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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 2, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 2, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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196 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL  Published in r¢Oh¢tstma,town, U.S.A.," Sheltpn. Washington : :ii ::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::: : :ii i i i00ii00i: (!iii/iil (/!i)! :-" i!il  ii 71i!. I ((  !i  !! • :--Miss Julie F. Gile, daughter of Mr ate Mr. Gile of Pacoima, Calif., is ;, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence H. is a graduate of San Fernando Hi BS-TV Network in Hollywood, Cal ene S. Reed high schcol, is lry Contractirlg in Glendale calif set for October 27 at the )ima, Calif. "CENTURY 21'i Mr. and Mrs, cently had froll] l)ubuque, :Jomnisioners will Elm,r Sprank a .m. Aug. 13 on " dra. Mrs. tile county road nlO!l arc sislerS. r iI car for tile i big thelil x.VllS , scheduled for { ?,,li(:hael Shrines ncelled after the told auto dcalers be unable to bid canse the luarlu- arc shul dowi1 fol' le 1963 models, II bc delayed from NC tra I1S 17(1' fronl a l)awson to Ellis )per for Lh( Lake rt wns approved el. leiv(::d $1,220 from d $63.07, $qS and leases fl'oln lllc [a LUI'H l }e,:OllFCCS;. sen/s tllc countys fl'onl stale owned The t, rip to t: families' LOYAL Shelton Lod! Gerry GOVl Phone Russ Phone MEETINGS 2nd a,nd ' of the 8 p.m. BEAR AUG. 5 for MeCleary's of the Mason Pestivnl. Queen and her royal • COurt of Prin- D, ombroski Cathy Linda Simpson Tlnl- g For- the Green An- in the an- 2nd Growth & 3-4-5. County res- the 3-day the cot- square dance Parade and bear a program ho- Sunday. SERVICE and budg- to keep a ree- spending. In basement ot' SETS RENT II the Fun and of Television iii RADIO BRIDE ELECT 426-6602 ENGAGED--Mr. and Mrs. El- mer Manke announce the en- gagement of' their daughter, Ju- dith Ann, to W. Gerald Byrne, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Ed- gar L. Byrne. All are .Sheiton- ites. Miss Manke. a graduate of Irene S. Reed high school, at- tended Seattle University and is now employed for the Mason County Engineer. Mr. Byrne graduated from St. Martin's High School and attended St. Martin's College. He recently graduated from San Francisco College of Mortuary Science and has ap- plied for licenseship in the State of Washington. No date has been set for the wedding. EE FILM Each Roll Left For Processing WITH 8 OR MORE PRINTS 2nd Street and White -- 127 - 620 - 120 ZIEGLER'S CAMERA SHOP Phone 426-6163 SCHOOLS HOMES PAYROLLS RELAX It's A Date Today, Tinarday, Aug. 2 Navy Mother's meet at 9:30 a.,m., Memorial I-l'tIl. hmt'heon al Mrs. Lee Pearee's. Rotary Club weekly luncheon. noon. Sheltoll Hotel. 40 & 8. 8 & 40 joinL inst:!Hntion [ of officers, dinner 7:00 Sheh.on i Hotel installation 8:00 Vets club. Friday, Aug. 3 i Skoolcum Bay rnlnlnage sale. 9 a.m: to 5 pall., across fronl Tradewell in for'mer Timber Ap- pliance loeaii an. WCTU potluck hmcheon, 12:30 p.m.. Knccland Pm'k VFvV Auxiliary, 8 p.m.. Mcmof ial Hall. Naturday, Aug. 4 'State Patrol drivers license cx- allllner. 9 a.m. o 5:30 p.m., po- lice station. I Sunday, Aug'. 5 Mason Connty pioneer's picnic, Kneeland Park. all day. Shelton churches invite you to attend tim chm'ch of your choice. VFW picmc at Maple Beach, all day. Monday, Aug. 6 . County commissmners weekly meeting, 1O a.m., county court- house. Tnesday, Aug. 7 Kiwanis Club weekly hmcheon, noon, Memorial Hall. Class Of i952 Changes Meeting Place For Reunion Class of 1952 will hol(t its re- union Sahn'day, Atlg. 11 at tile Shcll.on-Bayshore (.olf Course. 'Pile I'CllJliorl Was originally scheduled to be aL thc Moo:e Hall. All 1952 ,graduates and their families a.rc invited to l he banquet and dance which will begin al 7 l).m. AI Carter is eornmil.tee chair- illan for the reunion. Legion, 40 & 8 Send Gonvention Delegates Delegates to stale American Le- gion and 40 & b convelltions aL Bellinghu'l next wt(ek will Ix'p- resent Frcd B. Wilvell post: and Voiture 1:;5 bh,ed B, VVflvell Post is rel)resen- ted by Mel Dobson..lay Umphen- our a'nd (]cne M:WLin as of(icial delegates, a4tho/lgh sp ,marly oth- (,rs also phil: to attond tllHt next Ttlesday': regular posl raecting has bedfl l).ostponed filtil August 21. Rcpresentihg Voi/tn'e la5 will be Jolm Luhm, Ernest CanE)bell, and Gene Martin. wil.h others al- so attending. Voil.ure 135 will hold City commission weekly meet- its insl.allation of officers jointly ing, 2 p.m., city hall. with Lhc 8 & 40 Sahm this eve- Dirt Dobbers work party at ning. home of Mrs. Robert Sat:gent, The instvllation opens with a meet at PUD 9:30 a.m. 7:00 o'clock din.ner in the Sheltm: Wednesday, Ang, 8 State Patrol drivers license ex- aminer, 9 a.m. Lo 5:30 p.m., po- lice station. Pickering Community picnic, 11. a.m., Simpson Recreation Grounds, Mason Lake. Thursday, Aug, 9 Golden Age Club, noon potluck, Memorial Hall. Rotary Chtb weekly luncheon, noon, Shelton Hotel. IWA Local Voting On Two Officers Voting for a busineus igent and one trustee by members of Local 28, International Woodworkers of America, started Wednesday and will continue through Aug, 18, Charles Savage, business agent said this week. The term of Dave Price as trus- tee expires this year. He is seek- ing re-election. Savage is also t;eeking re-election as busine,ss agent. & GOVERNMENT MARRIED HERE--Miss Darlene Graffe repeated marriage vows with Sgt. Samuel B. Messer in a double ring ceremony at Shelton Assembly of God Church, July 16. The bride, daughteP of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Graffe, graduated from Irene S. ReEd high school. She is attending Peterson Business $ohool in Seattle. Sgt. Messer is graduated from Grandville high school, Mich. and is stationed with the Army at Fort Lewis. The couple is making its home' in Olympia. * tit * =1 =1: * DARLENE GRAFFE |S r BRIDE OF SERGEANT SAMUEL B, MESSER Miss Darlene Graffe and Sgt. Samuel B. Messor, Fort Lewis, were united in marriage July 16 in the Shelton Assembly of God Church. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray E, Graffe, Shelton and the groom, son of Mrs. Doro- thy Lowell, Grand Rapids, Mich. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a golden metallic sheath dress with lace bodice and finger tip veil. She earTied a,white orchid in yellow rosebuds centercd on a white Bible, Maid of hotter was MiSs Sharon Young attiz'ed in a dress of beige and gold. White carnations and Rev. Mason Younglund perform- yellow rosebffds formed'her bou- ed the double ring ceremony. So- quet. loist, Sandi Stevens, san E "The Attending the groom was Sgt. Lord's Prayer." Melvin K. Whited. Fort Lewis, .......... V.'.=:  -U . ' = ,', | ................. Ushers were Paul Graffe and Bob Towle, For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Graffe wore a tm'quoise suit with beige accessorms and corsage of pink roses and carnations. A rcception honoring the bride and groom was held in the church parlors immediately following the ceremony. Assisting with the re- ceptio were Mines. Mary Lem- ons. Mildred Schtdtz, Mary Brewer and Mrs. Lola Graffe. The bride an Irene S. Reed high school graduate, is attending Pc- terson Business School in Seattle. Sgt. Messer is graduated from Grandville High School, Grm{dvillc, Mich. and is stationed with the U..S. Army at Fort Lewis. The new15rweds are matting their home in Olympia. Hotel with th6 seating ceremonies due to follow in the VeLs.Club. Marriage Licenses Applying for marrmge iicenses in the Mason .County Auditor's office during the past week were: Charles L. Winne, 35, Hoods- port and Charlotte M, Valmsley, 36, Seattle: Norman D. DnrKam. 3,1, Brem- erton and Ann M. Reanier, 20, Bremerton. William K. Koenig Jr., 29, Olym- pia. and Martha Harper, 26, Shel- ton, Dave Kozlowske, 25, Shelton, and Sandra PalmaLem. 18. Shel- ton. .......................... Church Of God Youth Schedule Car Wash The Y.P.E., youth group of tim Church of God, will hold a cat' wash thi: Sa.turday at the Union 76 Service Station. 332 South 1st. Crcws will be on duty from 10 o'clock in the morning mtil six o'clock in the evening to sttds the cars and whisk out the interiors, Proceeds are used for the youth fund. NEW GRANDCHILD Mr. and Mrs. Don Dcmmon are grandparents to a baby boy born to Mr. and Mrs, Fred Wagner IJoyce Demmon of Zanesville Ohio. The baby was born July 11 and weighed seven pounds four ounces, Ile Joins a brotlter. Jack Alan. YOUR EXTENSION SERVICE has a wonderful account and budg- et book free to you to keep a rec- ord of your family spending, In Shelton. we're in the basement of the P)sL Office. AND florgan, Eacrelt's zi9 New aum=00u COMBINATION )OR ,nges from Storm Door 1o Screen Door... IN SECOND$ !i( ;i REMEMBER It was a long time coming, but true summer weather has arrived in abund- ance. # The pleasant weather has coaxed many people out of l:heir homes and into a variety of outdoor activities. These two factors  warm, dry weather and more people in the forests have combined to increase the forest fire danger. As you relax and enjoy the outdoors please remember to be careful with fire and help remind visitors to Mason County also to be careful. !" TIIICR SPACE-AI,ls slay on door all WORK- Sliding Pmlels tilt oa! for 'ATTLES--Pnds {ushio,ed in i.g 'ENTILATE TOP OR BOTION SOLID, HEAVY ALUMINUM for yems of trouble-free servke RELY ON to begin the campaign to return term as State Representative. Savage was first elected as Democratic Representative in 1938, he served three terms and was then elected in 1944 to serve as Dnited States Congnessman in Washington, D. C. tte was re- elected as State Representative in the 1950 election and served four oddiLional terms since then making , total of 14 years as State Rep- resentative. Savage says every candidate for State Representative haft a definite purpose for wanting to be a men]- THIS IS THE WAY CHARLES R. SAVAGE looked when the Darners found him leaving his Mountain View home on King Street to the Legislature for his eighth bet" of the Legislature and every citizen should be very concclaed about what that purpose is. TMs RGAN, EAGRETT N TIMBER COMPANY is important, Sewage says, because, the Legislature affects "every man, EST IOUGLAs FIR ANO WESTERN HEMLOCK LUMBSR; ACOUSTICAL, IIMSULATING AND HARDBOARD PRODUCTS; pLywOOD AND DOORS• IN I895 ' woman and child from the time the get up in the morning until they go to bed at night and even Political ,,ometimes at night if the air you are breathing is polluted and un- healthful and the Lc,qmlature has failed to do anything about it. The Legislature may determine kow fast dad can drive when he leaves to go to work and tim kind of road he may have to drive on, The safety of the food and drugs that mont may buy for thc kids, the standard of education awfilab]e for the new generation against grandma's home for the little pen- sion  she gets. all depends upon the position taken by a majmfity ot the nmmbers of the, Legislature. Savage said he wishes to remind those who wish t0 register that Lley must do so by next Friday Aug, 10th, to be able to vote in the election Sept, llLh, REUNION AT IIAllWrlNE The family of Ihe late WaiLer A. YIitchcocks of HarsLine Ishnd gathered m tim oht honmstead on SnndHy for t potluclc lllneJl(*on. , The fanlily reunion tlas been an annnal event for the past fifty years. Mr. and Mrs, Walter A. Hitchcoek moved co Harstine ls- hind in 191.0 l')n Tacon]a and resided there until they passed away in 1946. Hosting the reunion were Mrs. Charles Shearer and Mrs. John lB. HiLchceek. Those a Ltending includ- ed the families of Charles Shearer ,,halite Hitchcock. Kent. Wn.; Walter Hitchco(:k II. Spokane; John [3. Hiteheock, Forks; John L. HiLchcock. Ha rsLinc ; Melford Carnes. tPauline Hitchcock  Des Moincs, Wn.; Lyle Hitchcock. Olympia; Chat)in Foster (Mary Hitchcocl) Des M()ines, Wn.; Mike Edens ,Karen Hitcimock, Seattle: and Mrs. P'tul Hitchcock Des Moine', Wn. YOUR EXTENSION SERVICE has a wonderful account and budg- et book free to you to keep a rec- ord of your family spending. I,t Shell.on. we're in the basement oI the Post Office IF ELEGTED SHERIFF I will endeavor, with equal dis- tribution of men and equipment, to give you 24 hour protection as economically as possible. D. S. (Sam) GLARK • Time for a Change • ('Paid political advertisement) NOW! A NEW / / / ERA 0F DEPENDABILITY IN COLOR TV! COLOR TV featuring handcrafted chassis.., no printed circuits for greater dependability, easier servicing/ exclusive color demodulator Y for most true-to-life pictures in color television Danish Modern Styling in genuine veneers and hardwood solids The BELLEVUE • 6040 "400" Space Command Remote Control Tuning. Distinctive Danish Modern styltn in Walnut veneers and solids. Big 265 sq.m. rectangular picture screen *'r t  ONLY ZENITH tIAS THESE GREAT NEW COLOR TELEVISION FEATURES New Exclusive Color Demodulator Circuitry  --the "electronic brain" of Zenith Color TV provides most color pictures. Two new Zenith developed color tubes give you most accurate hues Jn color TV! Famous Handcrafted.Horizontal Chassis. Completely handwired, hand soldered connections. No printed circuits! No pro- -- ' duction shortcuts! Mechanical design and circuitry are simplified to provide finest performing, most dependable color TV. Plus These Great New Zenith Color TV Advances: Permanent Magnet Ceoter. in,. Automatic Color Level Circuitry.rSi rrP ,/ phfied Convergence Assembly, Polyester High Voltage Coil. Automatic Color Cut- Off. Push-Pull Color Level Control. Sim- plified Focus Voltage Adjustment. One- Step Tuning. Gold Video Guard Turret t' Tuner. PLUS FAMOUS SPACE COMMANp REMOTE CONTROL --you tune TV from /our easy cnair 'ress a outton to turn W'" set on or off, chango channels, even adjust volume. l World's finest erforming, most dependable color TV. PRICED FROM 00585 • TERMS EASY Olsen Furniture Co. 328 Cota Street Phone 426-4702 lll