................................................................... - .............. Miller, brother of the bride; \\;;Vii-
atd criminal, has been. delc'rmicd since th,; fOlttding of
thc American system o/ living. Why not adopt the same
sctsiblc basis for determining justice in labo'r-manage-
ment diJlcrcnccs?
Instead of swinging the strike club, which inflicts
bruises on those who swing it as well as those whom it hits,
let us endeavor to establish a method of "going to cou, rt"
which would by-pass the suffering, injury and economic loss
endured by men off their jobs while striking. ,
In the end the result would be the same, settlement of the
issues involved just as in civil issues, taken to court, but the
agony of workers going without paychecks would be elimin-
BEHIND THE SCENESLee Ktefer (ba,'efoot boy) is pictured
in the filter room at Pool Nuotare checking equipment and test-
ing methods with James Pluntze, state public health engineer,
and Gerhard Ness, county sanitarian, to make sure conditions
for the swimming classes held under the community summer rec-
reation program meet all standards, The pool passed inspection
with flying colors ........... commented the water was the clearest
he had ever seen in a swimming pool. Many constant and regular
checks are made to keep the water clean and septic. Health offi-
cers last week announced the pool met and in many instances
6urpassod state requircm=nts, (Photo by Dean)
SHELTON--MASON COUNTy JOURNAL -- publisheit in "Ohristmastowu, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washington
REST WELL-EARNEDMr. and Mrs[ W. R. Moultrop, former
owners of Moultrop's Service Station and Cabins on the Shelton.
Olympia highway two miles south of the city limits, have |old their
business to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pearsalt of Seattle after 29 years
of serving the public in that location. They are presently living in a
cabin at Spencer Lake. "It's sure nice to be able to have a meal
without having to got up and wait 0n a customer", Mr. Moultrop
commented of his new retirement. "We are grateful for the many
friends and customers and their.faithful patronage during all those
years and hope the Pearsalls will enjoYthat same privilege." ,
To provide a better all-around service for your car
We have employed . . .
AUTOMOTIVE • Motor Tune-ups
MECHANICAL • Brake Repairs
SERVICES • Muffler Repairs
Available Daily, including Sundays, except Saturdays.
ONE stop here will keep you safely on the GO[
Wedding Prayer", accompanied at
the organ by Miss Jenny Knautz.
Escorted to the altar by her
father, the' bride wore a classic
gown of petal white satin. The
sculptured bodice was designed
with a draped bateau neckline and
long, close-fitting pointed sleeves.
The flared chiffon skirt extended
into a chapel train, and an Alen-
con lace crown touched with
pearls held ler fingertip illusion
veil. She carried a colonial cm'-
sage-bouquet of yellow roses,
white orchids and stephanotis.
Maid of honor was Miss Jody
O'Neil wearing a pastel green pe-
tal skirted dress of brocade taf-
feta. The bridesmaids, Miss Shar-
on Young and Miss Sue Walker,
wore petal skirted dresses of kel-
1, green taffeta. All attendants
wore identical head pieces of yel-
low roses and carnations.
B, est man was Robert Lee Cox
and ushers were William Eugene
liam Fredson and Pete Vanderwal.
Lighting the candies were Skip
Bell and Joyee Powell.
The bride's mother wts attired
in a pale green flow,q'ed dress with
pleated skirt. She wore a corsage
of pink arid white carnations, htrs.
Bell, mother of the groom, wore
a blue flowered nylon £uil-skirted
cress with col'sage of pink and
white carnations.
A reception followed th(; cere-
many In the church parlor. Tile
Malteze C:,oss wedding eal(e was
hadowed with green and yellow
roses. Assisting with ie recep-
tion were Marie Lrt;tei', aunt of
lhe bride; Beverly lank, Jean
Darland, Ruth Fouth, l{ita Utter,
David Utter and Rick %Valcott
The bride and groom boti at-
tended IPe*,e S. Reed i]igh school.
They will be making their home
in Shelton, where 5,Ir, Bell is em-
ployed at Simpson Timber Co.
A major extension of facilities
for researctl arid instruction in
nuclea r physics at the University
of Wasbin.gton Will be the instal-
lation of a ''andcm Van de Graaff
a'ccelerator, one of the largest in-
:truments of its kind for studying
tile structure of the nucleus of tle
Ist and PINE Phone 426-3906
By Mrs. T. B. I:|h'h
131IN:qON The old-tim('r,'F
pienJe will 13.: hehl Sllndlly It l)os.-
t\\;:'allips State Park. This is the
third cosccutivo year thai the
Brinnon Pioneers haY2 131ot fOP [L
picme and i,cnewal of lriends. This
is the Lime they meet the yomg-
cr members and their families
and it is indeed a time of much
lTlorrinlent and :t tinle to remi-
Mrs. J. L Zimmerman suffered
a heart attack lasL week and is
in Colliers' Clinic in ShelLon. Her
daughter, whose home is in Calif-
orma. is here to look after things
at home and care of Sgt. Zimmer-
n!a n.
Fred Sl)riager home were Mr.
and Mrs. l.obert Blenz and Mr.
a.nd Mrs. Donald Scinchetti. all
of Spokane. Mr. and Mrs. William
Price of Port Angeles were Sun-
day visi,m's. Mrs. Price and Mrs.
Blenz arc sisters, daughters of
Mr. and Mrs. Springer.
Mrs. T. B. Balch returned home
Sunday evening from a four-day
visit with her son and daugitel:-
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Coomes and family at their camp
near Seabeck.
Her grandson, Gregory Coomes.
returned with her for a week's via-
Mrs. Maxim yon Brevern Of
Seattle spent Sunday, 2vIonday ant,
Tuesday with her sister. Mrs. T.
B. Belch at Brinnon On Tuesday
their visitors were Mr. and Mrs.
Donald Aplin and three children
from Richmond Beach. They are
camping on the Sund-Balch prop-
erly near Lilliwaup.
MR. AND MRS. R. E. Tanner,
who have been operating the
Pleasant Harbor Care. have gwen
up that project and Mr. and Mrs.
Floyd Chapman. owners, are again
operating the care. Mr, Tanner
will be working at the oyster
house in the harbor.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Whitney
made a trip to Shelton Tuesday.
While there they visited with Mrs.
J. L. Zimnerman.
A cook-oul steak barbecue ws
enjoyed by the family and the
Whitneys at the Fred Springer
home Monday night.
MrS. Hazel Nelson of Walnut
Creek, California, is visiting her
sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. C. G. Jespersen.
.... 1_ .....................
Thefls Are Reporled
To Sheriff's Office
Three break-ins at business
places in Mason County were re-
ported to the Sheriff's office this
Andy Bragg's Drive Inn was
entered ,nd several cartons of
cigarettes a carton of gum, 65
cents m pennies, a transistor ra-
6io, a sack of bananas and a ja
of pickles were taken.
Several cases of beer and $1.!)5
, was taken from the Old 1VIill
The Sands Boa! Company at
Belfair reported two outboard mo-
tors stolen.
Russell Ryder reported someone
stole a carburetor nl a car
larkod in front of his hem(..
i-y Bon;lage reported a shel
gun stolen.
Hig'h Low Preeil).
,luly 25 ............. 90 54
July 26 .............. 92 54 ....
July 27 .............. 93 5.1 --
July 28 .............. 89 56 --
July 29 ............. 80 54 ....
July 30 .............. 78 5;I --
July 31 .............. 71 55 --
I ayonier Incorpora ted.
f you have a roof that needs repair, you ca. save
money with Chevron Roofing Products. They are on sale
right now a't a 10% discount! These easy-to.apply coat-
ings add years ot extra hfe to any type of roof.
Chevron Alumin.m, Asbestos, and Asphalt Coatings
give Iolg-lasting protection to asphalt-roll, felt. and "i.:ii:ii"
metal roofing, structural steel, brick, an, concrete i!iii
masonry. Sale ends August 31st,
F...or anv Standard Oil producf, call 11 -.1
' INC. ,:::::::
C. C. COLE & SONS I: :::
ii!i!i)!::•× 118 SO. Third 426-4411 ;ii!!i:ii
:;:'::i!:i'i:!,i:..:..,., .......... '-'-" "" !:;:::::':::::>A:'!:::"'L,:F;:.:::Z,,,:.,.+., ........ ' .,. :s:?y,.
'" s'i:;'.?5s:':::;::::i:?:?, ::!is;d::4a N - c;::::!';;::::s*',- -"2 °-
for 'McCleary's
of the Mason
testivai, Queen
and her royal
"court of Prin-
D, ombroski, Cathy
Baker and Linda
the Simpson Tim-
Prize-winning For-
the Green An-
in the an-
2nd Growth &
,County res-
!ing the 3-day
the cor-
square dance
Parade and bear
a program he-
I! account and budg-
to keep a rec-
spending. In
basement or'
: IS
thee Enan T
of Television
:.. :%
..... RADIO
BRtDE-TO-BEMiss Jul/e '. Giie. daughter of
Gile and the late Mr. Gile of Pacoirna, is
Nell A. Jerrells, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence H.
ton. Miss Gile is a graduate of San Fernando Hi!
employed at CBS-TV Network in Hollywood, cali
graduate of Irene S. Reed high school, is
Simon's Masonry Contractirlg in Glendale calif,
date has been set for October 27 at the
Church in Pacoima, Calif.
Gounly Sels Bid M, and
For Road Scraper centiy had
from l)ubuque,
Mason County Commisioners will ]]mn' Sprank
open bids at 2 p.m. Aug. 1,'.; on a
used scraper for Lhe counly road
A bid call for a ear for the
county aSSCSSOr, scheduled [or
Aug. 6. was cancelled after the
eonlnlission WaS told au|o dea]or,'.l
in the area would be ullable LO bid
specifications because the manu-
lacturing plants are shut down foF
change over to the I963 models.
The bid (,all will bc delayed from
60 to 90 days.
A liquor license tratlsler fl'oln
Mr. and irs, Lee I)lwson to ]£11is
and Richard Tupper for Lh(, Lake
Nahwatzel Re:rn't ws approved
by the commission.
The county receiv(::d $1.220 fron
a timber sale and $63.07. $4S and
$24.59 for brush leases from the
Departnent of Na Lm':Jl }.esou?'ec-.
The lnoney l'epresonls th(, COtlnLyS
share of il]eonlc l'onl stale OVVlled
(h'a. Mrs.
IllO!l aFe sisterS.
ing Lhelkl was
A,liehael SteineS
The trip
Shelton LOd
R uss
'3rid a.d
of the
8 p.m.
Each Roll Left ]
8 OR MO!
and White --
2nd Street
Morgan, EacreWs
Amazing New
Changes from Storm
Door to Screen
It was a I(
summer weatl
The pleas
many people o
a variety of,
two factors -
,' more people in
to increase the
As you rel
please rememt
, and help remin
also to be care:
• SAVE SPACE--AI instals stay on door all
• SAVE WORK-Sliding Pmmls tilt out far easY
RATTLES-Pancs cushie,ed in wool pile
for years of trouble-free