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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 2, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 2, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 6 . . ............  .......... SHELTON--MAON COUNTY JOURNAL -- Published in CCOhristmastown, U.[£A. " Sheldon, Washin€on . Thursday,Z: , , . , ving Classes Be \\;\ ' / ' / !Wan0J' h Park By L [:  I) pa i, da ;i. garding the Senior r.o :]:tt Twanoh State Park 2 tht9o" !F!I! e being taUwr.ill con- of Sa !!iPzda, and a weeks. If the time nCOnvenient, spe_c!al gu s may be made. ','he )z , "" .',  to) sOaon ever beach E :ial training i y water n n  clairaed many acci- ve been prevented Re v a esent had had the mi Adults wishing to Lo , Fresh Butter 59 ireataryf°rms°flife da e SHADY € , L aid, and who dO 1 P_articipate in the an LANE lb. 'at the course, may wPei €Lures and also watch -... rations It is felt that Celebrating 38 years of service ! | _ II. _ II 0'_ _ I_ -;- e'€ ,o''*'oo*°':' ,.o o, oo,.ooo .o,.,. ,o- " ,, ° " te the people of the Northwest. . ; full Well Ukli[IH ., 3 .,uta _Le register immed-zs ininsessionJUni°r now,life" agRi'Reen • .= ., Will be started if €$h oc, 7 / and Intermediate an. teays, ns are being aU ),,.:f, Tuesdays and n the first part of no' • from Our SNACK BAR  _ II ,e above classes are Je TUNA SANDWIGH n a ;, J"  m w' m , ,.. . o,   • dfeguards at C?tage (he  ! I c -   '. __ 'i rk'hle, Who-Mal'YareRUperual. ShC]r with Frui*  %hnvfnninn  O 'ety i.structorq o Pe J U [' ' |i € '*is necessary f°r m( I eer.mediates, A 50 m OOFFEE, , . 5 € per cup " lift ntli an • j fan ,i] ,,_ so, Irtll me farewell )un- :1:' g Mr. and Mrs. Gil, ye .......... __.L --__..-_ - i I 41 A. us, a, Wom.s' , :i:-- ll0°n from Union VAN CAMPS SUNDOWN vinnannln ""°'' -, lip :,!l'll::tl;:d'lller'Mrs'Mabe] °fL. rs. M. C. Stark, MI , -- . n. -- . /iIIVHIWIWIq Half Slices Can I V ,:lb . ..o., . t Pork, Ue,00 pricots :11II lle 30 membcrtL • *' A   \\; , ' ili attended the tune- at M] !a Were decorated for St , ii,'ff001dS'C2l m o re has 4 $1 ,::...ty !h al YVoman s Th .  0 Wo,. A ,.a $100 .  :::to: ** ::i .:h0m. ., shortly to m( 'ml :J   € lib, PREMIUM QUALITY FROZEN FOODS' ''"°°°" ""° * i,; bath was pz'ese t- !;rlk%b zs. Gilmore by Mht 'em or March 'era -- Your Choice lh I rmer Unionites, ihteh s. Ernest Worl, I :ii:{: li i  [K),ldiY N ,r'Seattlc camcout • :i ,,, ....... "n |'0-  it Shop, ,'om s • ROWER " :'l%eI'Ianlilton and chil - -;    u u na u u u K n  V  =. ,o ,.,..,.'-  3 v c  )   ,..,, ro""°,.o,orot .*'° v eki " _  *:1' w,,, Riverside, cal. Armour Star C00nned Hams 4, '3 nleu W,ener, She her Meet puS, ,oo..o i'1 a Week from a Ikl .ttlnd the Loop. Economical _ ................ es o"Rad'" "WSOUth Beach.and • on'Wn °° ,s. LUCERNE-- Your Choice fWANSONS- Fresh Frozen |'l ,q U.S. Choice . If ........... of assorted flavors. Beef, Chicken or Turkey i; Beef I1 , .49 ,° F IIC tR dSt k o,,o.,,,,. U U oun ea TQ " a S,mday trip IL 'k, t r . . .. m Breakfast Specmls -- . --  . ,o an cho. ']qke aY evening for ' I "--'" ''a d[. "" ' • ql... U.'. tei.. "fW'"C" "C" 'MouR' "" 65¢ ea,F A n € d 8'0Z. ROe ':!i'l][t 'h' ° J°in their 4'Hlll, vlties,eamp, areC°mbinedcraft, LUliGII MCZlL ir,om r,p Runs; .:v&,  89' SafewaySlicedBacon:.o..2'o. $129 Gallon [-J Pkgs. !,,, *a. ,oo,,. !'i "t almo pea SAFEWAY or BAR.S Bed Rump ttst J.L ,. 89* ,ro Link Sausage , . 9¢ . iili l  / • V m , -" t o,,,attend'n BakeOfSwhichC] " " " Buddings Brand Sllc?d Salami, __ __ Dried Beef ., o, ,0 3/$1 Fsh S!!ver Salmon ,. ,_ : 311 to[,klyiS °P an6 p.m.L° Ad-thq Var, aty.Spiced 0z ".]tl€ ,, It A  It.., # " " ,€ Steaks Roast; w;Ole'*€ Agii FII[DIAIIBR fldllUliiP[ tOfo"eSalm°nbake: "telz':.adults and half orThunnger. Pkg:  fresh .re!!H uee, ,39 ,. 79 * ,.69€ ,b. 5' VLI rAnivn¢ll/ OVflUI; ::  °*° *or." o, l Uy Morris ac- e g l. art Coffeeq €ola " o, Con Su or S ate ' ' € ,!':!:ii ad:Rent°n' Mrs, made'S':Mrs'LittleasteVCmer.°f - I ---------._- v   ::: m te upper H.'r,,b. $fl149 AIRWAY . Aac i. .... _ /A.  'rtywho. 2 Jar 7 RI" SSq$ fKYUUK '   ! eek the same ' . .  s,,, o Oatmeol Breed ,,,. 35 Beer tlows w.,,,,  33 : .,,,**,,,..o.,.oo.,,,, g rOOd , _ ,, ,.,. ,,,,o Do , i I I l  iun' r Wlmel, left ! ]tion the past RAlgAMA00 /tic JAM: :' 'm'Y aftemm°n PC € . l, ritz divided : aing, a.nd also for c×rtibi,. P j MI and young (;ran u mim ur/m uu'to ' n // le ha'e",.b3J]] ,,m, ,, No. 1 -- Firm ripe i  EMPRESS--  a AIt a,, ,,s t week wxlile is doing his ' I*os(2rv(]. DEN 40;; 29€  Sfr.wberry o, A ,b. "1"" fathers in a / /   m  Ilospb..y mlF Can • baseball lads /   / 'Jg '/ F imi..-- . 'e/ing at. tim lU)e. However UlPIPtMIInuIj, inn ir"l i    Vlldl,  or Plum Jam . Can " still on tim Leng fpagheH; Elbo Macaroni 10 29 " U. S. No. 1--Long White ks. € Scone Mix ,..,. ... Clean Washed--New Crop Washington Grown , *°°"" '' "°' Hamburger O.ions 5 Peaches 900 Calorie Sweet  € Iily Die, ill Calls U1 ,Spanish- Top Quality o.., ._ S9 Sunkist Lemons 10 49 FOR Washington Grown € CHARCOAL 1 g L5. € Sk,..ed 2045, $1,17 Big Sweet and Juicy Ib Sala starts 9 A.M. Wednesday, Aug }hr aturday. August 4fh. We quaniltie, No tO pack- and their k off for witJl quiet, re,L- ovely spot.. it rJW hlllldl'ecf HII lllC idea ,itmuned in and (,railers tllc d by her A, Rog. Y tim cxpc- :imball md ]k a, WhO home Kimball for